Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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in V
-County Board Decides to
Honor Soldiers' Who Gave,
-, Lives for Country With -;
Tablet In Court House.- 7'
' Th board of county commission
, era yesterday patted a retolution
. ttatinar that anitable tablet win be
placed In the court house in memory
of the toldleVt whev died in. the
arm service during the war.5 Thia
wilr be don' in due tinie Jhe
desolation was passed i o set it
' 1 rest the anxietv of numerous i-
' 'cietiea which have been petitioning
. the commissioners for a memorial.
May Sale
at 'Ldmond's
Clever touches of
the ih dividual
make theseS u i t s
extremely desir-
able", r ; 1 ; i
The prices for this
May Sale quote
savings of i 1 ;
$10, $15 and $20,
,a, suit. : f rAp
You really can't af
ford to overlook -this.
On sale, Mon
day, May 12th. "
,. WOMEN p
2d Floor Securities Bldg. I
16th and Farnam.1;
' Bee Want Ads pay big profits to
the people who "read them. , .: .
1 -
. Tke r worthy your quick consideration f T,u think of buying a piano or player
m in nezi yaar. i net
All Woods
Wnlnut ' 1
Wick :, yg'V 1-, l- ' ' r
Sale ;. &:AlA ... V,,
: Clarendon Oill f Clndn
. ' "'se rAV
v. i? ! S r - .
: 5peaks Tonight at
the Bovd Theater
r dd
. A monster meeting is-'to be held
at. the Boyd tneater ' this evening
ajt 8 p. fn. under .the auspices of the
Zionist Organization' of America,
Omaha district. The meeting will
be j addressed"" by Dr. Obadiah A.
Grossman, noted English lecturer,
director, for the central division of
the Zionist Organization of-America,
and detailed and sent by the
headquarters at,New York City, for
the purpose of bringing a message
not only to the Zionists of Omaha,
That Ever
Nothing Would Please Her More Than a
We, Have the Moat-Complete Assortment in the City.
1S22 Farnam Street.
. ' 16th and Capitol Avenue.
were tn in axenange ana rerarnea
but to all Jews ofxthia community,
whethe affiliated 2ionists or not,
concerning the Palestine question
and the "problem of Jewish rights,
in all European countries as affect
ed by recent developments and par
ticularly the determinations of the
peace conference. H i,
JThe Omaha district of the Zionist
Organization of America is -planning
a campaign for the enrollment of
every Jew in this community in the
cause of Zionism ' and for thexn
listment of the aid-of Jews in Amer
ica in establishing a homeland! for
the more unfortunate Jewt who Bye
in, some of the European countries.
It)t planned at thia meeting to dis
cuss and pretent resolutions pro
testing against the recent massacres
of the Jewt In Poland. The Tealiza-J
tion ot Zionist aspirations is looxca
upon at a possible solution for many
ot the problems raised by auch con
ditions as, exist j in countries -like
Poland. - - " ' -
Wife Say $1.98 Pair of Shoes
Only Ones Hubby Ever Got Her,
Answering -the petition of her
husband, Emmett Bock, for a di
vorce, Florence Bock J in district
court declared that she should have
the divorce, anK custody of their
three children ,and alimony of $45 a
month. - '
She chareetf that he has never ex
pended any money on . his -family
r iL .l . -r i OQ
he gave her once for a pair of shoes.
She -says he threatened to kiU her
with a .hatchet, that he uses vile
language and. that he hasefusedt
look at their third baby from the
time when it was borrw ,
v ' 'r- , i ,'
foiiceman is mjureu in
r Battle With" Gang ofBoys
. Motorcycle Policeman Cain'suffer
ed a broken wristjate last night in
a gang iight ith 28c boys who, it
was ,said, attempted to boytott the
poo) hall of L. J. Schmitz, Twenty
fourth and Ames avenue. r '
Richard Dice, 2523 Templeton
street, Alfred Kearney, 4904 North
Thirtieth street, and Audley Sallan
der' 4206 Brown street, were arrest-
eds and charged with resisting an
officer.t ' . '
May 11th
the Best Mother
Lived . -
irom rem.
$100 to
Just Like
New '
HOllSE v
The Fashion Corner
' -for Women J
Evety fashi6i(idea worth'
x while in iieckwear Is
spread before you, and
though .you fancy a simple
organdie set o the stun--ning
waistcoartS now so
-much in .vogue with the
, mart dressers, you can
, choose to your liking frtfm ',
among these most alluring
styles v..- -f-'- - ' ;
Neckwear plays suchati
important part in the Sum
mer toilette that 'distinct
iveness i very desirable;:
Your viewing invited.
Silk Gloves -i
- The desirable new SuAi-
i!N mer styles are nere. iJJvery ,
tasnionaoie snade is rep
resented, ?5crto $2.25. t '
'' - '
Filosette'' gloves ! in
white, blacK and gray are
$1 and $1.25 a pair.
AH 'requirements have
The finest quality of B. B.
Vals. Venise . and filet
laces for collar and cuffs.
Veni3e edg'es fortriniming
blonses. Chantilly flounc
ings in black and white.
' Beautiful beaded flounc-
ings for 'frocks and even
ing gowns, One will go
-f ar t.n fare bettpr? '
, ,
Silk Bags N
Beautifully f asnioned bags
of fine moire silk in
brown, Jaupe, , avy blue
and black. 1 Attractively
lined and contain two
pockets fitted "with a
- change purse and a mir
ror. $4 to $1S.
Shade f ringes
To those who have been
x waiting, : this announce
ment is directed. These new"
- lamp shade fringes are in mul
berry, rose and gold. The same
'' colors, too, in Chenille fringes.
