Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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aaaaaaaau-avaw-aaaa '
Welfare Board Secretary Gets
Proof Public Institution
Not Being Run in Keep
ing With Purpose.
Indisputable proof of the fact
that the Women'a Detention home
is not being run in keeping with
the high and announced purpose of
the institution yesterday was pre
sented to Dr. Jennis Callfas, one of
the founders of the home -and see
retary of the Public Welfare board.
A letter written in the handwrit
ing of, on the letter head of and
over the signature of the Detention
home, to a girl declared by the of
ficial, who is a physician, to have
been afflicted with syphilis, re
minding her that she was delinsuent
in her monthly payments to him in
consideration of not being held a
prisoner at the institution, was
shown Dr. Callfas.
Given Address of Girl.
Dr. Callfas made a copy of the
letter and was given the address of
the gtrl who made the charge that
she was paying the physician $20 a
month for the arrangement which
exempted her from imprisonment
at the home.
, Dr. Callfas yesterday declared that
she and other officials of the home
would demand an ' investigation.
"If there is any official or other
person connected with the Deten
tion home, who is guilty of any
wrong doing whatever, we want to
know it," she declared.
.Threatened With Imprisonment.
Several days after the receipt of
the letter the girl, who was threat
ened again with imprisonment in the
home unless she met her back pay
ments, called up the physician and
official of the institution and. defied
him. She told him that she was not
going to pay him any more money.
She was warned again that 'she
would be arrested if she did not. "
She has never paid any more
money and she has not been - ar
rested. The girl is enjoying her liberty
today. She goes and comes at her
will unmolested. 1
Farther substantiation of the fact
that the Detention home is not being
conducted in accordance with the
purposes as represented by the heads
of the institution yesterday was
found in the county jail.
Sheriff Mike Clark and Matron
Ella Johns declared that from time
to time, many girls, living pictures
of cruelty and mistreatment, were
received at the jail from the. Deten
tion" home. .
"Indeed, their condition when they
are sent to us from the home is
heartrending," declared "Mother"
Johns. "These girls are perfect
wrecks as a result of the dope which
is given them in the Detention 'home.
I wonder sometimes that we are
able to save their lives. Absolutely
.t they.. are so weakened from the use
of dope that they are unable to hold
up their heads. t
" fcimply was overcome sometime
ago'when Miss Berger sent ine sev
eral girls who had been kept on the
dope at the Detention home for
weeks. I could not restrain myself
When the Baby
Needs a Laxative"-
No one knows better than the ever-watchful
mother the natural doctor of the family in
all the small illsthat when the baby is out
of aorta it is usually due to indigestion or
' It la always well, in any of its illnesses, to
look for this causa. The diet may have to be
changed, but befora good can result from it, '
the bowels must be moved.
The mother has the choice of many medi
cines cathartics, purgatives, bitter-waters,
pills, physics, etc. But the little body
doesn't need such barsh remedies for they
wrench the system and do only temporary
good, so often followed by aa unpleasant
la tplt of greatly IiichwI laboratory watt due
to tha Wat. by aacrlocinf profita and abaorbiof war
taxes wa have maintained the price at which thia
family laaatiea fcae been asld by drugfUta for the part
36 yean. Twoiiaca 50c and &1.00.
. i Delay In the proper treatment
' of skin troubles is dangerous.
Every day spent In trying un
proved remedies may only let
the disorder spread and become
more and more deeply seated.
' The value of ResinolOintment
ja known. For over twenty
years it has been used as a sooth--'
ing, healing remedy for the skin.
Dr." Callfas and Officials of Women's
Detention Home Will Demand Probe
"Mother" Jones, upper left,
with Pearl Price, upper right.
Sadie Rupp, lower left, and
Mabel Epps, lower right, whom
she is treating dn the county
jail. for the dope habit. The'
girls declare they were given
four shots of morphine a day
at the Detention home, which is
in violation of the state law gov
erning the treatment of drug
when I looked at those poor girls,
victims of the habit, who apparently
had been allowed to indulge their
inclinations to their hearts content.
They were - living, shells. Their
minds were blanks and they tould
hardly stand alone. ...
"I could not resist the inclina
tion to speak to Miss Berger about
it.' I called, her on the telephone
and protested. I was told that was
their way of doing at the Detention
home and the incident was. closed.
