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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1919)
r 7 THE, BEE : OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 15. 1919. 11. R!lSi- BRINGING UP FATHER Investment Buy Brick Flats. . " " "- lth 8t . Nearly new '' " room each, four sleeping rooms; S! 7 ,hJ 'J", rented. Price 110,000. cn win nanaie. Hastings & Heyden, I'MHARNBT ST. PHONE TTLER 10. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 310-acre Iowa farm, improved, ( mil from town, Clark county; H0 per acrs; would take rood ranch In eichanre. , 170 acre farm. T miles of Ottumwa. Ia., 1(0 acres cultivated; fair ant Improve , ments: (164 par acre, for merchandise or wvnism isnu. i ' m."cr. 'rm 14 " om Counoll ' Blu'f. lmprovd; all tillable: want food pis Df. nor. umtni Nn. Sm Jit ft ! Mfffi in Full Pag of Color in Tho Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManus vopyncnt jtiv. OKOCERT stock and fixtures, trade for western land or Income. Anawer, Box - w "j"! fi a lire . REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED! ' " South. Bid DAKOA IN IA3T8. tl.00 DOWN, tl.00 A WREK ouye fine gsrden tract, 47x111; only 1 uiucaa nw west center car line and one block to paved street; hlfh and eianuy, disck soil; prices CM and 1340. .... xjibj BIKUM KKHU COL, 1111 Farnam. Dnuglsa i(7. ' Miscellaneous. , Attractive Values lin Vacant Lots. 't on California, between 19th and iiirn: eouin front. Boat location in incurs! aistnct; 99.000. ?no w'w. SO-foot front; side- ; very easy terms. wear 4Jd and L. Sts. (South Bid). ! . L?." , rar "ne near school; high. ifia Lot ,n developed district; SO0 cash. Shedd Investment Co., otn floor, Hallway Exchange. D. 4364. BUILD NOW so aooa build Ins lota, with an i. proveniente. Prloes from 1400 to 1900. , van give mrim uouglas ((((. ... TRAVER BROS.. . 'ILJiLJjgtlonsl Bank BMg. 4 - i IMflOMMhl 1 Bl B I.eeUi.l m - - - - 1 .. vvr if y invpriiosHiif Alsrww cvrviWi I. """ aesssi iisisiiiissssassssssassisssaasisssssssaisiassisisjasBiiissiasakijssjisisssssiisisisas 1 I WtfSSig'S 1 I THERE jH SiTj 1 Ml I 1 ) i I 1U tlEfRUN-. 1 v I'll 1 If 11 1 i '"' . 111 I'LL TRY ME LOCK AT A-lrV NOW FOR A OCO , . - ' THOUHT NAT BE THAT ' II eOLL.VbHE WHAT 00 X MACEIPl KIN efirv c-J U I VCCH- l ,TOMi4HT MJIN TONIGHT Jl WUZ ASLEEP .MEAN By WAKIN, FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. KAliMS and ranches fur sale In Valley ooumy, xforaiiKa. vnampioa 01 world for popcorn, write me what you want. Have some of the bast. w. M, and B. . Aivora, ura. jveo. fOR 8ALK rive sections, fepced, llvlus water; 1,000 aores tillable; lone grass pasture. A real stock and grain propo sltlon. J R. Cartrr. BULi ell. Neb K1MBAL1, County, Neb., Laramie county, Wyoming, xarm iana; particulars xroro C. V. NELSON. t!6 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA and Eastern Loiorauo lands see HELD LAND CO. t4 BrandelB Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. " Dundee. '. '. UOOU western Nebraska, to acres In wheat. One-third crop goes to pur chaser. 140 per acre. C. D. Arm' strong, Realtor, 825-6 Securities Bldg. WHEN you sell your hlgn priced land let me tell or snow you aome real bargains In raw or Improved land la Weld County, i.oio. yj. s. cooper, Hereiorq, i;oio. DUNDEE. Tory good house located In th newer pert of Dundee, near 62d St.. at a reasonable price. This houae has full lerigth living room with fireplace In 'he ease enu, Duiit-in bookcases. Living room has colonnade opening Into an un usually larae dlnlna ronm. ut'oeirv i'i ittxt-it , . . riinin. i,:,.;::-". - i :i i" i ana v.:" w a ounaj i aita ta lunii at the riht nrlr Lf WRITE M.e for pictures and prices of my rarma and ranches in good old Dawes county. Area U Uungerford. Crawford. eo. little breakfast room, with built-in table and ' seats. Upstairs are fonr curnr oearooms and . sleeping porch screened front porch; good plumbing uu ueaiiug piani; garage tor one car, with wide cement turning place In the rear ana cement onve to the front. Ornamental fence across back of lot ana i-ergoia in the back yard. Price, 17,850. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS. JIS-17 City Nafl Bk. Bid. Dous 40. Beautiful. Dundee Homei Located on one of the most sightly points or Dundee, exclusive end refined surroundings! Large shade trees. Houae Is built of brick and stucco trim. Has living room, den with fireplace, dining room, nreakrast room and kitchen on flrBt floor; four bedrooms and bat . on . second floor. Downstairs all finished In beautiful oak with tbe exception of the kitchen. Second floor finished in natural birch with oak floors. Decorated in excellent taste. ' First-class olumblni and heating throughout. In fact, you will find this houae practically perfect In arcmtwtural appointments. Price $11,000. Possession given In about one week. Hastings & Heyden, U14 Harney Ft. Phone Tyler 60. LAR3QN Central City, Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS 8KB A. A. PATZMAN. 01 Ksrbach Blk. Tyler (14. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Mmoaii co., Nel-raaka R. E. Holmes, Buahnell. Neb. . ' FARM LANDS WANTED. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a noma in tne land or sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and cat. I?. Addrea . Jordan Valley Farms, Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 50 per a., including paid up water right. Henty Levi & C. M. Rylander, 854 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. DlJNDEEL $9,000. 5016 DODGE ST. TVjell built, 1 rooms, fully modern; largej ; living room arrangement: tire place: hot water heat; located where values are increasing rapidly. Arrange witn u jor inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. X9S. 910-20 City Nat. Bank. We specialise In Dundee homes. '' C. B. STUHT CO., Douglas 8787. . 81 3-14 City Nafl. South Side. . ALFALFA, grain and stock farms. Send ror list today., Willis Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. FOR SALE Or will trade for Sand Hill ana, gooa jsv-scres, 4 miles south from Superior, Neb., in Kansas; 125 acres In cul tivation; iv acres in alfalfa; 25 acres in pasture; excellent deep, rich, black soil; dandy 4 -room house, barn for 12 head of horses, chicken house, hog houses, Im plement shed, good well and windmill on the place, etc. Price $100 per acre and will carry back 112,000 at 8 per cent If desired; liberal commissions to agents. Call or address Wm. E. Dannefer, Love well, Kan. Bee Want Ads oav biz orofits tn tne people who read them. AUTOMOBILES. 1 FORD SEDAN IN EXCEL LENT SHAPE, PRICED " ' RIGHT. : V . SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD TOURING CARS. M'CAFFREY I MOTOR CO., The Handy Ford Service Station. LIVE STOCK Receipts were: Official Monday..... 4,374 Official Tuesday.... 4,12g Eatlmate Wednesday 5,200 Omaha, May 14, 19U. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. t,2U ,70 12,117 8.041 18,500 4.800 16th and Jackson. Doug. 1600. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, - 1M2-14-H FARNAM ST. . OMAHA'S LARGEST USED CAR STORE. Model 57 Cadillac ""; cord tires, win ter and summer top. Runs and looks like new. If you are in the market for a high grade used car, now Is your chance. 1918 4-pass. Stuts. 1918 Hudson Super Six Speedster. And 46 others from 1175 to 11.600. We have on hand practically any make of car you could wish for. All cars sold with the original threes aay money-DacK guarantee It not satis. fled. Don't forget. "We carry the stock and make the prices. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 1912-14-16 FARNAM ST. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF It CENTS PER MILS. TOD ARE COVERED BT INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1810 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERT CO.. DOUG. 1622. 