lu 'I'lirl h&&: 'OxviAiiA, 'xnUruSDAY, MA 15, ltfltf. Want Ad Rates fCuk With Order.) !e par word ...i M Insertion to par word for 1 consecutive Insertions la par ward for each additional Insertion No ads taken for leaa than a total of TOO or lcaa utan loo par day. CHABGR. Ho par Una (count worda ta Una) 1 tlma o par Una each tlma, S eonaecutlva tlmea ta par Una each tlma. T consecutive time To par Una each time. 30 eonaecutlva time ' FUNERAL NOTICES. 10a. par line.. each Inaertlon Minimum charge, 6 centa. Contract Batf OB Anolieatloa. For convenience of advertisers, want ada " will be accepted at the following offlcea: MAW OFFICE....... Bee Building Ames Office .4410 Norm auto -aw. Lake Office.., 218 North 14th St. Vinton Office 2467 South 16th St Park Offlee 2615 Leavenworth Bt Walnut Office ...81 North 40th St. South Side i.......231 N 8t Council Bluffs 1 Main St. THE' BSE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered for more than one llm' - phone rrusB iooo. Evening Editions.... M. Morning Edltiona 10:00 P. M. Snndav Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. DKLANEY Edward, age 10. He la sur vived, Besides ms moiner, r. unmm Delaney, by one sister. Miss Erma. Funeral Thuraday morning from John A. Centleman'a nfortuary. 8411 Farnam St. at 8:30 a. m., to St. Peter's church, 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher ceme tery CARD OF THANKS. W)- wish to thank our many frie'nds and neighbors for the ftlndness and aym jiathy shown us during the Illness and . death of our beloved wife and mother. Also for the beautiful floral offerings Mr. O. B. Anderson ana f amily FRED E. FERO . , , FUNERAL DIRECTOR . ; Lady Attendant 13d and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas (77. Auto amnulance IfEAFEY & HEAFJ3Y, Undertakers and Embalmers, Phone H. Ids. Office, 2611 rarnam. HULSE & RIEPEN ' . Pioneer Funeral Directors. T01 8. 16th St. Phone Dong. 11M.- "7TAGGART & SON . f UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS Telephone Douglas 714. 1812 Cuming St. Stack & falconer Independent Undertakers. 23d-Far. H. 400. HOFFMAN FUNERAL, HOME Hoffman quality service costs less. 4th and Dodge. - Douglas 3901. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN Undertaker and Embalmer 3411 Farnam St. Harney 391. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMONXT 1114 Douglas Bt. Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farym. D. 3000. L. Henderson. lE19Varnam. ' D. 1248. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES; THE largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SWOBODA, m 1218 3. 13th. Phone Douglas 1873-6216. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' The following persons have been granted . license to wed: - . Names and address. . .;- Age. Percy M. Blair, Harlan, la. ........... .21 Haael F1. Dewey, Bosworth, .M.. . , v . . .19 Wayne C. Selby, Omaha. ............. ...14 Margaret Gamble, Omaha 21 Paul J. Borchman, Omaha.......... ..24 Sophia G. Johnson, Omaha. ......... ...24 Hearthwood Hicks, Omaha. ....... i ... .18 Llle Austin. Omaha... .......18 George J, Mach, Petersburg, Neb... .....40 A. Marie Llnkswller, Fjeroe, Neb .23 Joseph C. Merrill. South Bend, Neb..,.. 23 Carrie Kobler, Springfield, Neb. .-..18, Albert' Goodman, Omaha. ............. .59 Ida Miller, Omaha.- ...,.19 Jorgeii Nelsen Busk, Omaha. .......... 29 Ruth Davis, Omaha.. .y20 Herbert F. McCulla, Hastings, Neb. .,,.23 - Julia Baue, Hastings, Neb 23 Luis A. Acosta, Omaha ...23 Blanche Alcott, Omaha.... ......19 Lawrence Hansen, Grlnnell, la. ....... ..28 Carrie Pederson, Benson, Neb 21 Waieryo Zahylut, Omaha. ............ ..18 Waleryo by lut, Omaha . ...18 Steven O. Vasofsky, Omaha .....'...23 ' Mary Toth, Omaha.. ....II BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Giacomo and Concetta Landro, 1623 South Fifth street, girl; Edward and Bessie McQuillan, 2710 Fowler avenue, boy; Guiseppe and Sebastiana Magnano, 1218 Mason street, girl; Orin and Ruby Stanley, - v 4J3S South -Fourteenth street, boy; Law rence and Nora Rassmussen, 8747 Wirt street, girl; Harry and Hazel Englebrecht, 607 South Nineteenth atreet, girl; Frank and Mary Fltsgibbons, 2018 North Thirty, fifth street, girl; Fred and Clara Ballen tyne, 4230 North Sixteenth street,4rlrl: Ed gar and Helen Thompson, 6413 North Twenty-fourth street, boy; James and ' Anna Sloup. 1709 South Fourteenth atreet, girl. Deaths William Bradford, 35, hospital; Theresa Anna Danze, 42, 8021 South Twen ' ty-f'rst street. BUfLDING PERMITS. V B.' J. Scannell, 471S N. 27th street. " frame dwelling, 13,500; Payne Slater, eight frame dwellings as follows: 2209 South Fifty-eighth. 32.000; 2209 South Fifty-ninth, 8,006r 2117 South Fifty-ninth, 12,000; 2214 South Fifty-ninth, 32,500; 2228 South Fifty-ninth, $2,600; 2207 South Sixtieth. 12,600; 1217 South Sixtieth, 12, 300; 122 South Sixtieth, 12,600. L J. . Ihm, 1800 North Flftytfirst, repairs ' to dwelling. $700; Mrs. Mary O'Donovan, 109 South Forty-eighth, auto shed. $500 ; Geo. Itelnhardt, 4127 North Nineteenth, frame dwelling, $3,000; T. S. Kellogg, 8123-9 North Twenty-fourth, brtok garage. $12,- 000; Cassell Realty company, 2418 North Twenty-rourtn. aaamon to nuiiaing. iz.ouu, SPECIAL NOTICES. CLEANING AND " PRESSING v :". v--v'u. r''f ;, WE CALL AND v : : DELIVER' ONE DAY SERVICE 109 N.40TH. ff. 1701. ANY institution, either educational or philan thropic, in need of funds should communicate with Box H. 42, Omaha Bee. z References and recom mendations exchanged. ATTRACTIONS. ATTRACTIONS V V; y .- WANTED -' Army avIatoV.and other attractions for 3 days' race meet, June 28-27-38, Win - ner, 3. D. Address F.,W. Parrish, Sec'y Winner. 8. D. . ' . .. ATTRACTIONS wanted for Flremen'a tournament, June 11th. Want something good and up.-to-date. A. T. Brownell. Sac CltyTla, . LOSTFOUND i-REWARDS. FOR ARTICLE8 LOST on street cars, tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re. ' store lose article xo risnuui owners. OMAHA CO. BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. A DOG LOST Male Airedale, medium si so Tall cut very short. Anawera to name of "Rags." Call 'John Latenser, Douglas 2394.- and get. $1.0 reward. - ' LOST Suit case.