Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1919, Image 1
n I B R I EF RIGHT REEZY BITS OF NEWS WILSON CABLES MESSAGE TO CONGRESS. Paris, May 16. President Wil- son's message to be read at the ap proaching session of congress will make approximately 3,000 words. It is being sent forward to Washing- . ton tonight. . The message deals entirely with domestic questions. Some space in it is devoted to woman suffrage. OKLAHOMANS PREFER lOIL AND RICHES TO ART. New York, May 16. The crop of oil millionaires is crnwino- an fast m Oklahoma and other western states that the people have no time for art or refinement, except the s brand of refinement that goes with f , oil, according to Prof. Oscar B. " Jacobson of the University of Okla- noma, who addressed the tenth an .( mial convention of the American Federation of Art here today. Such things as art, literature and t music, he said, were ignored be- cause the people were so engrossed v in getting rich overnight by the ;discpvery of gushers The professor also had griev ances against the newspapers of Oklahoma. He said they would not publish stories about art and com plained that the life and works of Rodin, the great French sculptor, received only two lines when the master died. ' The federation decided to take art . barnstorming" through the cities, towns ana waste places ot the coun try to teach at least its funda mentals to the populace. GERMAN MARK NOW WORTH ONLY EIGHT CENTS. New Yorjc, Mav 16. DeorecTa tion of the German mark makes it possible to convert one American j dollar into more than three times as many marks as before the war, it was pointe out today in an an nouncement by, the American relief administration, subsequent to a re ceipt of a message from Director General Hoover, stating that a rate of 12.64 German marks per dollar has been fixed with the German ' .finance commission, for transferring jnoney to individuals in Germany for jenei purposes. ... "At the rate fixed, the mark is worth approximately 8 cents, which .'compares with the nominal par rate of 23 cents per mark,"' says the statement. "Thus the payee in Ger many can make the American dollar go much further when converted into German marks than if the American dollar was used here for the purchase of food at retail to transport abroad." THE STARS AND STRIPES , TO SUSPEND ON JUNE 13. r Paris.'May 16. The Stars and , Stripes, the official newspaper of ,;the American expeditionary forces, " will suspend publication June 13, it was announced today. This in dicates the rapid evacuation of the : American army; , v.. . ,-' . GENERAL PERSHING K VISITS GRAND DUCHESS. - Luxemburg, May " 16. General Pershing.and several members of his staff were received today by Grand Duchess Charlotte. The general ' was accompanied by several mem bers of his staff. '. Washington, May 16. General Pershing, according to plans an nounced , today, will leave Paris May 22, on his trip to London, where he will be the guest of the ' British government and will review American and British troops. The American commander-in-.' chief will cross the channel on a British destroyer and will go from Folkstone to London on a special train. -The general and his party will re turn bv way of Brussels, where a big celebration will be held May 29. General Pershing will then go by automobile to the large American battle cemeteries at Beaumont and Romagne to attend services on Memorial day. . , AVIATORS MAKE 457 LOOPS IN ONE FLIGHT. - Washington, May 16. Making 457 consecutive loops during a flight y lasting one hour and 54 minutes, Lieutenants Ralph J. Johnson and .' Mark R. Woodward set a . world's record today at Carlstrom field, Ar - cadia, Fla. A Lapere two-seated fighting plane was used. "MITED" FOR WEARING RUBBER IN SUSPENDERS. Columbus, O., May 16. Seven bishops and preachers, of the Amish Mennonite church of Holmes county were enjoined from further "meiden tng." "miting" or boycotting Eli J. Ginerich, a former member of the church, in a decision handed down today by Judge E. B. Kinkead, of the Franklin county courts. The suit arose out of the refusal of Ginerich to countenance the rules of the Amish church requiring "mit ing." 