Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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"Editor of Mediator Says Ac
cusation of Blackmail Will Be
;5 'Adjudicated When Ringer
' : " : Explains About Gambling.
Edwin L. Huntley, editor, of the
'pJ Mediator, a weekly newspaper;
!v" -k against whom charge was filed to
police court yesterday charging' him
V - with attempted blackmail, last night
I t gave out a statement through his
; ' " attorney, Frank R. Keegan, in which
1 1 ' he declared he would return to
L , Omaha as soch as possible to face
- 'the charge.
, . Huntley was in Kansas City when
"the complaint was , filei, which
chanted him with attemptiKtf to col
lilect $100 from James Patterson, pro
. prietor of the Patterson Carnival
' eompanv, on the plea that if Patter
J aon paid the money Huntley would
'.. not publish a story exposing the fact
that gambling games were being
' ooerated in connection with the
show at Twenty-first and Paul
. -The statement reads:
Trying to Slip Buck.
"I have livfd in Omaha for 30
:. years and I do not think it is nec
essary for me to defend myself
against Jim Patterson, who ran a
.collection of gambling games in
Omaha for three days this last week,
1 binder the protection of half a dozen
police officers in uniform. I think
ihe people of Omaha can readily
'understand how Mr. Ringer is try-
,ing to hide behind his ownsins by
varying to slip the buck to me. " (
-i ilf am glad this thing came up,
,nd as quick as I can get back to
Omaha I will report promptly to the
' authorities. If I neve; get anything
else out of this, the advertising is
Certainly worth the money. When
Ir, Ringer, explains to the public
wfiy he permitted, these gamblers to
i.'ruti three days in Omaha and com
'mi, murder on the Ak-Sar-Ben, my
Vase ,will have been' adjudicated.
. .fSo far as Patterson is concerned,
1 m not .interested in him. I solic
ited some of his business and did
.- Jnot get it. He wanted me to sign
itatement that I -would not write
-Jiim up, and I refused to do so. He
fwCuld have gotten the same "write
vtip had he spent some money with
itiniT naner for an, advertisement. Mr.
' Patterson's system of making money
AWm made plain for three days until
ftht newspapers put an end to it.
otion to Dismiss
J iBreWers' Injunction
1 t Denied by U.S. Court
4 I r-'
? New York, May 17. United
.States Judge Augustus N. Hand to
CiJay denied motions made on behalf
TJpf' the government asking for dis
' fiitssal of the injunction suit brought
by the Jacob Hoffman Brewing
' nitany for -the purpose of re
straining federal officials from per
'orming their duties in enforcing
he prohibition- laws of the United
'States. .
The Hoffmann suit is designed to
prevent the government from inter
fering with the manufacture of beer
"containing not more than 2.75 per
cent by weight of alcohol, and chal
lenges the constitutionality of the
wartime prohibition law. The ac
tion is the first of a series of such
units brought by brewing concerns
in this district.
District Attorney Caffey argued
-that the Hoffmann " complaint did
not state sufficient facts to constitute
ia cause of action, that the United
States cannot be sued without its
'.consent, and that the complainant
company had no right to ask the
federal court to enjoin officials from
i. performing their duty of enforcing
Maws of the United States.
s" ..'Miss Edith F. Tannebaum, daugh
ter of Joseph - Tannebaum, and
c William C. Heinzman, a naval offi
cer, were married by Rev. Charles
V. Savidge at his residence, Saturr
J day, at 4 o'clock. They were ac
i companied bv Vivian R. Kessler,
i Mrs. F. Odorisio and Sam Mc-
-V Bee Want Ads pay big profits to
t the 'people who read them."
Mother With Four Children :
Wants Husband to Return
I A TV's v rl "
Mrs. Richard A. Turner, 3206
South Twenty-third street, has
asked The Bee to help her locate
her husband, who left home four
months ago and has not been heard
from. i "M
Four children, the oldest 11 years,
want their "daddy" to come back.
Mrs. Turner stated that her hus
band went away in January in a
new Ford automobile. She says
their home relations were agrebte.
Since January she has taken in
washing to keep the home together,
hoping that Turner would return as
unexpectedly as he went away. She
whispered one particular reason why
her husband should be home soon.
' The Associated Charities has
helped the family, and , now the
Board of Public Welfare is co-operating
in an effort to locate the
husband. '
"Their little home is as neat as
can be,'; said Mrs. Kate Kennedy of
the welfare offices. "I do hope that
this little mother will find her hus
band. She . has struggled along
since January without complaining,
but now she feels that Turner should
be located."
