2 U THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 11. 1919. Y HELP WANTEIV-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitor!, SALESMEN High-powered uIhiiih, ea.-, name ex necking; up prestige nationally known concern. Boll hardware. Irani. manl aad general store commodity. En dorsed , by government - experimental farma. Big money maker, full time ar Id Una. . Investigate thl Wrtta p. day, state territory, Una sold, past ei- . perience and reference. Band pboto If poeetble. Addreea, C. Oberlln. Sale Mangr, Mnafleld, O. STOCK saleemaa for a htgh-elasa aaaau? featuring, sllvldand-peytng proposition, factory No.il now Id operetta and foe tory No. 1 to ba operating within It days, Demand for product la azcaaa of present capacity. Director aro bankara . and hlgh-claaa Omaha businessmen. Stock In Jbtila company- will aall on allot whan properly presented. Advanoe men - naad not apply. Addraaa Box , II, Omaha" Baa. MARVEL tor tha man wha work to oar U. 8. protected artlcla, moat essential aeeeeolty exclusively owaed and con trolled by us.- T to H dally aale ahould ba your average with IS profit on each eals. Definite oo -operation, Large ter ritory assigned to aaleemea abl to han dle crews, darom Lsadt Pre. I South ' Dearborn St. Chicago. III. SALESMEN Learn abewt tha Now Cat i - eulator Adding machine. Betallel. Adda, abtraota. multiplied, divide au tomatically. Doe work of 1100 ' ma chine. FWe-yoar guarantee. Sella en eight Carry In year coat pocket, full time or aide Una I-lberal profit and protected territory. Dapt 117, Calcula tor Corporation, Grand Raplda, Mich. CAPABLE SALESMAN . DESIRED . Real opportunity to aell complete line Mould cement coating, roll roofing. In- , duatrtal and commercial paint for every purpose. Touraine to., siuinny mag, Cleveland. O. A "Plve-Taar" broom wear longer than ! earn vreoma Guaranteed five year. Patented. No competition. Men mak . tng tit to til a day. Responsible house of IS Tears' atandlng. Sample loaned oa letter from your merchant aaylng you are U. Kr Factory 111, lid St, Mtlwaukoo. Whi. ' SALESMAN for representative line of children' dreeae and coals. Must have nod acaualatane and foliowrog with trad who bay thla line. Gre full Pi ucuiar aa to territory rowrsa, nana old aad vow long. uorresponaeao held atrlctly confidential. . Etseman Mfg. Co- 13 so. Market Bt, i-nicago. TRAVELING SALESMEN, national man ufacturing organisation. Will give con sideration to inexperienced men of cal ibre justifying, expense i of preliminary training. Salary 1101 to-41M and ax- WESTERN REFERENCE at BOND AS8N, 73 Plret Natlanal Bank Bldg. , IP YOU ARB A SALESMAN, understand ' lumbar, how to make up a Hit af ma- terlal and have the willpower to keep going, we have a proposition open which will mean thousands of dollar a year to you. Address v Box T-lt, Omaha Bee. '" - - ' SIDE LINE SALESMEN V , TOP NOTCH apedlalty. Sell all line everywhere. Quick aotlon. Repaater. Com. I10-J10 promptly paid. Pocket asmolea Responsible bouse. Brlsluon Co.. 181 Erlckaon Bldg.. Dee Moines. Ia. LTNER TYRES, Inside protectors for auto tire, prevent puncture aiyl blowouts; outlaat several Urea. Inexpensive, guar anteed. Tremendous demand; big prof it. County distributors wanted. Pel leton Rubber Co., Box 112, Cincinnati. Ohio. . .. . . , SALESMEN Sideline men making email towns; new Idea; no, sale, no collection; na aample to carry; It commission paid on each trial order take. State line carried ("nd territory covered Keeney tk Son Co., 1901 Indiana Ave.. Chicago. . " 1 WE pay safeamen 70 per cent commis sion. Our line of goods are staple and aold direct to consumer trade. No ex perience necessary. . Exclusive territory. Our salesmen earn from 11,000 to tlO.oOt yearly. Writ Stewart Adams i Co.. 108 N. Halsted St.. Chicago, III. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED By a re- 1 Mable oil company controlling large acre age In Texaa; dividend assured. Top - commissions. Write for full Information and prospectus and photos. Guaratrty Titled Trust Co., Slaughter BldgH Dal- Iss, Tsxy WANTED SALESMEN FOR FURNISH ING GOODS DEPARTMENT. APPLY ' . SUPERINTENDENT, HAYDEN BROS. 1300 GUARANTEED' phonograplt voutflt aent on approval for 174.60. Seventeen dollar worth records, and II worth needle free.. Fifty dollar a week tak- -l ' in- order from thl free sample, write i for particulars. Play all phonograph WB want traveling salesmen, who can aell nail rsnm Vendlna? machines that take s the place of Sales Boards, from pockef Illustrations, ss.su commission paiu on i every al. Ad-Lee Novelty Co., Dept. . Chicago. . ALE8MEN. now 1 the time, secure big commtaslon v Immediately. Amaslng : new lSventlon. X)aculatorMl adding machine; Adds, aubtract. - multiplies, divides. B. T. Shark, Room I1UJI0 E, Jackson Blvd., Chloago. WANTED A capable salesman to sell the - highest grada.palnt and roofing mate rials dlrec to building owner and coiv aumer. Submit application at once. The Touraine Co., -tjulnby Bldg., Cleveland, " Ohio. " SALESMEN 160 week or more; no expe rience needed. All OP1 part time. Sail avery store handling cigars. .A neces sity. New, nothing like .It. Write ( fllllck. Sheet HtimtfUr Co., Lexington, Mo. . ' ' SALEBMENr-Sell our Aocldent and Sick 1'" nes Policies In your spare time. Pay ' 16,000 death and 126 weekly benefit Premium 110 yearly. Steady income - from renewal. Address Underwriters, Dspt 141 Nswark, N. J. SALESMEN ' for Nebraska. Vacancy May . 16. Permanent position. Old-house sell ing staple line on exceptional terms. High commission. 136 weekly advance. ' Salea Manager, , Suite 611, 100 Wood ' ward, Detroit. ' ' ' - WANTED Experienced metal culvert '- and highway equipment salesman. ' Commission basis ; must have clean . record, wide acquaintance among coun ty - and townahlp offUlaJs. Address HI pro Llgonler, Indiana. SALES representative with car to whole sale real astomoblle necesslliea. Ex clusive territory. Attractive, high-grade product that aell and bring repeat or der. Robt M. Sowes Co.. Indianapolis, ' Ind. . . - - ' WANTED 10 salesmen with .car tn sell . groceries to farmers In Iowa ana Ne braska, i Old established mercantile business; big money to right men; will " atand closest Investigation) experience unnecessary. Box; D-14, Omaha Bee. SALESMAN With Ford cars making (0. 