Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY -16, 1919.
Members of Two Telegraph
Battalions, Signal Corps and
Number of Casuals Land
, ' at New York. )
x V . y t 1 .
New York, May 15. (Special).
The followig Omaha soldiers ar
rived here from overseas recently:
Co. E, 408th Telegraph battalion,
Signal corps, Prvt, Carroll R. Cris
tie, sdn of James W. Christie, Ne
braska Telephone company.
, Co. D, S08th Telegraph battalion,
signal corps, Sergt. Paul R. Laura
horn, 3220 Seward street; Robert L.
Wood, son of Mrs. Daisy B. Wood,
3860 Harney street; Sergt. Harold C
Linaham, son of Daniel Linaham,
3310 Myrtle avenue; Sergt George
A. Merriam, son of Will S. Merriam,
28"4 Binney street; Corp. Lester C
Stiles, son of Oscar Stiles, 1477
Pinkney street; Corp. Michael J.
Ht garty, son: of M. C. Hegarty, 1222
Patrick avenue Corp. Glen - W.
Camerl, son of Mrs. Liena C. Tow-
Bo Fair )
See your hair in a new
i light. It's elowing health,
.splendid glint and re
awakened life will be
.apparent, not only to
yourself but to your
If your own druggist does not have
QuineKK Shampoo yon will find it on
ale and rceomended by Sherman
McConnell Drug Store. Beaton Drill
Co., and Merritt Drug- Co. .
Small PIU
Small Doae
Small Pric ,
r i
v i
have stood the teat of time.
Purely vegetable. Wonderfully
quick to baniah biliousness,
headache. Indigestion and to
clear up a bad complexion.
ers, 4213 South Twenty-sixth street;
Chauffeur Thomas A. Clarke, Ne
braska Telephone company: Chau
feur Leslie Williams, son of Austin
Williams, 1002 South Twenty-fourth
street; Pvt. Harry J. Mogney, son
of Mrs. Lizzie Mogney, 2106 South
Thirty-fourth street , 7
Supply Detachment 40fith Tele
graph Battalion Sergt Elbert R.
O'Keefe, 3303 Mason street
St Aignan Q. M. C Casual Com
pany 3485 Pvt Alfred E. Peterson,
son of Charles H. Peterson, 4019
Miami street; Pvt Feme S. Roberts,
son of George Roberts, 5022 South
Fortyfirst street
St Aignan Casual Company 3963
Sergt. Edwin M. Partridge, son of
Mrs. Anna Patridge, 2719 Poppleton
avenue. '' "'
Casual Company 3966 Sergt
GeorgePetros, 214 South Fourteenth
street. '
C A!arsn fnat (Vimnanw t07t
Sergt Charles G. Keogh, son of
w. t i: V U -jo-ij e l
Bars, joscpinno Mugu, twi aouia
Thirty-second street
Casual Company 3974 Pvt Leon
J. Sigafoos, 5024 North Twenty
fourth street.
Soviet Government j
Advises Population .
to Leave Petrogracf
Helslngfors, May ,15. The Rus
sian soviet government, according to
reports received here, has advised
the population of Petrograd to leave
without delay. All government de
partments will depart from Petro
grad by July 1.
Recent reports from Finnish
sources have been that the Finns
were preparing to march on Petro
grad, where, it was said, the bolshe
viki were having difficulty in main
taining order. '
Sentenced to 30 Days Ih
Jail After Beating Woman
John Weidman, 1613 North
Eleventh street, charged with
drunkeness and assault and bat
tery, was sentenced in police
court yesterday morning to 30 days
in jail. He beat Mrs. Emily Fay,
who lives at the same address,
when the woman accused him of be
ing drunk.-
Weidman had been released from
the county jail less than a day when
he was arrested on Mrs. Fay s com
plaint. His last sentence was for 60
days on a charge or illegal posses
sion of liquor.
Colonel Reed of Fort Riley
To Attend Reception Here
Col. George P. Reed, commandant
of the Base hospital at Fort Riley,
Kan., will arrive in Omaha to attend
the public reception of Base hospital
No. 49, Saturday evening.
