Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919.
South Side
.W. B. Tagg Makes Address
Before National Live stock
Exchange; Has Hopes of
, Bright Future.
W. B. Tags: of Omaha, president
of the National Live Stock Ex
change, opened the thirty-first an
nual meeting of the Nationals Live
Stock Exchange at Pittsburgh yes
terday. : ,
He reviewed the part that the Ex
changes had played in the past war
and among other things said:
Future pf Railroads. '
"Nearly every stockman U opposed to
government ownership because of the poor
service clven the last year and a half by
railroads. Ratea have been railed, service
depreciated and (took schedules lengthened
out, and now they are talking of another
raise In rate while the claim department
ct m roads are doing everything they
ri. to et out of paying demises on ao
of poor service.
"Personally, I believe that (overnment
supervision has been of considerable bene
fit to the live atock trade, not only for
the direct (food It has accomplished, but
for the feeling of security It has given to
the country, who felt that If there was
anything radically wrong at the public
nvarkets the government authorities would
discover It and have It corrected.
Should Be Stated. s .
"I believe If government supervision of
live stock market activities is to con
tinue in the future, the authority of the
bureau of markets, or whoever is to have
this matter In charge, should be clearly
stated by law, and not left to department
or bureau regulation.
"I believe government ownershop of
either stock yarda or packing houses
would be a serious mistake and a step
backward. I do not think that the gov
ernment can handle them efficiently or
as ecenomlcally as they are being han
dlled at the present time. What this
country needs now is more business, less
agitation; more experience, less theory,
more confidence, less suspicion; more
study, less talk, and a little more willing
ness to take the same lawa and regula
tions we want to see the other fellow get.
South Side Brevities
Furnished rooms for light housekeeping.
2211 O street. Phone South! 2964.
Tot sale, 6-room house; full basement.
6025 South. 42d. Call 8. 3416.
The -Brotherhood of American Teomen
will hold drill team practice at Rustling's
hall. Twenty-fourth and J streets, Friday
evening. '
The South Side high athletio field will
be ready for the first game in SO days
according to Commissioner ' Towl. The
field covers two entire city blocks and Is
now being graded and filled..
The Woman's Home Missionary society
of Grace M. B. church will meet In tha
church, parlors Friday at 2:30 p. m. Mee
dames E. N. Mu.uon, T. O. Inghram and
Jay Lavarty will act as hostesses.
Tfce faneral of Adam Grsser, T4 years
old, wno died Wednesday at a local hos
pital, will be held Friday at t o'clock
from Brewer's Undertaking parlors. In
terment will be at Oraceland park ceme
tery. .
wrt vnrrB trnraci nrwiVTwrl
Don't forget our closing out sale of
wallpaper; every roll must go. Make
your selection early as we have only a
short time left. Koutsky Pavllk Co.
Philip's Department Store, the Fastest
drawing Store In Omaha, "Watch Us
Grow." We announce the following spe
cials on sale now: Big Sam Overalls or
Jackets, "Made to Fit, Fit to Wear,'' true
blue. $1.19 each; Union special full rut
Overalls, high back and suspenders, tt.19
pair; President or Police Suspenders, reg
ular price is 75e, on sale now at !c pair;
Pa tells ma
for me
tlien. eats
most all of 'em
.- - CfrSVA W-.
7 I
.1 WrnJv'T
Liberty Bond
Don't tell if you can avoid It.
Buy for investment if possible.
We buy and sell at Nsw York quo
tations. ; . s
At present prices Liberty Bonds
yield as high as 4.8S per cent with
practical certainty of being worth sev
eral per cent over 100 when business is
readjusted. s
First Trust Company or Omaha
, First National Bank Building.
BH(MtA.tMAu.MM...o .- ,--,-,
"v owe, mi . wrraatrnaj r sji. ititnftY' I
FANNIE HURST, who is con
sidered the highest priced
. ,Hrt?.5rVvrir in America,
has sold 'The Petal on the Cur
rent" to Carl Laemmle of the
Universal, to be reproduced in
films. This is the first of Miss
Hurst's stories which she has
allowed to be put on the screen and
the. result may mean the opening of
a new series of pictures for film
fans. Mary McLaren will probably
star in "The Petal on the Current."
Charles Ray has completed "Hay
Foot, Straw Foot." The picture is
by.Julien Josephson and was direct
ed by Jerome Storm under the
supervision of Thomas H. Ince.
