Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 26, 1919.
Rourkes Take First Game by
2-0 Score and Fail to Over
come Miners' Early Lead
in the Second.
The Omaha players continued
their batting streak in the first of a
two-game session at Rourke park
yesterday and clouted out nine bin
gles for two runs, but fell down sad
ly in the second game and could
only snag five hits, which netted
them but one-third the number of
Joplin's counters.
Barbeau flied out to left field and
Jackson and Hazen each bingled.
Kirby hit to short and Hazen was
caught at the second bag, with Kir
by on first. Kirby started for sec
ond, and when the ball was thrown
to second, Jackson beat it for home
and slid in safely for the first run.
Gislason walked, but Hale popped to
During the fourth inning an aero
plane flew over the park, but Al
Bashang refused to give it a look.
It will be remembered that Al
watched one while on the road and
let a ball get away from him for a
home run. He took no chances yes
terday. Joplin tried hard for a
score in the fourth, but couldn't
make it on two hits and two errors.
Catcher Collins tried for a foul off
the grandstand and ran into the rail
ing and injured his arm. Diamond
took his place in the next frame,
leading off at bat, but was thrown
out. Donica to Jackson. He also
caught the next game.
Kddie Hazen advanced to the
plate four times in the first game,
and hit safely three times and bunt
ed for a sacrifice in the fourth effort,
giving him 1.000 per cent for the
panic in hatting. He caught three
fly halls knocked out to him, but
booted a ground ball that came over
second base.
The teams battled four innings
without a score or a chance to count
in the second game but in the fifth,
Mclver singled and was caught on a
fielder's choice play on Diamond's
hit to third base, Donica tagging
him for the out. Diamond went to
second on Smith's out, pitcher to
first. He scored on Burwell's hit.
Thompson was safe on Gislason's er
ror, but Burwell was run down be
tween the bases, Hale finally get
ting the put-out with Gislason and
Jackson each getting an assist on
the play.
The Minersscored two in the
sixth frame, Hulswitt singling and
Horan sacrificing him to second.
Breibeck walked and when Mclver
came to bat with a two-sack wallop,
they both scored. Diamond made
the third out, hitting to Donica, who
threw him out to Jackson.
The Rourke's only counter-sprouted
in the seventh inning. Hale flied
out to right field and Donica and Ba
shang each made a single, Don scor
ing on Bashang's clout. Merz hit
to third and was thrown out to first,
and Bashang was caught trying for
, third by a return throw from first
to third. Their only run or chance
for a run was in this inning.
In the ninth, Gislason and Hale
started the fireworks with a single
each, but died there. Donica flew
out to right field, Bashang fanned
and Schinkel batting for Merz flied
to right field.
First game score:
AH. R. IT. O. A. K.
Itnrbran, Sb . ft O 0 2 f
.laolmm, lb. ... 8 8 1 0 0
Uaien, o f X 0 S S 0 1
Kirby. If 4 0 I 0 0 1
t.inlasnn, M 8 n 0 8 .8 0
Mate. .,: 4 0 0 8 0
ltonira. Sb 0 1 0 4 1, rf. . . . 1 0 0 O O 1
Kopp, p 3 0 0 1 3 1
r ' Totals 29 t 0 57 IS 5
AB. K. H. O. A. E.
Ktirwrll. cf. . 4 0 1 t 0 0
Thonipnon, 3b. .4 0 I 8 1
Hnlawttt. n ...3 0 ft 0
Horan. rf 4 0 0 8 8 0
Brleheck. lb. . 4 0 0 B 1 0
Umb, ss 3 0 1 8 4 0
Mclver, rf 8 0 0 0 0 0
Collins, o 9 0 1 0 0
Diamond, s ..I 0 0 0 0 0
I'rutcher, p. ...3 0 0 0 1 0
Total 30 0 84 18 1
Collins Injured arm and Diamond went
In to ratch In the 1th Inning.
Omaha 10000010 S
Joplin 00000000 00
Stolen basoa Kirby, Hazen, Bashane;.
(Sacrifice hlti Haien. Double play Huls
witt to Lamb to Breibeck (8), Htrnck ont
By Kopp 1; by Cmteher I. Base on
ball Off Kopp 1; off t'rnteher 5. Left
on base Omaha 11, Joplin 5. Time
1:25. I'mplre Shannon.
Second game score:
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
Barbean, lb .. 2 0 0 8 O
JarkKon, lb . . 3 0 0 15 1 0
Haien, cf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Kirby. If 8 0 0 0 0 1
(iislason, .. 4 A 1 1 5 1
Hale, o 4 0 1 4 3 0
Donica, 3b 4 1 t 1 0
Bashana;, rf .. 4 0 1 1 0 0
Fuhr, p S 0 0 0 4 0
Mer, p 1 0 O 0 8 O
Schinkel 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total 31 "T S tl 28 2
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Burwell. cf ... 4 0 1 8 0 0
" Torapwn, 8b . . 4 O 0 1 1 1
Hulswitt, 2b .. 2 1 1 1 2 0
Horan, rf 3 1 1 t 0 0
Breibeck, lb. . 2 0 0 6 2 0
Lamb. ss 4 0 1 3 2 1
Mclver, rf 4 0 2 0 0
Diamond. 0 ... 4 1 1 4 1 0
Smith, p. I. ...3 0 0 1 3 0
Totals 30 3 1 27 10 2
Joplin 0 0001300 0 3
Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
Batted for Men In ninth Inning.
