Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE : OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1919.
Fuhr -Has Edge on Bayne;
Rourkes Get 2 in Second
Without a Hit and A
: 1 in Eighth.
Omaha turned the tables on the
I ulsa outfit , yesterday- nailing the
game in the second inning -when
they acored two runs without a hit
and in the eighth inning they added
to it by snagging three bingles for
One score. V
I ulsa got away in front in the open
ing frame, but the Rourkes blanked
them every inning from that time
In the second Kirby and Gislason
walked, Hazen fouled out to the
Catcher, Donica grounded to Good
win, who tossed Gis out at second,
while Kirby landed on third. Hale
pounded out a long fly which Davis
in right field tried hard-to get, but
muffed, and Kirby scored, followed
, by Donica, who tore around the
sacks like his life depended on it.
Fuhr hit one in front of the plate
and Catcher O'Brien threw him out
to Wano at first.
Omaha started out to make a doz
en in the sixth, but juggled ;t up so
that only -one- counter resulted.
Baschang singled and Jackson sac
rificed him to second. Cable
singled and -Al scored on the hit
from second, Cable went to second
en Kirby s out and tried to score
on Gislason's short single,) but was
thrown, out, Wano to O'Brien. Tulsa
landed for one hit in the seventh,
but after that there was nothing
that resembled a hit or a score. ,
' The score:
AB. B. H. PO. A. E.
Awhanr, rf . .
Jackson. Ik . ...
table, tb
Rlrby. If ......
tiialairan, w . . .
Hun, rf
Itonlea, Sh
Fuhr, p .......
' Total .......
t e is
. 1
. a
.! 1
l t
1 s
i. i
O 1
. 0
.......... .Si S 4 27 13 t
" i . : - TVLSA. ...
AB. K. H. PO. A. E.
Rnrke. ef ....4 0 0 1 0 0
Huff II. aa S 11 t
Hoodwin, Sb 4 t S 0
avi. rf 4 0 0 t 0 1
Cleveland. 86 ...4 0 2 0 2 0
Wan... lb ...S 0 0 14 10
nrakow, If S 0 0 0 0 0
O'Briei, 2 0 1 S 5 1
Bnyae, p S 0 0 0 4 0
Totals S 0 0 0 "7 i
Tulsa .......... iC... .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Omaha, 0000100
Stolen - basest Wuffll, Goodwin. Sacri
fice hit; Jackson. Two-base hits: Wuffll,
O'Brien. Struck ontt by Fohr S, by Bayno
t. Bases on balls: off Fuhr t, off Bayne
4 Passed ball: HhI. Ift on base:
Omaha 2, Tula S. Time of game! 1:15.
I'mplre :Daly .
Sioux City Stages Rally in
Last Two Innings and Wins
Sioux City, la., May IS. Sioux
City rallied in the eighth and ninth
innino-s of todav's came and de
feated Joplin by a score of 10 to SN
- Extra base hits featured the game,
there being six doubles and two
home runs. Score: - -
- joplin. -1 '
Al). H. O, E.I AB. H. O. C
Hur!. cf N 3. OlMoran, If 1 I 1 0
Hula't, 2b 4
M'l'er, rf 2
Horan, If 6
Br'ck. lb 2
Lamb, aa 4
T'aon, 3b i
Collins, a 6
0 u An ws, zo 1st
1 OlVVal'r, rf 4 2 0
2 2Ud'ms, lb C 2 10
7 OIR'son. cf 3 2 2
I OiDetate, as 1
.4 Oi Tones, 3b 4
i lch'dt, o 3
Smith, p 2
OIRast, p 1
Marks, p 2 10 0 Allison, p 2
was n, p l
, - .'Tho'eon 1
" ' "xGregory 1
0 0 4
0 0 U
Total 3 1426. 2 Total 36 17 27 2
Batted Tor Andrew In ninth.
xBatted for Jones In ninth.
xTwo out when, winning; run was scored.
Sioux City ........2 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 219
lopltn 0 211118001
Two base hit: Burwell, Collins, Smith,
Moran, Walker, Adam. Home runs:
Smith, Collins. Sacrifice hits: Hulswitt,
Mclver, Brelbeek (2), Adams. Sacrlfica
fllea: Lamb, Defate, Jones. Stolen bases:
Andrews, Schmidt. Double plays: Huls
witt to Lamb to Brelbeek: Brelbeek to
Lamb; Burwell to Thompson; Defate- to
Andrews to Adams; Jones to Andrew to
Adams. Left on bases: Joplin, 9; Sioux
Ctty, 12. Bases on halls: Oft Smith, 7;
off Marks, 2; off East, 2: off Allison. 2.
Struck out: By Smith. 2; by Marks, 1; by
Kast, 1 ; by -Allison, 1 ; by Rasmussen, 2.
Tlnys: 2:10. . Umpire: Holmes and Shan-
Des Moines Unable to Catch
Up and Loses to Visitors
Des Moines, la., -May IS. Hits
by, Newasha -and Yaryan. following
two passes off Delbern in the first
inning, gave Wichita a lead that
Des Moines, could not overcome,
and the visitors won the second
game of the series, 6 to 2. Score:
au. h. o. K.
