Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1919, Image 1

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'Springfield, Mai. Miv 14 Pnh
Vr " Cleeland, president of the
National Confectioners' associa
tion, predicted today that the' cos's
01 manufacture would remain high
ku ui rw material would in
crease rather than diminiih. and
"that no relief could be expected in
lower wages. In fact, he said, an ef
; fort should be made to maintaia the
yicacui mgn wage standard.
New York, May 14. Venustiano
Cajranza, president of Mexico, was
tmrgea witn a colossal bank rob
bery in a suit for iniunetinn filit in
the supreme court here today by
vviiuain a. Mitcncii, tormer manager
of the Banco De Londres y Mexico
A ir c City' secki"8 o restrain
Alfredo Caturegli, counsel here for
Carranza's "commission monetaria,"
rom prosecuting a $140,000 suit
against the bank of Mdntreal.
The money claimed by the com
mission from the Montreal institu
. tion. Mr. Mitchell alleges, belongs
to the Banco De Londres y Mexico,
which he claims Carranza looted of
$19,000,000 in 1916 by means of a
series of, illegal governmental de
'crecs., '
Columbus, Ohio, May 14. A
statement issued today from head
quarters of the National Anti-Salon
league at Westerville, in an-
. swer to many inquiries as to what
the league will do in view of statu-
v tory and legislational prohibition
becoming effective soon, asserts that
first and foremost, it expects to
continue its work to the extent that
it shall be effected throughout the
nation. ' V:, ... f'
: There will be Unremitting and re
lentless war on the bootlegger, the
"blind pig" keeper, the moonshiner,
and the blockade runner, but the de
cent, reputable citizen need not fear
that his wife's bedroom will be in
vaded by an over-zealous sleuth !
- searching for a possible cache in
her clothes closet, says the state
In short, it is pointed out, all that
has been sought or accomplished
is prohibition of the manufacture,
sale, transportation, importation
and exportation ot the oeverage
liquor traffic, and now the thing de-
' Sired is absolute enforcement of that
prohibition. ,
The league does not desire to in
terfere in the affairs of other na
tions it says, but to lend its aid to
similar organizations " in foreign
countries in their fights against tne.
liquor tramc.
Rome. May 14. Gabriele D'An
nunzio. the author-aviator, and Prof
Luigi Luzzati had a long interview
today, with King Victor Emmanuel.
. Aiierwara xroressor gave
to the American newspaper men a
'statement setting forth Italy'a po
sition regarding Dalmatia. In this
statement he said? ; . V
"I hope free America will not
take the responsibility of appear
ing like an oppressor to ihe eyes of
millions of Italians desiring to re
unite, their mother country
Professor Luzzatti likewise ex
pressed the hope that President
WilsOn "would not put France and
England to the alternative of break
ing their agreements (with Italy)
or breaking with America.-'
, Washington, May 14. Repeaf of
the wartime prohibition law that
is. to become effective July 1 will be
proposed in a bill to be introduced
at the opening session of congress
next , week, by Representative Gal
lavin. .-
Minneapolis, May 14. Minne
apolis millers declared tonight that
although the United States grain
corporation may provide the mills
with less expensive wheat from Can
ada they did not believe it would
be possible to reduce flour prices
enough to make decreased bread
prices possible.
Frank L. Carey, grain corpora
tion agent for the northwest, an
nounced that the price of Canadian-
wheat purchased in Canada and re
sold to the mUers would be about
$2.40 a bushel. This is about 40
cents less thanthe price the millers
have been paying recently.
Millers declare that if the -grain
corporation purchases only a small
quantity of wheat from Canada, as
announced, the supply will, not be
sufficiently large to bring about a
reduction in flour prices.
Geneva, V May K The latest
member of the former royal house
of Austria to arrive in Switzerland
is the former Archduke Maximilian,
the 24-year-old brother of former
Emperor Charles. He crossed the
Swiss border at Buchs today. Four
more former Austrian archdukes are
expected in Switzerland this month.
