THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1919. 15 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Miscellaneous. LAND SALE, MONDAT. MAY !. I P. M. tiO ACRES WELL IMPRrtVEIl On the above date at the Empress theater, Cantral City. Neb., wa will sell at public auction to tha hlfhest bidder regardless of prlca tha following describe , ad raal estate, located thraa miles north ana one-nair mila waat of Chapman, Neb. Tha southaaat auartar and th : seat half ef tha aouthweat quarter of action IS. townehlp 13, range t, waat of , mv m r. M, MarncK county, rueora ka, containing 240 aorea mora or laaa. 10 1 cording to government survey. Land will be told n two tracts, 140 acrea with the Improvement and tha eighty unim proved. 1& ,per cent of the purchaae prlca caah day of aala. S5 per eent : February 14, 1120. balance food terma. Boll: Good black loam, Ilea perfect For full deacrlptlon of Improvements or any other Information addraae Nebraska neaity Auction Co.. Central City, Ne braska. HARK CARRAHER. Auc't H. A. UKON, Mgr., ROLQFF BROTH 409-acre eaulDDed farm IB. 000. I .ant vear' Income. 5.15S. Nearly new 18-room - nouse. Da the, hot. cold water, gas lights cement floor main barn, big aecond barn garage, atore house, etc; all good. Smooth machine-worked fields, wire- fenced pasture, estimated 10,000 cords wood, much timber: fruit. On main road near town, beat markets. Aged owner for quick sale Includes 10 cows, long list implements, hay, etc., at low price tor all. Details this big money maker, page' 41, Otalog Bargalna 19 , Biaioa, copy free. Htrout Farm . Agency, em-A nee mag., umana,; Neb. AUTOMOBILES 1 TRUCKS FOR SALE. l Huh Quad 1 4-wheel drive truck In , prime condition, with new tires. Frio ' reasonable. 1 Nash I -ton rear-drlva truck in first elasa condition. New tires. Prloe reasonable. N.SH SALES CO., 10th and Howard. Phona Tyler 3014 COME NOW. A real sale of many different sizes and styles of automo biles at JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC COMPANY, "A Safe Place to Buy." . - While waiting for shipments of new Cadillacs to catch up with orders we : are selling used and rebuilt ears. All sizes all prices. no are) not saiisxiea until you are. Coma in now. ' JONES-HANSEN-CADILLAC COMPANY, V farnam St. at 26th. Harney T10. LIGHT TRUCKS. TWO LATE MODEL WORM DITTOS FORD TRUCKS WITH BODIES AND CABS; EXCELLENT CONDITION; 4550 EACH. , VICTOR MOTOR CO., tttt FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6484. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF ' II CENTS PER MILS. TOD ARB COVERED BT INSUR ANCE AOAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. , SO NEW 1(1 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUO. 8688. 1114 HOWARD FORDS FORDS DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 19 PER ROADSTERS MJU TRUCKS CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co., 1514 LEAVENWORTH. DOUO. 481 1917 OLDSMOBILE. First class condition, a real bargain. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 1th and Howard 8tn Tyler 1760. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ears bought, sold and exchanged. W buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to selsot from. Middle State Oarage. 2026-1 Farnam St. - Douglas 41 0L MEEKS AUTO CO. REAL USED CAR BARGAINS. 18 Bulck six roadster. 18 Oakland six convertible sedan. IS Scrlpps Booth eight. 1 18 Franklin six touring. 1 Maxwell touring. 18 Fords. x 17 Dodge roadster. -17 Bulck six roadster. 17 Chalmers six roadster. 17 Maxwell touring. 17 Overland touring. 17 Oakland six .touring. 17 Chevrolet touring. 16 Bulck four touring. 16 Fords. 11 Overland touring. II Ford touring, and many others. Money Back Guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 110 Farnam St ' Used oars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, W6I rarnam St P. 170. ! USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 1620 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE Nearly new Ford touring car, perfect condition; Hetnxe electric start er, tool box. tire bolder, steering device V Harney 1411. ' SELLING only privately-owned used cars. Tha Omaha Used Car Market. U17 Leavenworth St Tyler 1347. WANTED FOR. SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 1051 Farnam St D. 4038. 1100 Reward for any magneto we can't re- flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer. 810 N 18th NEW and used Ford. Ames 'bodies, im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto i;o.. sioi go. aviq. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. HARSH OAKLAND CO, -- 3300 Farnam at EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 14th and Leavenworth. Dong. 7000. -FORD MARKET. 3330 Farnam. Used Fords. Time. cash. Lloarty bonds, new bodies. 9i. -run riviir. iri.VER W R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 3530 Farnam St BARGAINS IN USED CARS. .nr w Untn. Cn . ttth and Jackeon. Ford Agents. P. 1800. AUTOMOBILE electrical . repairs; service station tor nayiieia carDvreiorv ing Columbia aloracf batterlfa. Edwarrta. " . GOOO OSKU CARS. . . GUT L. 8MIT& BRINGING UP OT OU.y-tTLO Mf WIFfc I D BE. HONE. AT TEN . OCLOCK-irbNOW TWELVE- AUTOMOBILES. AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. 14th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices: no extras to pay. Nabraska Serv ice Garage, lttb and Farnam. Douglas 7110. Trucks PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL MODELS - NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED a ROGERS. Mgr., Tyler 1767 1407-11 Capital Ave. Tires and Supplies. Used Tires We have several good used tires on band at these low prices: 30x3 I 4.80 30x3 H 8.00 82x3 6 60 32x4 6.00 33x4 7.00 14x4 8.00 86x4 3 00 8x4U 60 3(x4 10.00 16x8 ,11.00 STANDARD TIRE CO, 410 North Sixteenth Bt Out-of-town orders must be aceom- panled by cash TIRE BARGAINS. CORD TYPE RIBBED TREAD. Guaranteed 8,500 Miles. New Tubes New Tubes 10x1 . 