Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1919, Image 1

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SELL FOR $750,000.
St Louis, Mo., May 5. More
than 350,000 Australian pelts were
sold on the international fur ex
change today for approximately
1750,000. Sales at the morning ses
sion aggregated $933,000, bringing
total sales to-date to $6,450,000.
A lot of 36,000 Wallaby from
Australia brought $70,000; 50,000
Australian ringtail opossum
dressed to imitate seal, sold for
$51,050, and 260,000 Australian opos
sum sold for $1.75 to $5.50 a pelt.
Seventy-five - thousand nutria skins
from South America were auctioned
for a total of $148,844.
" The official market announcement
recorded the following advances:
Patagonian fox, 10 per cent; Ar
gentine fox, 20 per cent;, Wallaby,
15 per cent; Australian ringtail opos
sum, 60 per cent; Australian opos
sum, 50 per cent.
New York, May 5. The end of
the war has resulted in renewal of
commercial swindling on a large
scale, the National Association of
Credit Men declared tonight in an
nouncing resumption of its country
wide campaign against "professional
debtorsSvho make large purchases
and then go into bankruptcy.
Credit men are not as cautious as
they were up to the signing of the
armistice, the, report said, and warn
ing is sounded to its 28,000 members
to Be especially careful at this time
in obtaining credits.
Chicago, May 5. The personal
fortune of the late Mrs. Potter
Palmer, for many years a social
leader in Chicago and active in vari
ous national women's organizations
was placed at $925,000 in the inven
tory of her estate filed for probate
today. .
Of this amount, $250,000 is in per
sonal property, and $675,000 in Chi
cago real estate. ...
The estate of Potter Palmer, esti
mated at $15,000,000 to $20,000,000.
is not involved, as it was left in
trust, continued by Mrs. Palmer.-
Twenty-nine pieces of jewelry,
valued at $81,650. are listed among
Mrs. Palmer's personal effects.
New York, May 5. The one-millionth
man of the American expe
ditionary, force will embark for
said today on his arrival here from
France aboard the transport George
Washington. The homeward move
ment of troops, Mr. Baker said, is
progressing in a most satisfactory
manner, and he added that the
300,000-a-month mark would be
reached in June. i
Secretary Baker left here April 7,
accompanied by Warren Peishing,
General Pershing's only son. He
visited various points in ' France,
where American - troops are fluar
tered, going also to the German
line, where he reviewed the third
army. Speaking briefly of his visit,
Secretary Baker said:
"The American army abroad is in
splendid condition. The third army,
which I inspected on the German
frontier, is beyond doubt the best
equipped army in the world. It is
everything that an army should be
in all its departments.
"The men are anxious to get home
and we are moving them as rapidly
as possible. I expect to see the
300,000-a-month mark reached in
June, and the one-millionth man will
embark for home next week."
Secretary Baker said he visited
but one embarkation camp that at
Brest. "Its condition is simply
ideal," he asserted, "and you can get
the same expression from any
doughboy on this ship. I did not
see any of the others, but am in
formed that the same good condi
tion prevails at all."
New York, May 5. New York ex
perienced the first real summer
weather of 1919 today when official
thermometers at the United States
weather bureau touched 86 degrees,
and four heat prostrations were re
ported. Hundreds of straw hats and
Palm Beach suits appeared on the
streets, to emphasize the summery
. nature of what the weather bureau
reported ,waa the hottest May 5 in
the history of the city.
Baby Number Ten
Is Left in Nursery
of Brandeis Stores
Pretty little blue-eyed "Baby No.
10" was brougfct to Central station
last night after lie apparently had
been abandoned in the Brandeis
Stores, nursery. Baby No. 10 is
about a month old.
Baby No. 10 was checked into the
nursery early yesterday afternoon.
When at closing time' last night the
mother had not yet called for her
baby, No. 10 was turned over to
the police.
That he was a young man of
more than ordinary lineage was evi
dent in the finery in which he was
attired. Blue and white blankets,
blue and white bootees and a little
blue and white hood of silk and a
dainty little dress protected his little
Until Matron Drummy arrived,
almost an hour after No. 10 had
been taken into custody, Officers
Woods, Coffey and Sinclair alter
nated as nurses. The food problem,
at first almost insurmountable, was
solved by Sergeant Ferris when he
brought in a bottle of malted milk.