, We have everything for
the making of shades. A
complete and extensive stock.
Yon'll enjoy the worlc under
supervision of our -xompejent
instructors. Classes every day'
10-12 mornings, 2-5 after
noons. -' ;
Art Dept. Third Floor
The Store
for Blouses
Where one finds, the most in
teresting fashions in.
Fine' Blouses
Sili Sweaters N
New Petticoats
Second Floor
v -, r.
I : i -
l., Faga,- - x
- V -x- - - ' i
The Thomp
' The-Tailored Suit
s V - 4or Travel Wear
With. the approach of summer . "...
travel planscomto the fore and
in this connection he fashionable . x
y "T tailored suit is quite indispensible.
Hand tailored by mert are these
. mn1pls -iti t wrmrtarfnllv. roh nil
Priced from $45 to $75
; lk suits j. or, dress occasions are
shown in the latest styles. . . ;
;Pricedvfrom$45 to$98.50'
No Extra Charge
' Graduation ' Dresses
The -daintiest of smart fashions jn;
Georgettes, Nets and prgandy with
white sashes and attractive trim
mings. These dresses have been se
lected as the best examples of finely,
made styles for the ending of the
school year. 't
: $19.50 425 $35 ' :
Private display rooins for your con
venience. An excellent alteration
service without charge.
"Priscilla" "
A Sun Hat 4
One that is becoming and
graceful, as well as prac
tical. In white and colors.
A hat you'll like, Tomor
row and the rest of the
week, a special showing.
In the Housewear Section
in the Basement. '
Priscillas are 50c.
For Street Wear
The most interesting new
dresses, attractively fash
ioned of Scotch ginghams,
in various smart patterns
and pleasing colors. Sensi
bly priced, too v .
$10.25' $li.50, $12.50,
In the Basement
Curtain Nets
White, ivory and ecru nets
in filet and several other
attractive weaves. A well
assorted stock (36 to 50
inch widths), priced 50c
to $1.75 a yard.
- Basement
1 .
Contains eqch week many splendid pictures
of people; and
Qrde the Sunday Bee
.-3b. au.ia.H s-itMxlii&r
for Alterations.
and Drapery
Are' practically synony
mous this season. Thei
corset makes the figure'
erect and graceful, or the
opposite effect is true
"depending entirely upon
the attention you bestow ,
upon its selection. . f,
One's costume either out
lines new figure beauty or
accentuates' .defects.
Hence, in the final analy
sis, 'the corset does the
Ypur attention i3 directed
to our Redfern corsets.
They are priced
$3.50 and upwards.
Flaxons .
For Maytime and Sum
mer apparel the new
flaxons are dainty and
serviceable. Styles and
coloring to please ev
ery fancy. Checks and
floral patterns. 50c a
Rotogravure S eptton
events ,0
. ... .... M J
Phone Tyler 1000
JDelden Stof e . 'ZM-
v A Wonderfully Interesting Display
Fine Linens, like
any other creation
of distinction, re-
quire a specialization
both 4ir vthe 'making
and in the selling.
Linens hayea rep-
utationfor qual-
. ity, extending further
than many might imV
agine. 1 ;
Tomorrow's show- .
ing will - perhaps
better "demon- .
strate this rf act than
any number of print-;
ed words. 1
Tfltalian File Lace Center-
pieces $10 to S15. Lunch"- '
Pnn Spfs of tho samA. R4S. '
"If Mpsaic -pieces are won
crfully dainty. - The
scarfs, 17.50 to $20; the
. Luncheon Napkins,' $10 a
dozen; the dinner-size
Napkins (20-inch), $25 a
dozen, and the Luncheon
Sets,' $45 to $58. .
If Irish Hand-Embroidered
and Hemstitched Lunch
eon Cloths (36-inch), $5
and $6; (45-inch), $6.75,.
and .; $7.50; (54-inch),
$7.50 and $8.75. '
, i
Thfe Fashion rin t Fabrics
The silks, the fine . wash cottons, the woolenS
everything in vogue for Summer. Thousands of
''yards of new materials in distinctive patterns,
choice weaves' and every color, one could im
agine; 1
Thompson-Relden Quality " is in evidence
throughout the entire display. " . ' w . i-
1 " Your Viewinf It Requested. x
Well Dressed Women
Favor S or osis Footwear
Theyftave a custom made appears
ance, being correctly styled, fashioned
from theBest materials and expertly
made. Sorosis pumps and oxfords fit
perfectly. They are the preferred sum
mer footwear of fashion, y
A Sorosis tump with arhigh, tight
tongue to keep it -shapely-a high arch
and a covered Louis heej to make it
smart. $10 in patent leather, $11 in
brown kid. ' . ,
-interest to
Delivered to
y . - . v
If Hand E m b r o i d ered E
Pieces from tjid Madeiras a
include Doilies, $25c- to
$1.50; Centerpieces, $5 to
$35 f Table Cloths, $30 to M
or a. xt 1.: nr frr 'v'ft I
qtxi.ou a a o ze n , ana
Scarfs, $6 to $15. '
Tf Venetian Lace Pieces are 'yj
particularly attractive in
doilies from 75c to $175,;
Centers, v$8.75 to $15;;ff
Cloths, $17.50 to $50, and1 a
Scarls. $14 to $17.50. i3
1f Irish' Hand-Embroidered
and Hemstitched Scarfs I
(36x18), $3to $4.75; -f
(45x18), $4 to $5.50; t-1
(54x18), $4.50 to $6.
s. :
1807 Farnam St.
. T. Hammon, Mgr.
Douglaa 4240.