Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1919. 11 AUTOMOBILES MEEKS AUTiCO. Ul ra bought, iold and xchaniad. Wa bujr for cash and sell en Mm. Full Una to alMt from. Ulddla Stat Garaga. I02-I Farnam St. Douflaa 410L MEKKS AUTO CO. MAKE) TOUR old Ford naw, O'Rourkt Ooldatrom Auto Cou, diatrlbutora ot Amaa Bill touring and commerotal 1 bodies. 1701 Sooth ttth atraat. pbona ' South III. lot North Kth. pbona I3J. Naw and need Forda. Tima paymant FORD t paaaencar. 118 aedan. Thla car la In cxcallant condition throughout; haa naw Urea and many extras. Phone Jul lua Lyon, during day Tylar liil, even ings, narney aBu. NEW TIRES ON SALE. Firestone, Congress. Lao Pullman, flak. Writ for prices. Mention aliea. KAIMAN TIRB JOBBERS. I01 Famam. ONE 1918 4-cvl. Bturlebaker: two 1117 4 eyL Btudebakere, flrat claaa. running or- ar. van Harney 6760. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. toit Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. FORD aedan, lll, In unusually good con dltlon. C. E. Paulaon Motor Co., Amea Ave. and Florence Blvd., Authorised Ford dealer. Tel. CoL 144. Uaed care of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, llCt Farnem 8t D. 1170. HARLEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle for aale, I'll model, electrlo equipped, (-speed transmission; In good condition, good . Urea. Price 1150. Colfax 40M. $100 Reward for any magneto wa can't re pair. Bole mfra. of new aelf-apaclng af finity apark plug. Bayadorfer. J10 N. lth. 8KLLINO only privately-owned uaed cara. The Omaha Uaed Car Market. 1617 Leavenworth Bt. Tyler 1J4T. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co. Z051 Farnam St. D. 60S5. BRINGING UP FATHER Se Jiffi and Maggia la Full Pag of Color in Th Sunday Boo. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright 11 18 International New Service. FOR OODNE-a SAKE -WHERE DDOU4ET THrVT CUR? AUTO STORAGE 24-HOUR SERVICE. SERVICE GARAGE. 16th and Lea venworth. rjpng. 700 0. AUTOMOBILE electrical repair ; aervlce atatlon for - Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia atoraga batteries. Edward. NEW and uaed Ford, Amea bodies, im mediate delivery. O'Rourk Ooldatrom Auto Co.. 2701 So. 14th. So. . OAKLAND, Senalbl Six. , HARSH OAKLAND CO., i 2300 Farnam St 1 EXPERT . Repairing Guaranteed aervlce. J SERVICE GARAGE. Kth and Leavenworth. Doug. 7000. WHEN you think of uaed cara think of TKAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co.. Hth and Jackson. Ford Agent. D. 1500, FORD MARKET, 2230 Farnam. Uaed Ford. Time, cash, Liberty bond, new . Bodies. &. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam Bt GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. 8MITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive youraeif; at very reasonable price; no extra to pay. Nebraaka Serv- . Ice Garage. 10th and Farnam. Dougla 7210. ' Trucks ' PROMPT DELIVERY CN ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, Mgr.. Tyler 17(7 1407-21 Capital Ave. Tires and Supplies. TIRES ONE-HALF PRICE. GUARANTEED 2.000 MILES. 20x1 f 7.601 20x31 t 22xlU 10.25 22x4 11.76 12x4 11.601 24x4 12.00 " Wa furnish the old tire. Agent wanted. I IN 1 VULCANIZING COMPANY, 1610 Davenport Street. NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS. Call or write for price on repair work We can eave you money. Work called for and delivered. FARNAM TIRE AND RUBBER CO., Harney 0T58. 2914 Farnam St. NO need for ateam aoaked carcasses: Wo retread and rebuild tire by Dry-Cur procesa. Ideal Tire Service. 2(70 Har nay St. GAIN mora miles; bava your tire re- treaded by G. A a. Tire Co, 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler IIS1-W. Repairing and Painting. WE NOT ONLY REPAIR YOUR RADIATOR. BUT CAN BUILD , . YOU A NEW ONE. RADIATOR REPAIR SHOPS and DEALERS: Write u for price on new core. No week ot waiting for that new radiator or fender. Built to your order, any atyle, for automobile, truck or trr-tor. In 14 hour. Patron! your Bom Industry. . The only Radiator and Fender menu faoturlng company In the west. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB COMPANY, 1811 Cuming. 2004 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. F. P. BARNUM CO., 2125 Cuming. Doug- la 8(144. nigh grade automobile painting. Motorcycles and Bicycles. ( EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE CAR 1111 TWIN CYLINDER. THREE SPEED Electrically equipped, generator, amme ter, light, born, speedometer, three near ly new non-akld tire. leather air cushion tandon, pump. Coat 1495 new, will take 1325; run only (.000 mile; engine tn fin condition. Phone or writ J. C Bllaaard, S01 8outh list St, Omaha. Phono Harney 0871. HA RLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain tn used machine. Victor H. Rooa. the Motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth ata. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial Home solicit your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4185 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BABY chick for sale, 20 cent each. Call Colfax 4498. WHEAT screening 12.00 per hundred. A W. Warner, 801 N. 10th St.. Doug. 1143. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. DON'T FORGET the big horse and mule auctions at stock yard . (table next Wednesday. Expect a good run of choice farm mares, matched teams of farm chunk and one carload of (arm mulfi Srila (tart at 10 o'clock. I. C Gallup. Auctioneer. NOTICE Muat -dispose of the balance of our double farm and Conford harness and collar at a aacrlflce. Call at 2124 Lake atreet Lake atreet FOR SALE Three head of good farm mares, young and sound. All good worker; one set of double harness, and a good wagon. Call 217 So. 23d, half block south of Leavenworth. Harneas, Saddle and Trunks. Wo Make Them Ourselves, ALFRED CORNISH A CO., 1210 Farnam. ONE horse and wagon for aale cheap. R. IT. Bnhlna. 