- between Athletio club and Council Bluffs. Return to Field,' : Hamilton Smith Paper Co., 1114 Harney, and receive reward. STRAYED One black Shetland pony from Calhoun. Please notify J. M. Beckley, Colfax 713, LOST Bunch of keys oa key ring. Call nurrifv .jsa For salemiscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. WE buy, sell and aoake desks, safes, show cases, shelving, eta Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co.. lltn ana pougiaa. u. ziz. ALMOST new 0-!nch F. O. William and Mary buffet, will sacrifice lor a quick faaaw sted livl, .. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household .Goods. OUR disposition sale of high-class odd piece furniture and rugs la vrJvlng a great auccesa and hundreds ,. of your friends and neignbora are nkfng advan tage df 1L Tou can't afford . to over look this great opportunity at savings on bed room, dining room, living room and kitchen furniture. Savings aa great as 60 par cent. We take liberty bonds at par. We pay the freight; we ape elallxe on complete home, ioUl ,. and rooming house furnishing. ., 'A STATE FURNITURE CO. ' Opp. U. P. Illdg. lth id-Dodge. FOR SALE Golden oak buffet. Eclipse fas range and Herrlck refrigerator. Phone Walnut 909. GOOD furniture and household goods for aale cheap. Office deak, aame as new. 9421 Cuming St. DOUBLE gas range and . motor, quick. 2S2 North 33d St. Come Pianos and Musical Instruments. A FULL 'i line, of Columbia phonographs and records In all languages; also a full line of Vitanolaa and all musical Inatrumenta at 26 per cent off.- We also repair phonographs. Rlalto Music Shop, 1416 Douglas St. Open evenings. . l HOSPE C0.?ra,nmu.,c!n Pianos for rent, $4.00 per month. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND AilDING V, MACHINES. " . NEW-AND REBUILT The most complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines west of Chicago Can furnish any make at most any ' price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will but or trade . for your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See us before you buy. CKNTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE (Established over 16 years.) Douglas 4121. 1905 Farnam St.1 REBUILT, sold,, rented, repaired. Carbon paper, 1 ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed, Try us. Phone Doug. 6031 OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. . 108 North 16th St. ' TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. . " THE W. N. LONG COMPANY, i 206 a 18th St. Tel. D. 3969. WE buy. sell and exchange typewriters, , desks and office furniture." Midland of fice Supply Co., 1404 Dodze St. Tel. Douglas 3147. - '. ; RENT sin Oliver Typewriter, three months , for $6.00. Oliver Agency, 1906 Farnam St.. City. y , Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICHEL'S f NEBRASKA CYCLE COI. . 16th ,and Harney Sts. ' Doug. 1662. - Bee Supplies. . BEE? SUPPLIES KRETCHM E R MFG. CO., Co. Bluffs. Ia. Miscellaneous. - CLEAN YOUR , . r ALFALFA - - POCKET GOPHER TRAP. Send me $3 for one-half doien. Guar anteed or money refunded. SUCCESS GOPHER TRAP CO ' Harlan, la, - nPTXIlT ' Pure apple cider in 16-gal-IVXVXiXA. ion kega,60o per gallon. Pure-Grape In 16-gallon kegs. 85e gallon. No charge for kegs. Returned when emp ty. ' Poitto Beverage Co.. 2444 U Burt St. Phone Douglas $462. - . ' " MUST be sold at once. My family mare; Kind ana genne every way u given gpou home; young and sound. Mra. .ReynokU, 2226 sMason street. . OMAHA PILLOW COj Ma.iresae made .over In new-ticking at haif the prloe of new ones. 1807 Cuming, .eougias 347 BEAUTIFUL 8-strand light brown hair switch for sale. Real hair. . Call Tyler S492-J. - DRY kindling wood. Acme Box Co., Har ney 1837. MUST .SELL-i-Two good features, 4 or f reels. Prices right. Box D-60. na POOL TABLES T. F. Hall. , Doug. 7406. KINDLING delivered. $3.60 load. Web. 459. WANTED TO BUY Liberty bonds :'- V . If you nave a Liberty bond to sell, -see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment recelpta.- 319 M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. . .-f ,WANT TO BUY. ;-'-;H0MES H. A. WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL. "ESTATE BOARD. . 512 ELECTRIC BLDXJ. TYLER 85 LIBERTY BONDS will bring the highest market price with ua ; also PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS. NATIONAL BOND COMPANT, 610 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 699. 16tb and Farnam. Boot Cash for LIBERTY BONDS : If you have a Liberty bond to sell, . see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. HILL INVESSTMENT, CO., ' 642 Securities Bldg., Farnam and 16th. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts ; bought for aash; immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. LEWIS ft CO., BROKERS, 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS "We are paying more for LIBERTY BONDS this week than any other firm has heretofore paid. - See na. and save " money. ' SECURITIES INVESTMENT CO., - 63 Securities (Rose). Building. HIGH prices paid for clothing, suit cases, bags, old gold and silver, - v FRIEDMAN. - 1311 Douglas Red 7914. H.- DOLGOFF, Furniture nd Hardware Furniture, rugs, linoleum, ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit eases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for less money. Credit If you wish. 1839 47 N. I4th. Web. 1607. WANTED TO BUY Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and. get the market price for your .Liberty bonds. Come to us. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638-40 Keeline Bldg. DESKS -DESKS DESKS ' New desks; used desks bought sold and 'traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam, D. 14 V A T 17 PV highest prices for old A X3.XJAJ ci0thes, shoes and trunks. Call Douglas 8023. WANT to buy 3 heavy second-hand trans , fer wagons. Inquire show grounds, 21st and Paul Sts. WE pay the highest price for aecond-hand furniture thgeod condition. W. M. Franklin, 1418 TJ. 24th 8t. Webster 4206. RING HARNEY 1890 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUGS, OR OFFICE, EQUIP MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phone or write Omaha Paper Stock Co.. Douglas 1W. , WILL ' buy second-hand clothing, shoes , and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett. 705 North 16th St. IF YOU have any second hand clothes call Douglas 3865. and get full value. HIGHEST spot cash paid for old or misfit clothes.