8.75 2.00: 33x4 , 14.76.... 3.95 80x8U. 10.50. ...3.15 34x4 , 14.75. ...3.15 36x4, 19.75. ...8.70 37x5 . 33.80.... 4.45 12x3, 11.76. ...1.35 11x4 . 13.75.... 3.851 SPECIAL DRI CURE TIRES PLAIN TREAD. 10x3. 6.75l30x3H 6.75 GOOD WEAR TIRE CO., 728 South 27th., Doug. 422. CUT PRICES ON NEW TIRES 30x8 Plain, 110.00 NonsRld, 111.00 30x3 Plain, 12.60 Nonskld. 13.60 32x3 Plain, 14.75 Nonskid, 16.60 32x4 Plain, 22.60 33x4. 23.00 84x4 Empire Nonskid All First, 25.00 36x4 Plain, 26.60 Nonskid. 27.50 OMAHA RADIATOR ft TIRE CO. 1819 Cuming St. 2064 Farnam St. NEW TIRES, 1-2 PRICE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flak. Writs for prices. Mention sizes. K AIM AN TIRE JOBBERS. 8014 Farnam. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We retread and rebuild tires by Dry-cure process. Ideal Tlrs Service, 1574 Har ney Bt NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., H. 6758. 2914 FARNAM ST. GAIN mors miles; have your Urea re- treaded by G. ft G. Tire Co. 1416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1361-W. Repairing ana Painting. A NEW CORE IN YOUR RADIATOR At a savins; of 33 per -cent from Vet price. MANUFACTURED IN OMAHA. 24-hour service. We make any Style radiator and fender for automobile, truck of tractor. Special attention giv en to repair work. Write us for prices on oar Honeycomb Ford radiators and cores. OMAHA RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1813 Cuming St. AUTO painters wanted at once. F. P. Barnum a uo., 2112 cuming ot r. P. BARNUM CO., 3126 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargalna in use a roscninea. viciur a. Roos, the Motorcycle nun, 17th and Leavenworth ats- POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings 32.00 per hundred. A W Wsgner. 801 N. 16th at. noug ins. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T FORGET the big horse and mule auctions at stock yards stables osxi Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teama of farm chunks and one carload of farm mults S.ilo starts at 10 o'clock. L C Gallup. Auctioneer. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. m .1 1. ra-w M i.. I.. ALFRED CORNISH ft CO.. 1210 Farnam FOR SALE Cow, beautiful Guernsey, gives 4 gallons very rich milk, very genua. Call South 3735. GENTLE family cow, fresh soon. Boutin, 432 Qrover. mone walnut 4Z PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Horns solicits your old clotning. iurnuure. magaxlnea. ' We collect Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Bt TO Whom It May Concern: I will In no way be responsible for any deftta con tracted by my wife. O. C. Sorensen, 2015 Dorcas St. - MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men -f Omaha. FURNITURE, pianoa ana notes as security, tip. I mo. H. goods. total. 83.50. oanvmnNT T.OAN SOCIETY. . a -,- iii.-r.n.- T- 18J pqcuniy nm.., - LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 1 C7 LIBERTY BUNUO. yw "72 1 W. O. FLATAU, EST. 1892. 10 ITH FLR. SECURITY BLDG., TY. 60 LOWEST rates. Private loan booths. Harry uaieanocK. fouge. u. oi. 1891 DIa'MOND AND JEWELRY LOANS New York Coffee. New York. May 22. After making new high records early today, coffee futures turned easier under realizing and aelllng for trade account The opening was 16 to 37 points higher, with July selling at 19.560 and December at 18.90o right after the call, or about 37 to 40 paints above 1-- nl.k'. .Win. f I ir 11 r-a nn 1 1 h more Hv deliveries. Offerinsrs then in creased and there waa probably some local selling for a reaction on the setback to l.16o fori July and 18.25o for December. The close was at the low point of the day, or net unchanged to 10 points lower. December, 18.20c; January, 18.10c; March, 18.00c. Spot, firm; Rio 7s,' 19c; Santos 4s. 2024c. Turpentine and Basin. Savannah, Ga.. May 23. Turpentine Firm, 79c: salea, 119 bbls.; receipts, 667 bbls.; shipments, 198 bbls.; stock, 17,114 bbls. ' Rosin Steady; sales. 483 bbls.; receipts, 141 bbls.; shipments, 641 bbls.; stock, 46, 480 bbls. ' Quote: B. 10.65c; D. ' 10.90c; E. 10.75c; F, G, 10.80c; H, 10.95s; I, 11.18c; K, 13.20c; M, 12.46c; N. 12.70c; WG, 12.95c; WW, 11.75c ' , ...... Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, New York, May 23. Evaporated Apples Firm; state, 18 22c. Prunes in demand; California, 14930c; Oregons, 14 S? 30c. Apricots Firm; choice, 18c; extra choice, 10c; fancy, 35c . , Peaches Firm ; standard, . 23c; choice, 34c; fancy. 26a Raisins Steady: loose muscatels. 11 llc; choice to fancy seeded. 10G12c; seedless, 124y31c. Dry Goods. New York. May 22. There was a furth er rise in cotton goods prices today, many lines being withdrawn by selling agents. Yarns were strong snd sdvanclng. Silks were active, with raw silk at highest price levels reached In this market Wool goods markets wars strong 1 FATHER aw: PHONE AN' V'OU VENT 'TO THE OPEN A.IJ5 OPFf?A AT.THE UNIVEj-ry. irwNiut. i-ueae. HER jsaawi v" 1 Market and Industrial News of LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock. ftecelnrs ware: rt fTns'i. Sheen. Official Monday 4,985 8.031 8.93-1 Official Tuesday 7,936 11,803 4,518 Official Wednesday.. 5,049 13,000 7,423 Estimate Thursday ., 3.200 12,000 4,600 Four days this week. 28.169 44,833 25,375 Sams' days last wk. .21,290 50,926 36,671 Sams days 8 wks. ago 24,268 57,611 23,892 Same daya 3 wks. ago 24,205 61,378 27,764 Same days year. ago. 31,627 '66,326 26,348 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m.. May 32, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Cattls. Hogs. Sheep. H. C. M. ft St P. .... 