AB. H. O. B.
B Iter, sa 4 1 t llCass. If
,40 0
Mu'lr, lb ( ill OIHas'k. lb'4 0 12 0
Waa'n. cf 4 1
0 OlW'ght, Sb 1 0
2 OlM'phy, cf 4 11
M'B'd, If 3 2
N'.iIik, rf I
Yaryan. e &
Marr, Sb 4
Carey. 2b
Lynch, p 2
rho's, p
3 DlCory. 2b t 1 3
7 OlH'ford. ss 4 1.1'
0 O Hr'n, rf, c 3 1 0
1 biWalker, e 3 0 8
1 OiDlm'k, P 0 0 0
CiDolb'n, , p 0 , 0 0
IBoyd, p 2 0 1,
t'Sch1, rf 1 0 0
Total 20 1 27 11 Totals I S 27 : 2
Batted for Boyd In eighth ..
Wichita t ..3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 16
Dei Molnea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I.0-:
N Two-base hits: Newasha, Yaryan, Lynch',
rilonms. Left on banes: Wichita, 6; Des
Molni'3. 4. Struck out: By Delbern, 1; by
Iloyd, 4; by Lynch. .6. Bases on balls:
Off lelborn. 2; off Boyd. 1; off Dtmmock.
I. "Earned run and hits: Off Delbern, 3
runs, I hits in, 2-1 Inning; oft Boyd, no
run., 4 hits In- 7 1-1 Innings; oft Dtmmock,
1 run, 1 hit in 1 inning: , off Lynch, no
runs, 4 hits In 7 Innings (none out In
eighth); off Thomas, no runs, 1 frit in. 8
Innings. Charge defeats to Delbern.
Credit victory to Lynch. , Double plays:
Murphy to Walker. Time: 1:42. Umpire:
. 3chaffl.v. - . v
fMlnUAiMM fittc TaIaa CaaaaiI .'
UMcuiuiiid imyidrc ocuuhu
Game From St. Joseph, 5-3
. St. Joseph, Mo.. May 15. (Spe
cial Telegram.) -Caporal had one
bad inning in the second game of
-the series between, the Saints and
the Indians here today. The Okla
homa City club carried off the con
test by a 5 to 3 score. The Saints
gathered 10 hits and had the bases
filled four innings, but could not get
the two runs necessary to tie the
score. The game was fast and fea
tured by brilliant fielding. Score:
AB. H. O. K.'Br'ker. lb S 3 0.
Srfffgs, If 4 0 1 O.Klr'm, rf 2 1 2
B'soa, 2b i 1 1 OlDolan. lb 4 3
Falk, cf 2 0 OlMtller. lb 1 1 12
Hun'r, lb 4 2 8 eiButcr, cr s o
Nutt. rf 3 1 1 OlCon'ly, If 4
Lin' re, as 4 4 OlKelle'r, a i
tr.i.fc ai. a a a nRrairn . s
1 2
0 1
1 J
Orif h, o 1 5 (tCap al. p 0 0
Stoner, p 1 0 0 .OIHl'kat. p 4 1
3rtfn. cf 2 1 2 OI'B lt. tt 1 I I
Totals 32 I 2T ?f ToUl 23 It 2T 0
" Batted for Kirk man in eighth.
Oklahoma City 0 i 0 0.0 t
St. Joseph ..2 IM1M II 3
Three base hit: Bruhaker. Two base
fclta: Connolly, Benson, BUiejacktt. fioublo
Kr Base Ball Standings"
. ' Won. Lost Pet
Dos Maine ...I . j 727
jopun a 4
Tulsa, T s
Oklahoma City 7
St. Joseph 6
Sioux City r,... I (
OMAHA. .....6 t
Wlcfcita 8
Yesterday' Result.
Omaha, i; Tulsa, 1. , '
Wichita, : Da Moines, t.
Oklahoma City, 6: St. Joseph, J.
Sioux City, 10; Joplln. .
liamra Today.
Tulsa at Omaha. ' ' ,
Wichita at Des Moines.
Oklahoma City t St. Joseph.
'Joplln at Sioux City. , - ,
a ; '
1 Won. Lost Pet.
Chicago .'...II,-. S .731
New York & 4 .687
Cleveland .....11 , .$47
Boston S 6 .615
Washington 8 429
St. Loui ... . . 10 .876
Detroit S ,11
Philadelphia t 10 .181
" Yestfnay' Reaulta. .
Boston, S ; Chicago, 6.
v Cleveland 8; Washington, 1. '
New York. 4: Detroit. 1. ,
St. Louis, 2; Philadelphia, 0.
" 1 --!'-. Game Today,
Boston at Xhlcago.
New York at Detroit.
Philadelphia at St. Louis. '
Washington at Cleveland.
Won. Lost, Pet.