'a form of boycott,, because of his insistence on wearing rubber in his suspenders, which is against the church rules, and because of his .withdrawal from the church. .. As a result of his action, the seven , bishops and preachers issued a .','mittng', order against him and con sequently he was unable toobtain help on his farm, cider mills refused . to accept his - apples, his daughter was unable to be married in his home, his brother was ."mited" for refusing to "mite" him and J came practically an outcast, testi ; jnpny showed. " NOW IS FAVORABLE TIME TO BUY SHIP. ' Washington,1 May 16. More lib eral terms in the sale of wooden ships were offered by the shipping board today as an inducement to export houses and small transporta tion companies to own vessels un der the United States -flag. ' Sales also will be made' to for eign interests, which may desire to purchase bottoms, t ? . ' , Buyers may pay tash for ships, in which case a lower price will be allowed, or may pay 50 "per cent on delivery, the remainder in quarter annual payments over two years, or 25 per cent on delivery, and the re mainder in quarter annual payments frrtr thrti jear, - ... V a . ' - " VOL. 48 NO. 286. APPEAL ON BEHALF OF HUNS GOES TO POPE Cardinal Hartmann Requests Pontiff to Intervene and Save Germany From "Utter Ruin."" Cologne, May 16.-(Havas.) Cardinal Hartmann, archbishop of Cologne, has requested Pope Bene diet to intervene in the situation be tween the allied powers and Ger many in order to protect Germany trom the complete breakdown which menaces her. In his appeal the cardinal asserted that the peace conditions would mean the utter ruin of Germany and be a cruel violation of the rights of 70,000,000 inhabitants of the country. Government United. Berlin, May 16. (By the Asso ciated Press.) As a result of veiled insinuations ' in the Pan-German newspapers that the Ebert-Scheide- mann government intends to sign the allied peace terms, notwithstand ing their severe provisions, semi official announcement was made to day that these insinuations strike a false note and that the government is fully united in its intentions to carry out 'its recently stated policy of declining to sign the compact. Reports that lack of unity exists in the cabinet also are denied. The announcement declares that there is complete unity between the Versailles plenipotentiaries and Ber lin, and that the government knows itself to be one with the overwhelm ing majority of the people. Berlin Cabinet Discussing Counter Peace Proposals ! Berlin. May 16. fBv the Assoi ciated Press.) Replying to a depu tation from the regions threatened by the peace treaty, Philipp Scheide mann, the chancellor, said today that the cabinet was discussing counter peace terms, based without restric tion on President Wilsons orin- ciples. I hey must bring us the negotia tions we need and to which we have a right in accordance with President Wilson's note of November 8, 1918," the chancellor declared. "That is the new Germany's right, upon which the government will insist to the last." Deny Responsibility. The note which Count von Brock- dorff-Rantzau handed to Premier Clemenceau dealing with the ques tion of reparation andresponsibility for the war declared that Germany had obligated itself to give compen sation based on Secretary of State Lansing's note of November 5, inde pendently of the question of respon sibility for the war. The German delegation, the note set forth, could not recognize that from any responsibility of the for mer German government for the or igin of the war there could be de duced on the part of-the allied and associated powers the right to claim indemnification for losses suffered through the war. The note declared further that the peace terms provided no proof of Germany's responsibility for the Protest Annexation; Another note dealing with terri torial questions declared that the portion-of the treaty dealing with territorial annexations was not in accordance with President Wilson's 14 points. ' , The note suggested negotiations with the entente with a view of ef fecting an alternative agreement to meet Prances just claims by the de livery of tfoal from both the Sarre and the Ruhr regions. - Demonstrations Condemned. Condemnation of demonstrations before the reichstag and in Unter Den Linden Tuesday against the al lies, the United States and President Wilson is voiced by several news papers, especially the Tageblatt Agriculture Agents to Assist in Bringing Jobs and Men Together Washington. May 16. A cam paign intended to assist in securing employment for discharged, soldiers and sailors was started today by the Department of Agriculture. Twenty-four thousand agents ot the department in every community of the 'country were instructed . by Secretary Houston to exert-all ef forts to bring together jobs and dis charged men. The agents were told to ascertain how many men were needed in their respective communi ties, - qualifications