- Call Douglas 3444. ANNOUNCEMENTS BONNET Organ Recital aad . Sacred Concert. St Cecilia's ..Cathedral. May IS. Tickets for Sale at Sherman ft McConneU's five Drug Stores, Beaton'a Drug Store, Schmoller ft Mueller's. Hoape's MuslcN Store. -' j ' v -. i Midwest Church .Goods Co., 682 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 6691. '. : Tickets, 76 Cejits. 31. 90 and 81.58. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO, 300-308 Brown Bldg.. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING. BUTTONS. O..U. VanArham Pleating Co.. 413-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2101, Bath trad Massage. Miss Fisher, 379 Brandeis Theater. Baggage and Express. '.'The Only Way JSS Omnba Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELb CO, . 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Chiropractors. DR. r HANKS, mate years' experience chronic cases. 90S Croanse Blk Red 1193 Ethel ttaltby, D. C. 813 Bee Bldg. D. 3071. Dr. J. jC. Ijiwrenoe. Baird Bldg. D. 8461. SPINOGrtAPH. Dr. Edwards. 24th Farnam. Dancing Academies KEEP'S HOTEL ROME Learn to dance .. for $5; class and dance Monday, Thurs day ana saturaay. rrivate lessons. 'hone Mr. Keep, P. 3581. or Har. 3793. KEL-PINB DANCING ACADEMY, , 2424 Farnam, Class and prlv. lessons. P.' 7850. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN K, Neville Block.' Evi dence secured In all cases. TyIerM13(. Dentists. Taffs, Dental Rms; 308 Rose Bldg. D. 2188. Dr. Bradliury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Electrical Utilities. DTTR If T M Electric washing machines, L U XVXVAi'lsiecnrio irona and reading lamps, 2282 Cuming St. Pougiaa 3ii CAN save you money on electric washers. N vacuum cleaners, etc. i None better. ci. muuuc. Z4t at son pis, uiim Osteopathsv DH. MABEL. WESSON, . 614 Brandeis Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Ozone Inhaling.. FORENOONS free, at 112 South 26th. Jewelry, DT A MONDSWepay the best price UliiyiJVilJi.Kuh privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY VWei CO., 402 N. 16th St. Red 81. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 8. 20th. Tailor, p. 2433 Film Dcyeldping:. M'CULLOUGH, photo finishing, oest ma terial, beat workmanship, espying and enlarging a specialty. Mall ordera so licited. 64(13 South S8th St. Films developed frtv. Mall ordera solicited, le Gore studio, 6r CAMERA SHOP, 214 $2?" Films developed free. Mall orders solicited. DEVELOPING and printing. - One-day service. Photo Craft Phop. 1408 Farnam, FILMS developed free. Mail orders so licited. TH KNSION CO., 1607 Howard. v Insurance. INSURE AGAINST . 'TORNADOES : Accident and Sickness T . A WPTEWSfiW bee BLDQj Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 608 Om. Nat. Office, Tyler 759, Res. B. 3218. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 581. Brandeis. D. 6691. Printing. ' Wedding Stationery TJ. 9. Printing Co., Bee Bldg. Phone D. 1178. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 414 8. 13th St. Razor Blades Resharpened. Single Edge, 3c; Double Edge, 4c OMAHA SHARPENING CO. 1522 Dodge St. Omaha, Neb. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD ft SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. ' Safes. Q A 17 1?3 BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. kjnf ShiD j j. perlght Safe Co. Towel Supplies. Frontier Towel Sup. 201 3. 11th. D. 6291. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. pougiaa . Miscellaneous. SPECIAL .imported Italian cheese. Im ported .Italian Galame. Rlalto Delica tassen, 15th and Douglas. , WANTED Responsible party will store plane-for use of same. Telephone Tyler 4180. , , BUSINESS CHANCES. ' . . SOLD , v OUR LEASE. 1614 Farnam. Must vacate by May 20. Will sell part or entire set of fixtures at a sacri fice. Soda fountain, tables and chairs, show cases, wall cases, refrigerators and cash register. STOP DREAMING of making big money and make it under the beat, quickest ana safest business proposition now available. No permanent investment required. Turn over your .profits and build up a busi ness you will bare for years with no risk of losing one cent. Write today and get Into this organization quickly. B Box 171, Galveston, Tex. WILL sell from $1,000 to $10,000 interest in big paying wholesale business to . party who can handle city sales. Salary $125 and commission. This proposition will bear closest Investigation. Not a stock promotion scheme. Employer's t Reference company, 605 Bee building, Omaha. DRUG STORE FOR SALE in one of the richest county seat towns In Nebraska, population 700; good territory, one store, .sales large; C. ft N. W. R. R. Address T-607, Omaha Bee. GARAGE in western Iowa town of 1,800 for sale. To dissolve partnership. Ford . car, Fordson tractor and Republic truck agency. Annual business of $76,000. Box C 51, .Bee. FIVE-CHAIR barber shop, whits enamdl; most centrally located In city of 80.000 people, with long-time lease. R. O. W., Box 1626, Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE OR LEASE Sand and gravel , pit on Chalco-Yiitan cutoff. Harry B. Cowles. Waterloo, Neb. RESTAURANT FOR SALE, also frame building now rented, owner has other business Douglas 8436. DRUG STORE for sale at a discount. Rea son want to retire. Barkl, Erwln. 8. D. SITUATIONS WANTED. ' Male -r THE BEE will publish free a situation wanted ad under this clasailcation for - soldiers, sailors and marines who wtll . show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of the Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. ACCOUNTANT and freight rate clerk, 27 years of age; 9 years of railroad ex perience; traffic course in La Salle uni versity. Prefer position In traffic de partment of commercial firm. Box B-40. I ELECTRICIAN 26 years "513; married, atudent I. C. S., graduate navy electrical school. Best recommendations. Experl- ... enced on storage batteries. Will accept temporary work, 1ut prefer permanent. J. T. May. 2118 Chicago. Doug. 8722. DISCHARGED soldier with clerical and sales experience desires position with reliable Omaha firm where there Is chance for advancements Box A-64. CHAUFFEUR (colored), three years' ex perience wants position driving truck, delivery, or will drive private car for good family. Phone. Douglas 8936, DISCHARGED soldier good education, some business experience. Was chauf feur in the army. Willing to work.. Box 2, Omaha Bee. DISCHARGED overseas soldiers desires position as private chauffeur. Call Mr. P. J. Baltzer, Harney 1154 after 6 p. tn. GUARANTEED painting work done, in side or outside work, reasonable. CarH . Mr. M. ghimack after 6 .p. m. at South 277S." Male FARMERS, we can furnish you farm hands; wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency, 210 8. 