Many member. of former aristo
cratic Austrian families are coming
to Switzerland. They declare that
life has become insecure and in
tolerable in Austria.
Paris, May 14. (By the Assoc
iated Press.) President Wilson was
considering sailing for the United
States from Antwerp sot that he
might visit Brussels on the' way, bu
it developed today that the United
States transport George Washington
is"bf too great a- draft to enter the
port of Antwerp, so the project has
-been abandoned. The president will
visit Brussels, however, before start
ing on his homeward voyage.
St Andrews, Scotland, May 14.
The honarary degree of doctor of
laws was conferred today on Gen.
John J. Pershing by the University
of St Andrews, the oldest university
in Scotland ' .
VOL. 48 NO, 284.
Huge .Crowds Greet Troop
Trains on Triumphant Jour
ney Across State; Des
Moines in Evening.
By a Staff Correspondent
Des Moines, la., May 14. Iowa
people flocked to Des Moines today
by the thousands to meet the men
of the 168th regiment, when they
reached the city in the evening and
to view the parade Thursday.
A delegation of Council Bluffs
citizens headed - by Mayor Louis
Zurmuehlen came to welcome the
boys of Company L. Among them
were Robert Wallace, William Kee
line and Lieuts. A. H. Clark, H.' P.
Ford, G G. Ingraham and Ray
Clark. ' - r
The first men of the regiment
reached the border of the state at
Davenport at 8 o'clock Wednesday
morning and the next train pulled
into Dubuque at 10 o'clock. The
third train, coming by way of Keo
kuk, did not reach that city until
nearly v noon. : It was four hours
j March to Davenport
More than 20,000 people "greeted
tHe first battalion, a supply company
and part , of the headquarters com
pany .at Davenport. The men
rived at Rock" Island about midnight
Tuesday and marched across the
river, reaching Davenport at . 8
o'clocR Wednesday morning. They
paraded through the city streets,
amid a great demonstration of
steam whistles, automobjle. horns
and bells. After breakfast, -the-battalion
left for Cedar Rapids at
10 o'clock. ?
Governor ' Harding and Adjutant
General Lasher joined the train at
Dubuque. Maj. E. E. Lucas met
the train which came into the state
by way of Davenport and Col.
Joseph Davidson of the adjutant
generals office met the contingent
which came by way of Keokuk.
Parade at Des Moines. v
A huge parade in honor of the
returned heroes will be held in Des
Moines Thursday. A grandstand
with a seating capacity of several
hundred has been erected near the
triumphal arch on the capitol ex
tension grounds. In this grand
stand will be seated "gold star"
mothers and fathers of the members
of the regiment who were killed
in action, as well as representatives
of various "war worlforganizations.
Un the train which came into the
state by way of Dubuque were ap
proximately 14 officers and 4S3 men,
including Companies A, B, and C,
commanded by Maj. Lloyd D. Ross.
Officers on the headquarters train
included Col. M. A. Tinley of Coun
cil "Bluffs, who has been in com
mand of the regiment since last
fall when Col. E. R. Bennett of
Des Moines was taken ill; Lt. Col.
Claude Stanley, Major Ross, Maj.
Glenn Haynes, Capt. James C. Bon
ham, Capt. .Thomas A. Beardmore,
Capt. William Witherell, Capt. Earl
Nead. Lt. John W. Ball, Lt. Ercell
B. Donglas, Capt. Homer Davis and
Chaplin Winfred Robb.
Formerly Third Iowa.
Whet this fegiment, formerly
the Third infantry, Iowa National
guard, left the state in September,
1917, it numbered 3,506 Iowans.
When it returned to home soil Wed
nesday, it included less than 1,000
of the original number. This does
not mean that the others were killed
in action, as many were invalided
home and not a few transferred
through : promotions. The official
figures given out by the War de
partment show the regiment lost
673 men' as follows: Killed in
action, 437; died of wounds, 191;
missing i naction. 40; prisoners, 5.