necessary and rates of pay. It. was announced at the War. de partment that various field forces of other departments soon would en- gage in, ; similar campaigjyfc- , :i FOR BEST HOME FEATURES READ THE BEE'S WOMAN'S SECTION AND CHILDREN'S CORNER. The Omaha daily Bee Eaten ss mf-ltm ttor May tt. ISO. t OmaJia' P. 0. ar Mt t4 March S. 1179. JV Demand Turks Leave Europe Believed Soon to Be Made By Forces of Allies By the Associated Press. That the allies are preparing for the eventful day when the Turks are to be reckoned with in a peace treaty is indicated by the fact that British, French, American, Italian and Greek warships, with landing t parties, have begun a great concentration at Smyrna, Asia minor. Allied troops also are being massed at Soloniki. The conecntration at Smyrna is connected with the mandate given to Greece by the peace conference to administer the affairs of the Turkish seaport, while the belief is expressed in Paris that the massing at Saloniki is .connected with the enforcement of the peace terms to be prsented to the Ottomans, which it is thought probable will include a demand that the Turks leave Europe. Negotiations with the Austrian peace delegation at St. Germain are expected to begin the middle of next week. The Austrians probably will present their creden tials at a meeting of the peace congress Tuesday, and it is reported unofficially that the following day may witness the handing of the peace terms to the delegation. The council of foreign ministers is continuing its labors on the details of the Austrian peace treaty, call ing for Austrian renunciation of righta to Dalmatia, Istria and Fiume. a DISCUSS PLANS FOR ORGANIZING NEW CONGRESS Longworth Demands Increase . in House Steering Commit tee; Opposition to Clark Crystalizing. Washington, May 16. Three con ferences to agree on plans for or gahization of the new congress will be held t6rnorrow. Democratic sen ators will meet at 11 o'clock, demo crats of the house plan to meet at noon, and republican representatives will confer tomorrow night on rati fication of the committee assign ments proposed by the committee on committees. Senator Martin of Virginia is slat ed for re-election as leader, and the conference will frame a list of of ficers ' for formal ' presentation against the republican conference slate Oooosition to the. choice of for mer Speaker Clark as the democratic nominee for. sneaker and party floor leader constitutes the chief point of interest in conference of house dem ocrats. The group opposing Mr. Clark held a conference tonight. Longworth Ready to Fight House republicans expect their principal contest tomorrow night to center about the demands of forces favoring an increase Of from five to nine in the membership of the party's steering committee. Leaders of the majority group tonight pre dicted that the - question would be ..I . '.I . Jff ,i f t. T semea wunour aiiricuuy, dui rep resentative Longworth of Ohio, a leader in the fight for the change, declared that he would insist on final action by the conference. The reoublican committee on com mittees, meeting today, approved its assignment of members to the stand ing committees of the house, as well as the selection of Representative Mondell of Wyoming, as floor leader and Representative Knutson of Min nesota, as whip. Despite this, some republicans suggested that a light might be made against Knutson. Lodge Is Ready. Republican Leader Lodge stated that he expected on Monday to an nounce members of the republican conference committee on committees which will make up republican as signments and deal with the pro gressives opposition to chairman ships for Senators Penrose of Penn sylvania and Warren of Wyoming. Vice President Marshall and Sena tor Lodge of Massachusetts held a short conference late today; It was understood the method of procedure when the senate convenes next Mon day was discussed. : Senator Predicts Session of Congress Will Continue, Year New York, May 16. Prediction that the coming session of congress would extend through all of this year and into the summer of 1920. was made tonight by Senator Wil-' liam M. Calder of New York at a dinner given bv the Reoublican club of New York. ' Senator , Calder did . not mention the peace treaty, but characterized as the important " problems to be solved at Washington and disposi tion of the merchant marine and the railroads, the creation of the national truard and a permanent military establishment, immigration restriction and the enactment of a tariff law "that will protect our QWfl industries ' - OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1919. LABOR UNIONS OF WINNIPEG STAND AS SINGLE UNIT Employers Refuse Recognition and Industry Is at Stand still While Deadlock Continues. Winnipeg, Han., May 16. Union telegraphers of Winnipeg voted this evening to join, the gen eral strike at noon, tomorrow. Press, broker and .commercial operators are all affected. This means that Winnipeg will be iso lated from the rest of the domin ion by telegraph, telephone and mail. Winnipeg, Man., May 16. Bitter deadlock between union labor in Winnipeg and leading industrial em ployers who refused to recognize the unions continued today, and al though it was known that the gen eral strike which began yesterday morning was receiving the attention of federal, provincial and local of ficials, there were no signs tonight of any approach toward a settle ment The postal tieup and the walkout of employes in several railroad de partments brought the situation to the floor of the house of commons at Ottawa today. A dispatch received from Ottawa by the Canadian Press said the following statement was made in the house this afternoon by A. K. MacLean, minister without portfolio. "The minister of labor has been closely in touch with the situation at Winnipeg during the past 10 days and he is being advised from mo ment to moment. He is ready at all times to do anything he can in the circumstances." Willing to Co-operate. This statement was construed here to mean that the government was willing to co-operate in any move ment to arbitrate the differences which caused the Winnipeg building and metal trades union members to strike and which was followed by the general ' walkout yesterday, which at present involves more than 60 unions and 30,000 members. Pre mier T. C Norris airo Mayor Charles Gray of Winnipeg, who tried to conciliate the opposing fac tions this week, failed to get the employers and the men together. Brig. Gen. H. D. B. Ketchen, commanding officer of Military Dis- rtrict No. 10, which embraces the dominion territory from Port Ar thur, Ontario, and west to the Sas katchewan border, announced to day that the Decoration parade set for Sunday has been postponed. He said that "all the troops in the city have been detailed for duty." Newspapers Suspend. Publishers of daily newspanert decided today to suspend publica tion temporarily. Editorial - staffs were kept on duty, however, and reports from every section of the city indicated that no serious dis turbances has taken place since the strike began." A few arguments to day received attention from the po lice, but no arrests are reported. Village in Sonora Raided by Band of Yaqui Indians Douglas, Ariz.. May 16. Yaqui Indians, numbering approximately 100.- attacked San Pedro de Suaqui. a Sonora village 15 leagues south of Moctezuma, capital of the Moctezu ma district, at daylight Monday morning. The inhabitants, after a battle of several wounded, according to word with a loss of seven killed, .three of the townsmen were killed and several woundd, according to word reaching Agua Prieta today , BAKER TO ADVOCATE TRAINING Educational-Military System for Youth of Nation to Be Recommended by Secre-i tary of War. Washington, May 16. Secretary Baker is expected soon to make a public announcement of a definite stand in favor of universal educa' tional military training, with a statement ot his reasons. It is assumed here that President Wilson has approved his plan. , The plan, understood to be favored by Secretary Baker, con templates the use of the military establishment as a medium for train the youth of the nation; first, along academic and vocational lines and, as an eatirely separate and subordinated feature, in rudimentary military Science. The secretary's suggested pro gram is said to be based initially on the benefits which will accure to the country from the higher average of intelligence and the improved standard of physical well being of the young men who would be taken annually into the training machine. Exchange "Guns for Books." The favorable results of the operation of the A. E. F., university system are Relieved to have largely brought Mr. Baker to his opinion. Not only have the thousands of soldiers in France shown great eagerness to avail themselves .of the opportunity of exchanging "guns for books," but the progress made under the specially - selected instructors and with the carefully . designed schedules has been so rapid as to surprise prominent educators con nected with the work. Moreover, the comparatively short time given to military routine- had proven