00 per day selling Shawa Gasoline Vapor-, . laer and- Manifold Generator, Revolu tlontslng Gasoline Vaporisation. Pat Jan. 14, 1111. W. M. Shaw. Newton. Ia. U SALESMAN Can make. IS to 110 dally nd establish Income of 11,000 to 16.000 ' yearly. Merchant makes 100 psr cent profit Merchant Gum Corporation, Newport, -gy, v. ' - . tlDE line salesmen Portable pbonogreph. Take ofdera from dealer. No ample to carry. Illustrated outfit furnished -: free. Commission. Bon-Ten Mfg Co, St Louis. Mi. WANTED Salesman calling on hardware and general store to carry lace leather, hameatraDs. haltera and automobile ao- ceasortsa St Louis Leather - ProductsT Co.. Bt-'Xoul. Mo. SALESMEN Inexperienced or experi enced. City or traveling. 'Write for i - -list of opening and full particulars. Address National salesmen s Training ' Association. Pep't 430, Chicago. 111. R'IDB awake man to take charge of--our local trade. 14 to 15 a day cteady; no ' experience required: pay atari, at once; write today. American Product Co., t 1H American Bldg., Cincinnati, O." - EXPERIENCED GAS ENGINE and farm light plant aaleaman. Sftiary, expenses and commission. State full particulars first letter. Address Box TBOS. Omaha , - v WANTED Commission ; salesmen calling on general retail trade for complete line men's medium to high-grade rain eoata Rloh A Rich, 110 North Dear-"bo- Chicago. WANT HIGH CLASS MEN to handle at . tractive proposition: big commissions; ' no advance-' Address, U. D. L. Club, .Merchants National Bank Bldg.. Los ' Angeles. Catiy ' ' iUTOMOBILB TIRE SALESMEN wanted. , - l.soti mile guaranteed -tire. Commission oasis. Will mske wenderful side-line. Willis Tire Rubber Company. Mln neapolls. Minn. , -S ' IALESMEN who will work can earn from 1160 to 1200 per week selling oil stock i lease and royalties for us. . Banger and Desdemonla. Petroleum Co., Ill E1U- aon Bldg-e Fort worm, rex. y lALE8MAN-TravUng Nebraska and ad Jaeent tarrttory, calling on furniture and . general (tor, to sell on the aid for - manufacturer apeclalt floor coverings. 6ISTRIBUTOR wanted In every town for . Speedolme; quart equals 61 gslion gasollns; hustler make 300 to S600 per month; particular tree, Spcedoline Co., Delia, Teg. V - - ' . NECKWEAR rP-TO-DATB LINE FOR FIRST CLASS ' AALMMAN ON COMMISSION. SEIDMAlf &A, t MOAOWAY, NEW TORS. HELP WANTED Male. Salesmen and Solicitors. p Candy aalaaman, wall acquainted with neoreaKa umiory, ,- . BALwrf CO.. tl and Coming-. SALESMEN WANTED Lacee. embrotd r arlea: only men now ateedlly traveling mailer town need ana war; 11 par cent commission. aanrrMea light. WANTED SpeuiaKy salesmen, regular or aide line; all dealer; plaaaaat,' perma- - sent, profitable; commissions paid weekly. Box 101. Cedar Raplda la. WANT reliable. Ufa Insurance man. for city manager. , Apply in person Monday morning. National Ufa Inauranea Co. or v. a. ui city Natlonaj Bank. Agents and Canyassen. MSN with red bloody hustling ability to handle greatest aute accaaaory Inven tion af all time,' the Universal carbure tor lock. It lock the carburetor and hat off the gas aupply. No other doe It fit any oar. Small capita quired. Yoa - can make 110 t la . weekly If you oy quick and aecure ex clusive territory. Territory going faat. Be the first In tha field and reap the harvest of dollar. Hurry- Don't mis t h i. Writ tnA a. fn. MmnlA nnM-.- lion and special offer. The Universal Carburetor Lock Co., 701 Andrewa Bldg., - incmnati into. MEN familiar with farming condltiona to sell new kind of steel posts to farmers, ' poultry raiser. home owners. No con crete needed at end or comer post; with new Carho tension aystem. pom onstratlon aulckly make a sale. , We have a big propoaltlon on commlaalon for tha right men. Milllona Carbo poat in use. Market for hundred of million mora, writ lor catalog and apedai otter. Carbo Btcel rroducti, Depb li A. Morgan Park, Chicago, III. I WANT 100 men d women quick to take orders tor comer Raincoats, ram cape and waterproof apron. Thou sand of orders waiting for you.vt an "hour tor eoare time. Ma her made 1S1.I0 'In one day, Cooaer 131.7 In hours. I wur-give yon fit.ovv a year ior average orders day. No delivering or collect ' Ing. Styttah coat free for you. 65 beau- ttrui aampie. no capital requireoLHig vgeat money maker In America, write Auick forrnrormatlqn. Comer Mfg. Co. . Dept. G-K4, Dayton, Ohio. CREW manager - and representative Make money fast. History of world war compute, -.containing peace treaty and league of nation by Francis A. Marco, , Ph-. D. Introduotion by his ' brother,' Gen, Peyton C. March, highest officer in U. s. army. Profusely illus trated. Authorship and) special features place It beyond competition. Special terme. Freight paid. Credit given. Out fit free. Universal Home, Philadelphia. . "3 . ' TALK INK TILE VISIBLE AT NIGHT V Mean dollar for yen. Something n- ' (irely new and different Sella on sight No competition, 110.00 dally easy. Home . merchants, atore, banks, churches, ga- , ragea, everybody a prospect Field un limited. One sale create another. 100 per sent profit You double your money. - Free sample. Chas. F. Lorensen Co., ' Estab. !. HI Reaper Jllock, Chicago. U. & OFFICIAL' PEACE TERMS Summary, League of Nations, eta., all .in World War history. , First ready. Million waiting tor thl complete, au ' thentie, pictorial, best, blggetlt 12.10 book Best terms. ' .Jlen, soldier, sailors make 11.00 hourly. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Write Taday. Glpber Association, lyf Come Bldg., Chlcago.- WANTED Dlsoharged soldiers, especially from aerial or motor service, tor hign class selling propoaltlon. Entirely new, quick money, Dunning made- 11,600 In three days; Lammer cleared 13,100 in five weeks. Myers made 1114 JMrst H hours. No house to house work. A dignified position with good future. Write for particulars. G. E. Colby Co., Inc., Morrison, 111. PRIVATE HJSAP gulled down till week World' War Its sacrifice, victory and peace. Sixty-humanly interesting sub jects. They touch the soul of every one. Free supply also Important por trait catalog. Consolidated Portrait Co., 1034 W. 'Adams fit, Chicago. AUTHORIZED Negro war book, 700 pa , by Kelly Miner or Washington. U, c and assistant ' of the Navy department, - best book for. colored people ever writ ten, over 100 pictures, only 12.60, sell ing like wildfire. Big outfit free, get , the bfg book. Act quick. Austin Jenkins 1 Publishing Co.. Miller Dept. Okjcago. ANCFACTURER requlrea representa tive and local dlatributors, all or part time, ex-mUTTary men preferred. Our proposition pas the Irresistible appeal to v all ages, natlonaltles and classes, 15 to 130 per 'flay average pay. Samuel (J. Osborn Co., Dept H, Masonle Temple,' Chicago. AGENTS Sell rich looking, Imported 16x60 rugs, 1 sach; Carter, Tenn., sold 115 In 4 days; .profit 57. You can do aames Write for sample offer aelllng plan; ex elusive territory: sample rug by parcel K post prepaid, 11.10. E. Condon, .Im- AGENTS 3 to tlO dally. Selling our book "How to Make Liquors, Whte and Beers." Tells all about It. Formula, suggestions, recipes. Retail 11. 