1411 Nil lth. Phone Wen 141 FRESH cow for sale. 1916 South . 17th atreet. Phone South 8541. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED by the Bualness Man vf Omaha. FURNITURE, pianoa and notes a aecurlty, 140, maw, H. goods, total.' $3.50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 421 Security Bldg.. 16th & Fanam. Ty. 6M LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY AND .2 ITH FLR. SECURITY BLDQ.. TY. 150. LOWEST rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashocx, 1514 Dodge. D. 5611. Eat 1891. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. 110 LIBERTY BONDS. 72' W. C. FLATAU. EST. 1892. The Board of Education will sell nine houses situated between 30th and 33d Streets on Burt and fuming streets at Public Auction, May 12. Sale starts, 1 p. m.. Houses to be moved from the premises within thirty days. Terms, cash. Jas. L. Dowd, auc tioneer. For particulars of sale inquire of the undersigned. W. T. Bourke, Secretary . 603 City Hall I I lttT,,NCCH,,Sc:l H IN I NEVER HEO OF 1 n . I L0OK-JlrW i HTLs -"NJ J dl-COME. I I V TT , im HONE- V ifcxmL ni" UT WALK- ) H&E 7J-- -1 . v rfC ' ' v ' i v . id1 ' ill Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVESTOCK Receipt wei Estimate Monday.... 6,000 Same day last week. 1,(41 Same two weeka ago. 3,960 Same day 1 wka. ago. 6.688 Omaha, May S, 1919. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 11,500 9.600 8,968 13,072 11,174 2,388 13,082 6,353 ' Recelpta and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hour ending at t o'clock p. m May 5, 1919. RECEIPTS CARS. Cat. Hoga. Sheep. H a. ..6 7 ..(9 11 ,18 1 ..11 ..60 .82 C M. A St. P. .. Union Paclflo ... C. A N. W., east C. & N. W., weat C. 8t. P., M. & O. C, B. Q weat ....42 C, R. I. P., eaat ... 1 C, R. I. ft P., weat ..18 Illinois Central 4 Chi. Ot. Western .... 1 2 56 17 66 6 24 Total Receipts 236 160 42 1 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cat. Hogs. Sheep 1.214 2,064 2.464 209 Morrl A Co. 731 1,716 Swift & Co t. 901 2.543 Cudahy Packing Co. ... 828 3,680 Armour A Co. .1.135 3,296 Schwartz ft Co 140 J. W. Murphy 653 Lincoln Packing Co. . . . 80 .... So. Omaha Packing Co.. 23. .... Wilson Packing Co 168 .... Higglna Packing Co. ... 63 .... Hoffman Bros, i ....... J . 23 .... John Roth A Sons 2 .... Midwest Packing Co. .. 21 .... Glassberg 8 .... P. O'Dea 6 Omaha Packing Co. ... 4 .... Swift from Denver W, B. Van Sant A Co. .. 32 .... F. P. Lewie 227 .... J. B. Root A Co 4 .... J. H. Bulla 39 .... Roaenstock Bros 23 .... F. G. Kellogg 31 .... Werthelmer A Degen .. 261 .... Ellla A Co 19 .... A. Rothachtld 81 .... Mo.-Kan. C. A C. Co... 89 .... Banner Broa 30 .... John Harvey 389 .... Jensen A Lundgren .... too .... Dennla A Francis 129 .... Cudahy from Ft. Worth 2,299 Cudahv from So. St. Paul 185 Other buyers 796 .... 465 Total 6,376 11,927 11,477 Cattle Fresh recelpta of cattle were comparatively light thla morning, esti mated at 6,000 head, or 200 cars. Trading waa active on beef ateers, prices strong and in epota a quarter higher than last weeks close; top steers sola or and DulDers sold at 16.2617.40. Year lings and butcher stock ruled strong and feedera fully ateady. Quotations on cattle: rrime steers. $16.60 18.35; good to-choice beevs. (16.25 16.25; fair to good beeves, i4.zocit ; common to fair beeves, 13.UU"(14.; good to choice yearlings. 11 5. 00 1 6.00 ; fair to good yearlings, $13.00 (g) 14.50 ; com mon to fair yearlings, $10.0012.60: choice to prime heifers, 824.6015.25; good to choice heifer, $12.0013.75; prime cows, J12.0013.25; good to choice cows, 810.26 C 12.00: fair to good cows, (9.0010.25; common to fair cows, (5.259.00; choice to prime feeders, lu.bu; good to choice feedera, (13.0014.25; medium to good feeders. (11.004813.00; good to choice Blockers, (12.0O13.60; fair to good atock era, (10.00011. 00; common to fair Block ers, (S.009.60; stock heifers, (8 5010.50; stock cows, (8.009.60; stock calves, .00 912.25; veal calves, (8.0014.00; bulls, atags, etc., (10.0011.75. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. 12.60; atockers and feeder steeers, (8.60 16.60. Hogs Receipts, 16,000; market hinhor; heavy, (20.6020.60; light. 1 8. 75 tjr 20.C.0 ; packing, $19. 60 20.40; pigs, (14.000 IX. 60. Sheep and Lambs Recelpta 10,600; market higher; lambs, (10.76a 19.75; owes, (8.60(8)17.00. St. Louia Live Htork. St. Louie. May 6. Cattle Receipts, 4,800 head; market 10 centa higher; native beef steers, (11. 5018. 60; yearling steers and helfera, (9.6016.00; cows, (10.50 13.60; stockera and feeders, (10.0013.50; fair to prime southern beef steers, (10 008 18.00; beef cows and heifers, (7.6015.00; canners and cutters, (5.607.26; native calves, (7.7515.00. Hoga Receipts, 13,300 head; market 25 to 15 centa higher; lights. (20.20 20.70; pigs (16.0019.50; mixed and butchera, (20.2620.90; good heavy, (20.85 20.95; bulk of Bales. (20.3520.95. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 5,000 head; market ateady; lambs, (15.0019.00; ewes, (13.0014.60; canners and choppers, (4.60 11.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., May S. Hogs, receipts 4600 head; market, 26c higher. Light (20.2020.35; mixed (20.3020.50; heavy, $20.3020.60; bulk of Kales, 520.36 20.50. Cattle Receipts 2,500 head; market 2,672 pa'eady; beef steers, Sll.OOC'i) 15.50 ; fat cows anu neiLern, f i.uuiif' lo.nui minim, (4.606.60; stockcrs and feeders, $8.60 18.00; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00 9.60. .. Sheep Receipts 1,000 head; market atrong. 