Monte Blue, Paramount leading
man, has donned chaps for a -new
picture, appearing as a bold, bad
man of the wild, wild west.
Priscilla Dean is n inveterate
talker. In her new story "Pretty
Smoth" she's right at home, for she
portrays the part of a feminine
crook who is apprehended because
she talks to herself. (
" "WANTED: A blonde-haired girl
with a pretty face, fine skin texture,
slight in stature, graceful in walk,
pleasing in appearance, perfectly
capable of wearing good clothing
(which will lie supplied her), thin
ankles and small feet, long delicate
fingers, five feet, one inch or less
in height; to be starred in next
picture. - Applicants need not be ex
perienced, but their mentality and
aptitude must prove worthy of pic
ture star. Nobody without brains
need apply. Emerson and Loos."
. Whjch sign is posted at the
Famous-Players-Lasky studio in
New York. When asked about it,
the famous combination said jointly:
'.'That's just what we mean. We're
looking for a new type of star, and
we're going to get her."
An all star cast, composed of
0i the Screen Today.'
LOTHROP 24th and Lothrop NOR
SUBURBAN 24th and Ames "CAN
HAMILTON 49th and Hamilton
APOM.O 2(h and Leavenworth
COMFORT 84th and Vinton FAN
ORPHEl'M Smith Side 24th and M
GRAND letfcf and Binney LILA
Carlysle Blackwell, Evelyn Greeley,
June Elvidge, Montagu Love and
Johnny Hines, will appear in "Three
Green Eyes." v
Work on "Secret Service," adapt
ed from William Gillette's famous
play, and starring Capt. Robert War
wick, who has just returned to pic
tures after 17 months in the army,
has started at the Lasky Hollywood
studio. Hugh Ford is directing the
production, from the scenario by
Beulah Marie Dix.
Mrs. Margaret Mann, the mother
in "The Heart of Humanity," will
have a prominent part in Allen J.
Holubar's next production, "Ambi
tion," which has just been started
at Universal City. Dorothy Phillips,
the star, will have two leading men,
Robert Anderson and William
Stowell, both of whom figured heav
ily in the recent Holubar master
piece. The star plays a dual role
in this ntfw story, which Mr. Holubar
wrote and will also direct. H. A.
Barrows has also been added to the
cast - ' v
11.00 Oem Safety Rasor on sale now at
49c; 2So bays' suspenders for 17c; red or
blue Bandataa Handkerchiefs, large size.
1 for 25c; the old reliable Rockford Socks,
2 pair for S,io. Philip's Department Store,
the Fastest Growing Store in Omaha,
"Watch Us Grow." Shoe sale for three
days only, Thursday, Friday and Satur
day; be sure to see our windows first;
we are offering unusual values In ladies
shoes and slippers at 13.86.
" . . FLYNN'S.
You ladles who have been asking at
Flynn's for extra large waists can find
them here now also a swell line of new
Ideas In regular sizes. There are a lot of
things here now that you will be looking
for later at these prices. For the man
looking for a good suit at a price, we have
a lot of suits at 115-00 and 218.00 that will
compare favorably with prices of years
gone by, and a lot of men's pants at from
fa to 17.50 that are Indisputably under
priced. Bring the boys and the girls here,
there's a lot of new things In the Juvenile
departments and the savings are not small.
A big bunch of aample Ladies' Handker
chiefs, Purses and Handbags at wholesale
and some at a lot less than wholesale,
Funeral of Omaha Pioneer
to Be Held Next Saturday
The funeral of George W. Mc
Henry, who died Wednesday at his
home, 104 North Forty-first street,
at the age of 75, will be held Satur
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at tha
Cole-McKay funeral parlors by Rev.
Titus Lowe. Interment will be at
West Lawn cemetery.
Mr. McHenry was born at Mon
mouth, HI- He is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Allie A. McHenry, and
four daughters, Beth, Lottie and
Ada McHenry, and Mrs. W. A. Nel
son, all of this city.
Special Swimming Program
' at Athletic Club Friday
The Athletic committee of the
Omha Athletic club announces a
special tank exhibition in the pool
Friday everting. A. L. Anderson,
present Nebraska swimming cham
oion. has iust returned from two
years' service in the navy. He will
. . ; - . . lit- ir
enter a swimming contest wun vv.
P. Ross, national champion for 300
yards. This contest and other
features are. available for the mem-,
bers who dine at the Athletic club
Friday night. '
Heinz' Offices in Omaha
Close for Owner's Funeral
On account of the funeral of H.
