Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
V - THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919. IS V. 1 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. , WE specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO., -, ,Toug, 677. 111-14 City Nat't. South Side. JA8. J. FITZGERALD, 4lTTlulh 14th St., "Insurance." Buy end sell property. Real estate mortgage) loans promptly made. L W. JONES, Soulh Omaha; buyi, sells, exchanges all kinds of proparty. For reeults. quick action, see ua. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED. " Wi hay eaab buyera (or ell located . bunitalowa and residences worth tha money. - For quick results Hat with ua. . O'NEIL'S R. E. A INS. AGENCY. ' -632-6 Brsndels Tneatr Bldg Tel. Tyler 1084. HAVE a man who will buy your tm proved property and pay cash for It. but the price must be right. - OEOROE F JONK3. REALTOR. 628 City Nat. Bk. Bldg Doug. 1948. HAVE" INQUIRIES for good homes ft - good location Do you want to aell your property List It with C. A. OR1M " WEI,. 141 Omaha Nat'l. Rank Bldg Fuli quirk results Mat your property with 8. P. UOSTWICK SON. Son n Bide Tvler 1508. FOR quick sales llat your property with W. G. SHRIVER. 1047-t flm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Poug. 1838 LIST vour property for aale with J. bT Hoblnaon for quick sales. 442 Hee Bldg. Phone Doug. sii9" IF YOUR PROPERTY Is for sale or rent, list It with AFRO-AMERICAN REAL i TY CO. 270S t.nke Wetmler MO FINANCIAL. Ppvate Monev ' SHOP EN A COMPANY! Drtug 4229. 1100 to 6KI.0U9 MAUK promptly P. D Wead VVead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Bee Want Ads pay bis; profits to the people who read them. Real Estate Loans und Mortgages. CONVERT that Installment loan on your homo Into a straight five-veer mortgage and avoid thoae monthly pavmenia. B. H. LOUQKE. INC., 888 Keellns Bldg. WANT listing on ycur property. Have buyera. Eugene Thomas, 41) Karbach Blk Douglas 1607. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Batata. Intereat payable semi-annually W. H. THOMAS A BON. 128 Keellne Bldg. CITY and farm loans; 6 and 8 per cent; no delay. J. -H Dumont A Co.. 418 Keellne Bldg . T FARM AND CITY LOANS. I PAUL PETERSON. 368 Brandela Theater. Phone Doug. 1805. JTARM .LOANS, 6 ; CITY LOANS, 8 pet PAUL PETERSON I 164 Brandela Theater. Phone Doug. 1805 No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM. 804 Bee Bldg. Dong. 1621. LOW rates without delay. C. G. CARLBERG. I 812 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB.. FARMS' O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1028 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. D. 2716. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Acreage. ACRES NEAR OMAHA. ( acres just off the Military road (paved), about a mile from center of Benson. This was planted to fruit and shade trees about 4 years age) by a prac tical farmer, who expected to retire on It later. It la sightly and trees ready to bear. A bargain for a famly who would build a home there. Only $3,500. 10 acres between Benson and Fair acres, on the inaln"70th atreet road and on tha road west from south aide of country club, per acre, I ' $800 14 acres on 60th St. road, half way between Center St. and L St., per acre, v $500 r 60 acre on Wt'slt Dodge St., very sijfhtly, with 8 -room modern new house und farm UiiMlngM, $30,000 HARRISON &310RT0N 918 O. N. B. Bldg. ' Tel. Dj 314. Arkansas Lands. - i MAY 8TH Our next round trip 130 excursion to MoGehee. Ark. For homeseekera only W B. FRANK, 101 Neville Blk . Omaha. Colorado Lands. CHOIOB Imp. or raw quarter, fcalf aec. or larger, Lincoln ' Co.. bargains: for . 'terms. J. L. Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Iowa Lands. IOWA FARM . ; - 1150 per acre. 116 acres 10 miles from Council Bluffa on good road, near roH , road station. About ti6 acres level farrh land; 6 or 8 acres alfalfa; 37 acres pos ture. Oood 6-room house with large sleeping porch. Oood burn. Water works. This seems to lie a cheap farm McGElS REAL ESTATE CO . HI5 Pearl St. ' Council Bluffs, la. Kansas Lands. i 840-ACRE improved ranch, runnnis I i water, 113.00 per acre; large open 'aiiRe ' I adjoining. J. B. Cramer, Plghton, Kan Minnesota Lands. lOO-ACRE Improved farm adjoining town in Minnesota corn belt. Has good house, larse barn, other bulldlnKS. Land all cultivated. Price, 1110 per acre t Farmers Land company. Palace Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR 15 DAYS ONLY 180 ACRES WELL IMPROVED Located in the Loup river valley, 'Ho ward county, Neb., four miles from good town. Oood black loam soil. Land lies level. 120 acres unrlec plow, of which 30 acres use In alfalfa, tiniothv and clo ver. 20 acrea In wild hay. balance fine pasture. Thia place has a nice grove of shnda treea around buildings. Price, $116 per acre, on good terms. You ought to sea this place. Just an Ideal grain and atock farm. For further Information, write or see M. A. LARSON, Central City, Neb. i THE best railroad facilities; the best wa . ter; the largest and best supply of wa . terjUhe best soil; the nicest climate; the most growing future and tho finest of prospects, are all found combined In , the one county and the one' city In good old northwest Nebraska that Is Craw . ford, Dawes county. Write to Hunger ford for descriptive matter. i 2,000 ACRES Sheridan county; 10 miles south of Gordon; 2 miles Niobrara river front age: 1.000 acres best farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber along river and In two large draws. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. S. S. A R. K. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha.Neb. . NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO. ORIGINATORS, v Of the most unique plan ever devised for selling land. DON'T EXPERIMENT with "quacka" lit Is very expensive Get our method. 45.000 acres sold. Nehras ko Realty Auction Co., Central City, Nb., M, A. Larson. Manager. Mark Carraher, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 500 acres of hay land on river bottom, near North Platte, Neb., with lease on 4.000 acres of grasing land. ISO acres river bottom land within 1 miles of North Platte, Neb. 1SQ acres of wheat land near Her ahey, Neb. Write Box 483, North Platte. Neb. I,s00 ACRES Improved ranch, 8 mllea to ('Stores and post office, 12 miles of rati- road; springs In all pastures; a bargain, 115 per acre. P. I Spencer, Redlng- ton Neb. FOR SALE 64(K acrea of land In west ern Nebraska, 120 acres broke, good improvements, pasture land adjoining. .' Address T. M. Halloran, R. I. Paxton. Neb. FOR SALE Five sections, fenced, living water; 1,000 acrea tillable: long grass pasture. A real stock and grain propo- ' sltton J R Carter. Buth ell. Neb KIMBALL County, Neb., Laramie county, Wyomlpg. farm land; particulars from C. V. NELSON, S18 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. 118 ACRES Improved ;x western Nebraska wheat farm at 111.800. A mighty good boy. C. D. Armstrong. 225-8 Securities Bldg Douglas 1JSO, lOOD western Nebraska, 80 acrea In wheat. One-third crop goe to pur- ' chaser. 340 per arre. a D. Arm strong, Realtor, 325-6 Securities Bldg. WRITE n.e for pictures and prices of my farms ond ranches In good old Dawes county. Arab L. Hongerford. Crawford. Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms. Kimball Co.. Nebraska R. E. Holmes. , KiaaiuMU. Mae . BRINGING UP FATHER Ago back in the ME -OW kj if i Ks' ir,J A A cE vvondur if ma441E Ayaroan-pjVend I JJJ U :X-l?S2---r. c threw ttos.wuz fk.lfeO r "pS 1 W-T "T m FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands MERRICK COUNTY, improved corn and alfalfa lumi at the right price, M. A. LARSOV Central City. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SES A A. PATZMAN. S01 Karhach Blk. Tyler 884. Montana Lands. FOR SALE Two sections of best land In Roaeland county, Montana, 116.50 an acre. Address Omaba Bee, Y 601. North Dakota Lands. SEB my farnuhomea in Red River Valley, eastern North Dakota and Clay county, Minnesota, before locating. Write Her bert Hodge, Fargo. N. I). Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY, Oregon, offers you a home In tha land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and ca'U?. Addrea , Jordan Valley Farms, Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 850 per a.. Including paid -up water right. Hemy Levi A C. M. Rylander, 864 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. A SNAP IN TENNESSEE. Will sell or trade 160-aoie farm, 10 acres under plow, crops In ar.d go with place, fenced and cross fenced, a fine woods pasture; will sell for 140 per acre. For further Information address Lewis Hotcbklss. 5517 Parker St.. Ben son, Neb. . 1.440-ACRE ranch, good Improvements, for smaller farm. A. W. Tolland Co., 684 Brandels ffidg. Call Douglas 6707. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. PASTURE LAND. Have room on good pasture land for a hundred head of cattle. For price and further particulars see Held Land Co., 684 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 914S. KAKM IANDS WANTK1) WANT to buy a few unimproved quarter sections of farm lsnd in South Dakota. Price must be reasonable and terms essy. Send description, price and terms at once to Box 105, Spencer, S. D. WK will sell your farm; timely sales; quick returns. Held Land Co.. 664 Brandels Bide. AUTOMOBILES 1918 Ford Coupe 1550 1917 Ford Touring. 300 1911 Oakland Touring. 800 I .1917 Oakland Touring COO Over 30 of these bargains in stock. Writle for complete list. MARSH OAKLAND CO. L'Olh and Harney 'sis 18 OHALMERS six, 18 Mitchell six, 18 Patterson six, 18 Scripps Booth eight. 17 Chalmers six, 17" Overland six, 18 Hud son six, 18 Chevrolet. 18 Maxwell, 17 Chevrolet. 17 Maxwell, 15 Hupp touring and roadster and Fords. All models priced very reasonable and all sold on a money back guarantee. V TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam. REPUBLIC 2-ton truck, one year old, re-J gain. Republic, 1-ton, rebuilt, newly painted, real bargain, $b00. Ford with one-ton Smith attachment, almost new, 1360, with cab. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. 14th and Jackson. ' I tJSED CARS. 1 Ford touring car, 1917 1360.00 2 Oldsmobile trucks, 1ft ton... 300.00 1 Maxwell sedan. 1917 300.00 1 Buick sedan 350.00 1 Mitchell touring, 1915 250.00 1 Overland touring. 1917 400.00 ,1 Mitchell roadster, '1915 200.00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap..;... 260.00 Auto Repair snop, lor sale or trade. Lots of Auto Parts and Suppllea. 1511 Davenport St. Phone D. 1241. .RENT A NEW F0RD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOD ARE COVERED BY 1NSUR " ANCB AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM AOSIDENT. 