The regiment saw its first action
with the enemy at Badonvillers in
March, 1918, and it was in that en
gagement that Capt. Harrison Mc
Henrythe first Des Moines man to
give his life for democracy, was
killed. The heaviest fighting par
ticipated in by the regiment was in
Champagne, July 15, at the time the
Germans launched their big drive.
From there it went to Chateau
Thierry, showing exceptional valor
at Sergy and Ourcq.
Dutch Government
Denies Having Agreed
to Surrender "Bill"
The Hague, May 14. The Dutch
government denies that it .has de
cided to surrender former Emperor
William. The question at present,
it contends, concerns only Germany
and the entente. -
Appoint League Members
Paris, May 14. Two French mem
bers of the league of nations have
been selected. Their names will be
published shortly.
Inland H Mwa-4aM Mttw May O, I MM. it
9mk r. 0. 6m art at Marth I. 117a.
Lieut. Col. : Edwards May ;
Take Place of Dr. Manning
As Health Commissioner
Ringer Corresponds With Overseas Officer in Regard
to Place Left Vacant by Resignation; Deny Action
Was Due to Exposures Made of Situation in Deten
tion Home. v ;
' Police Commissioner Ringer has been in correspondence
with Lt. Col. F. A. Edwards in connection with the prospec
tive vacancy in the position of health commissioner, on account-
of the resignation of Dr. E. T. Manning.
Utner jnen in various cities are being considered
The only comment Mr. Ringer
will offer on the subject is that no
selection has been made and that
he has nothing to lay.
"When I was in Washington, O.
C, two weeks ago," said Mayor
Smith, "I met Lieutenant Colonel
Edwards, but I did norknow ,untl
he told me that he, had been con
sidered for the Omaha health com
missionership. I understand from
Mr. Ringer that Dr. Edwards has
had experience in health department-
work in Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh and that he has been
overseas. I have been told that lie
has been connected with the medical
branch of the army. I do not know
that he will be-named to succeed
Dr. Manning." ;
No Friction with Ringer.
The story of Dr. Manning's in
tended resignation was printed ex
clusively in The Bee yesterday
- "Well, I guess Iam without a
health commissioner," was the first
comment of the ' police commis
sioner after he had read the resig
nation. "I want to state positively
that' there has been no friction be
tween myself and Dr. Manning. I
regret -to see him go. . Matters per-,
taining to the City Detention home
have nothing to do with the resig
nation. ; I am ' convinced ' that the
doctor wants to take up his private
practice." . ' :.
Dr. Manning made this statement:
"I have been considering this matter
for several weeks. In fact we have j
Omaha Woman Cables Direct
to Commanding General; Re
ceives Reply That Wish
Has Been Granted.
Sergt. S'amuel Saltzman is on his
way to Omaha from France because
his wife, Mrs. Dorette Saltzman,
214 South Forty-first street, cabled
General Pershing and secured his
release from duty in France.
Mrs. Saltzman wanted her hus
band home, the war being over, and
so' she decided to cable right to
General Pershing and not bother
with any colonels or majors or such
like. She sent the first message
March 8 and the answer came back
that her husband could not be
spared. v
But this wasn't from Pershing.
So she cabled again and has now
received a message that the sergeant
is on his way home.
He went to France last Septem
ber and was with the quartermas
ter's division at Nazaire. France.
When he4 went to the war Mrs.
Saltzman took his position in the
valuation department of the Union
x mini, rauruau, wmcn sue nas nciu
up to the present time. She has
bought $100 in Liberty bonds of, each
Oakland Police Chief
Indicted on Charge of
Protecting Gamblers
Oakland, Cal., May 14. Chief of
Police Henry Nedderman was ""ar
rested this afternoon on indictment
by the grand jury returned in con
nection with investigation into
charges that protection was granted
gamblers on payment of $10,000
monthly. - v
David Cockrill, known locally as
"king of the gamblers," was also
arrested. Bonds were fixed in all
"cases at $5,000 each.
The charges that resulted in the
grand jury investigation were made
by former Chief of Police Walter J.