J. Heinz at Pittsburgh, Par, the local
office and warehouse of the H. J.
Heinz Co., at 1013-19 North 16th
street will be closed all day Satur
day. -
U. P. Asks Big Sum.
That a fire damaging the Locust
Street railroad viaduct to the extent
of $30,000 was started by a fire pot
used by the National Roofing com
pany while reconstructing: the via
duct, is charged in a civil suit now
bginpr heard in the federal court by
the Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific
and Milwaukee railroads.
The three railroads are suing the
National Roofing company and the
Lion Bonding and Surety company
for $30,000 in damages.
Spend Your Food Dollars
Where They'll" Buy the Most Nourishment
They are body-building ' and sustaining because ,
they're made from Alfalfa,, rich in vegetable protein
and alkaline ash.
-V .':y" 'Ri-f Pancake Flour ' ' x
' For light, delicious pancakes, gems or muffins.
Ri-al-fa fable Syrup '
' Is sweeter contains no artificial flavoring.
Ri-al-fa Fountain Syrup
- Served at most places where soft drinks are sold.
' Ri-al-fa Tea
Beneficial for children or adults. No tannin. '
Al-fa "Better-Than-Coffee" . '
Has the coffee taste without the caffeine. . ,
. " Ri-al-fa Candy , ; , .
Pure, wholesome, delightful. No ill after-effects.
Phone your grocer for Ri-al-fa Health Products today.
. National Alfalfa Product Co.
Council Bluffs, Iowa,
MORE than 100,000 Chinese
lanterns were hung from the
Chinese shops, dwellings and
temples lining both sides of the
colorful Peking thoroughfare, in
Nazimova's "The Red Lantern" dur
ing the screening of the big street
scene. Atop the giant arch over
looking the great wall surrounding
the ancient capital was placed a
mighty searchlight, the beams of
which were played upon the figure
of Nazimovaas, attired in the regal
robes of the Goddess of the Red
Lantern, the star was borne down
the street on an immense palanquin,
carried by two dozen Chinese
coolies through a surging throng of
900 Celestials.
Strikingly dramatic is the one-act
play, "The Purple Poppy," in which
Valeska Suratt is appearing as the
stellar attraction this week at the
Orpheum. She is surrounded bv an
exceMent company. The current bill
has a number of elements excep
tionally popular. One of these Is
the comedy skit in which George
Rockwell evokes gales of laughter,
he .with his tin whistle, by means of
which he absurdly plays grand opera
selections and performs . other
laughable foolishness. Rita Boland,
as dainty and as clever as when she
previously appeared irT Omaha, is
another effective personality of the
current . show. For next week,
"The Four Husbands" will be the
big special attraction. More than a
score of entertainers are in the cast
of the musical comedy. '
The photoplay, "The End of the
Road" at the Brandeis all next week,
except Friday evening, illustrates
the wisdom of enlightening children
on the fundamental facts of life. The
film is shown , by authority of the
United States public health service.
As regards detail in costuming,
scenic equipment and artistic pre
sentation,, the spectacular Oriental
fantasy in which Lola Fatima and
her company feature at the Em
press is a pronounced success. Lo
la Fatima, the premier dancer and
star of the aggregation, is an ex
ponent of Oriental dancing. Clem
ence La Roche, a Freeh prima don
na, furnishes the vocal end of the
offering. All the other participants,
including two men and two women,
are talented artists. -Two of the
screen's greatest favorites, Naomi
Childers and Mignon Anderson, are
seen in support of Bert Lytell in his
latest picture, "Blind Man's Eyes.
Burglars Raid Four
Places and Secure .
$1,300 Worth of Loot
Burglars climbed through a sky
light in the store of C Thorson,
1439. North Nineteenth street, Wed
nesday night and stole cigars and
candies worth $100.
Cigars valued at $900 were taken
out of the wholesale store of Roth
enburg and Schloss, 706 South Six
teenth street, during the night. A
rear window in the place was found
open yesterday morning.
Two diamond rings, set in plati
num, worth $300, were taken off a bu
reau in the home of C. H. Wallick,
508 North Twenty-fifth street, ac
cording to a report made to police.
Nothing else in the house is missing,
Mr. Wallick says..
A careless burglar left ajimmy"
on a buffet in the home of J. W.
Harwell, 2554 Fowler avenue, Wed
nesday night; Several pair of ladies'
silk hose and a child s bank con
taining $4.00 were stolen out of the
house. The burglar gained en
trance through a window. '
Brief City News
Uffctlag Futures Burssss-Oranasn Co.