1214 HOWARD ACREAGE WANTED For our practical uenionsirauons oi reeamg farm stock we require about forty acres of land. Location must be nearlsome town within twenty miles of Omaha. Mall particu lars lO JU. U. fBUn Ml I fTn - Nnllth Slria JAR . J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 24th St.. "Insurance." Buy and sell property Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buys, sells. exchanges all kinds of property. For results, quioa action, see us. . WE, will sell -your farm-, tlmelv quick returns. Held Land Co.. Brsndels Bide. lie 1(4 FINANCIAL. Private Monev SHOP EN 4 COMPANY! Douer. 4228. uuo to 110,000 MADE promptly F. D. weaa. weaa Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for sell located bungalows and .residences vorth the money. For quick results list with us U',NU1IH R. E. & IN& AGENCY. 4J3-4 Brandels Theater Bids : ; Tel. Tyler 1024. 1 HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It v out tne price must be right. GEORGE F, JONES, REALTOR. 926 City Nst. Bk. Bldg. Douir. 1946 FIVE passenger Losler automobile in good ., condition to trade for desirable vacant , ioi. . PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY,' 527 Om. Nnt. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781 FOR quick results list your property wltn . f. HI 1ST WICK S SON, 800 Bee Blrls Tyler 1606. CK quick sales list your properly with w. U. SMK1VEK, 1047-0 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 IF you property Is for sale or rent, list It with the AFRO-AMERICAN REALTY IV! tint r -i ,, - -1 ... -jA 7 V-AN sell your house or vacant lot or acreage. Inter-State Realty Co., 8520 rarnam. Tyler 4310. ' LIST vour property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales 442 lee Bldg. , Pbone Doug. 809" ... FARM AND RANCH LANDS- Canadian Lands. AM In the market to buy cheap Canada ' - 1ni1, Frltn't Crawford. Roaetown. Saak. Colorado Lands. I OWN near Burlington tractor Hntlnn 117.60 per acre; 320 levet, (25.; section 70 per cent, tractor. $10; 320 with 40 wheat, $17.60; 320 Improved, $17.60; quarters at stratton. $25; 1,280 level nw. of Raswell, $13.50, will sell In 320 tracts; also 6 tracts -160 to 320 acres, 8 to t miles of Burlington, some well Improved and in wheat, $30 to $65. All good terms. Will be at Hotel Montezu ma. Burnnaton, Monday. May 19, to sunaay. May 26 to show this land. Will make close prices to 'buyers coming alone or pay liberal commissions to gents bringing or sending me buyers. W1H F. Sledcntopf; Council Bluffs, Ia. 30,000 ACRES choice raw or Improved Lin coln Co.. Colo, lands. Bargains. Easy terms. See J. U Maorer. Arrlbs. Colo. 5UY NORTHWEST KANSAS LAND NOW I have a limited number of choice up land and creek bottom farms and ranches to offer for sale at reasonable figures. Some with alfalfa, timber and good pastures. Just what you are look ing for. Call on or write F. E. DIU msn. Traer, Kanass. Minnesota Lands. LANDLESS MEN; Let us help you to a fsrm home. Farms to meet all require, menta Ask for our new list No. 6. THORPE BROS., C-208 AndrusVBldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands, TWO GOOD RANCHES FOR SALE, 800 acres. 136 acres of fall wheat, S7 . acres of bsrley, 145 acres of corn, high ly improved; one third of crop goes with sale Is sold In '80 days; price, $35,000. Will take a stock of merchan dise up to $J 0,000. Some cash and balance on terms. 3,200-acre ranch, well Improved, 400 acres under plow; can give possession at once: price, $17.60 per acre. Good terms, section of school goes In. wfth this. E. COMBS, North Platte, Neb. 2.000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 miles south of Gordon; I miles Niobrara liver front gS 1.000 acres beet farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber slong river and In two large draws. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. S. S. R. E, MONTGOMERY, til City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. CONVERT that Installment loan on your noma Into a straight five-year mortgage nu avoia inose ir.ontniy payments. E. H. LOUGEE. IWC, 638 Keellno Bldg. want listing on ycur property. Have buyers. Eur.ene Thomas. 