100 per cent profit. . Write qulok. Universal Distributing Co., 101 Wayne Bldg., To led6, Ohio. f 600 per - month selling a new patented - Fuel Vaporizer guaranteed to save up to 60 - per cent IB gasoline; ,40 miles per gallon made with a Ford oar. Sold on ' money-back guarantee. One sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Fukwana S. Dak. -N . CITY salesmen wanted at once to sell auto tires. Have an excellent proposi tion for hustler. Can als6 use a few high-class men in the country. FARNAM TIRE & RUBBER,, - COMPANY. 2I4 Farnam St. Harney 6761. AMERICA'S Battles In World War. New authentic book. Illustrated with map. ""Vrltten by army officer. Different from all others. Costa you 8c. sen zoc Everybody miys Free outfit. Gerf. Gruenberger, Transportation Bldg., Chi cago. AGENTS Sensational seller Patriotic Religious and Negro pictures, 400 kinds. Papier mache Frames cost 16c; sell-for 60c. World war history, changeable signs. Catalog and-ample free. .PeoplesJ Portrait, sta. u. Chicago. OUR new. Complete History of War with Treaty of Peace and League of Nation. New Map of Europe and Official photos ' now ready. Best terms wlth,pr.emiums Free outfit. Nichols Co,.NabervllleS ill AGENTS Big pay Sn& free automobile ln- troaucing wonderiuf new gasoline saver, puncture proof, five-year spark plugs and other economical auto necessities. Out fit free. L. Ballwey, 604 Sta. F, Louis ville, Ky. ' AGENTS Hugro India Wonder Brooms tickle the housewife, 20 calls. 16 sales. Blggeat quick money maker for agents. Also complete catalog of hand and elec trlo vaca. Hugro Mfg. Co., Warsaw, Ind. - . - A BUSINESS of your own, make sparkling. glass name and number plates, medal lions, oaecker boards, signs. . Big Illus trated book sent free., E. Palmer, woos- ter, unio LIVE melfcjor the biggest Seller on earth. tvery automooile owner a user, uoia mine for workers. Particular- ree. Dorsey Co., Ill Kossuth St, Bridge port. Conn. BIGGEST money maker In years.- Icelees Ioe Box. Every home welting for- It Demonstration creates sensation. Sail at "Ight 13., 100 per cent profit Refrlg erette Mfg. Co.. 261 Canal St. New-York. RIP VAN-WINKLE slept a long tlm. Wake up. Make big money aelllng a Poultry Tonic wttb Ironclad guarantee. Send quarter for aample. Wayne Poultry Tonio Co.. Ft. Wayne. Ind. - AGENTS, 140-1100 week. - Free cample. Gold sign letters, anyon can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents.. Metalllo Letter uo 3e xs. uiarK, umcago. WONDERFUL, STARTER FOR ,-FORDS; , no cogs, no ratches; take no power from engine. Retail 116. Agent coin, ing money. Exclusive- territory. 81m -plex Co.. I 8. Clinton St., Chicago. AGENTS who will hustle can make from 1100 to 1200 per week working for u selling oil stocks, leaaes and etc Orchel tree & Co., 101 Elllsn Hldg., Fort Worth; Tex. ' , AGENTS, earn 1200 monthly with ouf wonderful line of men's tailored nack , wear. Permanent dignified, money--. making business, Keiser NaokVear Co., Palmer Bldg.. Detroit, - Mich. AGENTS Soldier, sailor, men, women, make 'big money aelllng our new up-to-date photo medallions. Quick (ales, big profits, free catalog and samples. Cruvetl 10., jarason ana mmpocu, ymcsso. AGENTS, 'soldiers;- real self elter, "Wel come Home, Peace With Honor" de. sign, 11x14; "cleanup" for hustler; big proms; sample inc. victory oaie wo.. Swlssvale, Pa. LIVE agsnts make big money in span tlm selling' approved oil leases; big commissions; quick telling proposition. J. K. Sheridan Co., Slaughter Bldg., I'auaa, Texas. AGENTS, quickseller; big profit. Call fornla Rose beads coining money for hustlers; nsw stuff; tremendou ds , mand; catalog free. Mission Bead Co., 1380,Irola, Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS Make a dollar an hour. Sell Mendeta, . a patent patch. Instantly mend leak In all utensil. Sample ' free. Mendet Co., Amsterdam, N. Y. AGENTS, dsmonstratora, eel I BIZZ laun dry tablets and rug cleaner; B 10 box will elesn Ixll rug. Free sample. Writs US Chemical Co St Loula, Mo. HELP WANTEDMALE. Agents and Canvassers. AGENTS . hourly absolutely gaaraa teed. Gasoline Joigsllon. Money-back guarantee. Write FederaJ Cbemlcal ' Worka l W. Jaeawoa Blvd.. Chicago. SIGNS for store windows; entirely new. 'ISO week easily mad. Chicago Sign System A-tlB. River St., Chicago- Trad Schools. AUTO SCHOOL Electrical worst a pe- olalty. . Free catalog. "National Auto - School 1M Worth Mth St. Omaha. -, - - . Boys. - ' WANTJIDA BOY v Ws want a boy to learn tha printing trade. Jfnat ha not lea than It year old and fall of pep. One with a hank ering for typo and printer' Ink pre ferred. One year of high acheol will - help,1 but an eighth grade gradaata will ao. rne wage are not large to start ' with, but wa give you something that win as wortn wniie intne rutusa, rivs . year' apprenticeship will make you a competent workmaa la a trade that you oktlll be proud to be associated with. Call In person at the Bee composing room any evening afaar o'clock. Ask for Mr. Calvert. ROY WANTED over 17 to learn making sample . oases and trunk. Must be wllllnav worker. Wages to start lit week, . Trailing: A Stclnla. 1(01 Farnam St. WANTED Two boy, about 17 year old. visit Webato. Sf . , OFFICE boy, 14 106 Bee Bldg. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced, young, married - farm hand at once, without or not more than two young children, who doe not amok elgareta: 170 per .month, 1 10 extra each for July. August ami Septem ber. Corn husking by bushel, elevstqr. ' I have for hand separata unfurnished . 4-room house, oobs, uss of cow, garden , spot nd chicken house. Give age, ' weight, experience and employment last year.- A. B. -vonnson, colon, wen. WANTED Reliable family boy or man, -on fruit and stock (arm. - 'Pleasant lo cation, fair houae, large garden, poultry rang, chances, to keep pig and cow, cheap fuel, telephone, rural mall, schools and churches, good neighborhood: prob able- share plan next 'year, this In part .- it desired, promptly, write Kan Aiaricn, . Auourn, xsen MAN to work tiffs olty reflnlshing chap - dallers, brass beds, automobiles, by new . method. 110 dally without oapttalor - experience, write uunmetai to,, itj Elm. Decatur. 