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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. ivr i 1 -X HEAVY IIIHING WINS GAME FOR OKLAHOMA CITY Griffith Leads in Attack on Kopp With Home Run, , Double and Two , r Singles. Oklahoma City, Ok!., May 4. Oklahfoma City mauled Kopo's of ferings today and romped away with the second game of the Omaha se ries, 8 to 3. The local batimen bunched their hits in 'four innings, while Dennis tightened after a bad start and held the visitors safe after the third in ning. Kirby, with a pair of doubles, and Gislason, with two singles, did most of the Omaha hitting. Kirby's first double drove in Jack son after the manager had hit safely, and Cable who had gained a life on a fielder's choice, tallied on an in field out. The0 visiting left fielder also chased the other run in the third, his second double sending 6a schang across after the latter had walked.'' Hunter Scores. Donica's error, Griffin's hit, Nutt's sacrifice and Cable's low throw to the plate allowed Hunter to score in the second and Lindiinore fol lowed him across on Griffith's sin gle. Griffith's single in t':c fourth :;cored Griffin and Nutt, who had walked and hit respectively, Three hits and a walk accounted tor two more in the sixth and the last duo came over in the eighth when Ba schang, watching a Fort Sill airman swoop over the outfield, let Grif fith's hit go to the fence, two runs scoring. Banner, Omaha catcher, injured his leg in a play at the plate in the second and was carried off the field. OMAHA Rawhang. rf, .Inrkfton, lb ,, ble, Sb ,,,, Ab. B.H. Po. A.K. ...I 110 0 1 ,..4 1 1 IS 0 0 ,..S 1 1 1 S 1 Kirhy. If. .. O I 1 Unnira. 3h 4 0 0 0 S 1 (ilslason, t t 0 Thompson, of., i 0 0 S 0 fl tenner, e. 1 0 0 S t 0 l.yek, 8 0 S t 0 Kopp, p. ... I 0 0 0 ToUL OKLAHOMA CITI irlgg, ef. llrnaon, Kb Williams, 3b Hunter, lb SI ( t SI IS S Ab. R. H. Po. A. E. .4 .4 1 S 0 0 0 1 n 18 1 8 1 I i 4 a 0 0 ..4 ..4 .. ..3 .. ..4 ..4 i.rmin, it, Nutt. If. ... l.liirilmore, i Griffith, . Dennis, p. . Totals 35 8 10 24 1 5 Oman 3 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 08 Oklahoma City 0 303003 Batteries; Kopp aad Banner, Lycki Dentil and Griffith. Two bane hit: Griffith, Klrby (3). Homo rum UriffHh. Stolen bM Nutt. Pitcrlfire hit. Nutt, Thompson. Double play I Cable to lillnn to Jackson, Struck out: Hy Kopp, fl by Dennis, 4. Bases orf halls: Off Kopp, St off Deunl. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Dennis, 8 (Ilaschang, Thompiion). left on basest Oklahoma City, 4 1 Omaha, 4. Timet Two noon. Umpire i Shannon. Triple by Thompson Wins Fifth Game for Joplin Joplin, Mo May 4. A triple by Thompson, third baseman, with the bases full in the second inning, pave Joplin its second victory over Des Moines and its fifth victory without a defeat since the season opened. A single and two walks filled the bases in the second. The fourth run was made on a single by Lamb. Score: , DBS MOINES. I JOPLIN. AB. H. O- E. AB. H. O. E. Cass, If 6 1 4 or.amb, as 4 1 2 0 H'sb'k, lb 4 UIHUIl't, 0 I 1 3 0 1 Wrt't, Sb 3 Muh'y, cf 3 0 Coffey, Sb 3 1 H'tCd. ul I Breen, rf 4 1 Walker, o 4 1 Musaer, p 3 0 Shulta 1 0 Mclver, rf 3 Horan, If 4 1 Brtb'k. lb 3 0 10 Diamd. of 3 0 S Tp'n. lb I Collin, o 3 Mapel, P 1 0 1 1 0 '0 Totals 31 7 14 SI Total S3 S 37 3 Batted (or Muuer In ninth. Des Molne 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 J 3 Joplin ...0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t Two bine tilt t " Breen. Threo ba hit: Thompson, Collins. Sacrifice fly: Mur phy. Double play: Lamb to Brlbeck, Stolen bane: Limb. Struck out: By Mus ser. 6: by Mapel, 1. Baae on balls: Off Muuer. 