THE BEE : OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1919. .5 i 1 i PO GRADUATION ION HOODOO DAY. FOR III STUDENTS Xommentfment Fixed June 12 ! Instead' of on Thirteenth , Day , of Month by ' School Authorities. 2 Superintendent Beveridge of the JJSuhlic schools snares the opinion of "the boys and girls of the public high schools,' that their graduating Jlay next month should be set on some , day other than - the 13th, which fall on Friday. ; J The annual commencement will e held Thursday, June 12. Scmz Jbf the young people of Central high School brought the matter to the attention of Principal Masters and 3ie in turn whispered to the superin tendent. - ' .'.r-L.''- nakedness , Without V Jp Vulgarity Today, Last Times Daily Matinees 2:30 P. M., 25c Evenings 8:23 P. M., 25c, 5 35c and 50c. TOMORROW EVE., MAY 15 -lime. Catherine Breshkovsky TIm Little Grandmother of the v . Russian - Kerolution In a talk of great appeal for the future of Russia, preceded bjr an address on the same sub ject by DR. EDWARD H. EGBERT WALLACE ME V. A RETTYV CIRL. - A HUDSON SUPER-SIX, Vwrni OF THRILLS. PLENTY OF LAUGHS. r- ALL AUK IN ' Road" i , I "LET'S ELOPE" r TW "TheTurn In .the Road" iYou fcan't belp but like Popular prices. a I ATUOnP U J AX V Lothroo TODAY AND THURSDAY MABEL NORMAND In ""SIS HOPKINS' . - . . BILL PARSONS COMEDY j Bp rtJ?Pfesenis ! iWSMrerfte it. r- - . Tori MixV jj :" in l4 I "The Coming) I Ml KEY Tht Great PATTERSON SHOWS 15 Attractions' 3 Big Free Street Parade v" - Now Showing Afternoon and Evening. ; Show Grounds 21st and Paul Tie Great PATTERSON SHOWS mHDr PHOTO PIAY. OFFERINGS FOR. TODAY W WILLIAM S. HART has just about finished work on "The Money Corral," and everyone about the studio, from the star down, is enthusiastic over the production. It is said to be one of the most ex citing stories he has ever done. A big rodeo teature turmsnes what is con sidered one of .the most attractive sets and scenes ever provided for a film. Dora Rogers, a Mack Sennett comedy beauty; has joined the Uni versal forces and is playing in Wil liam S. Campbell company. Carol Dempster and Clarine Sey mour own two of the pretty faces that will appear in David W Grif fith's picture, "The Girl Who Stayed at Home," based upon a story by S. E. V. Taylor, Miss Dempster is well known as a solo dancer who acconv nanied Ruth St. Denis on one of her numerous tours of the country, and won praise from every section. Miss Seymour did picture work when she was in pigtails, but has recently con fined her activities to the stage. Universal City is no place for superstition. Just 13 directors are now busy on "the big lot." Rupert Julian's new picture, "The Open Road,'" now being made at Universal City, affords "the Beau Brummel of the screen" an oppor tunity to wear old clothes. He plays an Italian part. Rhea Mitchell is the leading woman. Now that an osculatory survey has been' made by Baby Marie Osborne's "sentimental journey to friends" from New York to Cali fornia, it appears that, in the re- AT THE THEATERS CATHERINE BRESHKOVSKY, now on her second visit to this country, will lecture at the Brandeis theater, tomorrow eve ning on "Reclaiming Russia." This wonderful woman, who has been var iously called by admiring thousands throughout the world, "th little grandmother of the Russian revolu tion" and the "grand old woman of Europe" is making a special appeal on her present tour of Avneiica for the war orphans of Russia, not only that Russia may be restored through this rising generation, but the future safety of all nations be se cured. My country she said in a recent interview, "suffers at the pres ent time most incredibly for the most necessary objects and materi als." George Rockwell, one of the "no ble nuts" at the Orpheum this week, is extremely funny for a number of reasons. One is that his nonsense has in it much real satire. The wife who whines or regards