Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, 'MAY 15, 1919.
Success of Plan Would Rob U..
S. of German Liners In
terned Here Before War
Was Declared. ,
Paris, May 14. Renewed efforts
are being made by the British dele
gation to secure an agreement call
ing for the pooling of former Ger
man merchant vessels and their dis
tribution on a basis of tonnage loss
during the war instead of the plan
of the United States retaining those
ships interned in America prior to
that country entering the war.
Washington, Miy-f.H. Officials
here do not believe that renewed ef
forts by the British government to
secure an agreement calling for the
pooling of former" German merchant
vessels will be successful, Opposi
tion by the United States when the
proposal first was advanced defeat
ed the British plan in the supreme
economic council, the decisions of
which must be unanimous to be
binding, and it was. said here today
that there. was no reason to believe
President Wilson had . changed his
mind on the subject. " .
Would Reduce Tonnage.
The United, States has 654,000
tons of German shipping, including
some of the finest and largest of
the former German line.s. Approxi
mately 350.000 tons of American
shipping was lost in the submarine
warfare and the difference probably
will be retained by the United
States and paid for in the final set
tlement of this country's claims
against Germany. u'
London, May 14. (Via Mon
treal.) The ministry of shipping
announced today that the number
and tonnage' of allied merchantmen
lost through enemy activity in the
war were as follows:
Great Britain, 2,197 ships; 7,638,
000 tons. .
France, 238 ships; 697.000 tons.
Italy, ,230 ships; 742,000 tons.
Japan, 29 ships; 120,000 tons.
United States, 80 sl.ips; '341,000
tons. ; "- '
In-addition to the British ships
above 20 British vessels, aggregat
ing 95,000 tons, were lost on ad
miralty service.
Navy Will Exercise
; War Legislation to
Secure Ship Steel
Washington, May 14. The Navy
department has decided tb exercise
its authority under war emergency
legislation and requisition steel for
battleship construction. The price
to be paid will be fixed later, on a
basis of market conditions and quo
tations rather than on an examina
tion of the steel makers' books.
. This course -was determined upon,
at a conterence today between Aci-
irig Secretary Roosevelt and officials
of the department at which bids sub
mitted yesterday for 14,000 tons of
structured steel were considered.
The bids virtually" were duplicates
of those previously submitted, which
were rejected aa, showing.that there
had been no open competition.
The fact that two of the four bat-
" tleships for which the steel is need
ed are authorized under a provision
that actual construction work must
start prior to July 1, 1919, prompted
the department to resort to emer
gency powers to obtain the neces
sary steel. r '
No decision had been reached as
to what companies will be called
upon to deliver the steel.
Allies Do Not Plan Attack
On Petrograd Says Law
London, May 14. i Questioned
yesterday in the House of Commons
regarding the Stockholm report
that the entente powers are prepar
ing for naval and military opera
tions against Petrograd, Andrew
Bonar Law, government leader, said
a British squadron had been at Hel
singfors for, a lon$ time to meet
whatever emergencies might arise
but "no definite proposal of the
kind suggested is contemplated at
this moment"
Representative From Direct Ac
tioa Factory Here to explain
Ovea Heat Regulator and
Many Other Exclusive
. Features.
Come in and loam how it is pos
sible for you to go out and en
inv fho, Koanfif nl afternoon and
have supper ready when you re-
turn by owninR a jwirecs Ac
tion," The Oven Heat Regulator
makes "pot watching" unneces
sary, eliminates baking failures
and reduces gas bills 33.
One dollar a wt-ek will buy this
nationally advertised stove and
your old stove will be taken at a
reasonable allowance.
Visitors served with hot
biscuits baked from Gooch's Best
flour, and Advo coffee with Ala
mito cream. Dainty waitresses to
serve you. - '
-Remember, the Union Outfit
ting Company; just outside of the
High Rent District, considers no
transaction complete until the
customer is thoroughly satisfied,
and as always, -you make your
own terms", -r , . . -:'
Portrait of Medal Winnara, Mad at tl Front by
JOSEPH CUMM1NGS CHASE, Official Portrait Fainter of th. A. E. F.
he: -M AkkWA-
Private Burton M. Baker, Machine Gun Company, 168th Inf., 4id Division.