32. .....1066 13 76 11... 44 1024 14 50 22.. 19. .....1236 15 00 44 1078 21 1125 15 50 43 1240 14. .....1584 17 00 17 1690 STEERS AND HEIFERS. Av. Pr. 1023 (14 00 1062 14 76 15 10 16 25 18 35 1... 44... 11... IS... 28... 16. 9. 6. .... 1204 6 1173 727 92 10 25 12 00 13 60 15 40 9 26 11 75 12 60 13 00 384 9 60 36 506 430 11 60 18 640 663 12 50 31 C42 769 13 75 25 989 870 16 76 BEEF COWS. 9 00 8 767 10 50 22... ,..1041 12 00 21 1037 12 85 33 1115 HEIFERS. 787 11 25 5. 162 12 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 627 10 76 14 1087 12 00 82 788 12 75 67 815 13 50 Hogs Receipts today amounted to 158 loada, estimated at 11,500 head. Receipts changed handa readily at prices that were generally 10 centa higher than Saturday. Today' bulk 1 (20.30 20.60, with tops at (20.65. IS. Sh. Pr. 140 (20 25 ... 20 36 40 20 45 ... 30 55 ... 20 65 No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. 47. .216 210 (20 05 86. .180 73. .185 160 20 20 75. .223 89. .287 210 20 40 62. .262 64. .264 210 20 60 76. .218 63.-298 110 20 60 66. .290 Sheep There wa a fairly liberal run of sheep and lambs here today, 41 loads, estimated at 9,500 head. Trade was a little alow In opening, presenting more or lesa of a draggy appearance. Salea of fat lamb were from (18.75 to $19.50. prlcea that looked steady to In spots 25 centa hicher than Saturday. CllDDed wethers and yearlings sold at (12.60 and clipped lambs at $16.50. uuotatlona on sheep: Lambs, good to choice,-$19.0019. 50; lamba, fair to good, iis.uv19.uo; sneering lamos, '(lobutv 7.00; yearlings. li.!omi6.tu;; wetnera, fat, (15.0015.50; ewea, good to choice, (14.OO15.00; ewes, fair to good, (12 00 14.00. Jv AT LAMBS. 146 feeder. 89 19 00. 23 culls 72 14 76 FAT EWES. 60feder3.120 14 (5 Chicago lira Stock. Chicago. 'May 5. Cattle Receipts. 19.- 000 head: beef steers, alow and about ateady; butcher cattle strong to 15c high er; canning stock, steady; calves, zsc high er; feeders, steady to atrong; estimated tomorrow, 15,000 haed; beet steers, me dium and heavyweight, choice and prime, (17.754f20.00; medium and good, (13.90 8.00; common, S11.6014.35; lightweight. good and choice, (14.7517.85; common and medium, (10.6015.25; butcher cattle, heifers, (8.0015.25; cows, (7.7615.00; canners and cutters, (6.00 7.75; veal calves, light and bandywelght, (13.00 14.00; atocker steers, (10.2515.50; cows, (8.6013.75. Hoga Receipt. 26.900 head: market oloaed firm at advance of 25 to 50 cents above Saturday's general trade; late top. $21.10; estimated tomorrow, Z7.0U0 head; bulk ot aales, $20.8621.00; heavyweight, $20.9021. 10; medium weight, $20,800 21.05; I lightweight, $20.25 21. CO; light light. tl9.0020.60: heavy packing sows. smooth, $20.00 ff 20.60; packing sows, rough, (19.0020.00; pigs. $18.0019 50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 12,000 head; lamba, mostly 25 to 60 cents higher: top wooled lambs, $20.60; fall-shorn, (17.75; heep, strong to 15 centa higher; esti mated tomorrow. 15,000 head; lambs, 84 pounds down. $18.2520.5O; 85 pounds up, (17.7520.40; cull and common, (13.00 17.60; yearling wethers, $16.00 18 50; ewes, medium, good and choice, $12.26 io.o; cuua ana common, Kansas City Live Stock. Kansaa City, Mo.. May 5. Cattle Re ceipt. 13,000 head, and 1,600 calvea; beef Battle, ateady to 16 renta lower; late bids s cents lower; butcher stock, steady to trong; calvea. steady: feeders, atrong: heavy beef steera. $12.901875: light beef steers, (10.25W19.40; butcher cows and heifer? tx.c.zfi 15.2"; ,' h - - ten, (5.25 C$.60; veal calves, $3.60 GRAIN MARKET 6 67 28 3 4 61 44 41 64 18 fit. Paul Live Stock, St. Paul, Minn... May 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,600; killers higher; steers, (0.00 17.60; cows and heifers, (5.0014.00; calves, $5.60 & 12.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,700: market higher; range, (2O.O0fc20.25; bulk, (20.00320.15.' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 60; market lower; lambs, (7.00"l8.60; wethers, $13.00 14.50; ewes, $5.00(a)13.00. St. Joseph Live Stock. ' St. Joseph. Mo., May 6. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000 head; strong; steers, (13.00 18.000; cows and heifers, (5.0015.60; calves. (6,00 12. 50. Hogs Receipts 8,500 head; higher; top, (20.60; bulk, $21.10 20.60. Sheep Receipts, 6,000 head; higher; lambs. (18.2519.60; ewes, $13 0015.00. New York Coffee. New York, May 6. Still higher prices were reached In the market for coffee fu tures today on reports of a more active demand from importers in the cost and freight market and a continuation of Eu ropean buying. Reports that Germany waa planning to continue the use of cof fee substitutes owing to the difficulty of importing under prevailing financial condi tions, seemed to attract little or no com ment, but th'e advance met considerable realizing and fluctuations were irregular. The opening was 6 to 11 points higher, with July contracts selling at 18.60c and December at 17.48c In the early trading. Reactions during the middle of the day were followed by bulges and the cloae wa steady at a net decline of 12 points on May, but generally 8 to 16 points net higher. May, 18.63c; July, 18.58c; Sep tember, 18.03c; October, 17.83c; December, 17.43c; January, 17.30c; March, 17.25c. Spot coffee, quiet but firm; Rio 7s, 19 19Vis; Santos 4s, 22Vsc. New York General. New York, May 6. Flour Dull; spring patents, $12.50 jj 13.00 ; spring clears, $10.25 10.75; winter straights, $11.5012.OO; Kansas straights. $12,7513,23. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 red, $2.86 elevator export Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, $1.8614; No. 2 white, $1.88M, cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, easy; standard, 8080-4c Hay Firm: No. 1, (2.152.20; No. 2, (2.10; No. 8, (1.952.05. Hops Firm; state medium to choice, 1918, 3442c; 1917, 20.23c; Pacific coast, 1918, 3945c; 1917, 2528c. Pork Unsettled; megs, (67.00; family, (64.0056.00. Lard Steady: middle west. $34.00 34.10. Tallow Strong: city special loose, 13'iC Rice Steady: fancy head, (1010c; Blue Rose, 8 9c. (1.74; No. Turpentine and Rosiii. Savannah. Ga.. May 6. Turpentine- Firm; 721A73c: Bales, 129 barrels; re ceipts, 20 barrels: shipments, 69 barrels; BtocK, 21,861 barrels. Rosin Firm: sales. 101 casks: receipt. 59 casks; shipments, 151 casks; stock, 65, 620 casks. Quote: B. 111.20: D. 111.40: E. 111.45: F, (11.60; G, (11.60; H, $11.70; I, (11.80; K. (13.00; M, (18.25; N, (14.10; WG, (14.25; WW, (14.35. New York Produce. New York, May 6. Butter steady; creamery higher than extras, 5556c; creamery extras, 65c; firsts, SS'i 64c. nggs Firm: fresh gathered extras, 47 48c; fresh gathered firsts northern sec tion 4446c; do southern section, 4:1 Cf 45c. Cheese Firm; state whole milk flats current make specials. 3232c; do average run 31 32c. Live Pou trv Eas er: broilers. 60ffl80c: fowls, 3637c; old roosters, 20c; turkeys, 25ai)26c; dressed steady: broilers frozen, 4562c; chickens, frozen, 39043c; old roosters, frozen, 242Gc; fresh, 26 H 2 ( Vac ; western turKeys irozen, tDig4c. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York. May 6. Evaporated Apples Quiet; Btate, 1720e. Prunes Easy: California, 11 24c; Oregons, 1154 23c. Apricots Jirm; choice. ' 28c; extra choice, 30c; fancy, 32c34c. Peaches Firm: standard. 19Vi20c. choice, 2021c; fancy, 2222c. Kaisins Steady; looae muscatels, 114 llc: choice to fancy seeded. 10,412c: seedless, 13 18c. New York Metals. New York. Mav 6. Cooper, dull: elec trolytic, 15415 1-3o. Iron, quiet; No. 1 northern and No. 1 southern, (29.75: No. 1 northern and No. 2 southern. (26.75. Lead, quiet; spot, $4.70 4.90; July, $4.70 04.87. Spelter, steady: East St. Louis delivery spot (5.92: July, (66.20. At uindon Kpot copper, lio lie; elec trolytic, 80; tin, f226 17s. i.eaa tZ4 10s; spelter, t3. Chicago Prod nee. Chicago. May -6. Butter Unsettled: creamery. 6154c. Eggs Higher; receipts, 40,960; firsts, 4244c; ordinary firsts, 4041ic; t mark, cases included, 4248c; atorage packed firsts, 4445c; extra. 45 Vic i-ouitry Alive, steady; fowls, tie. Kansas City Produce. Kansas Citv. Mo.. Mav 6. Butter. 5c lower; creamery, 50c; firsts, 48c; seconds, ite: packing unchanged, 41c. Eggs Unchanged; firsts, 41c. Poultry Hena. 21c: roosters, 16c; broilers, 55c. New York Sugar. New York, May 6. Raw sugar, steady; centrifugal. 7.28c: refined, steady; cut loaf. (10.50; mould A', 9.60c; cubes, 9.75c; XXX powders. 9.20c; powdered, 9.16c; fine granulated and diamond A. 9.00c; confec tioners A, 8.90c: No. 1. 8.85c. New York Dry Goods. New York, May 6. Cotton goods were steady: domestics much firmer. Yarns showed a more diversified demand. Raw silk, unchanged: dresa goods, active. Bar Silver. London. May 6. Bar Sliver 48 ll-16c per ounce. Omaha, May (, 1919. Grain receipts were light and particu larly so for a Monday's run. A feature of today's arrival was that oats run wa larger than that of corn, with 40 car. Corn receipts were 36 cars; wheat, 9 car; rye, 7 cars, and barley, 6 car. Corn was up 3 to 6 cent, with all offerings sold early. Oat ranged from unchanged to c higher, the bulk of the No. 8 white bringing the same aa the bulk Saturday. Rye and barley were unchanged. Wheat waa some higher. Omaha, Grain Movement. Receipts Today. Wk. Yr. Ago. Ago. Wheat 9 Corn , 86 Oats 40 Rye 7 Barley 5 Shipments Wheat Corn 65 Oats 82 Rye It Barley 6 4 SHIPMENTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Chicago 6 45 54 Kansas City 27 St. Louis 47 Minneapolis 140 Winnipeg ..317 Corn No. 2 white, 8-5 car, $ white, 3 cars, (1.73; No. 5 v.hite, 1 car, $1.71 (old); No. 2 yellow, 3 cara, (1.75, 2 cars, (1.74; No.- S yellow, 1 car, (1.74, 4 cars, $1.73; No. 4 yellow, 3 cars, (1.73, 1 car, (1.72; No. 5 yellow, 1 car, (1.71; sam ple yellow, 1 car, (1.66; 1 car, (1.60 (heat ing); No. 2 mixed, 3 cars, (1.74; No. 2 mixed, 3 cars, (1.73; No. 4, mixed, 1 car, (1.70; sample mixed, 1 car, (1.60 (heat ing.) Oats No. 2 white oats, 1 car, 71c; standard oats. 1 car. 71c, (shippers weights) 1 car, 71c; No. 3 white oats, 1 car, 71c, (shippers weights); 2 cars, 71c; 8 cars, 70c; 1 car, 70o (shippers weights) No. .4 white oats, 1 car, 70 c. Rye No. 2 rye 1 car, (1.65; No. 3, 1 3-5 cars. (1.64. Barley No. 3 Barley, 2-5 car, $1.17; sample, 1 car, $1.13. Wheat No. 2 hard. 5 cars, $2.76: No. 4, hard, 2-5 car, $2.66; sample mixed, 1 car, $2.15, (burnt, damaged, smutty). Chicago (irain. Chicago, May 6. One of the eeverest breaks ever witnessed In the corn market took place today as a result of definite notice that the United States government would import wheat from Canada and that a downward revision of the cost of foodstuffs was looked for. In a few minutes, the price of corn shriveled 12 cents a bushel. Violent reactions, how ever, ensued. The market closed excited at 3 to 4 cents net decline, with July, (1.6541.65, and September. (1.60 1.60. Oats, 1 to 2 centa down, and provisions varying from 12 cent off to 5 cents advance. First reports about Intentions of the United States government regarding