1 .. ... Wabash Missouri Paclflo ... t Union Paclfto -. 22 29 17 C. ft N. W., east ..8 10 C. ft N. W., west .. 46 41 t C, St P., M. ft O... II 19 C, B. ft asst.... 4 11 1 C B. ft Q., west.. 20 19 1 .. C, R. I. ft P., east.. 1 4 .. .. C, R. L ft P., west. 2 4 .. .. Illinois Central .... 2 4 .. .. Chi. Gt West 4 I Total receipts .138 142 . 20 2 r HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Shp. 494 1,694 668 869 2.260 898 742 3,324 934 993 4,413 1,135 233 36 8 20 11 26 14 12 134 1 . 44 13 13 1 4 25 32 180 26 8 .... ... 130 280 Morris ft Co. ......... Swift ft Co Cudahy Pack. Co Armour ft Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Pack. Co So. Om. Packing Co. ., Hlgglns Pack. Co. ... Hoffman Bros John Roth ft Sons..,., Mayerowlch & Vail . . . . P. O'Dea Omaha F. P. Lewis J .B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla F. G. Kellogg Werthelmer & Degen . . Ellis ft Co. Mo. -Kan. C. ft C. Co... E. G. Christie Baker John Harvey Jensen ft Lundgren Midwest Other buyers Total .4,038 12,928 3,916 Cattle There was the usual moderate Thursday's run of cattle, about 8,200 head and receipts so far this week have been about 2,000 heavier than last. Trade was slow In opening and at no time during the day showed much life. Buyers picked up some of more desirable yearlings and handy weight steers at prices that looked steady to a little stronger than Wednes day but they were all Indifferent and harlh on the medium and heavy steers and movement was extremely sluggish on anything of this kind. Best yearlings are not selling mucn af ferent from a week ago; steady to 25c inwAr whole on the general run of me dium and heavy cattle prices are, fully 60o lower on an average and in some cases more. Cows sna neirers were very muni steady today but all of 25 50c lower for the week. Trade in stockers and feeders was very quiet and outside of choice stock ateers values have declined 25 40c sines Monday. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. av. rr. 60 879 13 60 10 i vv 18 1179 14 25 29 831 14 45 33 1113 14 60 6 978 14 75 12 827 14 80 17 1406 16 25 18 1482 16 75 STEERS AND HEIFKHS. g 394 35 8 617 11 60 19 603 12 25 16 844 13 00 14 630 14 00 82 769 - 14 60 1R 669 15 00 13 989 15 25 16 740 16 35 COWS. 13 1128 10 60 21 1038 11 00 K 1082 11 25 7 UU4 ix du 16 1094 21 75 6 1302 12 75 HEIFERS. 10 186 11 65 6 1023 13 00 BULLS. 1 1113 9 25 1...... 970 60 1 1270 10 00 1 1070 10 50 1 1670 10 75 2 1045 11 25 1 960 11 76 CALVES. I...... 135 13 00 3 180 13 00 4 160 13 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 81 646 11 00 25 813 12 60 Quotations on Cattle Prime steers, $16.5017.00; good to choice beeves, 114.50 015.60: fair to stood beeves. 3 13. 50 14. 50: common to fair beeves. 11.5013.26; good to choice yearlings, 14.0015.90; fair to good yearlings, 12.0013.76; common to fair yearlings, 9.5012.00; choice to prime heifers 14.0015.00; good to choice heifers, 12.5014.00; prime cows, 112.26 14.00; good to choice cows, 10.2612.25; fair to good cows, 19. 00 10. 25; common to fair cows, 85.509.00; choice to prime feeders, 13.b014.50; good to choice feeders, 313.0013.60; medium to good feeders, 11.0013.00; good to choice stockers, I12.0013.00; fair to good stock ers. 810.0011.00: common to fair stock ers. 18.0069.60; stock heifers, $8.6010.00; stock cows, $8,009.50; stock calves, 18.00 11.50: veal calves. I7.50l3.7b; buns, stags, etc., 810.0013.00. Hoes Receipts todav amounted to 150 loads, estmated at 12,000 head. Hog pric es broke sharply today, fully 20 to 26 cents lower than yesterday, weakening on the close, with a complete clearance doubtful. The long string today was 20.4020.45, with the bulk 20.3530.55 ana top HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 83.. 203 110 20 25 40.. m ... 20 30 63.. 212 190 20 85 46.. 243 110 20 40 60.. 250 110 20 45 82. .231 110 20 50 60. .267 ... 20 65 69. .207 70 20 40 41.. 334 20 65 Sheeen Receipts of sheep and lambs were light today, 11 loads, estimated at 4.500 head. The market was fairly active again today and receipts began to move at an early hour, with a fairly early clear ance. The spring lambs sold at a range of 817.7618.85, quotably steady wlth"yes- teraay. Bnorn lambs were a little late in moving at not far from steady, prices. Most of the clipped ewes here sold at 110.00, with a string of clipped yearlings and wethers at 112.75. 176 sps 62 18 00 lOOcullS-.-CI 14 10 42 Cal. sps.66 18 35 219 Cat sps. 66 18 35 238 Cal. sps. 63 17 50 246 Cal. sps. 8 9 14 16 zou uai. sps. 58 13 60 1 EWES !5 culls... 88 5 00 12 culls... 74 t 00 84 shorn.. 93 10 00 36 shorn.. 89 I 60 257 shorn. 89 9 60 123 shorn. 84 7 00 Quotations on Sheen Lambs. N fair to Choice. 818.00iai8.EOr lamha. fair to KOOd. Il7.0018.00; spring lambs, 317.00 18.65; clipped lambs, 13.0014.35; cull lambs. n.uunpib.uo: swes clipped, good to enoice, 110.00 10.60; ewes, clipped, fair to good. I8.00O10.00; cull ewes, .O08.0O. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas Citv. Mo.. Mav 22.-U. S. Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 2,600 neaa; market steady; steers, 110.15 Vis. uu; heifers. I7.85014.65r cows. I6.90O13.86; calves, tll.6014.26; , stockers, 18.00 Hoars Recelnla. 11 nfln head: market lower: heavv-. 130 50020.80: medium weight. (20.20igi20.66; lights, 1I.1520.60; parking, 319.7620.40: pigs. 14.0019.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,600 head; market ateady; lambs. 84 lbs. down, 112.75 wii.ov; ewes, 7.001.00. St Joseph Live Stock. - ... n.j . . ...a ,lih .... 1.000 head: t..v US. 501016.50: cows and heifers, I5.6015.60; calves. Hogs Receipts, 6.000 bead; lower. Top, 320.76: bulk, 20.2520.60. E - -na . . -(.. Lambs, f 13.5014.26; ewes, 9.2510.60. Woux City Live Stock. SIOUX CItV Mav T-.tlla RerelDtS. 