herself as a mar tyr is absurdly burlesqued by this comedian. His act is one of The pro nounced applause hits of the current bill. The dramatic feature is the , y ( PHOTOPLAYS. E linLI M U ff1 ft 5 'THE RED 0 m & LANTERN " "It's l trr wonder ful" Coming at the 4 0 WEEK iqi commencing M m., May 18 IF. Schnauber's Concert ni.i.i. nl la iNou via ; Marlon's Oriental Ballet $ h t lilcaaro'a Foremost OrtranlratioD af In ChUiww Interprftettow. jj, . Seats now on sale at Box Tn I, Office. AMUSEMENTS. AUDITORIUM Monday Evening, May 19 ' Omaha's Welcome to CAPT. EDDIE RICKENBACKER Canmr cl th t4tti Am Purtult Sauxl n. AMERICA'S GREATEST ACE la Hll Owa Story af Advtatvr la - Th Anna of tha Skiaa But a nla at Bntaa Orat 8 tort. Barka Niw .Bret. Cigar Stera, Oaiaha Aatamakll Clab. Prlcw: 60c ta S2.M. Pirn war tax- VALESKA SURATT In "THE PURPLE POPPY" Rsekwtll & Fox; Rita Bolantf; Baa. Vtaaiaa & UziU; LswU a White; Kate A Wiley; Ryaa & Ryaa; Klsearaau; Travel Weekly. 1WO SHOWS IN OWE DORCHE & RUSSELL Scenic Spectacular Novelty MACK 4 MAYBELLE; LAWRENCa JOHN. SON: CNIYO a CMIYO. Phetoplay Attrae tlee HALE HAMILTON la "AFTER HIS OWN HEART." Mack Seaaett Cenedy. Pflhe W,lv. Ride 2 Bands Today, 11:00 A. M. filmland On the Screen Today. KIAI.TO M AHOTJERITB CLARK In "LET'S ELOPE." BTN TOM MIX In THB COMING OF THE LAW." STRAND WALLACE REID In "THE ROARING ROAD." MICE "THE TURN O T THE ROAD." EMPRESS HALE HAMILTON In "A FT BR HIS OWN HEART." LOTHROP 84th and Lothroo MA BEL NORMAND in "816 HOP KINS." CKASD Uth , and Blnney LIN A CAVALIERI lnT "LOVE'S CON QUEST." RUTH ROLAND la "THE TIGER'S TRAIL." No. 8. ORPHEIM South Sid Uth and M ' FEATURE and RUTH ROLAND In "THE TIGER'S TRAIL." - COMFORT 84th and Vinton EDITH STORET In "THE SILENT WO MAN." HAMILTON 40th and 'Hamilton EDITH ROBERTS In "THE LOVE SWINDLE." RUTH ROLAND In "THE TIGER'S TRAIL" No. 1. 81BIRBAK 24th and AmBS WIL LIAM RUSSELL In "WHERE THE V WEST iSKUlMO. v a r. . . . ') n . U A r .1. ALICE BRADY in "THE WORLD TO LIVE IN." ceptions accorded to the diminu tive Pathe star in the various ches, the triumphial journey was literally strewn with kisses from city to city the kisses of governors, of mayors, of high officials, arid big handsome, strong men of an emo tional turn, who couldn't just help "bussing" the baby. Baby Marie merely says, "Yes, I kissed all of them the big bosses and a lot of other people; but I like the ice cream most of all. Isn't it funny? they've got lots of cream in all of those places. Which do I like the most ice cream or kisses? Well, a girl can get kissed any time, can't she?" Baby Marie's most notable kiss ing ceremony, was when Governor Goodrich of Indiana did the honors. headline act, "Thp Purple Poppy," with Valeska Suratt playing the title-role. One of the most pleasing parts of the show is the song duo, Virginia Lewis and Mary White. Thev sinir charminsrlv. and comedv elements further enhance the effect tiveness of their work. , ' A tower station in California, showing Shasta mountain , is one of the features in the spectacular scenic novelty, "The Musical Rail roaders," at the Emprefs for the last times today. Dorsch and Russell, featured in the act, introduce every appliance used in railroad work as a musical instrument. As they reach the end of their musical en deavors a train fully lighted crosses the trestle and as the curtain de-sceads,- the train is seen, slowly winding its way down the mountain. Martin Johnson's "Cannibals of the South Seas" and its sequel "Captured - by Cannibals," '' is a human drama in 10 reels,-produced from nature by Martin Johnson, explorer, adventurer and camera man. Johnson traveled to all of the out of the way spots of the . South Seas, picturing the human things he saw rather than the scenery. He and his wife braved the dangers of the savage country through which they traveled and Johnson and Jack London had braved them years before in