Stolen base: Kirby, Donica. Horan. Two
base hits: Mclver, Diamond. Hits: Off
Fuhr, 4 in 5 2-8 Inntna-st off Men, 3 in
3 1-8 tnninirs. Struck out: By Fuhr, 8;
by Smith, 2. Base on balls: Off Fuhr,
4: off Men, 2; off Smith. 4. Left on bases:
Omaha, 0; Joplin, 6. Time: Two hours.
I'mplre: Shannon.
Sioux-City Pounds Out Ten
Hits in Game With Tulsa
Sioux City, la., May 25. Sioux
City pounded out 10 hits, while Tul
sa could connect safely only six
times, and Sioux City won the sec
ond game of the series here today
by a score of 10 to 1. Score:
AB. H. O. E ' AB. H. O. E.
Burke, cf 4 1 0 ljMoran. cf 4 1 2 0
Wuffli. ss 4 0 1 1 Pefste. as S 1 S 0
Goodn, 2b 4 2 1 0'Walker, lb 3 112 1
Clev'd 3b 3 0 1 l'Tom'n. If 4 2 1 0
Davis. If 1 2 S O.Kift, rf 4 2 10
Hew'tt, rf S 0 2 l'Jones, 3b S 0 0 0
Bro'w. lb 4 0 IS O'Andw's. 2b 3 1 4 0
O'Brien, c 4 1 2 1 Schmidt, c 4 2 5 0
6a! y. p I o ojitasm n, p u u u
Totals. 32 ,24 S! Totals.. 33 10 27 1
rulMi '. 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Sioux City 2 1013400 '10
Two-base hits: Goorlwtn. Walker. Sac
rifice Sii-s: Davis. Andrews (2).' Double
plays: Hewitt and Brokaw; Brokaw '.o
O'Brien to Broksw: Defate to Walker.
Last an bates: Tulsa, T; Sioux City, a.
Base Ball Standings.
Won. Lost.
.5-1 5
Pes Moines 14
Tulsa 12
Oklahoma City 11
Joplin 10
Sioux City in
St. Joseph 9
Wichita 8
Won. Lost.
Cincinnati 15
Philadelphia 10
rittsburgh 11
C'hlcaRO ...11
Brooklyn 15
New Tork 13
Boston 6
St. Louis
Chlcairo 15
Cleveland 16
New York 11
St. Louis 12
Detroit 10
Boston 8
WashlnKton 8
Philadelphia 3
Won. Lost.
St. Paul IS 8
Columbus 13 8
Indianapolis 14 n
Minneapolis 14 11
Ixtuisvllle 11 10
Kansas City 12 13
Toledo 8 12
Milwaukee 8 19
Amateur Standings
League Results
Won. Lost.
Bowen Furnitures 4 0
Union Outfitting Co 4 1
McCaffery Motor Co 2 3
Mlekle Victrolas 3 2
Wlllard Storage Battery . . 1 4
P. C.
Omaha Printing Co 0 6
Won. Lost.
Rigfrs Optical Co 4 1
Paxton-Vlcrllng 4 2
Universal Motor Co 3 2
Sample-Harts 3 2
J. Li. Roots 1 4
American Hallway Express. 0 4
Won. Lost.
Townsends & 1
Onmha Prints Jrs 4 2
nesalins 3 S
Vinton Street Merchants ..2 3
Originals 2 4
McKonney Dentists 1 4
Won. Lost.
Ramblers 4 0
World-Herald 3 1
Trimbles Brothers 1 2
Benson Merchants 2 2
Leavenworth Merchants ..2 2
Maney Milling Co 2 3
Dally News 0 B
Won, Lost.
Harding Cream Co 4 0
Highland Park Pharmacy. 3 0
Harley Davidson's 3 2
Anderson Drug Co 2 3
.?. I Rubber Co 1 4
Beddeos 1 &
Amateur Base Ball
Murohy-Dld-Its. 4: Nebraska Power Co.,
3 12 Innings.
Union Outfitting Co.. 6: Willard Storage
Battery. 2.
Mickel Victrolas, 4; McCaffery Motor
Co., 6 10 Innings.
Bowen Furniture Co., 14; Omaha Print
ing Co., 2.
Sample-Harts, 6; Paxton-Vlerllng. 3.
Universal Motor Co., 12; J. B. Roots, .
American Railway Express, 0; Riggs
Optical Co., 14.
Dally News, 1; Trimble Brothers. 5.
Maney Milling Co., 0; World-Herald, 10.
Benson Merchants. 2: Leavenworth Mer
chants, 5.
Harding Cream Co.. 10: John Day Rub
ber Co., 10 nine Innings.
Anderson Drug Co., 15; Beaneos. i.
Ulo-hlanri Park Pharmaev. 11: Harley-
Davidsons, 8. (Game protested.)
Townsends, 0; Vinton Street Merchants,
11 Innings.
McKennev Dentists. : Omaha Printing
Co.. Jrs., 11.
Originals, 3; Beseiins, i.
Bases on balls: Off Rasmussen, 2: off
Salisbury, 3. Struck out: By Rasmussen,
4. Hit by pitched ball: By Salisbury
(Jones). Time: 1:25. Umpirea: Schaffly
and Jacobs.