Private Baker began his fighting career on the Lorraine front near
Badonviller on the 5th of March, 1918. His battalion was in trenches for
the first time. The enemy attacked in great strength after heavy artil
lery preparation. x Most of his comrades in hifcjinit were killed or wounded,
and the oncoming boches far outnumbered the small group of Americans.
Just then Private Baker, by his disregard of personal danger, showed
such a dashing example to his remaining fellows that they collected around
him and the boche attack was repelled. This won for Baker the Croix de
Guerre. - (Copyright, 1919.)
Nansen Will Confer
JWith Lenine On Plan
To Provision Russia
Paris, May 14. (By Associated
Fress.) Dr. Fridtjof Nansen, head
of the commission to -feed Russia,
has gone to that country to
negotiate directly with Nikolai
Lenine, the bolshevik premier, on
the question of food relief and the
cessation of fighting..
A Paris dispatch received last
night stated that a " message . had
been received . there- from M.
Tchitcherin, the bolshevik foreign
minister of Russia, announcing that
the- bolsheviki refused to cease hos
tilities as ,a condition to the pro
visioning of Russia by neutral coun
tries, -r '
. t ,
Negotiations Broken Off
in Toledo Labor Deadlock
Toledo, May 14. Despie the sud
den breaking off of negotiations here
today between Mayor , Cornell
Schreiber and employes and officials
of the Willys-Overland Automobile
company, where approximately 10,
000 men were locked out last week,
when they refused to work 48 hours
a week, it was stated last night that
both the company and the men had
left the way open for further con
ferences. ' - '
brandeis Stores
Continuing Our
Family Drug Sale
i . Here are a, few df the items selected at
random, but many others are on sale and just '
as attractively priced as the ones mentioned
The offerings are so important and so un
usually low priced that it is wise economy to
supply yourself generously now, v .
Thursday and Friday V
Epsom Salts, 1-lb.
package, for 8c
Armand's Face
Powder, 50c size, 33c
Stanolax Liquid
Paraffin Oil, 44
Nux and Iron Tab
lets, $1 size, 59c
PinVham'a Vegeta
ble Comp., at $1.05
Culicura Soap, for
blackheads, 19c
Woodbury's Facial
Soap, special, 18c
Laxative Bromo
Quinine, 30c size,
at N - 22c
16-os. bottle, 23c
Litterin Antisep
tic, 50c size, 35c
Abcnita, Vanishing
Cream, at . 19c
1 Lot Assorted
, Tooth Brushes, 10
Genuine French
Tooth Brushes, 29c
30c VickV Vapo
Rub Salve," 25c
50c Dr. .
Flesh Food,
60c Walnutta
Dye, at
Carbolic Salve, 30c
size, . 19c,
Nujol for Constipa
tion, at, - 89c
Arir'i Luxuria
Crftam, 65c size, 55c
Fletcher's Castoria,
35c size, 27c
Nature's Remedy,
50c size, - 39c
Putnam Dry Clean
er, 25c size, 21c
Milk Magnesia, 8-
oz. bottle, 19c
Freexone Corn
Remedy, special, 29c
Powder, at
Papc's Cold Cure,
35c size, 29c
Cold Medal Harlem
Oil Capsules, 32c
Williams' Tooth
Paste, 25c size, 19c
D.J. Smith, Civil War
Veteran, Dies After
a Lingering Illness
D. J. Smith, 78 years old, former
Omaha resident and one of the
city's earliest pioneers, died fol
lowing a lingering 'illness, at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. C. M.
Mortensen,' 6118 Florence boule
vard. ' ' .