New York ,..11 . 4 ..733
Brooklyn .... 1 4 .691
Cincinnati 11 6 .667
If.'hlcago "' - ,.600
Pittsburgh T 7 ; ..600
Philadelphia-; 6 .385
Ht. Louts , 6 11 .284
Boston 1 1 , .100
. Yesterday's Hrsnlts. .
New York, 6; Chicago, 2. 1
" Pittsburgh, 6; Philadelphia, 0.
Brooklyn, 0; Cincinnati, 10.
' Boston, May- lS.-Boston-St. Louis game
postponed; coid weather.
Games Today.
St. Louis at Boston,
Chicago at New York.
' Cincinnati at Brooklyn. ;
: Pittsburgh at Philadelphia.. ,
Won. Lost. Pet.
Louisville . .
St. -Paul
Minneapolis ,
.. 7
.. 4
.. 6
Columbus . . ,
Kansna City
Toledo ,
Milwaukee . .
I Yesterday's Result.
Indianapolis, 10; Columbus, 0.
Kansas City, 6; Milwaukee, 2.
Louisville,. 2; .Toledo, 0.
Game Today.
Indianapolis at Columbus.
Milwaukee at Kansas City.
Louisville at (Toledo.
Minneapolis at St Paul.
play: Benson to LIndemore to Hunter.
Left on buses: St. Joseph, 15; Oklahoma
City, 4. Base on sails: Off Cajoral. 3;
off -Bluejacket, 1; off Stoner, . Struck
out: By Bluejacket. 1; by Stoner,. 4. Hits:
Off Caporal. 1; off Bluejacket, 4. Umpire:
Jacob. Time: 2:22.
Toledo Athletic Club
Gets Permit From the
Jfoxing Commission
Toledo, May 15. Official sanction
for the heavy-weight championship
battle between Jess' Willard and
Jack Dem'psey here July 4, was
given by the Toledo boxing com
mission today when a permit was
issued to Ad Q. Thacher, .and his
brotiier, representing the Toledo
Athletic club.
The permit, calling for a 12-round
contest to a decision, bears the sig
natures of Mayor Schreiber, C. F.
Wall, director of public safety and
head of the boxing commission and
the remaining five members.
The actual construction of the
arena, which will have a seating
capacity of 50,000' persons, , was
started . today. Tex Rickard, pro
moter of the contest, drove the first
half dozen spikes'in the framework
of "the huge structure. '
Formal protest against the fight
Was filed tonight with Mayor Schrei
ber, by the Toledo Ministerial union,
ail organization of 250 churches.
Copies of the protest were mailed to
Governor Cox at Columbus and John
F. Mathias, sheriff of Lucas county.
These officials were asked to pre
vent the contest
The protest said that the contest
would result in an invasion of
"gamblers, thieves and thugs" to To
ledo; that it would teach youths to
"see red" and that the record and
public statements of the fighters
"justify the expectation that we are
to have a gladiatorial contest worthy
of the ' Roman arena of infamous
memory." ' - V
Dempsey had not arrived late to
night. - '
Meeting for Class A
Managers at Park
Commissioner's Office
Following Johnny Dennisor.'s
proposal to'-form a Class A amateur
league to play only one scheduled
game 'each week and liave the other
teams in the league play where they
please, a meeting of Class A team
managers will be held in Park Con.1
missioner Falconer's office tonight
to have the matter explained in "full
to the managers.
It seems that the National Base
Ball Federation of Amateur Teans
has made a new ruling, providing
that, players mayTeceive a share in
the gate receipts, but they must not
be . making their living at base bail.
Dennison thinks that a league to
conform with , this idea could be
formed here and the pennant win
ners at the close of the season coula
go east fon a game with the eastern
winners. The plan will be outlined
in full to the managers attending
the meeting. All Class A Readers
'aje invited to be there., , . . .
. American Association.
CVlumkus, O., May 15. Sora: - .
I K. H. K.
Indianapolis' 10 12 1
Columbus 4 4
Batteries: Rogge and Goasett; WilkluSon
and Wagner. - . " " t
Toledo. ., May 15. Score:
- . . E.
Louisville-. .......... i 3 .2
Toledo .; . 0 3 0
Batteries: Long and Kachor;- Bell and
Murjihy. ( V '
Kansaa City, May It. Score:
V P H. E.
Milwaukee :........' 3 7 1
Kansas City (12 2
Batteries: Williams and Huhn; Hall,
Graham and LaLonge. : -
Today's Calendar of Sports.
HaHng Spring meeting of Metropolitan
Jockey dob, at Jamaica, L. L Spring
meeting of Maryland Jockey rlab. at Pirn
lire, Md. Spring meeting of Ntw Iuia
vllle Jockey rlab, at LooIstIIIc. '
Soccer Aanaal meeting of I'nlted Mate
Foot BaH aaaneiatle, at Chicago.
Shooting New Jersey State Trap-shooting
tournament opena at Plainflcld. Idaho
State Trap-ahootlaa; tournament apens at
Athletic Kanaaa Intercollegiate con
ference" trpcH end field meet, at Pittsburg.
