Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE: OMAHA; FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1919.
Hi forces ef suture bw) mtr willing senraats :
only whaa v Were) la ehey theae, ' . ,,...
Oed Meaa
i est spare alas grief
Ma viali brief.
From the Arable.
My HEART and
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
; of a Wife
Wat Mr. Stockbridge'a Stumble An
4 . ; " Accident?
What method Kenneth Stock
bridge and Alice Holcombe used to
reduce Mrs. Stockbridge to order, I
had no means of guessing, but what
ever it was it proved effective, at
least for the time being.
'' The three walked away together
and disappeared into the dining
room. Mr. Stockbridge returned a
few minutes later with smiling face
but eyes that were strained, full of
uneasiness. Later (till Alice Hol
combe. and Mrs. Stockbridge came
back into the living room, together,
both chatting animatedly. I was
quite sure that Mrs. Stockbridge
had been crying, although the traces
of tears were not visible. They
paused before the chair where ! still
tat under the watchful eye of Mr.
Donkers. . ,
"Mrs. Stockbridge is wondering,
Mrs. Graham, if the lion of the even
ing could not be persuaded to roar
a bit for the visitors," Miss Hol
combe drawled, while Mr. Donkers
peered ' disapprovingly at her over
his glasses. t,
' "Oh, don't you suppose he, will,
Mrs. Graham?" Milly Stockbridge
cooed with the infantile playfulness
which she affects' at times. "We're
all just dying to hear him. Mr.
Stockbridge tells me his speech to
the pupils this afternoon was simply
wonderful. You'll ask him, won't
you? He can't refuse you, I'm sure."
Her face was all smiles and ani
mation. Evidently she had promised
her husband and Alice Holcombe to
behave herself, also to remove the
possible effect on Mr. Donkers of
her former speech. But although
she could control her face and voice,
she could not quite manage her eyes
and when a few seconds later I in
advertently met them gazing at me
intently my blood chilled at the cold,
malevolence her look betrayed.
"I would be very glad to ask him,
Girls! Make beauty lotion for
j a few cents Try it!
Squcez the juice of two lemons
Into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white, shake well, and
you have a quarter pnt of the best
freckle and tan lotion, and complex
ion beautifier, at very, very small
cost. '
Your grocer ha the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supljr three ounces of orchard white
' for a few cents. Massage this sweet
ly, fragrant, lotion into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles-and blemishes dis
appear and how clear, soft and rosy
white the skin becomes. Yes! It is
harmless and never Irritates. Adv.
Deddeo Clothing Co.
Qffer the Value Sur
prise oi the Season
in this Sale of Blue
Chanhray Shirts.
Beddeo Buyers Secured 100
Dozen Shirts at a Won
. derf ul Price Con
cession. What si bargain feast will be
held here, when you read the full
details of this sale in next Fri
day's papers, for Saturday the
Beddeo Clothing Go. will place on
sale 100 dozen fine hlue cham
bray shirts with neat fitting col
tars attached at a price that will
sound almost unbelievable.,
They are cut full, the collars are
fastened with a neat link, all
have pockets, soft cuffs- and are
here in every size from 14 to 17.
We know of no better shirts
made, and at the price which we
will ;ell them .Saturday they
will prove to be the. most sensa
tional value offer ever put over
by this store. Watch Friday
evening's papers for price and
full particulars, . and tell your
friends to keep on . the lookout
for this big sale next Saturday.
Beddeo Clothing Co.
1417 Douglas Street.
or Tonsilitls, gargle
with warm salt
water, then apply
After each peal YOU eat one
mA .f .ill fnrA vmlnA and real stom
ach comfort Ustaatly relievesjijart
Ur, Uated, f-li.t. STOPS
acidity food repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion: keeps the
stomach sweet and purs
Mot he r We lcomes Home
. Her Admiral Son ,
1 I 'it
1 fc, h If
o " ' i
I h;:ctK '-II
ii f
M : iZ&fjfA A
Mrs. Mary A. Wilson 87 years old, welcoming home her son, Vice-Admiral
Henry B. Wilson, at the family home at Camden, N-J., upon his
recent return from France, where he commanded the American fleet in
French waters during the war. vThe city of Camden declared a holiday
on the occasion of the admiral's homecoming and gave him a royal wel
come. . v
Mrs. Stockbridge." I returned cour
teously, "but I am sure it would do
no good. If Mr. Stockbridge or you
cannot persuade him to speak, my
word would have no influence. Be
sides, my husband and I have a bar
gain never to ask the other to 'do
stunts,' as he would express itr" in
Mrs. Stockbridge'a Invitation.