Peterson, now captain of inspectors,
who asserted that $10,000 monthly
had been collected by certain police
men for the protection of gambling
in Chinatown.
Man Injured by Locomotive
Given Verdict for $26,500
A' verdict of $26,500 was awarded
to Henry D. Stewart, a switchman
for the Wabash railroad, by -a jury
in District Judge Leslie's court yes
terday after . trial 'tacttnsr several
days. Stewart alleged he was in
jured when he was struck by a locomotive-
in the railroad yards. He
sued for $50,000.
OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAT 15, 1919. ;
been considering several men for the
place and it was" our plan not to
make any announcement until my
successor should have been selected.
As for myself I will state that I
am resigning for personal reasons. I
wish to resume my practice. I have
made a financial sacrifice during the
year that I have been commissioner.
I have brought the affairs of the
office to a condition where a big
man may take hold and carry on
the "work. Commissioner Ringer
and I have been in accord and have
had no personal differences. .We
may have disagreed on minor mat
ters, but as a general proposition
there have been harmony and co
operation." A city hall man who keeps in close
touch with health department afairs
stated on Tuesday afternoon that he
had been told by Dr. Manning that
the doctor was chafing under certain
matters which did not rest on a
physician's ethical nature. While Mr.
Ringer and Dr. Manning' insist that
the City Detention home situation
has nothing to do with the resigna
tion, it is nevertheless known that
the health commissioner disliked so
much criticism.
The city hall man referred to as
having been a confidant of Dr. Man
ning stated that the doctor said he
was getting tired of being "ridden"
so much. He further went on to say
that he was satisfied the health com
missioner was referring to the City
Detention home situation which has
been exposed by The Bee. The gen
eral trend of the doctor's conversa
(Contlnncd on Pas Two Column Two.)
Stock Equalling Normal Out
put of packers for Two
Years Not Put on Market
.to Maintain Prices.
Washington, May 14. Secretary
Baker denied today that there was
relation between any attempt to
support the prices of meat supplied
in this country and the tentative
arrangement reached by representa
tives ot the War department and the
packing industry for the disposal
abroad of 250,000,000 pounds of
canned meats. The department an
nounced a few days ago that this
stock, amounting to the normal out
put of American packing companies
tor two years; woulorbe placed on
the European markets.
"There has been misapprehension
with regard to the policy of the
department in disposing ' of meat
supplies.' 'the secretary dec ared in
an informal statement. The meats
in question are specially prepared
products in special containers, and
of a kind never sold commercially
in the United States roast beef and
especially salted pork which are
not articles of ordinary commercial
trade here. The cans are not even
labeled. The question of disposing
ui mess suypucs is nox one ot main
taining price levels the War de
partment has no interest in that-
but of finding a way to dispose of
Outbreak of "Psychic ,
i Furor Teutonicus" Is'
-Predicted by Ebert
uernn, May 14. In- a statement
declaring the present German gov
ernment will "hold out to the last"
against the peace treaty ,, as pre
sented. President Ebert said the
ominous quiet produced by the first
announcement ot the terms was a
most- characteristic indication of
their effect on the German people.
He said he feared an outbreak of
psychic furor Teutonicus" within
a few days.
?The peace draft laid before us,"
he said, "produced an equal feeling
of honor and revulsion. It not only
signifies distortion but the complete
negation of the 14 points enunciated
by President Wilson, the realization
of whose program we took for
granted a faith to which we were
entitled on the strength of Secre
tary of State Lansinar's note nf'Mn.
vember 5."
; Death Calls Heinz.
Pittsburgh. Mav 14. Henrv T
Heinz, president of the H. J." Heinz
company, a pickling and preserving
corporation of international promi
nence, died at his home here late to
day, following a short illness. Mr.
Heinz, bom in this city in 1844, was
well known as a philanthropist
I nrfflP Flprtpri Flnnr I earlor
w .."
and Curtis Whip by Re
publican Senators in
. Conference.
