1 i ' 4. . THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: " MAY 1 18, 19lO 5--A " KANSAS CITY MEN TO APPEAR HERE IN LIQUOR CASE Men: Were . Indicted With Omahans for Alleged Con spiracy to Vjolate the - ( Amendment.' ' Three Kansas City men will be brought to Omaha for trial in fed eral court on charges of conspiring to violate the Reed amendment by transporting liquor from Missouri ito Nebraska. ; Remqval orders from Kansas City to Nebraska against them were is sued at Kansas City yesterday by Harry L. Arnold, United States commissioner. The men are: Oscar and Nathan Rieger, liquor dealers at Kansas City, and Charles A. Mc Fadden, a transfer driver of the same city. Indicted Last Week. They were indicted by the federal grand jury in .session last week in the same conspiracy case in which Howard Goulding, Leroy Pegau and Earl Buck, Omahans, were indicted. Two other Omaha men, Aaron Loewy, alias Harris, and Sam Zieg- nian. were a!so indicted in the same case. '. . 4 , . It is alleged that Loewy and Zieg man bought whisky from the Kicgcr Brothers in Kansas City and transported it to Omaha in large quantities. McFadden, it is charged, hauled, the liquor to the train for transportation to Omaha- 1 The Rieger brothers are sons of Alexander Rieger, president of the Merchants bank, and wholesale liquor dealer at 1529 Genesee street, Kansas City. Bonds guaranteeing the appearance of the men at Oma ha were fixed by Commissioner Arnold at $5,000 each. Thcv were furnished by Alexander Rieger. the father. Fegau, Buck and Golding of Oma ha, have also given bonds for their appearance at the trial of the case. Novel Divorce Plea Mansfield, O. For originality of divorce pleas Jennie Davis gets the medal in the Richland county court of domestic relations.' After reciting that she has to work to pay the rent and charging her husband, Will, of being a poor provider, she alleges that she is entitled to divorce be cause she has to pay her own street carfare to and from her work. Tax on Artificial Dog .Wheeling, W. Va. Squire A. A. Minder has decided that the law in Wheeling does not discriminate be tween natural and artificial dogs, and James Selers, a music "dealer, was ordered to purchase a tag and place it on the neck of an artificial dog that he has standing in his window Methodists to Begin Big Financial Drive Today '(Bjr International New Service.) New York, May 17. With their goal 140,000,000 for human better ment, the greatest amount any de nomination ever attempted to raise in the history of the world,. Metho dist Episcopal churches throughout the United States will begin tomor row a spectacular one-week inten sive financial drive. They are trying to achieve the financial objects of their Missionary Centenary by employing all the methods, of a Liberty Loan cam paignnewspaper advertising and publicity, bill boards, special, pam phlets, dinners and the rivalry be tween localities and individual churches, each striving to show an oversubscription. 1 ' The counjxy has been diyided and subdivided into areas, conferences, districts and sub-districts and the individual churches are also organ ized into several units. To each di vision, down to the individual churches, a definite quota has been assigned. That the drive is bound to be a signal success is the deduction drawn by leaders at Centenary headquarters here from a flood of letters and telegrams showing about two thousand churches al ready have exceeded their allotment and are pushing on for 100 per cenf oversubscription. Teams of workers carefully or ganized and drilled by C. S. Ward, campaign manager for many v re cent war,- fund ' activities,' will pre sent the Centenary message to ev ery member of the church next week. In each city the teams .will meet together once a day for lunch eon or dinner,, exchange reports and get inspiration from speeches and music. The movement is foundedon the belief that the world today is at one of the crucial points of its his tory, and that the war has awakened mankind, but left it confused and likely to follow false prophets, and that a remarkable opportunity for the play of either good or evil forces is' open