The girls continue to come to the
county jail in the same condition."
First Time in Five Years.
Mrs. Perl Prie, drug addict and
now an inmate of the county jail,
told a reporter for The Bee that
for the first time in five years she
had given up the habit of injecting
morphine. . ,
"V was released from the Deten
tion home a short while ago," she
said. "I was kept a prisoner by
Dr. Palmer Findley and Miss Alta
Berger for four weeks. They gave
me four shots of morphine each
day I was there. My habit was
just as pronounced when I left as
it was when -I was admitted.
"Four times each day Miss Berg
er would call out .'hypo girls,' and
we would all line up to receive our
shots. Indeed, we were encouraged
to take the dope. I heard Dr. Find
ley say one day, 'I want you to
give the girls plenty of shots. They
A better plan la to employ a mild, gentle
laxative of which only a little ia required.
There ia a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under
the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepem that
thousands of mothers have used successfully
for baby's constipation and its accompany-
ing ills, such as belching, wind colic, teat '
lessness, sleeplessness, etc.
The nursing mother will also find it ideal
for herself, and it is especially important that
she be free from constipation.
-) Syrup Pepsin ia guaranteed to do ail prom
ised or the druggist will refund the money.
Thousands of cautious families hare it in
the house, secure against the little ills.
SDr. CaldweW
77m Perfect 11 Laxative
If yon have never ueed Dr. ClAn V Byraa)
PeprJn tend for a free trial bottle to Dr. W B. CaldweB,
46S Waehisftoa St., Montlcetto, IU. If then are
babiea at home, aek for a copy of Dr. CakhreU'e hook.
The Cars of Baby."
first for
skin troubles
It applied in time, it usually
checks the itching and reduces
the eruption right away. But
even in stubborn, long-standing
cases, . it Is surprising, ho
quickly this gentle, yet effective
ointment brings results.
All druggists J1 Resinol Ointment.
Mm trii iende fturs find tht rich
Ulkir tf Rtsufl Hkming Stick dtlitki
fuiif toaVung.
" dL f ' fi 4 , xs ' .
a A5 V: a- ,.fv f,
need it and I do not want them de
prived of it.' ,
Cured of Dope Habit.
"I have been in the county jail
for 13 days and during that time I
have not seen anything that looks
like morphine or cocaine. I feel
better than I ever did before in my
life. ' Under the care of Sheriff
Clark and 'Mother Johns,' I feel
that I have been cured of the dope
habit. I would rather do anything
in the world, I would rather suffer
any punishment that could be in
flicted, than go back to that dope
breeding joint, the Detention home.
I feel that I owe Sheriff Clark
and 'Mother Johns' more than I
will ever be able to pay them. They
have cured me of the habit which
was my curse for five years, and
which , was encouraged at the De
tention home. I have been cured
in the Douglas county jail and I
do not hesitate to announce it to
the world. ...
'As soon as I am released from
jail I am going back to my home in
Kansas City and start all over again.
For the reason that I ant leaving
Omaha I do not hesitate to say that
y ti
' would only take '
Hunted Iron when trier X '
i . . .
ii weax. rundown, urea
outwnen uey are paie, ner .
voul ana aaggira intra are inun
umiU whA miflht readil build no
their red corpuscles, beeomt rosy.
cheeked, strong and healthy sad
be nueh more attractive ia every I
way. When the iron goes from tht
blood et women, tht healthy slew I
cf routhleaves thetnkin and their J
cnarm and vivacity depart, n two r
wlrt Muni a! Nunated Iron
. wnrka wander in man V tales. - M
.mon.w rfittiHd. At ftll f
. aooddrufgUs.
Bee Want Ads Mean In
creased Business for the
One Who Uses Them and
.Opportunity for the One
Who Reads Them.
. .-' r
I could walk a few blocks on Six
teenth street and pick out 10 dope
peddlers any day in the year. They
are selling here and do not fear the
law. It's only the poor unfortunate
victims the officers of the law ar
rest. They do not pick up the per
sons who are getting rich in the
Too Weak to Stand.
Violet Williams, former inmate at
the Detention home, now a prisoner
in the county jail and drug addict,
was too weak to stand. Her screams
could be heard all over the building
as she begged to be given morphine.
