Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
1 :A'' THE BEE: OMAHA; TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1919. Want Ad Rates (Cub With Ordar) la per word. ..i...... an Insertion 4o per word for 8 consecutive Insertions v to par word far each additional Insertion No ads taken for loss than a total f lOo or laa than 10c per day. CHARGE. I2 par Una (count 6 words to line) 1 time to per Una each time, t consecutive times per Una each time, T consecutive times Ts par line eiich 41m e, 30 consecutive limes CARDS! OF THANKS AND - FUNERAL KOT1CKS. 10 par Jlne each Insertion Minimum charge, 60 cents Contract Rates on Application. Tor convenience of advertisers, want ads will be accepted at the following; offices: MAIN OFFICE Bee Bulldtnc Ames Office... 4410 North 20th St. Ika Office 2618 North 84th 8t . Vinton Office.... 346T Bouth ltth St Park Off Ice......... 3616 Leavenworth St. Walnut Office lit North 40th 8t Bouth Side 2318 N St. ... Council Bluffs 14 Main St THE BEE will not be responsible (or more than one Incorrect tnsertlon of an ad vertisement ordered for more than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 18:00 M. Morning Editions 10:00 P. M. - Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. T1NDELL Wm. II. sr., died Saturday morning at Rupert, Idaho. Funeral services will be held at the . Odd Fellows' hall, Benson, under the ausplcea of the Masonlo lodce, Tuesday, 1 p. m. He Is survived by one daugh ter, Agnes Tlndell of OmahaA three sons, ' 'William and Ernest of Omaha, and Al fred of Rupert, Idaho. Interment Forest Lawn. DUFFIELD Mrs Sarah A.. May 4, age 71 years. Funeral services from the residence of her son, Jean P. Duffleld, 6107 Under wood avenue. Wednesday at 2 p. m. In terment Etdon, la. Deceased la sur ; vlved by one daughter, Mrs. C. M. Shaw, Tecumseh, Neb., and two sons, M P. Dufflold, San Diego, Calif., and Jean . P., Omaha. . KOLLE Ellen. May 4, 191. age It years, ' It months and 14 days; daughter of James Kolle of Florence. Funeral Wednesday, May 7, fom Bralley A Dorrance parlors to Knuiiti Memorial church at 2:30 p. in. Iuter- ' ment In Sprlngwell cemetery. GERCKE Christian A., aged 61 yeara. May 4.. lilt. Funeral Wednesday at 1 o'clock at ' family residence, 1713 Canton street, to Danish Lutheran church, Twenty-aecond and Leavenworth streets, at 2 p. m, . Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. - FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ltd and Cuming Eta. " Phone Douglas ' 477. Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone H. 266. Office, 2811 Fa mam. HULSE & RIEPEN ' Pioneer Funeral ' Directors. : TBI S. 16th St. Phone Doug. 1226 TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND KMBALMERS , Telephone Douglas 714. 2212 Cuming St. STACK & FALCONER - Independent Undertakers. fid-Far. H. 400 HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Hoffman quality service costs less 24th and Podge. - Douglas 3t01. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN . "' Undertaker and Embalmer 4H Farnam 8t Harney ttl - FLORISTS. : LEE L. LARMONt.' 1814 Douglas St. Douglas J244 ' JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000s L. Henderson, 161t Farnam. D. 1248. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES THE largeat d'splay of monuments In the United States. FRANK SWOBODA, 1215 8. 130 Phone Douglas 1872-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. v Births Boone and Ruth Kipling, 2214 Sorby street, girl; John and Kline. Rodls, 492 South 2Sd street, girl; C. J. and Catherine Tomltnlelwlca. 2719 B street, irtrl; Jacob and Georgia fjnhaaf, 431 Grant street, girl; Delmer and Lata Cook, hospital girl; Leo and May Kline, 2404 South 13th street, girl; Antonlno and Maria Gulisla, 2749 South 12th street, girl: William and Mary Velich, 6312 South 23d street, boy; R. C. and Minnie Merrltt, 3124 Marcy street, girl; Rudolph and Anna Fisher, 6416 South 23d street, boy. Deaths Emll Raaka, . 45, 4206 South 11th street; Vaclav Novacek, 66, 3332 South I2d street; Mary Kaiser, 66, 3807 Corby street; Sophie Kalodzlekl, 11 months. 4417 South, 32d street; Charles W. Mendenhall, 69, 4220 Cuming street; Frank' Krlha 65. hospital; Walter J. Jardlne, 34, 4248 Burdette street; James A. Hake, 7-8, hospital; Ruth Mary Brown, T months, ' 705 North 18th street) William S. Lutes, 66, hospital; James F. Hainsworth, 66, 6000 Florence boulevard. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following licenses were Issued to wed: . ' Name and Address. Age. Foster Goodett, Omaha,... 24 Mary Davis, Omaha . 21 Conrad Raemussen, Omaha 21 Emily Olson, Omaha.. 1 Joseph A Byrne, Omaha 33 Mary C. Malia, Omaha.... 27 Joe Bombere, Omaha... ...23 Mae Charmoph, Omaha It ' Henry Baschlin, NevJ York, N. T., over 21 Blanche Crable, Lincoln, Neb. .... .over 18 Frank Weiss, "Omaha. . .- 26 - Katherlne Kaleer, Papllllon, Nib 21 ' BUILDING PERMITS. K. A. Baird. 2680 Harvey, brick and re en forced concrete build Ing, 123. 000. SPECIAL NOTICES. DOCTOR E. L. Soukup, Dentist. 4819 hi ' 8o. 24th street. Phone So. 565. LOST FOUJSD -REWARDS. , $10 RE WARP ' Lost Coat linings and trimmings on Benson-Albright, West Leavenworth or "Tark car. Return room 203, Baird Bldg. - Telephone Douglaa 3706. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars, tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re. tore lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA. A CO. BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. YOUNG working man lost black bill fold with name, containing large sum. Liberal - reward. Phone Tyler 3760. Master - Bales Co. LOST A bay mare, weight about 1,400 -lbs. Bald face. If found call Bouth 1181.- 8. Swanson. 4147SW St. LOST Saturday afternoon, downtown, -small mink fur neck piece. Please call Webater 1741. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Furniture and Household Goods. OUR disposition sale of high-class odd piece furniture and rugs Is proving a great success and hundreds of your friends and neighbors are taking advan tage of It You can't afford to over look this great opportunity at savings on bed room, dining room, living room and kitchen furniture. Savings as great as to per cent We take liberty, bonds at par. We pay the freight; we sp ..... elaliie on complete home, iotel and iv rooming house furnishing. STATE FURNITURE CO. Opn. U. P. Bldg. 14th and Podge. FIXTURES" for sale, wall cases, show cases, tablea, chairs, partitions, panels, glass doors, all sizes, meters, fitting rooms, millinery tables, all genuine ma- hogany and oaks. Ty cr 4090-W. WK buy. sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D. 27,24. " GOOD furniture and household goods for sals cheap. Offlca tfesk, same as new. - 2421 Cuming St UPHOLSTERED living-room furniture for a1', cheap. Call Doug. 8997. Pianos and Musical Instruments. ' . JCTfULL line of Columbia phonographs and records In all languages; also a full line of vitanolas and all musical In struments, at 26 per cent off. Wa also repair phonographs. Rlalto Music Shop. t'ICTROLAS, 160 size, golden oak, brand new,' 20 of the latest dobule records, tl00. Rlalto Music Shop, 'lit N. 20th "treet. A:HOSPECO. Z!T,JZ Pianos for rent 84.00 per month. KOR SALE Largest slie mahogany v phonograph, new and cheap. Harney 7008. , . ... , ; ... t Bee Supplies. BEE SUPPLIES " 5RETCHMER MFG. CO.. CO. Bluffs, la. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair sell needles and parts. . MICKEL3 ''' NEBRA8KA CYCLE CO.. Hth and Hamey Sts Doug. 1662. . Typewriters and Supplies. ttr:NT on Oliver Typewriter, thfee months ' for t. Oliver Agency, If OS Farnam . St, City. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Typewriters and Supp'iea. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. NEW AND REBUILT. The mist complete line of Typewriters and Adding Machines" west of Chlcsga. Can furniab any make at most any price you desire to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trade fur your old machine. Every machine guaranteed. See ua before you buy. gENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE!. (Established over 16 yeara) Douglas 4131. ltOt Farnam St REBUILT, lold. rented, repaired. Carbon paper, ribbons and euppllea. Service guaranteed. Try ua. Phone Doug. 6031. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. , 1U1 Nor'B 15tn Bt. TYPEWRITERS all makes, sold, rented and repaired. ' - THE W. N. LOWS COMPANY, 206 8. 18th St. Tel. D. 3961. WE buy, sell snd exchange typewriters, desks snd office furniture. Midland of fice Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge St Tel. Douglsa 2147. " Miscellaneous. CLEAN YOUR . ALFALFA. POCKET GOPHER TRAP. Send me 13 for oue-half doa. Guar, anteed or money refunded. SUCCESS GOPHER TRAP CO.. Harlan. Iowa. HP T"W"K" Pur apple cider In 16-gal-LmxllV io kegg, 60c per gallon. Pure Grape In 16-gallon kegs, 86o gallon. No charge for kega. Returned when emp ty. Porto Beverage Co., 2444 Va Burt St Phone Douglaa 8463. FIXTURES for pale. Fixtures of up-to-date department stors. genuine mahogany partitions, sliilnr room bureaus, pedea tals, railing office partition, millinery table, inlaid linoleum. T. 4090-w. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaea made over In new ticking at half the price of new ones. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. DRY kindling wood.' Acme Box Co.. Har- ney 1837. . - P(V)L TABLF8 T. F "Hall"" Doug." 7406 KINDLING delivered. 33.60 load. Web. 45t. WANTED TO BUY SPOT CASH FOR LIBERTY fcONDS If you have a Liberty boid to sell, see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. TEL. TYLER 4037. Cash la Waiting. - , Hill Investment Co., 642 Securities Bldg. Farnam and 16th. LIBERTY B0NDS will bring the highest market price with us. Also PARTIAL PAYMENT RECEIPTS O NATIONAL BOND COMPANY, , 610 World-Herald Bldg. Tyler 699. 16th and Farnam. LIBERTY BONDS. If you have a Liberty bond to sell, see us. We pay spot cash for all Issues. Also buy partial payment receipts. 3tf M'CAGUE BLDG. N. W. Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. WANT TO BUY HOMES H. A. WOLF CO. MEMBERS OMAHA REAL -ESTATE BOARD. 512 ELECTRIC BLDG. TYLER 85 LIBERTY BONDS Including- partial payment - receipts, bought for cash: Immediate remittance made for bonds senl by mall. LEWIS ,4 CO.. BROKERS, 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. LIBERTY BONDS. We have made arrangements for this week whereby we are able Jo pay higher - prices for Liberty bonds than we or any other firm have heretofore paid. See us and sasve money. , SECURITY INVESTMENT CO. 639 Securltlea (Rose) Bldg. H. DOLGOFF, Furniture and Hardware Furniture, rugs linoleum, Ice boxes, gas stoves, office furniture, show cases, trunks, suit eases, bedding, linen, poultry netting and garden tools. Better goods for lees money Credit If you wish. 1839 47 N. 24th. Web. 1C07. WANTED TO BUY. Watch the dally bond quotations In this paper and get the market price for your Liberty bonds. Come to us E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638-40 .Keellne Bldg. JENKINS. 705 South 16th. will pay best prices for old clothes, shoes. Job lots of all kinds Residence. Douglas 8032. Of fice. Douglas K092. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks: ued desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. WE are In th'j market for an unlimited uuaniuy oi scrap iron, metals, runoer. etc Write for prices. A. Ferer & Sons. 808 Douglas St. WE. pay the highest price for second-hand furniture In good condition. W. M. Frsnklln, 1413 N 24th St. Webster 4206 WANTED To buy 50 car loads country mixed scrap Iron. Communicate with A. B. Alpirn Co., Omaha. HTGH prices paid for clothing, suit cases, bags, old gold and sliver. FRIEDMAN 1211 Douglas Red 7914. WANTED to buy Two small and one large oriental rugs. Glenn W. Smith, Dresner Bros 2217 Farnam. RING HARNEY 1890 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE, RUGS, OR OFFICE EQUIP- MMi run aAi,K. we pay MORE. WE buy waste paper and pay good prices. Phon or writs Omaha Paper niui tv xu., uiiumna lay. WILL buy second-hand clothing, sho-s and furniture. Tyler 2698. A. Zavett. 706 North 16th St. , IF YOU have any second hand clothes can uougiaa 38S5, and get full value. HIGHEST prices paid for men's clothing. fALE buys everything 2d-hand. X)g. 8026. ANNOUNCEMENTS TS BONNET Organ Recital and Sacred Concert, St. Cecilia's Cathedral, May 18. Tickets for Sale at , Sherman & McConnell's five Drug Stores, . , Beaton's Drug Store, Schmoller & Mueller's. 1 Hospe's Music' Store. Mtdweat' Church Goods Co., 582 -Brandets Bldg. Douglas 6691. Tickets, 76 Cents, $1.00 and 8160. HIGHER grade work at cheaper prices on film printing and developing. - Write C McCollough. 6403 So. 38th 8t. for price Hats. DR.. KATHRYN Nikolas announces her removal from 3 2 Bee Bldg, to 606 World-Herald Bldg., May 1 Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON. ' side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons,, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 Brown Bldg. Phone D. 1936. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS. G. U. VanArnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. Slot. Bath and Massage. Miss Fisher, 879 Brandela Theater. Baggage and Express. fffKeOnly Way" ' Omalra Transfer Co. Brass anri Iron foundries. : PAX TON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. Ethel MaJtby, D. C 312 Bee Bldg. D. t072. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Baird Bldg. fc. 8461. f PINOORAPH, DrEdwards, 24th. Farnam. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St. opposite Postofflce. John Feldmsn. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME Learn to dance for 85; class and dance Monday, Thurs day and Saturday. Private lesaona Phone Mr. Keep, D. 2681. or Har. 2792. KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY. 2424 Farnam. Claas and prlv. lessons. D. 7860. Delicatessen. Special salad for sale. Rlalto Delicatessen. Dentists. Taft'a Dental Rma.. 808 Ruse Bldg. D. 2186. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. 0;W. Bldg. Electrical Utilities. . nTTT?KTJK,e,;,1',0 washing machines. lUlHlH1l)fctrill tr,,n, ana reading lamrs. 2223 Cuming St Douglaa 261 9 CAN save you money on electric washe's. vacuum eleanera, etc. None biier. E. Hodge, 24th and Fort Sts. Collax 2164. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lawyers. T. J. M'GUIRE, Lawyer, 6'J8 Om. Nat. OTflce. Tyler 75t.'Res. 8. 3218. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN S&fSSz dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Ll.OYU LONONECKER. 4436 Bo. 12th St Film Developing. Films developed free. Mall orders solicited. T.k! iJOR iv. STTTnTri 607 Be. 07 Be Bldg. -fj u kj x ua-.Av( Bid CAMERA SHOP,m2S3Sr Films developed free. Mall orders solicited. FILMS developed free. Msll orders so licited. THE EN8IGN CO.. 1607 Howard. DEVELOPING and printing. One-day service. Phato Craft Shop. 1408 Farnam. Insuiance. INSURE AGAINST TORNADOES, Accident and Sickness LAWRENSON," f5L0?a Jewelry. DIAMONDSw1thTr.vr.,eg.Mttoprb,uc; back at small profit GROSS JEWELRY CO., 408 N. 16th St Red 6081. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis - eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. ' ' , DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABE'. WESSON. 614 Brandels Bldg. T. 2960. H. 4741. Ozone Inhaling. FORENOONS free, at 113 South 26th. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co.. 582 Brandels. D. 6691. . Printing. Wedding Stationery U, S. Printing Co.t Bee Bldg., Phone D. 1178. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.. 414 8. 13th St. Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD & SON, 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632. Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam. J. J Derlght Safe Co;n SAFES Tajlors. Dledrlck. P. L.. 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432 Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel Supply. 201 So. 11th. Doug. 629L Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery. WEDDDING announcements and printing, Douglaa PrlntlngCp. Tel. Douglas644; BUSINESS ' CHANCES. FOR, SALE Hotel in extra good Nebraska town; easy terms; rented and pays 12 per sent on Investment; for 'urther par ticulars write. J. TL Pleper. Albion, Neb. FOR SALE Fully equipped power black smith shop with an acelytene welding plant Only shop In town. Good busi ness. Reason for selling, poor health. Address Box 54, Phillips, Neb. FIVE-CHAIR barber shop, white enamel; most centrally located In city of 80,000 people, with long time lease. R. O. W , Box 1626. Lincoln, Neb. MR. BAKER, Good proposition to offer. 1186 Ames Ave. DRUG STORE for sale st a discount. Rea son want to retire. Barkl. Erwln. 3. D. FOR SALE Garage, tools and stock. Ben son Auto Shop. 6126 Military Ave. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male THE BEE will publish free a situation, wanted ad under this classiicstion for soldiers, sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In tfce lobby of the Bee building. Seventeenth and Farnam. HONORABLY discharged army officer. 1. mnieu, 1 years university education, wishes position, any kind of work 'which has chance of advancement Best of references. B-56, Bee. SALESMAN Earning 33,000 per years desires change. High-class references and bond fur nished. Will consider office position where sales experience Is desirable. T4nv n in FARMERS, we can furnish you farm hands; wire, write or phone. Savage's Labor Agency, 210 S. 12th St. Dour. 7879. EXPERIENCED colored man for house cleaning. Call Webster 888 evenings. CALL Red 6321 for first class paper hanging. Female RELIABLE colored woman wants Ironing. w.u evenings. weoster 838. (. WANTS ' bundle washing at "home. CaU tt cusier sv.i. WOMAN with girl, 11 year, wants to cook. Call Douglas 7072. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work, washing and Iron- iiiw. hii weoster lzz. w LAUNDRY work, washing and Ironing by rAiJciieiireo laqy. weosier 4448. BUNDLE washing; reasonable: best care. soft water Webster 6949. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Webster 4283. CURTAINS Isundered. 2614 Dodge. Har ney 1130. CURTAINS, blankets, soft water. Wal nut 432. BUNDLE washing and curtains done. Call Webater 3435. DAY work. Call Mrs. L. Jones. Webster 6273. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. THREE young men 18 or over, for1 stock clerks, salary 370. Prefer energetic young men who are looking forward to securing a position as a salesman. Also a good opening at 870 for a young man 18 or over as a stock clerk, wholesale. E MPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY 605 Bee Building. FREE REGISTRATION ON ALL POSI TIONS FROM NOW ON AT THE EM PLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY, 60S BEE BLDG. IF YOU WANT A GOOD POSITION, LEAVE YOUR AP PLICATION WITH US. WANTED Soda dispenser with luncheon ette experience at once; good salary. Becker Drug Co.. Sioux City, la. CASHIER, splendid firm, 390-3100. Posting machine opr., 390-3100. Shipping clerk, 385-290. Floor salesman, must have accessory THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMAN, bldg. material, 3160-6176. salesman. neD. territory, fJZ3-9itu. ftin .or. ' i 1. - r v,., v.1,71 n, fan, icusef vi.m, .. WATTS REF. CO., U88 1st Nat'l. Bank. GOVERNMENT wants railway mall oierks, 392 month. List positions free. Frank lin Institute, Dept 231-P, Rochester, .0. 1. WANTED Names of men wishing to be come Railway mail clerks, 81,100 first year. Apply Box T 463. Omaha Bee. WANTED Stockman. See Collins or Neville. B. F. Goodrich Co., 2t34 Far nam. HEAD BOOKKEEPER, 3124-3150. West ern Reference & Bond Assn. Professions and Trades. COUNTRY printer wanted for general work In an up-to-date shop In north eastern Nebraska. Married man with knowledge of machine preferred, but wlll consider other applications and give ' opportunity to learn machine at spare time. A good live town and pleasant office to work In. State experience and wages wanted.. Address The Verdlgre Citizen, Verdlgre, Neb. WANTED Two sale "mechanics for San Francisco; prefer men with some ex perience on automatic scales; steady position. Box G. Bee office. 