Washington, May 14.RePublican
senators in conference today agreed
unanimously upon a program for
oreanization of the nrvt senate hut
deferred discussion of the onoosi-
" I -
tion bv the oroeressive irrouo. to
the election of Senators Penrose of
Pennsylvania and Warren of Wyo
ming as thairmen of, the, finance and
appropriations committees, resepc
;-.. . f
Senator Cummins of Iowa. unonJing Willie Wood in the box. Martv
motion of Senator Borah of Idaho,
spokesman ' of the -progressive
group, was chosen for president pro
tern of the senate without opposi
tion. Senator Lodee of Massa
chusetts was re-elected republican
floor leader. Senator Curtis of
Kansas was re-elected whip and
Senator Wadsworth of New York
conference secretary. George A.
Sanderson of Chicago was chosen
for secretary of the senate, and
David Barry, a Providence, R. I.,
newspaper man, for sergeant-at-arms.
May Carry Fight to Senate.
All committee assignments were
left to a committee on committees
which Senator Lodge was author
ized to appoint and of which Sena
tor Brandegee of Connecticut, of
the regular group, will be chairman.
Eight other members will be named
soOn and another party conference
will be held, probably next week, to
rereiv ih rnmtnitii'Q rrnnrl Th
seniority rue, it is expected, will be
although some of the progressives
today declared. privately that they
would Carry , their fight against
Senators Penrose and Warren " to
the senate floor.
The conference also authorized
Senator Lodge to appoint a com
mittee on order of business and a
legislative steering committee of
nine members with Senator Mc
Cumber of North Dakota as chair
man and Mr. Lodge
an ex-orhcio
member. A committee of patronage,
headed by Senator New of Indiana!
also was ordered-
Rules Limit Power.
Rules designed to limit, power of
senators who have seen long service
were adopted. They provide that
chairmen of the ten most important
committees shall be eligible for a
place only on one other committee.
and that the personnel of commit
tees shall be limited to seventeen.
Senator Lodge was authorized by
the conference to notify democratic
leaders that pairs between repub
lican and democratic senators would
not be recognized on votes for or
ganization purposes. Republican
senators were also instructed to
send a similar notice to the demo
cratic senators paired with them.
Republican leaders said the effect
would be that all members of the
senate would be required to be pres
ent when the matterof yorganiza
tion is brought up.
Forty-three of the 49 republican
senators.and senators-elect attended
the conference today. The absentees
were Senators Cummins. LaFollette
nf Wicmnain r.mni,, T.t, n-
kota. Townsend of Michigan. Len
(Continued on Face Two, Column Five.)
Woman Implicated
ri e ji.
and flouts Victims!
Kansas City, Mo., May 14. Two
women, prominent locally, were
arrested today, charged with operat-
ing an insiae investment scheme
through which it is alleged many
men and women, prominent in
society, in addition to a larce num-
per or wonting gins, have been
swindled out of $175,000 in cash
and notes aggregating $1,000,000.
The women are Mrs. Samuel
Tranin, wife of a produce merchant.
and Mrs. R. E. Samis, wife of a
motor car supply dealer. Thev
pleaded not guilty and were released
on $10,000 bond Lch .
According to the authorities, .ner
sons who invested said that thev
had been offered an opportunity to
buv some . commoditv fnr Wk
.11, UJ I
the B-overnment was about in -nw
the market. Returns of $200 .for
every $100 invested are said to have
been offered and to have been Daid,
A. reinvestment, , however, was re
quested and in most cases notes
were given.
Most of the victims of the alleged
swindle are 'said to be women.
About .three weeks ago, reports
to the prosecutor's offict said, Mrs.
Tranin called many of her creditors
to her home, and, mounting a piano
stool, said: . - . : .
Your money has been stolen. Do
what you please. ' i J
- Oilly 4 Sm., ' W.U: mrtiltf Ntfe. mIh axfra.