Can adian wheat were exaggerated, and to this fact was largely due the steep descent of the corn market, as well as the big re bound. The rumors which preceded au thoritative advices were to the effect that all Imports restriction on Canadian wheat Into the United states naa Deen tanen orr. Instantly, prices of corn began to drop a cent at a time, automatic stop-loss sell ing orders came Into play on a huge scale. and at the same time all support was tem porarily paralyzed. Then, the tmtn be came better known that only a moderate importation of wheat from Canada had been arranged for, and that no radical revision of foodstuffs prices was expected at present. Before the Benaatioral col lapse, the corn market, mnuencea by con tinued weather, which made both hauling and planting nearly impossible, had soared to the highest prices yet tnis season. Oats were swayed entirely by the wild fluctuations of corn. In the face of the sensational downturn of grain, provisions held relatively firm in line with the hog market. All of the day'a advances In packing house prod ucts, however, were virtually wiped out. FINANCIAL New York, Msy 5. The relatively mod erate session of the stock exchange to day moderate In the sense that recent spectacular elements were lacking was primarily due to tomorrow's recess In honor of the parade of-the 77th division. jTrading again attained the broad pro portion of the past three weeks, but selling for profit waa effective to the extent that some erstwhile favorite were Irregular or distinctly heavy. Standard or dividend paying transporta tions war active and strong, their ad vance being predicted on the belief that the forthcoming session of congress is quite certain to enact remedial or relief legislation. Canadian Pacific, which Is not directly concerned with event at Washington, led the rails for a while at an extreme ad vance of almost five points, part of which were later canceled. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, most closely held of all the gilt-edged rails, gained 17 points and other coalers and cotton carriers, notably Delaware and Hudson, Norfolk and Western, Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville and Nashville, rose two to five points. The Inquiry for secondary rails abated somewhat, but ad vances of one to two points were nu merous In that division. St. Louis and San Francisco, St. Louis Southwestern and Pittsburgh aad West Virginia leading at one to three polnta. Oils, equipments, shippings and food shares were represented by Texas cohi pany. Associated Oil, most of the inde pendent steels, Atlantic Gulf and sugars at extreme advances of two to eight points, but United States Steel made only a nominal gain. Sales amounted to 1,375.000 shares. The general bond market was Irreg ular, Liberty and foreign Issues display ing moderate steadiness. Total aales, par value, aggregated (13,750,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of shares and range of prices of the leading stocks were as follows: Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am. Bt. Sug. ... 6,500 82H 81 817 Am. Can. 17,000 66 66 55 Am. CAP. 2,700 96 Vi 96 96 Am. H. & L., pfd 7,600 117 115 117 Am. Loc 6.100 76 75 76 Am. S. A R 6,500 13 73 73 Am. Sug. Ref. 131 Am. Sum. Tob... 6,300 1079 106 107 Am. T. A T 1,600 104 103 103 Am. Z., L. A S... 3,100 18 17 17 Anaconda Cop. .. 6,200 63 62 63 Atchison 3,300 96 94 95 At., G. AW. I. S. S. 10,500 156 154 154 Bald. Loc 14,800 93 92 93 B. AO 3,400 60 49 50 Beth. Steel "B". 11.000 74 73 74 Butte & S. Cop... 25.100 24 23 23 CaL Pet 1,000 27 27 21 Can. Pac 11,000 169 166 168 Cen. Leather 4,100 81 80 .80 Ches A Ohio ... 6,500 65 65 66 C, M. a St. P 39 OMAHA PRODUCE 28,600 2.100 9,500 13,100 6,300 27 37 46 63 72 35 77 18 27 37 44 62 70 34 76 17 97 27 37 44 63 70 35 76 17 1,400 164 163 163 6,800 182 180 180 6,400 9S 9? 94 2,500 46 44 45 u 6.100 61 60 60 Int. M. M., pfd... 13.400 111 109 110 Int Nickel 3,600 27 25 26 Int. Paper 7,800 64 62 62 K. C. South 23 Ken. Cop 1,800 33 32 32 Louis. A Nash. .. 200 118 118 118 Mex. Pet 9,600 177 176 176 Miami Copper ,. 2.800 23 23 23 Mldvale Steel ... 4,400 45 44 45 Mo. Pacific 12,800 30 29 30 300 Chi. A Nor. C, R. I. A P. .. Chlno Copper . . Col. Fuel A Iron Corn Products . Cruc. Steel .... Cuba Cane Sug.. 15,800 Dis. Sec. Corp. ..4,000 Erie 8,800 Gen. Elec Gen. Motors . . . Great Nor., pfd, G. N, Ore Ctfs. . 111. Cen Insp. Cop. Wholesale prices of beef cuts: No. 2.i Loins, 41c; No. 3, 28u. No. S Ribs, 34c; No. 3, 24e. tlo. 2 Rounds, 28c; No. 3, 25o. No. 2 Chucks,. 20 c; No. 3, 16c. No. 2 Plates, 16c: No. S, 14c. Quotation furnished by Clllnaky Fruit company. Fruits Orange: NavalB, 80. (4.60; 100, (4.75; 126. (5.50; 150-176. $6.60; 200-216-250-288-324, (7.00: buddedl all sizes, (6.60. Lemons: Golden Gowl, 300-360, (6.00; Sil ver Cords. 300-360, (5.50; Sunklst, 800-360, (5.50; Red Ball, 800-360, (5.00 Grape fruit ; Dr. Phillips, 46-54, (7 00; Pr. Phil lips, 64-70-80-96, $7.50; California (all sizes), (6.00. Bananas, 7c. Apples. Nc. ton Plppens, 4 tier, $4.60; Barm! Ben Davis, (12.00. Strawberries: Market price. Vegetables Sweet potatoes: Ilpr., (3.50. Potatoes: White, U. 8. per cwt., (2.60; Minn. Red River Ohloa, per cwt., $2.60; New Potatoes. No. 2, 7c; No. 1, (o. Onions: Red Globe, per lb., 7c; Crystal Wax, crt., (6.00; Yellow, (4.50. Onion sets: White. (2.26; Yellow, (1.60. Cabbage: California or Texas, per lb., 7c. Plants: Cabbage, 100 to box, $1.60; tomato, 100 to box, $1.00; pansy, 2 dos. Mkt, Bskt., $1.00; other plants, market price. Old root: Beet,' carrots, per lb., 3c parsnips, tur nips, per lb., 3c; Calif ronla head lettuce, about 4 doz., crt., (4.50; California head lettuce, doz., (1.60; leaf lettuce, do., 90c; carrots turnips, doz., 90c; southern radishes, doz., 60c; home grown onions, doz., ,15c; egg plant, doz., (2.50; artickoes. doz., (2.00: spinach, per lb., 12; Ex. Fey H H. Cukes, doz., (2.60; market basket cukes. 