Oklahoma City Pounds
Des Moines Pitchers Hard
Des Moines, May 25. Oklahoma
City hit the Des Moines pitchers
hard in the early innings, and de
feated the locals, S to 2, today.
AB. H. O. E l AB. H. O. E.
Griggs, rf 6 3 1 olWrlght, 3b 4 2 2 0
Ben'n. 2b S
1 1
2 4
Hasb'k, 1 4
1 14 J
(ir'n. cf-lf 5
Cass. If 4
Mu'phy, ef 4
Breen, rf 4
Cof'y. 2b 3
Hart'd. ss 4
Walker, o 4
Plllet'e, p 0
Adams, lb 4 2 11
Nutt, If 1 0 1
Fslk, ef 2
Lln'e. ss 8
Hauk, 8b 8
Grlff'h, c 4
xSom's, p 2 1
OiDelbern, p 0
Dim ock, p 3
xSchults 1
Total.. 34 9 27 3 Total.. 35
7 26
Batted for Nutt In fifth.
sBatted for Dlmmock in ninth.
xConners out, hit by atted ball.
Oklahoma City 10120001
Des Moines 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Benson, llasbrook.. Sac
rifice hits: Hauk. Stolen bases: rHas
brook. Left on bases: Oklahoma City, 8;
Des Moines, 7. Struck out: By Dlmmock,
3: by Sommers, 5. First base on balls:
Off Delbern. 2; off Dlmmock, 2; off Som
mers. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Dlm
mock (Adams). Earned runs and hits:
Off Pillette. no runs, 2 hits, in 2-3 inning;
off Delbern. 1 run, 4 hits, in 1 1-3 in
nings, none out In the third: off Dim
mock, 2 runs, 3 hits. In 7 innings; off
Sommers, 2 runs, 7 hits, In 9 innings.
Double plays: Hauk to Benson to Adams.
Umpire: Daley. Time: 1:45.
Wichita Defeats St. Joseph
in Hahd Fought Contest
St. Joseph, May 25. (Special) Lynch
outpltched North today and Wichita de
feated St. Joseph in the second game of
the series, 3 to 1. Score:
AB. H. O. E.I AB. H. O. E.
Marr, 3 b
1 2 HBrub'r, S 4 1 1 0
1 2 oiKell'r, ss 3 0 3 1
1 2 olDolan, rf 2 2 1 0
1 2 OjBut'r, cf 4 1 3 0
0 2 OConn'y. If 4 1 1 0
2 11 o'Cable. 2b 3 0 0 0
0 4 OlBon'z. lb 4 2 11 0
0 2 0 Brena'n, c 4 2 2 0
0 0 olNorth, p 3 0 0 0
Berger, ss 4
Wirt, cf 4
McB'e, If 2
New'a, rf 3
Mue'r, lb
Yaryan, c 4
Carey, 2b 2
Lynch, p 2
Totals. 29 6 27 l! Totals.. 31 9 27 1
Wichita 30000010 03
St. Joseph 00000010 0 1
Three-base hits: Dolan, Marr, Berger.
Two-base hits: Branagan. Wilhoit. Sacri
fice hits: Dolan. Cable, Newasha. Sc
rlflace fly: North." Double plays: Butcher
to Brenagan: Cable to Kelleher to Hono
witi. Left on bases: St. Joseph 8, Wich
ita 4. Bases on balls: Off North 4: off
Lyneh, 2. Struck out: By North 5; by
Lynch, 3. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Holmes.
South Dakota Wins State
College Track and Field Meet
Vermillion, S. D., May 25. South
Dakota university won the state
college track and field meet here
yesterday, running up a total of 100
points. Francis Zimmerman of the
winning team broke the conference
record in the Javelin throw with a
throw of 166 feet and one inch.
Lincoln Assured Stop-Over
of Nebraskans of 89th
Lincoln, May 25. (Special.) Ac
cording to a message received by
Mayor Miller of Lincoln from Sen
ator Hitchcock, the 349th machine
gun battalion and the 259th infan
try of the 89th division will stoo off
in Lincoln while en route to Camp
Winning Run Scored on an
Error by Pipp, Jacobson's
Singie and Gerber's
St. Louis, May 25. New York
lost the opening game of the se
ries to St. Louis today, 6 to 5, after
tying the score in the seventh. An
error by Pipp, Jacobson's single and
a sacrifice fly by Gerbcr sent over
the winning run. Score:
An. ii. o. E
ST. LiU'Is:.
AH. II. (. E.
Viok, rf 6
1 OiAustln. 3b 6 I o 0
Few'r. ss 3 2 1 lkledeon, 2b 4 1 2 1
Pipp, lb 4 0 13 liToin, If 4 12 0
Bilker, 3b 4 3 1 Olsler. lb 3 115 0
Pratt, 2b 4 10 0 laeob'n cf 3 1 2 0
Lewis, If 4 1 3 I Sloan. rf 2 13 1
Bodie, cf 4 0 1 n -,crber, ss 2 1 0 0
Ruel, c 3 0 4 OiMayer. r 4 0 3 1
Mog'e. p 0 0 0 0 Shocker, p 4 o n o
Halas 1 0 0 0 -
Nelson, pi 0 0 0 TotHlp. I 7:7 3
uLamar 1 0 0 0'
Russell, p 0 0 0 01
sO'Doul 10 0 0
Totals. .35 10 24 31
Batted for Mogrtdge in Pni ,;.
xllatted for Nelson in seve.ith.
zBatted for Russell In ninth.