12th fet D. 7879. DISCHARGED soldier wants position; was former cashier and stockholder in bank Address Box Y 613, Omaha Bee. PHONE 327-J, Benson, for experienced man to garden, lawn mow, shrubbery, -"odd jobs. " WANTED Houaecleanlag by experienced colored man. Phone number changed fsorn Webster 2745 to Webster 5143. ' Female! EXPERIENCED bank bookkeeper wishes position; operates Burroughs poster, also typewriter; good penman; age 21; can furnish No, 1' references. Call South 42.13. WANTED Position fly experienced typist - and - office clerk or beginner stenogra pher. Best of references furnished. Ad- dress Box 373.. Plattswiouth, Nebraska. CLEANING er Ironing by. day; reliable colored woman. References. Webstsr 2746. Laundry and Daw Work. WANTED by reliable colored woman. Ironing. Phone number chrnged from . Webster 888 to Webster 6143. evenings. RELIABLE white woman wanta laundry work to do at home. Colfax 3039. BUNDLE washing: reasonable: best care, soft water. , Webster 4949,. SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day-Workr BUNDLE washing- at home by reliable -v woman. AVebater 6991. , BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Webster 4283. - , - DAY work Wanted with references. Call Webster 2941. CURTAINS laundered. 1614 Dodge. Har ney 1180, LAUNDRESS wants day work. Call Web ster 4912. HELP WANTED MALE. 'Stores and Offices CASHIER and typist, $80, $85; office clerk, $80, $90; stocjt clerks. $70.$76; Stenographers. $80, $85, $100; ledger clerjts. $85, $90; typist and Pilling clerk, . $76. $80. - . THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WILL interview two young men who are ' good workers to connect for permanent ruture to travel for large estaDiisnea corooration doing Immense business; promotion rapid If you qualify; liberal aalary. Mr. Groom, I te 4, Merchants Hotel. Office clerks. $60. $70. 880. Boy. 17 to 18, office work, $60. Retail, coffee sales man, , ls-zz, 7 5. Claim ciera, wnoie sale. 3100. Stenocranher. wholesale. $90. Typist and clerk, $70 to $90. We cnarge no tiling fee. , Employers tiei -erence Company, 606 Bee building. WANTED Flrsteclass pharmacist; one registered in Nebraska preferred. Apply Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Gen eral Office, Id floor, 19th and Farnam streets. WANTED-r-Namea of men, 18 to 35, wish ing to become railway mail clerks, I $1,100-31,600 per year. Address Box ' Y-615. Omaha Bee. PRICE CLERK, auto experience, $75-$100; bookkeeper, good future. $80-$90. WATTS KEF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. GOVERNMENT wants railway mail clerks, $93 month. List positions free. Frank- , lin Institute, Dept. 231-P, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young man between ages of 16 and 20 to- work in grocery department. Apply 1307 Douglas. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas1. Professions and Trades EXCELLENT opening in large Colorado printing establishment for a good prac tical printer, first-class cylinder press man and cylinder press feeder. Union 'wages and steady employment. Address, Box Y-618. Omaha Bee. WANTED Machinists, experienced on gen eral plant maintenance. Only lst-class mechanics need apply. Steady work. No labor- trouble. . $38 per 48-hour week. jonn aiorreii at Co.. Bloux rails, S. 1. WANTED Glazier on plate and window glass; ability to handle work; out of city; permanent position; pay union scale; state age and experience. Ad dress Box y-612. Omaha Bee. MEN Learn barber trade. Marfe $25 to $50 per week. Special rates to soldiers. . Earn while learning. Motar Barber College. 110 South 14th St PAINTERS Can use several more good men immediately;! steady work; open shop.- Report 8 a. m. ready for work to A. A. Cook, 6903 Military Ave. WANTED Combination painter and paper hanger; permanent position; good salary and luncheon. Apply to Manager, Black stone hotel. REGISTERED pharmacist wanted at once for out of the city. Position will pay good salary to a good man not afraid of work. Address Y-514, Omaha Bee, EXPERT automobile mechanic wanted. Must be good. Send references. Good wages paid for good man. B, S. Wells, Merna, Neb. WANTED AT ONCE First-class soda man; good salary, . OMAHA ATHLETIC CLUB. WANTED Freight elevator man; good wages and meals. Apply to assistant manager at Blackstone hotel. WANTED Two good carpenter finishers; top wages; steady work. W. L. Camp ' bell, Ogallala, Neb. WANTED A barber; permanent position; good salary and luncheon. Apply to manager, liiacKstone hotel. HAND wood carxers to carve merry-go-round horses. C W. Parker, Leaven worth, Kansas. AUTO painter wanted. Top price paid. Jack v Kline. Phone Tyler 2916. After 6:30. So. 1190. - ' COLORED man or woman dish washer. Hotel Castle Cafe. START RIGHT Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Service Men one-half rate. WANTED Experienced Job compositor. I. A. Medlar Co., 416 S. 14th. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de - oartment Box 41405 Bee WANTED Linotype operators. Medlar Co., 416 S. 14th St. YOUNG man to work In the Bee press room. Apply to foreman. Salesmen and Solicitors TRAVELING salesman, manufacturing firm, established trade, staple com modity; will consider Inexperienced man 25 to 36 years of age of good personality and will give preliminary sales train ing If well recommended. Salary $100 to $125 and expenses. Western Ref erence & Bond Ass'n, 736 First National . Bank Bldg. . SALESMAN WANTED Experienced boiler and furnace sales man for Nebraska and Colorado. Prac tical man only will be considered. One who can estimate jobs and talk intelli gently to contract: CHANDLER HEATER COMPANY, CEDAR RAPIDS, IA, WILL interview two young men who are gcod workers to connect for permanent future to travel for large established corporation doing Immense business, promotion rapid if you qualify; liberal salary. Mr. Groom, 9 to 4, Merchants Hotel. GOOD SALESMEN for live wire proposi tion; Iowa territory; one with car. Call at 620 Paxton Blk. WANTED Salesman with car; salary and liberal commission. Standard Tire Co., 110 N. 16th St. - Trade Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical work a spe cialty. Free catalog. National 4,uto School. 