in every land, in this crisis the leaders' of the movement' declare Christianity should take a strong stand and make unusual efforts to supply the guidance. But the work to be undertaken with the Centenary fund will be largely of a most practical charac ter. Among the multitude of enter prises decided upon are the adop tion of twelve French towns on (the Chateau-Thierry battlefield for re construction, a series of recreation centers like the Y. M. C. A. huts but of a more permanent nature, in war-torn France and Italy, hospitals for the cannibal tribes in Africa and Mohammedans of Malaysia, a large agricultural station to teach Ameri can methods of farming in southern Italy and an even larger institution of the same character in Chile; com munity churches in many American cities and an intensification of all the activities to improve the tone of American lite, so as to .make the United States the "model Christian nation. Ah interesting feature of the drive is the attempt to enlist one million Methodists as tithers, or persons who . promise to give one-tenth of their income to help their fellow men. So far, well over 125,000 men, women and young folks have signed this pledge and the gold cards nave poured into the . Centenary offices here so fast that the tabulation is tar behind. - Fifty-three thousand young men and women are being recruited from colleges and schools. This ar my corps will be especially trained to serve in the enterprises of the church as enlarged by the Centen ary. On the intelligence and per sonality of the leaders developed, ac cording to th heads of the Centen ary, will depend the success of the movement as much as ., on the amount of money raised. Name Whole Tpwn for Marines Is Opinion Of Young Devil Dog Brest, France,' May 17. He was a United States marine, Just arrived in France as a relief for one of the men who had been discharged upon condition of relief. He did not know French, and he wasn't aware of the fact that everything in a seacoast town like Brest is named after the sea, which, of course, is "demarine." Therefore, when he walked along - . With Electric Starter and Lights, and on Pneumatic Tires This Reb "Speed Wagon" was the Forerunner of its Type IN 1915 WHEN this Reo "Speed Wagon" was first introduced, those features electric starter, electric lights and pneumatic tires constituted a liability. TODAY, THEY ARE its greatest asset. THEN, REO DEALERS said that the one "sales re- sistance" was the reluctance of buyers to "experi ; ment with pneumatics on a truck." NOW, THOSE SAME dealers say that it is mainly because of these features that this Reo enjoys such a tremendous popularity and demand. THEN, THERE WERE only a few Reo "Speed Wagons" in hands of a few daring owners. NOW, MORE THAN 20,000 in hands of the most conservative and critical class of customers. THEN, THERE WAS a fear of "punctures and blow outs." NO W, THOSE bugbears are forgotten in the light of the great proven efficiency and economy of this Reo. THEN, THE AVERAGE buyer considered an elec tric starter a non-essential and electric lights superfluous. NOW, HE WOULD as soon buy a "street starting" automobile with kerosene lamps, as a motor truck of that obsolete type. THEN, ONLY THE REO engineers appreciated the superiority the greater efficiency, speed, economy and lower upkeep of a truck mounted on pneu matics. NOW, RIVAL ENGINEERS are copying this Reo as closely as they can. THEN,ONLY DRIVERS knew the saving of time and fuel and motor wear effected by the electric starter. k NOW, THE OWNER knows even better through' his cost accountant. . ' NOR NEED WE NOW show how the working day is lengthened and the radius increased by the electric lighting system for that, too, is patent. AGAIN, IS REO "conservative progressiveness' justified. AGAIN, IS THE LEADERSHIP of Reo shown and by imitation, that sincerest form of flattery is the leadership of Reo design and the soundness of Reo engineering proven. Jones-Opper Co. 2558-60 Farnam St., Omaha. Distributor Eastern and Northern Nebraska and Western Iowa. (150-80) i DlBll I II I III I THEN, EVEN the tire makers were skeptical of this l Reo innovation. , pneumatics for trucks not only of this type, but up to five tons and oven ; A. H. Jones Co. Hastings, Nebraska. 