Sergeant Ferris "thought the kid
was hungry" so he purchased $1
worth of the beverage. ,
Matron Drummy rescued No. 10
and turned him over to Juvenile Of
ficer Gus Miller, who paroled him to
the Child Saving Institute. Up un
til an early hour this morning no
report had been made of a lost -child,
so police believe the babe was aban
doned. " v
VOL. 48. NO. 276.
take men
Whole City -at Station to
Greet Men of Hospital
Section as They Reach
Home Town.
Twenty thousand people crowded
the railroad yards at Council Bluffs
at 11:40 last night and screamed a
mighty welcome to the valiants of
Unit K, Council Bluffs' crack hos
pital unit, as the Rock Island train
jhat bore them home rolled into
the station.
The most elaborate pyrotechnic
display ever witnessed in Council
Bluffs lit up the whole south end of
town, hundreds of revolvers and
rifles barked out their 'welcome to
the heroes., .Every whistle in town
moaned and shrieked for 15 minutes.
A red glow from 1,000 "red light"
torches tinted the whole scene.
Colonel Calls Roll.
When Colonel MacCrae after
great effort had gathered his men
into marching formation and led
them to the Dodge Light Guard
armory through the streets seething
with people he called roll call the
same roll he called on November 14,
1917, when Unit K stood at atten
tion waiting for the word to leave
for the battle front.
Last night .those same boys stood
at attention once again, in the same
building and before the same lead
er. Though the organization had
seen more than probably any other
in the whole expeditionary forces,
the"re was not a single man absent
when that last roll call was made.
k People Everywhere. '
rfLong h4o4--train time, automo
bile loads of Omahans kept crossing
the river to witness the homec ming
of the famous unit. When the train
did puff into the wards, it had to
push its way at a "crawling" gait
through the throngs that blociccd the
People clambered onto the loco
motive, and onto the coaches. Ev
ery police officer in Council Bluffs
was on duty at the station but their
efforts to curb the frenzied crowd
were fruitless.
Not a single accident was report
ed to the police.
Noise Turned Loose.
If personal influence ever counted
for anything it had its chance there,
for every ounce of kindly pressure
that could be exerted was doing its
work bursting red tape and other
military strings. Colonel Macrae
was doing, his work, but the final
arrangements could not be complet
ed in time to permit the boys to take
the earlier train that would have
brought them home before mid
night. Telegrams and telephone mes
sages announced the time of the de
parture of the train for the Bluffs,
and then everything that could make
a noise was turned loose.
The original program for addi
tional street decorations called for
the beginning of the work Monday
afternoon under the directionn of
Mr. Oltman, Omaha's Ak-Sar-Ben
decorator, but by the middle of the
afternoon business men began to
decorate on their initiative. Manager
English of the Citizens Gas and
Electric company started the move
ment, and keen rivalry followed.
An hcflirbefore the time of the ar
rival of the "Des Moines train the
streets around the Rock Island sta
tion were crowded with automobiles
and the sidewalks were jammed. The
(Continued on Page Two, Column Seven.)
Germany Denies Plan
to Creat Any Discord
Between the Mies
Berlin, "May 5. (Via Copenha
gen.) Count von Brockdorff Rant
zau, chairman of the German peace
delegation, in an interview with the
Versailles correspondent of the
Tageblatt, denies that he hoped to
cause differences between the allies.
The count is quoted as saying:
"I consider such speculation bad
policy,, because it is. both foolish
and dishonorable. If is economic
more than political questions that
hold our opponents so firmly to
gether, and it is hardly Conceivable
that they can be separated."
A dispatch to the. Vorwaerts from
Versailles says that the German del
egation protested against the erec
tion ot the wire fence around their
residence, in which the Vorwaerts
says the Germans are kept "like
dangerous animals."
Once , More the American .Flag is on Every Sea. The Liberty Loan Put It There.
' . ,; The Victory Loan Will Keep, It There.
The ' Omaha
Eaton u MCMd-elan natto May 21, ISO. II
Onalia P. O. infer ant af March 8. I79.