"We'd better get Ken busy, then,"
our hostess returned, turning care
lessly away, but not before I had
caught a glance by no means care
less from her black eyes. That she
was plotting some mischief I was
sure, and I would have given a good
deal for a plausible excuse for leav
ing the house.
To my great surprise "Ken" evi
dently "got busy" to some effect,
for a little later Mr. Stockbridge
called for attention, and after a few
preliminary words of introduction,
Dicky gave a clever, interesting, inr
formal talk which seemed to delight
his listeners. I was immensely
proud of him, and could have throt
tled the obtuse Mr. Donkers, who
persisted in accompanying . Dicky's
stories with whispered comments
to me and inquiries for any further
details which he imagined he would
like to hear. ,
As Dicky finished and his hearers
gathered around him with congrat
ulatory remarks Mrs. Stockbridge
came up to me smiling.
Dear Mrs. Oraham, she cooed,
"would you mind coming out and
relieving me at the fruit punch bowl?
I sent Mrs. Gray, who has been
there the first part of the evening,
in to hear your husband, and she's
still talking to him. If you would
just stay there till she comes back.
.People will be getting thirsty again
"Ot course, t said, rising prompt
ly, "I shall be ' delighted to be of
service to you. And l was, indeed,
glad to escape the conversation of
Mr. Donkers.
She led the way to the dining
room, where on a low table was one
of the most ornate cut glass punch
Nothlnr Lik Plain Bitre-PhMphat. tf
Put on Firm, Healthy Flash anS t.
Increasa Strength, Vifor ant -i
Narva Fores.
Judging: from the countless preparations
and treatments which are continually be
ing advertised for the purpose of making
thin people fleshy, developing arms, neck
and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and
angles by the
soft ' curved
Unas of
nealtn and
beauty, there
ara evidently
uousanas o I
men and worn
an who keenly
feel their ex
ceiaiv thin
Ant. Thinness
and weakness
ara- usually
dua to starved
nerves. Our
bodies need
mora phos
Plata than ia
contained 1 a
modern foods, i
claim there' ia
nothing that will supply this deficiency so
well as the organic phosphate known
among druggists as bitro-phoaphate, which
ia inexpensive and ia sold, by Sherman A
McConneU in Omaha and most all druggista
under a guarantee of satisfaction or money
back. By feeding the nerves directly ana
by supplying the body cells with the nee
essary phosphoric food elements, bitro
phosphate quickly produces a welcome
transformation in the appearance: the in
crease in weight frequently being aston
ishing. .......
This Increase in weight also carries with
ft a general improvement in the health.
Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of en
ergy, which nearly always accompany ex
cessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes
become bright, and pale cheeks glow with
the bloom of perfect health. Hiss Georgia
Hamilton, who was once thin and frail, re
porting her own experience, writes : "Bi-tro-Phosphate
has brought about a marie
transformation with me. I gained It
pounds and never before felt so well."
CAUTION i Although bitre-pbosphat
ia unsurpassed for relieving nervousness,
aleeplessness and general weakness, it
should not, owing to its remarkable flesh
growing properties, be used by anyone whs
does mot desm te pt on flesh. Ad'
bowls I had ever seen, with the cups
to match.
Mr. Stockbridge Appears.
' 'This was one of my wedding
presents'," she said proudly.
"It is wonderful, I murmured
and, indeed, it was in its own way
"You haven't tasted the punch
yet, have you?" she asked. "I don't
think I've seen you out here."
"No, I seldom drink anything that
is iced," I returned.
"Oh, but you simply must have
some of this 1" she said enthusias
tically. "I made this myself. It is
my own special recipe. Do take
some. I shall feel awfully hurt if
you don't."
She was fairly fawning upon me.