50 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO.. DOUG 8821. - ' 1814 HOWARD FORDS - FORDS DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING "lh PER ROADSTERS , XUC MILE TRUCKS f CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co., 1 618 LEAVENWORTH. DOUG. 48 9 9. Used cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2868 farBam St. D. 1978. 1918 FORD SEDAN Wire wheels, electric starter; fine condition, f . NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 29th and Howard Sts. Tyler 1760. OPPORTUNITY to buy two practically new 1911 model Hupmoblle touring cars at bargain fig ures. See E. H. SCRIPPS. Phone D-8486. SH Farnam M. AUTOMOBILES 1918 seven-passenger Bulok touring car, model E-49 In first class condition, newly painted, a bargain. NEC. BUICK. AUTO CO. Tyler 1760 19th and Howard MAKE YOUR old Ford new, O'Rourke 'Gnldstrom Auto Co.. distributors of Ames But touring and commercial bodlea 3701 South 24th street, phone South 391 908 North 16th, phone ?3.19. New and used Fords. Time payment. CASK Chummy Roadster; will carry five; bouyht new last fall. Used but very lit tle; good condition; will sell at bargain. VReaaun for selling, husband died and I have no use for It. Inquire Mrs. E. Wilson. Phone Tyler 2165-J. MEEK8 AUTO CO. Used curs bought, sold and exchanged. We buy for cash and aell on time. Full 1 line to select from. Middle State Garage. 3028-8 Farnam St Douglas 4101. MEEKS AUTO CO. 11)18 EXCELSIOR Motorcycle. A real bargain, fully equipped, can't be beat for the price Call at 2520 Farnam atreet, or 3905 North 18th St. Phone Tyler 4316 or Colfax 1416. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Lee Pullman, Flak. Write for prices Mention sizes. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnnm. ONE 1918 4-cyl. Studebaker; two 1917 4 cyl. Studebakers, first class running or der. Cull Harney 6760. ONE 1917 7-pas.senger touring car for sale cheap. Must soli. Am leaving town. In- qulre at 4526 So, 24th. USED CARS AND TRUCKS . , AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANPARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam St. Omaha. Neh $100 Reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Sole mnfrs. of new self-spacing af flnlty spark plug. Baysdorfer, 210 N 18th. SELLING only privately-owned used cars. The Omaha Used Car Market. 2517 Leavenworth St. Tyler 2,147. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. 2059 Farnam St. D. 6035. AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; service station for Rayfleld carburetors "and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. NEW and used Ford, Ames bodies, Im mediate delivery. O'Rourke Goldstrom Auto Co., 3701 So. 24th. So. S99. OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. EXPERT Repairing Guaranteed service. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000 BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8500. FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Used Fords.' Time, cash. Liberty bonds, new bodies. $95. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. Rs NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. 8MITH. Cars tor Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE Drive yourself; at very reasonable prices: no extras to pay Nebraska Serv ice Garage. 19tn and Farnam. Douglas 7890. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED 3,000 MILES. 10x1 1 7.60 30x3H i 9.25 32x3tt 10.251 32x4 11.76 32x1 11.501 34x4 12.00 We furnish the old tires. Agents wanted. ' 2 IN 1 VUI.CANIZING COMPANY. 1616 Davenport Street NE W ANDIISEDTrRE BARGAINS" SEE US FIRST AND SAVE MONEY. FARNAM 'l!.'-.E AND RUBBER CO., H. 6758. , 2914 FARNAM ST. NO need for steam soaked carcasses. We ' retread and rebuild tires by Dry-Cure process. Ideal Tire Service. 2578 Har ney St. OAIN more miles; have your tires re treaded by G. A G. Tire CoJ 1415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. ' Repairing and Painting. WFl NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUR RADIATOR. BUT CAN BUILD YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write us for prices on new cores. No weeks of waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any style, for automobile, truck or trr 'or, In 24 hours. Patronize your home Industry. The only Radiator and Fender manu facturing company In the west. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE COMPANY, i 1819 Cuming. 2WE4 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. '. P. BARNUM CO.,, 2125 Cuming. Doug las 8044. High grade automobile painting Trucks PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL - MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS. Mgr., Tyler 1767 1407-21 Capital Ave. ALFALFA A YOUNG COUPLE'S v OPPORTUNITY This s a real alfalfa, farm as the water is only ten feet downy. Now 210 acres under cultivation, with the best alfalfa in the country, and the balance of the land can all beultivated. Good start now on al falfa. Outbuildings especially good. This 480 should be in the hands of a young couple as the kids can attend the city school, so close to town is this farm. A wonderful buy for some one, as this land will raise anything that grows in this sec tion. Write when you are coming. You can buy and get out of town on the next train if u choose. $70 with terms. ; J. T. GILMORE HAY SPRINGS NEBRASKA , SHERIDAN COUNTY. A L F A L F A ALFALFA AUTOMOBILES Motorcycles and Bicycles. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE ' , . AND ' ' SIDE CAR 1 , . 1918 TWIN CYLINDER, THREE SPEED Electrically equipped, generator,, amme ter, lights, horn, speedometer, three near ly new non-skid tires, le&ther air .cushion tandon, pump. Cost 149s new, will take $325; run only 6,000 mllea; engine in tine condition. Phone or writ J. C. Bllssard, 609 South list St. Omaha. Phone Harney 6372 HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain in used machines, Victor H. , Roos, tho Motorcycle man. 17th and Leavenworth sta. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army industrial Home 'solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St WANTED Information concerning the whereabouts of W. R. Frink of Lead, S. 1. Last heard of in Omaha April 20. Address C. A. Frlnk. Arcade hotel, 1217 Douglas St., Omaha, Neb., and receive reward. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings $2.00 per hundred. A W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th St.. Doug. 1142, Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T FORGET the big horse and mule auctions at stock yards stables" next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunks and one carload of farm mulna S.ile starts at 10 o'clock. I. C. Gallup, Auctioneer. NOTICE Must dispose of the balance of our double farm and Conford harness and collars at a sacrifice. Call at 2124 Lake street. Lake street. FOR SALE Three head of good farm mares, young and sound. All goon workers; one set of double harness, and a good wagon. Call 817 So. 23d, half block south of Leavenworth. Harness, Saddles and Trunks. We Make Them Ourselves. ALFRED CORNISH & CO.. 1210 Farnamr In case of death, do you want your wife, or your wife and children to be left in your house or in some other man's house? Omaha Real Estate Board. The Board of Education will sell nine houses situated between 30th and 33d Streets on Burt and Cuming streets at Public Auction, May 12. Sale starts, 1 p. m. Houses to be moved from the premises within thirty days. Terms, cash. Jas. L. Dowd, auc tioneer. For particulars of sale inquire of the undersigned. W. T. Bourke, Secretary 603 City Hall The Advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad ' Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tunities offered. ' El A L F A L F A )ai See Jiggt and 'Maggie in Full Page of Color in The Sunday Bee. Market and LIVESTOCK Omaha, May 7. Receipts today estimatea , Cattle 241 6.000 Hogs 230 16.400 Sheep 12 2,800 Horses 1 20 Total .......484 25,220 Cat. , 6,669 . 5,905 6,000 18,574 20,653 29,624 Hogs. Sheep. Monday, May 5V... Tuesday, May 6.... Wednesday estimate Three days- Week ago ......... Year ago 11,569 9.113 14,317 8,809 16.400 2,800 42,316 20,722 38.356 27.606 42.627 15,370 Total last week. . .25,874 This wk. last year. 34,477 67,249 33:493 70,062 26,848 1919. 540,438 1,620,760 705,745 1918. Inc. 659.225 1,544,146 76,614 827,970 Dec. 118,787 ::::!:: 7 days 1919 7 days 1918 39.096. 7 days 1917 26.869 7 days 1916 17,3:19 7 days 1915.... 22,852 Receipts, were v Cattle. Official Monday.... 6:669 Official Tuesday .... 5,905 Estimate Wednesday 6.000 3 days this week. .. .18,674 Same last week 20,553 Same 2 weeks ago.. 16, 618 Same 3 weeks ago.. 16, 911 77,100 24,651 66,41 1 25,343 68,144 28,634 62,200 VJ22.083 Hogs 11,659 14,317 ' 15.400 42,318 38,355 21,138 49,878 Sheep. 9,113 8.809 ' 2,800 20,722 27,606 22,315 24,529 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m.. May 7, 1919: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. M. A St. P 6 8 .. 1 Wabash 8 1 .. 1 Missouri Pacific 7 4 Union Pacific .... 72 54 9 C. & N. W., east.... 10 10 C. A N. W., west.... 46 74 "- 1 C, St. P., M. AO 33 21 .. ' .. C, B. A Q., east 15 9 C, B. A Q., west S8 29 C, R. I. A P., east.. 12 9 C, R. I. A P., west.. 7 3 Illinois Central .... 5 4 Chicago Gt. Western. 3 4 Total receipts 246 230 14 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 923 2,298 640 Swift & Co 1,639 4,299 2,306 Cudahy Packing Co.... 907 3,720 19 Armour A Co 1,473 3,729 222 Schwartz A Co 207 .... J. W. Murphy 2,535 .... Morrell 27 Lincoln Packing Co.... 71 So. Omaha Packing Co. 1 John Roth A Sons 44 .... .... Mayerowich & Veil... 36 Glassberg 6 ..... .... P. O'Dea is W. W. Hill A Co 20 F. P. Lewis 189 J. B. Root A Co 89 Rosenstock Bros 191 . F. G. Kellogg 68 Werthelmer A Degen.. 60 A. Rothschild 40 Mo.. Kan. C. A C. Co... 6 Banner Bros 7 .. John Harvey 770 Jensen A Lundgren..,. 7 :::):::: Dennis A Francis 3 Omaha 46 Midwest 19 Other buyers 817 Total 7,460 16,768 1,086 Cattle On an average run of 6,000 head of cattle or 241 cars, trading was very dull and 15 & 2 5c lower on beeef steers and clos ed 2540c lower than yesteday, so that with the two days decline the bulk of th'e steers were 60p75c lower than last week. PPrlme heavy cattle sold up to 117.60 this morning. Desirable butcher stock and feeders held steady; bulla and calves were strong. Quotations on cattle: Prime steers, H16.5018.00; good to choice beeves, $15.26 16.25; fair to good beeves, $14.00015.00; common to fair beeves, ' 12. 5013. 50 good to choice yearlings, $16. 