Kti. IIIHc'- f"-er-.rgute track . and
OeM meet, at Peoria.
Peckinpaugh Singles and - Is
Followed by Pipp With a
Home , Run; Cleveland
Defeats Washington. ,
"-"aaaSBiaaa. , .
Detroit, May" 15. New York won
its second victory from Detroit to
day, 4 to 3, tying the score in tjie
eighth with a single by Peckin
paugh, followed by Pipp's hone run
and making the winning run in the
ninth on errors by Heilman,Bush
and Jones, and a sacrifice by Ruel.
Score: - ' "
ABv H. O. E.t
AB. H. O. E.
Vlek. rf 6
1 10
0 0
OIBush, aa 4
OiEllla'n, 2b S
tilt'obb, cf 4
0!Veach, If 4
OIHell'n. lb 4
Pe'gh, sa 3
fipp, in a
Baker, 3b 4
Pratt, 2b 4
Lewis, If 4
Bodle, cf-3
O.Flag'd, ,Tf 1
Jones, Sb ,
AJns'h, o 4
MlteMl, p 2
ialllo. p 0
'Shorten 1
Ruel, fs s
Snaw'y, p 4
Totals 35 7 27 V
Totals il I 17 M
Batted for Kalllo in ninth.
New York ..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 14
Detroit 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Two-base hits: Alnsmith, Veach, Lewfs.t
Home run: Pipp. Stolen bae: Cobt
Jones, Bodie, Peckinpaugh. Sacrifice hit':
Jones, Ruel.- Double play: Peckinpaugh
to Pipp. Left on basea: New York, 8;
Detroit, 7. First base on errors: New
York, 4. Base on balls: Off Shawkey, 6;
off Mitchell. 8. Hits: Off Mitchell, 7 In
8 Innings; off Kalllo, pone In 1 Inning.
Struck out by Shawkey, 3; by Mitchell, 1.
Passed ball; Ainatnitk'. ' Losing pitcher:
Harper. ' . '
Cleveland Wins Again:
Cleveland. Way 1 5. Cleveland defeated
Washington again today, t to t. Harper
was nit hard throughout and was also
wild. Wambsganaa made four hit in four
time up. score: .
AB. H. O. E.
AB. H. O. E.
M'sky, cf 3 0 2,0
Fo'tor, 8b 3 13 01
Judge, lb 4 1110
Graney, If 3 2 8
C'man, sa 3 2 3 0
Sp'ker, cf 41 6 0
Rice, rf 4 11
01 Wood, rf S
OjG'ner, 3b 3
OlWam's, 2b 4
OiJ'aton, lb 4
OiO'Ne'l. o 4
OiBn'm'n. p 2
1 1
Gh'ity, If 4
Sh'ks, ss 4
T.'ard. 2b 3
Plc'ch, o i
Harp'r. p 2
Th'son, pi
2 0
4 2
1 11
1 1
0 0
0 0
OlCo'akle, p 0
Total oi
Cleveland . ,
7 24, Oi Total 82 14 27 0
0.0 0 0 0 0 0 2 12
0 0200201 x
Two-base hits: Picinlch. Judge, Gardner,
Johnston, Speaker, Chapman. Stolen bases:
Chapman, Speaker. Sacrifice hits Chap
man, Enxmann. Double plays: Enimann,
Wambsganss and Johnston (2), Chap
man. Wambsganaa and Johnston. Left on
bases: Washington 4, Cleveland 10. Base
on balls: off Harper, 5, off Thompson 1,
off Enzmann 2. Hits: off Harper 12 In 7
innings, off Tbompaon 2 In 1 Inning, off
Enimann .7 In 8 Innlgs, one out In th;
off Coveleskle none In 1 Inning. Hit by
pitcher: By Enzmann (Menoaky). Struck
out: by Thompson 1, by Enzmann 1. Win
ning pitcher: Enzmann. , Losing pitcher:
Kalllo. , i
Browns Blank Macks.
St Louis, May 15.-Shocker outpitched
Johnson and Philadelphia suffered an
other shut-out at the hands of St. Louis,
2 to 0. The Athletic have not crossed
the plate In ,27 Innings of play. Score:
AB. II. O. ,E. AB. H. O. X.
S'non, 2h. 4 12 0 Austin, 3b 4 10 0
Witt. If. 4
0 Gede'n, 2b 3
OITobin. If.. 3
OjSisler, lb.. 4
0'J'cob'n, cf 3
OlSloan, rf. 2
OIGerber, ss 3
01 Mayer, c. 8
0 J'cker, p.. 3
Roth. rf..4
Burns, lb 4
1 1
1 11
2 3
1 0
0 2
2 4
0 0
W'ker, cf 2
Dugan, as 2
T'mas, 3b 3
McAv'y, o 3
J'son, p.. 3
Totals.. 30 8 24
0 Totals.. 28 8 27 1
...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
...0 1000010 2
St. Louis ...