111. , 1 WANTED Installment collector, exper ience not necaasajy. Must know city ; well. Salary fir per week and bonus. Bnlendld ohance for live wire, see af&n ger, 3t Balrd bldg., 17th and Douglas. WANTED Flvo laborer for work at - A voce, la. Lane Construction co. ui flce, lth St and 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, I- EARN' 126 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magastnes. Kxp. unnec. ; details free. ProssS Syndicate, 170 St DOU1S, mo. LEARN piano by ear In one week with my quick simple metnoa. msko szd weekly-. Player In demand. F. W Little, 11 46th St., Pittsburgh, P. MEN Age 17 to 664 experience unneces sary :- travel I make secret investigation. reports; salaries expense. American Foreign Detective Agency. 611 St. Louia POSITIONS, location, etc., for druggist. dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarian F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MEN wanted for detective work. J. Ganor, former U. S. Govt Danville. 111. detective, BE a detective; excellent opportunity; good pay: travel. Write C T. Ludwlg, 876 jvestover Bldg., Kansas city, mo. YOUNG man to work In the Bee press room. Appiy to- roreman. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices GIRL FOR P. B. X. BOARD AND CLER ICAL WORK. SEE MR. COLLINS. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER CO., STENOGRAPHER must be able to cut stencils and figure discounts nice of fice, splendid future 186-100. Stenographer to take charge of office J90-1100. Office clerk, 26 or 11 year old, to meet public. Pleasing personality 176-180. Office clerks 160-160-17. P. B. X. operators 160-166. , Bookkeepers 176-1100. Ten temporary office clerk for circu lar work 12.00. No filing fee but a deposit to investi gate your referencea I THE MARTI COMPANY. , y 1126 W O W Bldg. CAPABLE young women -to register for temporary and permanent stenographic positions. GREGG SCHOOL OF COMMERCE- 109-11 Balrd Building. Byrd, Principal. Interview, by Appoint- ment Only. STENOGRAPHER and clerk 1100. Xddlng operator, -Lincoln, 1100. Stenographer 90. Stenographer 186. Typist IS. Clerk, some steno work IZS. Dictaphone operator 176. Wahl adder operator 176. Steno, good at ; figures. Steno and Dictaphone opera-J - tor 0.; Burr bookkeeping operators I76-I86-. Steno, fine office, good hours 186. , WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY 1188 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED Young lady student to enroll . In our short term, summer course In ' bookkeeping, tenographlc, comptometer and dictaphone, day and evening classes. Tuition payable monthly. Call and see us or telephone Douglas 7416.. DWORAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, Second Floor Weed Building. " Eighteenth and Farnam Street. WOMEN for order filling aad atock work In Wholesale' Dry Gooff house. Retail Dry Goods experience" desirable, but not necessary. Stat age and experience, In application. Permanent position. Ad dress D 16, Omaha Bee. - TYPIST Must be eompstent and rapid, - able to write a clear business hand and , mak clear figures for card record work. Permanent position. Apply in - own handwriting. Stats salary expeot ' eel.' Address D 1, Omaha Bee. v- . STENOGRAPHER, exp., downtown....,! 15 Btenograper, exp. downtown. .1100 Stenographer, splendid position. ...'I0 Office clerk, experienced 05 r P. B. X Operator 15 Stenographers little experience. ..... II Office girl i..- I 40 EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE COMPANY. 0S- Bee Bldg. NO CHARGE UNLESS PLACED. ' Stenographers, 1100, 0, 181, 175, Beginasr stenograpners, oo, ass.. Typist and olerk, 14 to 117 week. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. HOT W. O. W. B'dg- . V. S. GOVERNMENT wanU help; women, U or over, 11,000-11,100 -year; fjleasant work; writ lmmeditely for list poel- . tlons open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6, P. Rochester, N. Y.- nKHKItlL office olerk. who can meet the r public and do small amount 01 steno . . ... . .4 !....(. wora.1 wonaeriui lumrv. mw iw.h,u Salar 81 to 1100. Watt Ref. Co.. Jilt let Natl. Bank. - TWO neat appearing yeung girl-to work in canay enop. Appiy in person. a. a. weet Shop. tvvit.vtt crnnd commercial noaitlons open. Co-eperatlve Referenoe Co., 1016 - City National Bankr - TWENTY good commercial positions open. Co-operative Reference Co,, 1015 City n.lllll.l OdlllVi POSITION In office of doctor or dentist Box B-71:- fl STENO and clerk. North Platte 186. Watt Referenoe Co.. 1411 la atL Bank Profenions and Traaea. 7 ..-V WANTED 1 . -WOMEN AND OIRLS TO WORK IN FACTORY. GOOD PAY TO BEGIN NERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO. ITH AND DODGE 8T8. HELP WANTED EMALE Professions and Trades , AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER- , MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAtf.lN, TERESTING AND" IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES FOR AD- VANCEMENT- STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. " " V - -. Good aalary to start and frequeat h creasst at regular Intervals. VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH - s PAY. ' ' ' ' , v - YOUNO WOMEN. IT YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO - LAM" BERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 111. NEW TELE PHONE BUILDING. NINETEENTH AND DOUu.-AS STREETS. I v- AMERICAN TELEPHONE ANP v " TELEGRAPH ' .ACOMPANY Hat a few vacancleg tot yotmf Jdti to urn a. , ' . ' . ' LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE; operating. Tha work "1 Interesting, the surroundings are pleaaant. A goed aal ary Unpaid while learning. If you are Interestsd In getting into a real bust nesswhere your prospecta for advance ment win not Be arreotea by ins arcer the-war condition call land m. ' ' Miss GracrGoxr Chief Operator 1120 Telephone Building, 191-.I. anil llftnoriaa Sta. v SHIRT operators x and hand button hole makers to work on fine custom shirtspjecework best prices paid, also a weekly bonus of 10 per ce.nt New factory , and pleasant working conditions. CAPPER & capper; - 29-35 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago. WANTED,' CAPABLE WOMAN FOR ALTER ATION DEPT. MUST BE EXPE RIENCED, AND ONE TO SPECIALIZE ON QOWNB, APPLY MRS. BARNES, 1RD FLOOR. BBNSON-THORNB CO. YOUNG WOMEN . V 11 to 21 years. Permanent position In esssntlal Industry. : FOR TELEGRAPH POSITIONS, Orammai and blah school graduate. LIBERAL PAY WHILB LEARNING. Pleasant, instructlvs, lntereetlng. Ilght- nour ay. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., I Apply Room 1604 W. Q. W. Bldg. WANTED CAPABLK WOMAN FOR ALTERA TION DEPT. MUST BE EXPERIENC ED, AND ONE TO SPECIALIZB- ON GOWNS. APPLY MRS. BARNES, 1RD FLOOR. BENSON-THOHNH CO. WANTED Ladle to work at aoda fountain.) BEATON DRUO COV WANTED A few mors experienced power gewlnsy machine girl. Apply floorlady, Omaha- Auto Top Co.. 709 South 16th St. Saleswomen and Solicitors SALESWOMEN WANTEO- in every com munity to sail newest ana best Hoe of housedresses and aprons. Can easily earn 160 per week; no- investment nor experience necessary. Write today for details. American House Dies Co., 4714 -Jngleside Ave., Chfcago. III. ANTED 6 bright, capable ladles to travi 1, demonstrate and sell dealers; 126 to 50 per week; railroad fare paid. Write. atnnce. Goodrich Drug Co., Dent. 68 27 Omaha. Neb. -T WANTED--! bright, capable Udles to travel, demonstrate and ell dealers; 111 to 150 psr week; railroad far paid. Writ at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 741, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Two girl experienced In bakery-and confectionery. Wages 10 a week and board. FRANKLIN BAKERY & CONFEC- FranklinNeb. WANTED Competent -women for clean lng, none other need apply. Ill per week.' - Apply Housekeeper, the El Ban- dor apts., 18th and Dodge. SEWING glrls experienced on power ma chines, for auto top work. English Top Co., 1318 Harney St GIRL wanted ut Smith, 1118 Fai once. Fltzpa,trlok and mam. WANTED Meat wrappers at once. Wash- ington Marital, nm uongiaa Bf. WANTED Sewers, experienced and Inez- perlenced. Orchard ar Wllhelm Cs. L Household and Domestic. WANTED Housekeeper, 26 so- 40 years. . Tak sntlre charge. Care for alx moth erless children. Prefer cine without children, but might consider on child. Salary 19 per week. Oldest girl will help. Baby 1 8 yeara. HERMAN KURPGEWETT. Box 622, Madison, Neb. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist with! house work, good home for right - person. Apply personally to L. W. Ken nard, Kennard Glass and Paint Co., l(th and Davenport Sta. - ' WANTED Housekeeper tot two bachelors on a farm -surrounding email town near Omaha, one with son 11 to II years pre ferred. Must b good cook.. Call Web- COOK WANTED. Experienced whtte lady cook, for cafe; must be A No. 1; wages 116, room and board. W.W. HOCEENBERRY, OAK- WANTED-Competerit girl for general . housework, between 20 or 10 years of age. Strictly modern home, on farm. Mrs. V. E. Holm, Colon. Neb., R. No. I Box 26, ' - HOUSEKEEPER WANTED One that on- demand farm life, cook -for two men, I one with Uttle girl preferred. Address Fy T. ttnoaaesj Cambridge, rueo. BUSINESS MAN want tall, neat refined lady under 40 -to keep house for nice home; good wage. Addre Box. B-43, Omaha Bee. i y - LWANTED Housekeeper, a mlddle-eged, onencumperea isay .prereHvu. nm v ear of two small girls. . J. E. KertelU Broksn Bow, Neb, - '- ' HOUSEKEEPER wanted In family of two. Thon Harney lilt, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and DorriMtic. WANTED Housekeeper for two bachelor oa a farm, surroumllng small town, near Omaha, on witn son 11 to is prsierrsu. Must be good cook, wal. I mid. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to , assist with housework: launarea.Kapi li. Sherman, Harney 17, ' WANTED Cook, 4"th' 1 H irl for aecoad . work. 101 South reet. Telephone Walnut 164. AlOMPETElf whit girl , for, general housework. Call Harney 1ITI. till Dodge street WANTED Competent maid for secon . work. Good wagea. Must have refer encea. 101 So. llnd Ave. Harney 106. GIRL tor cooking and to aaslst second - girl in housework. Mrs. A. Yf. ooraon 1C1I South 18th street. - y LAnv farArenaral housework, aeod home. four Itr'iamlly. 1601 Harney St., or pmne Harney JIT I. COMPETENT girl for general houaewqrkt no washing: good wagea, 1711 Haw thorne Ave. i s ' A COMPETENT cook and housemaid. Mb r. B. Johnson, Harney 83. WANT dressmaker by the day, Mrs. Wm. Ntuu, 113 80. wtn t.--riarnsy . RELIABLE laundry. Douglas 1410; Outi side arylng, weather permitting. 1 Hotels and Restaurant. Waitresses' N rfor"":;:;.VN' Cricket Room Wanted - By- Burgess-NashXo. ' Apply SuptI Balcony. WANTED--Malds. Aaoly housekeeper. El xaeuflpr apta., ism ena-iitnire. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladle to learn barber trade. Special ratea and Inducement ' TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1401 Donala St Miscellaneous, A WELL KNOWN FIRM will consider applicant for a special position of importance; requires college or high school education: pleasing ap pearance and address ;' A-l character references; muat do is or ovr- na iree to leaver- tha city; wlll aatiaiy nign- 1 class woman as to earnings Give age, education and experience. Mr. Blair, -111 Garland Bldg.,-Chicago. WB WISH, to hear from lady Interested In literary wui n.. oviiu- ud .wij, .iui.i,i poem for examination typed or hand written. If acceptable we pay you cash " tf anoointed .on staff will pay aalary. Submit MS Editor, Woman' National Magasine, Deskv905. Washington, D. C. LADIES wanted to make Insoles at home evenings. 110.00 per," 1.000 pafrs. Also card addrssslng and labeling. No ex perience required. Enolose stamp. Foot wear Specialty Co., 1407 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. ARTIST who can draw in black and white, wash. Ink and other medium; ' nnnnrtnnitv far sll round artist to rep- resent us. Lelshman, Telegraph Picture Service, Flktiron Building, ivew rora WANTKlfC-Two slrla for vaudeville. Ex- perlence unnecessary. Apply Bdwaros I1IK-I. XJ. I.. Ilil'i . c v " - MTrRTr-TANS wanted, all Instruments. C. R. Bachtel, bandmaster, ureal raiier- son Showa WANTED A lanltress for half day's work. II to 6 p. m, Clarimontinn. uong. sisd. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boy to learp Darner treas; mg aemana; wagea wans learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone D 1147. WflMklJ 'or man wanted, salary (24 full time, 60e an hour spar time,' selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experi ence unnecessary. International Mills. Norrlstown, Pa. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL. ! NIGHT SCHOOL. Student are admitted at any time. Complete Courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branchea Write, call or phone Douglas 1516 for larg Illustrated ca logue. Address, BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building, Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School 110 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6800. LEARN Mostcer shorthand and typewrit- Ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Bee Bldg.. D. 0621. Piano Instruction, ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 601 Karbach Blk. studio, phone Kea 185. 