I felt that I must get rid of her as
quickly as I could, and I reached
out my hand for the cup she was
filling. As I did so Mr. Stock
bridge's yoice sounded behind me.
"Fill me one, too, dear," Jie said
quietly. "Mrs. Graham and I will
'touch glasses' to your health."
. She looked up at him with blanch
ed face, but stood her ground.
"Certainly, if you wish it, she
said in a low meaning tone.
Her husband took the silver ladle
from her hand.
"Let me try my hand, he said
playfully. Then, as if by accident,
he stumbled against the table.
The next instant the punch bowl
lay in fragments on the floor.
- . . . rr
Voniinuea xomorrow.;
i -
Advice to the Lovelorn
Love Comes Unbidden and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and Leave
- the Sea."
A Word to Troubled. ,
. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
would like to say a few things to
Troubled." I have had Ave babies.
Four of them came la Ave years.
One of them died In that time. One
of them was born 1 at I o'clock In
the morning, but my husband was
not at home, although he was In
town and knew that the baby was
expected and had been for a week
or so, and the doctor had said It
was very likely I would not live
through the ordeal, but my hus
band was not old and he was out
having a "good time." I lived
through It, but any one else was
more Interested than he.
Now, Troubled, your wife needs
and has a right to something more
from you than a little help with the
housework, although that la fine as
far as it goes. But, my dear man,
give her the love and dear words
and sweet names you used to give
her. She ought to be so much more
to you now than she was then. She
has gone twice down Into the val
ley of the shadow of death to bring
tnose t children, which are yours as
much as hers, into the world.
Can't you realize that you are
married now, and you'll never find a
better place than home to have your
good times in, and you'll have big
returns In the love of your family,
which la worth more than anything
else In this world. I also have been
called a "nagger" and I am not
ashamed of it. Any woman who
would keep still under such condi
tions is either crazy or a fool. If
we women were made physically as
strong' as our husbands we could
try to convince them of their wrong
doing by saying, "You act like a man
now or I'll beat the very daylight
out of you," which I think would be
very well applied in some cases, at
least It seemed to- make American
citizens of some pro-Germans. .
, Try loving her for a week, then
let us hear from you, and I don't
think you will want to quit it
More Advice to "Troubled."
Dear Hiss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
would like to ask "Troubled" if his
wife is mentally unbalanced? Sure
ly no wbman who is in her right
mind would go for days at a time
and not even speak to her husband,
who seems to have done so much to
try to please her. He should do
one of two things without delay. His
wife should have medical attention
or he should look Into his own
heart and actions more closely.
Now, I am not saying that his wife
had cause for being Jealous, but
such things have happened. Did you
ever hear a man acknowledge that
the reason for his waning love for
his wife was on account of his ef
fections or attentions being spread
around to another or more than one
other woman? A man always de
nies those things until the right
methods are used and he is caught
red-handed. Then, I think, he al
ways tries to lay-the blame 'on his
wife. She hasn't done Just right in
some way and drove him to It
These men who are always finding
their good times away from home
and their families are very apt to be
having a good time with some other
girl. I would like to hear from the
wife of "Troubled."
Have you ever told your wife: "If
you had done the things I have done
since we were married I would leave
you?" I know of a man who told
his wife that very thing. Should I
call him "man?" Is there anything
fair and square In such a partner
ship? Any honest person will say
"no." Be frank with your wife and
Our Idea of Putting NEW
Bloom Into Last Season's
Hats, Sounds Good, Doesn't
it? vv-vy
You'll be surprised to know that our
HAT plant is a real plant. Hats are
made in our OWN plant from tip to
top. Doesn't it stand to reason, then, ;
that we should excel in the matter
of Cleaning Hats, Blocking Hatsr
and Trimming Hats? Bring in your
! Pet Panama and see how exquisi
tely we fix it up. We work on any
style or kind of hat.
Dyers, Cleaners, Hatters, Furriers, Tail- ,
era. Rue Cleaners, Shoe Repairers.
Main Office and Plant,
2211.13-17 Farnam St. .