Dr. I. & Cutter, in charge of the
reception, received a telegram yes
terday from Colonel Reed, announc
ing his intention of coming. Colonel
Reed has been designated by Sur
geon General Ireland, at Washing
as his official representative at the
Express Company Announces
Eight-Hour Working Day
Pursuant to the orders issued by
the United States railway adminis
tration, the eight-hour working day
will become effective in Omaha
today, according to the announce
ment of General Agent Warner of
the American Railway Express com
pany. It was declared the offices of
the company at 1308 Farnam street
in the future will open at 8'3Q in the
morning and close at 5:30 in the
afternoon. The offices also will close
at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoons.
Oil Rules Rescinded.
Washington, May 15. All rules
and regulations governing the pro
duction, manufacture, distribution or
transportation of oil in its various
forms, including gasoline, and of
natural gas were remoyed today by
an order , of Fuel Administrator
Another Big
Sale of New
Rose Bushes
in Foliage
On Sale Saturday
THE quantity in this sale Satur
day is unusually large and
enough for most everybody. See
Friday 'papers for details.
portaeit Bargain B
Take note of the offerings carefully, for they are important to those who care to make a saving. Every. t ; -' ,
item means a saving and now, as always, the big Bargain Basement is fulfilling its duty of supplying the
great demands made upon it at prices the lowest anywhere. . A ,v
These offerings for Friday are of an unusual nature, selected upon merit and prices so low that throngs
are expected all day long. Plan to be here Friday in spite of everything.
Marquisette and Curtain Swisses;
about 1,000 yards, 36 inches
wide; 2 to 10, yard lengths, an
excellent value, at , ISf
per yard '
27x54 Hit, and Miss Wash Rugs,
pretty colorings and yery durable,
special, Friday, at 95c
each, only "f s
300 , Carpet Sweepers i all metal,
mahogany finish, worth ' (3;
special while this small CA
lot lasts, at, each, 1J7
One Big Table of Nottingham Lace
" Curtains, 2 yards long,' very
pretty designs; special, 1 9C
at, pair, . lUtD,
The Suits
What woman wouldn't be pleased
to secure a handsome suit at such an
astonishingly low price at which these
are offered Friday? Made to sell
from 10.00 to 15.00. All are good,
up-to-date styles. Materials of All
Wool Serge, Wool Poplins, Wool
Mixed Serge, Shepherd QC
Checksat , O.VD
and Dresses Way Under priced
We have arranged for a special selling of
quite a number of up-to-date Garments that for
merly sold for much more and that affords an
opportunity to make a substantial saving. -
Choice Friday
One hundred splendid coats ; hand
somely designed, and very attractive.
Belted models, loose back and novelty Spring
styles; a few capes in this lot'; all QC
at one price, ; ; " JW
t '
Here You Can Make Exceptional Sayings on
Wanted Domestics
" ' s
Women desirous of taking advantage of good saving oppor
tunities should make a special effort to be here Friday without
fail, for here are domestics of a most desirable nature at remark
ably low prices.
The Dresses H
About 150 good up-to-date Dresses
assembled for Friday, and priced
most unusually low. Materials of
crepe de chine," satin and silk poplin.
These "dresses are 8.95 to iah
13.85 values; at, only ' v. Zfu
Attractive Styles
In broken lots of Goats, are all the
late Spring and Summer styles, and
each one means a good saving for the woman who
takes advantage of this opportunity. Ag
Friday, at - O.SJD
Genuine Everett Clastic Drets Gingham
in plaids, -staple checks and stripes..