"That's the way they come from
the Detention home," said Mother
Johns, "she will be all right in sev
eral days. . - . .: v
In contrast to rtrl f rices ex
pressions of gratitude and exultation
Mabel Epps, 2706 Jackson street,
former inmate at the . Detention
home and now a prisoner in .the
county jail, was loud in her praise
of Miss Berger. The Epps girl is a
drug addict and was begging to be
allowed to return to the Detention
home. The woman thought The
Bee reporter had come to take her
back to be placed under the care of
Dr. frindley and Miss Berger.
"Miss Berger is a fine woman,"
she said. "She would give us shots
four times a day. I was there 13
weeks and was allowed to have it
four times each day.
"Dying" for Morphine.
When the girl learned that she
would not be permitted to return to
the Detention home the tears cours
ed down her cheeks. She sobbed
like her heart would break. "They
won't let, me have my morphine
here and I am dying for it," she
Mabel Epps is a half sister . of
Wilma Rice, the girl who some time
ago was refused an opportunity to
tell what she knew about the De
tention home to the members of
the Woman's club. She later was
taken by Miss Berger to address
the congregation of an Omaha
"Wilma was under the influence
of the drug when she went to church
that Sunday morning," said the girl
"My sister was given so much of
the dope while she was there she
did not leave the place until she
was compelled to go. She wanted
to stay there and live on the mor
phine they allowed her. I know
absolutely what I am talking about
when I say Wilma was not on the
square. She liked the Detention
home for the same reason I like
it. It is because we got dope
Give Anything in World.
"I wo'uld be willing to do any
thing in the world,, they would ask
me to do if they only would give
me a shot to satisfy my longing.
Wilma did and said what they want
ed her to do and say because she was
bribed with dope. Perhaps you do
not understand this, but any dope
fiend who has been suddenly shut
off, will appreciate what I mean.
"I would give my life right now
to be allowed to return to the De
tention home. I know they would
give my what I want there."
Saddie Rupp, 1918 Cass street,
was given a sentence in police
court of 90 days. She spent 80 days
in the Detention home, and now is
serving the rest of her time in the
county jail, having been released by
Dr. Findley and pronounced cured
of the syphilis. .
"They gave me four shots of mor
phine each day," she said. For 80
consecutive days they did this. I
have not been given anythihg in the
way of drugs since I have been here.
I believe when I leave this jail I will
have been cured of the dope habit.
In fact I believe I have been cured
already. I feel kindly toward Miss
Got All She Wanted.
"She gave me all the dope I want
ed. I do not want any more. I feel
better than I have felt for years. I
was1 all in after the 80 days I spent
in the Detention home and taking
morphine furnished by Miss Berger.
I hope I never see the Detention
home again, because I do not want
to return to the drug habit, and I
know they would give it to me
there." - .-,
That Beatrice Wilhelm, otherwise
known as Ruth Clark, confessed
drug addict and prostitute, who re
pudiated her statement published in
The Bee in an affidavit for Dr. Call
fas after consulting with the police,
not only is an addict but a peddler
cf morphine and cocaine, was the
statement of Perl Price in the coun
ty jail. The Price woman declared
she had "used the needle many
times with Beatrice" and had seen
her sell the stuff.
The same statement was made by
Mabel Epps. Mother Johns, the
matron, also declared she knew' the
Wilhelm girl to be a drug addict.
Discharged Soldiers to
File On Government Land
Forty discharged soldiers, nearly
all Omaha boys, traveling in a spe
cial car over the Union Pacific,
leave for Arco, Idaho, Wednesday
night, where they will file on gov
ernment land. '
Sidney Cullingham Back
After 2 Years in Aviation
Sidney J. Cullingham, son of Mrs.
R. B. Howell, has returned from
overseas,-where he was in the avia
tion service. He was away two
2wi .
jhe sajii a son A that
Voutjfit her fame aivdfoW
that brought ner ruin
And lovfe
i n
v v
ipp -1Sf ! LX( J "1 "rSjCsn Auditorium Y. W. C A.
"" iFfi iY l M ' rriil l 1 wo shows in On. Ilya Sehkolnik - Violinist
b H3T BELLS HAWAIIANS Cm.,' Alexander Soprano
HAL AND FRANCIS Constance Aleaanoer soprano
TJSi"l ?.S,Vn""S?uflo??,i MU1"1EIN. .'! THOMAS AND McDONALD Imogen Peay Pianist
TERS A OAVIO SCHOOLER: McKAY A AR- pL, "i. Atirutlmi VUI n.n.