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha. 'Boys. WANTED A BOY We want a boy to learn the printing trade. Must be not less than 16 years old and full of pep. One with a hank ering for type and printers' Ink pre ferred. One year of high school will help, but an eighth-grade graduate will do. The wages are not large to start with, but we give you something that will be worth while in the future. Five years' apprenticeship will make you a competent workman In a trade that you will be proud to be associated with. Call In person at the Bee composing room any evening after 6 o'clock. Ask for Mr. Calvert. BOY WANTED over 17 to learn making sample cases and trunks. Must be willing worker. Wages to start, $10 a week. Frelllng ft Steinle, 1803 Farnam ot. BOY WANTED 16 years, for officb work. 805 Brandeis Theater Building. Miscellaneous. POSITIONS, locations.- etc, for druggists. - dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians F. V Knlest, 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices WANTED A DICTAPHONE OPERATOR WHO CAN TAKE DICTATION. SEE MR. COLLINS. B.- F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO.; $034 FARNAM ST. , STENOGRAPHER, private secretary, 390 $100; stenographer, good beginner, $60 $60; stenographer and clerk, - $75-380; stenographer to take charge of office, $100; billing clerk, $50-160-876; P. B. X. operator, $50-865; P. B. X. operator and file clerk, $60-$65; .Elliott Fisher operator, $5; bookkeeper, $78-$80. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. BILLING machine operator, $70 to start. Typist to do billing, $60 to start. Of fice clerk, experienced, $65. Girl for office work, $40.' P.B.X. operator, ex perienced, $56. We charge no filing fee. Employer's Reference Company, 605 Bee building. STENOGRAPHERS, excellent future. $86, $90; beginner typists for billing, $60, $65; typist and general office clerk, $76, $80; beginner stenographer, $60. . BUSINESS MENS REFERENCE ASSN. 1807 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $10O-$0-$86-$80-$76; multlgraph operator, $86; typist, $65- $76; bookkeeper, excellent future, $76; Wahl adder operator. $86:"compt. opr., $65. ' WATTS REF. CO.. 1138 First Nat. Bank. A LADY to work In Ice cream and candy cafe, also girl for -counter work; must be neat; 18 to 26; no children; will pay good wages to good party. Will wire ticket. R. B. Carder, Grant, Neb. . A HELP WANTEDFEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, some experience. South Omaha. $75. Westera Reference ft Bond Ass' a. ; ELLrOTT-FISHER operator, $75. Weatern Reference A Bond Ass'n. Professions and Trades Good Steady Jobs Ready Now For A Few More Girls. Girls wanted now for steady work In various departments of the Snow White Bakery. Must be If years of age or 'over. ' Beginners start at $111 per week and are paid more just as rapidly as they learn and earn more, we are still pay ing a "war bonus" of 10 per cent at the end of each four weeks' of steady work. Mondays to Fridays, ' Inclusive, we work 8 hours per dsy. Our week's work ends at 12:30 Saturday. ; ' Apply to office, second floor, middle of OlOCit. Iten Biscuit Co., Snow White Bakeries, - Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Streets.' , AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE .OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN TERESTING AND IMPORT ANT.- OFFERS ' MANY OP-PORTUNITIES- FOR AD VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In creases at regular Intervals. VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH PAY. YOUNG WOMEN, IT YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, APPLY TO 0. F. LAMBERT- NEBRASKA ' TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM via, NEW TELE PHONE BUILBING. NINETEENTH AND. DOUGLAS STREETS. , AMERICAN ' ' TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Has a few vacancies for young ladles to learn I LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE operating. The work is Interesting, the surroundings are pleasant. A good sal ary la paid - while learning. If you are Interested in getting into a real busi ness where your prospects for advance ment will not be affected by the after-the-war conditions call and see Miss Grace Cox, Chief Operator 1120 .Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Sts. SHIRT operators and hand button hole makers to work on fine custom shirts piece work best prices paid, also a weekly bonus of 10 per cent. New factory . and pleasant working conditions. CAPPER & CAPPER, 29-35 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. - WANTED A few more experienced power sewing machine girls. Apply floorlady, Omaha Auto Top Co.. 709 South 16th St WANTED A vegetable woman, $60 per month and hoard. Apply Conant hotel. WANTED Girls to sew on tents and awn ings. Nebraska Tent and Awning Co. 1204 Farnam St. Saleswomen and Solicitors Pleasant and Profitable Outdoor Work For Summer and Fall The largest manufacturer in his Una In the middle west is now employing women to call on housewives In their homes and demonstrate high quality food products. Demonstrators secure orders to be filled later by grocers. Experience un necessary. If you are active, energetic, of good appearance and can talk con vincingly. Prefer women between 26 and 85 years of age. - i V You will not be required to travel out . side of the section In which you live and can probably arrange to- spend nearly every Sunday at home. We pay salary every week and all traveling and living expenses while on the road no commission. " In answering, please give ut complete Information about yourself, Including demonstrating experience, If any, edu cation, age, whether married or single, etc. Address B-39, Omaha Bee. j WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP iV LADIES' SHOE DEPARTMENT; PERMANENT POSITIONS; GOOD SALARIES. AP PLY TO SUPERINTENDENT, BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO WORK IN FACTORY. GOOD PAY TO BEGIN NERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO. 8TH AND DODGE 8T3. WANTED A good live saleslady,, one 7 who can produce results. Apply 620 raxton nix., or pnone Keg Household and Domestic. COOK Experienced, to feo to Odebolt, la. rnvate lamuy; good wages; good borne. Address Mrs. W. P. Adams, HELP WANTEDFEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Housekeeper. 