London' search for adventure material for his thrilling fiction. The engagement closes with the matinee and evening per formances at the Brandeis theater today. Besides olaving Manlee, tne Eurasian, in "The Red Lantern, which comes to the Boyd theater on Sunday next, Nazimova also en acts the totally dissimilar rolt of Blanche Sackville, an fc-nglish girl, and half-sister of Mahlee. AS Mahlee. in herself a dual person ality, Nazimova appears as a bru nette; as Blanche backville, she is a blonde for the first time in her screen career. Omaha Delegates Go to National Meet, Held in Pittsburgh The Omaha delegation to the 31st annual meeting of the National Livtrf Stock exchange, to be held in Pitts burgh, Pa., left for there Monday afternoon. They are: . Will H. WM John Harvey, jr.; Sol Degen, Charles F. Cox, Clarence L Peterson. Charles H. Grant, James G. Martin and W. B. Tagg. Mr. lagg is president ot tne xsa tional exchange and he and A. F Stryker, secretary of the local ex change, left for Pittsburgh last week to be on rfce ground early ana take part in the executive committee meetings. Postal Affairs. Washington, May 13. (Special Tele gram.) Civil service examinations will be held June 18 for presidential postmas ters at Akron, la., salary 11.700; Strat ford, la., 11.300: Merna, Neb., $1,300; Lln gle, Wyo., $1,150. ( BANK STATEMENT. Report of the Condition of the " - AMERICA STATE BANK of Omaha, ,Nb Charter No. 1351 In tha State of Nebraska at tha close of business May 3, 1919. - -RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,1 06.41 S 71 Overdrafts 14.0S0.1S Bonds, securities, ' . r . judgments, claims, ' - etc ..w - $,600.00 Liberty bonds. , W. S. 8., and other U. S. government securi ties 10,000.00 Other assets, revenue stamps 117 II Banking, house, fur- . J nlture and fixtures. U.OSS OS Other real estate... 20,140.74 Current expenses. Cash items - 10,548.00 Taxes and interest paid ..i . M60.6S i-Due from National and State banks $175,750. 4 Checks and Items of exchange 103.199.3S Currency 47,S1.00 Gold coin 070.00 Silver, nickels and cents 4,421.03 82M72.S5 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund - Undivided profits... Individual depoa 1 1 a subject to check... 8!,410.2 Time certificates of deposit 140.S5M! Certified checks 2,231.51 Cashier's checks out standing 10,288.04 Due to National and State banks Bills payable ...... Depositor's guaranty fund . 1.017.33$ 2 20,000.004 6. 000.00 10.75S.02 841,220.3 S51.I33.8 100.000.00 8,353.5$ Total 1,617,33.2 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: I, L. M. Swindler, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement la a correct and true copy of the reDort made to the State) Banking I Board. Attest: L. M. SWINDLER, aCesnier. W. ED. 8HAFER. M. P. SHAFER, Director. Subscribed and " sworn 'to befora me this i stn day of May. l!ri. ' ERNEST A. DR1SHAUS. U-IJ Notary Public. PROPOSE BIG JUBILEE FOURTH FOR SOLDIERS Mayor Smith Presides at Meeting Where Preliminar ies Are" Made' for Great r Omaha -Celebration. t at 1 Mayor Smith presided in the city council chamber last night at a pre liminary meeting to arrange for a home-coming celebation, July 4, for returned service men; A resolution offered by Randall K. Brown of the Chamber of Com merce was adopted in effect' that the mayor shall elect one delegate from each of the organizations within the city and call a meeting for next Saturday night to consider this matter more in detail. The Fontenelle Park Celebration association, which has held big July Fourth celebrations for live years, in Fontenelle park, offered to join in the proposed celebration. No action was taken last night as to the place. City Commissioner Falconer pro posed that one celebration should beheld in Fontenelle park and an other on the South Side. It was the sense of the meeting that every organization in the city should have a voice in making tne final plans. finjoy Social Session. Members of the local organization of the American Association of En gineers to the number of 25 met at the Hotel Fontenelle last night, where they enjoyed a smoker, a social session, and then listened to an address by W. J. Mauer, assist ant manager of -the American Rad iator company, Chicago. He told the Omahans what the association has done in Chicago and urged a campaign for membership here. W.