This well known dress gingham C '
at less than mill cost IOC
Mill Remnant, Drei, Wrapper - and
Shirting Percales, medium inl
and light colon. Yard, 1U2C
Fancy Printed Dres Voiles in a big var
iety of pretty floral and conventional
designs for summer dresses, 1 C
yard, IOC
32-Inch Zephyr Dres Gingham, genuine
Renfrew and Amoskeag, in. a beautiful
assortment of plaids, checks
and stripes,
Full Size Bed Sheet, lre 81x90, earn
less, your choice, either scalloped or
plain, as long as the lot 1 PQ
lasts, . leO7
100 dozen Bleached Pillow Caea, ixe
42x36 inches, 21 He each. - QC
Size 45x36, each, &OC
36-Inch Bleached Mualin, a full pring
water bleach; special tot 1 C
Friday, per yard, f. 4 O C
L Cliff tide and ether, popular brands of
Apron Gingham; per , 1 C-
Black Sateen, highly y" mercerized,
permanent luster for lining QOi
under skirts, bloomers, etc., "2C
Genuine Serpentine Kimono Crepes In
big assortment of beautiful
designs and colorings, yard.
Mill Remnant White Voile, a cheer, erUp
quality for waists, dresses, Ifil
etc., at, yard, . lUj? V
36-Inch Shirting Madras In an assort
ment of new 1919 styles, 2 colorings,
for men's and boys' shirts, OPj,
waists, etc., yard, OOC
Summer Shirts for Men
Made of fine madras, per
cales and fancy stripes, dress
shirts in variety of patterns,
collar attached ana detach
ed styles, sizes 14 to 17, at
Fine quality in gray,
tan, cordovan, palm
beach and white, double
heel and toe. Sizes 9
to 11. A great value,
if 13ic
Boys9 Rompers
Come in new spring patterns and shades
in washable fabrics, sizes sd.Q
2 to 6 years, at ttSC
for Boys
Made of washable blue
denim or khaki, with
Dutch v neck iand - short
sleeves, drop seat, sizes 2 -to
6, special,
Blouses and
- Shirts
Boys' collar, attached
neckband styles and sport
styles in all sizes, ar
ranged on bargain tables,
lli7 39c
In the Basement
- Gift Shop
200 BAGS
At About Half Price
Moire silk, silk lined,
with purse and mirror in
black, brown, taupe and
navy, French gray, em
bossed frames, your choice
Friday and Saturday ,
At Big Savings
J. A P. Coats' Best 6-Cord
Thread, spool,
One big lot of slightly soiled
tape finishing braids, etc., at
bolt, 3tf
Fast colored Wash Edging,
yard, 3
Skeleton Waists, each, 254
Shoe Laces, black and tan,
ell sizes, 2 pairs, special, 1
Fish Net Shopping Bags,
special, Friday, each at 15
Knitting Cotton, per ball, 64
Darning Cotton, very
grade, Friday, 2 spools
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton,
per ball, 7K4
60-yard spool Sewing Silk,
Friday, special, spool at
Dress Clasps, per card, 54
Safety Pins, good grade, each
at 54,
One big lot of slightly soil
ed crochet-cotton, ball, 14
Wood and wire Coat Hangers,
Friday only, at 2 for 54
Underwear Specials
For Women
Here are some very special items in Under
wear that are worthy of particular notice.