Mr. Smith moved to this city
from Baltimore in 1872. Throughout
the civil war he fought with a
Maryland regiment and . was
wounded -four times in action After
the cessation of hbstilities he ac
cepted a position as government
railway mail clerk on the Union
Pacific road from Omaha to Ogden,
Utah. He was a member of the
George Crook post. ' :
Mr. . Smith is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. J. A. Riley of St.
Louis, Mrs. C M. Mortensen and
Miss Etta Smith of this city.
The George Crook post will have
charge of the funeral services.
Page the Bolsheviki! Omaha
Fire Hydrants Painted Red
Fire hydrants of the city are be
ing painted the brightest of bright
red., capped with a white top.'
90c Pompeian
Masshge Cream, 42c
50c Day Pompeian
Cream,- a necessity,
at, 42c
. Mavis Face Row.
der 50c size, 3$
Palm Olive or Jap
Rose Soap, 8c
Resinol Soap, spe
cial, per bar, 22c
Kirk Baby
Soap, bar,
4-lb. bar ' Service
Castile Soap, . 98c
' ' Non Spi Deoderant,
50c size, 35c
Powder, at
Lucille Rouge, 50c
size. . ,29c
Armour's Talc
Powder, 25c size, 12c
Gets It Corn Rem
edy, 3 Be size, 29c
Syrup, of Figs, 60c
size, today, ; 49
Genuine . ': Aspirin"
Tablets, 100 bottle,
at 59c
Destruction of Soviet Army
Aim ofs Omsk Government;
Poles Suffer Defeat
Around Lemburg.
Paris, May 14.--(French Wireless
Service.)r-Plans ar being made by1
the all-Ruasian , "government at
Omsk to begin an advance on Mos
cow, Admiral Kolchak, the head of
the government, declared in an in
terview with the correspondent of
the Petit Parrisien. In discussing
the military situation in eastern
Russia the admiral said:
"Owing to the thaw and the dif,
ficulty of moving the artillery for
ward, a lull prevails. But the opera
tions wrH-be resumed before long
and we will try to establish and
guarantee . communication with
Archangel and also with General
Denekme in the south.
"Theadvance in the. direction on
; storage iseconomi
cal protection during
the summer for furs,
wearing apparel, etc.
v s-s aVk. . -iinnsmiiiiiH... m
SE . ' I ..If A Cmm
2,000 Pairs
Newest of Styles Unusual Qualities Complete Range of Sizes
jj T T seems as though one great selling event treads upon the heels of another, because here before you is' news of :one of the
B - greatest shoe sales we have announced in many a day. It is planned on a large scale. The off eringi comprise chiefly surplus
stock from the famous Brown factories of St. Louis, Mo. Two other purchases from prominent makers Enables ois to assemble a
full range of sizes. The styles, the qualities and the values justify a most liberal response, and we have guided ourselves accord-:
bv ampie arrangements ior service - y .
1 Extra Salespeople and Extra Space, and
Moscow will then begin. The cap
ture of Moscow is the supreme end,
the political aim, to which our wills
must bend. But we must first reach
the purely strategic aim, which is
the destruction of the soviet army.
(-This is the end to which I will de
vote my attention.. .
1 After the final victory, .the .ad
miral continued, 'a ., national v as
sembly will be called to which Ad
miral Kolchak will hand over his
authority.. - ,;. , . ;
Ballots' On Mooney
General Strike Will
Be Counted In Publi
Chicago, May 14. Officials of the
Chicago' Federation of Labor an
nounced today that the ballots of
organized American labor on the
"Moonejr general prate -t strike pro
gram" will be counted in public cn
June 2 by the federal intervention
committee. , -
(Well Dressed Man Passes '
Worthless Checks In Omaha
A middle-aged,- well-dressed man
is fosging and passing checks . in
amounts of $25 - bn Omaha mer
chants, a report .to Chief of De
tectives Dunn states.
1 1 II
On Sale Thursday, May
at to Less
With Sizes
Everything has been done to make this sale move smoothly-and comfortably remember, a full
ang of sizes, conveniently arranged for easy selection the very newest of styles and the most
desirable, for example . t.