Two base hits: Sloan, Jacobson, Mayer
(2). Sacrifice hits: Gedeon Sloan. Double
plays: Austin and Sisler; Shannon, .Dugan
and Burns. Left on bases: Philadelphia,
4; St. Louis, 6. First base on error:
Philadelphia, 1. Bases on balls: Off John
son, 1; off Shocker, 1. Struck out: By
Johnson, 6; by Shocjjter, 4, -
Boston Wins in Twelfth.
Chicago, May 15. Boston won a bril
liantly fought 12-lnnlng contest from Chi
cago, , 6 .to 6, today. Boston took the
lead again In the seventh and Chicago
evened it In the ninth. Strunk' sacri
fice and Mclmis' two bagger acored
Barry, who had singled, for the winning
run in the twelfth. Bush, who started
for Boston, waa put out of the game by
Umpire Moriarity In the aecond Inning.
Score: '
U'b'ld, rf 1
0 0
H'per, rf. 5
r. Cal'a.rf 6
W'ver, 3b
E. C's. 2b 6
F'k'sori, If 3
Felsch, cf. 4
.Thill I, lb 6
Risb'g, sa 6
3ch'lk, c. 6
ff'l'ms, p 1
err. p.. 1
McM'lin. 0
ShT'k, p. 1
2 0
3 0
2 4
1 ft
0 2
3. 16
0 3
2 C
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Barry, Zb 5
Strunk, cf 6
lainer. If 5
Acln's, lb
fitt. 3b.. 6
3 1
2 4
2 4
2 12
1 2
1 7
1 1
0 0
0 1
01 Icott. sa. . S
3 Uchang. c 4
0 Bush, p.. 1
Ruth, p.. 4
TotalB..46 IS SS
Totals.. 44 13 36 3
Batted for Kerr In ninth. .
Boston 200200100 0 1 (I
Chicago 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ft
Two base hits: Hooper, Strunk, Weaver
(3), Mclnnis. -Three-base hit: Gainer.
Stolen bases; K. Collins. Kerr. Sacrifice
hits: Barry,- Hooper, Strunk, Mclnnis,
McMuIlln. Double plays: Jackson to
Weaver to E. Collins; Barry to Scott to
Mclnils; Ruth to Scott to Mclnnis. Left
onbases: Chicago. 12; Boston. 0. First
ba!on errors: Boston, 3. Basea on balls:
Off Ruth, 8; off Shellenback, 1. Hits:
Oft Bush, none in 1 Inning; off Ruth,
13 in 11 Innings; off Williams, 2 in 3 1-3
innings; off Kerr, S In 5 2-2 Innings;
off Shellenback, 3 In 3 innings. Hit by
pitched ball: By Kerr, 1. Struck out:
By Kerr, 2. Winning pitcher; Ruth.
Losing pitcher; Shellenback.
Six Winners in "Y"
unior wrestling
Meet to Get Medals
The six, winners of the Junior
wrestling meet, .held at the Y. M. C,
A. yesterday evening, will receive
medals emblematic of the champion
shjps in their , respective divisions,
as soon as the medals, which have
been ordered, arrive. W. L. Mickel,
Jame Noble and Verne Moore were
the referees. The contestants v in
the final bouts and the time of the
bouts were as follows: ,
Eighty-five-pound " Class Paul
Ferris won from John Madgett in
5 minutes. ,
Ninety-five-,pound Class H. Con
don won from Jack Porter in 4 min.
utes, 20 seconds. ' - '
Onehundred-five-pound Class
Ray Tullis won from Alfred Batera
in 6 minutes.
One-hundred-fiftcen-pound Class
Arthur Willett won from Gage
Hartman in 7 minutes.
One-hundred-twenty - nvejr pound
Class Arthur. Jensen won from
Reg. Reese in 3 minutes, 40 seconds.
Unlimited Class, over 125 Pounds
Dave Chesno won from Jamc
ross in 7 minutes.
Moore to Meet Wilde.
London. May IS It is definitely
announced that Pal Moore, the
American bantam weight has ac
cepted terms to fight Jimmy Wilde,
the British fly weight champion, at
the Olympian in July. Moore was
awarded the decision over Wilde on
joints in the boring tournament held
in London last December. "
v '9
A THLETICS didn't go south in
A now. t
Those 40 cuckoos that AH Baba
been lanaloras. ' -
.' "
Not very clubby of Wbody to call
.The toughest job in the world is
silk hat. ' .
'-': .,
Can't please everybody. ' Flagman
with unflagging zeal.
, -
Kaiser is as silent as a feather duster and sourer than a cooking apple.
Old bird doesn't like the way we turned his nice war into a fight.
Wonder what a sherry and egg will taste like without the sherry?
. V ' ..,.. -
Golf experts chirp that all golf shots are equally important. , Got to
play ' 'em all stylishly. String of, sausages is only . as strong as its
weakest link. . . r
, ,-, ." -A
Millionaire war contractor up in Connecticut' got rich so suddenly
that he still calls ice cream hokey' pokey. - ;
. ' iv - ' :-" ' -," -" ' '
We'd like to grab that ball park Svengah, who mesmerizes three pea
nuts into thinking they're a whole bag. -.