742 Mar- ket St., Sans, Francisco. NOTICE CABINET MA.KEKS. Experienced cabinet makers, also good working machine man. Steaay job. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. 11th and Douglas. ' 1 MEN Learn barber trade. Make 326 to 350 per week. Special rates 10 soldiers. Earn while learning. , Moier Barber College. 110 South 14th St PRINTURS wanted, union, steady and permanent employment, no trouble. Address The Hugh Stephens Printing Co.. Jefferson City. Mo. WANTED Jewelers, stone suttors, gold tsnd silver platers, jewelry polishers. 44 hours, af'rr June 1. Addrus iiux Y-491, Omaha Be , HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades WANTED Three flrat-claas painter and paperhangera; steady job for right man guaranteed.' E. A. Eck, Kearney, Neb. WANTED Granite letterer and. carver; good wages and steady job. James Uelea. Hsstlngs,- Keo, WANTED First-class druggist Apply Uenersl Office. Sherman .4 McConnell Drug Co.. 3d floor. 19th and Farnam St WANTED Good paper cutter. 326 per week. San Antonio Paper Co., San Antonio. Tex. MAN WANTED for all around work In drug store. Apply 32d and Arbor Sts., A. J. Kearney. r WANTED AT ONCE Oranite letterer. The Cherokee Monument Works. START RIGHT Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Service Menpne-half rate VEST, coat and pants maker, pressers snd helpira. Dfahui- Bros.. 2217 Farnam. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment Box 41408 Bee WANTED First-class painters and paper hangers. 2803 Cuming straet. WANTED at once, an experienced baker. E. A. Manhall. Stanton, Neb. PAPER hanger wanted at 2611 Franklin St. Web. 4025. Wanted at once. WANTED Girl to learn kodak finishing. Kase Studio, Neville Blk. Salesmen and Solicitors STOCK SALESMAN - Reliable established dividend paying tire company needs a few good salesmen. Life leads furnished. Strong backing from the office. Good commission. Call or write, 600 Bee Bldg: HAVE OPENING FOR TWO SALESMEN IN SOUTH DAKOTA AND NEBRASKA. TODD PROTECTOGRAPH CO., 430 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. SALESMAN to sell nil lots which gives everybody a) good Investment. Con make big money. One salesman's com. over 33,000 In 4 weeks. Call at 622 Paxton Bldjr., Omaha. Neb. ' AUTOMOBILE TIRE SALESMEN granted. 6,000 mile guaranteed tire. Commission basis. Will make wonderful side-line. Willis Tire & Rubber Company, Min neapolis, Minn. MEN Two, live, city or road, on well advertised product; 830 per week to start. See Mr. Whitman, 312 Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas Sts., 8 to 10:30 a. m. TRAVELING salesman; established mer cantile line, experience unnecesaary, pre liminary training given, 3100-3125 and expenses. Western Reference & Bond Assn. SALESMAN To handle our goods as side line on commission. Good sellers. Apply JENSEN-OMAHA TOY CO.. Omaha. SOLICITORS wanted; good pay. Apply .106 No. 16th St Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Refined, educated woman, over 26, to sell a high-class, well known line of toilet preparations to drug stores, department stores and beauty parlors In Omaha and Lincoln, and to appoint women agents in smaller adjacent towns. Moderate salary to begin, with expenses and commissions. Permanent territory to one who can make good. . A real opportunity to make a splendid Income. Intelligence and an engaging personality more essential than ex perience. Highest references required Address, Gervalsa Graham, 25 W. Illinois street. Chicago. - Trade Schools. AUT.O SCHOOL Electrical work a a pe dal ty. Free catalog. National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha. Boys. WANTED BOY, OVER 16, TO LEARN LINOTYPE MACHIN IST TRADE. MUST SHOW IN CLINATION FOR THAT KIND OF WORK AND LIVE AT HOME. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. AP PLY THE BEE, COMPOSING ROOM. REAL BOY, 16, nnder 6 ft. 6, to travel with Invalid as attendant, clothes, ex penses and smalt salary. Get a travel education. See Chicago, Washington, Nanr York and other eastern cities this summer. Florida next winter. Mr. Hub- ( bard. Loyal. Hotel. WANTED Boy on South "Dakota farm and ranch, 12. years or older. Good home and school. State? age, experience and wages expected. Write fully. We have no children. Would adopt one or more boys. Address Y-491, Omaha Bee. Office Boy, good future, 340 to start Errand Boy, good future, 345 to start. Errand Boy, good future, 350 to start. Office Boy, good future, 345 to start, EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY 605 Bee Building. FREE REGISTRATION ON ALL POSI TIONS FROM NOW ON AT THE EM PLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY, 605 BEE BLDG. IF YOU WANT A GOOT9 POSITION, LEAVE YOUR AP PLICATION WITH US. BOY WANTED over 17 to learn making sample cases Kn6 trunks. Must be willing worker. Wages to start, 810 a week. Frelling & Steinle. 1803 Farnam St. OFFICE boy, a splendid opportunity for the right boy. Employes Reference Co., 605 Bee Bldg. . Miscellaneous. WANTED COMMON LABORERS. FIFTY CENTS PER HOUR. TEN HOURS WORK, PAY ELEVEN HOURS. MIDLAND PACKING COMPANY. FARMER wanted next October, must be married man with farm knowledge, will ing to work. State fully of your exper ience, age family, and reference. Box B-84. WANT man with few hundred dollars and his services In good money-making bus iness. You can draw salary of $37.60 per week and share in profits. Address Box D-7, Bee. POSITIONS, locations, etc.. for druggists, dentists, doctors, nurses, veterinarians F. V. Knlest, 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. ROOM, pleaRnnt home to elderly, refined man for assisting with yard evenings. Box D-19. WANTED Colored man for hall racker. C. C. C Billiard Parlor, 1511 Harney. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Stores and Offices A GOOD savings teller for a city bank. This Is an unusual opportunity for a good live wide awake man. The work will be more of a supervising and bulld- - up than mere clerical work. To the right man, equitable compensation will be paid. The right man may not aee this advertisement, so if you know him, tell him. All answers will be opened by an officer of the bank and be kept strictly confidential. Address, Mrs. Stevens (Private Secretary), 624 North 24th St. Apt. 3. EXPERIENCED P. B. X. Operator and Office Clerk. Salary to start, 366. Ex perienced atenographer about 25 years of age who has had varied office ex perience, to handle complaint depart ment, $90-3100. Combination office clerk and comprometer operator, down-town office, 365 up. Experienced office clerk, 360 to start. E MPLOYER'S REFERENCE COMPANY 605 Bee Building. STENOGRAPHERS $100, $85 and $75. Typist and Clerk, $65. Bookkeeper, ITS. Beginner Stenographer, $55 to $65. Beginner Comptometer Operator $45 to $50. BUSINE8S MEN'S REF. ASSN. 1307 W. O. W. Bldg BKKPR., uptown, $86-$90; bkkpr., whl.. $90-$95; steno., nice office, $75-$80; comptometer opr., $65; office clerks, $50-$t5: multigraph opr., $60-$65. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $110, $9C, $90, $85, $80, $75, $65. Dictaphone operator, $80. Comptometer, $65. Girls 17 to 19 yeara I . of age to learn trade, $35. STENOGRAPHER Automobile supply house, $90. Western Reference Bond Assn. GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT, $66. Western Reference & Bond Assn. H ousehold and Domestic. COOK WANTED. Experienced white lady cook, for cafe; must be A No. 1; wages $16, room and board. W. W. HOCK EN BERRY, OAK LAND, IOWA. YOUNG girl for light housework In family of two: no washing; ' liberal hours. Phone, Benson 393-W or call 6640 Ohio street. EXPERIENCED white girl . for general housework In 'modern apartment; no laundry; good wages. Mrs. R. S. Hall. Harney 3i2. WANTED A girl for-general bouse work; no washing on Ironing: 345 a month, board and room. 8868 Cass.'" WANTED Cook, atao girl for Second . work. 101. South 49th Street. Telephone Walnut 3T.4. A COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Call Hurney U76. 3224 Dodge street IELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. GIRL tor rooking and to assist second girl In housework. Mrs. A. W. Gordon, 1016 South 38th street COMPETENT white girl for general housework. Good wages. Doug. 231. v Professions and Trades. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY LEARN TELEPHONE OPERATING. PER MANENT POSITIONS THE WORK IS CLEAN, IN TERESTING AND IMPORT ANT. OFFERS MANY OP PORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT. STEADY EM PLOYMENT IN HEALTHFUL SURROUNDINGS. Good salary to start and frequent In creases at regular Intervals. VACATIONS GIVEN EACH YEAR WITH PAY. -- . YOUNG WOMEN. IT YEARS OF AGE OR OVER. APPLY TO C. F. LAMBERT- NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMUANY. ROOM 613, NEW TELE PHONE . BUILDING. NINETEENTH AID DOUGLAS STREETS. GIRLS wanted. .Envelope department Carpenter Paper Co.. 9th and Harney. Hotels and Restaurants. WOMAN capable of managing and buying for small restaurant, operated for em ployes of an Industrial plant State sal ary and experience. Write Box D-30, Omaha Bee. WANTED An experienced white woman cook for an Institution, must be first class, good wages, references required. Phone H. 4325. WANTED Experienced scrub maid, one who understands chambermaid work. Clatrmont Inn. Douglas 2735. WHITE WOMAN dishwasher. Omaha club. 20th and Douglaa sts. Miscellaneous. PAPER box fancy' table workers and ma chine operators. Steady work, state wages expected and amount of experi ence you have had. The Dellne Manu facturlng Company. Denver, Colo. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. Men andWomen , WANTED AT HOTEL FONTENELLE FOR DISH WASHING. SILVER ' AND GLASS WASHING AND PREPARING VEGETABLES. ' WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St Trl-City Barber College. Phone D. 2147. LADIES and gentlemen to represent the Chautauqua Desk Equipment for chil dren. Highly endorsed. Sells evary where. Large profits. Box E-34. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotypy, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phvjne Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated ca logue. Address. BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. MEN WANTED to learn the tire repair and retreading trade In one of the nos': up-to-date repair shops. Three weeks tuition $25. Clyde Eller. Instructor, for merly wjth National Auto Training School. NATIONAL TIRE SHOP. 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. uougias bnyi). LEARN Mosher shorthand and typewrit ing. Day and night classes. Omaha Shorthand College. Be4 Bldg.. D. 6528. Piano Instruction. MARINUS BpURICIUS Thorough piano Instruction; modern methods. Room 18. Arlington Blk.. 1511 Dodge. Doug. 2471. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio, phone Red 185. 209 Sfluth 15th St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ONE large room with bath adjoining. ouumeasi. exposure, lacing Hanscom park. For further particulars call 3120 Woolworth Ave. Phone Harney 5468. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, 2106 No. 15th St Call or phone Web. 3979. after 5 p. m.) week days. 1112 SOUTH 31ST, large east front room, on car line. Harney 1044. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, in private home. Lady preferred. Harney: 684. TWO furnished rooms for men or women employed. 216 North 25th. FURNISHED room for two working peo ple; breakfast if desired. Colfax 1186. Housekeepii.g Rooms. 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping In private family. Mod ' em; rent reasonable. -4115 No. 24th St. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms. 2012 North 18th. Web. 802. Board and Rooms. Excellent Meals. . Can accommodate a few extra people at my table. Will be appreciated by those whd like home cooking. Rates reasonable. 424 Park Ave. Harney 3730. ROOM and board In private family; rate reasonable. Webster .2163. Hotels. HEATED rooms $2.60 week. Apartments with kitchenette. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. NEAR 24th and Harney, 3-room apart ment, all furinlshed; high-class proposl tion; $55. Call Doug,, 1734, days. North. ONE 4-room brick flat, also one 3-room partly furnished; one 7-room. Telephone, Webster 1640. 3-ROOM cottage for colored. 1629 V4 N. 21st St. Red 682. North. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment n.anagei.ient. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 729. Miscellaneous. CREIGH SONS & CO., HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Doug.200. 600Bee Bldg. BIRKETT 7 CO. Care of property and Insurance. 260 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. THE furniture in, one at Omaha's best otA-.uvui ..1 iiuBiiiB wicn iransieraoie lease for sale. Call Harney VY6. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses WANTED Five or Blx-room residence or apartment. Call Valnut 623. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT A 4 or 6-room mod ern bungalow, moderately furnished, with garage If possible. Address Box D 28. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. GOOD store rooms, 15th and Douglaa Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY! hnone Douglas 5342 713 SOUTH 24TH ST?., 24x21, lis! 3106 Sherman Ave,, 14x60, $20. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY storage CO., 16th AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE" COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS WE haul furniture, light and heavy haullns. Live stock hauling a specialty CALDWELL TRANS. CO.. Office Tjler 679. Res., Douglaa 813L V MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service to hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or D. 4333. outo or Wagon service. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for hnusetold goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. ' ' OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 806.8. 16th. . Douglas 4168. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1606 Davenport. Doug. 2908. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED.' West. 9-R00M HOUSE, ,WEST. Comparatively new home, well built, well kept up; large living room with beam ceilings; ' attractive dining room with sun room opening off from It; un usually roomy pantry and compact kitchen. Four sleeping rooms and sleep ing porch on second floor and 3 rejourn finished on third. Priced at 17,600 for juick sale. Has garage with driveway. On quiet street In West Farnam dis trict, a block and half from car. Can be seen by appointment. HARRISON MORTON 916 Nat.onal Bank Bldg. D. 314. Close to Creighton College 2885 Chicago St. An exceedingly well built home, with living room and dining room all finished In oak; two good-sized bedrooms, kitch en and bath all on one floor, with ample room for two good-sized rooms on the second floor If desired. Dandy full ce mented basement with splendid hot air furnace. Paving all paid. Look It over on the outside and If Interested call Ty ler 50-and ask for Clare Nelson. This Is a dandy place for 13,750; cash re quired, 11,750. , Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. $250 CASH. Will give you Immediate possession of a brand new five-room bungalow In good neighborhood, one block from car. It Is newly arranged and finished throughout with built-in bookcases; good, large lot. Call Colfax 3917. WE have piana and specifications for several good homes In Lockwood and Dundee Heights, to be built at once. 80a us. Shuler A Cary. Realtors, 804 Keellne Bldg. FOR SALE Five-room modern cottsge, Leavenworth Heights location. Walnut 2686. Owner. North. NEW STUCCO HOUSE. N. E. corner 36th Ave, and Davenport; on a 67-foot lot with driveway to garage on north side of house. House li full two-story and attic; It Is an unusually good Job of stucco on outside and the Interior finish Is the same high-class work; light fixtures and decorating will be completed In another week. Dandy little sun-room or den opening off the llvlTlg room; dining room and kitchen with latest built-in features; three large sleeping rooms, all airy and light. Price $7,600, with decorating completed. All street Improvements are paid ln full. Ask for our plat with prices of lots left in this location. We are offering the unsold lots In this addition at prices made to clean them up- quickly. Three sold this week. Only eleven left. Several new houses going In there soon. HARRISON & MORTON 916 Om. Nat. BK. Bldg. Doug. 314. - ONE-HALF ACRE, 4-ROOM COTTAGE, WEST OF MILLER PARK $2,650. s Beautiful half acre Improved with a 4-room cottage In fine repair, ht bear ing fruit trees, nice lawn and sr-rubbery. '2 block to boulevard, 1 block to school High and sightly location. Fenced. Reasonable terms. J. L. HIATT CO., Qfln FIRST NATIONAL PHONE CO t7vv rank inn Tvim Uu TYLER 41ST & DAVENPORT. Good 7-room house, and reception hall, 4 bedrooms, cellar, fine heating plant, 60 foot lot, east front, paved street, ex cellent location; price, $6,850. For terms pee S. P. BOST WICK & SON, 300 Boe Bldg. Phone. H. 2S29 or T. 1606. 6-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. Reception hall, living room, dining . room and kitchen on first floor, three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; - full basement, a very nice home at 2525 Templeton St., lot, 60x132, with a gar age, for $4,000. W. H. GATES. 647 Om. Nat, Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. 1 DANDY SIX-ROOM. South front on Evan St., near 27th., one of the finest locations on the North Hide; 6 fine, large rooms; 3 rooms In first floor; three large bedrooms and bath on second floor. House Is In ex cellent condition; fine lot, paving paid. Well worth the price $5,600. For further Information call Walnut 1580. 20TH AND OHIO. A dandy 6-room house, modern except furnace, fair sized lot paved street, renting $18. Price $2,100; about $500 cash. RASP BROS.. REALTORS. ' 210-12-14 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. SIX-ROOM HOUSE READY TO MOVE INTO. 2-story, all modern house In good condition, now vacant; large corner lot; price $3,409, on easy payments. 2324 Ruggles St. Red 682 or Tyler 1812-J. $1,000 BUYS this until May 16; terms, small house, all furnished; two big lots, fruit, garden and chicken yard; well fenced. 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. 31193, Web. 2339. FOR SALE BY OWNER 7-room house In Bemls park. AH mod ern. Reasonable terms. Inquire 323 N. 37 th St. 4-ROOM house on Spuulding St. Price $1,600 for quick sale. Terms. Also 7 room modern, 3720 N. 27th, $3,000; terms. Call Howard Sheets. Hotel Loyal. LIST your property with J. J. MULVIHILL, 500 Brandels Theater Bldg. Ph. D. 96. t?OR RENT AN") SALE HOUSES. COTTAGES APARTMENTS AMRRICAN SECURITY CO. . 202 8. 17th 8t Douglas 6013. COMFORTABLE home of 8 rooms, loca tlon most desirable. 2014 Emmet . Would consider trade for smaller borne. Web. 1658. ... - MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler l7. LEAVING CITY, will sell my modern 6 room house to first reasonable bidder. 2716 Pratt St. . NEW, up-to-date. 6 rooms, oak finish, fine location; price,' $5,250: terms; location 611 N 47th St. Morris A Norrls. D. 427 6-ROOM, new, ail modern house, quarter oak floors all over; fine location; largo lot: will take In car. Walnut 469, eve nings. FOR SALE By owner, 6-room, modern house, on West Ames car line, Web ster 15S1. Young & doherty. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 332 BRANDEI8 THEATER. D. 1571. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, 81.00 A WEEK buys fine garden tract, 47x182; only 2 blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street: high and sightly, black soil; prices $i and 8340. THE BTRON REED CO.. 1612 Farnam. " Douglaa 297. "Hanscom Park District For Sole My 8-room modern borne; hardwood floors, hot water heat, barn and cistern. Located at 2606 Popple- ton avenue. Phone llarnet 474. NEARHanscom park. ?-r. house, on large corner lot. with garage and ahed for storage. J. W. Robblns. Douglas 629. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED. Miscellaneous DELIGHTFUL HOME BEAUTIFUL LARGE LOT AND DOUBLE GARAGE. This Is the first time this en lovable onie has been offerari It l a Urae lot 64x133 with lota of fruit, flowers and shrubbery and a fine double aarace with cement drive. House la not new, but Is In excellent condition, with; parlor, large den. dining room, kllchon and sun room wm first floor and three roomy bedrooms and bath on second floor. Furnace Is equipped with oil burner or grates for coal either one. Tnla property must be seen In the Inside to be appreciated. Call at No 2413 Bristol street and li owner will show you through. Price $4,600 on desirable terms, about .11,000 cash, bal ance monthly. Don't fall to see us If In terested. PAYNE & SLATER CO., SOLE AGENTS. 616 Omaha Natl. Bank.. Doug. 1016. $3,800 BARGAIN. 6-room, all modern bungalows extra large rooms; well built and nicely fin ished; good location, close to car and school. A dandy place for tha money. Shown by appointment. Call Walnut 1680. FIVE-room stucco, oak floors throughout, oak and white finish. Fin lo cation. Price, $4,600 or terms. BENSON A CARMIOHAEL' Doug. 1724. 642 Paxton Block. DANDY 6-room, modern house and either 2. 6 or 7 lots, very desirable and close to car and paved street Call Mr, Browne. Tyler 4316. Inter-State Realty Co., 2520 Farnam Ht . BRAND new oak- bungalow, $360 cash and $35 per month. Completely modern and nice location. Price, $3,850. ' Call days, Douglas 1734. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENTS. Leavenworth St., Capitol ave.. Cuming It PAYNE SLATER COMPANY. D. 1016. BARGAINS In homes. Investments prop erties nd acreage near Omaha. Harri son A Morton, 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR SALE 8-room apartment, beautifully furnished, on car Una and walking dis tance to town Phone, Douglaa 6760. LIST your property with Shrlver for quick returns. 1047 O, N. B. Bldg. REAL ESTATE-Busincsg Property BUSINESS- property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY A SON. 420 First National Bsnk Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 16 3-ROOM frame flats, 160x140, debt 13,000. equity 85.000. Submit offer. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 664. tEAL ESTATE. UNIMPROVED. North. 14 LOTS. In Creston annex, exlendi from 30th to 88 th on north side of Davenport. PRICE TO SELL 11,050 and up.' CONTRACT ORS TAKE NOTICE FIR8T COME, FIRST SERVED. HARRISON & MORTON I6 OmahaV'at'I. Dong. 814. Miscellaneous. BUILD NOW. 28 good building lots, with all Im provements. Prices from 1406 to 1900. Can give terms. Douglas 6886. . TRAVER BROS., ' tit First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE CLASSY STUCCO BUNGALOW. Six rooms, new and all on one floor; finished throughout In ivory and white enamel; has large living room with beautiful fireplace and bookcases; sun room, dining room, kitchen with built-in cupboards and 56-tn. one-piece sink. Has two wonderful bedrooms, both havlnga tour windows each with south, east snd west exposures. Plenty of wall plugs, etc. Beautifully decorated. Full base ment with gravity bin and fruit room. Garage Is 12x18 with drain, 6-ln solid concrete drive. House built for a home, must be seen to be appreciated. GLOVER & SPAIN, 919-20 City Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 3962. WE specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. Stuht Co., 914 City Nat'l. Douglas 8787. , South Side. JA& J. FITZGERALD, 4931 South 24th St. "Insurance." Buy and sell property. Real estate mortgage loans promptly made. A. W. JONES, South Omaha, buys, sells, exchanges all kinds of property. For results, quick action, see us. REAL ESTATE WANTED. BUNGALOWS WANTED We have aah buyers fr vsll locsted bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY. 632-6 Brandets Theater Bldg Tel. Tyler 1024. I HAVE a man who will buy your un proved property and pay cash for It but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES, REALTOR, 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1946. HAVE INQUIRIES for good homes ' In good location Do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. GRIM MEL. 849 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. FOR quick results list your property with S. P. BOSTWICK SON. 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1606. FOR quick sales, list your property with W. O. SH RIVER. 1047-t Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1636 LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick sales. 442 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 809" IF YOUR PROPERTY la for sale or rent, list It with AFRO-AMERICAN REAL TY CO.. 2706 Lake. Webster 640.. WE have buyers for good homes. List your property with us. Call Doug. 46. P. V. Sholes Co., 915 City Nat'l. FINANCIAL. Private Money SHOPENA COMPANY. Doug. 4228. 3100 to 310,000 MADE promptly F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Bee Want Ads pay big profits to the people who read them. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. CONVERT that Installment loan on your homo Into a straight flve-vear mortgage and avoid those monthly payments. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. WANT listing on ycur property. Have buyers. Eugene Thomas, 413 Karbach Blk.. Douglas 8607. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. CITY and farm loans; 6 and 6 per cent; no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 418 Keellne Bldg. FARM AND CITY LOANS. PAUL PETERSON. 366 Brandels Theater. Phone Doug. 1805. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. UKAHAU, ' 604 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1623., LOW rates without delay. C. G. CARLBERG, 912 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEKE REAL ESTATE CO., 1026 Omaha Natl.v.Bk. Bldg. D. 271 S. FARM AND RANCH LANDST Acreage. ACRES NEAR OMAHA. I acres Just off tha Military road (paved), about a mile from center of Benson. This was planted to fruit and hade trees about 4 years ago by a prac tical former, who expected to retire on it later. It is sightly and trees ready to bear. A bargain for a family who would build a horn there. Only 83,(00. 