0016.00; fair to good yearlings, $13.0014.50; com mon to fair yearlings, $10.0012.5O: choice to prime heifers, $24.6015.2f: good to choice heifers, $12.0013.75; prime Cows, $12.0013.25; good to choice cows, $10.26 12.00; fair to good cows, $9.0G10.25; common to fair cows, $5.259.0O; choice to prime feeders, $14.60 15.50; good to choice feeders, $13.0014.25; mediunr to good feeders, $11.0013.00; good to choice Blockers, $12.OO&13.60; fair to'tfoud stock ers, $10.00911.00; common to fair Block ers, $8.9O9.50; stock heifers. $8 5910.60; stock cows, $8.009.50; stock calves, .00 (ff 1 3. 25 : veal calves, $8.0014.0U; bulls, stags, etc., $10.0011.75, BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 18 1396 $17 50 37 1120 $14 00 7 1192 14 25 33 727 12 25 48 1140 15 50 36 1115 14 25 18 1179 15 75 STEERS YEARLINGS. 35. 967 14 40 16 943 13 50 42 979 14 50 12 641 13 25 11 693 12 50 HEIFERS. , 11 692 10 25 , 1 980 13 00 22 858 13 10 3 733 10 76 20 891 13 10 2 730 12 60 8 935 14 00 6 748 12 60 2 760 13 36 I LATE VEAL CALVES. 1 130 11 50 1...... 320 9 SO 2 620 12 00 1 190 13 25 1 90 12 50 1 140 10 00 20 201 12 60 . 1 220 13 50 1..... 180 11 50 . , " . LATE YEARLINGS. 12 672 12 25 20 916 14 20 35 848 14 10 22 812 14 10 28 846 15 35 ' 6 760 13 85 23 639 13 60 32 650 14 10 2...... 130 14 00 - 2 910 15 00 Hogs There was a fairly liberal sup ply of hogs here today, 230 loads esti mated at 16,400 head. Trade was a lit tle late getting under way and movement was never brisk at any time during the session. Most of the supply moved at generally steady .prices. A weakness de veloping on the close that carried the sales 5(?10c lower than the best time. Bulk of the sales was J20.4020.66,. and top, $20.75, the same as yesterday. SHIPPING HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 66. .262 110 $20 0 " 67. .262 320 $20 60 53. .259 .. . 20 66 62. .126 70 20 75 60. .222 ... 20 65 ' PACKING HOGS. ' 48. .194 160 20 25 6.. 211 110 20 30 29.. 176 ... 20 40 ' 87. .180 70 20'45 54. .203 ... 20 45 77. ,248 70 20 60 60. .293 150 20 65 45. .245 ... 20 55 39. .265 110 20 60 66..270 '... 20 65 70. .239 180 20 50 73. .248 ... 20 66 57. .252 110 20 60 66. .263 ... 20 65 64. .289 ... 20 70 Sheep and Lambs There was a large 1 MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Business Men if Omaha. FURNITURE, pianoa and ' notes as security. $40, ( mo.. H. goods, total, $3.60. . PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 431 Security Bldg.. 16th A Farr-ara. Ty. 689 LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND 1 LIBERTY BONDS. O C7 A 2 l- W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1113." O 6TH FLR. SECURITY BLDG.. TY. 950. LOWEST rates. Private loan booths. Harry Maleabock, 1514 Dodge, D. 6619. Est 1891. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. A Industrial News of the Day supply of lambs here this morning, 1 loads estimated at 2.800 head. Trade was rather dull and draggy, the undertone during the early hours being weak, with strings of old lambs selling 15c under Tuesday's price. The market firmed up with sales later that were fuly steady to and possibly a trifle higher. The top on wool lambs wis $19.96, with heavy weights as low as $19.35. Good yearlings and wethers brought $14.00. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $19.6020.00; lambs, fair' to good. $18.7619.60; shearing lambs, J15.60W 17.00; yearlings, $16.60 16.60; wethers, fat, $16.0015.50; ewes, good to choice, $14.0015.25; ewes, fair to food, $12,00 0 14.00. , Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 7. (U. 8. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 8,000; beef steers, steady; best she-stock, 25 cents lower; others and bulls, steady: calves, 25 cents higher; stockers and feeders 15 to 25 cents lower; estimated tomorrow, 13,000; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $17.0019.76; medium and good, J13.50fD17.25; com mon, $11.50014.00; light weight, good and choice, $14.25(gil7.60; common and medium, 10. 60(7)14. 60; butcher cattle, heifers, $8. OOjj 14.7ft; cows, 17. 75(3)14. 60; canners and cutters. $0.00 7. 76; veal calves, light and handy weight, $10.25fcj) 15.5(1; feeder steers, $10.2615.26; stocker steers, $8.50(315.50. Hogs Receipts, 22,000; market opened 20 to 45 cents higher, closed with ad vance partly lost; early top, $21.66; esti mated tomorrow. 38.000; bulk, $21.10 21.25; heavy weight, $21.25 21.36; medium weight, $21.20(ii21.30; light weight. $20.65 621.26; heavy packing sows, smooth. Jl'0. 25(5)20.76; packing sows, rough, $19.25 020.25; pigs. $18.2519.50. Sheep' and Lambs Receipts, 16000; steady to 10 cents lower; estimated to morrow, 16,000; lambs, 84 pounds down, $17.75020.15; 85 pounds up, $17.502O.O0; culls and common, $13.0017.50; springs, $18.00021.00; yearling wethers, $16.00 18.25; ewes, medium, good and choice, 11 2.25i316.65 ; culls and common, $6.00 12,25. Chicago drain and Provisions. Chicago, May 7. Weakness developed In the corn market today, notwithstand ing upturns were at .first the rule. Re ports that millers had stopped buying wheat exercised a notable bearish Influ ence, and so, too, did the fact that rye, an international grain, was selling at a discount under corn. The market closed unsettled, 3H to 60 net lower, with Juv, $1.64 to 1.64, and September, $1.58 to 1.68. Oats finished 1 to tc down and provisions varying from 25c decline to an advance of 2 Vic Great nervousness characterized the corn market throughout the day. - New