Aviators Expect to Start
On First 'Leg' of Overseas
- Trip; Soon After daylight
Will Launch Two and Possibly Three of Navy Planes
Scheduled to Make Flight' Across Atlantic; Do
Wonderful Work Repairing Damaged Machine.
New York, May 5. A score of naval aviators youths
in the twenties and early thirties, yet experts in flying, nav
igation and motor mechanics were ready tonight for a start
soon after daybreak tomorrow in their attempt to drive three
giant hydroairplanes of the American navy across the At
lantic. ' '
With favorable weather officially
predicted, both in the vicinity of the
home station at Rockaway Point,
Long Island, and along the coast to
Newfoundland, terminus of the jour
ney's first "leg," the airmen expect
ed to launch at least two and possi
bly all of the three planes scheduled
to make the cruise.
The NC-1, whose starboard wings
were destroyed early today in a
fire which also slightly damaged the
NC-4, was nearly fit for flight again
when darkness fell on a Small army
of mechanics, who had worked on
the craft for more than 18 hours.
The NC-4 had been ompietely re
stored by mid-afternoon.
There was a possibility that the
NC-1 might be delayed in her
"jump-off" a few hours, or even a
day or more, if necessity of unex
pected adjustments of the new
wings devjloped at the last moment,
but - the NC-3 and NC-4 i were
scheduled to take the air sometime
between dawn and 7 a. m.
May Follow Later.
Should the NC-1 be delayed, Com
mander John H. Towers, chief of
the-expedition, said, then it would
follow the other two craft to Tre
passey, arriving in ample time for
the "big jump" to the Azores,
scheduled for about; the middle of
Commander Towers declared that
the navy and civilian mechanics had
done "wonderful work" in preparing
the damaged NC-1 for the flight.
The fire started at 2:10 o'clock this
War Almost 'Got' the Music -
Industrynn United States
One Hundred Retail Dealers in This Territory Hear
What Makers of Instruments Have Done; What
; They Are Planning to Do After Conflict Is Over.
"The very existence of the music
industry was threatened when the
United States entered the war," de
clared George SW. Pound, repre
senting the Music, Industries Cham
ber of Commerce of the United
States, speaking before 100 music
dealers at the Hotel Fontenclle last
"The music industry was third on
thelist of non-essentials compiled
as a war measure. First came con
fectionery, then jewelry, and then
music. Our industry was not con
sidered a dignified occupation, but
through organization we were able
to establish our dignity. Of 590
men, representing as many indus
tries that came to Washington to
plead for the continuation of their
business dwing the war, the music
industry was the only one for which
sworn affidavits were not required
by government officials. Through or
ganization we were, able to convince
the government that our industry
was not unessential. ,
"We are now making more mu
sical instruments than all the rest
Women on Jury Which
Will Decide Fate oj
Miss ftuth Garrison
Seattle, Wash., May 5. Two
women are included in the jury of
12 which late todky wascompleted
and sworn in to decide the fate of
Ruth Garrison, 18 years old, charged
by the state with having poisoned
Mrs. Grace Glatz Storrs, wife of D.
M. Storrs, for whose love Miss Gar
rison is alleged to have confesed
that she invited - Mrs. Storrs to
luncheon at a department store to
partake thereof of a poisoned cock
tail. Both women jurors are house
wives. Throughout the opening state
ments in court of Deputy Prosecutor
John D. Carmody, Miss Garrison, sat
calmly as he reiterated the dramatic
details of the death scene. Carmody
asserted Miss Garrison inquired
carefully of the 'druggist from whom
she bought the poison as to the best
way to administer it.
Ukrainians Driven Back
by Troops of Polish Army
Paris, May 5. The situation in
Lemberg, Galacia, has greatly im
proved, according Ki advices reach
ing the Polish national committee
in Paris. The Polish troops are said
to have driven back the Ukrainians
so far that Lemberg no longer is in
danger from shells. V
morning when an overheated elec
tric pump which was emptying her
hull of bilge water, ignited a can of
oil near by. The plane's fuel tanks
wer being filled at the time and the
flams spread quickly to several bar.
rels of gasoline on the floor.
Within 20 minute of the accident
the repair crews were at work.