101 South lith St Musical. POPULAR songs and ragtime piano play- log taught from 11. to is lessons. Har- ney 6919. ' FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. NICE FURNISHED ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH IN STRICTLY ALL MODERN FLAT; CLOSE IN; REASON ABLE TO RIGHT PARTY. CALL AT 2218 BURT ST.; OR CALL RED 8322. , 1 s LARGE corner room for 2 gentlemen; pri vate family, hot and cold water, break fast if desired. . Ill 8. 16th Ave. -Har- ney 630. - . LARGE, pleasant front room, 1 big win dows; gentleman preferred; good neighDornood ; walking distance. Har ney 6968. FOR RENT A nice furnished room In private family; walking distance; gen tlemen -preferred, Douglas 8770. 2528 Jones. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, down town, to respectable business man Private family Douglas 4177, TWO furnished - rooms with DrlvlleKes: meais 11 aesirea. zajo streei. soma 1877. TWO connecting rooms; private family; Hanscom park; rererences. Harney J628, LARGE front room In modern home. 811 grancia. Tyiar asn. . COMFORTABLE clean sleeping room In modern house. webstor-izsi. TWO furnished rooms for 'men or women employed. 116 North 16th, Housekeeping Rooms. THREE, nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1707 Leavenworth. Doug laa 4863. PARLOR FLOOR, larg, well furnished 3 or l-room suite; ail convenience. It. os aoutn Twenty-eigntn at. PLEASANT light housekesplng rooms for . M.Hn.V.l n-ti v..,- sns ' Board and Rooms. Excellent Meals Can accommodate a few extra people at my table. Will be appreciated by those who Ilk home cooking. . Rates reasonable. 424 Park Ave. Harney 1710. PACKING house man ' want room . nd board ror himself and child - 1 years old. Private family preferred. In vicinity of South Omaha. Pleaae stats terms'. -Address C, Bee office. South Omaha. CONGENIAL, middle-aged lady desires room and board or wonld rather occupy room with mother or. daughter for company In pleasant home. Address Box-J WRITE PHOTOPLAYS; llt-1300 , paid anyone for suitable idea. - Experience ' unnecessary; complete outline free. Write, Producers League 140, St Louis. LARGE pleasant sleeping room, four win dow. In private, family, walking dis tance; breakfast and dinner. 2310 Cali fornla. , ' , SMALL boarding houae for rent; meal taken In exchange for rent; good loca tlori; we'll furnished. Red 6084. SOUTHEAST room in exclusive hofne, with board. Harney 176. 701 Park Ave. ROOMS AND BOARD at 413 North 26th Street. Tyler 4660. BOARD and - room for two gentlemen; private home privileges. Webster 6006. FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments. - Three rooms snd bath In Hollywood, near 14th and Harney, fusnlslred com pletv I66.0J per month. References. Bedford-Johnston Co., Ill World Herald Bldg. Dong. 1734 FOUR-ROOM-apartment Including piano. . No. t Nathan Apts., Webster 3834. y- Houses. - FOR RENT To Carter Lake Club member, whole or part .of a furnished house at club. Cell Webster 2488., ' Bee Want Ads pay big profit to the people who ftti thenv- ' FOR RENT HOUSES. ' ' North. v - - PETERS TRUST CO., opciinw in apartment mnsgawisnt ' LIST your-property for rent of'aaie with FIRST TRUST COMPANT-, Realtora j V Tyle, T. - s y Miscellaneous. ' - " I20' Caatellar St.. I rm part - modern A.'.k . . . , l.l I21 Franklin St, 4 mi. Prt modern T-l ,1111 S..Jth St,' 1 rm.,' part 'modern - f.ll 1617 S. 6th St., 4 rms.. city Watsr. T.lw 1461 Miami St.. 8 rms.. wsll 1.00 CREIGH, SONS COMPANY, ' . ' ... eaora , Doaglas 100. .601 Bss BWg. 4 ROOMS 2016 frark street, 1T0T0T I 6 rooms. 1110 Farnam atrAt it A. OA. S. I roams. 618 80. lJth st., 117.60. BENSON A MYERS act. t 411 Omaha National Bank Bldg., -- ' Phone Douglaa 746. 2201. Cuming, Ird floor, flat, T room,' all modern except heat 111. 00, ,717 S. 17th St., for colored, 8 rqm 110. t . v A. P- TUKEY SON. - REALTORS - 2 Pint Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 601 CREIGH SON3 A CO.. - HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY, DougJOO. 600 Bee Bjdg.. ' " - BIRKETT A- CO. Cr of property and Inauranea, 160 Bee mag, uougiag 633. IV TO J room house on easy payments rrem si. sue to iJ.aoo each. JOHN N. FRBNZSR. Douglas 654. FOR RENT AfARTMENTS. North. 4-ROOM flat for rent at 2001 North 10th. Apply up stairs. Miscelfanecus. THE LEASE, on a wall-located six-room apartment can bs transferred if fur nishing ar purchased. Phon Harney 975. r FOR RENT-SUBURBAN. lACRES, house and outbujjdlnga for rent FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. 1-STORY and basement, steam heated brick building on northwest corner 10th and Lsavenworth; has II large! rooms above on of th very best locations In the city for first-class drug store. Is only 6 block south of 16th and Far nam. ' THOMAS W, HAZBN, v 207 McCagu Bldg. Douglas 1100. STORE ROOMS, 1114 Cuming St., I2&00. 116 North Sixteenth st, 187.60. Both are good locations for retail stores. . CREIGH, SONS COMPANY, Douglss lHO. Realtors. 608 Bee Bldg. Stores to Rent k A. P. TDKEY & SON. REALTORS. 620 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 602. - GOOD store rooms, 16th and Douglas. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY. ' Phone Douglas 6843. TI3 SOUTH 24TH ST..- 24x21, 126. ij.ua snerman Ave.. 14X6U. 120. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 133 Securities Bldg. BRICK store roam and full basement. 1YZ1 Cumtng Bt., THOMAS W. HAZEN, Z07 McCague Bldg. Douglas 1300. - STORE room for rent, good location- for oaroer. zuus rvortn zotn Bt. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses FIVE or six-room bungalow or cottage Dungaiow preierred strictly modern, --desirable neighborhood. near, grade ecnooi ana car line. Phone Manager Kmerson-arantingnam implt Co. Tyler WANTED TO RENT Modern houte or apartment, by couple; no children, Best or rererences. foone walnut 1611. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT IN DUNDEE COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME OF SEVEN OR EIGHT ROOMS. ON S OR ABOUT JUNE 1, FOR A PERIOD OLADJT FURNISH REFERENCES. CALIj WALNUT 77. FURNISHED HOME. West Farnam or Dundee; May 16 to September 16, or-longer; 7t to 1100 per month. GEORGE A COMPANY. - 102 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 766. ' WANTED TO RENT Furnished house or apartment through June. Call $ralnut Board and Room. PLACE In good Christian family for my self and z-year-oia baby. Baoy to be taken care of during day. Box D-l. MOVING AND STORAGE. 'IDELIY STORAGE & VAN COMPANY. EXPERT , ' MOVERS. " When you are ready to move, see usi Reasonable rates. Satis factory treatment. PACKING. This big organization employs a staffyof men thoroughly experi enced in the packing of furniture. Our charges are modest; satisfac tion assured. -. STORAGE. Don't sell your furniture. Store it ifl our large, spacious ware houses The rent is small. DOUGLAS 288. FIDELITY' STORAGE & VAN COMPANY, . 