By Mall (I tur). Dally. S4.W: Suaaty. U tO:
u u u lz:
2,500 Ball Fans See Tulsa
Take Opening Game From
)maha at Rourke's Field
Big Crowd of "Bugs' Though Disappointed, Pleased
at Fast Session of the National Sport and Get Keen
Enjoyment From Antics of the Ak-Sar-Ben Team
of Almost Ball Players; Hearty Laughs Brought
Out by Gus Renze's Float. i
Woe to us, Tusa blanked the
Rourkes yesterday afternoon, 2 toO,
in an exceptionally fast game under
,deal weather conditions and before
a crowd of 2,500 local bal
ball fans who
were "just dying" to see the Omaha
team trim the southerners in the
ooenmsr came. The lad frnm Tulsa
garnered five, hits and all Omaha
could do was to get three.
The grandstand was fairlv well
V 5
there being- about 400 seated in the
sun. Finivs Huckleberry band en-
livened the occasion with a number
i . . , ., ..
OI . "-no me game itseit
was'.' . ? PeP every; player on
the ield being up on his toes all the
time. , . .
Board Furnishes Fun. '-v
The Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Gover
nors put on a little exhibition, plac
O'Toole catching and Charlie Black
at the bat. Gus Renze in a suit of
armors was the umpire. Catcher
OToole missed two throws and ev-
then Black advanced to hit.
Everything thrown was a
"strike" and after Charlie had been
declared . out, City Commissioner
Dan Butler could stand it no loneet
and. with gun in hand, ran Renzc
out of the lot. Gus fired back at
Dan and during the excitement,
Body Of MiSS, CaVfill ESCOrted
by High Military Officers;
) Memorial to Be Held
at Westminster.
Dover, May 14. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The body of Edith
Cavell, the English nurse executed
at Brussels by the Germans, arrived
here from Ostend and Is resting
tonight in an especially prepared
It will be taken to London to
morrow and a memorial service will
be held in Westminster Abbey.
The coffin was met at the pier
by high naval and military officers.
A procession moved through
crowded streets to the chapel-wo
men who rendered war services
marching in the advanced ranks of
the cortege. ' -
Woman Swallows
Poison and Drops
in Street; May Not Die
Mrs. Mildred Nelson. 32 years old
attempted suicide last night by tak
ing poison because she "had not
hear;d . lalv from ler soldier hus
band in France." Mrs. Nelson was
found laying on the street in front
of 1711 Dodge stneet by C. W. Rent-
frow- ot that address. She had the
empty poison bottle in her hand.
P'.V A Jk ElsVom attended Mrs.
iNe,son- UT- Mram says sne win
Hail Storm Sweeps
Over Lexington Witb
Heavy ; Property Loss
(Lexington, Neb.. Mav 14. fSoe-
ciai .telegram.; the worst haI
storm ever knnwn in this nart nf thm
country passed over Lexington
about 7 o clock Wednesday evening,
destroying all gardens and . much
small grain. Practically all windows
on east fronts were broken. The
damage here is estimated at SS.000.
The srround was covered with fmir
inches ot hail stones,
State Agent Discovers
Liquor Hidden in Wall
Sam Mangianelli, 1424 South Six.
'"nl" was arrestea .as i nignt
b.y ' Stte . .A8e"t Samardick and
teenth street, was arrested last night
charged with unlawful possession of
liquor when the officer found 15
pints of whisky concealed in a wall
" Mangianelli s house. Angelo -Wi
m r .... . . . ...
Ko. 415 William street, was also
m lne nome 01 iangianeui
and charged with being an inmate
of . a disorderly house.
Girl Prisoner Committed ;
to Prison Insane Ward
Seattle, Wash.. Mav 14. Miss
Ruth Garrison. 18-vear.oM setle
girl, recently acquitted of the
charge pi murdering Mrs. Grace
Glatz Storrs, her rival in love, was
committed today by the superior
court to the insane ward of the state
penitentiary at Walla Walla. .
Manager Jackson ran out with a
hook and pulled Wood off the
mound.. When order was restored,
Congressman Jefferis made a brief
address, commending the Ak-Sar-Ben
association and the Omaha
base ball club and the game in gen
eral. ,
. Produce the jpoat. , .