2 doz., bsk.. (2.00: green peppers, lb., 40c: celery, Florida, washed. doz., (2.50; home grown asparagus, market price, home grown rhubarb, doz., 60 to 76c; Florida tomatoes, crt., (7.60; fresh peas, market price. Miscellaneous Nuts: Eng. walnuts, sk. lots, 34c less 36o lb.; No. 1 raw peanuta, lb., 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts, lb., 12c; No. 1 roast peanuts, lb., 12c; Jumbo roast peanuts, lb., 15n Te-to: 1 cs, $2.50: cs and bote., $1.35, total (3.85. 6 cs.. (2.40; cs. and bots., (1.35; total, (3.75, 10 cs., (2.25; cs. and Lots., (1.35; total, (3.60. Cracker Jacks, Checkers and Chums, with prizes, case, (5.00; case, (2.65: without prizes, case, (4.76; case, (2.40. Airline honey. 2 doz. 6 oz. case, (4.30; 2 doz. 14-oz. case, (8.70. 1 doz. 16 oz 3 B honey, (5.40. on o Fish Fancy fresh halibut, medium, 21e; fancy fresh bullheads, 22c: fancy fresh trout, 22c: fancy fresh catfish, large, O. S. and medium, 28c; fancy white perch, fresh, frozen, 10c; fancy fresh whlteflsh, 28c: fancy fresh Spanish mackerel, 25c; fancy frozen trout, 18c; fancy pan-frozen dressed herring, 4c; fancy coast-frozt-n chicken halibut, 10c; chicken,. 18c; fancy black cod, 13c; fancy fresh red sain. on, 25c and 30c; catfish, small, 24c; fancy yellow pike, fresh, 2Cc; frozen. 20c: fancy frozen whlteflsh, 16c; fancy frozen Span ish mackerel, 12c; fancy round pickerel, 10c; fancy dressed pickerel, 13c; lancy frozen whiting, 4c; fancy fresh roe shad, 21c; fancy fresh bluefish, 60c. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotation furnished by Burns, Brlnker A company, 449 Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha, Neb. STOCKS. Bid. Asked Beatrice Cream Co 1V8 185 I'urgess-Nash. 7 po. rid. lfll Cudahy Pkg. Com. 121 122 Cuday Pkg., pfd 100 Deere & Co.. pfd 97 Clooch, H. A E., 7 po. pfd. B..100 Gooch Food Pro., pfd: bonus.. S9 Harding Cream, Com ....101 Llbby, McNeil A Llbby 81 O. & C. Bluffs St. Ry., pfd Sioux City Stk. Yds., Jfd... 87 M. E. 8mith'. 7 pc, pfd 103 Swift A Co., Internat 61 Swift A Co. Union Stock Yds., Om...... Un. P. A Lt. t pc, pfd BONDS. De Molnea Elect, 5s, 1931. Lincoln G. A E., 6s, 1941 Om. Athletlo 6a. 1921-12 Om. A C. B. St. Ry 6s. 1928... Om. A C B Ry. A Br. 6a. 1928 71 Om., City of, (various) school. ... .4.8 Opc. Htuarbaker corp. 7s, im B'A iwft Southern Ry. 6s, 1922 99 99 Wilson A Co. 6s, 1928 17 97 .147 . 18 IT 80 13 103 99 101 100 102 31 61 92 '' 148 100 100 92 90 100 80 76 Real Estate Transfers 69 69 Chicago closing price, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brok ers. 315 South Sixteenth etreet. Omaha: I Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yea'y Corn J'ly 1.69 1.72 1.62 1.65 1.68 Sep. 1.65 1.67 1.55 1.60 1.6.4 Oat J'ly .72 .73 .68 .70 .72 Sep. .71 .71 .67 .69 .70 Pork May 63.70 63.70 J'ly 62.00 52.00 51.60 51.50 51.60 Lard May 33.57 33.57 33.35 33.46 33.40 J'ly 32.80 32.30 32.07 32.10 31.07 Ribs May 28.95 28.95 28.90 28.90 28.95 J'ly 28.35 28.45 28.10 28.17 28.30 Cash Prices: Corn No. S yellow, $1.72 ffil.73; No. 4 yellow, (1.71; No. 6 yellow, $1.701.71. Oats No. 1 white, 7173c; standard, 72Ca73c. Rye No. 2, $1.721.73. Barley (1101. 22. Timothy (8. 00 11.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard (33.45. Ribs $28.00028.75. , Mlneapolls Grain and Provisions. Minneapolis, May B. Flour Unchanctd. Barley $1.031.14. Rye No. 2, $1.72 1.71. Bran $39.00. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. Kansas City, Mo., May 6. Corn May, (1.60; July, $1.68; September, $1.61. - New York Cotton. New York, May t. Cotton futures opened ateady; May, 28.35c; July, 26.60c; October, 24.60c; December, 24.15c; Janu ary, 23.78c. Cotton future closed steady; May, (28.45; July, (26.78; October. (24.78; De cember, $24.32; January, $28.98. Spot Quiet; middling, $29.20. Short Term Notes ' . B Furnished by Peters Trust company Bid. Asked First Liberty, 3s, S 98.76 Second Liberty, 4s. 4 94.11 Third Liberty. 4s. 4 95.00 Fourth Liberty' 4, 4 94.40 Am. Foreign Sec, 1919 99 Am. Tel. A Tel., 6s. 1926... 102 Am. Telephone, 6, 1924 9 Am. Tob- 7s, 7, 1922 108 Am. Tobacco, 7, 1923 108 Anaconda Copper, 6, 1929 99 Anglo French. 5s, 6, 1924 974 Arm. Con. Deb, 8, 1919. .... .102 Arm. Con. Deb., 6, 1922. .,,,.102 Arm. Con. Deb., 6, 1923 102 Arm. Con. Deb.. 6, 1924 102 Beth. Steel. 7. 1919 100 Beth. Steel, 7, 1922 , 101 Beth. Steel. 7. 1923 101 U Canada, 5s, 6. 1921.,...,.,... 97 Cudahy, 7, 1923 102 Int. R. T., En, 1921 03 Kans. City Ter., 6h 1923 100 Proctor & G., 7s, 1923 113 Proctor G., 7s, 1922 102 Russian Rubles. 6s. 1936. .. .108 Union IVciflc, Cs, 1928 lull Wilson A Co., 6a, 192S...... i7 99 103 100 103 104 99 97 10S 103 103 103 100 102 102 98 102 84 100 106 103 114 103 98 75 30 93 37 84 44 37 61 20 85 82 12 Mont. Power Nev. Copper New York Cen... 4,000 77 N. Y., N. H. A H. 3,800 31 Nor. A Western Nor. Pac 3,800 94 Pacific Mail .... 2,800 37 Pan-Am. Pet. ... 10,000 85-, Pennsylvania .... 6.800 44 P. A W. Va 4,700 37 Pltts.'i Coal 4,000 62 Ray Con. Cop. .. 2,100 20 Reading 64,800 87 Rep. Iron A St... 1,700 83 Shat. Ar. Cop. .. 600 . 12 Sin O R . , So. Pac 26.400 108 107 107 Southern Ry. ... 10,000 31 . 30 30 Stud. Corp 6,800 77 76 76 Texas Co 10,000 235 230 233 Tob. Prod 6,000 89 88 89 Un. Pac 1,300 132 131 132 Un. Cig. Store .. 