Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Tdfcen roro Nature The vrfld root and barks that go into the
imposition of one of the oldest and best known; blood tonics are
mostly gathered by the Indiana on our reservations brought or
shipped to' Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Buffalo, N. Y. Over fifty
years ago Dr. Pierce put up an alterative tonic without the use of
dcohol that soon became known all over the world.
The spring is the time of the year we should putour house in
order. We're run down after a hard winter after grippe, colds,
; catarrh. It's time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
.purely vegetable and free from alcohol or narcotics. It will search
out impure and poisonous matter and drive it from the system. Buy
it now in tablets or liquid.
It will clear the skin; eczema, pimples, rash, blotches will dry up
and disappear; boik, carbuncles and other evidences of tainted blood
will pass away, never to appear again.
Dr. Pierce discovered 50 years ago, that Nature has provided
freely for these needs of her children and that in her laboratory were
the remedies. Extracts of Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherry
bark and Bloodroot, as prepared, combined and preserved without
a'cotul, in Dr. Pierce' sVolden Medical Discovery, constitute the most
effective and certain tonic, alterative and tissue-rebuilding remedy
ver offered to the public. .
j Not All Who Consult Us I
are advised to wear glasses. Many are
suffering from muscular insufficiency),
the motor muscles of their eyes are not
in proper relation to each oHjer. By
our system of muscular exercise, Me eyes f
are brought up to normal and perform
their function with perfect ease without f
the use of glasses. Let us explain our f
ysiem to you. (
213 South 16th St. 306 South 16th St. s
J 24th and M Sti., South Side.
' l"l"l.'1"l 'l"l":il:i:!i,iini n .liil''liiliiili:i:'i,'tiiliii,il!ii:iiil:!liil:iiiiiiiiii!iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil'
On Head and Face. Terribly
Cross. Kept Him Awake.
"Baby had a rash on his bead
and he scratched so that It came on
his face. It was scaly
and became inflamed and
awfully sore. He was ter
ribly cross, and. it kept
him awake. Finally his
hair became very thin. .
"I sent for a sample of
Cuticura. I afterwards
bought more, and after using two
cakes of Soap, and one box of Oint
ment he was healed." (Signed) Mrs.
S. Blair, 29 E. Mitchell St., Avon
dale, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 15, 1918.
For hair and skin health Cuticura
Soap assisted by the Ointment is
supreme for daily toilet purposes.
Dust ohildrfn'l nkina with Cuticura Talcum, an
attquiaiyy scented face, .kin and baby powder.
M a n u f a c
tured, Re
built and Re
paired. New
cores Install
ed, Fenders
ana made new.
If your radiator boila or leaks,
aend it In. Estimates free. Work
Address Dept. D 1819-21 Cuming St.
A Single Application Will
Banish Objectionable Hairs
Head How the IMers of Father
John's Medicine Guarantee
Their Product '
It is absolutely guaranteed
that Father John' Medicine
does not contain any alcohol
or any narcotic, habit-forming
drugs or opiates such as opium,
morphine, chloroform, heroin
or any derivative of any nai
cotic in any form.
The strong guarantee furnished
above, which has always been made
in connection with Father John's
' Medicine, has established beyond all
question the absolute purity of this
old-fashioned, wholesome, body
building tonic.
Because of this established purity,
Father John's Medicine is recog
, nized by leading medical authorities
as the safest family medicine for
those who are weak and run down
nas well as for cola3 and coughs.
Containing a vast store of Dure
fopd value, es shown by scientific
" tests, father John s Medicine builds
new strength and health. Many
people gain weight steadily while
taking the medicine. No better time
to re-build wasted tissue or to gain
weight can bs found than the pres
ent. Begin taking Father John's
Medicine today if you are thin,
. weak and run-down. Adv.