Before the Ak team took the
field, the band headed a parade
around the field, Gus Renze's orom-
ised surprise being in the form of a
huge goat, mechanically bucking,
labeled, "'twas Tulsa's goat; 'tis
now ours.
Manager Spencer Abbot of th
Tulsa club was astride the buck
ing ."billy. It so ; happened that
Tulsa regained its goat in win
ning the game, 2 to 0.
This early in the seasons, fans
don't expect umpiring to be of the
best, but they were incensed at
couple of Umpire Daly's verdicts,
especially on Gislason's drive to the
rieht-fiefd wall, which hit the fence
Lamd hounded 'off into Riarht-Fielder
Davis's glove, which he declared
fairlv caught ball and on Donica'
steal of third, which was perfect
but Daly thought he was out and
so called the play.
Umpire Daly announced the
names of the batters the first time
they appeared at the plate as the
(Continued en Fare Eight Column Two.)
Weather Conditions Favor
j able; Third Seaplane and
Dirigible on Way to
Trepassey Bay.
Washington, May 14. The
American naval seaplanes NC-I and
NC-3 probably will be in flight be
fore sundown tomorrow in the first
attempt to cross the Atlantic ocean
through Ae. air. Official reports
to the Navy department late today
from I repassey Bay, Newfound
land, the starting point of the pro
posed flight, intimated that the "hop
off" would be made within 24 hours,
as favorable weather along the route
to the Azores was indicated.
The navy dirigible C-5 may also
attempt the long cross-ocean trio
either tomorrow or next day. Rising
trom Montauk Point, Long Island,
early today, the big airship had
passed Halifax before sunset and is
expected to reach St. Johns before
sunset tomorrow. A decision as to
the transatlantic attempt will be
made immediately on the receipt of
IICI ; .U1U1UIIUC1 9 1CUUU UI 1115
NC-4 Reaches Halifax.
The third seaplane of the trans
atlantic division, the NC4, held up
by engine trouble on the first leg
of the journey, caught up -much of
its lost distance, today and was
moored tonight beside the mine lay
er Baltimore at Halifax.
The Navy department was keyed
to high'pitch today as the NC-4
and the C-5 were hurrying north
ward on a favorable wind. Until i
late hour it was not certain that the
NC-1 and NC-3 would not also take
wing during the day, starting the
transoceanic dash.
Warship ' Impales
Whale on Bow; Men
Will Net Neat Sum
San Francisco. Mav 14. Soeed of
tne protected cruiser Marblehead,
steaming here from San Diego for
participation in the navy , day next
xuesday was mysteriously impeded
last night oil figeon Point. Inves
tigation by searchlight discovered
a 50-foot whale on the cruiser's bow.
It, was towed into port anL Com
mander Charles P. Huff reported td
tne mayor s ortice. I he whale will
be-placed on sale for $300. which
amount has been needed by the crew
tor arrangements foran entertain
ment to be given soon.
Man Charged With
Lamar Double Murder
; Arrested at La Junta
La Junta. Colo.. Mav 14 Tav
Lynch, wanted at Lamar. Mo., on a
charge of murdering John M. Har-
iow, snemr, ana nts son, March 3,
199. was arrested bv sheriff nf.
ficers here today, ft reward of $5,000
was offered for Lynch's capture.
Lynch was recognized by T. C.
Bradshaw. a former Lamar resid.-nt
and officers captured hira aboard a
train, going east
Partly cloudy and lomawkat
sattlad Thuriday and Friday not.
much change in tarajjeraiur.
Hourly TamnwwtnrMt
Hour, lr
.. M
,v M
.. MI
.. M
S a. m Sit
I p. m.
a. m.....,rf St
1 a. m, ........ SI
S p. m... .
4 p. m...,,
p. m....
B. ro....
1 p. m..,.