high record prices for hogs, together with wet weather delays to planting, brought about lively buying during the earlier part of the session, but the federal wheat di rector's address here yesterday led to in creasing uneasiness on the part of hold ers, especially In view of the relative weakness of rye, together with the wait ing attitude of millers In regard to wheat. As a result large quantities of corn held subject to automatic stop loss orders were thrown upon the market during the rapid breaks which carried down prices at the last. Favorable crop reports weakened oats. Provisions fell with corn. ' New York Coffee. New York May 7. The coffee market futures showed continued strength In prices, making new high records for the movement today on further buying for both trade and speculative account. The opening was 3 to 39 points higher and ac tive months sold 27 to 37 points above Monday's closing, with May touching 19.00c and December 17.80c. The close showed a net gain of 22 to 33 points. May, 19.85c; July, 18.84c; Septem ber, 18.25c; October, 18.11o; December, 1.71c; January, 17.63c; March, 17.55c. i Spot Coffee Quiet, but firm; Rio 7a, 19c; Santos 4s, 23c. New York Metals. x New York, May 7. Copper Quiet, but steadier; electrolytic, 16 16140. Iron Quiet and unchanged. Lead Steady; spot, $4.764.90; June, $4.76(6)4.96. Spelter Firm: East St. Louis delivery, spot, $5.90; July, $66.10. At lndon, May 6 (delayed). Electro lytic, 80; tin, 227 17s 6d; lead, 24; spel ter, 34 10s, ) New York General. . New York, May 7. t Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.36 H elevator report. Corn Spot, easy: No.-2 yellow, $1.874, and No. 2 white, $1.89 !4 cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, easy; standard, 79 c. Pork Firm; mess, $6758; family, $55 57. Lard Steady; mlddlewest. $34.10 34.20. Liberty Bond Prices. New York, May 7. Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. were: $s. $98.68; first 4s, $95.90; second 4s $94.26; first 4s, $96.00; second 44s, $94.34; third 4H, $96.48; fourth 4V.S, $94.38. - Dry Goods. New Yorw, May 7. Cotton blankets and flannels were more active -today. Gray goods were quieter. Yarns were firm and advancing. Raw -silk was easier. New York Cotton. New York. May 7. Cotton closed steady at a net decline of 19 to 36 points. Octo ber sold off from 25.02c to 24.40c, or '38 points net lower, and closed at 24.68c. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York.-May 7. Evaporated Apples Quiet. Prunes Higher; Callfornlas and Ore gons, 12 25c. Apricots and Peaches Firm. 1 Raisins Steady. , . ' Chicago Fotato Prices, Chicago, May T. Potatoes Market, dull; arrivals 69 cars. Carlots, Northern White bulk and sacked, $1.75(2.00 cwt. Jobbing; new stock, Florida Spauldlng Rose, $9.00(g)9.25; .Texas Triumphs, $3.75 4.00 bushel. Liberty Bonds. . New York, May 7. Liberty tiond clos ing prices today were: 3&s, 9s. 611; first 4s, 95.90: second 4s, 94.26; first 4Ks, 95.90; second 4 'is, 94,30; third 4!4i, 95.44; fourth 4Kb. 94.38. Short Term Notes Furnished by Patsrs Trust 1 Rate. First Liberty SVin 3V4 Second Liberty 4s 4 Third Liberty 4tts 414 Fourth Liberty 4tt 414 Amor. Foreign Sec, 1919... Am. Tel. A Tel., 1925 .. Am. Telenhone. 1924 ...ft. comvany ma. 98.70 94.20 95.46 94.34 99 102 99 10314 104 99 ' 97 103 103 103 103 ' 100 102 102 97 44 102 85 100 1034 102 116 103 94 Ask 99 103 ion 103 ( 104 99 ; 97 , ioa 103 103 103 100 102 102 98 102 88 100 14 103 120 103 tn. Tobacco 7a, 1922 ..7 Am. Tobacco, 1923 : 7 Anaconda Copper, 9"9..b Anglo-French 5s, 1920 .5 Arm. Con. Deb, 1919.. Arm. Con. Deb., 1922. ...8 Arm. Con Deb., 1923 ...6 Arm. Con. Deb., 1924 ', ..6 Beth. Steel, 1919 .......7 Beth. -Steel, 1922 7 Beth. Steel, 1923 7 Canada 6s, 1921 6 Cudahy, 1923 7 Int. R. T., 1921 ........6 Kan. City Ter., 1921 .... Proctor A (., 1923 7 Proctor A O., 1922 7 Russian Rubles. 1936 ...iA Union Pacific, 1928 8 Wilson A Co.. 192,8 Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright 1810 International Nawa Service. GRAIN MARKET Omaha, May 7, 1919. - Corn and oats receipts were moderate while wheat continued light Arrivals of grain were S cars of wheat, 16 cars of corn, 34 cars of oats, 2 cars of rys and 4 cars of barley. Corn ranged from un changed to 3 cents higher, the bulk bring ing 1 to 1 oents up. Oats Were to 1 cents lower the bulk of ths No. 1 white going of a cent lower. Rys was T cents off. Up to near ths closs no barley had - been sold and not enough wheat to make a basis for quotations , Omaha Grain Movement. - Receipts Today. Wk.1 Yr. Ago, Ago. Wheat 9 6 17 Corn 16 11 111 Oats 14 17 13 Rys 11 1 Parley 4 ' 9 6 Shipments Wheat 9 18 t Corn 4. 71 44 110 Oats ,...-4. 17 14 66 Rye '. 6 1 0 Barley 0 ( ; t RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Chicago 7 26 54, Kansas City 2$ 83 14 St. Louis 69 20 46 Minneapolis 239 ,. Winnipeg k229 Corn No. 2 white, 1 car, $1.71; No. 1 white, 2 cars, 11.72; No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, $1.74, 2 cars, $1.78; No. 2 yellow, i cars, $1.73; No. 4 yellow, 2 cars. $1.72; 1 car, $1.71; No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.70; No. 6, yellow, 1 car, $1.70; 1 car. $1.69, (sour), 1 car, $1.68, (heating; sample yellow, 1 car, $1.83; No. 2 mixed, 11 cars, $1.71; No. 2 mixed. 2 cars. 21.72. 1 car. $1.71; No. 6 mixed. 