After each meal YOU e?t one
and get full food value and real atom
acb comfort. Instantly relieves heart
barf, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS
acidity, foci repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the
stomach sweet and pure.
fiATONIC is the beet remedy and only eot
antwtwo a day to omit Yoawill bede-ia-htad
with results. Sat) .faction guaraateea
tha Beaton fatn." 15th and
Faraam St... Omaha
(Aids to Beauty)
Here is a home treatment for re
moving hairs that is quick, painless
and inexpensive: With some pow
dered delatone and water make
enough paste to thickly cover the
objectionable hairs, apply and after
2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the
skin and it will be left soft, clear
and hairless. This treatment will
not mar the skin.jMit to avoid dis
appointment, be careful to get real
delatone. Adv.
With or Without Alcohol.
for th home manufacture of cereal
beveragei ; $3.50 per gallon, sufficient
for from twenty to twenty-five gal
lons of beverage. In quart lota, SI. 00
per quart Money Order in advance.
Complete formula with each order. If
you desire to use Hopa in product price
fifty cents additional. Make entire
quantity or any portion at a time.
REFERENCES: Second Ward Savings
Beer City Product. Company,
478 7th St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Use "Tiz" for tender, puffed
up, burning;, calloused feet
and corns.
"TC malt os
County Attorney Vetoes Pro
, cedure of Board In Select
ing Route of Proposed .
Pavmg Now.
County Attorney Shotwell shot a
bombshell into the meeting of the
board of county commissioners and
delegations of paving-seekers yester
day when he gave us opinion that
the petition and proclamation which
must precede the special election on
the $3,000,000 paving bonds cannot
contain any designation of the coun
ty roads to be paved.
This is exactly the opposite of
what the county commissioners,
Chamber of Commerce, Automobile
club, Rotary club, Real Estate board
and others interested in having the
paving done thought was neces
sary. s "v
These bodies toiled hard for
months to agree on the roads to be
paved with the $3,000,000.
Agree on Roads.
Last Saturday there was a mass
meeting and, after some turmoil
the roads were designated sand
adopted by a large vote, the com
missioners and others who had been
toiling heaved great sighs of relief.
Now, according to-the county at
torney's opinion, all that labor was
The county attorney based his
opinion on a decision handed down
by the Nebraska supreme court last
January in a case from Platte
county in which a suit was brought
to enjoin issue of bonds to build i a
new county court house. The reason
advanced for the injunction was
that in the bond election the loca
tion of the court house was desig
nated. The, supreme court held that the
power to designate the location of
the court house is vested iiv the
county commissioners' and that
when the location was named in the
petition for the election to vote the
bonds, this power was taken from
the commissioners contrary to law.
I Mr. Shotwell says this was a paral-
iei case wun ine proposed special
election for bonds to pave Douglas
county roads.
Board Likes Decision. -
The county commissioners believe
that' this decision will clear the sit
uation on the $3,000,000 bond issue
and make sure that they will carry
by the necessary three-fifths vote.
If all the roads were designated
in the proclamation, nearly every
farmer whose farm was not reached
by paving was ready to vote against
the bonds. With no roads desig
nated, every farmer will vote for the
bonds in the hope of getting paving,
it is believed.
A delegation of citizens of Saun
ders county from Yutan, Meade and
Wahoo-visited the commissioners
and assured them that they "are go
ing to have a bridge over the Platte
river," preferably on the Center
street road.
This is an absolute necessity, they
said, to Omaha as well as to Saun
ders county, where hundreds of farm
ers are waiting with trucks to haul
livestock to Omaha as soon as they
have a bridge. 4
K. of C. Employment
Service Placed Many
Discharged Soldiers
Dan J. Connell, in charge of the
Knights of Columbus free employ
ment bureau for discharged soldiers,
sailors and marines, Farnam build
ing, states that his bureau receives
daily all employment cards for the
state of Nebraska, for discharged
army and navy men from the
different denrobolization camps
throughout the country.
"These cards are made out by
the government officers," he explain
ed, "and they state what the dis
charged man's trade or vocation was
prior to his entrance into the serv
ice. After receiving these cards, this
bureau writes to each discharged
man telling him whom to call on if
he hasn't a position.