Have Root lUnt ItBeacon Press.
Burglary Ins. Wheeler & Welpton
: New Tailor to Help Dad A new
1054-pound boy arrived Wednesday
for Mr. and Mrs. D. H. (Tailor)
Beck at Dr. Pollard's hospital. .
Public Notice No goods taken
after Monday. May 26, for delivery
before Decoration day unless brought
to plant and called for. Carey Clean
ing Co.
Commercial Clubs to Meet The
Nebraska States Association of Com
mercial clubs will hold Its annual
meeting- at Broken Bow, Neb., June
3 and 4. The Omaha Chamber of
Commerce will send delegates.
Rabbi Conn's Subject "The Union
of American Hebrew Congregations,"
will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sub
ject at Temple Israel tonight at 8
o'clock, apropos of the biannual
convention of' the . union, which
meets at Boston, May 49-21.
Asks Ordinance bo 'Passed F. C.
Wilcox, 2851 Bauman street, has re
quested the city council to pass an
ordinance, requiring that all except
necessary forms of business shall be
closed on Saturday afternoon. The
city council this morning placed the
communication on file. ,
W. IT. Employes. Have Outing
Local No. 139, Western Union em
ployes, celebrated their first summer
outing Wednesday afternoon in Elm
wood park, where the entertainment
was featured 'with welnie roast. A
base ball game, girls against boys,
and a lawn cabaret concluded the
Former Senator to Speak Former
Senator Theodore E. Burton y of
Ohio, now chairman of the board
of directors of the Merchants Na
tional bank of New York, will speak
at the Omaha Chamber of Com
merce at noon Saturday at a public
affairs luncheon. His' topic will be
"The League of Nations."
Train Dispatchers to Meet A spe
cial meeting of the American Train
Dispatchers' association will be held
at the Paxton hotel Friday evening
at 8 . o'clock. General Secretary
Darling 'of Spokane, Wash., will be
the speaker of the evening, and
about 200, dispatchers of the central
western region will be in attendance.
Spanish War Veterans- have been
granted a one and one-half fare on
round trip tickets to the annual en
campment at York, Neb., May 19, 20,
21, by the Federal Railway commis
sion on certificates issued by the
commission and countersigned by
adjutant of local Spanish War Vet
eran camp. Bate applies to veter
ans and members of their families
from, any point In Nebraska.
Ak-Sar-Beir Husders
Out to Boost Their
Membership by 700
The Ak-Sar-Ben hustling commit
tee at a luncheon yesterday at the
Hotel Rome pledged itself to se
cure 700 or more members for their
organization prior to the staging of
the first show, June 2. .
Chairman J. F. Davidson briefly
outlined the work of the committee,
announcing that the organization
now boasts a membership of 2,300
against 1,100 members at the same
time last year.
The Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition com
pany, recently incorporated, is at
present engaged in raising $500,000.
Committees are being organized to
carry on this work more effectively,
stated Mr. Davidson. " -
Omahans Are Eager to
Entertain ' the Peace
Speakers Here May 31
None ol the speakers at the Ne
braska convention of the League to
Enforce Peace at the Auditorium
Saturday, May 31, will accept in
vitations for other affairs here ex
cept through the local committee.
This was announced yesterday by
Lysle I. Abbott, secretary of the
Nebraska branch.
Many organizations already have
asked to entertain the notables, par
ticularly Dr. Antu Howard Shaw
and Rabbi Stcjiien S. Wise.
The conventicn will be held to
urge the people to compel the sen
ate to ratify the peace treaty, in
cluding the league of nations.
Resignation of Police
Officer, Said to Be a
Wife Beater, Accepted
The resignation1 of Patrolman O.
W. Rosenberger was accepted yes
terday morning.
Chief of Police Eberstein offered
this comment:
"We received a call from Mrs.
Rosenberger, who said her husband
was beating her. Rosenberger then
called at this office and tendered his
resignation. I do not believe that
the mans mind is quite right. He
told me that he had been ill for
some time."
New, Positive Treatment
to Remove Hair or Fuzz
(Beauty Notes)
Women are fast learning the value
of the use of delatone for removing
hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms.
A paste is made with some powdered
delatone and water and spread on
tha hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes
it is rubbed off, the skin washed and
every bit of hair has disappeared.
No failure will result if you are
careful to buy genuine delatone.
Adv. .