1,600; market steady; beef steers, 111.00 ( Such a ood how i couldn't. leave. - iVr- kslN --Hak, I II in II, ILn rf-J-IC t ll I I ll IT-J " I . i. at. JH fFll T. Short Term Notes Furnished by Pvteri Trust company: , Bid. Asked. First Liberty 3s 99.60 Second Liberty 4s 96.60 Third Liberty 4s 96.96 Fourth Liberty 4s 95.28 Am. Foreign Sec, 1919.. 99 100 3-11 Am. Tel. ft Tel. 6s. 1925.103 104 Am. Telephone 6s, 1924. .100 1-16 100 3-16 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1922..., 103 103 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1923 104 104 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929 99 99 Anglo-French 6s, 1920... 97 97 7-16 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1919.102 108 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1932.102 103 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s, 1928.102 103 Arm. Con. Deb. 6s. 1924.102 103 Beth. Steel 7s, 1919.... 100 100 Beth. Steel 7s, 1933.... 102 103 Beth. Steel 7s, 1933. ...102 102 Canada 6s. 1921 99 13-16 99 Cudahy 7s, 1933 102 102 Int. R. T. 5a. 1921 89 90 Kan. City Ter. 6s, 1828.. 100 101 Proctor ft Go. 7s, 1928.. 103 104 Proctor ft Go. 7s, 1922.. 102 103 Russian Rubles 6s, 1936 113 118 Union Paclflo 6s, 1928. .101 101 Wilson ft Co. 6s, 1928.... 99 99 15.26; fat cows and heifers, 37.00 13.00; canners, t6.606.60; stockers and feeders, I7.5013.60; feeding cows and heifers, 7.009.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000; market 2630c lower; light, I20.2020.40; mixed, 120.25 20.40; heavy, 320.3020.50; bulk of sales, 20.3020.46. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 22. Cattle Receipts,, 13, 000; beef steers, steady to strong; she stock, steady to 2 Be lower; bulls, strong to higher; calves, 26o to 60c higher; stock ers and feeders, weak. Estimated tomor row, 4,000. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight: Choice and prime, 115.76 18.75; medium and good, 1 13.26 1 6.00 ; common, 11.5013.50. Light weight: Good and choice, fl3.6516.26; common and medium. 310.6013.76; butcher cattle, heifers, 8.2514.75; cows, 8.1o14.60; canners and cutters, 6.408.16; veal calves, light and handy weight, $16.00 16.50; feeder steers, 10.2514.75; stocker steers, 8.251S.50. Hogs Receipts, 48,000; generally 25c to 40c lower than yesterday's average; early top, $20.90: estimated tomorrow, 35,000. Bulk, $20.5020.66; heavy weight. $20.66 20.76; medium weight, $20.4020.75: light weight, 20.2620. 66; light light, $19.26 20.40; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.00 20.25; packing sows, rough, $19.60 19.75; pigs, $18.6019.60. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; spring lambs, steady; some shorn lambs strong to higher; others, wooled lambs and sheep slow to 25c lower; estimated tomorrow, 9,000. Lambs: 84 lbe. down. $13.2515.00; 85 lbs. up, $12.7514.76; culls and common, $9.00 f12.76; springs, $16.7619.00; yearling wethers. 811.00Olt.00. Ewes: Medium, good and choice, $9.7511.00; culls and common, 4.&09.vt. St. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, May 22. Cattle Receipts, 2,800; steady; native beef steers, $11.60 18.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.50 16.00: cows. HO.60lB13.60: stockers and feeders, $10.0013.50; fair to prime south ern heef ateers. 310.00018.00: beef cows and heifers, $7.6015.0O; canners and cut ters, $5.607.25; native calves, I7.7tv 15.50. Hosts Receipts 12.600: 5c to -10c lower: lights, $20.1520.60; pigs, $15.5019.76; mixed and butchers, 120.16 20.75; good heavy, $20.6520.75; bulk, $20.2020.70. Sheep Receipts, 1,200; steady; lambs, $18.2518.60; ewes, $13.0014.50; canners and choppers, $6.008.50. OMAHA PRODUCE Quotations furnished by the Gltnsky Fruit Co. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 2 loins, 39c; No. 8 loins, 29c; No. 2 ribs, 38 c; No. 3 ribs, 25c; No. 2 rounds. 28c; No. 8 rounds, 25c; No. 2 chucks, 9A- KTt 4 .liiinb. IGU.i Ta 4 nl.f.a ui. ..w. w tuj. .v. yi.iv 15c; No. 3 plates. 14c. Fruits Oranages: Valencias, 96s-100s, $6.00; 126s, $5.50; 150s, $6.00; 176s, $6.50; zuus ana smaller, 17.00; miaaea, an sizes, $6.50. Lemons: Sunkist 300s-360s, $5.60; Red Ball, 300s-360s, $5.00. Grape Fruit: California, all sizes, $6.00. Bananas, 7c. Strawberries: Missouri, Market price. Pineapples: All sizes, $4.25. Vegetables Potatoes: Minnesota and Western Whites, $2.60; Minnesota Red River Ohlos, $2.60; Nebraska, Ohio and White, $2.25. Onions: Texas Yellow,! crate, $3.60; Texas White, crate, $4.00. Cab bage: Texas and California, 6c. Old Roots: Beets, carrots, 3c; parsnips, turnips, 3c. Plants Cabbage, about 100 to box, $1.60; tomatoes, about 100 to box. $1.60; pansy, 3 dozen to basket, $1.25; geraniums, per dozen, $3.00-$3.50; other plants, market price. California head lettuce, $3.50 crate; California head lettuce, $1.25 dozen; leaf lettuce, 60c dozen; home grown radishes, 35c dozen; home grown onions, 36c dozen; egg plant, $2.50 dozen; artichokes, $2.00 dozen; spinach,, market price; extra fancy hot house cukes, $2.50 dozen; hot house cukes, $2.60 dozen; hot house cukes, 2 dozen basket, $2.00 basket; green peppers, 40c pound; celery, Florida washed, $2.60 dozen; asparagus, home grown, 76c dozen; rhubarb, home grown, 54c dozen; Florida tomatoes, 6 basket crate, $7.50 crate; fresh eggs, market price; fresh wax and green beans, market price. Nuts English walnuts, sack lots, 34o less 35o lb.; 1 pound raw peanuts, 10c lb.; Jumbo raw peanuts, 12o lb.; 1 pound roasted peanuts, 12 c lb.; Jumbo roasted peanuts, 16o lb. Miscellaneous Cracker Jacks, Checkers and Chums, with prize, per case, $6.00; with prize, per case, $2.55; without prize, per case, $4.76; without prize, case, $2.40; strained honey, 1 dosen 6-03. case Airline, $4.30; 1 dozen 16-oz. case, I "B," $6.60; repack baskets. 