New York 10100120 05
St. Louis 40100010 x 6
Two-base hits: Tobin, Gerber. Stolen
bases: Jaeobson (3), Sisler, Austin. Sacri
fice hits: Kewster. Sacrifice flies: Sisler,
(ierbpr. Double plays: Lewis, Fowster,
Huel and Baker; Sloan and Slsler. Left on
bases: New York 6, St. Louis 7. First base
on errors: New York 1, St. I.ouis 3, Bases
on balls: Off Mogrldge 1, off Nelson 2. off
Hussell 1, off Shocker 2. Hits: Off Nel
son. 3 In 6 Innings; off Mogrldge, 3 In t
inning. Struck out: By Nelpon 1. by
Shocker 3. Losing pitcher: Russell.
Walter Johnson Beaten.
Chicago, May 25. A triple play started
by Felsch made Washington's eighth-Inning
rally short lived, and Chicago came
back strong in Its half of the inning anil
buried Walter Johnson under an avalanche
of hits, and won the first game of the
series, 6 to 5. today. Scoro:
AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E.
M'key, cf 3 1 1 OlI.elb'd. rf 4 2 1 1
Fos'r, 3b 4
3 1
01 W ver, ss 4 2
Judye, lb 4
Rice, rf 3
Gh'ty, If 3
Sh'ks, ss 3
.I'rln, 2b 3
Pic'eh, c 4
Shaw, p 1
Leonard 0
Ryers. p 0
xThoin'n 1
Craft, p 0
John'n, p 1
1 10 0,E. C's,
b 4 1
Ol.Iack'n, If 2
OIKelach, cf 4
O'Candil, lb 4
O'RIsb'g, ss 3
O'Schalk. c 3
3 0
0 0
o i.oivd it. p
0 Kerr,
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
o:Danf'th, p 0 0 0 0
0 0
Totals 30 8 24 0! Totals 31 13 27 1
Batted for Shaw in sixth.
xBatted for Ayers Iti seventh.
zBatted for Kerr In elghtn.
Washington ono 002 030 5
Chicago 002 010 03X 6
Three-base hits: Weaver, Foster. Stolen
base: Judge. Sacrifice hits: Janvrin. Sac
rifice fly: Shanks. Double plays: Shanks
to Judge; Johnson to Foster to Judge. Tri
ple play: Felsch to Rlsberg to Weaver to
Kerr to E. Collins. Left on bases; Wash
ington 4, Chicago 3. Base on errors:
Washington 1. Bases on balls: Off Lou
dermilk 3, off Shaw 1, off Kerr 1. off
Johnson, 1. Hits: Off Shaw. S in 5 Innings,
off Ayers. none In one inning, off Craft, 1
In one inning, off Johnson, 4 In one in
ning, off Loudermllk, 6 in seven Innings
(none out in the fifth Inning), off Kerr,
2 In one inning, off Danforth, none in one
inning. Struck out: by Loudemilk 1, by
Shaw 2. Winning pitcher: Kerr. Losing
pitcher: Johnson.
Detroit Wins Five Straight.
Detroit. May 26. Detroit took its fifth
consecutive victory today by defeating
Philadelphia, 3 to 2. In a nlnth-lnnlng ral
ly. The winning run resulted from a base
on balls, a wild pitch, a sacrifice and a
single. Score:
AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E.
Sha'n, 2b 4.
3 1 1 Bush, ss 4
3 0 Young. 2b 4
2 0
witt, ir i
Roth, rf 3
Burns, lb 4
0 4
2 1
j oicobh, cf 3
9 O Veach, If 3 0 4
Wal'r, cf 4 2 2 OiHell'n, lb 4
1 12
1 2
Dugan, ss 3
Tho's, 3b 3
M'Av'y, c 4
0 Flag'd, rf 2
2 OMones, 3b 4
1 OlAins'h, c 3
1 liDauss, p 3
0 01
Rogers, p 3
xKtnney 0
Uro'r, 3b 0
Kopp, cf 0
Totals 30 B'25 21 Totals 30 7 27 3
One out when winning run scored.
xBatted for Thomas in ninth.
Philadelphia O00 000 101 2
Detroit 000 200 0013
Two-base hits: Hellman, Cobb, Walker.
Stolen bases: Rogers, Bush. Sacrifice
hits: Witt (!). Dugan. Dauss. Sacrifice
flies: Flagstead, Kinney. Left on bases:
Philadelphia. 6, Detroit 9. First base on
errors: Philadelphia 3, Detroit 1. Bases on
balls: Off Rogers 5. off Dauss 1. Balk:
Rogers. Struck out: By Rogers 1, by
Dauss 3. Wild pitch: Rogers.
Wins for Cleveland.