41 1 Ksrbscb Blk.. Douglas 8607. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest psyable semi-annually. W. H. i hum a a a BON. 228 Keellne Bldg CITY and farm loans; 64 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co 41$ Keellne Bldg No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. I52S. LOW rates without delay. C. G. CARI.BERO. 312 Brsndels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., 1026 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 2718. AUTOMOBILES ANOTHER FLOCK OF GOOD CARS. , 18-Bulck six touring; 17-Buick six; 18 Oakland Kix sedan; 17-Oakland six tour ing; 18-Chalmers six; 7-passenger, 17 Chalmers eight six; 17-Haynes six chum my) 16-Hudsoji six; - 7-passenger, .18 Maxwell, 18-Bulck 37; 18-Scrlpps 8 chummy; 17-Maxwell; 17-Chevrolet; Model K Hupp roadster and touring 80 Overland." 79- Overlands. Fords of all models, all guaranteed. Money back If not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. TOURING FORDS B-nnnfl DRIVE YOURSELF 1 (Ia PER ROADSTERS MILE TRUCKS CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co.. 1616 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 48(1 USED CARS. 1 Ford touring car, 1917 $350.00 2 Oldsmohlle trucks, IV. ton... 300.00 1 Maxwell sedan. 1917 800.00 1 Bulck sedan 360.00 1 Mitchell touring, 1915 260.00 1 Overland touring, 1917 400.00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1916 200.00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap...... 260.00 Auto Repair Shop, for sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Supplies. 1611 Davenport SL Phone D. 1141. MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ours bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to select from. Middle Stste Garage 2026-8 Farnam St Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. FOR SALE Nearly new Ford touring car. Perfect condition. Heints electric starter, tool box, tire holder, steering device. Harney 1913. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2663 Farnam St. D. 1(70. Three days this wk 15,700 17,848 23.513 Same days last week 19,469 43,176 21,460 Same days 2 wks ago 20,563 38,166 37, 60S Same days 1 wks ago 12,618 32,136 22.816 Same days year ago 20,266 31.122 19,031 Cattle In a fair run of 5,209 head of cattle trade opened up steady on steera and strong on desirable yearlings. Butcher iock was scarce and prices fully steady with yesterday. Plenty of country call made a good steady to strong market on deslreble light feeders and ' heavy kinds very lew. mouK cows and nelfers were ateauy 10 strong. Quotations on naftl. Ptim. $18.25918.00; good to chotoe beeves, $15.00 tfiv.vvi xair to gooa Deeves, 91176V14.76; common to fair beeves, $12.76612.60; good w vjiuivv yearlings. 14.UUQpib,6o; ralr to good yearlings, $9.00ll.oo; choice to tair yearlings, $10.00011.00; choice to prime neners, is.514.16; good to cnolcs cows, $(.50011.71; fair to good ;w, ii.jviWi; common- to air cows, $6.2949.00; choice to prime feeders, $14.60 vjo.ou; gooa to cnoice feeders, $33,000 14.25; medium to good .feeders, 111.00 $13.00; good to choice stockers, $12. 0r 13.60; fair to good stockers, $10.00011.00; common to fair stockers. sfi- atorv heifers, $8.60(910.60: stock cows. 68.000 9.50; stock cslves. $8.0012.25: calves. 18.00 !'; puns, stags, etc, $101001912.00. Hogs Receipts were fairly liberal again today, 227 loads estimated at 1(1 son heart Quality good, but a bearish sentiment In fluenced prices to lower levels thsn yes terday, the market was generally 15c low- wr witn variations or lopuo lower bulk of sales being $20.20020.40 and t'op at $20.55. Quite a few sales were reported AUTOMOBILES Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. urive yourself; at Tory reasonable prices: no extras to pay. Nebraska Serv ice Garage. I9tb and Fsrnam. Douglas 7390. j Trucks PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, Mgr.. Tyler 1767 1407-21 Capital Ave. Tires and Supplies. Used Tires We have several good used tires on hand at these low prices: 30x3 $4.50 S0X.3K '( 00 33 x3V. 5.60 32 x 4 (.00 334 j 7.00 8 00 35x4 ,. ,. (.00 34x44 (.60 36 X 4Vs 10.00 - 35x6 11.00 STANDARD TIRE CO., , 410 North Sixteenth St. Out-of-town orders must be accom panied by cash. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. Ws retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Core process. Ideal Tire Service, 3576 Har ney BL . v $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer, 210 N 18th BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 1600 SELLING only privately-owned used cars. Tbe Omaha Used Car Market. (617 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2347. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6036. NEW and used Ford, Ames bodies, Im mediate delivery. O Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co., 8701 So. 24th. So. 899. TIRE BARGAINS NEW FIRESTONE TIRES. 30x3 PI v(-7584x4 N. S. ..$24.25 30x3H N. S. ..13.75i34x4H N. 8. .. 30.60 32x3V. N. S. ..16.75 36x44 N. S. .. .1.78 31x4 N. S. ..21.751 36x44 N. S. .. 12.75 iiX jv. s. ..-J.Zf36x6 N. S. .. 37.75 33x4 N. S. ,.23.6037x5 N. S. .. 39.50 GOOD WEAR TJRE CO., Hi BO. inn CTKISET. UOUUIA3 423, Tires One-half Price Guaranteed 3,000 Miles. 10x8 $ 8.70 I 10x84 110-25 32x34 11-80 12x4 14.40 52x4 13.65 1 34x4 14.70 -w a n unmnH THB OLD TIRES. AGENTS WANTED, t IN 1 VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 DAVENPORT ST. below $10.30 with soma under even money, No. Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr. 42. .218 140 $20 10 46. .211 ... $20 16 40. .216 ... 20 20 83. .222 70 20 26 71. .238 160-20 30 77. .247 80 30 86 71..Z3J ... 10 40 SB.. 186 200 20 45 60. .302 .4. 10 60 60.. 100 ... 20 65 Sheep Receipts today amounted to 21 loads estimated at 4,800 head. Trade In wooled lambs was rather uneven, the de sirable handy weight lambs selling at prices that looked generally steady with yesterday, but heavy unfinished lambs were discriminated against with occasional sales that were reported 26o and possibly more rower. There wss a weaker tendency- to the spring; lamb market, prices not being any better than yesterday's extreme close. Most of the wooled lambs are sell ing from $18.00018.7 and sjprlnjg lambs Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to cnoice,. iis.itoiia.YD; tamos, fair to good, $17.60018.50; shorn lambs, $13.50016.00; yearlings, good to choice, $14.00015.00 wethers, 113.00014.50; ewes, good t to cnoice, l3.ongi4.oo; ewes, fair to good. 017.00; ewes, clipped, $11.60012.00. $12.00 OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SUKVICB GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Used e-oras. Time, casn, LJaerty bonds, new oodles, D. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. ONE 1918 4-cyl. fitudebaker; two 1917 4- cyi. etuaeoasers, iirst class running or der. Cell Homey 5760. MOON Touring Car, 7-passenger, 6-cylln- aer, 65 H. P. In good condition. Call Harney 4034. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service- station for Rayfield carburetors and Columbia storage bstterles. Edwards. ONE 1918 Studebaker; one 1917 Stude- naicer; one 1917 Maxwell, 3225. Call Harney 6750. FOR SALE Saxon 4 roadster. Fine con dition. Walnut 3042. ONE small commercial body for track. uan south 1066. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO. ORIGINATORS. Of the most unique plan ever devised for sailing land. DON'T EXPERIMENT with, "quacks" it Is very expensive. Get our method. - 45,000 acres sold. Nebras ka Realty Auction Co., Central City, Neb., M. A Larson, Manager, Mark Carmher. Auctioneer. 