26 tu 40 year a Take entire charge. Care tor utx moth erless children, Prefer one without children, but might consider one child. Salary $9 per week, toideat girl wl:l help. Baby Is 5 years. HERMAN KURPOEWEIT. Box 622. Madison. Neh. WOMAN WANTED as housekeeper in famtfy of three: good home; wl$k in poor health; state what wages expected when writing. Address, J, N. J. Hart. Ington, Neb.. R. R. No. 1, Box 86. WANTED Experienced white cook, where aecond girl la kept. No washing. Mrs. W. D. Hosford, 625 8. 37th SU .Har ney 8T WANTED Woman cook, white, for Amer ican plan hotel, must be first class, wages $60.00 per month,, board and. room. Royal Hotel, Red Cloud. Neb. LADX for general housework, good home, four In family. 8601 Harney St., or ptvone Harney 2172. - OI RL for cooking and to assist second girl in housework. Mrs. A, W, Gordon, 1016 South 38th St. WANTED Cook, also .. girl for aecond work. 105 South 49th street Telephone Walnut 854. "- COMPETENT maid 'for general house work. Mrs. W T. Graham. 412 North 89th St. Harney 489. ' . -. WANTED White girl f or general house work; good wages. 3624 North 24th Bt WANTED A FLOOR MAID. APPLY CLARKSON HOSPITAL AT ONCE. WANTED Girl to assist ' with house work, good home. Walnut 3504. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Bohemian woman or girl to cook; experience not necessary; $12 per week, hd. and room. 1402 8. 13th Bt. WANTED A dining room girl. Apply Clarkson hospital. 2100 Howard. WANTED A waitress at 603 Mi N. 16th, six hours per day. Miscellaneous. WANTED Woman to assist in bath and hydrotheraphy department at 402 Se curities Bldg. Apply in person to Dr. Mustek. WANTED A janltress for half day's work, 12 to 6 p. m. Clarlmont Inn. Doug. 2736. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boya to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Brrber College. Phone D 2147. LIVE salesmen or lady for specialty work, one who can produce results. See us Immediately. 620 Paxton Blk. WANTED Multlgraph operator. Perma nent. Good salary. Address Box D-31, Omaha Bee. TWO cooks and dishwasher wanted. League of Nations cafe, 111 North! 16th. EDUCATIONAL; DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete cSurses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, atenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated ca logue. Address, BOYLES COLLEGE), Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. - Day and Evening Schools. $20 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. LEARN Mosker shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg., D. 6628. Piano Instruction. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio, phone Red 185. 209 South 15th St. ' FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. THREE rooms and bath, completely fur nished in "Hollywood," 25th Ave. and Dewey, $56 per month: references, BEDFORD-JOHNSTON CO., 612 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 1734. FOR RENT ROOMS. - Furnished Rooms. NICE FURNISHED ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH IN . STRICTLY ALL MODERN FLAT; CLOSE IN; REASON ABLE TO RIGHT PARTY. CALL AT 2218 BURT ST., OR CALL, Kr-JJ SMZ. LARGE, pleasant front room, 3 big win dowa; gentleman preferred; good neighborhood; walking distance. Har GENTLEMAN wants roommate, reference exenangea. 413 no. Z5tn Bt. Tyler 4660. NEWLY furnished room, two men or cuupie empioyea. lyier .o. GIRL wants room mate. Call Tyler 1462. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE large front room with kltchei.ette, gas range, running water and toilet Private entrance on ground floor. Web ster 4027. FURNISHED room for housekeeping in exchange for light chamber work. Red blip. 4-ROOM apartment for light housekeep ing. 4169 Cuming Bt. Phone Walnut 881. Board and Rooms. COSY room, good home cooking, on car Una, In refined widow's family. Web ster 6040. Unfurnished 2oo TWO desirable unfurnished rooms, close In. Red 7256. 106 N. 25th St. . - FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment n,anagei..ent LIST your property for rent or sals' with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. ' Realtors. Tyler 729. CREIGH SONS A CO.. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. DdMg. 200. . 60 Bee Bldg. BIRKETT A CO. Care of property and insurance, 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. 208 S. 41st, mod., 7 rms $28.00 . 2037 N. 21st. flats. 3 rms 9.00 JOHN N. FRENZIER. DOUGLAS 664. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. South. MODERN apartment, 2 rooms with S room accommodations. 725 South 18th " J. L. HtATT CO., 900 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 68. FOR RENT Business Property Stores. FOR RENT 1 AUTO ROW SALES ROOM Store room, 22x169 feet. Plate Glass display front. The only available store on Farnam St. Rental $250 per month. GEORGE & CO., Phone. D-766. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. GOOD store rooms, 16th and Douglas. Inquire . WORLD REALTY COMPANY.' V Phone Douglas 5341 713 SOUTH 24TH ST.. 24x21. $26, ) $106 Sherman Ave.. 14x60, $20. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses I WANT a house to live in. .- Four, five or six rooms; oungaiow or 'iour rooms and conveniences would be appreciated. Willing to pay for a house in a good neighborhood all It's worth. Write Box 211, The Bee, and.please. give price and location. WANTED to rent 6 or 7 room modern house. Good location, win pay years) rent in advance. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. 333 Securities Bldg. Tyler 1S86 Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED By man and wife with S little girls 5 and 7 yrs. oia, as near sza and A St as possible, a small furnished house or furnished rooms for house keeping; will pay good rent Boi B-7. Omaha Bee. SALESMAN and wife wishes 6 or 6-room bungalow furnisned ror summer. rnone Douglas 2363 or call 1810 Harney 8t. "MOVING AND STORM GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. ' For real service In hauling- or storage call Tyler 230 or D. 433s, onto or METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 8400. "fTREPROOF WAREHOUSE . - Bepareje locked rooms for household goods snd pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 406 16th. Douglas 41(2, I J , ' . MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY anman CtX; ' JJth AND JACKSON. DOUG. 18. 