250 crate, $3.00. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker ft Co., 449-462 Omaha National Bank building. Bid. Asked. Beatrice Cream pfd 100 105 Burgess-Nash 7 pet pfd. ....100 Cudahy Pkg. pfd. 103 Cudahy Pkg. Com 119 120 Gooch Food Prod, with bonua 99 100 Gt Western pfd. Sug... .. 116 Gt- Wee. Sug. Com . ; 400 Harding Cream Cora. 101 Harding Crm. Co. 7 pet. pfd.. 101 102 Journal-Stockman, So. Om. ..106 125 Llbbey, McNeil ft Llbby 30 30 Mountain States T. ft T. 1 pet .. 100 Nat Fur ft Tanning Co., Om.. .. 90 Lincoln T. ft T. com., 7 pet 94 ' 96 Om. Grain Membership 6,500 Sprague Tire ft Rub. Co. bonus 45 Sioux City Stock Yards pfd. ( per eent 90 15 M. E. Smith 7 pot pfd. 1132 102. Swift ft Co. Int. ,. 60 60 Un. Stock Yards, Om. 99 100 Swift ft Co 148 42 Un. Power ft Light 7 pet pfd 99 100 Pack. Nat. Bk. Stock 180 Con. Gaa ft Elec. 6s, 1927.... 77 Garner, la., Sch. 6s, 1924 4.78 pet Hold. Neb. Elec. Lt . 6s, . 1939-24 5.20 pet Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank 6s, 1923-34 100 101 Ok la. Oas 7s, 1920...., 97 97 Om. Ath. Club 6s, 1920 .... M 100 Om. Water 4s. 1941...... .. 4,46 pet Studs. Cor. 7s. 1924 98 99 Swift ft Co. 6s, Aug. 1921 ....100 101 Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, May 22. Potatoes Steady; ar rivals, 68 cars: old. sacked northern white. carlo's. 92.162.26; red, $2.25; new, Fior ina spauiaing Kose, No. 1, lobbing, $9.26 10.10; No. 2, $7.25 8.00. ,S Jiffi and Mat g ! in Full Pag ef Color in Tha Sunday Boo. ill 'J?K " GRAIN MARKET Omaha, May 22. 1919. Reclpts of corn and oats were each only 23 cars, wheat 8 cars, rye none and bar ley 8 cars. Corn sold slowly at prices ranging from 1 to 2 cents lower. Oats were unchanged to cent off, the bulk of No. t white going a half cent lower. Rye was about 8 cents lower and barley several centa decline. Wheat market was dull, with prices about steady. Corn No. 2 white: 2 cars, $1.74. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.71. No. I white: 1 car, $1.70. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.69; 1 car, $1.47; 1 car, $1.66. No. 2 yellow: t cars. $1.74. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, $1.74; No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.70. No. t mixed: 1 ear, $1.68. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.62 (38 per cent damaged); 1 car, $1.51 (heating). Oats Standard: 8 cars, 68 o. No. I white: 1 car, 6c; 7 cars, 68c. No. 4 white: I cars, 48c. Rye No. 3: 2-5 ear, $1.40; No. I: t-l oar. $1.16. ' Wheat No. 2 hard: 1 ear, $3.57. Sam ple hard: 31 cars, $1.60. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts. Week Year Today ago ago 3 16 6 23 80 24 23 17 12 0 11 0 3 6 I Shipments 9 15 I .. 60 35 10 26 26 16 8 0 9 1 Wheat Corn . Oata . . Rye .. Barley Wheat Corn . , Oats . . Rye . . , Barley RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 12 29 17 Kansas City 21 22 17 St. Louis 54 17 18 Minneapolis 17 .. .. Duluth 1 Winnipeg PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Year ago. Wheat 389,000 239,000 Corn 261,000 567,000 Oats 424,000 474,000 Shipments Wheat 1,345,000 52,000 Corn 804,000 644,000 Oats 601,000 826,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Week Year Today. ago. ago, Wheat 728.000 445.000 46.000 corn 24, out) Oats 327,000 70,000 Omaha Grain Notes. John Inglls crop report says: "The season la now two weeks late for corn through the surplus corn states, much that Is seeded may have to be re-planted, unless weather conditions change soon. A cold, wet seedbed Is a handicap for the entire season, as It lacks strength for the stalk." Weekly Iowa Weather and Crop report says : ' Corn planting Is 76 to 80 per cent done in the northeast counties, where many farmers have finished: early corn is up, germination good and rowa showing. For the state as a whole 60 to 60 per cent of the planting is done. In the lower Des Moines valley probably not more than 40 per cent is planted and much plowing re mains to be aone. Winter wheat has been Improved by the dry weather, the complaints of rankness, lodging and yellowaess having diminished materially. Considerable heading is re ported In the southern counties. Other small grains are in good condition." Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the several grades Inspected "in" here during the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 2 hard, 1; No. 3 hard, 1; No. 1 spring. 1; total, 3. Corn No. 2 white, 2; No. 6 white, 1; No. 2 yellow, 3; No. t yellow, 2; No. 2 mixed, 1; total, 9. Oats No. 2 whits, 1; standard, 6; No. 3 whits, 15; No. 4 white, 1; total, 23. Rye None. Barley No. 2, I; total, 3. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, May 22. Authoritative opinions that the 1919 corn crop is now two weeks late did a good deal today to offset bear ish factors In the corn market Prices closed unsettled, c net lower to o ad vance. with July at $1.6544 to $1.65 and September at $1.68 to $1.58. Oats finished unchanged to c higher and pro visions unchanged to 40c down. Corn traders who were friendly to the selling side discovered that buying orders came into play whenever values made a decided dip. In thla connection bulls laid chief stress on a statement from a leading crop expert that much corn, -especially In 'the big surplus-producing states, might have to be replanted, un less weather conditions, which been too cold and wet, were changed without fur ther delay. Scantiness of receipts here and at other large centera tended also to make the market harden, and No. 2 yellow for Immediate delivery commanded the highest price yet this season. On the other hand, hog quotations were sharply lower, and there were reports that a cargo of Argentine corn coming west by special train would cost 20c under May contracts In Chicago delivered. Gossip that foreigners were buying fu tures helped to give comparative strength to oats. Provisions fell with hogs. Open. J High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. Corn i . May 1.78 1.71 1.77 1.79 1.78 July 1.65 1.66 1.63 1.66 1.66 Sept. 1.58 1.59 1.57 1.68 1.58 Oats May' .69 .71 .69 .70 .69 July ! .68 .69 .68 .68 .68 Sept. .64 .65 .64 .64 .64 Pork May 53.90 63.10 July 41.75 60.00 41.71 49.85 50.26 Lard May 83.10 34.00 33.75 33.90 11.91 July 31.22 . 