A A-
' One good feature about Clark Griffith is that he is a deliberate gent.
Never claims the pennant until all the snow is off the ground.
Tashionable flapper ain't satisfied unless she shaves her eyebrows
down until they look like a couple of cracks in a soup plate, hennas her
dome until it looks like an auctioneer's banner and crawls inside of a skirt
that makes her resemble a loose stovepipe with. ears. 1
. ,
Braves' percentage on Friday was .091, or just a little top weak for
beevo. . ,.
- Understand that Willard is squawking because his end of the purse
is diluted with a lot of little one-thousand-dollar bills.
Dodgers look like pennant winners now. Only trouble is that by
next October now" will be 'tnen.
Two Errors, Eight Hits and a
Pass Get Ten Runs for
Cincinnati in Final
Brooklyn. May IS. Cincinnati de
feated Brooklyn 10 to 0, in a 13
inning battle her? today. In the
13th inning Cincinnati, aided by two
errors, eight hits and a pass, scored
10 runs. Neale olayed a wonderful
game in right field, having 10 put
, . i .- ii.
OUtS ana .saving ine game m m,c
10th inning in a remarkable catch
of Malone's long drive. .
Eller has pitched 22 successive in
nings without being scored upon.
The score:
AB. H. O. E.
Olson, ss 6 1 6 0
ti. M'e, Ib l l I I
Grl'th, rf 4 0 2 0
Wheat, If 5 1 2 0
Myers, cf 6 0 4 0
AD, H. O. E.
Rath, 2b 42-1
Neale, rf 2 10
Groh, Sb f2 2
R'sh, cf 2 4
S. M'ge, If S 1 8
D'ert, In, 6 0 7
Kopf. s 2 0 4.
Wlngo, c 6 2 3
Eller, p S 1 0
OIK'chy. lb k 0 15 0
0M'one. 3b 5 1 1 1 1
0Kr'ger, o a 0 0 1
OlM'aux, p 8 0 0 1
Hlc'man 10 0 0
Total 47 13 2 1 Total 44 (II 3
Batted forVMamau in thirteenth. ,
Cincinnati .0 00000000000 10 10
Brooklyn ..0 00000000000 0 0
Two base hits: Neale, L. Magee, Malono.
Three base hits: Roush, Wlngo. Stolen
bases: Rath, Groh, Kopf, Olson (2),
Myers. Sacrifice hits: Neale, S. Mageo,
Griffith. Sacrifice fly: Daubert. Left on
bases: Cincinnati; 11; Brooklyn, 8. Firat
base on errors: Cincinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 1.
Bases' on balls: Off Eller, 1; off Maaiaux.
10. Hit by pitched ball: By Eller (L.
Magee). Struck out: By Eller, 3; by
Mamaux, 2. Passed ball: Krueger.
Pirates Shut Out Phillies.
Philadelphia, May 15. Adams hold
Philadelphia to five single and Pltta
hurgh won today, 6 to 0. The visitor
acored two runa in the aecond when Wood
ward passed Moilwiti, who went to third
on Boeckel' single. Boeckel and Moll
wit scored on Sicking' wild throw home
of Schmidt' grounder. j, Score: '
Biab'e. cf 4 0 2 0 P'rce, 2b. 4 1 2 0
Terry, ss. 3
3fgl rf. 0
0 0 (livvirm, ci s' u a "
0 0 O'Baird, -3b 4 - 1 2.1
2-2 0i Lud's. lb. 4 0 6 0
1 2 0 Crav'th, If 4 1 2 0
1 14 olWhlt'd, If 4 0 2 0
2 2 OlSlckl'g, sa 3 2 2 1
0 0 0 Cady, c 2 0 6 0
1 5 0IJ. A'ms, c 0 0 0 0
1 0 0Wd'rd, p. 2 0 2 0
F'cloth, p. 0 0 0 0
Lee. rf . . 3
Out'w, 2b 4
M'w', lb 2
B'kel. 3b. 4
Zitz'n, If 4
Sch'dt, c. 4
C. A'ms.p 4
Meusel .looo
xCal'h'n.. 10 0 0
Totals.. 32 8 27 ol Tota1s..32 6 27 2
Batted for Cady In aeventh.
xBatted or Woodward In eighth. ,
Pittsburgh 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 5
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two base hits: Mollwltz, Lee. Stolen
bases: William. Stengel. Sacrifice hlta:
Mollwltz, Bigbee. Sacrifice fly: Terry.
Left on bases: Pittsburgh, 8; Philadelphia,
6. Bases on balls: Off Woodward, 4;
off Adams, .1. Hits: Off Woodward, S
in 8 .Innings; off Faircloth, 3 In 1 in
ning. Jtttt by pitched ball: By Woodward
(Terr). Struck out: By Woodward. 6;
by Adams, 4. Winning pitcher: Adams.
Losing pitcher: Woodward. Passed ball:
Cady. .