Dreshar, The Taller, 1515 Farnam St.; -Pompeian
Room ef Brandeia Stores, West
cow ef Main Floor of Bwgess-Nash Co. '
. i PHONE TYLER 348 .
with yourself. Don't try to lead a
double life, Troubled, for it doesn't
pay at all. DISAPPOINTED.
Platonlo Love.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
have a little Item before me, which
has puzzled me greatly, perhaps you
will be able to help me out I have
just received a letter from a dear
friend of mine who asks me If .ours
Is a case of "platonlo Jove?"
Not knowing the meaning I come
to you for advice. ,
Thanking you in advance, I wait
for aa early reply, as my letter is
pending. "ANXIOUS READER."
"Platonlo love" refers to a spirit
ual or mental comradeship with an
absence of any sexual attraction.
Bachelor Girls and Boys.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
wish to give a few suggestions to the
lonesome bachelor girls and boys.
In Kansas City there is a family who
opened their home to bachelor girls
and boys, all who wished to come
and be properly introduced were in
vited. The evening was spent with
all kinds of enjoyment and every
body seemed to know everybody else.
The lady of the house is a model,
kind-hearted woman. - She : was
known amdhg us as mother. I have
witnessed seven weddings there;
they have met there and married
there for five years. Each one must
conduct himself respectably, other
wise he will not be admitted again.
No lady under 18, no boy under 21
allowed. Ladies admitted free, men
pay expense. Now, I have wondered
why there is not an organization of
that kind here. Miss Fairfax, what
do you think about it? If I had a
big house and a good woman In it
that loves humanity I would start
the lonesome bachelor girls and
boys on a happy Journey.
W. J. B.
Such a place under the guidance
of a good woman could be worked
out with splendid results. Perhaps
some one will adopt, the Idea.
Chums Do not try to pass judg.
ment on 'your girl friend. If you
do not enjoy her company for any
reason, do not go with her, but treat
her with fairness and kindness. And
by all means, at your age, forget
about boys, quarrels and ugly emo
tions. Put your time on lessons,
housework and healthy recreation.
B. C. A. Tou have no right to
intrude yourself in your friend's love
affairs. It is light so late in the
evening now that you should be
able to take your exercise In day
light hours. A girl should furnish
her own postage stamps when writ
ing to a boy friend. Gum chewing
in public is not in good taste.
Entertains at Bridge.
Mrs. William" Schnorr entertained
at bridge Thursday afternoon at her
home in honor of Miss Marion
jkBowen's Value-Giving Store
The Finest Babies
in the WorM Are
Omaha Babies
and the dearest and
cutest of all is, of course,
your baby. Nothing is too
good for him. You want
others to admire him as
you do, and to keep the
baby healthy and strong
give him his 4aily airing
in a Bowen Baby Carriage.-
1 : .. '
A Bowen Reed r
finished in ivory, gray,
brown or black, with ve
lour or corduroy uphol
stering, sun and rain
proof tops, wood or wire , 1
' wheels and rubber tires
make ideal carriages in
which to take Baby out
of doors.
$26.50, $32.50, $35.00,
$39.50 and $45.00.
Go-Carts, Sulkies
and Pullmans
priced &t
$2.50, $3.50, $4.75, $6.50,
$8, $10.50, $12.30 & $15
Baby Cribs
.in Vernis Martin and
White finishes are ideal
cribs in 'which Baby can
sleep or play while Moth-
, er is at work.
Children's '
High Chairs
in all finishes and priced
for economical shoppers,
. at
$1.25, $1.73, $2.50, $3.25
and $5.50
(Jrptts Onpenrr
Howard, Between IS and 16
BOWl f
Kuhn, the house guest of Mrs. Louis
Clarke, Lavender and pink- sweet
peas were used in the decorations
through the rooms and four tables
were placed for the game ,
. . aane in aaaexMMM . v
For Mist Kuhn. ' v
Misa Alice Coad will entertain at
luncheon Monday for Miss Marion
Kuhn, and Miss Grace Allison is
planning an afternoon affair Wed
nesday for Miss Kuhn.
Found at Last!
and Deautifier
Quickly Makes Dull, Harsh, Unattractive
Hair Doubly Beautiful, Abundant,
. Soft and Fluffy or Noth
ing to Pay.