"If the man resides in Omaha,
or intends to make Omaha his fu
ture home, he is invited to call at
the Knights of Columbus bureau at
210 Farnam building. This bureau
has already secured positions for
more than 650 menin Omaha and
Douglas county, and has handled
over 2,000 employment cards for
the rest of the state. This employ
ment office co-operates with the
United States employment service,
state of Nebrasko, C. of C, and other
war service societies, and receives
the best to-operation from the
Rains Reported From All
Sections of Nebraska
Rain was general over practically
all of Nebraska Monday night, ac
cording' to morning reports to the
railroads. It was a gentle down
pour and something- of - a root
Reports to the railroads indicate
that in most parts of the state there
has been too much rain and that it
is seriously interfering with the
work ct farmers in preparing for
corn planting.
Be Want Ads Produce Results.
People who ;are forced to stand on
their feet all day know vMiat sore,
tender, sweaty, burning feet mean.
They use "Tiz," ' and "T" cures
their feet right up. It keeps feet in
perfect condition. "Tiz" is the only
remedy in the world that draws out
all the poisonous exudations, which
pjff up the feet and cause tender,
sore, tired, aching feet. It instantly
stops the pain in corns, callouses and
bunions. It's simply glorious. Ah!
how comfortable your feet after
using "Tiz." You'll never, limp or
draw up your face in pain. Your
shoes won't tighten and hurt your
Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" now
fmm any drucgist. Just think! a
whole year's foot comfort for only
25 cents. Adv.
Storage Facilities
Our facilities for the storage
of household goods, merchan
dise, etc., are unsurpassed in
our fireproof warehouse there
has been constructed every
safeguard possible against Joss
by theft, fire and water, and
the insurance rate is extreme
ly low.
Phone us for all particulars.
Phono Douglas 4163.
806 South Sixteenth Street.
'Peggy' Sellers Loses 'Suit
Against Her Alleged 'Daddy '
Municipal Judge Hands Down Judgment of $237.34 In,
Favor of Elderly Business Man, Who Sued Young.
Married Woman for Nearly Thousand Dollars.
Judge Holmes in municipal court
yesterday afternoon handed down a
lodgement of $237.34 in favor of
George C. Chrisman who brought an
action for $816.44 against "Peggy"
Sellers, and the judge announced
that Peggy's counterclain for $2,500
was not sustained by the evidence.
The. judgment entered in favor
of Chrisman represents three hotel
bills made out to Peggy" and paid
for by Chrisman.
"The other items specified in the
Chrisman claim," the court stated,
"were not identified by times and
places except the $100 paid by Chris
man to Mrs. Sellers on February 22,
and she claimed that the money was
paid for two kisses. On that point 1
would say that Mr. Chrisman is a
better judge than I am to state
whether the kisses were worth $100."
Amount Not Allowed.
The court, however, was inclined
to believe that the $100 was paid
for the kisses and he did not allow
this amount in Chrisman's claim.
During the week before Easter
Sunday Chrisman went into mu
nicipal court and obtained a writ of
attachment against Peggy's per
sonal effects, based on an alleged
claim of $816.44, said to have been
items of money advanced by Chris
man during a period " of several
months. Chrisman, who is a 62-year-old
business man, contended
that Peggy promised to repay him
the money; that she claimed to have,
had a rich father and that she was
going to receive money from home
and commissions for oH land leases
she had sold.
Tells of Kisses.
The 19-year-old bride on the wit
ness stand testified that one of the
items of $100 claimed by Chrisman
was , paid to her on Washington's
birthday of this year, for two of her
best kisses implanted on Chrisman's
cheeks, with his full knowledge and
with an understanding that she was
Rickenbacker Fires Last
Shot for Yankee Aviators
At the time of the signing of the
armistice November 11, Eddie Rick
enbacker had been raised to the
rank of captain and was in command
of the 94th air, squadron, the only
pursuit squadron assigned to ac
company the American army of oc
cupation into Germany. As the
American ace having the greatest
number of German machines to his
credit 26 Fokkersand Gothas, he
was given the honor of making the
last flight over the enemy's lines.