Cleveland, O., May 25. Cleveland won
the opening game of the series from Bos
ton, 3 to 2. Third Baseman Gardner, who
played with Boston for many years, drove
in all of Cleveland's runs. Bagby was
hit hard In the first two Innings, but was
effective the last seven. Score:
AB. H. O
E.I AB. H. O. E
O'ley, rf 5 2 2
O Craney, if 4 2 3
Vitt, 3b 3
Strunk, cf 4
Ruth." If 4
1 2
1 2
OlChap'n, ss 2 1 4
OlSp'ker, cf 3 0 2
1 3
OlSmith. rf 3 0 1
M'In's, lb 4 2 10
Barry, 2b 4 2 0
O'Oard'r, Sb 4 3 0
lWam'i, 2b 4 0 2
OU'ston. lb 2 1 14
Scott, ss 4 1 3
Wat'rs, c 3 0 2
O O'Neill, c 3 0 1 0
0 Bagby, p 3 1 0 0
Mays, p 4
Schang 1
xM'Nally 0
Totals 36 11 24 21 Totals 28 8 27 0
Batted for Walters in ninth.
xRan for Mays In ninth.
Boston 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 03
Cleveland 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 3
Stolen base: Smith. Sacrifice hits: Vitt,
Chapman (2). Double play: Mays. Scott
and Mclnnls. Left on bases: Boston, 8;
Cleveland, . First base on errors: Cleve
land. 1. Bases on balls: Off Mays, 2. Hit
by pitched hall: By Mays, 1 (Speaker).
Struck out: By Mays, 2; by Bagby, 1.
Utica Takes One-Sided Game
From Locals at Beatrice
Beatrice. Neb , May 25. (Special Tele
gram) Utica, this afternoon, trimmed Be
atrice In a game of baseball by the score
of 17 to 2. Beatrice was no match for
the hard hitting Utica team. The only
feature of the game waa the home runs of
L. Neff and Penkosky and the hitting of
Clyde Neff. who got four hits out of five
times up. Score:
n. h. e.
Utica 17 18 1
Beatrice 2 7 7
Batteries: Utica Harry Smith and Clint
Neff; Beatrice, Lorey Louker and Pact.
American Association.
St. Paul, Minn., May 25. Score:
R. H. E.
Kansas City 5 2 1
St. Paul ;..v6 10 1
Batteries: Graham. K. Hall, Slattery.
Johnson and Brock; Griner, Monroe and
Minneapolis, May 25 Score:
Milwaukee 4 10 i
Minneapolis 5 9 2
Batteries: Faeth. Hansen and Huhn;
Patterson and Owens.
Indianapolis, May 25. Score:
k. ii. e.
4 8 0
0 6 0
Batteries: Ragge and Gossett; Brady
and Murphy.
Second game: R- H. E.
Indianapolis 9 10 0
Toledo 2 5 3
Batteries: Caret and Gossett; Ferguson,
Dundlng and Kelley.
Louisville, Ky May 23. Score
R. H. E.
Columbus 4 2
Louisville 3 9 2
Battenes: Sherman and Wagner; Davis
and Mever.
Columbus 4 8 0
Lou'vi11p 0 6 0
Batt-riea: Park and Wagner; Long and
Sensational Plays Mark
Games On Sandlots Sunday
Murphys Beat the Nebraska Powers in 12-Inning Battle ;
Vinton Street Merchants Beat Townsend Gun Com
pany in 11-Inning Fray; Kufek Barely Misses No
Hit Game.
Extra inning3, several shutouts, ties, protest and nu
merous surprises marked the contests on the amateur base
ball program yesterday afternoon staged by the teams of
the various leagues affiliated with the municipal amateur
base ball program.
The manv thousands of amateur
followers who witnessed the battles
were given a real treat and enjoyed
the national pastime as dished out
by the local sandlots.
Tracticallv every frame staged
was chuck full of excitement from
start to finish and kept the spec
tators on their feet, even in the one
sided affairs.
Murphys Win.
Before one of the largest crowds
that ever attended an amateur game
in the city, the Greater Omaha
league, the' crack Class A circuit,
inaugurated their search on the bat
tlefield at Thirty-second and Dewey
avenue, when the Nebraska Power
company and the Murphy-Did-Its
staged a fast and snappy 12-inning
affairs, which resulted in a 4 to 3
victory for the Murphys.
The game, no doubt, was one of
the best staged by the Class A
teams in many years. From start
to finish the battle was exciting and
was nobody's game until the last
Power lad was nailed at the initial
sack.. Frank Potacli, considered one
of the best twirlers in the city, was
on the firing line for the Power
boys and pitched great ball, al
though errors by his teammates
proved his downfall.
Sensational fielding on the part
of Christensen and Blackie McAn
drews of the Power company in
the tenth inning was one of the fea
tures of the game. "Blackie" made
a great one-hand catch of a hard
hit ball, making a somersault, but
held onto the ban. Immediately
after, Christensen pulled down a
liner with one-hand which would
have gone for a homer.
Both teams scored in the fifth in
ning, each making a run. Hay was
hit by a pitched ball, and was
brought home on an error and an
out. The Power company made
their run when Norgard singled and
Potach tripled, but Norgard was
called out because he failed to touch
second base, Potach was brought in
by a bingle by Wolfe.
Powers Take Lead.
The Power company nine took
the lead when they scored in the
sixth when Yost singled and was
forced to second by Kemmy and
Kemmy was brought in home by an
out and an error by Christensen.