160 acres. Merrick county, all In winter wheat; one-halt goes with land. $150 per acre. Will accept hardware or t Implement stock up ta $11,000. A. W. TOLAND, (is Brandels Bldg. Douglas . : SsST. .. A 200-Acre Snap for Some Farmer This 200-acre farm is five miles from town, on a good road. Is all good strong land, just half of it under cultivation now. Will make an ideal home for some young couple who can pay for it in the first two years, and lay up money besides. It's so good that any man with four or five head of horses and some farming tools and a little money will be able to own his own farm very shortly. Ask for full description. $65.00 Easy Terms. J. E. Gilmore . Hay Springs, Nebraska. Sheridan County Home of Alfalfa. A 6-inch blow-out may cause you to throw a tire away. Bring It In, we will repair it and guarantee the work. CLOUSE Vulcanizing Station, (It So. mm street, umana. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO.. H- 7B8. 2914 FARNAM ST. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress, Lee Pullman, Flak. Tyme lor prices. Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Fsrnnra. GAIN mors miles; bsve your ilres re- treaded ny G. A a. Tire Co. 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261 -W, Repairing and Painting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUB RADIATOR. BUT CAN BUILD TOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR. SHOPS and i-jsalbkb: write us for prices on new cores, xvo weeks of. waiting for that new radiator or fender. Bulit to your order, in atvl. f. Bnt.mAhll. , er trr-or. In 14 hours. Patronize your nome industry. The only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company In the west OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE COMPANY. 1811 Cuming. . 3064 rarnam. Omaha. Neb. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 2125 Cuming! Doug. ias nign a-raue automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. . 1 HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos. - tho Motorcycle man, 17th and Leavenworth sta ' PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial Horns solicits your old clothing,, , furniture, magaxines. We collect We distribute. phD Dou- and our wsgon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WH.EA.T screenings $2.00 per hundred. A W. Wsgner. 801 N. 16th St.. Doug 114 VK BALK Setting hens. chicks. Colfax 4498. also baby HorsesLive StockVehicles. ' DON'T FORGET the big horse end mule suctions at stock yards stables next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm J?0,'. tart t 10 o'clock. L C. Gallup. Auctioneer. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them n...!.... ALFRED CORNISH A CO.. 1210 Farnam. F(iR 8ALI?A.f00d "ound' chunky work M(. Iti f Dodg-e " '0a WOrk ' MUST be sold, good gentle family mare. Mason neynoias, IJ2S MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business M. . umaba. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40. ( mo. H. asada. total. $3.50. o, a. goods. PROVIDENT IniW anPTvev 413 Security Bldg.. 16th Farr-sm. Ty. ((( LOANS ON JJIAMONDH ir.wm.iV Ty IVo 1 LIBERTY BONDS. o 0 -72 1 W. a FLATAU. E8T. 1391. U O tin ait BECURITT BLDG.. TY. 969. S2j2.?TTiXi'taB.rr- 111 L js, u. sen. gsi DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. MUNU-r to loan on city property. areas H-l, Omaha Bee. Ad- MONEY to loan, on city vrooerty. Ad dress H-l, Omaha Bee. GRAIN MARKET Omaha, May 14. Receipts of grain today war light, with corn about the same as a week ago and usnici. Arrivals were t ears of wheat 83 can of wheat a .i .... ( cars of rye and 4 cars of barley. Up to a late hour only a few sales of corn bad been made, traders falling to meet on prices. Sales made went unchanged to 4 cents lower, the bulk 1 to 4 cents oft Oats were 1 to 1 cents lower. ani "tle- . Sye w?" bout cn, off nd barley about 2 cents lower. Wheat was consid erably lower. Corn No. 1 white- i t cr white: 1 car. $1.64. No. 6 whit.'- a.K $1.63. No. 2 yellow: 1 -r n 7n. ' $1.6$. No. 4 yellow:. 1 car. ll'- 1 $1.65. No. t mixed: 4 cr n ti xr i mixed: 1 car, $1.