Each item means a good saving. - j
Women's fine .cotton full silk
taped sleeveless Union
Suits in lace trimmed
styles, in sizes 84, 36 and
y 65c
Women's shaped Cottoq
Vests in high neck, short
sleeves; low neck, short
sleeves and low neck, no
sleeves style, in all sizes,
2,. 39c
Women's fiber silk Boot Ho
siery in colors, with double
. soles and lisle garter tops;
seconds of 50c quality,at
35 a pair; 3 pairs 1
Women's extra large sine
Union Suits for stout
women in sizes 46, 48, 60,
v"S 1-25
Women's extra large sise
Drawers in lace'knee and
shell knee style, for stout
women, sizes 46, 48, 50,
X 65c
Sun Bonnets
A complete line of Women'
and Misses' Sun Bonnets
and Sun Hats; made of
fine gingham and percale,
in solid and check effect,
at, each, 39c , Efi-
Home and Garden Needs
Specially Priced for FriCay
. Ready-Mixed Pain
"BB" Ready Mixed PainV per
' gallon, at 3.25
"Satin Finish," a flat washable,
paint for walls, per gal. 3.50
"Dekko" Cold Water Wall Finish,
per package, 59
"BB" Floor Varnish, qt., 1.15
Screen Paint, per quart, 65
Double Wall ,
A very high-grade double-wall refriger
ator, ash case with golden oak finish,
insulated with wool felt and waterproof
paper, white enamel lined, 85-lb. capa
, city, 28 inches wide, 18 inches deep
and 46, inches high; ' OQ QQ
special, - tO,VO
Lawn Mowers '
flood grade, aerviceabla Laws Vvwm,
16-inch eat, special, ease 4X3
Terr Ugh-grada fetnsblade
with patent tempered blades and cutter
bar; 8-inch wheel, 14-inch est, 7P
special, each
Garbage Cans"
Medium size, heavy Galvanised QQ
Garbage Can with cover; special 1 eO7
Large size Galvanized Garbage A
Cans, each , ' . mmtU
; Boilers
Good grade , Galvanised Boflers, with
heavy coven and stationary Af
handles, leOS7
High grade Tin Boiler, with
eopper bottom, six S, , f
Newest Wall Paper
Specially Priced
A delayed shipment coming as it does, "
means extra low Wall Paper of the wanted
kind. See the big display of new patterns.
Priced at big reductions for Friday..
Papers for kitchen,
bedroom, living room,
dinmg room, parlor, sold
with borders to match, in
two lots,' Friday, roll,
at 5M4104
New effects in bed
room papers, shown with
cut-out borders in two
lots, Friday, per roll,
at 114 and 144
Extra heavy papers in .
likable patterns for the
downstairs rooms, each
have a cut-out border to
match; Friday, roll, 244
Plain oatmeal paper in
different colors, sold with
: cut-out borders, to match,
roll, Friday, 114
New gilt papers in
beautiful patterns and
colors; each have a cut-
out border to match, Fri
day, roll, 12H4
Patterns in new stripes
and all-over effects, suit
able for parlor, hall, liv
ing room or dining room,
on display, showing cut
out borders, in two lots v
Fri., roll, H andl64
Remarkable Offerings in Women's
Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords
Most .remarkable offerings in Shoes, Pumps, '
Oxfords and Children's Footwear.- The prices
t at which these shoes are offered are way below
market prices today. Be here and take advan
tage of the splendid bargains. " .
The High Shoes
Gray kid with clothe
tops to match, black
kid lace hoots, with
gray cloth tops, pat
ent kid boots with
cloth tops, all black
kid boots.
A-4 Per
The Low Shoes
Patent Kid" Pumps
in strap models, with
Cuban and military
heels; and some
Pumps with Cuban
and French heels;
patent Mmry Jane Pomps,
with walking- heels.
Special in Children's Footwear
Children's Mary Jane Slippers
in patent or Kid, sizes o
at 1.79 j sizes 8 to hVi
slippers sj in
Barefoot Sandals in Tani Russian Calf,
with stitchdown oak soles, 6 to 8, 1.4S
Sites 8H to 11 H, at, pair 1.7S ,
Sizes 12 to 2, at, pair 1.95
Corsets and
Brassieres in lace and
embroidery trimmed
styles, reinforced ,
under arms; regular
75c and 59c A Kg
values, at
Summer Net. Corsets
in medium top
i styles, long over
hips; regular 6f
1.50, at 91
. '.'.'',.
Corsets for . misses
and young girls;
dainty light weight
material, elastic
band all around top ;
regular O OC
3.50, at
CROCHET Spreads,
hemmed .ends,
regulation size, sum
mer weight; . worth
1.75; while they last,
TABLE Cloths;
hemmed, ready
for . use, two yards
long, in a neat strips
pattern; worth 2.00;
SS 1.50
CRASH; full bleached,
heavy quality, woven
like linen, blue edge, soft
and absorbent; wortii
r7 isc
NAPKINS; an Enee
in the plain weave,
hemmed ready for 1 f "
use; each, AVU