The Murphys tied the score when
they made a run in the eighth when
Synek was safe on an error and
was brought home on Payne's dou
ble. In the Murphys' half of the
ninth they took the lead when Hay
got on first because Yost dropped
his high fly. He scored on a single
by Synek after Krug had singled.
Score Tied Again.
In the Powers' half of the ninth
they tied the score when Gernandt
doubled and came home on two er
rors. Potach was outpitched by Hay,
who was on the firing line for the
Murphys. Hay allowed eight hits,
while the Murphys made nine. He
also struck out 13 men and Potach
but five.
Payne, Lawler and Mancuso each
made two hits for the Murphys.
Score by Innings;
Murphys 000010011 00 1 4
Power Co. ... 00001100100 0 3
Runs: Synek, Williams, Mancuso, Law
Ipr. Poiaeh, Gernandt, Kemmy. Earned
runs: Power Co.. 1; Murphys, 2. Wild
pttehes: Polach (2). Hit by pitched bail:
Hay. .Struck out: By Hay, 13; by Potach,
5. Base on balls: Off Potach. 6; off Hay,
1. Pa.crlflce hits: Krug. Wolfe, Payne.
Umpire: McQuade. Scorer: Seglin.
Eleven-inning Battle.
In the preliminary contest, staged
by the Townsend Gun Co., leaders
of the Gate City, and the Vinton
Street Merchants, the fans also wit
nessed an exciting 11-inning battle,
when the leaders met their first de
feat of the season, by a 2-to-0 score.
Up to that fatal inning neither team
was able to send a man across the
platter, although both teams had
men on bases in the earlier rounds.
In the eleventh, with a man on sec
ond, P. Zink, center fielder of the
Merchants, doubled to center, scor
ing the first run for the winners.
Zink then stole third and scored
the last run of the game on a passed
Cheborad, on the mound for the
Merchants, struck out 19 batters and
allowed but two hits, while Joe
Ort of the Gunners whiffed 14 men
and allowed seven hits.
The Omaha Printing Co., Jrs.,
sprung a surprise when they won
from the McKenney Dentists, by an
ll-to-6 score, due to the brilliant
hitting of Outfielder Hanahan, who
secured a home run, three triples
and two doubles. West, who start
ed the pitching for the printers, gave
way in the fifth frame to Garvey, on
account of his wildness.
The Beselins handed the Originals
a 7-to-3 defeat and thereby moved
a notch higher in the percentage.
Bowens Win.
By a score of 14 to 2. the Bowen
Furniture Co. tightened their grip
on first place in the City league.
Bill Pinault. on the mound for the
Bowen's, allowed four hits and
struck out 11 men, while the furni
ture lads secured 14 hits off Cole
man. The McCaffery Motor squad
again defeated the Mickel Victrolas
and moved a notch closer in the pen
nant race. Yesterday's score was
6 to 4 in 10 frames. Al Zeigler, who
recently returned from France made
his first apptarance in the box for
the Mickels and pitched a good
game, allowing the Motor crew but
five hits, although errors proved
costly. Up to the ninth inning the
Mickels were leading by a" score of
4 to 2. but in the ninth a walk and
two hits tied the score, while in
the tenth a hit, a walk and a few
errors gave the Motor crew a vic
tory. Wenke started pitching for
the McCafferys but was relieved by
Wahl in the tenth round, when the
Mickles had the sacks loaded and
one out. Ziegler sent a hard liner
to McCabe in centerfield, who made
a great one-handed catch and
doubled the runner off second. The
fielding of Wahl at third and Pesd
ritz of the Motor crew featured,
while the fielding of Hiatt of the
Mickels was sensational, he making
two one-handed catches in rightfield.
Almost No-Hit Game.
After pitching eight and two
third innings without allowing a hit.
Smith of the American Railway Ex
press made a scratch hit over the
first corner, thereby robbing Pitcher
"Speedball" Kufek of the Riggs Op
tical Co., out of a no hit game. Ku
fek struckout 18 batters. The Riggs
won by a score of 14 to 0.
The Universal Motor crew came
back strong and defeated the J. B.
Roots by a score of 12 to 6, while
the Sample-Harts pulled down the
Paxton-Vierlings, leaders of the
American league a notch, winning
by a 6 to 3 score. Beers was in
the box for the Vierlings and al
lowed six hits, while Scheaf of the
winners allowed but three.
The Harding Cream Co. and the
John Day Rubber Co., the latter
tailenders in the Inter-City league,
played a 10 to 10 tie game for nine
rounds. The game was called to al
low the teams to play the second
game. The contest was a see-saw
affair from start to finish. In the
third round the Rubber crew sent
eight men across the plate.
By the score of 15 to 12, the An
derson Drug Co. won from the
Beddeos, thereby sending the latter
team to the cellar position in the
Inter-City league. By a 11 to 8
score the Highland Park Pharmacy
won from the Harley-Davidson's.
The game was protested by the los
ers on the ground that the game did
not start until 2 o'clock. In the
Booster League the Leavenworth
Merchants cracked off the Benson
Merchants by a 5 to 2 score, and the
Trimbles beat the Daily News by a
5 to 1 score.
Bee Junior League
Team Standings.