Beautiful Hair and Lota ef It If Yea
Use Parisian Sage.
Here's good news for men and women
whose hair is falling out. whose scalps
are covered with dandruff and itch like
Sherman ft McConneU or any good drug
gist can now supply you With the genuine
Parisian saga (liquid form), which is
guaranteed to quickly, surely and aafely
abolish every sign of dandruff, stop itch
ing scalp and falling hair and promote
new growth, or money refunded.
Thousands can testify to the excellent
results from its use; soma who feared
baldness now glory in their abundant hair,
while others who suffered for years with
dandruff' and itching head got clean, cool
scalp after just a few days' use of this
simple home treatment.
No matter whether bothered with fall'
ing hair, gray hair, matted, stringy hair,
dandruff or itching scalp try Parisian
sage you will not be disappointed. It's
a scientific preparation that supplies all
hair needs.
The first application will make your hair
and scalp look and feel 100 per cent,
better. If you want thick, lustrous hair
and lots of it, by all means use Parisian
sage. Don't delay begin tonight. A lit
tle attention now insures aboundant hsBj
for years to come. Adv. -
Mrs. Graham's
Hair Color
Restores Cray Hair
To Its Natural Color
Perfectly hajmleaa-easily mp
plied will not stain the akin er
scalp. Positively sura in its re
sults. Makes hair rich end glossy.
Sold at ell toilet counters or
mailed postpaid, in plain sealed
. wrapper, upon receipt of 'price,
$1.50. BookUtff.
21 W.lUinoii St Chicago, ItSswU
l .....
For sale by Sherman dt McConnoll Drug Co
Real Hair Saves
No excess carbon to pile up engine
trouble. No thinning out at high
esnsngine heat
That's Polsirine oil for motor cars.
Efficient lubrication all the time. x
Power leaks plugged up tight at the piston
. heads. ' , 1 A
Thafa Polarine, toa
To keep the engine running smooth as a,
whistle, look for the sign when you need oil
for your motor car. When you need gas
the Red Crown brand means more mile-,
age per gallon.
, Omaha
. udouduu u
Picture This
Grand in YOUR
the perfect musical instru
ments. These" Apartment Grands
are equipped with the SILBNTO a
device for softening the tone; and
with the CANDELECTRA perfect;
ed for apartments or homes. jf V
If vou can't SEE them, nersonally:
. we'll gladly show;
they WILL' fit in."
Omaha '$
A Word
Vlos rrea. and Mgr. .
1VJ1 A W AI 1LI U It-
' " And, if of pus there la a trace, , . -
""..- - v By very close X-Ray Inspection " -?
' - " .' They find the focus of infection. ,& 4 $80:
And when the poison they're removed, ' :. " v
Tour health arill
Ana in your moutn you u raze true pnae
1 Since no bad teeth youH have to hide.
': i
In tact, you'll smile the whole day long -
As In your heart there'll be a song, .." ' ' , .
And ever In your thoughts will be
; The Bailey Dental Company. ; ' ' j - '
Bailey Dental Co.; Inc.:
Seventh Floor City National Bank ' . v . )
Omaha, Neb. - . t
(Copyrlglited Mar. If II. by
3 " . t
3 9mTm0?. i
Don't k'eep the idea '
that a GRAND be
longs to the Concert
stage. There's a size 1
to fit YOUR apart
ment; YOUR homo.
v r.
-t I rt,
. ... . I.' . -. 1
llw$lC4$t i :h i
TsAlrjrlo f.
K , V. f .1,1
.. .. ( ,. . ... sT I
of Advice
. " 'V'i t'r
If perfect health you would enjoy,
A high das;s dentist then employ. !
! m wht tAth mnph dnea'-dnnand
AiHj. .vwi WU00 www.y " tuivu. .mm t' eJ
The Bailey Dental Company J!
Alimieuiauoi ' jvvl wwuh acre. -
For they are never known to shlrK
The smallest detail of their work. :
Their methods all axe np to date ;
And their improvements very late
They give each patient splendid car
And charge a price that's only fair.
diagnose at once your case. k
greatly be Improved, f " M
the Bailey Dental Company.) .
x J. eV f v.