Cadomene Tablets '
Absolutely Restore
- Vigor, Vitality, Strength to
Weak Men and Women.
Sold by All Druggists.
-.' Adv.
We have an opening for an experienced shirt cutter in our new modern
factory at best wages. Address reply to ;
29-35 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago. . ,
Rectal Diseases Cured without a sever surrlcal
operation. No Chloroform or Ether used. Cur
guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Write for lllus.
trated book en Rectal Diseases, .with names and
testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent people
wno have necn permanently cured.
DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg, Omaha, Neb.
rs : nil
everybody!? store'
Thursday, May IS, 1919-
-Phone Douglas 2100
FridayA Day of Grea t Va In es in Every Department in the
o r
HJowmmm w More
r ' T - I I ' i
An Extraordinary Sale
of Women's ,
An assortment of wo
men's dainty dresses,
suitable for house or out
door wear. They are
known as "seconds" be
cause of some slight im
perfection, such as an oil
spot, a slightly imperfect
buttonhole or seam.
; The styles are varied
and the materials are'
stripe and check gingham,
colored chf.mbray, also
light and dark percales.
Organdie collars and
cuffs, large pockets and
belts. ,
Very good values at the
low price of $2.95.
Friday We Offer
Smart Looking
- . : -. v, :
At 69 c
VOU will need several
to go' with your
sport suit this summer
and these are just what
you want, beautiful straw
and fabric combinations,
in a large assortment of
styles from which to
choose. All colors are
included f t S9c each.
Trimmed Hats
$2,98 and $3.98
Choose from among a large assortment of styles and colors,
including all the light shades as well is white. Very special at
$2.98 and $3.98 each. . '
. -' Bursss-Nsh Co. Downstair 3tor ''
Net Remnants, 25c
Lace", embroidery and silk net
in sample prices from to V
yards in length. Choice, at 25c
Handkerchiefs, 5c
Women's fine Swiss handker
chiefs, plain white and colors. On
sale Friday at 5 c each.
Women's Vests, 25c
Fine white cotton vests, low
neck, sleeveless, tape ton. Extra
value, at 25c each.
Children's Socks, 25c
Pine cotton socks for children,
white with fancy colored rolled
tops. Splendid values, at 25c a
pair. ; i
Baby Shoes, 59c
Babv's kid shors and moccasins.
in white, black and colors. All
Bizes. Special, at 59c.
Outing Flannel, 21c
27-inch white outing flannel of
good weight. Carefully finished.
Very special, at 21c a yard.
Boys' Suits, $5J95
Latest style suits of mixtures,
full belt, slanting pockets, neat
patterns. Sizes 9 to 18. A pocket
knife free with each suit, at $5.95.
Dainty Laces, 10c
Cluny, filet and torchon laces.
edges and insertions, in large as
sortments. Friday. 10c a yard.
Baby Romper 8, 57c
A large assortment of baby
rompers ot good quality cham-
bray in sizes from 2 to 6, at 57c
Wash Voiles, 25c
' Dainty 40-inch voiles in pretty
patterns, both larg and small de
signs. Complete line of colors, at
25e a yard.
Men's Shirts, 98c ,
Npplrfinnd nttrlo aViirf nt Tier.
cale. soft French cuff, neat Tnr-
terns of fast -colors. Verv sneclal
Friday at 98c.
Choice of Any Man's Union
Suit in the Downstairs Store
V Including a large lot of roadman's samples,
slightly soiled, but wonderful values; lisle, silk lisle,
mercerized and balbriggan, ih a variety of styles,
89c a suit. - .
Burfess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
A Large Purchase of Fine
Corsets on Sale Friday at
They are made of good quality coutil and
batiste in, a variety of styles for the slight,
average and stout figures. Pink and white,
$1.00 each.
, Bur. eas-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
36-Inch Fine Wool Dress Goods
Very Specially Priced at
The lot includes new plaids, black and white f mt
checks as well as all of the most popular colors. Very I
i li - . . ' -. i x ... J ! SSsf sr
desirable for suits and skirts, at 25c a yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Sport Shirts, 69c
Made of panima linene, regu
lar attached flat collar, short sport
sleeve, double breast pockets.
Each, 69c.
Men's Suits, $15.00
Worsteds, cheviots, tweeds and
mixtures in neat conservative
models. Variety of patterns.
splendid value, at 915.00.
Khaki Pants, $U9
Men's medium weight khaki
pants, well made, . durable and
good fitting. . Very specially
priced for .Friday at $1.49.