2 cars, 11.68, (old; sample mixed, 1 car, $1.55, (heating, musty). Oats Standard, 1 car, 68 c; No. S white, 1 car, 68c; 10 cars, 68c; 2 cars, 68c. Rye No. 2, 2 cars, 11.68; 1 car, $1.67; No. 3, 1 car, $1.66; No. 4, 1 car, $1.54. Wheat No. 1 mlxedp-j car, $2.50, (smutty.) Chicago closing- prices, furnished Ths Be by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brok ers. 315 South Sixteenth street, umana: t Open. I High. Low.. Close. Yes'y. Corn July 1.69 1.70 1.63 1.64 1.69 Sep. 1.63 1.64 1.57 1.(8 1.63 Oats I July .70 .70 .68 .68 ! .70 )Sep. ! .69 .69 .65 .66 .67 Pork May 63.00 63.76 July 62.15 52.20 51.10 61.60 61.90 ' Lard May 33.60 33.76 33.60 33.70 38.60 July 32.00 32.50 32.02 32.10 32.22 . May 28.95 28.95 28.92 July 2R 50 28.55 28.16 28.17 28.40 New York Stocks. New York, May 7. Aside from the heaviness of Mexican Petroleum, pre- sumsbly due to fresh disturbances in that country, stocks were active ana strong at the onenlne: of today's session. There was an accumulation of buying orders over the holiday. Interests concentrating large ly in shippings, oils, motors, sugars and tobaccos. United States Steel made no initial change but hardened later with equip ments, especially Pressed Steel Oar and American Oar. In the railway group, Canadian Pacific, Union Pacific, Reading and New York Central made substantial additions to gains of the early week. New York Produce. New York, May 7. Butter firm, cream ery higher than extras, 6959c; cream ery extras, 92 score, 58c; fresh, 66 58c. Eggs higher, fresh gathered extras, 48c; fresh gathered, firsts, northern section, 4546c; do southern section, 440 45. Cheese, firm, unchanged. New York Bond List. IT. S. 2s. reg.. 98 Erie gen. 4s.... 64 IT. S. 2s. cou.. 98Gen. Elec. 5s... 99-1 U. s. -Ss. reg.. 89 Or. No. 1st 4s 86 U. S. 3s, cou.. 89 III. Cen. ref. 4s 79 U. S. Lib. 3s.98.60Int. Mr. Ma. 6s 99 U. S. 4s, reg.. 106 K. C. Co. rf. 6s 86 U. S. 4s. cou..l06L. A N. un. 4s 85 Am. Fo. Sec. 5s 99-M., K. A T. Am. T. A T. 1st 4s 63 clt. 6s 11 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 61 Ang.-Fr. 5s.. 97 6-16-Mon. Po. 5s.. 11 Ar. A Co. 4s 87N. Y. Cen. deb. Atch. gen. 4s.. 82 6s ,. 97 B. A O. ct. No. Pac. 4s.... 82 4s 77-No. Pac. 3a.. 58 Beth. St. rf. (s 88 Or. Sh. Line ' Cen. Leath. 6-.. 96 ref. 4s 26 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 79 Pac. T. A T. 6s 90 C. A O. t-v. 6s.. 89Penn. con. 4s 93 Ci B. A Q. Penn. gen. 4s 86 jt. 4s ........ 95Read. gen. 4s.. 13 C, M. A Sf. St. L. A San P. cv. 4s.. 77 Fr. adj. 6s... 69 C R. I. A P. So. Pac. cv. 5s. 107 Ry. ref. 4s.. 73So. Ry. 6s 93 C. A S. ref. 4s 78T. A P. 1st..... 90 D. A R. G. ref Un. Pac. 4s... 86 6s 48U. S. Rub. 6s.. 88 Dom. of Can. IT. S. St. 6s,.,. 100 5s (1831)-.... !7Wabash 1st .... 94 $250,000 PETROLEUM SECURITIES SYNDICATE A Syndicate is now forming to acquire interests in several producing; Companies, operating; in the wonderful oil fields of Burkburnett and Ranger, Texas. Burkburnett it the richest oil field, developed by hundreds of small Companies, ever known in the history of petroleum development, and hundreds of fortunes have been and are being made in this field, on comparatively mall initial investments. , V ' A number of producing- oil wells and properties, which are now owned and operated by small independent Com panies, may be acquired, grouped under a single manage ment and operated at slightly more than the cost of one, thus making certain a considerable increase jn the net earnings of the group. Wichita Falls is the headquarters of most of the Com. panies operating in the North Texas field and the Syndi. cate headquarters will also be there. The Syndicate Man. agers have accumulated complete information and data, covering practically this entire District and particularly regarding the several hundred Companies operating in f;hia field. - 1 , Syndicate participations may be secured through tub. scription, in amounts of $50 or multiples thereof, thus enabling persons with large or moderate means to share in the enormous riches now being realized from Burk kwrnett's and Ranger's wonderful flow of liquid gold. Referencess American National Bank, Wichita Falls, Texas.' . v Wire or write for particulars t William Tebbetts & Co., Syndicate Managers 703 Ohid Ave., Wichita Falls, Texas FINANCIAL . Neir York. May T. Resumption of bus iness In ths stock sxchanga today was . signalised by another outburst of speou- latlvs enthusiasm which gathered mo mentum with ths progress of ths session as a rsault of developments upon which traders placed a favorable Interpretation. Chief among these were ths announce ment of an early extra session of eon greas, publication of a summary of ths peace treaty, and signs of distinct Im provement In several leading lines of la dustry, notably steel and copper, . Ralls as a whole were the only Impor tant Issues which failed to share propor tionately In the advance, although Invest- , ment transportations registered further substaatlal sains under leadership of Ca nadian Pacific andoalcra, Ths sluggish course of United States steel, which fluctuated only fractionally and closed at a nominal loss, was - ths mors striking because of ths strength of Independent steels and affiliated equip ments, soms of whioh wers higher by two to flvs points. Oils and shippings eclipsed all other shares, however, followed by motors and their subsidiaries. Strength was shown by utility bonds, ths general bond list Including liberty and International Issues, ssslng variably. To tal sales (par value) aggregated $16,150, 000. Old U. S. bonds wers unchanged on ' call. Range of prices and number of shares sold on the New York stock market today were ss follows (sales la hundreds): Last Sale High Low Sals . Amer. Beet Sugar... 