Three Straight for Giants.,
New York, May 15. New York made H
three straight from Chicago today, winning,
6 to 2. Causey held the Cub batsmen In
check whlla New York scored five runs
off Douglas in the third" Inning on three
doubles and three errors. '
It waa Father Duffy day at the Polo
grounds In honor of the famous chaplain
of the One Hundred Sixty-fifth regiment.
A portion of the receipta went to the
trustees of the regiment. The enlisted men
of the regiment presented Chaplain Duffy
with a gold watch and chain. Score:
AB. H. O. .E. AB. H. O. E.
flack, rf 4 2 1 OIBurna, If. 4 2 8 0
H'lc'r. sa 4
I 1, Young, rt 4 II
11 0 Chase, lb 4 0 , 1
0 3 OlDoyle. 2b. 2 1 3 0
1 10 llKapff, cf 2 0 2 0
0 1 2 Zim'n, 3b 4 1 3 0
Mann, If. 4
B'ber, cf. 4
M'kle, 1b 4
Pick, 2 b. 3
Deal. 3b., 2
Ktl'fer. e 2
O'F'ell, o 0
Dglaa. p 1
H'drix, p 1
P'ekert 1
Carter, p.O
0 F-her, ss. 4 1 1 1
IMMcC'ty, c 4 3 3 0
0 C'sey. p.. 4 0 1 0
, Totals.. 30 4-24-- 41 Totals . 32
t 27 2
Batted for Hendrix in eighth.
Chicago 0 00010100 2
New York OOB00100X (
Two-baa hlta: Fletcher, McCarthy (2),
Burns. Home run: Mann. Stolen baste:
Young (2, Kauff, Zimmerman, Doyle,
Manm Sacrifice fllea: Doyle. Deal. Double
plays: Doyle, Fletcher and Chase; Fletcher,
Doyle and Chase; Deal and Merkle; Hol
locher and Pick and Merkle. Left on
basea: New York, 8; Chicago, 2. Firat
base on errors: New York, 2; Chicago 1,
Basea on balls: Off Causey, 1; off Douglas,
1; off Hendrix, 1. Hits: Off Douglas, 4
In 3 1-2 Innings; off Hendrix. t In 2 2-3
innings; off Carter, non In one. inning.
Hit by Pitcher: By Hendrix (Doyle). Struck
out: By Causey, 3; by Douglas, 2; by
Hendrix, 2. Passed ball: Killlfer. Losing
pitcher: Douglas.
Southern Association.
At Atlanta, 4: Birmingham, I.
At Chattanooga.' 8; Nashville, 2.
At New Orleana, 4; Memphis. 2. '
At Mobile, 1; Little Rock. 2.
spring and Braves did. Both there
- . .
kept parked in those jars must have
' . . '' ' v ;.;"
congress back to a dry town.
for a guy to look honest in a high
:;" .
on the Erie was fired for working
Both Teams Have Two Games
Won, With No Losses; Meet
Tuesday; South and
Creighton Low.
Central and Commerce" Highs
base ball teams again emerged vic
torious after playing the second set
of games in the local high school
diamond league yesterday after
noon. Central High played thi
Creighton High schoolers on the
Cre:o;hton field, and won, 10 to 6.
Commerce High edged away from
the Packer crew in a seven-inning
game on the Muny field when fan
ner knocked a home-run that brokt
the'3-to-3 tie. '
McGrath, the Central pitcher, was
allowed a. rest yesterday. Mangold
and L. Konecky mounted the
mound. The Creighton boys found
Konecky for five hits, while they
were able to connect with only two
of Mangold's. The score stood 10
to 2 in the fifth inning, after which
the boys from the big school were
unable to send a man across the
plate. Errors and a home run by
Matous added four counters to the
final total during the remaining pe
riod. Smith pitched for Creighton.
Ike Mahoney, newly-elected chiet
of the business boys, allowed but
three hits. He struck out 10 men,
and Hill of South High fanned five.
Scoring ; started early: Chester.
Luebbe trotted home before the first
frame was finished, on a aouble by
his brother. The Packers had haru
luck in the fifth 'stanza when they
-were held hitless. and a base on au
error and a two-base hit contribut
ed to sending three1 Commerce men
over the plate.' The next innings
however, netted the South Siders
two runs.
Commerce and Central are now
tied for first, with two games apiece
to their credit, while South High
and Creighton have two losses iO
atone for. Central and Commerce
and Creighton and South High mix
Fifth Marines Make
Clean Sweep of Honors
in A. E. F. Shooting
Lemans, France, Thursday, May
15. Private Orville B. York, f ilth
marines, who less than a year ago
ton, O., Tuesday became the rec-
ton, Ohio, Tuesday became the rec
ognized pistol shot champion- ot the
American expeditionary forces.
With the exception of Color Ser
geant James W. Dell, 15th field ar
tillery, York outshot all comers at
every range and in every -class of
fire, scoring 1,022 points, out of a
possible 1,200. Dell had an honorary
score of 1,030 but being a distin
guished pistol shot his .score was
not counted in the competition.
York's victory gives the Fifth ma
rines a clean sweep of individual
first honors with both small arms.
