Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: ' OMAHA,' SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1919.
Penrose and Warren Selected
Despite Opposition; Expect
to Settle Differences
v at Conference.
Washington, May 23. Framing of
senate republican committee slates
the republican confarence committee
on committees. The program, it was
slated upon reliable authority, pro
poses Senators Penrose" of Penn
sylvania and Warren of Wyoming
for chairmanship of the finance and
appropriation committees, respec
tively, despite the opposition of the
progressive. 1
The committee slate will be pre
sented at a conference of republican
senators next Monday before con
vening of the senate.' The progres
sive! at that time are expected to
'take final action in opposition to
Senators Penrose and Warren, but
it was reported tonight that the fac
tional troubles would be settled in
the conference and probably not
reach the senate floor.
, ' Heads of Committees.
The chairmanship assignments un
derstood to have been agreed upon
by ' the committee on committees
Foreign relations, Lodge, Massa
chusetts; finance, Penrose, Pennsyl
vania; appropriations, Warren, Wy
oming; military affairs, Wadsworth,
Newxork; naval affairs, Page, Ver
mont; judiciary. Nelson, Minnesota;
interstate commerce, Cummins.
Iowa; agriculture, Gronna, North
Dakota; commerce, Jones, Washing
ton! rules, Knox, Pennsylvania; pub
lie lands, Smoot, Utah; privileges
and elections, Dillingham, Vermont:
manufactures, LaFollette, Wiscon
sin; education and labor, Kenyon,
Iqwa; mines, Poindexter, Washing
ton;; immigration, Colt, Rhode Is
land; Indian affairs, Curtiss, Kansas;
irrigation and reclamation, McNary,
Torn O'Connor and Bob Smith
Exchange a Pew Compliments
Clerk of the District. Court Says County Commissioner
Might Qualify As a Janitor, and That Official In
Turn Makes Some Remarks." "
County - 5 Commissioner "Tom"
O'Connor and Clerk of the District
Court "Bob" Smith exchanged "left
handed compliments" yesterday over
the commitment of Albert Swift to
the insane asylum at Lincoln for one
A bill for $9.85 came in to the
county commissioners for the ex
pense of taking Mr. Swift to Lin
coln. Mr. O'Connor objected to
paying this out to send a man to the
asylum for one day merely as a
matter of form.
When told of this. Mr. Smith
spoke in part as follows: ' .
'"Tom O'Connor gets $2,400 a
year and,I don't think he's worth
$50 a year. He might be all right
as a janitor, provided lie had some
one to supervise his work, but that
would be about the best I would
hand him."
Mr. O'Connor, when told of the
vitrified bouquet which Mr. Smith
had handed him, replied in part as
"Smith has himself considerably
overestimated. I would revise his
value downward very much if I had
my way. It will cost the county
not only $9.85 to send this man to
Lincoln, but about $20 to convene
that insanity board when it acted
on the ease."
Swift is now in the county jail
serving a 30-day sentence which
will expire soon. He escaped from
the insane' asylum at Lincoln a few
weeks ago. He was in the dipso
mania ward. Coming to Omaha, he
went to work and earned about $300
in two weeks as an advertising sales
man.' .
"Then he got hold of some boot
leg whisky and was arrested for
drunkenness," said Mr. Smith. "His
aged mother came to see me. She
was anxious to get him off. With
the exception of the one slip he had
been doing well since he escaped
from the asylum. Still, we felt the
discipline-of the insane asylum must
be upheld. So we ordered him re
turned with the recommendation
that he be released after one day.
That is what we are using the $9.85
for. You are certainly at liberty
to publish my idea of the value of
Mr. O'Connor's services."
Oregon; Philippines, Harding, Ohio;
printing. Mdses, New Hampshire;
library, Brandegee, Connecticut.
Last Moment Changes.
Under the reported agreement,
Senator Page, instead of Senator
Poindexter, would head the naval
committee by reason of strict ad
herence to the seniority rule. Last
moment changes also placed Sena
tor Smoot at the head of the public
land committee instead of the ap
propriations, for which he had been
Three new members of the foreign
relations committee reported chosen
were Senators New, Indiana; Hard
ing, Ohio, and Moses, New Hamp
shire. The committee on committees de
cided to hold a majority of three re
publicans on the finance, interstate
commerce, foreign relations and
elections committees, but in compli
ance with requests from the demo
cratic conference, agreed to reduce
the republican majority on other
committees to two members.