Path j Over i Which Returned
Heroes Will March to Be
Strewn With flowers; Date
Announced Later.
Flowers will be strewn in the path
of Omaha's heroes as th?y pass un
der a triumphal arch," when they are
officially welcomed home on a date
notyet determined, according to ten-
Itative plans made last night by a
auictlllK ui mucus in uic tuuucu
chamber of the city hall. Fourth of
July was rejected as the date for
the celebration, since it was the
opinion that the soldiers deserved a
day for themselves on which all
stores and shops will be closed.
Mayor Smith, who presided, will
appoint a committee of 10 to make
definite arrangements for the cele
bration. It will likely be held be
fore the middle of September, and
late enough in the summer so that
the majority of the soldiers will
have returned. . '-
Plans for Fourth.
A committee in charge of the In
dependence day celebration at Fon
tenelle park stated that it would go
ahead with its plans and give the
boys a treat on the Fourth.
Robert Cowell, Randall Brown, J.
D. Weaver, Captain Adams, Rev. J.
Albert Williams and Rabbi Cohn
were among1 the speakers. r' Rabbi
Cohn told of the big celebration he
witnessed last month in Cincinnati,
O., and suggested the arch and the
flowers. A suggestion was also
made to give the boys a good "feed"
the Auditorium. Xhis probably
will be rejected in favor of a parade
of the veterans. "She day selected
will be made a city holiday.
Several Units of Organization
Slated for Return Home
Soon by Order of Gen
- eral Pershing.
Washington, May 17. The Flighty-eighth
division (North Dakota,
Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois) has
been assigned to early cxmvoy, the
War department was nofffied today
by General Pershing. The follow
ing additional units also have been
assigned for early return: Evacua
tion ambulance company 7; compan
ies 1 and 3 of the second regiment
air service; motor transport repair
units 301, 302 and 303. ,
T. P. A. to Have Indoor
Picnic and May Party
Members of Omaha post. Travel
ers' Protective association, announce
that they will hold an indoor picnic,
May party an dwelcome home cele
bration in the pavilion at Hanscon
park, on Saturday night, May 24.
The featureof the occasion will be
to entertain" returned service men of
the post. An orchestra will be pro
vided for dancing and a program, of
songs and other entertainment will
be offered.
Peters Trust Co. Appointed
Co. Trustee of Large Estate
The Peters Trust company has
been appainted as co-trustee with
the Chicago Title and Trust compa
ny of a large estate o.fon? of its latel
clients who died recently in Illinois.
The local trust company will han
die 60 per cent of the estate.
-OIL-,- ,
'Twas "OIL" ran the hip across the sea
That carred our boys to Victory. i
The Crude made the Gas sending planes to the sky
Showing the Hun that we stood aceahigh.
Without this oil, there was not a chance
For the monstrous tank and the ambulance. I
And now that Peace will reign supreme
Don't wait for the "Ship" of your golden dream,
But act, as a man who uses his head,
His mind, his eye he is not dead,
But owns an interest in a Company
That supplied the fuel for Liberty.
See Ad Page 12-C this issue.
710 Oil Exchange Bldg.,
' -' Oklahoma City, Okla.
I would like to have more information about the United Oil A Refining
Company. Please explain payment plan for purchasing stock.
Name v
- r
1 :
We Paj The War Tax
On . all Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Toilet Water,
Tooth Paste and all articles in the drug line coming
within the' scope of the new revenue law.
Thirty-Day Free Trial 6n y
$5.00 - Auto- Strop Raz or
Come in, select your Razor and try it for 30 days at!
our expense. No deposit required. If at the end of 30
days you are not entirely satisfied, return the razor.
The Merritt Drug Store
No. 1 Security Bldg., 16th and Farnam.
No. 2 Harley Hotel, 20th and Farnam.
BroadSAssortments, Guaranteed Quality, Saving Cash Prices in Our May Sales
White Voiles and Organdies
..', ; The showing , of these dainty materials at
Hayden's is wonderfully complete, embracing
the special constructions of both American and
.foreign manufacturers.V : ,
Voiles in the popular widths, 39 to 45 inches,
at, yard 35? to $2.25
Particular attention to our special
quality voile, at, yard.