P. W. I.. Pet.
West Dodge Dairy 2 2 0 1.000
Brandeis Juniors 2 2 0 1.000
Ft. Omaha Merchants. 2 1 1 .500
Suburbans 2 1 1 .600
Locust St Merchants.. 2 1 1 .500
Charles St. Merchants. 2 n 2 .000
Bemis Parks 1 0 1 i000
K. A. M.'s 1 0 1 .000
P. W. I,. Pet.
Dorcas Street Stars ...1 I 0 1.000
Leavenworth Mc's., Jrs.l 1 0 1.000
Omaha Bee 1 0 1 .000
Liberty Bells 1 n 1 .000
Slogrs, Juniors 0 0 0 .ooo
Farnam Candy Co. ...0 0 0 .000
Yesterday's Results,
Bemls Park's forfeit to West Dodge
Dairy, score 9 to 0, team falling to appear.
Suburbans, 10; R. A. M.'s, 9.
Port Omaha Merchants, 14; Brandels
Juniors. 16.
Locust Street Merchants, 19; Charles
Street Merchants, 7.
Omaha Bee, 10; Dorcas Street Stars, 12
seven Innings. (Game protested by
Slogrs Juniors. 12; Farnam Candy Co.,
12 Tie, nine innings.
Leavenworth Merchants Juniors, 6; Lib
erty Bells, 4.
Slugging matches, tie game, a protest,
a forfeit and a close, exciting and snappy
contests marked the games in Division 1
and 2 of the new Omaha Bee Junior Base
Ball association yesterday morning when
the 14 teams staged their combata. at
the various municipal parks.
In Divlwion 1, the game between The
Bemis Parks and the West Dodse Dairy,
a forfeit was awarded the lntter team
when only three of the Bemls Park play
ers appeared on the field. The Dairy
lads were ready to play and after wait
ing until 10:45 a. m., the manager of the
t i
General Cigar
Best & Russell
Omaha, Neb.,
who have
DR. E. R. TARRY, 240
lM6hin J
Crack Pitcher for Brooklyn
Throws Marvelous Ball
in First Game Since
the War.
Brooklyn, May 25. Sherrod
c r r i . i . . i i t.:- c
oillllil ui uruuKiyii jjiiiucu nisi
game since ins return irom over
seas and shut out Pittsburgh today,
5 to 0, with three hits. He had
splendid cotrol of his crossfire ball
and the Pirates hit few balls to
the outfield. Konetchy had 19 put
outs at first base. Score:
AB. H. O., cr 4 1 4
AB. H. O. E
Olson, ss 4 2 3 1
Terrv, ss 4
Sten'l, rf 4
Sout'h, if 4
Cut'w. 2b S
Moll's, lb 3
Bnei'l, 3b 3
Swee'y, o 3
Hum'n, p 2
Kvans, p 0
Baton 1
Ma gee, 2n 4 1
Orlffh, rf 4
1 0
What, ir 2
Myers, rf 4
1 1
1 2
Kon'y. lb 3 1 II
Schm't, 3 4 0 0
Kruer, e 3 0
Smith, p 3
Totals. .31 8 27 3
Totala.31 3 24 S
Batted for Hamilton In eighth.
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Brooklyn 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6
Twn-bnse hit: Konetchy. Three-base
hit: Myers. Sacrifice fly: Konetchy. Dou
ble plays: Smith, Olson and Konetchy.
Left on bases: Pittsburgb. 4; Brooklyn, 6,
First base on errors: Pittsburgh, 2; Brook
Ivn, 3. Bases on balls: Off Hamilton, 2.
Hits: Off Hamilton, 7 In 7 Innings; off
Evans, 1 in 1 inning. Struck out: By
Smith. 1. Winning pitcher: Smith. Losing
pitcher: Hamilton. i
Causey Wins for Giants.
New York, May 25. New York made It
two out of three from St. Louis, winning
the deciding game of the series, 6 to 1.
Causey held the visitors to two hits and
won his sixth straight game of the sea
son. Score:
AB. H. O. E.I AB. H. O. E.
Shofn, If 8 0 0 0;F.urns. If 4 2 2 0
Smith, rf 4 1 1 OlYoung, rf 4 1 1 0
Stock. 3b 4 1 0 OlChase, lb 4 1 16 1
Hor'y, ss 4 0 1 llBaird, 2b 4 1 4
P'ette, lb 2 0 12 OIKauff, cf 3
H'nte, rf 4
8 OlZim'n, 3b 4
Mll'r, 2b 3
Clem's, c 2
OjFlete r, ss 2
Ol'lon'les, c 3
OlCausey, p 3
Good'n, p 2 o
Schults 1
May, p 0
Totals 29 2 24 l! Totals 31 27 I
Batted for Goodwin In the eighth.
St. Louis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
New York 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 6
Two-base hits: Kauff, Burns. Threc-base-hit:
Kauff. Home run: Zimmerman.
Stolen bases: Stock, Pauletto. Sacrifice
hit; Shotton. Sacrifice fly: Fletcher.
Double plays: Goodwin, Hornsby and
Paulette; Burns and Balrd. Left on bases:
New York, 4: St. Louis. 5. First base on
errors: New York, 1; St Louis, 3. Bases
on balls: Off Causey. 3. Hits: Off Good
win. 9 In 7 Innings; off May, none In 1
Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By May
(Kauff). Struck out: By Goodwin, 2; by
May, 1. Losing pitcher: Goodwin.
Southern Association.