10 83 .83 11 American Can .70 (6 (6 65 American Cay A F. . 92 17 16 16 . Amor. H. A L pfd 49 118 117 117 1 Amer. Locomotive. .. 196 78 75 77 American 8. A Ret.. 231 75 73 75 - Amer. Sugar Ref 111 Amer. Sumatra Tob. (0 108 106 107 American T. A T. . . . 27 104 103 104 Amer. Zinc. L. A S. 14 17 17 17 Anaconda Copper. ...149 64 62 , 63 Atchison...., 49 95 99 96 Atl.. O. A W. I. 8: 8.244 169 162 188 Baldwin Locomotive. 232 19 92 11 Baltimore A Ohio.,, 30 60 60 Beth. Steel 'B" . 42 74 71 B. A 8. Copper 14 14 II California Petroleum. 14 18 27 60 71 11 26 Canadian Pacific.... ss liu jo 161 ' Central Leather..... 11 81 Chesapeake A Ohio.. 116 67 C. M. A St. P...... 20 39 Chicago A Northwest 41 97 C. R. I A Pajc...... .. .... Ch'lno Copper .' 17 17 Colo. Fuel A Iron. 20 46 Corn Products 163 64 Crucible Steel 16 71 Cuba Cans Bugar...l7S 86 Distillers Sec. Corp. 42 76 Erie 27 18 10 is 26 11 44 61 70 16 76 ' 1761 17 General Electric 7 162 162 162 ' General Motors...... 95 182 110 181, Om. XTn-.t. M 7 SILL SR O. N. Ore Ctfs 148 48 46 45 Illinois Central ..... 12 102 101 101 Inspiration Copper J. .173 (1 60 61 Int. Mer. Marine pfd. 676 114 111 114 International Nickel. 172 25 24 25 International Paper.. 44 62 -H t -61 61 1 11 - 32 3 22 i Kansas City southern 11 Z3 TTennecott Cnnoer. 111 88 ljouiaviiia ft iMasnviiia e lis, uv 11s Mexican Petroleum. .118 177 174 176, Miami Coppe 11 23 22 31 Mldvale Steel Missouri Pacifc... Montana Power.... Nevada Copper.... New York Central. . 88 45 .120 20 46 10 41 i 18 16 45 77 76 76 N. V.. N H. AH. 7 80 30 10 Norfolk A Western.. 82 109 108 101 Northern Pacific... 42 94 92 ,14 Paclfo Mail 21 Pan-American Pet... 261 Pennsylvania 47 P. A W. A Pittsburg Coal 197 Kay Con. Copper..,. 82 Readlnsr ;....ll 39 86 44 m" 10 87 38 88 86 11 44 44, 36 66 20 17 81 62 20 87 Rep. Iron A steel.. .4 is Shattuck Art. Cop... 4 19 , Oil A- Ref. 1972 6744 82 12 62 67 Rrnhern Pacific 148 108 107 167 Southern Railway. ..184 11 , 80 11 Studebaker Corp...,. 141 78 76 77 , Texas Company 199 250 235 149 Tobacco Products.. -..112 90 89 60 Union Pacific 63 133 192 122 United Cigar Stores.. 121 135 112 116 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 24 160 149 1 149 United States Steel. .484 99 98 98 do pfd r 5 116 116 116 Utah Copper 71 78 77 78 Western Union 12 88 17 17 Westinghouse Eleo..l68 66 65 . 66, Willys-Overland ....311 84' 23 28 Total sales for the day, 1,500,000 shares. Money and Exchange. , ' New York, May 7. Mercantlls Paps 65 pet. Sterling Sixty-day bills, 64.64; com. merclal sixty-day bills on banks. 64.64?. commercial sixty-day bills, $4.64; ds mand, $4.68; cables, $4 69. Francs Demand, $6.17; cables, $6.16. Guilders Demand, 40c; cables, 40c , . Lire Demand, $7.67; cables, 17.65. .- Mexican Dollars 78 a Bar Silver $1.01. ' Tim) Losns Strong; all dates 6 06 pet. 1 .,''-: Call Money Easy; all rates 4 pot. Commission Bates Raised, New York, May 7. Readjustment on a sliding scale of commission rates on pur-., chases and sales of securities, as recently recommended by the government commit tee of the stock exchange to meet ln-y creased -cost of operations, was adopted I by the members by an overwhelming; vote v today, the new schdule becoming sffec tlve tomorrow. The advance varies, ac cording to tbft market prioa of t the, security. Real Estate Transfers Edwin Cole and wife to Mrs. Anna , Jullen, 21st st. 85 ft. a of Sahler st. w. ., 43x124..., f 4,143 HaBttng A Heyden to Detlef Tuck- .- !J son and wife. 33rd st 127 ft n. of California St., w, s., 40x96.... 1,060 George A Co. to Conrad H. Young. 1 53rd st 144 ft n. of Dodgs st, a. s., 64x139. 1,260 Peter E. Her to Alios E. Rothery, Hickory st. 200 JU s. of 2nd St. . ' ,5 n. a, 60x100 1.000 Linn P. Campbell to Julius Adrian, .. - . 22nd st 96 ft s. of Bancroft st, e. s.. 47.6x159 1.075 - Elisabeth Nelson and husband to .. Margaret C. Ehlers. 23rd St. 226 1 ft. ir. of Brown St., w. a, 93x127 4,100 Charles A. Blomberg and wife to H. a W. Colson, n. e. cor 68th and Ohio 1 st, 50x130 1,(00 William C. Rankin and wife to Anna , : Dodge, 28th ave 60 ft, a of Grand , ave., e. s., 60x132 (00 . William A. Ellis and wife to George - Warne, s. w. cor 18th and Ames ave., S9xlll 1.100 Henry W. Yates, Jr., et al, to Nath- an Somberg, et aL Burt st 160 ' ft. e. of (0th st s. s., 60x150 1,106 Rasp Bros, to Nathan Somberg, n, w. cor. 18th and Nicholas sts.. 44x108 snd other property..;... 4,172 C. B. Nash! Co. to Nora Cullen, Webster st. 110 ft w. of 32nd st, " n. s.,' 70x161 1.400 Clementine C. Miller to Anna L. Boock, Taylor st 132 ft w. of 24th ave., s., s., 22.33x129.6 1,100 Nathan Somberg, et , al, to Rasp Bros., s. e. cor 23rd and Leaven worth sts.. 113x133 r 16,000 Stirling Realty Co. to Omaha Grain Exchange, 19th st 80 ft n. of Howard st., w. s., 66x136 17,600 Joseph O. Sherry and wife to Jos- , eph R. Robinson, Ohio st 121 ft w. of 27th sft, n. s, 25x127 1,600 Nathan Somberg and wife to Bells -,' Carson, n. w. cor. 42nd and Larl- ' more, 42x140 2,250, 6 65 29 7 , 17 7 :.- Tl (6 76 1