Organdy, in the sheerest and transparent tcx-
tur'e, 36 to 45 inches wide, yd 35 to $2.25
Our special quality, 39 inches wide, in the
' full' transparent effect, beau- &k A A
tiful grade of organdy, yd. . . . . 'X Ull
India Linon, extra fine thread, superior qual
ity, at, yd 25
Middy cloth, 36 inches wide, strong, medium
weight twills, yard x. .35
Wamsutta Lingerie cloth, !(9 inches wide, extra
sheer, yard .30t
White mercerized Poplin, 27 inches wide; special-quality,
yard.... . 35
Crossbar Mull, for gowns and underwear. 36
-.1 ' a . t?i . 1 ' i ' i - . , j
iucnes wiae, wnne or pinx, yara. . .
Lace Curtains, Yard Goods
,( Our showing and sale of this special line
of fine' Voile Curtains,' bought at a great price
concession- from the' manufaqturers ofj finest
grades of voile novelty curtains in. America, has
made possible savings to our patrons that have
been greatly appreciated.
Sale continues until entire lot is sold.
Marquisette Curtains, In ecru,
ivory and white, hemstitched
'and dainty lace edged trim,
all 2V4 yards to pa
long. Cash Prle. . . J).3U
Marquisette Curtains, in ecru,
ivory and white, hemstitched
trim. All 2 yards
long. Cash Price,
Blue Bird and Verdure pattern
' Marquisette, 36-in. ride, for
bedroom curtains or a p
side drapery, at E)C
Hemstitched Voile, white and
ivory, also "tape edge, cross
bar and hemstitched Mar
quisette in ecru and q
white, 45c grade, yd. . . C
New Colored Wash Fabrics
Novelties, and staple materials, fea
turing theVnewest t colorings, designs
and weaves."' '
Plain Color Voile in every new hade."' This,
quality is considered the 'highest grade ' of
American Voile construction. 36 inches
' wide. Our Cash Price, yard. . . . . .' . . . .',89
Plain Color Organdie, 45 inches wide, imported
quality, the newest shades, full. transparent quali
ty and authentic colors and styles. Yard. .S1.25
Novelty, printed and woven color Voiles, the
selection can be made here from a splendid varie
ty. Our Cash Price, yard ... ', .......... . ... . 75
Romper cloth, the best material for children's
wear, stripes and plain colors. 32-in. fabric, ! sun
ders perfectly. Our Cash Price, yard...... 39
Pongee in stripes and checks, a wonderfully
good material for shirtings and pajamas, hite
grounds, stripes, etc., in best colorings. 32-inch
material. Cash Price, yard .....35d
English Prints, 36-in. material of percalo con
, struction colored grounds, with small figures.
Copied from the old style foreign staple, specially
adapted for house dresses. Per yard:..,,29
Some Important Offerings jnThis May Sale of Fashionable Apparel
Beautiful NewDresses, $35
f i vju w v -v
m ywi m fan
, ym raw ar
A bevy "of channing new models in- Georgettes, Taffetas,
Foulards, Crepe de Chines and fine quality serges. All
the choice new colorings and dainty trimmings in har-
111 IT . f '
mony witn tne wnoie. seldom are you
given the opportunity to select from
such assortments and values, at Cash Price
mugs 111 wxi-
Exqujsite Distinctiveness in Dress
Marks our exceptionally attractive display of
' ' '
New Dresses for Club Openings
You'll find the styles most charming and the prices
surprisingly low considering quality.
$49, $59, $69, $79, $89,98
A Splendid Showing of Extra Size Dresses
Suits, Coats, Waists and Skirts. Large Women will find selecting from our big stocks a real ' '
ExtraSpecialsinReady to Wear Section A Remarkable Suit Special
Vomer's stripe 'gingham under
skirts, worth $1.00. Monday,
Our .Cash Price 694
Women's Heatherbloom petti
coats, with taffeta flounces. A
$2.50 value. Monday.. 81.50
Girls' Middies, sizes 6 to 14.
Worth $1.50. Monday at 95
Blue Chambray house dresses,
$2.50 value. Monday $1.29
Bungalow aprons, large and
roomy. Worth $1.50. Mon
day, at 95
Women's wash waists, io dozen ) B5 Handsome Suits that sold to $39 : broken
all Blood Wnrtk SI Crt Mnn. I '
all sizes. Worth $1.50. Mon
day, at 91.00
Girls' check raincoats, with caps
and school bag. .Sizes 6 to 14.
Worth $5.00. Monday, $2.95
Little tots glngbam dresses, 3
to 6. Monday, at.... $1.45
lots from our r-ecnlftr Ktnclr. Our Knemnl
j-o - - : r. A
WUW.. A ..UU ....................... ,..