By ruling today that committees
of the "last senate continued with
authority to act until new commit
tees were organized, Vice President
Marshall was considered by experts
on senate procedure to have has
tened the work of the committee on
committees. The ruling also was
expected to have a bearing on the
controversy between the progressive
and regular groups of republican
senators in that it would tend to
hasten a settlement.
Take Hornford'i Acid Phoaphato
Half a teaopoonful in half a glass of
water, taken before retiring, insures rest
ful sleep. Buy a bottle.
Saturday the Last Day
for Our $69.50 to $100
Coats, Capes t$
and Dolmans
Come Saturday. You. can't afford to miss this last
opportunity to get your wrap for summer dresses at a
TlTMnO fVlQf VAIl'll monral of Oa lrrrr oh wah' mnnii 4-l
beautiful wraps.
1 Almost every woman and girl, who has bought one, has
sent a friend to get one, too, because women know
quality when they see it.
For the Business Woman
There are the more severe colors and styles in serge, trico
tine, gabardine, and silky velour. These are the ideal spring
wrap, giving protection, but allowing ease of movement, and
grace of line, not found in a coat.
Another Amazing
$5 Sale
3 r-
Dainty Blouses
at 33Vi off
On Saturday
Making blouses that are a
real luxury in their sheer and
silky quality of georgette, es
cape the war tac in price.
Here are georgettes in the
newest modes, white and ex
quisite pastel shades, with a
few dark colors. Saturday
Wy,' 83l3 off.
For the Sweet
Girl Graduate
What could be a sweeter gift
than one of these graceful
capes or coatee dolmans, in
a summery shade, to cover
her, fluffy dress when she
goes out to a banquet, bacca
laureate, or graduation?
Every woman who got one of
the hand-made quality hats
in last Saturday's sale, will
send her friends to get her
choice of hats, up to $18.50,
on sale Saturday, for
For Evening
The choice is rich, every
length is herefrom the
jaunty shoulder cape that
just reaches past the waist,
to the full line that hides the
whole costume-. And the
richest of evening colors,
. V , u
Buy Your Summer Wrap on Saturday
Thompsoit-Beldert &Gb
J , tabltshdJ886 y
The fashion Genter larWomtn
The Store for Blouses
Voile Blouses "
are to be featured Saturday in all
white voile, striped voile and voile
trimmed with organdie. There will
be both tailored and lingerie styles
from which to choose.
Priced $2.89
from the Blouse Shop
comes also a showing of exquisite
(Jeorgette Blouses, trimmed with
hand embroidery, with hand-made
made laces and made in styles alto
gether distinctive. You will find it
quite worth while to inspect this
large and very beautiful collection.
$19.50, $25, $35, $39.50, $45
Transparent Hats
Specially Priced
$7.50 I
Voguish, becoming and
reasonable - in price.
Navy blue and, light
shades are particular
favorites, , The latest
innovation is the trans
parent hat with a taf
feta crown, trimmed
with wheat, flowers,
ribbons arid ostrich. It's
quite the style to view
the world through one
of these dainty trans
parent brims.
A First Time Showing
of New Fashions...
Saturday $7.50
for Summer Wear
Dresses, Capes, Suits,
Skirts and Furs
An interesting collection, in which
Milady may feel certain of finding gar
ments suited to her type and tastes.
A sport suit with an emerald green,
pebblette box coat and skirt of oyster
white figured .rajah.
A rose and white figured Georgette
for the afternoon, featuring a three-tier
skirt, each tier a little caught-in side puff ,
of the material.
Many white Georgettes with tucks,
beading or hemstitching, as trimming.
Charming short capes of broadcloth
in high colors, brilliant blue, rose, etc.
Short black velvet box coats, to be '
worn with white or figured skirts.
Wraps of wool jersey, cape style or
straight coats, in French blue and tan,
broadcloth trimmed.