6,300 133 133 132 U. S. Ind. Al. ... 6,000 151 148 149 U. S. Steel 90,800 99 98 99 U. S. Steel, pfd... 600 115 115 115 Utah Cop 8,100 78 77 77 West. Union 200 88 88 88 West. Elec 88,100 57 65 66 Wlllys-Ov. 17,700 34 34 34 Total -sale for the day, 63,700 shares. 69 16 77 30 109 94 37 84 44 37 52 20 86 82 12 62 New York Bond List. U. S. 2s, reg... 98Gen. Elec. 6s.. 99 U, S. 2s, ecu.. 98 Or. No. 1st 4s 85 U. 8. 3s, reg.. 89 111. Cen. ref. 4s 79 U, S. 3s, cou.. 89 Int. Mr. Ma. 6s 99 U. S. Lib. 3S.98.68K. C. So. rf. 6s 86 U. S. 4s. reg..l06L. A N. un. 4 85 U. S. 4s, com..l06M., K. A T. A. F. Se. 5s. 99 11-16 1st 4s 64 Am. T. A T. Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 61 clt. 6s 91'Mon. Pow. 6.. 91 Ang.-Fr. 6a 97 N. Y. Cen. Ar. A Co. 4. 87 deb. 6s 97 Atch. gen. 4s.. 82No. Pac. 4.... 82 B. A O. cv. 4s 77No. Pac. 3 69 Beth, St. ref. 6s 88 Ore. Short Lino Cen. Leath. 6s.. 96 ref 4s 87 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 79Pac. T. A T. 6s 91 C. A O. cv. 5.. 89Penn. con. 4 94 C, B. A Q , Penn. gen. 4 86 jt. 4s 95Read. gen. 4s.. 83 C, M.- A St. P. St. L. A San 11 ft sr. adj. 68.. eji So. PacY cv. 6s. .108 738o. Ry. 6s.,... 93 l P. 1st.... 90 Un. Pac. 4 86 48U. S. Rub. 6s.. 88 U. S. St. 6 100 17 Wabash 1st .... 95 64 cv 4 Vis C, R. I. A P. Ry. rf. 4s... C. ft So. rf. 4 78T. A P. 1st: D. A R. U. ref 6 .... Dom. of Can, 6 (1931) Erie gen. 4s. Bid. New York Money. New York. May 6. Mercantile Paper 65c; sterling 60-day bills, (4.64; commercial 60-day bills on banks, (4.64; commercial 60-day bills, (4.66; demand, (4.67; cables, (4.68. Francs Demand, (6.14; cables, $6.12. Guilders Demand, 40 l-16c; cables, 40c Lire Demand, $7.62: (fables, $7.60. Mexican Dollars 77 c. Time Loans Strong; 60 day, 10 day and 6 months, $56c. Call Money Weaker; high, 4c; low, 3c; ruling rate, 4c; closing bid, 3e. Offered at 3c; last loan, 3 per cent. New York Cotton. New York. May 5. Cotton closed with the general list closing ateady at a net' advance of I to 1 points. Horvartb Menaced. Vladivostok, May 5. An attempt was made recently on tha life of Lieutenant General Horvath, Rus sian military commander at Har bin. His assailant attacked lim with bombs, but was seized before he had carried out his purpose. Mary H. Tyson and husband to Ar della Roush, 32 it. 120 ft. n. of Lincoln boulevard, e. s. 47.5x120 Und. i ( Anton Remls and wife to Frank Kubln and wife 20 st. 8 ft. n. of U St.. e. s. 50x130 ft Grace Tullinger to Duslne Petersen 65 st. 191 ft. s. of Maple st e, s. 60x128 ft Charles M. Lentz and, wife to Anton P. Koops, 15 st. 215 tt. s. of Spring at., w. b. 57x155 ft Ge'orgo J. Hansen and wife to Gail V. Carson, et al. 32 ave. 313.3 ft. 8. of Jackson st, w. s. 40x120 ft Johanna Lynch to Henry Thomsen. 84 st 99.6 ft. n. of Frances Bt. w. s. 50x135 ft 4,000 United Real Estate & Tr. Co to Frances E. Wilson, X st. 165 ft. e. of 34 ave. s. a. 60x128 ft Orchard Investment Co. to Sara E. West Gruslnger. 60 ave. 80 ft. s. of Wirt St., w. s. 40x120 ft... Barker Co. to Frank W. Swanson. s. e. cor. Oregon Trail and Lafayette ave., irregular piece Christens Dagmar Jensen and hus band to Mary Etta Burke, Web ster St., 150 ft. e. of 30 at. n. s. 60x160 ft 8,000 Bartholomew Real Estate to Frank E. Seeley, s. w. cor . 29 and Fow- , ler ave. 66x60 ft Anna M, Edmunds and husband to Jamc A. Sip and wife, Pratt st. 60 ft. e. of 28 at. n. a. r 0x125 ft 2,950 Minnie H. Gray and husband to Ed gar J. Palmer. 18 st. 240 ft. n. of Manderson st.. w. s. 60x140 ft. 4,200 Albert King and wife to August L. Evers, Pinkney at., 190 ft. w. of 16 St., s. s. 50x124 ft. ....... Kate Mtelke and husband to Chas. B. Schllechner, 17 at. 120 ft. n. of Vinton Bt., eC s. 36x78 ft 1,700 Mary Lynch, ot al, to Michael H. Gentleman, et al. Forest ave 400 ft. e. of 10 at. n. s. 50x130 ft.... 4.600 Bertha Szabbo and husband, s. e. cor. 20 and Devine' James A. O'Connor to Thew and Carley, Inc., Farnam st. 44 ft. e. of 12 St., n. s. 22x133 Und. .. Mary J. Callahan to Thew A Car ley, Inc., Farnam st. 44 ft. e. of 12 St., n. s. 22x132 ft. Emella C. Olson to Ethel Brodkey, Webster St., 206 ft. w. of 33 st. n. s. 42xl59 ft. Albert W. Hallam and wife to Ada May Hoover, Dewev ave. 45 ft. w. of 33 st. n. b. 60x99.35 ft... 5,000 Ada May Hoover and husband to Gertrude M. Smith, Dewey ave., 45 ft. w. of 33 at. n. s. 60x99.15 ft. William H. Small to Jean H. Con away, Burt at., 147.4 ft, e. qf 62 St., s. s. 50x135 ft 800 1,900 3,300 600 4,800 260 330 6,325 3,200 4,600 4,000 7,000 400 6,300 5,250 ' liberty Bond. New York,- May 6. Final price on Liberty bonds today were: 3, (98.61; first 4s, (95.80; second 4s, (94.30; first 4s. (96; second 4, (94.36; third 4s, (95.48; fourth 4 Us, (94.31. Daniels Commends Crew of Destroyer 'Shaw for Courage Washington, May IS. Secretary Daniels has commended 17 members of the crew of the destroyer Shaw for their courage and' devotion to duty at the time of the collision be tween their vessel and tHe Cunrad liner Aquitania last October 9, near the English coast. Two officers and 10 men lost their lives in the acci dent. The Shaw was convoying the Aquitania, and was zig-zagging, as usual, when its steering gear be came disabled. Had it followed its course it probably would have ram med and sunk the Aquitania. Its commanding officer ' ordered full speed astern and thus so changed the Shaw's course as to bring it under the bow of the huge troop ship. Ninety feet of the Shaw's bow was carried away in the collision, but in spite of this, picked men of the crew got the vessel to port with out assistance, but not until the men repeatedly faced death in fighting