-R. McKeen of the McKeen Motor Car company presided. Confiscate Birthday Whisky. The wife of N. A. Peterson, black smith, 2411 Franklin street, will suf fer the loss of an intended birthday gift one day this week, Mr. Peterson told the police judge yesterday. A pint of whisky, which he said he had intended to give his wife, was taken from his home by police. 1 In police court Peterson was finid $100 and costs for illegal possession of liquor. . South Side Revival Meetings at South Christian Church At the Soutn Side Christian church, Twenty-third and I streets, isbeing conducted a revival meet ing. Ford Ellis is speaking on the following themes: Tonight, "A Fa vored Son Humbled"; Wednesday night, "What if Christ Should Come Tonight"; Thursday.' "Hidden Amonp- the Stuff", and Friday night, "Is Hell a Myth".'-Baptismal will be conducted Wednesday and Fri day evenings. The women of the church will serve supper Wednesday evening. Members and friends are invited to the supper'and remain for the meet ing, following. Goods Stolen From Stores Recovered On South Side A great amount of valuable goods, believed to have been, stolen from Omaha and South Side stores, has been reepvered by South Side po lice. Recovery of the supposedly stolen goods followed the arrest of Frank Plores and Jose Sanphez. Mexicans. The two men refused to give their addresses, but police state that the goods were recovered at their room near Thirteenth and Vin ton streets. South Side Brevities A. McCullough for moving and express. 2408 M street. Phone South 1688. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 2211,0 street. Phone .South 2854. Express and light hauling. Call K. A Z Auto Express. So. 3081 or So. 8750. Adv Mrs. Llllle Huffxky. 4228 South Nlne teenth street, will entertain the Kensing ton of the Woodmen circle No. 6 this af ternoon. The Pollyanna girls of the Grace Meth odist church will give an Ice cream social at the church, Twenty-fifth and E streets, Thursday night. . The all-managers' sports committee and ball players of the Butcher Workman league will meet at union headquarters, Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock. Musicians will met for practice. We still have a few Sellers Kitchen Cabinets left from our sale. Don't fall to get yours, with an aluminum set of dishes free; $1.00 per week brings It to your home. Koutsky Pavlik Co. Adv. BJ. Buckingham of the Live Stock ex- cnange leit Tuesday night for Chicago, wnere ne will attend a packers' produce conference. The conference will work to get a committee for the functioning toward iuo siaDinzauon or tne live stock market. FOR TOUR HOUSE CLEANING. Don't forget our closing out sale of wallpaper; every roll must go. Make your selection early aa we have only a short time left. Koutsky 'Pavlik Co. Adv. A letter from Byron Demorest, formerly market reporter for the Stockman-Journal, says that he la now In Toule, France. Ac cording to the letter received by Bruce McCuMoch, Demorest believes he la fated to "lock up the country after the troops are out" ' Shop and SaTe at Flynna. There's- stacks of goods coming In this store now that will meet the approval of the Intelligent buyers. Fine Hart. Schaff ner Marx suits and panta. Wooley Boya' boya' clothing. Lion shirts and collars. Cooper, Munslng Dependon and White Cat underwear: swell lines -.of spring coats and dresses for the ladles. Shop and save at Flynns. Card of Thanks. Wa wish to thank our friends, relatives and neighbors . for tholr beautiful ini offerings ajid their kindness and sympathy mtmicu miring me sicxnesa and death Sj.,.oa L,tte ,on Blllle. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wehner. Liberty Bonds ' Don't sell if you can avoid it. Buy for investment if possible. We buy nnd sell at New York quotations. - At present prices Liberty Bonds yield as high as 4.85 I with practical certainty of be ,ing worth spveral per cent over 100 when business is re adjusted. s Bond Department First Trust Company Omaha First Natiorurf Bank Building- D i v o rce C o u r ts Helen Lee has filed suit for di vorce in district court from Frank Lee, to whom she was married in Omaha ayear ago. She alleges non support. John M. Delatour was granted a divorce from Minnie Delatour by Judge Day, sitting in divorce court. She charged him with Cruelty and abandonment. Marium Mullane charges in a pe tition for divorce filed in district court that her husband, William, threw her out of their home, inflict ed injuries upon her, beat her and accused her of infidelity. She and her son are now living at 4727 South Thirteenth street, and she asks the court to grant a restraining order to keep-her husband from in terfering withtrfem there. , Mathilda Smith, in a petition for divorce filed yesterday in district court, charges that t her husband, Charles, made lite intolerable. ney were married in Council Bluffs in For Constipation! Physic Purge or Laxative? Everyone nam and then becomes constipated, and mil Uotia are chronically in that canditioa. The perplexing question arises what to use. Purgativea and cathartics are drastic and usually cause a reaction. Saline waters are rapid in action but do no more than empty the bowels. Just as certain an effect, and certainly a much more pleasant one, can be obtained by the use of a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It acts gently, without griping. It ia an especially ideal medicine for. children, women, old people and others who find purges too powerful. ' Only a tea spoonful is required, and by morning the move ment is free and complete. A bottle in the house ii insurance for the whole family against constipation, indigestion, head aches, flatulency and other digestive ills. , , The druigiat will refund! your money it it fail to do aa promised. gti PRICE AS ALWAYS la spit of greatly increased laboratory costs due to the War. Oy sscrincntK profits stnd aba orbing awar taxes we have main tataed the price at which this family lax ative has been told by druggjett for tne peat 26 yean. TWO i 50c and $100. Remember that suit you had that you hated to see wear out after it was past its best days? : It just fitted you it had the looks "and style and "feeling" It seemed like an old friend. You'll have that feeling about your shirts, too, if you choose Beau Brummel Shirts "A Real Combination of Style and Comfort" There are seven "reasons why" these shirts satisfy you completely. Three of them are illustrated here but just to try a Beau Brummel yourself is the best of all proofs. FULLNESS ACROSS THE SHOULDERS AND CHEST. There is ample room through the shoulders in a Beau Brummel Shirt. Plenty of fullness- everywhere in the armholes and across the shoulders and chest full- ness carefully distributed s6 as to insure perfect fit and good looks. And plenty of room at the elbow insures freedom, of action. There's no bidding or pulling just real comfort. These are just three of the "reasons why" you should make friends with Beau; Brummel Shirts. They will satisfy you and give you reaf shirt service, too. For Sale by All Good Stores. , N Made Exclusively by M E. SMITH & CO., Omaha n We Sell 1915. She asTts to be restored to har maiden name, Schoening. sasKisnsHaa . -A Leonard Gilbert, a . resident of Omaha for 42 years, charges that his wife. Mamie Gilbert, has deserted him. He asked the district court yes terday to grant