8TORAUE, MOVING, PACKUNO. S REASONABLE RATES. , HEK RENTAL 8KRVICB , COMPLETE LI8T OF ALL VACANT HUUSKS ANQ APARTMENTS UNION TRANSFERS Lt o estimate your movlnc. pftcklnv nd atom (pa iinc Tt........a v.. iai v w LSW. TSJipi7f U iVU8. Ivl WB haul furniture, light and heary hauling. Live stock haul'ng a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO., Office Tjler 579. Res., Douglas 9181. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West WEST FARNAM, $12,500. One of the most beautiful", homes In this fine district Only seven years old and perfectly up to date and modern In architecture and design. . Square -type V of house with wide eaves. ' Big living room across the front, with large sun room having disappearing piste-glass windows, i Large dining room, but ler's pantry, kitchen and maid's room or breakfast room on first floor. Four fine corner bedrooms and tiled bath with, pedestal lavatory; large porce- - lain tub, etc., on second floor. Mald'a room and bath as well as fine storage space 'on third , floor. Sightly south f front lot, driveway and garage. ' White enamel and mahogany woodwork. Quarter sawed oak floors. . KJ replace. Hot water heat Laundry tubs. Elabor ate lighting fixtures.- In fact everything that yu can imagine In a high-class home. -Too large for owner.' Quick possession. , Armstrong-Walsh- Co,, Tyler 1536 333 Securities Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME ' This Is a good 2-story and attic 9 room modern house, having full cement ed basement with hot water heating plant, sub-divided : Into boiler room, laundry room, storage room, vegetable rootn and ash cellar. There Is a tile vestibule with coat closet, large living room across entire front with brick fire place and beamed celling, finished In birch mahogany, with quarter-sawed white oakMloor; good-sized dining room, attractive sun room and, convenient kitchen, first floor; 4 corner bedrooms, large sleeping porch and tile bath room, - second floor; stairway to floored attic, all plastered, with maid's room and storage room. Double garage for two cars. Cement driveway. East front lot . 65x132 feet One-halt block from 87th and Farnam, Price, $9,750; possession in one or two weeks. - Very reasonable terms to good party. ' GEORGE, & CO.,. . REALTORS. D. lit. 902 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. DANDY 5-R00M COTTAGE; FINE LOCATION. . . ONE FLOOR STRICTLY MODERN; LARGE LOT. $800 down. Price $3,200. $30 per month Only 8 blocks to car; paved streets and fine locations Large porch, ventlbule, Jiving, dining and kitchen;' fine bed rooms and bath between; a full base ment This house is all pine finish; has attic. OSBORNE REALTY CO. B68 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg, Tvler 496 AN ATTRACTIVE : HOME. Having five comfortable sized, nicely arranged rooms is now Complete and readv for vou to move into. This home Is strictly modern with dandy built-in bookcases and a kitchen cabinet The floors are all oak and the finish In the -principal rooms is oak. There Is large attic for storage and a fine cemented basement with hot and cold water fau cets and floor drain, guaranteed furnace. Good level lot 40x146. Cemented walks. Shade trees. Two blocks from car. Only $260 cash required and $36.60 per month. Will shovr you the place any time. Call Colfax 3917. WE have p.ans and specifications for several good homes In Lockwood and Dundee Heights, lu be built at once. See ua Shuler & Cary. Realtors, 204 Keeline Bldg. North. Very Few Like It. New Bungalow Home. Six rooms, sun room and bath, fin ished with the very best oak, mammoth large buffet, beam ceilings, French door connecting sun room with dining room, living room 12x24 ft.;-bedroom Mnlshed in white enamel, front bedroom 12x20 ft; high-grade decorations throughout house; best furnace money can buy; lot 44x120; paved street, surrounded by new nomes. Here is a home cheap at $7,000; owner Is leaving for New York and Is willing to give someone a present of $1,600; will take $5,750; built for a home less than 18 months ago; let us snow you tnis nome. - h RASP BROS., ''i REALTORS. 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721 111 NIJH H SKH A i. QUICK POSSESSION. $5,000. $22 No. 50th Ave., a good 7-r.. modern house, having large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; four bed rooms and bath on second floor; sightly, level lot, facing two paved streets; size 47x126. Double garage prlth approach from 60th St. Possession will be given about May 15th, 1919. Will be shown by appointment. Call Mr. Shot well, Doug. 6013. 202 So. 17th St AMERICAN -SECURITY CO. 'EXCEPTIONAL BUNGALOW. Five large rooms and bath, built by day labor tor home; choice white oak woodwork and floors, fireplace built In features, floored attic, full basement, choice south front lot. paving paid. One block to car. $5,000; half cash. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 558 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. A GOOD BUY $3,000 CASH - For a good 6-room. modern house on a corner lot, 40x70; one block from Kountze Park. Street on one side paved and paid for. Full cemented basement Some fruit trees. A nice lltle home and a good Investment. CD. ARMSTRONG, REALTOR. - 825-6 Securities Bldg. - FLORENCE . .,. - BOULEVARD SNAP. ' Beautiful home with large east front , let; best buy on north side. This Is new property at old-time prices;, can be bought now for $5,760 with only $1,000 down and reasonable monthly payments; see It, 6942 Florence Blvd. . We Lave the Kev. Ca 1 us tor aDnointment. - OSBORNE REALTY CO. TYLER 496. CLIFTON HILL. ' IMMEDIATE , POSSESSION A nifty, story and one-half, cross-roof bungalow; 2 sleeping rooms and sleeping porch .upstairs. House is now being re decorated and painted. Built-in features, oak finish and nice-sized lot Price . $3,650; $800 cash. Call Mr. Toliver. RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler Til. BUNGALOW. Buy this dandy 6-room modern bunga low with oak floors nd finish at 1721 Will's avenue. Owner has made a low price to get a sale this -month. If you Want something worth the money buy this bungalow. For price call CREIGH, SONS & CO., - Realtors. ; 508 Bee Blrfg. . Doug. 200. -CLIFT0N HILL. . A nifty 6-room, all modern bunga low; nice garage; oak finish; built-in features; awnings for "front of house; paved street; two sleeping rooms could . be finished upstairs. Price, $4,750; $1,50 cash. 