Scaffolding was erected and the
original starboard wings of the NC-1
the craft had been fitted with the
NC-2's wings after her own had
been damaged in aVindstorm were
Bid Friends Goodbye.
The trans-oceanic crews remained
on the ground today, and their craft
were not taken out of the hangars.
Commander Towers and his assist
ants bade farewell to their families,
late in the day. They planned to
rise at daylight for the cruise to Hal
ifax, the over-night halting place
scheduled on the way to Newfound
land. Commander Towers will head one
of the crews that of the NC-3,
Lieut. Com. A. C. Reed will direct
the flight of the NC-4, and Lieut.
Com. P.; N. L. Bellingesthe NC-1.
In addition to the commanders each
of the planes huge craft of 126 feet
wing spread, with Liberty motors
of 1,600 horse power will carry a
navigator, two pilots and a radio
officer. A reserve pilot will board
each for the cruise to Newfoundland.
In addition Lieutenant Commander
Byrd will go to Trepassey as a pas
senger on the NC-3, and . Chief Ma
chinist's Mate Roads on the NC-4.
of the world combined. We are
making more and better band in
struments than Germany ever made.
Over 40,000 musical instruments
were in use for the entertainment
of the American soldiers during the
war. We sent 2,000 pianos to the
front line trenches.
"America and the world has be
come too commercial in spirit. Mu
sic must remedy it. You never
heard of a man committeing-a crime
with music in his sxul. Music is the
only universal language of the world.
I class music as the fourth essential
of the world food, shelter, raiment
and then music. This conclusion
ha"s not been arrived at without real
thought on mv part."
Mr. Pound' is touring the conti
nent in the interests of the National
Association of Music Merchants. Al
exander McDonald, publicity agent
of the organization, is accompany
ing Mr. Pound, and made a short
speech urging local -men to join.
Over 65 dealers in Omaha and the
near vicinity signed ' membership
Poles Fail in Attempt
to Take City of Vilna;
Government Protests
New York, May 5. The following
cablegram was received today by the
Lithuanian national council from
the Lithuanian peace delegation in
"The Poles attempted to cap
ture Vilna but failed and the
city is still held by the bol
sheviki. The- Poles have taken
Grodno. The Lithuanian govern
ment protested to the peace confer
ence against the Polish invasion.
The council of the five great powers
as a-consequence has directed the
Poles and Lithuanians to cease hos
tilities, declaring that military occu
pation would not decide territorial
questions. A Baltic state commis
sion was created by the peace' con
ference, which will investigate and
settle all Lithuanian questions."
Offer Des Moines Colonel
Position With City School
Des Moines, la., May 5. (Special
Telegram.) Lieut. Col. Guy E.
Brewer, commanding officer of the
One Hundred Sixty-eighth infantry,
is the choice of members of the Des
Moines school board for secretary.
Members of the board wired Brewer
today, asking him if he would ac
cept the position. Colonel Brewer
is now with his men at Camp Upton.
- Daily
Will Hand Peace Treaty to
Hun Delegation at 3:15
o'clock Wednesday; Se-
cret Session Tuesday; ,
Paris, May 5. The time for hand
ing over the peace treaty to the Ger
mans was set today fo.3:15 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon.
A secret plenary session of the
peace conference has been called to
meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow after
noon at the French foreign office.
The session will be held for the
presentation of the peace treaty to
the smaller powers.
The contents of the first five chap
ters of the treaty have already been
outlined, dealing with the preamble.
German frontiers territory changes,
German colonies and the military,
naval aerial features of the pact.
Status of Prisoners.
The sixth chapter will' define the
status of prisoners of war and the
seventh will concern the responsi
bilities of the former emperor and
other Germans for the war
The eighth and ninth chapters will
be devoted to phases of reparations
problem and financial clause. The
tenth will deal with economic
clauses, the 11th with ports, rail
roads and water communications,
the 12th will concern international
legislation; the 13th will embrace
guarantees and the 14th will contain
general clauses dealing with ratifi
cations. Marcel Huton of the Echo De
Paris, learns that France will get
absolute control of the mines in the
Sarre valley and a guarantee for
their exploitation. He says that
the president of the administration
will be a Frenchman and will prob
ably have executive powers.
Look Over Situation.