Oriental Dancer.
Ray and Emma Dean
Mack & Velmar
Vada Clayton
"Blind Man's Eyes"
.. : . 1 . . i. .
i urns state's Evidence in
Ca'se Against Council Bluffs
Youths; Met and Planned
' Detail? in Advance. -
,, - -. : - ;! ;
William Swan, a, blase youth of
19 years, smiled imd yawned as
incriminating testimony against him
was given v before . District Judge
Redick and a jury yesterday, on the
charge of conspiracy to steal auto
mobiles. : ' -
Fay Hatfield turned state's evi
dence and Francis -O'Neill, third
member of the alleged . gang of
conspirators, will have a trial later.
Hatfield, 21 years old and wjth
out much occupation, told the story
of the alleged conspiracy which is
believed to be typical of many
automobile stealing plans in Omaha.
"Swan came into the Douglas
pool hall at 1311 Douglas street on
April 3 and asked if I wanted to
make some money. We talked
and he said if I'd get him a 1918
bora he could get $200 for it from
his brother-in-law." -"We
couldn't talk very private
there and he asked me to meet him
that night between 11 and 12 o'clock
in front of the grocery store at
Thirty-fifth street and Broadway,
Council Bluffs."
' Talk Over Plans. ,
Hatfield said he met Swan there
that night and Swan told him his
plan; There was an Iowa automobile
license number lying in the grocery
store window. Swan said, according
to HatfieW, that they wou!d steal
a car in Omaha, put the Iowa num
ber on it, sell the car and divide the
proceeds. ' " i
Both boys live in Council Bluffs
and they went to their homes after
the midnight plot. .
The next day they were again in
the Douglas pool room and Fran
cis O'Neill joined the party Further
plans were made and they agreed to
"split the $200 30-30," Hatfield
said. He said they understood "30
30" to mean ."three ways, between
Swan, O'Neill and Hatfield."
That night, Hatfield testified, he
and O'Neill went from the pool
room to steal a car. - .Swan had
written several telephone numbers
on a slip of paper, he said. The slip
of paper was introduced in evidence.
He instructed them, if they got a
car, to drive it to the north part of
Omaha near Burdette street, hide it
in a dark place and call him up at
the telephone numbers given, Hat
field said. Swan was then to come
out and take the car, dispose of it
and bring them the $200 next day.
The boys discovered a car in fronf
of the Brandeis and were trying to
start yit when Police Sergeant
Samuelson saw them and arrested
them. Hatfield and O'Neill have
been in the county jail ever since,
though Hatfield has pleaded guilty.
Swan was arrested the next day
and has been out on bond.
All are regular attendants at the
pool hall. Hatfield said he first met
Swan at the roller skating rink at
Lake Manawa, where Hatfield
The case is the first to be tried
under a law passed by the legisla
ture last February making it a
felon" to conspire to steal automo
biles even" though no automobiles
are stolen. The penalty is $10,000
fine or two years in the penitentiary
or both.
'Fined On Liquor Charge
Sam Mangianelle, 1424 South
Sixteenth street, was fined $100 and
costs in police court ' yester
day morning for illegal posses
sion of liquor.
Produced OninAUy ferine War Dept
C omission onlVainirtfi 0mp AihVltJ
Division of Social HyUn
Section on Women's Vfotk
Story iy DrKaftieririe BemerrtDvi
and Edward M. Grifflth
tnsontliy Dinatrnd by Kdwwd H (MVth
Ronkwtll Fo; RIU BoUsd: Geo. Ywrnt
1 LIuH; Lewli 4 Whits: Kt A Witay; Bya
A Rys: Klsotrasu: Tranl Weekly.
Monday Evening, May 19
Omaha' Welcome to
Cosimssiltr ef th Mth Aer Psnult Sd
Ows Story ef Adventure In s
"Th. Arena of th Skies"
tests ssl st Beats Dru Stefe. Berks
low Bra. Clear Store. Omaha AutomoWIe
Club. Prieee: (Do to $2.00. Plit war tax.
T ,. 1 I.
Wf. 1-
L' k Jl It3
V i i f if
7 Ate.
S HE wanted to elope but
he . It's funny! It's
miss it.
SI -
Weelr Commencing Sunday, May 18
Schnauber' Orchestra of IS Piece,
t Marion's Oriental Ballet Prologue.
2:30 7:15 9:15
4 Prices : Matinee. 25c
Evening, 25c to
jvNext Saturday, May 17th, at
131 Performance Only. Public
P Advance Showing at Regular
- O '
$1 Set. Now oil Sale
In ,
The Courageous
Have You Seen
At Popular Prices. .
Today and Saturdsy
Sunshine Comedy
May 15 - 16.
Came Called. 3:30 P. M.
Box Seat en Sale, Barkalow Brae. Cifar
Store, 16th and Farnan St. ,
her husband objected. In fact
great! Don't you dare to-
and 35c.
8:15. ONE
Admitted to
at R. O.
Constance Talmadge
m "The Coming )
potTlie Lawy