ample to keep the individual soldier in trim for field service should emergency require. While the secretary's announce ment is expected to be entirely an exposition of his personal views, it is assumed here that his advocacy of a form of educational-military national training will mean the in clusion of some such plan as a basic part of the military policy to be laid before congress. Reorganization , Plans. No announcement has been made from the War department, but well informed circles here are confident the reorganized military establish ment will be planned under three principle basis: An enlarged regular army with strong reserves; an ex panded national guard; and a form of national training whereby the mil itary instruction will be entirely sub ordinated to the academic and vo cational. In the enlarged regular army, it is expected, will come a material ex pansion of the coast artillery corps. The expansion of the national guard, Secretary Baker has indicated, will be along the lines laid down in the Hay-Chamberlain bill, a skeleton or ganizatioa of 16 complete combatant divisions being provided. v Private Soldiers to Ask Congress for Remedial Legislation Washington, May 16. The private soldiers' legion will descend upon congress Monday with a mass of legislation they will ask to have put through. They will first ask a bonus of $500 for each and every private in any branch of the American service. On the basis of 4,000,000 this will require an appropriation of $2,000, 000,000. Second they want the government to set aside ground for each man that may want to make his living that way. The petition for $500 will bepre sented by Marvin Gates Sperry, na tional president "In time," he said, "we'll nave every private that served in the war enlisted in our -legion. In no shape or form is it affiliated with an officers' organization nor can an officer join. "The privates won the war. We are only fighting for justice for the privates after the war." Senator' McKellar of Tennessee is acting as chief counsel for the legion in the mileage case. Jury in Case of Bluffs Boy Remains Out During Night The jury in the case of William Swan. 19-year-old Council Bluffs youth on trail in district court for conspiracy to- steal automoDiies were unable to reach a decision, and remained out all night Swan is the first man to be tried under the new law passed by the last legis lature making it a felony to con spire to steal automobiles. The penalty on conviction is $10,000 fine or two years' imprisonment, or both. , UNIVERSAL Daily and San.. W.W; NtiMl Nat. paataw antra. By Mall (I yaar). Dally. $4.M: 'ay. S2.M: mm Quick'Peace Settlement Spells Business Success Predicts Theodore Burton Ex-Senator From Ohio Says Farmers Will Reap Biggest Benefit When Buying Power is Increased; Success ful Campaigns for .Five Liberty Loans Increases the Spirit of Optimism. Theodore E. Burton, former senator from Ohio, arrived in Omaha at 8 :30 o'clock last night. At noon today he will speak at a public affairs luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce on the proposed league of nations. In his rooms at the Fontenelle, the ex-senator, interna tionally known as one of the foremost financial experts, expressed his views on economic conditions to a Bee reporter. "The success of business and of economic conditions in this country is promising because of the excellent prospects for the largest crops ever known. I regret very much the friction between the president and certain members of the senate. This feeling is not confined solely to the senators politically opposed to the president. Embarrassing Feature. "An embarrassing feature of the present political situation is the probable action taken by the senate in the ratification of the peace treaty with Germany. The real test will be on the success or failure' of ef forts made to separate the league of nations covenant from the general terms of peace with the enemy," Mr. Burton said. "If the effort to separate the two spells success, then a chaotic condi tion will result; if failure, then the two-thirds vote will no doubt be ob tained for the ratification of the treaty. An assured prosperity in this country must wait for peace and the settlement of political questions now pending. There is every indi cation of the most prosperous sea sonthe country has ever seen as soonas the big international qu- tions are settled." ' . - Prices Barometer. Speaking of economic conditions, the ex-senator said: When the buvinar oower of this country is in creased, manufacturers will gain the benefit, though