The visit of President Wilson to
Versailles this afternoon was in
spired, it is understood, by his de
sire to admit the newspaper corre
spondents to the ceremony. This
desire had met with opposition, one
of the grounds being lack of room.
The council of three therefore de
cided to look over the situation.
Premier Clemenceau will preside
ever the ceremonies Wednesday and
it is said that-members of the press
will be admitted. There will be 58
delegates from the allied :ountries
and six Germans present.
Germany Sends Out
'Ultimatum Demanding
Reply By Next Monday
London, May 5. A dispatch to
the Central News from Copenhagen
quotes a Berlin newspaper as say
ing that the German peace delega
tion yesterday sent an ultimatum to
the entente allies, demanding a reply
by 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, in
which it was declared that the Ger
mans would be obliged to return to
Berlin in the event of a further post
ponement in the submission of the
peace terms.
Berlin, May 5. A semi-official an
nouncement today says the peace ne
gotiations will be in no way affected
by the departure of the German
ministers, Landsberg and Giesberts
from Versailles.
No announcement has been re
ceived that Herr Landsberg and
Herr Geisberts have left Versailles,
or that it was their intension to de
part. Get Confirmation
of Surrender of
Hungarian Power
Basle, May 5. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Confirmation of the un
conditional 'surrender of the Hun
garian government has been received
in a dispatch from Vienna.
Twov Aviators Killed When
Plane Hits Hydrogen Tank
New York, May 5. Two naval
aviators, flying a naifel scout plane
at the Rockaway Beach naval ait
station today, were killed when the
machine collided with the top of a
100-foot-high hydrogen tank.
They were Ensign Adams and
Chief Machinist's Mate Corey. Their
plane, one of the HC type, was seen
to take a side spin near the tank. A
wing caught in the frame work and
the machine plunged downward,
nose first The aviators were in
stantly killed.
Oill i Sua.. tl.M: aatilda Nak.
By Mall (I ar). Dally. S4.S0:
Ruth Clark Explains Why
She Made Two Affidavits at
Dr. Jennie Callfas' Request
Despite Startling Story of Girl of Drug Ring Traffic In
Omaha All Efforts of y Authorities Are Directed
Toward Hushing Up Scandal Instead of Getting
True Facts.
Following a visit to Detective John T. Dunn's office, and
numerous alleged threats of policemen to make her leave
town if she did not stop talking about the dope traffic in Oma
ha, Ruth Clark, 19-year-old confessed drug addict and prosti
tute, was visited by Dr. Jennie Callfas, one of the founders of
the Detention home, and secretary of. the Public Welfare
board, and prevailed upon to repudiate the statement the girl
made several days ago in The Bee.
Before making the affidavits, which Dr.-Callfas has
threatened to publish in another newspaper after being of
fered the columns of this paper to print any statement she
may desire to publish, Ruth Clark, who signs the name of Be
atrice Wilhelm to the documents, called at The Bee office and
told the reporter to whom she made her confession in the
presence of witnesses, that she was going to "square" herself
with the police. In order to do this, she declared, she was go
ing to deny her previous statement.
"I will have to do this." she ex
plained, "because the police will run
me out of town. I am living with a
negro man, and I gave up my moth-
eHor hinv I am going to ccntinue
io live with him at any cos. Some
women have been after ine to make
a statement and I ani going to deny
to them that I told you what I did.
1 have got to do it.
Ruth Clark called at The Bee
office and told she had signed the
affidavits for Dr. Callfas. She de-
. (
Action of Federal Reserve
Board Practically Establishes
Free Market; to Grant Ap
plications for Exploit.
Washington, May 5. Restrictions
on the export of silver and stand
ardization of the price at $1.01 4 per
fine ounce were removed this atter
noon by the Federal Reserve boird,
thus, in effect, establishing a frre
market for silver in the United
States and throughout the world.
Arar-time restrictions were imposed
last August IS.
Heretofore the reserve board per
mitted export of silver only for civil
or military purposes of importance
in connection .with prosecution ol
the war, and only in case the price
paid by the exporters was not more
than $1.01 4 per fine ounce.