He ascended shortly before the offi
cial end of the war and fired the last
800 rounds of machine gun ammu
nition into a Hun supply convoy on
Its way to the front.
Captain Rickenbacker will be at
the Auditorium Monday - evening,
May 19 and will tell his own story of
the combats and adventures in the
arena of the sky with moving pic
tures and slides of "Rick" himself
in action on the great western front.
Let Poslam aet for you as a sooth
ing, concentrated, healing balm, to
cover right over that itching skin trouble
arid subdue it, taking out the fire and
soreness, and then, as applications are re
peated, causing the disorder to grow less
and less each day. Poslam cannot harm.
There is no risk in trying it to see if it
really will eradicate your eczema, pimples,
or other surface disorder. And the bur
den of proof is on Poslam for you will
watch for visible results.
Sold everywhere. For free sample write
to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th
St.. New York City.
Urge your skin to become fresher,
brighter, better by the daily use of
Poslam Soap medicated with Poslam.
Only Three More Days
Hoosier Cabinet Sale
and Demonstration
at Union Outfitting
Beautiful Hoosier Kitchen Cabi
net Will Be Given Away Free
Friday Night at 8 O'Clock
Inquire for Particulars.
Special Representative Sent Hare
By Factory to Explain Many
Improved Hoosier Feat-
Booth On Main Floor Arranged
for Demonstration Sunshine
Cake and Advo Coffee
With Alamito Cream
Served to Visitors.
Three more days remain for
the housewife to take advantage
of the Semi-Annual Sale and
Demonstration of Hoosier Kitch
en Cabinets. Hundreds of women
have attended this event, which
is in charge of a special repre
sentative sent here by the fac
tory. A complete line of the Na
tionally Advertised Hoosiers are
on display, and $1 a week puts
any one in the home. The price
is exactly the same as though
purchased for cash. The Hoosier
is sold by the best stores in the
country at a. standardized price.
The Hoosier will save you miles
of steps and hours of work. The
representative is here to explain
Jta many exclusive features. Re
member, the Union Outfitting
Company, out of the high rent
district, considers no transaction
complete until the customer is
thoroughly satisfied, and as al
ways, you make your own terms.
to receive the money for the oscula
tory attentions. Chrisman said
Peggy had kissed him on various
occasions, but that he had never ne
gotiated with her for kisses. He
and the $100 was given her to pay
for a dress.
Chrisman testified that he kept a
record in a little fed book of all
money paid out for Peggy. The
young woman, supporting her coun
ter claim for $2,500, testified that
she posed fofr Chrisipan as a Ken
tucky heiress, learned the southern
dialect at his behestN"stuck around
to add prestige to the business," was
introduced as the mascot of the com
pany, as Chrisman's protege, and
performed other services while as
sociated in business with Chris
man. '
. She Called Him "Daddy."
Letters and telegrams showed jhat
Peggy referred to Chrisman as
"Daddy," and that Je called her
"Peggy;" that he . wrote to her in
endearing terms, told her she was
the cleanest-souled girl in the world,
and that his Move for her was of a
kind that only God could bestow
upon mere man. Peggy wrcite to
"Daddy" Chrisman to have a little
patience and he would have - his
"heart's desire."
The evidence extending over sev
eral days showed that Chrisman
paid Peggy's bills while they were
living at the Castle hotel, that he
paid $111 in Chicago for a bill of
goods, and had otherwise served as
banker for the' diminutive bit of
Peggy testified that Chrisman told
her he would back her for $10,000
when she was considering obtaining
a divorce from "Jimmy," and that
he (Chrisman) would take care of
her if Jimmy did not do the right
Bills Pour In.
Chrisman stated during the hear
ing that $816.44 specified in his ac
tion, did not represent all of the
money he had paid out for Peggy,
that there would be $500 more, as
bills were still coming in. Peggy
admitted that Chrisman spent ap
proximately $1,500 and she believed
that it was money well spent, because
she claimed to have taken Chrisman
on a trip to Kentucky and shown
him oil lands on which he will real
ize thousarfds.