16th and Jackson Sts. ; iJ,: - .. . 'I ' N. FIDELITY M CO, 'llth AND JACKSON. DOUQ. Z88. STORAGE. MOVINQ. PACKING. TREASONABLE RATES. a. FREE RENTAL SERVICE COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS ( WE haul furniture, light Sn heavy hauling. J.lve stock hauling a specialty. CALDWELL TRANS. CO., OfftceTjler 679. Res., Douglas Mil. METROPOLITAN VAN and-STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 8400. GLOBE VAN-' : AND STORAGE CO. For real eervlcein hauling or store ; calL- Tyler 230 or D. 4338. outo, or wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms tor household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOB CO. . 808 S. lth. Douglas 4161.- UNION TRANSFER, CO. Let u estimate your' moving, packing and storage. 1605 t'avenpnrt. Dong. 2801. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. "T West. WE have pians and specification for several good home .in Lockwood and Dundee . Height, to b built at once. Soe ua Shuler Car, Realtora, 104 "KeollM Bldg, r REAL ESTATEllMPROVED. West NilW STUCCO HOUSE N. B. corner llth in. n Davenport 1 1 oa a 17-foot lot with driveway to garage ea north ld of houae. Bouse U ruU two-story and altls; it la aa unusually rood job of stucco on outald And, U wterlor finish It th aam Mgh-clas work; light fixture and decorating will bo computed in ( another week, Daaoy little sun-room or dsn opening aft tha I living, room; dining room 'and kitchen I with lateet bullt-la features; thre large l.nlnaY PAAma gall aa M 'ak Jl HsvKW AltllBOt DodaM Bt. tr.t impnbve'menu are paid ta MIL Price 17,610. Ask for. our plat with prices of lot left In this location. We ar offerlni the unsold Iota lit thla addition at prices made to clean then) ap qulokly. Several new home going la there ooa,. . ,., HARRISON MOflTON 018 Om. NatABk. Bldg. Doug. 114. WEST FARNAM,- ; $12,500. - - On of the most beautiful, homes In this fine" district Only aeven yeara old and perfectly up to date and modern In architecture and doaian. Bauer typo of house with wide, eavea Big .living room across th front, with larg sun , room having dlaappeartng plate-glass windows. , Large dining room, but ler's pantry, kitchen and meld' room or breakfaat nam on first floor. Fotir fin corner bed rooms and tiled bath . with ppsdestal lavatory; larg porce lain tub, efc, on second -floor. Maid's . room and bath a well as fine storage space, on third floor. Sightly south . fronC lot, driveway and garage.. Whit enamel and mahogany wood work. Quarter aawed oak floor. Firepla Hot water heat Laundry uba. Elabor ate lighting fixtures. In fact sverythlng tbat you cap Imagtn In a high-class home. Too .-large for owner, 0,ulok I possession, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1B36. - 131 SecurltleBIdg. r 1 HOME BARGAIN 1, - A 1 large, eight-room, " fully modern houss, with feur bedrooma On east front lot, near the Joslyn homeT -New rarae-n. cement flnnr. Prica onlv 14,260.00. 11,000.00 cash ' will handle I same, balance like rent. Immediate pos session. .. Located No. 362 North Fortieth street W. FARNAM SMITH ! & CO., 1120 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 614. HOUSE BARGAINS 7 room witha.ll modarn conveniences and In fair living condition, but not new. Thl I 4464 Farnam St and we can give possession at once. Priced to sell , quickly, 12,600. Can arrange some term. ' Walnut Hill Cottage, Comparatively new with hardwood floor and finish; large living room across I front' 1 bedrooms and bath upstair. Lot 60x160 feet. On block from car 11ns. Pries, 12,100; can arrange term. HARRISONS MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Tel. P. 114. , Don't Pass This Up. Price Cut to $8,150. 8-room, 1 story new stncoo house at I jiais uavenport at Tnrroom and "sun room on the first floor. I rooms and bath on the second, and one large Toora I inciuaing a complete sst of plumbing on ths third floor. Oarag In th rear. Thl house Is worth considerable more I money. At 18,181. it 1 a bargain. Can give immediate possession. Term If de sired, H. A. WOLF CO. " Electrlo Bldg., v Tyler 81. DANDY 5-R00M : COTTAGE;, FINE LOCATION ONELOOR STRICTLY MODERN: LARGE LOT - 1800 down. Prle 11,200. ISO per month. Only 2 block to car; paved streets and fine location. Large porch, vestibule, living, dining and kitchen; 2 fine bed rooms and bath between; a full base ment Thl house Is all pine finish?; has attic. OSBORNE REALTY C0. 669 Om, Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. FIVE 5 ROOM , BUNGALOWS PRACTICALLYNEW - EASYTERMS No. 3014 N. 28th Ave., and 2866 Binney St. Oak finish .and floor In I living rooms, large .- eaaemenia unaer l whole houae, dandy furnace, two dandy I Denrooma ana oatn, iioored attics, built in bookcase In living room and sest I In dining room; paved street; price, 11,260 and 12,700. See them today, PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY i 611 OraaheNat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1018,1 $5,000WEST FARNAM HOUSE REDUCED TO $4,750 - ' $2,000 CASfi - . Having large living room across front oi nouse, auiina room wiin a iaie lun I porch, nics light kitchen witn aanay,iv ..... -" m, cwae- pantry and Ice box room on first floor: I lnt 'M00; needs' some repair. Forif Three bed rooms and larg sleeping norch. room for two full slsed bads. Tiled hath iinstalrs. Oak floor thraiieh- I t out including Ktcnen. 17111 cemented basement wts outsae eenar way. 000a furnace. Lot 60x128. Out-of-town owner says sell for 1 4,70. v- 1 trrn 6 nT a mrin I"1 onucti o-nuuai nuueca, je7 PAYNE & SLATER CO., - cam strJng in iu a mosth; 818 umnn a jNatv nx. cmg. jjpug. ivxs ti;-ij n .-U rii.Jj. ; N" Six Rooms j.- Sleeping Porch 1 Garage v " ' $6,000. A nearly new modern' and nifty house on 36th street, a block rrom they ear. House finished In oak down stairs. Birch and macle floors sbove. Very hsnd- vsome decorationa POSSESSION ATI ONCE. 1. - . C. D. Armstrong'. - I Realtor. r 325- Securities Bldg. WEST DODGE, RESIDENCE Owner of this l-room. strictly modern residence la offering to sell for a fv days only. Three large rooms on first I - . . . U . V.. . , K , AM ,M. IIU'.I, -llll CO H- ... u ..... " - and. Lars screened porch, full ce mented bssement with furnsoe beat Large lot on paved street Possession 'Jape 1, 1919. Price' 18,350. Arrang for an appointment. AYNE "INVESTMENT COMPANY, REALTORS, 111 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougla 1711, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED, j' West "tSfcVEN H00M HOUSE r -All aak finish: located In th restrict - ed diatrlcUot beautiful Montolalr. Has . largo living room aero front; dining room with buffet; nice light kitchen, , paaCry and rear entry. Second - floor' consists of four nice light bed rooms (on uaed aa sleeping porob), and bath.,, room; birch and oak woodwork, ' Full, cemented basement, with hot and oold water, gloor drain, hot Ntater heater, trait toon and ecal bin, and a aelld brick foundation Oarage and driveway. I Clooa to Harney ear Una and aehoole. Thla bous I practically new and ax- -eeptlonally well built Can bs aeea by appointment Prise, 17.100. 