31.10 11.00 31.11 81.50 Ribs ' - May 21.20 29.20 38.95 28.95 29.00 July 27.50 27.56 27.35 27.40 27.70 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, May 22. Flour Unchanged. Barley 11.081.19. Rye No. 2, $1.49 1.41. Brand $39.00. , Com $1.69 1.70. . v ; Oats 6567c. Flax $4.194.21. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. May 22. Corn Julv. I1.6IU: September, $1.59. Oats July, esc; September, 65c. New York General. New York. May 23. Wheat Soot, firm: No. 2 red, $2.60; elevator export. Corn Spot, firm: No. 2 yellow. $1.97 and No. 2 white, $1.19 oost and freight New York. oats Bpot eteaay; standard, ue. Hons Firm: state medium to choice. 1118. 36 44c: 1917. 2226c: Pacific coaat. 1918, 4147e; 1917. 27j40c. Lard Easy; middle west, 334.40 84.60. Chicago Prod nee. ) Chicago. 111., May 22. Butter lower: creamery, 62 68c. . Eggs Lower; receipts, 21.781 cases; firsts, 4344c; ordinary firsts, 41 42c: at mark, cases Included, 4243c: storsge packed firsts, 4646c; extras, 46 46c. Poultry Alive, uncnanagea. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City. Mo.. May 22. Butter Un changed. Eggs First, 8lc. Poultry Hens, o higher; other grades unchanged. . New York Cotton. New York. May 22. Cotton Futures closed steady: May, 30.60c; July, 30.07c; October, 28.94c: December. 28.45c; Janu ary, 28.80c Spot, steady; middling, 11.65c. f NOW-lY IN FOR IT ITt BEEN RAJN1N' AN VE DIDN'T KNOW the Day FINANCIAL New York. May 22. For the first time in several weeks trading on the Stock ex change today was marked by an absence or excitement and violent fluctuations. Dealings were comparatively moderate. falling considerably under the heavy dally totals 01 last ween. The bond market participated to an un usual extent in the day's less spectacular operations, various domeatlo issues, not ably low-priced speculative rails and sev eral of the foreign flotations, denoting a comment inquiry. In financial quarters tha one week ex tension of time granted to tha German peace delegation was the subject of gen eral discussion, but that development evl dently exerted little influence as a market factor. ....... STiinplngs wars again an uncertain auan tlty, mature consideration of the details of the proposed Mercantile Marine deal causing a divergence of opinion and re sulting in variable reactions toward tha end of the session. Steels, especially the independent divl slon, were active and strong at aaina of 1 to t points, their advance being accelerated oy reports that the government contem plated large orders for rails and other equipment. Oils were the mainstay of the early and intermediate periods, rising 2 to almost 4 points, and motors were responsive to better trade conditions, though easing later on heaviness on allied specialties. uun b, ruDDer issues. Metals and utilities made 'pronounced headway, the former being featured by National Lead and United States Smelt ing, and the latter by express shares, American, Adams and Wells-Fargo going 6 to 14 points, but rails, tobaccos and leathers were Irreular. Sales amounted to 1,236,000 shares. Liberty Issues augmented the general strength of the bond market, with local tractions. Total sales, par value, eagre. gated $14,600,000. Old Unltel States bonds were uncnangea on call. Sales. High. Low. L. Sale. Amer. Keet sugar 1,200 81 80T4 81 American Can.... 4,200 56 64 64 Amer. C. ft Fdfy. 2,500 103 102 102 Am. H. & L.. Pfd. 5.000 12214 120U 1!DU Amer. Locomotivel9,300 82 80 80 Am. 8. ft Ref... 4,000 79 77 78 Amer. Sugar Ref. 3,600 131 130 131 Amer. Sum. Tob. 1,900 106 106 106 Amer. T. ft T 2,400 106 106 106 Airier, t,,, u. oc a. 700 17 16 17 Anaconda Cop... 7.800 68 66V fi714 A., O. ft W. I. S. S. 2.600 167 163 163 XJWUWjn JjOCO. . . .dB.VUU LVi'M lUUfe 1UU B. ft 0 2,500 64 63 63 Beth, Steel "B". 13,300 77 76 76 California Pet.... 3,800 32 81 32 Canadian Pacific. 400 165 166 165 Central Leather. .10,300 92 91 91 Chesapeake ft O. 1,800 6 66 66 C, M. ft St. P... 8,800 46 44 45 Chicago & N.. 1.300 101 100 100 3,800 29 29 29 2,800 38 37 38 1,300 47 45 46 5,400 62 61 63 4.700 76 721 74 C, R. I. ft P. Chlno Copper. . . Colo. F. ft I... Corn Products... Crucible Steel. Cuba Cane Sugar 1,800 34 38 34 uisimers sec. u. s,uu 77 7bT 76 Erie 18 General Electric . 1,600 165 163 165 General Motors.. 9,200 118 188 185 Great North., pfd 600 88 97 97 G. N. Ore Ctfs.. 6,100 47 46 46 Illinois Central 103 Inspiration Copper 3,600 (5 64 64 Int. Mer. M., pfd. 26,400 135 123 123 Inter. Nickel 4,900 26 26 26 Inter. Paper.. 20,600 64 62 53 K. C. Southern.. 900 23 23 23 Kennecott Copper 2,600 36 34 34 Louisville ft N. 121 Mexlcall Pet 9,700 183 180 180 Miami Copper..., 700 27 27 27 Mldvale Steel 6,500 48 47 47 Missouri Pacific.. 6.700 32 32 32 Nevada Copper... 300 17 17 17 New York Cen... 2,000 81 80 81 N. Y., N. H. ft H. 2,000 32 32 32 Norfolk ft West.. 1,300 110 109 109 Northern Pacific. 1,600 97 96 96 Pacific Mail 37 Paaclflc T. ft T 27 Pan-Amer. Pet... 26,900 16 94 94 Pennsylvania 47 P. ft W. Va.. 37 Pittsburg Coal 67 Ray Con. Copper 1,800 21 21 21 Reading 7.400 ' 88 87 87 Rep. Iron ft S... 4,200 86 85 86 Shattuck A. C. 200 14 14 14 Sinclair O. ft R. 71,000 67 66 66 Southern Pacific. 