Atlanta, 4; Memphis. 14.
Chattanooga, 0; Mobile, 2.
Nashville, 1; New Orleans. 4. (First
Nashville, 0; New Orleans, t. (Second
Parks agreed to give the game to the
West team.
The Suburbans came back strong and
defeated the R. A. M.'s by a score of 10
to 9, and the Brandels Juniors won a
slugfest from the Fort Omaha Merchants
by the score of 15 to 14. Conkllng of
the Merchants whiffed 10, and Smith of
the Brandels 12 men.
r.y the score of 1 to T, the Tjocust
Street Merchants defeated their opponents,
the Charles Ptreet Merchants. At no
time of the contest were the Locust
Streets in danger of losing.
The feature game In Division S was
staged by the Liberty Bells and the
Leavenworth Merchants Juniors at
Twenty-ninth and Burt street, which re
sulted in a t to 4 victory for the Mer
chants. After playing nine rounds In a seesaw
game the Slogrs Juniors and the Farnam
Candy company called their contest with
the score 12 and 12. Twirlers of both
sides were hit hard and the teams ran
the bases wild.
The Omaha Bee and the Dorcas Street
Stars staged a seven-inning contest with
the Stars at the big end of a 12 to 10
score. The game was played under pro
test by The Bee on the grounds that sev
eral of the players of the Dorcas street
aggregation were over the age limit.
A meeting of the association will be held
Tuesday night at which time the protest
will be heard and the constitution and
by-laws adopted. The meeting which will
start at H o'clock at the city .hall will be
for managers only.
Any new teams wishing to enter the as
sociation are urged to attend.
Co., Inc.,
-Lrj in
Rectal Diseases Cured without a severs surgical
operation. No Chloroform or Etber used. Cure
guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for illus
trated book on Rectal Diseases, with names and
testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people
been permanently cured.
Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Pitcher Bill James Sold
to Boston American Team
Detroit, Mich., May 25. Pitcher
Bill James has been sold by Detroit
to the Boston Americans and left
Detroit with the champions last
night, it was announced today.
Phil Harrison Scores K. 0.
on Old Middleweight Champ
Memphis, Tenn., May 25. rhil
Harrison of Chicago, knocked out
Jack Dillon of Indianapolis in the
second round of their scheduled
eight-round bout last night.
It's Anniversary Week
The greatest play of the world's most
famous star.
N. B. Have you registered your baby at Bran
dels Stores lor the baby contest being held every
afternoon at 3:00 P. M.?
We Are Taught to Forget and Forgive
We Will Leave it to You Whether All Sins
Should Be Forgiven. See
The Sin That Wot Wipe Out.
brilliant Vtarcf
1 Ueafl&s Uumaaifu '
m net woaaeri
&ii new Mcxlerpece ..
Are you a fatalist? Do you
believe that you can keep
yourself from falling in love?
Do you think you can alter
what Fate, the Master, has
mapped out for you? Come
aee the brilliant Star of that
wonderful success "The Heart
of Humanity," in a tremend
ous picture of how Fate
gripped a little group of
people like yourself in a hand
of steel. See if they finally
controlled their own des
tinies or lost
Except Saturday Night, May 31st
Complete Program
Screen Magazine Jewell
Feature. Two-Reel Comedy
'Frisky Lions and Wicked
Albin Huster's
Concert Orchestra
Adults 20c, Tax 2c
Children 10c, Tax 1c
. Today and Tuesday
Harold Lloyd Comedy.
AM 1 8
Dancing, Rides, Thrills
CDCC Performance Every .CDCE
rilCt- Afternoon and Night"rntt
The King of All High
Wire Bicycle Runners.
Bee Want Ads pay big profits to
the people who read them.
Yale Defeats Princeton
at Tennis, Eight to Onr
Princeton. N. J.( May 25. YaU
defeated Princeton at tennis Satur
day, eight matches to one.
Schuyler Wins Shutout
Game From Clarkson, 8 to C
Schuyler. Neb.. May 25. (Special Ttle
gram) Schuyler baseball team shut out
the Clarkson team In the opening game
here, this afternoon, by a score of 1 to 0.
Todcnhof and Buna were the battery for
Schuyler and Ilyan and llyan for Clarkson.
Todenhof made a home rim In the third
Inning. Schuvler secured 8 hits and Clark
son 1. Strike outs: Todenhof 17, Ryan .
I'mplre: Blrken,
"The Test of Honor"
in "Shanghaid"
Thrsa Shows y
Daily -2:18.
Second Bit Week g
: rTT
?"The Red Lantern" V
V's Wonderful"
Prirc- Mat 2se-3"e M
a riCeS. Eva.. 35c-S0c V
tail Bis Vaudevtll. Show of S.&ion.
and Hit Runlts Ballet: GRACE OE MAR;
Coakly a Dunl.vy; Hobioa 4 Beatty; Rlue 4
Bull: Wllle Brot. : Bert Whnlw 4 Co.; Klso
prami; Tnvel Wwkly.
Elttll. Houie ssd H.r Qulntttt. sf
O.nclas VlollnliU
4 GEORGE: LYLE 4 HARRIS. Photoplay
w n A'R " ""'N Comtdy. Paths
imi i
M "Mickey" &
''The BesJj
Mat. (iiijjSS "'cot