11,00 eaaa, - balanro on term .' ., NORRISNORRIS - Phoif Pouglfcei 4tT: 4609, Dodge St.. $750 Cash. t- rti r rQSsession uiven ynce A. substantial well built horn, having A, I brooms and reception kali oath first. -floor, three very good-sissd bedroom t and hath ea the eecend floor; full co ment baaement; atrlctly modern I I J every particular; situated on a dandy' lot 10x118 feet, with paving all paid. ' Yoa could not build the house today , for leaa than 14,000. Thl property hr undeniably eheap for the prloe we arasts asking. House will be vaoant Monday . ready to move Into. Price very low for -quick al. i- Hastings & Heyden, . 1614 Harney St Phone Tyler 6I.;' -BEMIS PARKT t DISTRICT. V -. , Near llth and Burt, A thoroughly-,; 1 . choice frame residence, 'only two yeaxa.y ' old; ha larg living room, with vestU . bulo entrance, with ample ooat closetrr; -dining room well lighted, good-aled kttchsa and le box room. Three helj-''-' room upstairs, with tiled bath; bed- f. room all have thre window, providing moat comfortable sleeping apartments. There la a full floored attic The baa- -ment 1 full aire with stationary tub and ' Rogers furnace. Garage. Lot 60x111. Few. a desirable home now on the market t Prloe 18.600.00. Prompt possession. ,:'! H. C. FREEMAN. Tyler 644. 'At Peters Trust Co.' " - WEST. FARNAM . f CATHEDRAL DIST. 4 STUCCO RESIDENCE ,f $8,000. ' Thl la a vary attractive, well-built home; large living room, dining room,-' sun room and kitchen on first floor:. . three bed rooms and tile bath, also sleeping porch, en second. Ha fire place, built-in buffet, east front; one " block from car. Too (mall for present owner. Full cemented basement, , extra ' , toilet, rurnace neat GLOVER & SPAINT., Pougla 1062, 118-111 City Natlonal.- READY FOR OCCUPANCY. new, modern bungalow 1 Thl lo- kuou neiKuuornouu. two block from car, and 4 ilicely . finished. It has oak floor. Ie all room, built-in bookcase and a kitchen . , cabinet Large attic- and full base-1 ment Onaranteed furnace. Large level lot; convenient to car. Only 1260 cash required. Liberty bonrfl will b ac- , espted at par. Reasonable monthly terms. Call Colfax 3917. L. DANDY GOOD Sc Trvrnr tymutt? STRICTLY MODERN SO. FRONT CCOSELIN:.:' 11,006 cash. Pries 63,701. 130 a month.' ' A splendid bargain; cloa la, on Call--' OSBORNE REALTY-CO.V- " 35th and Harney, ' Southeast Corner, - 19 fset on Harney and 100 feet 16th street Has two double brick . flats of 7 rooms each, . renting for 11,920 per year. Owner has mads the price 116,000 If sold at - once. About " 15,000 will handle. . Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler-H . ' West Farnam District ' Strictly modern 8-room houss with hot "water heat Every modern con- -venlence. House was built for a home, and la attractive both-In arrangement- ' and finish. Price of !6,500i baaed net- - oa present values, but on prices that " prevailed alx year ago. Term If de-, : aired. - H. A. Wolf Company "f. Eieotrlo Bldg. Tyler II. . ; 35th and Harnev. Southeast Corner. 1 II feet on Harney and 100 feet est "f '16th street Ha two double brick flatsv of 7 room each renting for l,920.00r 'per -year. Owner has mads the price 116.000 if oold at once. ' About 15,000 will handle. , Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 10 - SIX ROOMS AND - l SUN ROOM, AH oak finished bungalow with built.; In bookcases, colonnades and French -doors, large lot in West Leavenworth district Price, 14,260 and -a snsp.- . Som term. - i Bedfordohiiston Co., 611 World Herald Bldg. Dong. 17I4;1-1 I OWN and have for sale duplex house In Field Club district; 4 large room and bath first floor; five room and bath -ssoend floor; plenty of closet room;''" strictly up-to-date; lncoaje 1,080 ?' year; price (10,000; might " trade for - land. y,. B. N. ROBERTSON, , - , ' 714 National Bank Bldg. j- MODERN COTTAGE ' . $3,000. V Five-room modem near Hamilton, 1300 cash and 45th . 127.60 snd Pr sivntn. Bedford-Johnston sCo., 611 World-Herald Bldg. Doug. 1714. . 1 ' -re $3,800 BARGAIN l-room, all modern bungalow; sxtra largs rooms; well built ad nicely fin ished, Good location, close to car ana, , school. A dandy plac4 for the money. . Shown by appointment. Call Walnut , 1680. - ' . - Ha 7 rooms, all modern, face couth: -lu-very ohoio location; oak finish; nice . ' garage. A really good bay at I4,160.r Terms, l,000 down, balanoe 46 or - 150 per month. " . SHOPEN fiOMPANT, REALTORS. ' Doyglas 4218. I NO. 4131 Parker, 6 room, new, modern home-4l30 Decator. I room new, mod-rTT em home, quarter-oak .floors, elegant' location. Will make easy term on . Ither. Owner Walnut 469. - TTTT - . x , . : " ft- l sale cheap: owner, rami leave city on account of health. Phone Harney 4591. H.RftOM mnil.Fii Mit, west side Han'!-T acorn park, block from school; I blocks"" . from car; lot I7Vsx6I. Address 1911. - ' South . Thirty-foirrth St. - - North.- " 1503-7 YATES STREET' ,'1 :. 1 100x142 Two houses, one l-room. one l-room. 1101 1 I room, itrlctly modern; r ' - cepiion. nan, rront parlor, Back parlor, dining roonf and kitchen on first flooai -I bedrooms and bath on second; fuV - , basement; extra good furnace. - 1507 I I room, strictly modern re--"' ' caption hall, front parlor, back parlor,' ' s dining room, kitchen and. servant's room' .' on first floor; I bad rooms and -bath oa' second; full basement; hot water heat. " " r stationery washtubs and all modern con. venlenoes In basement; large barn wlth' Ar basement room for 10 horses; ground' ' f floor ha room .for four machine, an ' ha living room for man and anhUl fam ily. ' - , .... Half block from Sherman Ave. car;,' paved atreet. all specials paid; nicely ' shaded, beautiful lawn. WUI trad for a farm 10 mile of Omaha; 11,101. Cash ' will handle the deal, balance to ult O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY REALTORS - 1011 Omaha National Bank Bid. letsP IUD, h f FOR SALETBY 0WN15RV Js.nn.1.. Swear 7-room houss In Berrtls park. All maav rn. Heasoaaoie tarau, 17th St, - , Ihalr IM.U "X ,' s i; Y J'