White Petticoats,
Petticoats made bf good quality
muslin, flounced with embroidery
and tucks. Special Friday at $1.25.
Envelope Chemise, 95c
Envelope chemise, daintily trim
med with pretty val laces and em
broidered and laced with dainty
colored ribbons. Friday, at 95c
each. v
Continuing Our Wonderful Clear-
away of Pu mps and Oxfords
All odd pairs and short lines of pumps and ox
fords that have accumulated have been reduced
to effect a quick clearaway in the Downstairs
Store. Choice of a large selection, at $3.45 a pair.
Burfess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store
Women's Dainty Night Gowns
Specially Priced for Friday
Beautifully made night gowns, soft batiste or
nainsook, trimmed with lace and embroidery and
ribbon. In the Downstairs Store Friday, at $1.00.
Burfess-Nash Co. Downstslrs Store
Bloomers, 75c
Batiste and nainsook and crepe,'
elastic fitted ton and fitted cuff at
knee, some having tiny val lace and .
hemstitching or picot edge for'
trimming. ' Special, at 75c.
v j
Corset Coven, 49c
Corset covers, lace and embroi
dery trimmed, made of batiste and
nainsook of good quality. Very
special at 49c each. .
Ideal Sheets, $1J59
81x99 inches, torn and hemmed,
round thread w-ave, good finish.
no dressing, warranted to give sat
isfaction. Choice, 81.59 each.
Lace Curtains, $2J95 '.
Nottingham lace curtains that
are exceptional values and
slightly soiled. Limited quantity,
Curtain Edges, Vi Price
- Lace insertions and edgings in
cluny and noint Venice deuarns.
Popular fast selling patterns that
are excellent values at original
price. Slightly soiled. , Priced
Friday at H prii
Demonstration and Sale of One-Minute Electric
Washing Machines, Friday and Saturday in
An expert from the Newton, Iowa, factory will demonstrate One Minute "washers here Friday and Sat
urday. . v . . - . .
If you use One Minute electric power washing machine, you can choose your own wash day. There will
be no laundress disappointments. Your wash can be drying before nine and dreaded tasks will be a thing of
the past. , ' ' , ; ,:
They can be attached to any li?ht socket; costs but a few cents to operate, and most important of all It
saves your strength and health and many hours each week for other duties.
. VEvery one guaranteed by Burgess-Nash and the factory for one year and sold on 30 days' trial
.11 i 1 a j; .: -ii t . . , . .
ah nave electric puwer uriven swinging reversioie wringer, we nave mem at 979.00, f 95.00, 8100.00.
At $79.00
Single tub electric
machine with swinging
At $95.00
Single tub machine on steel
bench; has place for extra tub
with swinging wringer.
At $100.00
Single tub machine on steel bench; hat ar
rangement that will , hold two extra tuba and
, clothes basket. , Complete with swinging wringer.
Featuring a sale of . needed
things for the laundry.
Galvanized iron wash tubs,
first quality large No. 8 size, at
$1.00. - .
Galvanized iron water pails,
10-quart size, 29c.
Wash boilers, galvanized iron
with cover. No 8 and 9 size,
Wash boilers, made of extra
heavy tin with heavy copper bot
tom. No 8 size, $2.39.
Helps for the Housewife on Laundry Day
Glass wash board, family size,
49c. .'
Splint clothes hamper with
hinged cover; large size, at $1.29.
Oval splint clothes basket,
wood bottom; tood size, 79c.
Willow clothes basket, wood
bottom, made of full round wil
low; good size, at $1.69.
Gas plate, ha two powerful
burners, $3.69.
Clbthes line props, ; 8 feet
long, 19c
Rid-Jid ironing board, with
stand, made to stand firm. Spe
cial, $2.39. - - " .
Madam Potts sad irons, heav
ily nickel plated, set of 3 irons,
Burfess-Nash Co. Down stab- Store
stand and handle, the set, at
Electric irons, nickel plated,
full weight, complete with de
ytachable cord. Warranted for
one year, $4.69.
Rapid vacuum washers, with
wood nandie, 69c. - ,
Hardwood step stools, heavil
varnished, very handy around
the house, $1.00.
Parlor brooms, extra quality,
varnished, enameled and bamboo
handles, $1.50.
Howard waterproof clothes
line, 50-foot length, at 69e. -
Horseshoe brand clothes
wringers, hardwood frame, 11
inch rubber rolls, warranted -for
3 years, $5.95.