(3; 1 car. $1.63 (musty.) Oats No. S white: 1 cars. 66o. No. 4 white: 8 cars. 66c. Rye No. ti 1 ear, ti ll. No. 1: 2 $ car. Barley No.. t: 1 car, li.ll No. : t 1-5 Wheat No. 4 hard: 1 ear. $116 (yel- iow, musty; j-o car, iz. is. sample nard: x oar, az.gii. o. i northern spring: car, $1.45. - Omaha Grain Inspection. ' The number of ears of grain of the seversl grades Inspected "In" her during m pbi nours toiiows: , Wheat No. I hard, 1; No. 4 hard.'l; x spring, x, cio. e spring, j; total. . rA.n U. hM,. a. - . . , . a vv u .-v. vm, ia. wnue, x; No. ( white, 1; No.' t yellow, (; No. 4 yellow, 6; No. 1 mixed, 4; No. 4 mixed, t; No. ( mixed, 1; No. ( mixed, 1; total, 23. Oats No. t white, llj No. 4 white, 2; total, 16. ' Rye No. I. I; No, , I; No. 4, 1; Loiai, e. i Barley No. 'J, 2; No. 4, t; total, 1 Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, May 4. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market strong; beef steers, $11.60016.50; fat cows and heifers, $7,500 13.00; canners, $61.0006.60; stocksrs snd reeoers,; feeding cows and heifers. $7.0009.00. - - . ---.-., .V.VVV M'.U , U)CKb U lower; iignt, $io.oo0zo.25: mixed, 110.160; neavy, fsg.sooiv.iii; OUIK OI sales, $20.20020.85. Sheep Receipts. 7(9 head: market stesay. Chicago Grain and ProvlsloBS, Chicago. Mar 14. Material setbacks in tne vaiue oi corn today accompanied a statement by the national wheat direc tor thu an Immediate reduction of the price of wheat was believed to be certain. corn closed unsettled, 14 to 1 cents net lower, with July $1.(2 to $1.(24 nd September (1.54 to $1.65. Oats fin Ished to 1014 cents down and era. visions oft S cents to $1.11. . Bearish sentiment In the corn market developed from the outset, as the likeli hood was plain that the conference 1. tween official representatives of the grain trade and of the government mla-ht 1. suit In measures to hold down living cost xvAvenent. weatner ror planting counted likewise as a bearish factor, and so. too, In soms degree did tho European dlplo- maiiu situation, ijowest prices or tne day came after announcement of the proposed method of handling the new wheat crop. Profit-taking by shorts, however, led to considerable of a rally later, notwith standing reports that tbe government was about to sell soma- of Its wheat her to mine. -Oats went lower with corn, despite an Improvement in shipping dsmand, both domestic and ror export Provisions wers heavy as a result of bresks In the grain and hog markets. It was difficult to find buyers, especially of porK. . -, ' Cssh Quotations: Corn No. t yellow, $1.784 01.74; No. 4 yellow, (1.72 4 01.71; No. 6 yellow, nominal. Oats No. I white, (7 4 0 69o; standard, (8 06(0. Rye No. 1. $1.60401.614. Barley $1.1101.18. Timothy $8.00 011.00. ; Clover Nominal, Pork Nominal. Lard $31.60. Ribs $37.60018.60. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept Pork May July Lard Mar July Ribs Mar July 1.70 1.71 1.61 1.70 1.614 1,(1 1.(94 1.614 1.61 4 1-664 i.61 (.(( .674 .11 .66 ,(T -667 .674 .654 .(( .61 3 .(4 .(( .fig (t.t 60.16 60.16 49,40 4(.(t 11. M 31.17 31(0v 31.70 18.80, 28.10 18.75. 28.71 127.75 127.75 127.50 2T.60 ' 1:!!! M 61.4( nADGER OIL FIELD the greatest oil discovery In history. Large Colored Map-Free CURTIS, PACKER A CO. SO Broad St, New York. , " ClUc Uv Stock. Chicago. Mar 14. Ctttls Hooelpts, (,000 head; choice heavy beef steers, steady, other 16 to 1( cents higher; she stock. It cents higher; bulls, calves and feeders, steady to strong; estimated to morrow, (.000 head; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, (14.16 19.66; medium and good, $11.76017.00; common, (11 60 014.00; lightweight, good and choice, $14 00017.(0; common and medium, (10.(0014.00; batcher cattle. heifers, (8.1(016.16; oews, canners and cutters. (6.1(016,00: (4.60O8.K; real calves, light and handywelght, (ItOOO 14.16; feeder steers, (16.I6O16.60; thicker sUers, $1.64011.(0. St, 9ovh Uv Stock. St. Joseph. May 14. Cattle Receipts, l.OOt head; steady; steers, (11.(0017.(0; cows and halters, $1O.6O01$.6(; calves, -((.00 011.