The materials are serges, poplins, check suitings and
taffetas, in desirable colorings and a good range of sizes.
You'll Appreciate These Splenldid
May Sale Values in
$2.50 All silk Pongee, 33-in.. . .
Tan, Gray, Navy, Rose, Plum,
Emerald, Jack-Rose, White
$3.00 New pattern 1919 printed Georgette, 40-inch. .
$2.25 All Silk Voiles, 40-inch
$1.75 Georgette Crepe, 40-inch
$1.75 Crepe de Chine, 40-inch
$2.00 All Silk Natural Pongee.....
$1.75 All Silk Natural Pongee
$1.50 All Silk Natural Pongee
$2.00 Colored Taffetas, 36-inch
$2.00" Colored Messalines, 36-inch
$2.50 Fancy Plaids and Stripes
$2.00 Fancy Plaids and Stripes
White Silk
$4.00 Crepe Jersey, 40-inch $3.50
$4.25 Pussy Willow Satin, 40-inch $3.75
$3.50 Khaki Kool, 36-inch $2.50
$4.00 Bar Harbor Satin, 40-inch ...$2.98
$3.25 Heavy Wash Satin., 16-inch $2.75
$2.50 Wash Satin, white, pink, peach, flesh, orchid $1.98
tub Silk
$2.25 Silk Broadcloth $1.69
$3.00 Crepe Sands Gene t $2.45
$2.00 Tub Silk.. $1.39
Real Laces
At Less Than
Half Usual Retail
Irish Crochet, Duchess and Trln
cess lace, with insertion to
match, 2 to 5 inches wide.
Worth up to $6.00 yard. Spe
cial Cash Price Mon- d nn
day, at, yd $1.70
Irish Crochet and Princess Edg.
Ing and Insertion, in narrow
widths,' worth up to $1.50. Spe- ,
cial Cash Price, yd 50
Duchess and Irish Crochet Me
dalllons, worth up to $2.00.
Special Monday, at 75
Irish Crochet Collars and Cuffs,
in many new styles. Worth
up to $12.00. Special Cash
Price Monday, $5.00
Princess and Irish Crochet Col
lare, worth up to $4, special
Cash Price Monday, $1.00
Spanish Lace Scarfs, in white
only. Regular value $12.00.
Special, Monday $7.50
Real Prluccss Wedding Yell, full
size. Regular $25.00 value.
Special, Monday ,. . . .$15.J0
No Let-Up to the Opportunities
Offered Thrifty Buyers in
Our Big
May Sale of
Here are some close-outs and
odd lots y6u cannot afford to
miss choose early.
$32.50 Metal Duofolds and pads,
Our Cash Price $17.75
$10.00 Mahog. Knitting Stands,
Our Cash Price ....$ 4.75
$10.00 Metal .Wash (Stands, Our
Cash Price $ 5.75
$10.00 Ivory Costumer $ 5.75
$25.00 Ivory Chiffonier, with
mirror. Cash Price. $17.50
$17.50 vory Chiffonier, without
mirror. Cash Price $12.50
$27.50 Ivory Dresser. .$19-75
$32.00 Princess Dressers. Our
:; Cash Price . . .-. $25.00
$35:00 Mahog. Chiffoniers. ' Our
Cash Price $27.50
$15.00 2-inch continuous post
Vernls Martin Be'ds .$11.50
$ 7.50 Golden ' Oak Reading
Stands. Cash Price $ 4.75
$47.50 Mahogany Chair in black
leather, at ....$31.75
$ 7.00 Springs, at $ 4.00
$13.00 Birdseye Maple Somnoes
at S 7.50
$10.00 Oak Somnoea ..$ 6.75
$12.50 Floor Samples of library
silk Table' Lamps '..$ 8.95
$125.00 Davenport and chair to
match $85.00
$80.00 Mahogany China Cabinet,
Our Cash Price ....$59.00
$75.00 Solid Mahogany Napoleon
Bed. . Cash Price . . .$47.50
$150.00" Solid Mahogany .Twin
Bed. Cash Price. . ' .$90.00
Omaha's Greatest Grocery Market
Cash Buying &t a Big Gash Saving
4S-lb. lack Beit Hlgh-Grad Pur
Wheat Flour, per lack $3.15
It lbs. Best Pur Can Granulated
Sugar ...(So
I- lb." ack Pure Buckwheat Flour. tie
t Iba. Best Whit ' or Yellow Corn
meal ;5o
The Beet Bulk Rolled Oatmeal, pt
lb. Be
(Why pajr 10c lb. for pkg. oat?)'