10,700 109 108 108 Southern Ry 6,000 81 31 31 Studebaker Corp. 15,300 84 82 82 Texas Co 4.100 278 275 276 Tobacco Products 4,400 89 88 81 Union Pacific 6,800 135 134 134 United Cigar S. . .13,500 13Z 129 i;nn U. 8. Ind. A 6,900 167 164 164 U. S. Steel 95,300 103 102 102 do pfd 300 115 116 116 Utah Copper 2,400 78 77 77 Western Union 89 Westlnghouse E. .38,600 57 65 57 Willys-Overland .15,400 34 33 34 Atchison 2,600 96 16 16 New York Band list. U. S. 2s, r. ... 91GeGn. Elec. 6s. 99 U. S. 2s, c. ... 99G. Nor. 1st 4s 86 U S. 3s, r. ... 89 111. Cen. ref. 4s 81 tt' CO... IS Tnt M M .10444 U. S. 'Lib. 3s. 99.60K.' C. 8. ref. 6s 87 U. S. 4s, r. ...IBS Li. . un. 4s . so rr s 4. c. ... 10614 M. K. T. 1st 4s. 67 Am. F. Sec. 6s. 99Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 42 A T. ft T. ct. 6s 62 Mont. Pow. 5s. 93 Ang.-Fr. 5s ... 17 N. Y C. deb. 6s 99 Ar. ft Co. 4s.. 87No. Pac. 4s ... 83 Atch. gen. 4a .. 82No. Psc. Ss ... 59 B. ft O. cv. 4s 780. S. L. ref. 4s. 87 Petli. St. ref. 5s 89 Pac. T. ft T. 6s 92 Cen. Leath. 6s . 96Ps, con. 4s .. 94 Cen. Pac. 1st .. 80Pa. gen. 4s .. 87 C ft O. cv. 6s . 90 Read. gen. 4s .. 83 C. B., Q. it 4s. !58t. L. ft S. F. C. M. ft St. P.. adj. 6s 69 cv 4s 71 So. Pac. cv. 5s. .108 C, R. I. & P- So. Ry. 6s 95 ref. 4s 74T. ft P. 1st 11 C. ft S. ref. 4s 79Un. Pan. 4s 86 D. R. G. ref. '5s 63 U. S. Rub. 6s ... 89 Dom. of Can. 6s . U. S. St. 6 100 (1931) i7waoasn 1st ... sou Erie gen. 4s ... 56 New York Honey. New York. May 22. Mercantile Paper- unchanged; sterling -60-day bills, $4.60; commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.69; commercial 60-day bills, $4.69; demand. $4.62; cables, 14.63; rrancs, aemana, $6.72; cables. $1.70. Guilders uemana, ivmc: , cauic, nine. Lire Demand, $8.67; cables, $8.63. Silver Bar. 11.06; Mexican dollars un changed. . ... Time Loans Strong; 60 -days. 10-days, and six-months, 66 percent. Call money firm; higher, 6; low. 5; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 5; offered at t; last loan, 6. Liberty Bonds. New York. Mav 23. Final prices on Liberty bonds today were: 3s, $99.52; first 4s, $96.60; second 4s. $94.80; first 4s, $95.90; second 4s,' $95.04; third 4s, $95.90; fourth 4s, $95.22. New York, May , 22. Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3s, 99.60; first 4s. 15.62: aecond 4a. 94.80: first 4s. 46.62: aecond 4s, 16.08; third 4s. 15.16; fourth 4s, 95.1. London Money. London. Mav 22 Bar stiver. 52 per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. New York Metals. New York. Mar 22. Conner and iron unchanged. Lead easy; spot and June, J5.00&5.40. Spelter steady; East St. Louis, spot, $6.$7j6.36; June, $6.206.45. At London spot: copper, 7 17s sa; electrolytic, 482 10s: tin, 23$ 5s; spelter, 36 6s; lead unchanged. New York Prodaoe. New York. Mar. r 22. Butter Steady; unchanged. Eggs V. eak: fresh-gathered extras. 491t&50c, fresh gathered northern section firsts. 47 047c: do, southern, 4647c. Cheese Stoi &i ; unchanged Drawn for The Bm by McManiu Copyright IIIB International New Service. AN THERC ?HOW? AN' YOU TOLO HER D i v q r ce Cour ts Decrees of divorce were granted by Judge Troup in divorce court to Mary Barber from Clarence with restoration of her maiden name, Rennie; to Gertrude Stratton from Robert with restoration of her maiden name, Nagle; to Georgia Mascott from George, with restora tion of her maiden name, Risch, and to Jessie Smith from Sandy Smith. Concettu Lapuzza was granted a divorce from Lillie Lapuzza by Judge Troup sitting in divorce court He charged that she struck him, at tacked him with a butcher knife, threw a parlor lamp at him and in other ways abused him. The court gave their household goods to Mrs. Lapuzza. . Though Charles Frankenberger filed suit for a divorce from Laura Frankenberger, Judge Troup, sitting in divorce court, gave the divorce to Mrs. Frankenberger, finding that he had no cause of action against her. The iudee also ordered him to pay her $1,400 alimony at the rate of $40 a month. They were married in Nebraska City in 1893. Tillie Goodman asks the district court for a divorce from Fred Good man, whom she charges with beat ing her and applying to her epithets of a scandalous nature. She says they have property worth about $3,000. She asks custody of their two children and alimony for their support. New Attractions for Opening of Manawa Park The entrance at Manawa Park has been altered, new buildings for new swings placed under the trees, new swings placed upder the trees, the park enlarged and other im provements made for the opening Sunday. Florists have been busy all week putting in the flower beds tor which Manawa rark is noted. The roads to Manawa have been improved, and are now a delight to automobiles, while the parking space lias been enlarged and im proved. Sentenced to Jail On Third Appearance In Police Court For the third time in three days, Arthur Delmatre, farmer, near Al bert Lea, Minn., appeared yesterday mornine before the police judge to answer a charge of vagrancy. When the city prosecutor declared he was tired writing complaints against Delmatre," the police judge sen tenced the farmer to 10 days in jail. Following his previous arrests, Delmatre was told to leave Omaha, but failed to do so. Schreve Arrested on Charge Filed Five Years Ago After evadintr the oolice for five years, Eugene Schreve, 4723 H street, was arrested Thursday after noon by Sergeant Sheahan and Sheriff Hartzler of Indianapolis. Schreve is charged with accepting $14,000 as deposits when employed as a banker in Indianapolis, at the time his bank was insolvent. When arrested. Schreve was a bookkeeper for a commission firm in the stock yards. Sheriff Hartzler took Schreve to Indianapolis, where Mrs. Ballard Unconscious From Stroke of Paralysis Mrs. Mary Ballard, 6622 South Twenty-third street, was found Wednesday unconscious from a third stroke of paralysis, She was taken by Officer Armstrong to the South Side hospital. Ella Hubenson. Conde, S. D., daughter of Mrs. Bal lard, was telegraphed to come here as her mother is in a critical condi tion. ; South Side Brevities Mrs. W. J. Burdlck is spending the week in Perry, la. Mrs. Samuel McDowell ts spending a tew weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John L. Roberts, in Dlx. Neb. SOUTH OMAHA. For sale, 6 -room house; full basement. 