A striking tan motor coat of duvetyri,
either a cape coat or straight line.
A satin and brocade dolman in taupe.
The daintiest of separate skirts of
Georgette in pale pinks, blues, laven
ders, etc., and many of Fan-ta-si, Baronet
Satin, and Satin Radiant.
-The Calico (English Print Dress) has
come into high favor because of its
dainty patterns and freshness. We are "
showing a variety of styles
$19. 50 , $22.50, $25
which will please many women.
A colorful attractive array of hot leather
costumes at reasonable prices.
Thompson-Belden & Co.
' -v..
ThompsoaBelcieix 6-Gb
J Satabllshed 7886 .
The fashion Qertfer &r Women
. . .Approved Fashions
Furs are well established for summer '
occasions being very practical, as
well as1 stylish. The mode is cor
rectly expressed in this collection of
new arrivals.
Stone Marten Chokers (single skin), $45 and $59.50
Stone Marten Throws (two-skin), $79.50 and $95
Russian Sable Chokers (single skin), $119.50-$! 55
Blended Hudson Sable Chokers
Summer fur prices commence with
$25. A great many attractive pieces
for your viewing.
FURS Second Floor
In the s new models
suited to narrow skirts.
A beautiful showing
Second Floor
Trefousse Gloves
The finest! of imported
French kid in white,
pastel, brown and gray
with self or contrasting
embroideries, $3, $3.25
and $4., ,
i- . ' ' i i
. Expertly Fitted.
Tub Silks in crepes, broad
cloth and . Sans Gene
weaves. A very extensive
assortment of the newest
patterns in all shades and
combinations, $2.50 to $3
a yard. 4
Belding's Silks here exclu
sively in Omaha. Consid
ering that these silks are
wear guaranteed and still
do not cost more than or
dinary silks of inferior
quality the reasons for
selecting Belding's are
quite obvious.
Wash Skirtings Novelty
gabardines in plaid and
striped patterns of blue
and white, pink and white,
maize and white, green
and white, 85c and $1 a
Fancy Linens
Hand embroidered
pieces from the Madei-ras,-filet
lace, mosaic
and other lovely decor
ative linens for the
Suitable fbr every sort of
knitting and crocheting.
We recommend Utopia
and Minerva as the two
best yarns to be had. Les
sons under competent in
structors in both knitting
and crocheting.
Classes Daily 10 A. M.-
: 12 M.. 2-5 P. M..
Art Dept Third Floor
Satin Corsets
$4.95 a Pair
Every woman who enjoys
dainty undergarments will
like to have one of these
flesh colored satin Corsets.
It is an elastic top model,
in sizes 19 to 27 only.
Saturday's Price
$4.95 a Pair
--for Women
Lisle Vests with hand
crochet tops, 85c. Extra
sizes, $1. ,
Ribbed Mercerized Union
Suits in pink and white.
A beautiful garment of
very fine quality. In
white, $1.50. Pink, $1.65.
Silk Teddy Bears with
plain, hemstitched or lace
trimmed tops, $5.
The Men's Shop
Silk Shirt from the best mak
ers. Also summer shirts of
madras, crepes, fibres and per
cales. A complete line of white
shirts. Also collar attached
Newest Neckwear. Exclusive
Italian grenadines, heavy silk
crepes, English twills and fine
Correct Gloves for all occasions.
For dress wear, business and
motoring. ' The choice of men
who know and appreciate the
Comfort in Nightwear secured
in the garments wa offer by
the use of extra wide materials
and careful sizing. In both
night shirts and pajamas we can
show an almost endless variety
of styles from the best mak
ers. . IT
Right sorts of Hosiery. Inter
woven, seamless, lisle, 50c;
fibres, 60c; 11 silks, 75c to $2.
Eff el fibre in seven shades, 50c.
Wayne Knit for men who pre
fer a full fashioned hose in tho
same styles as the above, 40c
to $2. : '
To the left as you enter. ,
Sorosis Oxfords.,;
A showing of the summer mode
quite complete in every rctpect
White kid, $12.
- White duck
(Sea Island), $8.
Black kid, $9.
Black suede, $10.
- Brown kid, $12.