10 acres' between Benson and Fair acres, on the main 70th street road aad on the road west from south side "of Country club, $800 per acre, 14 acres on tlfth St. road, half way between Center St. and L St., $500 per acre. 60 acres on West ' Dodge St., very sightly, with 8-room modern new house and farm buildings, 330,000. , HARRISON & MORTON 816 O. N. B. Bldg. Tel. D. 314. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Land. 1 MAY 6TH. Bur next round trip 130 excursion ta UoGebee, Ark. For homeseekers only, W. & FRANK, 101 Neville Blk.. Omaha. California Lands. FOR SALE A fine ranch of sight acret In Orange county, California. Write for price and description. E, O. Stone, Westminster. Cal. Box 2. Colorado Lands. GOOD FARM FOR SALB." . If you want to buy a good farm clou to Haxtun, Colo., write owner, John A. Berg, Box 116, Haxtun, Colo. CHOICE Imp. or raw quarter, talf sec. or larger, Lincoln Co.. bargains; foi terms. J. L Maurer. Arriba. Colo. Iowa Lands. IOWA FARM 1150 per acre. 116 acres 16 miles from Council Bluffs on good road, near rail road station. About 66 acres level fann land; I or 8 acres alfalfa; 37 acres pas ture. Good 6-room house with large sleeping porch. Good barn. Watet works. This seems to be a cheap farm McGEE RIAL ESTATE CO. . 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la Kansas Lands. 640-ACRE Improved ranch, running water, 313.60 per acre; large open range adjoining. J. B. Cramer, Dlghton. Kan, Montana Lands. FOR SALE Ideal stock and hay ranch for sale. Joins a good rattle range. Write Mi R. Ayers. owner. Divide. Mont. Minnesota Lands. 200-ACRE Improved farm adjoining town - In Minnesota corn belt. Mas good house, large barn, other buildings. Land all cultivated. Price, $110 per acre, Farmers Land company. Palace Bldg., . Minneapolis, Minn, Nebraska Lands. 2,000 a5res Sheridan county; 10 miles south of Gordon; 8 miles Niobrara river front age; 1,000 acres best farm land; balance best of pasture; with timber along river and In two large draws. Priced much below anything else offered In this county. S. S. A R. B. MONTGOMERT. 218 City Nat. Bk, Bldg. Omaha, "eb. A FEW hundred dollars Invested today may mean many thousands to you In . tha Hear future, If Invested In and around Crawford, Dawes county. Neb. Crawford la the hub of the great north west. All smart men have their eye on Crawford today. Come to Crawford and get a foothold while there la yet time. -Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. 5-SECTION RANCH. Lincoln county. Neb., t tnllea from Sutherland on the main Una of tha U. P. Ry. Land blocked solid. 400 acres 'good farm land. Will glva good terms on sale. Write owner for Information. JOHN W. BAUGHMAN. LIBERAL, KAN. 1,800 ACRES Improved ranch, 6 miles to tores and post office, 12 miles of rail road; springs In all pastures; a bargain, $16 per acre. P. L. Spencer, Reding ton Neb. FOR SALE 640 acres of land In west ern Nebraska, 120 acres broke, good Improvements, pssture land adjoining. Address T. M. Halloran, R. 0, Paxton, Neb. FOR SALE Five sections, fenced, living water: 1,000 acres tillable; lone (rasa pasture. A real stock and grain propo sition. J. R. Carter. Buib ell. Neb KIMBALL County. Neb., Laramie county, Wyoming, farm land; particulars from C. V. NELSON. 616 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. 220 ACRES Improved: western Nebraska wheat farm at 311.800. A mighty good buy. C. D. Armstrong. 325-6 Securltlea Bldg. Douglas 1280. GOOD western Nebraska. 60 acres In wheat One-third crop goes to pur chaser. 840 per acre. C. D. Arm strong, Realtor, 326-6 Securltlea Bldg. WRITE n.e for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good' old Dawes county. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. IMBAOVED and unimproved wheat forms. Kimball Co., Nebraska R- E. Holmes. Hojm Bushnell Neb. MERRICK COUNTY, Improved corn and alfalfa (aims at the right price. M. A. LARSOM Central City. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 301 Karbach Blk. Tyler 884. North Dakota Lands. SEE my farm homes In Red River Valley, eastern North. Dakota and Clay county, Minnesota, before locating. Writs Her bert Hodge. Fargo, N. D. Oregon Lands. JORDAN VALLEY. Oregon, offers you a home In the land of sunshine, where conditions are right for raising alfalfa and ca'il?. Add'es , Jordan Valley Farms, Boise Idaho. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a., Including paid up water right. Hemy Levi A C. M. Rylander. 854 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. A SNAP IN TENNESSEE. Will sell or trade l.'0-acie farm, 30 acres under plow, crops In st.d go with place, fenced and cross - fenced, a fine woods pasture; will sell for 840 per acre. For further Information address Lewis Hotchklss, 517 Parker St.,' Ben son, Neb. 1.440-ACRE ranch, good Improvements, for smaller farm. A. W. Tolland Co., 594 Brandela Bldg. Call Douglas 707. FARM LANDS FOR RENT. PASTURE LAND. Fvo room ' on good pasture land foi a hundred head of tattle. For prlM and further particulars see Held Land Co., 664 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 9H6. FARM LANDS WANTED. WANT to buy 80 to 160 acres eastern Ne braska or western Iowa. Must be I bargain. F. M. MICHAEL COMPANY, 610 Electric Bldg. Omaha. Neb. Wn, will sell your farm; timely sales; , quick returns. Held Land Co., 664 AUTOMOBILES FORDS FORDS DRIVE YOURSELF TOURING 1fl PER ROADSTERS AU- MILE TRUCKS CARS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Melcher Service Co., 1516 LEAVENWORTH. DOUO. 48t. REPUBLIC 2-ton truck, one year old, re built and painted, new tires, real bar gain. Republic, 1-ton, rebuilt, newly painted, real bargain, $800." Ford with one-ton Smltlr attachment, almost new, $260, with cab. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 14th and Jackson. ' RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING FROM ACCIDENT. , ' 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO.. DOUO. 8622. 1314 HOWARD 1918 FORD SEDAN Wire wheels, electric starter: fine condition. NEB. BUICK AUT(5 CO, 29th and Howard Sts. Tyler 1768, OPPORTUNITY to buy two practically new ltli model Hupmoblls touring cars at bargain fig ures. See .E. H. SCRIPPS, Phone D-6486. 3525 Farnam St. tTfllrr, r.Da 1 Ford touring car, 1117 3350 60 ? Oldsmoblle trucks, 1 ton... 800.00 1 Maxwell sedan. 1917 300 00 1 Bulck sedan 350 06 1 Mitchell touring. 1916 250 06 I Overland touring, 1917 400 00 1 Mitchell roadster, 1916 200 00 1 Hupp-20 roadster, a snap 360 00 Auto Repair Shop, for sale or trade. ..h00' Auto V'"rta Supplies. 1511 Davenport St Phone D. ml. 1918 savsn-paasenger Bulck touring car, , lrl.( eiasa condition, n,w hatnt.,4 A t. i NEB. BUICK AUTO CO. Tyler 176" ltth and Howard j a I IS 1 r v A lSjtWitr0!