1. ' tin ' - " I - . Distributors for Southern and Western i Nebraska. , I I ' 1 Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Michigan I $1350 V . .- in w . u. jr.:Mr . 1 1 aBggagg . ', . . 'V: . .... ....... ...... . . V. the streets reading , the signs his eyes began to open wider and wider. Here was the Brasserie de la Ma rine, here the Patisserie de la Ma rine, the Cafe de la Marine and everything else that possibly could carry the affix "de la Marine." Long the "Devil Dog" looked. 4 Then he scratched his head. , "Gosh I" he murmured. "I alawys knew the marines, were good, but I neyer had any idea they'd make such a hit as this. By golly, they've named the whole darned town after 'em!". Delegates Arrive. , TarisMay 17. The American del- egation representing Irish societies in the United States reached Paris from England last evening. So far as can be .. learned the delega--tion has no definite appointment to I see Premier Lloyd George. ' m m n n m m m m m Bowen's Value-Giving Furniture Store v y v m v n 'ti m rrr Bowen Furniture adds a quiet elegance to the home and makes living worth while. Home com forts to a great degree depend upon comfortable Furniture,, whether it be for in-door or out-door use. You will find comfortable Furniture of charm in great displays throughout the Bowen store. Even though Bowen prices are very'moderate "and you were in a position to pay considerable more than this store asks, we doubt very much if you would be able to find Furni ture that would give you )he general satisfaction and such a liberal measure of Quality as that you see displayed on the many floors of the Greater Bowen Value-iGiving Store. Living Room Furniture There is no end to the pleasure and comfort of a well arranged and properly furnished Living Room. The Bowen Store is showing many distinctive Suites in Mahogany, Walnut, Fume'd and Golden Oak that will add charm and comfort to the home, and they are all of the Bowen Value-Giving Quality, spelling satisfaction in every way to you. . Mahogany Parlor Suites three-piece, gemaino leather upholstering, spring construction, hand somely finished', at. $38.50, Golden Oak Parlor Suite, three-piece, genuine leather upholstering, at $47.50 Brown Mahogany Sofa, cane back and ends, blue, brown and mulberry upholsterng, at.... $92.50 Chairs and Rockers to match, each. $42.50 Mahogany Settee, velour upholstering, cane back, hand finshed, at .V .$60.00- Mahogany Rockers, cane back, velour upholstering, at $49.50 Queen Ann Sofa Tables in Mahogany $30.00 Mahogany Overstuffed Tapestry Wing Rockers, at ... . . ..... .$22.50 Mahogany Overstuffed Wing Chairs,'- guaranteed ; upholstering, at $27.50 Fumed Oak Tapestry Rockers, spring construction, .' at $14.00 Mahogany Windsor Chairs .$7.60 , Mahogany Chairs apd Rockers, silk' Damask up holstering, each '. . $13.50 Mahogany Davenport, Bowen guaranteed uphol stering, only $49.50 umed Oak Bed Davenports, Bowen Guaranteed , ,' upholstering, at .... . . . . . . . i . .... . . . , $35.00 ' Duofolds, all finishes; these practical pieces of ' Living Room Furniture add an extfa bed room to your home and are ideal for the small apartment : Priced at, I. . $37.50, $42.50, $45, $47.50 and up Solid Mahogany Large Chairs and Rockers, Will iam and Mary design,- tapestry upholstering; each, at . . , ......... ... . , . . . . , . . .$32.50 Mahogany and Oak Library Tables . ' $12.50, $14.00, $18.00 and Up. ' - Mahogany Rockers with high backs and wood seats, ' only ..J. ....... j. $4.60.' Golden Oak Rockers, well made and finished, only, $3.00, $4.75, $5.50, $6.50, $8.00 and Up. 41 Dining Room Furniture Values ' A charming and well selected showing of Dining Room Fur niture of the Bowen Value-Giving Quality is offered at prices that will be endorsed by you after seeing these beautifully finished Suites in Mahogany, Walnut, Fumed and Golden Oak. ,. Jacobean 6-foot extension tables, 48-inch tops, William and Mary de sign; these will beautify any home $29.75 Walnut Tables, Queen Anne design $39.50 Walnut Tables, Queen Anne design oblong, 6x54 inches, only ..