Peggy was married in Omaha on
December 18, 1918," to James A. Sel
lers, of Belle Plaine, la. On Wash
ington's birthday anniversary she
kissed Chrisman twice for $100.
"Deep-Dyed Conspiracy On
Part of My Enemies," De
clares City Executive
When Council Acts.
"This is a deep-dyed conspiracy
on the part of my enemies," re
marked Mayor Smith during city
council yesterday, when City
Commissioner Ure introduced an
ordinance covering the operations of
the new municipal public market and
assigning to the mayor's department
the duties pertaining thereto.
The mayor believes' that he is a
marked man, to thus have this mar
ket house wished on him.
The ordinance provides that fruits,
vegetatbles, garden truck and farm
produce trtay be sold in - wholesale
and retail quantities; but that canned
goods, teas, coffees, notions, or simi
lar commodities handled in grocery
and mercantile, houses shall not be
offered for sale.
The municipal retail market prop
er' will be established in the base
ment of the City Auditorium and a
curb market will be established in
streets near the Auditorium. A mar
ket tone witl be declared between
Tenth and Fourteenth streets, from
Jackson to Harney streets. I
It is probable that the council will 1
confer plenary powers on ihe mayor
in connection with this new munici- t
pal institution. i
The Advertiser who uses The Bee
Want Ad Column increases his
Knin tlirrhv and the cersoni
who read them profit by he oppor-
. ... CP I
tunnies onerea.
On Old Meads
is proof that its owner has been
careful always to keep the scalp
and hair clean and free from dand
ruff and dust that clogs and closet
the tinv oil elands on which the
H hair depends for life and vigor.
is far superior to any soapor wash
ing the hair and scalp and prevent
ing baldness. Thorough rinsing
in clear water removes not only
every particle of dust or scale but
also every trace of lather. Try H
once and use it always.
Large bottle only SOc
"Bft Fair With Your Hair"
Vosburgh Chicago
If your own drufrgist does not have
Quinegg Shampoo, you will find it on sale
and recommended by Sherman & McCon
nell Drug Store, Beaton Drug Co., and
Merritt Drug Co. Adv.
A. Comprehensive
This bank is organized
and equipped to meet.the fi
nancial needs of business houses
large or smaH, and individuala in
very walk of life.
For business houses: A
department equipped with
very modern facility and conven
ience, managed not by banker
alone, but by succeatful business
For individuals: Check
ing and saving accounts;
certificates of deposit; safe depos
it boxes; a staff alert to be help
1 ful in every way.
' The completeness of the
organization offers patrons
many distinct advantages, 'V
National Bank
farnam jtSgiTBiitaenfl ,
Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.
,Co and Bust"
Nebraska 'jWEr
1 -
In Purchasing a High-Grade
Conceding that all high-grade motor cars offer many
jponderful features CONSIDER:
1 EASE OF OPERATION The Oldsmobile "8" may be
driven by the feminine motorist as easily as by the
2 APPEARANCE The Oldsmobile "8" has a finish
f. equally handsome and durable, comprising 17 coats.
Its lines are most attractive.
3 COMFORT The Oldsmobile "8" is excentionall)
roomy. Its cushions and springs afford generous re
laxation. ' v
4 APPOINTMENTS The Oldsmobile "8" polished wal
nut instrument board, 8-day clock, combination ton
neau and step light, nickel finished robe rail and foot
rest form only a part of the luxury of this car.
5 FLEXIBILITY Less than 2 miles an hour in high gear ;
quick getaway; fast pickup; gear shifting seldom nec
essary, j '
6 ABSENCE OF VIBRATION The Oldsmobile "8" con
struction makes it practically free from all vibration.
7 SIMPLICITY The Oldsmobile "8" motor is most acces
sible; simplicity in mechanism is the basis of durability.
8-PRICE-The Oldsmobile "8" is only $i700-Lansing.
SIXES... .$1,295
EIGHTS. .$1,700
Chat. A. Tucker, President and General Manager.
General Offices: 2559 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. '
nr. MOINES BRANCH 020 L&ust St., Des Moines, taV
W. K. GARRARD, Manager