The Pittman act authorizing the
melting down of silver dollars held
in the government vaults and their
sale to allies. It also established a
price of $1 an ounce at which the
government must buy silver. Ap
proximately 200,000,000 ounces of
silver, obtained from the silver dol
lars, have been shipped to India
since April 23, 1918, to meet de
mands for coinage there. Director
of the Mint Baker under the new
situation may buy from himself sil
ver obtained from melting the dol
lars and use it for the subsidiary
coinage of half dollars, quarters and
Federal reserve notes of about
$200,000,000 have been issued to re
place silver certificates withdrawn
when silver dollars were melted.
Most officials here believe, the mar
ket price of silver will rise with re
strictions removed. Since the Amer.
ican price dominates the world price
the action of the Reserve board and
the treasury is expected to have a
world-wide effect.
Mary Megeath, Former
Ak-Sar-Ben Queen, Is
111 at Parents', Home
Miss 'Mary Megeath, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath, is
critically ill of pneumonia, following
an attack of influenza at the home
of her parents.
She was to have been married on
April 23 to Herbert Connell, son of
Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Connell, but
her illness at that time caused post
ponement of t,he nuptials and re
call of the invitations.
Miss Megeath is a former Ak-Sar-Ben
queen and is prominent in social
It was reported at the home early
this morning that Miss Megeath was
slightly improved. .
Red Cross Sends Tents to
Earthquake Sufferers
Washington, May 5. The Amer
ican Red Cross announced tonight
that it had-ordered 100 tents sent to
Salvadore to house sufferers from
the recent earthquakes in that re
public. Request for the tents was
made by the president of the Salva
dor Red Cross.
tatta antra. TWO f!ENTS
8aMa, I2.M; . V VUiy AO.
clared she had been urged to do so
and was afraid to refuse.
Believes Affidavit.
Asked to give a statement as to
what was in the affidavits, Di. Call
fas said the girl had charged she
was offered whisky by the reporter
to whom she made her statement
and that everything published in the
Bee in regard to the matter was
"I believe every word contained
(Continued on Trng Two, Column Five.)
$200 TO 1,000
Board of Education Grants
Increases to Omaha In
structor That Aggregate
Total of $200,000.
The Board of Education last night
authorized a general increase of $200
per year etch for 1,000 teachers, ef
fective at the beginning of the new
school year, September 1.
The present minimum and maxi
mum of $750 and $1,200 being paid
to elementary and manual training
teachers will be increased to $900
and $1,400. Kindergarten teachers
will be similarly raised. Kindergar
ten assistants will be paid from $900
to $1,100, instead of the prevailing
scale of. $700 to $850.
Raise For Principals.
Principals are now being paid
from $1,320 to $2,100, and under the
raise they will receive from $1,520 to
$2,300, according to the number of
rooms under their supervision.
High school teachers will be ad
vanced from a minimum of $900 to
$1,900, and the present maximum of
$1,500 will be advanced to $1,700.
The minimum of supervisors will
be increased from $1,500 to $1,700
and the maximum from $1,800 to
$2,000. The maximum for assistant
supervisors will be increased from
$1,400 to $1,600.
Elementary Teachers Also.
The resolution which was offered
by the teachers' committee provided
that all elementary teachers and
kindergarten directors and assistants
shall receive an increase of $250 in
cases where their present pay is less
than the maximum, explanation be
ing made that they would have re
ceived an increase. of $50 anyway
under the rules. All high school
teachers whose salaries are now
lower than the regular maximum
will also be increased $250, provided
that such increase will not extend
beyond the new maximum of $1,700.
Means $200,000 More.
Last year the schhool board ex
pended $1,160,000 for teachers' sal
aries. The new schedule will add
approximately $200,000, with a cor
responding increase in the new
school district levy.
The teachers' committee of the
board has been working for a month
on data received from other cities,
and comparisons made indicated
that an increase shhould be made
here. i
Government to Place
Orders for Airplanes
in the Near Future
Washington. May 5. Orders for
new airplanes soon placed
by the War department to prevent
complete collapse of the airplane
manufacturing industry built up dur
ing the war. The machines to be
ordered will be of advanced types,
developed from war experience and
designed by engineers working un
der conditions more favorable than
those existing during the war.