$48.50 Golden and Fumed Oak Extension Tables, 48-inch tops $18.50 Golden and Fumed Oak Extension Tables, 42-inch tops $12.50 Golden and Fumed Oak Dining Chairs $1.85 Mahogany Buffets, Colonial design $,20.00 Fumed Oak Buffets, 62-inch top, large and roomy $&9.50 Golden Oak Buffets, 44-inch top ..,$18,75 Mahogany and Fumed Oak Tea Carts At Bowen Prices Are Wonderjul Values You will readily realize the practicability of a Tea Cart after you have orie in your home for a week. They not alone save you innumerable steps but they facilitate the service as well. Tea Carts in Mahogany and Fumed Oak, at $9. $11. and $12.50 Select Your Bed Room ' Furniture where Value-Giving Prices Predominate BOW EN'S From the hundreds of many dainty Bed Room Su ites now being shown at Bowen's In Mahogany, Wal nut, Ivory, Fumed and Golden Oak you can readily choose one that will fill your wants in every par ticular, and at a price you want to pay. Mahogany Bed, full size, beautiful in design and finish, at v $27.50 Fumed Oak Beds.. $13.00 Dressing Table, 3 mirrors, at $22.50 Walnut Dressing Table, 3 mirrors, at.... $32.50 Brass and Metal Beds, $5.75, $7.50, $9.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Mahogany Dresser, straight lines $35.00 Mahogany Chiffonier to match ....$32.50 Chiffonier in -Mahogany, William and Mary de- sign i.i. $29.60 Dresser in Fumed Dak .$21.60 Chiffonier in Fumed Oak ,..-.. $15.00 Dresser in Golden Oak i .... . $12.60 Chiffonier in Golden Oak. ............... $8.60 William and Mary Design Dresser, in Mahogany, at . $39.60 Table and Floor Lamps V'J Increase the pleasure of your home by adding a fl oor lamp or table lamp. Their soft mellow light sheds a warmth and sunshine throughout the home, and we feel positive in saying we have the particular lamp you want. Floor and Table Lamps, at $6.75, $8.50, $9.75, $12.50, $19.50, $24.50 and up. Reed Floor Lamp, Cretonne lined shade with Chenille fringe, at .$19.00 Isn't TMsuPrettyMtU Spot?, and it it so easy to have such a place in your own home.. First the rug, for that is the foundation.. Pick it out carefully. We'll help you with suggestions. It must be rich looking yet practical It must be bright yet in keeping with the room. It must be durable yet economical. Why not a genuine Waite wire grass rug? ' ' ,'. " . , wt carry a fuw "j Waite Grass Rugs in aU sites and color combina tions. They are American-made, Jrw tough $ s genuine voire grdssthat is twisted and woven into beautiful designs. The designs are all in excellent , , taste. . I We ate showing them in all sixes on the second floor. Make it a point to see these Rugs when down town. Values in Reed Fur niture at Bowen's Select for your Sim Parlor and Porch several pieces of Bowen Guaranteed Value-Giving Reed " Fur niture cool, comfort able and always to be en joyed. Then, too, theyv give an added touch of summery appearance to the home. Reed Rockers', Ivory fin-, ish, cretonne upholster-' ing $1150 Reed Settees, Ivory fin ish, cretonne upholster-. . ing ....... ....$29.50w Reed Rockers and Chairs" to match; at ... . $25.50 Reed Table, round, wax Oak top .... .. .$15.00 Reed Bird Cages, sus-, pended on standard, fin ished m Ivory, complete, for $14.50 Buy One or All of These Articles When You1 Are Downtown Shopping Substantial, well made Brooms 35c and 45c Acme 5-minute Ice Cream Freezers . .65c Enamel Hand Collanders ,24c Enamel Sink Strainers 24c i Fumed Oak Foot Stools 65c Curtain Stretchers, at t 95c Aluminum Double Boilers ..... ,L ........ $1.25 Aluminum Tea Kettles X . . .h . $2.50 Aluminum Roasters, at . .1 . t ......$2.95 Mahogany Sewifig Cabinets . . . . . .V. . . . .$3.95 The Metropolitan Van & Storage Co. employ only men experienced in the handling of Furniture on their Vans and Trucks. Phone Tyler 3400 tand let them move you. I listssllilt fjtntol Furniture Store . 1 A.VS turmrure- ; Carpets-Draperies V-y BUY - BOWEN'S C Buy a Bowen Ce dar Chest instead of placing your" Furs and heavy Clothing in stor age. Sfade of genuine Southern ' i Cedar and are to be had in both ' Slain and brass ound box fo . signs. '4 t. f v.; I ,A '.I 1 i