The Bet Pcir.eetic Uacaroni, Spa
ghetti or Egg Noodle. tkg..7fee
Fancy Japan Rice, per lb Ho
Corn Flakes, pkg.' 7a
Lux Washing Compound, pit,... lie
10 bar Laundry Soap. .....38c
Tall can Pink Salmon Mo
Tall cans -Fancy Ked Salmon. .. .SSo
Tall can Fresh Mackerel. ....... Me
Large Jar Put Fruit Prer.3Je
Large bottle Pur Tomato Catsup.SSc
H-os. can Pet er-Carnation Mllk.lSe
K-os. can Wilson Milk........... 14c
II- os. can Elkhorn Milk ..He
Gallon can California Apple.... 6Se
Yeaat Foam, pkg
dried mirr ajd nut specials
3-Crown Musratf! Retains, lb.;..15o
Beedlesa Muscatel Raletna, lb 11 ',4c
Choice California Prune, lb 10c
Choice Mulr Peaches, lb .....25c
Fancy Bartlett Pears, lb... 30c
California Apricots, lb 30c
Cleaned Currant, lb 30c
California Evaporated Apples, per
Pound 22 te
New Brazil Nuts, per. lb 25c
Now Filberts, per lh..i 25c
New Almonds, per lb 35c
No. 1 English Walnuts, lb 48c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb 15c
Shelled Pop Corn, lb.... 12'fec
Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee,
per lb j 34c
Diamond H Special Blend, lb.... 35c
Mocha and Java Blend, T nothing
finer, per lb , 40c
Choice Sun Dried Japan Tea. lh..48c
Choice English Breakfast or Basket
Fired Japan Tea, per lb 4sc
Fresh Spinach, per peck 15c
IS lb. No. 1 Cooking Potatoei...4c
Fresh Rhubarb, 3 for , loc
3 hunche Home Grown Onion.. fic
Fresh Asparagus, por bunch fic
Freeh Cabbage, per lb .7Vtc
Fresh leaf Lettuce, head 6c
Fancy Head Lettuce, head. .I'ie-lCc
4 bunchea Fresh Radishes Sc
4 qoart Red Onion ISet 2Sc
White Mountain Refrigerators Lead
& ft). I .
it r it VP
i.iwv nowrwi.
I Lawn mowers 14-in. up to lS-ln.
with three, four and five
blades, up from 80. OO
100-lb. cap., Cash Price 825.00
125-Ib. cap.. Cash Price 830.00
BO-lb. cap., Cash Price 817.50
T5-lb. cap., Cash Price 26.00
3 -In. moulded garden hose. 60-
ft. length, with coupling's.
Our Cash Pric 87.50
-in., 7-ply moulded garden
hose, BO-ft. length, with coup
lings. Our Cash Price 810.00
',-in., u-ply (rarden hose, 40-l't
length, with couplings. Our
- Cash Price 86.95
A-l garden hand wheel plow.
Our Cash Price ......84.25
A-l garden spading fork. Our
Cash Price 81.00
tts'.nd cultivator. Our Cash
Price 98
Dandelion rake. Our Special
Cash Price 98c
li-ft ladder with iron brace
; under each steap 82.00
C-ft unbraced stepladder. Our
Cash Price 81.65
vix-gaL garbage can, with lock
cover, vasu rnce....i.oo
Hardwood step stools. Our
' Cash Price 00
Cix-lb. electric iron, complete,
with six-ft cord. Our Cash
Price $3.25
Rapid vacuum washers, with
wood handle. Cash Price 65i
Two-hole gas plate. Our Cah 'I
Price 83.25 !
Hardwood frame clothes wring- !
ers, warranted for 3 years. Our I;
Cash Price ...84.50
1 .
Wall Paper
Special This Week
Note the Special Bargains
in Wall Paper for this week
in our large Daylight Dept.
30-in. blends, tapestries and
grass cloths, p?r roll 34
Engraved varnished tiles for
your bathrooms and kitch
ens, at per roll 18
30-in. Oatmeal paper, shown
with beautiful cut out bor
ders, at, per roll
A wonderful line of bedroom
.papers', dainty patterns
with borders to match, at
per roll 10?
A fine assortment of Svall
papers in two lots, at, per
roll jTMjc- and 1.5?
A pretty border for each
Interior varnish, gal. $2.48
Ave can furnish first-class
paper hangers.
E23 11
"If It Has Merit Meritt Has It."
m . ; : ! ) ; , ,
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