Showers Tuesday; Wednesday
fair, continued) cool, followed by
rising temperature in west portion
Premier Orlando and Foreign
Minister Sonnino Leave
Rome for Paris; What
Brings Them Back.
London, May 5. According to
a dispatch to the Exchange Tele-'
graph from Paris the question re
garding Fiume has been settled in
full agreement with the Italian
government on the basis that '
Fiume shall remain an autono
mous port for two years, when it
will be assigned to Italy.
Rome, May 5.(By The. Asso
ciated Press.) Premier Orlando
and Foreign Minister Sonnino of 1
Italy started for Paris today. , .
Status in Question.
Paris, May 5. (By the Associated
Press.) The status of Italy ua one
of the five great powers has been
brought into question by her with
drawal from the peace conference,
and it is this status which is proving
a powerful lever in inducing Italy to 7
accept the invitation to resume her
place at the peace table.
Problems incident to the disposi
tion of the German colonies are left
by the treaty to the great powers, so
that if Italy does not resume her
place the treaty would exclude her
from participating in the disposition
of the colonies.
The text of the treaty has been
delivered to the printers, with the
exception of some details which ran
be revised when the complete print- .
-J -1 f i i v . ....
cu uraii is rcaay. uwmg io ine
doubts as to Italy's status, tre orot
ocol of the treaty will be oreoared in
two forms, one including Italy as a
signatory and the other omitting her.'
Both these forms and the entire text )
of the treaty will be printed tomor;
The executive committee which
will launch the league ot nations
will hold its first meeting tomorrow
President Wilson or Col. E. M.
House, will represent the United
States; Lord Robert Cecil will ap
pear for England; Stephen Pinchon
for France; Premier Venizelos for
Greece, the Spanish ambassador for'
Spain, and Dr. Epitacio Pcssoa for
Brazil. "
Italy Not Represented.
Italy will not be represented. The
organization of the league will be
perfected, many committees appoint- ,
ed and plans probably will be draft
ed for the initial meeting of the
league at Washington next October.
'.The determination of the confer
ence to begin the negotiations of a
JJCALC UCdlJT Willi nusniA 1111111CU-
iately following the delivery of the.v
treaty to , the Germans has been .
made known to Italy. It is expected ,
the Austrians will arrive toward the
middle of May. - s
Whether Hungary will be asked to
joi.. the treaty will depend upon the
outcome of the present disorders
there. . '
It is said that the Austrian treaty "
will be featured by the outlining of
the boundaries of the states newly
formed from the old empire. ,The
Bulgarian and Turkish treaties will
follow, but the time for summoning '
the delegates from these nations has
not as yet been fixtd.
Republican Leader
Favors Reclamation
of Land for Soldiers
Washington, May 5. A land rec
lamation program to include at
least 30 projects in various parts- of
the country for the settlement of re
turning soldiers and sailors was ad
vocated by Representative Mondell
of Wyoming, republican leader in
the next house, in an address before
a reconstruction conference con-
J i. . J... l .1 r
ciicu ncic luudy uiiucr nc auspices
of the National Woman Suffrage as
sociation. "Assuming an ultimate Put Jay of
each of these projects." said Repre
sentative Mondell, "of $12,000,000, we
would be facing an expenditure of
$350,000,000, through a period of de- '
velopment extending over thre
years. In my opinion, compact
areas of considerable size should be
reclaimed with a view to carrying
out a community plan of develop
ment.", ..'
Secretary Lane, also addressed the '
conference and reviewed Sis , pro-
posedreclamation plan with central
settlements to be developed in each
Will Not Interfere With
Shipment of Enemy Goods
Washington, May 5. Great Brit-
ain will not interfere with the ship-'
ments to the United States of goodi
of t ny origin owned by Ameri ,
can firms where import licenses havi
been isrsued by the United State
war trade board, the state depMt
ment was informed today,
Hourly trmnraturi
5 ,m,, 45 I p. m ...50
M. m 44 1 l. m Si
1 e. m. ....... .4 t p. m........M
R a. aa..,..,...4S 4 p. m. ....... .IS
9 a. m.. ...... .45 5 p. m. 5S
10 ft. an 4S p. m.... SI
11 ft. m. ...... ,.4 ) 7 p. m 54)
IS noon 4 R p. ni.. U