(0. Hogs Receipts, (.600 bead; lower; top, $10.(6; bulk. (10.26020.60. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; lower; lambs, $17.60018.60; ewes, $l$.(0O14.6(. Chloagw rredseo. Chicago, Mar it Butter higher; sream y. evirBvaa. Egga higher; ry. (0 Egga firsts, 41 044c; receipts. ordinary 10,1(4 eases; firsts. '41 40 41440; at mark, eases Included. 41H041c; packing stock, firsts, 4440o; - extras. 46 4c Poultry Alive higher; fowls, 114. In Touch With All Marketo NEW YORK MONTREAL OMAHA NEW ORLEANS -SAN FRANCISCO and many other Corres pondent Offices are now linked by over 10,000 miles of private wires. Investors in bonds and short term securities should find this service of value. . Current list of offerings ssnt roquMt (eg OBlU. CsrrsasiSst Omeea to 41 Crtfc Omaha Fh-st Natl Bank BUlg.. Tstsphens . Pesglaa U1S. Statistics andRecordji if niSrmJ tsiliistrisl i Iff -,mi i - m nl eaoa sisivaa m (Vs XrTssas Mewtklr Sessilsf INVESTOR'S POCKT HAKUAL MSaaWtT WM (W MRl (W MasnNAKIAL PtWlHIfsadlUlssrTssMlsssT $50,000,000 General Motors Corporation (Incorporated under th laws of Delaware) 6 CUMULATIVE DEBENTURE STOCK (Preferred equally with the "Preferred Siocf as to Assets and Dividends and superior as to Voting Rights and Redemption Price.) X 4ft t- Callable at 115 and accrued dividend. Par Value of Shares $100. Dividends Payable Quarterly February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1 GUARANTY TRUST CO., New York City. CHASE NATIONAL BANK, New York City. Transfer Agent Registrar - Application will be made to list this additional stock on the New Yo" Stock Exchange, where approximately $35,000,000 is already listed. ( We summarize from a letter of Mr. W. C. Durant, President of the General Motors Corporation, as follows: . CAPITALIZATION (Upon comple,tion of proposed financing; i 6 7o Debenture Stock. Authorized ...$150,000,000 t 70 rreierred Stock 20,000,000 Common Stock .'. j 200,000,000 Outstanding $ 85,315,000 16,037,700 151,301,100 The Preferred Stock is convertibls into the Debenture, share for share, up to January 2, 1921, inclusive BUSINESS: v Te principal products of General Motors Corporation are: i?TT2Fx Buick' Chevrolet, Oakland, Oldsmobile, Scripps-Booth. ?SFa ND TRACTORS-G. M. C, Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Samson. ' PARTS AND ACCESSORIES-Delco and Remy Starting, Lighting Sid Ignition n a n?? t? ?t?t tSSJtSS? N?w DeParture Bearings and many other important parts. FARM IMPLEMENTS. Janesville line. REFRIGERATING MACHINES-ffid-aire. 1 ' " . The net sales of all the companies now embraced in General Motors Corporation for the twelve months ended December 31, 1918, amounted to $326,044,755. ASSETS:- - : 1 ' t, 7t netqujck aSSets as of December 31, 1918, amounted to $150,390,492, to which J should be added the proceeds of the proposed issue of Debenture stock. EARNINGS: MtK9fM if applied, to the toul amount ($101,352,700) of Debenture and Preferred stock, including the proposed issue, would 3 -nually. However,theVerage amoixt out- compTM EQUITY: t'-- ; a inn Jhe amount of Common stock outstanding on December 31, 1918, was $151,301, 100, having a markef value at present quotations in excess of $250,000,000. PREFERENCES: rVmif heDebent"re stock .is safeguarded by liberal preferences and in the event of de- fn IL JeTit ?fif ddend her?2 con tinuing for six months, has sole voting power to the exclusion of the Preferred and Common stock. p wcr Thachlr S ? PrSSSr rsn co"nectl" with this 1Ssue are being passed upon by Mensrs. Simpson, lqiS hifA? artlet. New York. Balance Sheet and Income Account of the corporation foi1 1918 have been certified correct by Messrs, Haskinsv& Sells, Public Accountants, ' price 90 flat. ' DOMINICK L bOMINICK, ; : MONTGOMERY & CO ( . New York. Philadelphia. Newark. Chicago.' iRP& HAYDEN, STONE & CO. . ' -Wilmington, Del. New York. Boston. Tb. statemenu conta.ned herein, while not guaranty. based upon information and advice which w. bcliev. f b. accurate J