the ship's magazine. Led by the destroyer Kimberly, the Shaw made Portland. England, under its own steam, although the floor of the engine room was flooded and there was a huge hole in the fire room just aft of where the de stroyer had been cut in two. Merger of Church and Ministerial Bodies Is Nearly Completed The Omaha Ministerial associa tion, at its meeting Monday morn ing, adopted the constitution sub mitted by a committee of seven pro posing to merge the work of the organization with the Omaha Church Federation. The adopted constitution will be submitted to the federation at its annual meet ing on May 13. The Advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his business thereby and the persons who read them profit by the oppor tunities offered. INCORPORATE AK-SAR-BEN AS EXPOSITION CO. Million-Dollar Organization Will Operate West Center Street Grounds for Open Air Activities. . f Aticle of incorporation for the Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition company have been filed in the offices of the county clerk and secretary of state. The articles were signed by the' following members of the board of governors of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bcn: E. Buckingham, Gould Dietz, W. D. Hosford, J. E. David son, Charles L. Saunders, W. R. Wood, C. E. Black, Georije Brandeis and A. P. Guiou, Randall K. Brown, L. C. Nash and John W. Gamble of the board were out of the city at the time the papers were signed. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is $1,000,000, consisting of 10,000 shares at $100 each. The corporation will start business when 1,000 shares shall have been sub scribed. The stock will be sold on the installment plan as follows: 10 per cent on or before July I, 1919: IS per cent on or before October 1 ; 10 per cent on or bfore January 1, 1920; 10 per cent on or before April 1, 1920, and further payments as re quired. State Agents Said To Have Attempted to "Beat Up" Attorney Following the trial of Joe Aber crombie, negro" porter at' the Ed wards hotel, yesterday in pol'cs court on a charge of bootlegging, State Agents Smith, Vogel and Bunker, who testified against the ne gro, attempted, it is said, to carry out a plan, to "beat up" Attorney1 W. M. Jamieson, who defended the prisoner. "Pop him in the eye," Bunker was heard to remark to Smith as the attorney entered the police clerk's office after the negro was fined $100 and costs. , The state agents are alleged to have made a rush at Jamieson, when Attorney Harry Fleharty interfer ed and prevented a fight. Attorney Jamieson declared he would file against the state agents this after noon for attempting to provoke an assault. The tate agents admitted on the witness stand that they took whisky to the Edwards hotel and made the negro porter drunk, after which they prevailed on him to go out and ob tain another, pint. When Aber crombie returned with the liquor he was placed under arrest charged with the illegal possession of intoxi cating liquor. ' , City Drops Complaint Against don or Late Mrs. Happy' Benner The cdmplaint of the city of Oma ha against the Benner-Brown jitney company, organized last week under the management of Van Wyck Ben ner, 15-year-old heir to the bitr estate left by his mother, "Happy" Theodora Van Wyck Benner, was heard in police court yesterday. Van Wvrlf RpntiAi- m tmi rrmr- n rl driver of the company, was arrested Saturday by Motorcycle Policeman Emery on a charge of operating a "jitney" without a driver's license. He was discharged when he prom ised the court to acquire a license if he would continue the business.' ' Fernando Benner, father - of the boy, appeared in court with his son. ."Though I've plenty of money coming to me, nevertheless my friends and I just thought we would start a little before-and-after-school business," he told the court. When arrested Saturday he said the "com pany" intended to establish jitney lines on all principal thoroughfares. Herman Dickson, 610 South Seven teenth avenue, and Boyd BroWn, 3031 W'oolworth avenue, chums of Vn Wyck Benner, collected fares for the "company." 6,000 THE only securities we urgi cur clients to consider at this time are the Notes of the VICTORY LOAN TheNatkmalGty Company Crertondtnt Ofiett l a CHitt Omaha First National Bank Bldf. I Telephone Douglas 8H16 I Facts About Oil Investments How do the old school oil men play the game? By acquiring leases at low prices, close to drilling test wells in geological approved territory, and when oil is struck make fabulous returns on the investment. This same opportunity is now open to you by THE J. C. YANCEY INTERESTS who control thousands of acres in the Steohensville District, Erath County, Texas, and who are now drilling a deep test well. The Yancey Interests now gives you a chance to do what these big, brainy, successful men have done, and with the speculative features reduced to a minimum. , This is not a stock selling or promotion enterprise, but an opportunity to secure an interest in leases on geo logical approved structure at inside prices. SYNDICATE BEING FORMED A Syndicate is now being formed in Omaha for the purpose of acquiring a block of this acreage. Several well-known citizens, after thorough investigation, have already subscribed. This proposition is worthy of your investigation and consideration. The units of subscription are ?100.00 and multiples thereof. , Full particulars regarding this development or any other information pertaining to the Texas Oil Fields will be gladly given by THE J. C. YANCEY INTERESTS Representative. Room 720, Henshaw Hotel, Omaha. D. 2153.