White Kid Pumps
Patent Colt Pumps
Dull Leather Pumps
Vici Kid Pumps,.
All Sizes 2 to 8-Widths AAA toE, v
Twelve Styles Pictured Here-
6.50 to 10.00 Values
ABOUT three
fourths of the
lot of these pumps
are made op in
. ;- t
Hand - Turned ',
Sole, Full Louis '
' Covered H $ I
and Aluminum
, The very prettiesl
of styles, long reced
ing Vamps and high
arch.v Choice 4.65.
A Brief Description of the Various Models
750 pairs Women's Oxfords,
patent colt, dull leather, White
kid, black suede and satin, all
oand' turned soles, full covered
Louis heel, high arch, five eye
lets ; sizes complete.
.i .
Main Fldor Shoe Section
ItaKans, Land Large
Bodies of Soldiers
on Dalmatian Coast
London, ' May HWThe Italians
are landing large military forces at
Zara and Sebenico on the coast of
Dalmatia, according to a Reuter dispatch-
from Belgrade, the . Serbian
capital. The troops-are being moved
eastward and . are fortifying the
ridges and passes. .. " v
Zara and Sebenico aire near the
Center of the Dalmatian coast ami
are , between Fiume and Spalato.
They are opposite the Italian port
of Ancona. The mountains to the
east of the two ports "are the Din
aric Alps. J 1 '
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt
Returns From Son's Grave
New York, May 14.Mrs. Theo
dore. Roosevelt, widow of the late
former president, returned from
Europe today - on the steamship
Giuseppe Verdi which she boarded
at Genoa. Mrs. Roosevelt would not
discuss Her trip abroad, where she
visited the grave of Quentin, her
aviator-son, who was killed in war.
Mrs. Rooevelt said she probabiy
would return at once to the Roose
velt home at Oyster Bay, N. Y.
n w Ok
v . - m t"av w mm
pace xMrsje
Worn en's Pu mps and
Satin Pumps
Tan Calf Pumps
, Suede Pumps
' Colonial Pumps
Just thiijk! You save from oie-third v to
pair, you choose sizes comphte 4 in pumps
850 pairs Women's Pumps
in plain and cjolonial styles;
white kid, patent colt bronze
leathers, dull and tan, calf and.
kid. ' Every pair hand turned
' soles, Louis covered heel, high
arch, long vamp, plain toe.
" Bayer . tablets of Aspirin"
"Proved Safe by; Millions
"Bayer Cross"; -S? $
' 0 ;-onTable'ts- feAYilp
Warning! .
- Don't Vuy AsDirin
.in a pill box! " Always
insist upon the genuine
"Bayer Package" which
tains proper dosage. Look for the
Safety "Bayer Cross", on package.
Ask for'Bayer Tablits of
' v Boxes of 12 Ubleta Bottles' of 24 Bottles of 100 Also Capsules.
lAipiria ii the trade mark -of Bayer Manufacture of MoooaoeUoaeideator ol SalkylieaeMI
15, at 9 A:
Plain Pumps ,
One-Eyelet Oxfords v
Sport -Pumps
Five-Eyelet Oxfords
k BOUT five hun
ii dred. pairs of
these low shoes are
made up in
Fine Welt Sole,
Leather Cuban
Heel J or L ow
Walking Heel.
Some of the sea
son's prettiest styles
and a full rangeTof
seizes to choose from.
one-half on any
or oxfords.
450 Women's LacevOxfords
in dark tan calfskin, vici kid
and dull cdlfskin, hand welted
sole, plain or stock tip, 'leath-
ir Louis heel, or low walking
heel, many of the new
and long vamp.
Main Floor
For Pain . : j
Neuralgia .
Toothache .
Lame Back
Aspirin" 6enub!
Now in progress, our
semi-annual family
drug " sale stock the
family medicine cabi
net now.
i s.
3 5'
s?, . .ii . vji
' I I I III I I I I I I III U III , jr .J, ; ,