DINE: JOE JACKSON; Jas Rublnl; Sua Smith. Photoplsy A tlrsctnm, Vlolo l)ana In F:r.tCvcIe Wednesday. May 7
Says Son Was Accident
Victim and Not Suicide;
Sues 2 Insurance Firms
t . ' . r . 1 i '
.Mrs. Mary Lorence declares in a
suit filed yesterday in dis'rict court
that, her 20-year-old son, Emit did
not commit suicide, but came to his
death accidentally while out hunting,
November 27. 1918.
The suit was filed ' against the
Metropolitan Life Insurance com
pany and the Mutual Life Insurance
company of New York to collect an
insurane policy of $1,000 which Emil
Lorence held with his mother named
as beneficiary. The insurance com
panies have refused to pay the in
surance on the ground that the
young man committed suicide.
Mrs. Florence, who is a widow re
siding in Sarpy county, relates that
Emil put on his old clothes, filled his
belt with shells, took his shotgun
and told his mother he was going
to" hunt rabbits. This was about 4
o'clock in the afternoon of Novem
ber 27. She never saw him alive
Two days later his dead body was
gi Chn'siie.Comed-Pathe l?evfew.-f?iaJiiNews
found in a ditch about a quarter
mile from his home. A bullet hole
was in the head. A revolver was
found under the body. His shotgun
was found leaning against. the side
of the ditch.
.' , 1 . v -
Opening of New Lunch Room
r at Store Is Great Success
Approximately $200 was realized
Tuesday at the opening of the lunch
room at Orchard-Wilhelm store. Al
though 40 tables were set the women
in charge were unable to handle the
large crowd as they wished. . C M.
Wilhelm will provide more elevator
service and more waitresses will be
recruited among the society women
for the remainder of the month. 1
The proceeds of the lunch room
will be given to the Associater Char
ities. Many beautiful baskets of
flowers were sent . to decorate on
opening dav.
W. H'. Russell entertained six
members of the G. A. R. at luncheon.
They included, N. K. VanHousen,
D. N.' Haverly, W. G. Templeton,
Emory W. Johnson, George F. Ban
croft. Luncheon will be served every
week day from 12 to 2 and tables
reserved will not be held later than
I hroaacin
7Aq unexjqeciecesii vee?t
$onoa-gi? ifyai ever cavort
eol u7cer t?e o recor??g
eye of tAQcameiaJr? !
jiniirw my
e?oigA rtige ofmeodraqat
az?ei w?&
- Thursday - FrW
11 to 11
Is Playing to More People on the Return
Engagement Than When First Here.
Continuous 11 A. M. to 11 P. M.
Thousands Turned Away Please Coma Early.
Afternoon 25c Till 6 P. M.
Tonight 25c-35e. Boxes, BOe.
Plus War Tax
Eberstein Gave Her .
-Woman's Affidavits,
Declares Dr. Callfas
In connection with the statement
of the Clark girl Monday in The
Bee in which she declared she had
been forced to make the affidavits
Dr. Callfas had, through fear of the
police, Dr. Callfas yesterday de
clared that it was a mistake that she
had asked the girl to make the state
ments. , I
"That part of the story was not
true," she said. "The truth of the
matter is that the affidavits were
given me by Chief of Police Eber
stein and in reality were obtained
two days before I became interested
in the case."
Dr. Callfas also said she did not
say it had been "her custom to ig
nore the state law against the ad
ministering of drugs to addicts or
any one else. I do not defend the
practice of giving narcotics unless it
is prescribed in the proper way,
and will go to any length in assist
ing to wipe out the unlawful giving
of dope in any form," she declared.
and , PRIZMA Natural Color
Pictures of "SKYLAND."
Today and Thdrsday
Dally Mats., 1S-2S-50
Df 25c-80c-7Sc-l
Ewy Pr la Omiht uyi ws ksvs Hi
Ftr ths eleilns WMk ! snr Hans Frank Naat.
ar and a ratolar alrcui, built lurt for ilmr elowa
la( parsoau. VaudavllU Include Mil. Oavaaaorfs
Art Orouat aad Lyaa Cantor, Skj-HI Sasraaa.
Bs aad beauty ehorm.
Sat. slab and All Sumnar "Iba Dark aSeJBjr