the hnmediate pros pect for them is not a? good as for the farmer. The recent increase in INVESTIGATION SHOWS OFFICER SHOT OMAHA MAN "Patsy" Gaughan Wounded by Iowa Official in Attempt to "Get" Him; Refuses to Talk. Further investigation of the shoot ing of Patrick "Patsy" Gaughan, son of 1c J. Gaughan, former police de tective, late Thursday afternoon near Newmarket, la., reveals that an Iowa state officer fired the prob ably fatal shot at close range into Gaughan's abdomen. Gaughan is at the point of death in St. Joseph's hospital. An un identified man who was with Gau ghan at the time took him to Vil lisca, la., where he was put on a train coming to Omaha. Result of Grudge. Gaughan's assailant escaped im mediately following the shooting. It was learned from a reliable source that the shooting was done during an attempt to "get" Gaughan. A lone man halted Gaughan and his partner, two and a half miles north east of Newmarket, by placing his car across the bridge. Gaughan, who was driving, saw the obstruction and stopped. His assailant stepped on the running board, yelled: "You'll never do it. again," and fired point blank at Gaughan. In addition to bemg shot, Gaughan Was beaten over the head with the butt of a gun. "I know who shot me, but I won't tell," he said. Rela tives displayed reticence in discuss ing the affair. Man Wanted for Child Abandonment Located After Lengthy Search Stephen Casey, former Omahan, wanted here for wife and child abandonment committed two years ago, was traced from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast thence to Chicago where he was finally arrested yester day. His wife and two children, 2 and 4 years old, live at 1818 Capitol avenue. . Mrs Casey heard no direct word from him since he left two years ago, when she. was confined in a hospital. Casey has not yet seen the younger child. Mrs. Casey supported the family by doing odd jobs, and swore out a warrant for his arrest when she learned he was in Chicago. Detec tives Haze and Murphy have been working on the case since Casey was located in San Francisco a year ago. Detective VMurphy left last night for Chicago to bring the man back, ' TWO CENTS. Ex-Senator Theodore Burton. volume of transaction on the stock exchange in New, York and, the rise in prices is very significant. Stock (Continued oh Pae Two, Colmua Viva.) AIRMEN FROM FT. OMAHA MAKE TRIP TO ST. LOUIS Pilot Stevens and Party Dodge Storm and . Pick Air Cur rents That Carry Them Where They Plan. St. Louis, May 16. (Specials After a night and a day flight frcm Omaha, a balloon from Omaha reached St. Louis tonight and landed nine miles from the city on the Belle Fontaine road. In the party that made the trip were A. Leo Stevens,- chief instruc tor in the 'department of military aeronautics at Fort Omaha; Capt. Charles E. McCullough, a native of Holden, Mo.; First Lt. Stephen L. Dpwd, Fort Omaha and Second Lt. Rupert L. Robertson, a Texan now stationed at Fort Omaha. The trip is considered remarkable by those who made it for the, reason that they started for St. Louis and reached their objective. Dodge Near Cyclone. The start from Omaha was made Thursday, night at 11:15 and the landing was made at 4:50 this after noon. The balloon had a, capacity of .35,000 cubic feet of gas and carried 900 pounds of ballast. It will be recalled that there was a near cyclone Thursday night, and dodging this and the static electri city kept the aeronauts busy. At times an altitude of 16,000 feet was necessary to get above the storm. Aftef daylight this morning the air tourists found they were passing Grant City, Mo., having, crossed from Iowa into ..Missouri at dawn. Easterly currents carried them to Winfield, where they crossed the Mississippi into Illinois and soon after crossed the Illinois river. Guided by Smoke. A brief view ot Illinois was all the aeronauts wanted, for they were bound for St, Louis, and after changing altitudes they found a cur rent that carried them south and passed over St. Louis. They were too high to recognize the city, but knew the location, Captain McCul lough says, by the smoke. Another . shift in altitude found them a northerly current, and they sailed back over the city and landed on the Belle Fontaine road between the city limits and Spanish lake. Smelter Siren Signifies Fire at Smelter Plant The siren whistle was blown about 10 o'clock last night when a small fire started at the American Smelting and Refining company plant. Every time the smelter siren is blown during the night it signifies a fire at the smelter, usually in the bag room, where it is easily extin guished when'helD arrives THE WEATHER Fair and warmer Saturday) Sun day partly cloudy, probably ettlad in wast portion. Hourly TcroparatavMi a. at. a. ra. 4T 1 p. m.. ........ M ,4ft .4 I p. an.. ...... ..oo S p. R. . . . . .ST 4 p. m. SI 5 p. m 41 1 p. m 4 1 p m 8 p. m. ...M 7 a. m 8 ft. m w m, m...... It ft. an....... .BO .54 11 ft. m IS m . . M SI Lfll U AVIATORS SPEEDING OVERSEA TO AZORES Three Naval Craft Start To gether From Trepassey and Make Good Progress . During Night. ' BULLETIN. Washington, May 17. The half way mark on the leg of the trans- atlantic flight from Trepassey Bay. XT V L xt- A 1 J n. f .. vw uic niuica was rcicacu early today by the American sea planes. At 3 o'clock this morn ing the Navy department . re ceived an intercepted - message from the seaplane NC-4 directed '" to the Cape Race station, saying the three planes had passed sta tion ship No. 11, approximately 650 miles from the starting point Washington, May 17. Cryptit radiograms from the seaplane divi sion on its way to Europe, picked out of the air by the naval radio station at Bar Harbor, Me., indi cated that the planes ' were in the vicinity of the destroyer Thacker, station No. 9, 500 miles from Tre passey Bay, soon after midnight The three machines left Trepassey a few minutes after 6 o'clock last 4.1.4 . a - A passing station ship No. 6, 300 miles out, a little more than four hours later. The next indication of their progress was the intercepted mes sages reported by Bar Harbor. The Bar Harbor - station set a new record in catching the signals of the planes at a distance of more than r 1,000 miles. The NC-l was calling the Thatcher in the massage the Maine station overheard. May Reach, Port at Midday. ' Navy officials assumed the Thatch er was still ahead of the group of airplanes, which had passed other destroyers in the long line closely bunched and all making in excess of the 60-mile rate they had ex pected to maintain. If no accident interferes, it was t said early this morning, there is every reason to expect the planes will have reached Ponta Delgada, Azores, around mid day today. The most difficult leg of the whole trip. from Rockaway Beach, L. I., to Plymouth, England, was more than on?-third covered when the signals from the NC-l were intercepted. The planes were making the only portion of the trip that will require them to fly in darkness. Apparently, they were keeping dead on their course down the long lane of de-' stroyers, which were dropping astern of them swiftly as they sped east ward on their epochal journey. Watch Radio Closely. ; With the three seaplanes-winging through the night on the most diffi cult leg of the attempt to fly across the Atlantic ocean, Navy department officials stood guard here tonight over' the radio instruments, anx iously awaiting reports of the planes' progress. The planes, barring accident, probably were in radio communica tion throughout the journey ' with the destroyers of the bridge of ships that point the wayacross the sea. By searchlight beams, red fire bombs hurled high in the air by anti-aircraft guns and by deck flares, as well a.s by radio waves, men on the destroyers tonight were 'giving every aid to their comrades in the air. 'Ttiff littta dplrnTrt all a Inn or ti , line were busy, playing,a vital part in the great experiment in trans oceanic communication, and had little time to send word home of what transpired. Reports showing (Continued on Pace Tm, Colama One.) Fugitive Suspects Captured After Long Chase in Mountains Pueblo, dolo., May 16. George T. and Thomas Bosko, brothers, were arrested today at Kenilworth, Utah, after eluding sheriff's officers , in a three-day chase in the mountains of northern Colorado. This informa tion was telegraphed to Sheriff Sam 1 nomas on his retunufrom the hills. The men are charged with the mur der ot Will T. Hunter and Elton Z. Parks, near here six weeks ago. . For three days Sheriff Thomas of Pueblo and Sheriff Weir of Colo rado Springs have been in pursuit of the two men, together with Under-sheriff Slagle. They followed them from 'one place to another, always about four hours behind their quarry. Today , Sheriff Thomas was told ' the men had boarded a Union Pacific train west, and local authorities along the road were notified. - ' Thomas Bosko is said to have been employed on Hunter's ranch, near Rye, and ' to have been dis charged following .a disagreement It is the police theory that Bosko killed Hunter out of revenge. Park was with Hunter in the lattotl automobile and both were IcUkS