5 p. ni....
a. ni ., 58
a. m, ........ M,
a. m. ........ Stt
11 a. m.... 08
IS nooa.... M
Immediate Military Action to
Follow Final Refusal of
German Delegates to s.
Sign Peace Treaty. , s
- .
Paris, May 14. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Immediate measures
tending to the further subjugation
of Germany if its delegates refuse.
to sign the peace treaty were in
dicated today by the announcement
that Marshal Foch had been sent to
the Rhine by the council of four to
take such action as may beVome
necessary in the event that the
treaty is not signed.
The council of four, composed ol .
President Wilson, David Lloyd
George, M. Clemenceau and Signor
Orlando, today considered the im
mediate reimposing of the blockade
against Germany in case that coun
try declines to sign the peace treaty.
The subject . was under discussion
at two separate meetings of . ,the
council. ; V 1
On the other hand, it is antici-'
pated that the blockade will be en
tirely lifted immediately if the ' Ger
man delegates affix their signature
to the treaty.
Due at Coblenz Today.
Coblenz, May 14. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Marshal Foch is due
to arrive at Coblenz Thursday. He
is making a trip which is taking him
to the different headquarters of the
occupied areas.. 1
" The marshal will come here from
Mayence and will be escorted down
th Rhine by French gunboafSw He
will be entertained at luncheon by
Lieut. Gen. Hunter Liggett com
mander of the American Third army,
and ! will "then proceed to Cologne,
under the escort of British gun- -boats.
Austrian Delegates Arrive;
Germans Busy Writing Notes
By the Associated Press, -f.
The Austrian delegates who are
to receive the peace treaty drawn
up by the, allied and associated gov
ernments have arrived in the village
of St. Germain,' near Paris, where ,
they are to await the summons of
the peace congressto appear be
fore it. ' .
Unlike the reception given the
Germans on preaching Versailles,,
that accorded the Austrians had
some elements of friendly courtfsy
on the part of the French repre
sentatives charged with the duty of
meeting the'visitors.
- Chancellor Renner was in i ex
cellent spirits and in the course of
his remarks said:
.- "I hope I may go away with as
oyful a heart as I bring."
It was evident that the rpmiest ftf
the Germans for permission 1o go
to St. Germain and greet the Aus
trians had been denied, for no Ger
mans. were present, t ,
When the first meeting of the
Austrians with the allied peace dele
gates is to take place has not' yet
been announced.
Foresee Ruin in Terms.
The council of four has reoliect
to suggestions incorporated in notes
from the German delegates regard
ing labor and the repatriation, of
prisoners.' Three additional German,
notes have been delivered to the
council. v ,
One of the last' notes of the Ger
mans, wiich deals with the economic
clauses of the treatv. assrt thai-
enforcement of the terms will mean
the ruin of Germany. Another note
touches on the Sarre valley arrange
ment,' the transfer of German terri
tory to Belgium and the evarnatinn
by Germany in Schleswig. ,
No protest is made by Germany to -affording
reparations for damages
to Belgium and northern France
but one of the notes asserts that ;
Germany will not oav for damari
on the principle that she was re-
sponsioie tor the war.
A member each from th RrWick
French, American. Italian anrt-ThI
anese delegations has been appoint-,
ed by the council of . four to deal
with the objections and proposal!
of the German plenipotentiaries.
Efforts are being made ,by th
British peace delegation for tht
pooling, on the basis of tonnare '
iost during the war. of former Ger,
man merchant vessels seized by the .
allies. Poland is making claim t
some of the warships surrendered
by Germany. ;
The Italians are declared to be
landing large forces on certain por
tions of the Dalmatian coast, who
were fortifying the ridges and moun- -tain
passes to the east. -
Another Tragedy Coming.
Zurich. - Mav 14 Th flmm.n-
prince Alexander Hohenlohe-Schill-ingsfuerst,
in an article in the Neue
Zeitung of Zurich, attacks Presi
dent Wilson in regard to the peac
treaty which he calls the "traA
of Versailles."
'"'" : ''v.- V