'sll air. Tonver. . RASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 731 ! FOR COLORED (-room, modern home, full cemented basement, gas and electric lights, large lot. one block to carllse, oak floors. Price $2,650, V oayments. . Johnson Webster 1301 V . REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. A DANDY; BARGAIN. i&in ana ttamuion, a m " .. All modern, large lot, fruit and i paving paid, near ear Una and school 8"pXtMens CO,' . I0 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, HftY BARGAIN f -room square f house, all modern, nloely finished, splendid location, close to ear and school, and dandy place for the money; buy-lrora. wner; terms, $1,000 cash and monthly payments to suit; price. $4,360. 39U Bristol St. Webster 4S4T. f ROOMS, almost new, bungajow style, on car line. Splendid location, eloss to . school. Price $3,000. Terms $60$ down and monthly payments to suit ' Call Webster 4748 or see me. ln cneioi nr. 8-ROOM cottage, 3311 Ruggles tit, with gas light, city water, furnace, soft pine finish, cistern, fruit trees and dandy shade, $1,600, aboO-t $600 ash. Colfax 990 from 6 to 7:o p. m. A BARGAIN It you are looking for real bargain In homes don't fall to see this practically new bungalow at 1801 North (3d street Call Burdlck, 8o. 605. ' TOR RENT AND 8ALB HOUSES. COTTAGES APARTMENT AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 101 S. 17th St Douglas 601$. LIST your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 109 Brandelr Theater Bldg. Ph. D. $1. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. YOUNG DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 181 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 11T1. NEW, up-to-date, I rooms, oak finish, find location; price. '$5,250; terms; location 611 N 47th 8t Norrls aV Norrls. D 427. MODERN (-room house. Plioe reason able. Can give Immediate possession. Webster 3249. . CUM ING Near 29th street 22 or 44 feet Must be sold to close an estate. C A. Grlmmel, 849 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. 1-ROOM modern ' house and garage, - on Ames Ave., sacrifice, $3,600, $750 down, easy. Colfax 1867. South. HANSCOMPARK :; DISTRICT. , SIX-ROOM SEMI BUNGALOW. Strictly modern oak finish; paving and specials paid. Three good bed room and bath;v full basement, floor drain, . etc Price $4,000. $1,00$ down, bal ance like rent Located at 1716 South 28th street, one block east of car. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 668 Om. Nat Blk. Bldg. 'Tyler 496. A Splendicf Home, S. W. Corner 25th Ave. and Poppleton. 7 Rooms, Modern, $4,250. This ' home is well built with Bici shade free. Both streets paved. Lot (2Mxl00 ft Can sell adjoining ground If desired. Hastings & Heyden, 1111 It. m. a mtt POSSESSION AT ONCE 2620 B STREET. 6-room, strictly modern cottage; four rooms with bath on first floor; 1 bed rooms on second; full cement basement; furnace heat; nice lot; south front; paving paid. Price $2,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. h. 1781. NEAR Hanscom park, 7-r. bouse, on large corner lot Vlth garage and shed for storage. J. W. Robblna. Douglas 629. Miscellaneous CLEAN-UP SALE. EASY PAYMENTS. - 4533 Franklin street, 4 -room house with two lots. A bargain at the price asked. $160 cash down; .balance monthly. ; 3310 -Ohio street' 4-room house, partly modern. Good sized. South front lot. Space for garden and chickens. ' $100 cash; balance monthly. t 3230 Emmet Street, -room partly modern cottage on a good corner lot ' Yours for $150 cash; - balance monthly. 1410 Burt street (-room modern except heat. Near new High School of Commerce. $30 cash. Balance monthly. I 260$ North 18th street, 6-room partly modern. A real buy for $100 cash, and balance monthly. 4010 Parker Street, (-room bouse. Good sized let $100 cash and balance monthly. CREIGH, SONS & CO.., REALTORS. Doug. 200. (0$ Bee Bldg. SEVEN ROOMS, MOD. ' - TWO LOTS. HOT WATER HEAT - $3,950. Seven-room, full two-story house, hot I -r nem, garage, two nice soutn front ' .. 1 i. .u.u, tiwc, una oiuvk us car line. Property In fine repair. Im provements alone worth the money, A real bargain. See us at ones, as this ' will not last long. J. L. HIATT CO.. QflO FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO TYLER MOVE RIGHT IN. Nearly new bungalow, I large rooms, bath and sleeping porch; oak finish on ' 1st floor; open staircase; rooms all large; every room newly decorated; outside painted; here Is a showy place located Just esst of Clalrmont, close to new Clif ton Hill school; worth $4,260; If sold ' at once can deliver same for $1,(50; terms. RASP BROS., REALTORS. $10-12-14 Keeline Bldg, Tyler JM. $6,500 $6,500 Modern 10-room brick home; walking distance; lot 65x146; ground alone worth $4,000. .ALFRED "THOMAS, - am iimr jNA'j'iunAij BANK. CLOSE TO U. P. SHOPS " , A good 7-room house at 1420 N. 16th St., may be bought on easy terms. It has been newly , painted and papered. Phone Mr. Carse at Douglas 7411 days. tf U-PnA ICE, I ... FIVE-room stucco, oak floors throughout. van boo wmte enamn nnistv trine lo cation. - Prtcej $4,500 or terms. BENSON A CAR MICH A Kr?" . Doug 1721 -642 Paxton Block. FINE eight-room home, modern; nice lo- potlnn .1... In YX7IU ..II a ., wV- .... i wmu iurni- ture. Possession at once. See us for particulars. Joseph O. Doherty A Bon, BRAND new oak bungalow $360 cash and $35 per month. Completely modern and nice .location. Price. $2,850. Call days. BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop, ..ertlea icreitnt n... nm-K- tr. son ft Mcrton. 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beautifully . furnished on car line and walking dls tanre to town Phone. Douglas (7(0. CIA.KE-IN INVESTUPNTQ J' Leavenworth st, Capitol ave.. Cuming at, PAYNK A SLATER COMPANY. Dg 101 13 LIST your property with Shriver :unrw returns. iptt y. B. Hlqg. HAJC' buye,I?Jor ,ur P'Wt. Johnson; Webster 1302. . . ' REAL ESTATEsJBusiness Properry $5,000 ; Fins corner brick building, nearly nw. ground 26x129; well ' located .jzirvz- torr. . ! i . Vr . VL. . worm tne mof $3,800 ; Corner lot, with frame 1-story (J .... v.uh.,v grocery; rent 336 month for store only. Lot S4)JJU; r to build house. X3' .ngoa' v sra. thhirJoB,hortuna- p- BIRKETT A CO V " BM Bl'lH- . Do,. J BUSINESS . Drnr.r. ..j a- r. f UKE7 ft 8 410 First National B? w r V