5025 South 4 2d. Call S. S416. Adah ohapter, Eaatern Star, will initiate a large class Saturday afternoon at $ o'clock. This will be followed by a 6 o'clock dinner. The past mstrons will exemplify the work In the evening. Dinner reservations may be made now. Stock Market to Close. New York, May 22. It was an nounced today that the New York Stock exchange would be closed Sat urday, May 31, the day following Memorial day. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts of both prairie hay and alfalfa good, while tha demand Is quiet, causing the market to become weak and lower on both alfalfa and prairie hay. Straw is also lower on account of the poor demand. Upland Prairie No. 1, $25638; No. S, $28680: No. 3, $14018. Midland Prairie No. 1, $34038; No. , $28 30. Lowland Prairie No. 1, $24 0 28; No. I. $1S20; No. 3. $13416. Timothy No. 1. $38035; standard, $30O 32; No. 2, $28030. Alfalfa No. 1, $30 0 34: standard, (260 28; No. 2. $23024; No. 3, $1601. Oat Straw $14915. Wheat Straw 811 13. V Cotton Futures. New York, May 2!. Cotton futures opened firm: May, 30.60c; July, 23.50c; Oc tober, 27.16c; December, 27.61c: January, 27.20c, , .. South Side SNYDER HELD TO DISTRICT COURT WITHOUT BOND Inquest Brings Out Fact That Car Was Going at High Speed When it Killed Kostal Child. joe nyaer, in urexei street, was held without bond to district, court, as a result of the inquest held -Thursday to inquire into the cause of the death of Albert Kostal, 3-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Kostal. Fiftieth and P streets. ' Snyder, 18 years old, was the driver of the truck that killed Albert and seriously injured Mrs. Kostal, Wednesday at 6 o'clock at the intersection of Fiftieth and P streets. The truck was owned by the Milden grocery. Witnesses testified that Snyder was going about 20 miles an hour previous to the accident, but that he slowed up immediately before the woman and child ran before the car. Snyder said that his car would have gone between the mother and child if the woman had not in her fright, ran before the truck. 'ri 1I i . ! -. . f. xucy an agrccu uiai mc car, after swerving to miss the child, hit the rails and stopped about 200 feet beyond. - . Many jviiiai ruiibuuna iui McCullochs, Who Leave Soon There have been manv social af fairs in honor of Mrs. Hugh Mc Cujloch, who leaves the city Sun day for Bushnell. Neb., where she ' and Mr. McCulloch will make their home. Mrs. Bruce McCulloch and Mrs. C. M. Schindel entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. McCulloch. Twenty eight guests were present The afternoon was given to auction ; bridge. , . . Mrs. George McCormick enter-. tained informally in honor of Mrs. McCulloch Tuesday night at her home on Fort Crook, boulevard. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. . Bruce McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. C M. Schindel and Mr. and Mrs. Cromsby Schindel Many New Books Placed on Shelves of Library Two popular books of the year have been added to the South Side public library, "Four Horsem'en of the Apocalypse," by Ibanez, and "The Education of Harry Adams, an Autobiography," by Henry Brooks Adams. Among the other books of the week are "Florence Nightingale,"' by Richards; "Hope in Suffering1," Klein; "Political Conditions -of . Allied Success," Angell; "Model Aeroplanes," Cavanaugh; "Amateur Mechanics," Collins; "High Adven ture," Norman Hall; "Essentials of Agriculture," Waters; ' "Ameri canism and Social Democracy," John Spargo; "Crooked Trails and Straight," Raine; "Red One," Jack, London; "Birth," Zona Gale. High School Students Appear in Vaudeville A , joint vaudeville performance will be staged at the South High school auditorium tonight by four groups of the Social settlement. Two sketches will be given by the girls' reserve, the juniors presenting. "A World of Girls," and the seniors a little "Camp Fire , Scene." The Boy Scouts will give a first aid dem onstration, and the "Bluebirds" will dance. The South . Side High orchestra will furnish the music in place of the university orchestra. The proceeds of the vaudeville ; will be given to the dub and classes fund of the Social Settlement High Ideals in Order Ao Get Into Service mafla branch, National Federa tion of Federal Employes, yestertlaj heard an address by Dr. J. F. John son of the bureau of animal indus try on "Good Citizenship and De mocracy." J. F. Murphy of the de-( pot quartermaster department also spoke. , . , . The officers and the speakers rec ommended a form of-practical exam ination tor membership, which if adopted by the Civil Service com mission, will permit only those im bued with the highest ideals of de mocracy in government service, ac cording to the reoort of Thomas B. Kea. Liberty Bonds Don't sell if you can avoid it Buy for investment if 'possible. Wa buy mnd sail at New Ysrk sjne tations. - At tarasant prices Liberty Bonds yield as high aa 4.8S par cent with practical certainty of beinf worth sev eral per cent over 100 when businsaa la readjusted. BONO DEPARTMENT First Trust Conpiny of luihi First National Bank BuUdhtc srciryjrvjER PACKING PANY OUlTflV BUTTGlT EGGS njVAt MJaoM " " 1116-1118 "Doudlas" TqI -Douglas I S2t COM