him a divorce. They were married in 1904 in Council Bluffs.; . Howard Smallwood alleges in a petition for divorce filed yesterday in district court that his wife. Elsie, has lived with other men and has been so cruel to him that he can no longer safely live with her. , Emily Stone says in a petition for divorce filed in district court that she and -Tbert Stone entered into a contract to be married in Ohio, October 1, 1912, and that they then lived together as common-law hus band and wife until April 10,' 1917, when she says he beat her and de serted her. Alleging that she had been made a helpless invalid by the cruel and inhuman treatment of her husband, Emma Overling asks the district court to grant heT a divorce from Theodore Overling to whom she was married in 1900. She asks the custody of their two children. 1 1 Dr. CtLldwelTt OYRUP DEPSIN The Perfect A Laxative FREE SAMPLES If you have never used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin send for free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 468 Washington St, McBtfceOe, IB. If there are babies at home, stk for a copy of Dr. Caldwell's book, "The Care of Baby." Choose a "Friendly" Shirt ROOMINESS ACROSS THE BACK. Makers of Good Shirts BeauBmmmeV9 II 111! II I -Til TTls- 'WW ll I Imx XX Clinton Boyden on April 21, 1919, ordered his wife to "get out of the house," according to the petition of his wife, Loretta, for divorce filed in district court. She says she has been living with the children at the home of a .neighbor since she was ordered out of her home. , Army Orders. . Washington. May '. II. (Special JTela gram.) First Xt. Forrest B. CroU. veter inary corpa, la relieved from duty at Camp Dodge, and will proceed to Camp Fun stan, Kan.: Lt. Col. James Davidson, re tired, Is relieved from dutleb with the or ganised militia ot Iowa, and will proceed to his home. HERE'S FIRST NEWS OF A GREAT SHIRT SALE FOR SATURDAY Beddeo Clothing Co. Offers 100 Dozen Blue Cham bray Shirts at Less Than the Cost of Mate rial Alone. A Great Purchase Is Re sponsible for This Re markable Selling Event. It is a rare occasion these days to be able to offer the working man any sort of wearables at prices he enjoyed several years ago, but for next Saturday the Beddeo Clothing Co. will place on sale 100 dozen fine blue cham bray shirts with neat fitting col lars attached, at a price that will sound almost unbelievable. They are cut full, collars are fastened with a neat link, all have pockets, soft cuffs, and are here in every size from 14 to 17. We know of no better shirts made, and at the price which we will sell them Saturday they will prove to be the most sensational value offer ever put over by this store' Watch Friday evening papers for price and full particulars and tell your friends to keep on the lookout for this big sale next Saturday. Beddeo Clothing Co., 1417 Doug las street Adv. The Ideal Family Loaf Patronize Tour Neighborhood Grocer JAT BURNS BAKING CO. for More Than 30 Years TOT ini mrnm "I can fix it but I don't know how long it will last" That's what the plumber will tell you. He means that some- , time, probably soon, the re pairs will have to be made all over again. And every time that happens, you add to the cost of those worn-out plumb . ing antiquities. v Come in and look over the Thomas MadJock line of tnodU em, sanitary bathroom fixture and find out how little it costs and how much you save ia the end when you install thia first-cost-last-coat equipment. ( Ask us to tell you about the Maddock'way. ' , United States Supply Co. Ninth and Farnam St. OMAHA. NEB. or Ceaiilt Year PlaauW DR. ALLWINE DENTAL SPECIALIST 'Will limit praetiee to best methods of Extraction, and Plate. Crown and Bridge Work. ' Diseased Teeth Poor Health. 412 Securities Bldf . Phone Doug. 6863. and clung to long t that satisfied you. ! from among j PLENTY MATERIAL AT THE ELBOW COMFORT HERE - Shirts