6; off Mapel, 3. Left on bases: Ds Moinea, fl; Joplin, S. Time: Two hour, Umpire: Holme. Wichita Boots Another Game Away to Sioux City Wichita, May 4. Wichita booted another game away to Sioux City to day by the score of 9 to 1. Wald baur, who started the game for Wichita, "was ineffective and the In dians collected eight runs off of him in the first two innings. Nor man pitched a nice game for the re maining seven innings, allowing but one hit. Rassmussen, pitching for Sioux City, kept nine hits well scat tered. SIOUX CITT. AB. K. O. E. WICHITA. AB. H. O. E. Ms lone, of 4 1 3 0 Berfer, a 4 0 0 1 Wa'b'n, lb 4 0 IS 0 McB'de, If 4 3 3 0 New'ha. o 3 0 4 0 Carey. Sb 4 3 0 0 Moran, lu 4 1 3 0 Th a n, rf 4 1 3 R'bts'n. rf 4 1 1 Walk'r, :f 3 3 3 Defate, ss 4 1 3 Jones, Sb 8 2 0 Ada', lb 4 1 10 8'mldt, o 3 1 t R's's'n, p 3 0 0 OMarr, 16 X 3 1 8fw'rt, rt 4 0 0 0 0 W'ldb'r, p 0 0 0 1 Norm n, p s v o i Varyan 10 0 0 Totala 34 10 27 l Total! 35 7 17 4 Batted for Norman In the ninth. Klou City 3 S 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Wichita ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runs: Wichita, 1; Sioux City, 4. Two base hlta: ilarr, Xnompson, Schmidt. Stolen baae: Jones. Uaeea on balls: Off Norman, 3; Kaamusen, 1. Struck out: By Norman, 4: by Rasmus aen, S. Left on bases: Wichita, 8; Sioux ilty. t. Hits: Off Walbauer, in 1 In ning; off Norman, 4 In 3 Inning. Wild pitche: WaMhauer (J). Hit by pltrhwd ball:: By Waldbaurr (RamuiOn); by Nor man (Moran). Time: 1:10. Jmplre: Jacob and Schafly. Tulsa Fans Turn Out Big . to See Oilers Beat St. Joe Tulsa, Ok!., May 4. The largest crowd that ever saw a base ball game in Tulsa turned out today and saw the Oilers defeat St. Joseph, 3 to 2, in a hard fought battle. Score: ST. JOSEPH. y, TULSA. AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E. Br'b'r, Sb 4 K'k'm, If 1 Dolan, ! 8 Bu'er. ct 3 Con"ly. rf 4 Mu'ler. lb 3 Rel'er, e 3 Br'g'n. c 4 Rose, p 4 0 Wuffll, a 4 tlGood'n, 2b 3 tlCl'Vd. 3b 3 0 Meyer, If 3 0 Wano, lb 4 0 Br'kew, of 4 0 Davis, rf 3 0 Obrlch, e 3 0Sal'b'y, p 3 Totala 33 34 1 Totals 28 3 37 0 ...0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02 ...I 0 1 t 0 0 4 Ox 3 Rose. Meyer. Davis. St. Joseph . . . . Tulsa . .'. Two baae hits: O'Brien. Sacrifice hite: - Kirkhnm tit. Dolan 2), Kellehar. Goodwin, itlsyer (2), saiisburaj. cases on Dane: urr Rose. 1; off Salisbury, 3. Struck out: By Rom, 1: br Salisbury, t. Left on bases: St. Joseph, : Tulaa. 3. Time: 1:40. C'mpire. Daly. Be Want Ads Produce Results. INDOOR SPORTS . ' VrJONDEMJ-ArVWw it lS "THAT . fSrt illli ifi If I -we- wew OA-ma wov 1 l M4 SoWMmh Huge Crowds Watch Local Sandlotters Mix Sunday Four Out of the Eleven Games Played Prove of High-Grade Order, While Seven Were Very One sided; Three Battles Postponed, Wet Grounds. By WILLIAM O. BLOZIES. Out of the 14 amateur contests scheduled yesterday aft ernoon byt the local sand-lotters of the five leagues that are members of the 'Municipal Amateur Base Ball association three were postponed on account of wet grounds, four were fast and exciting until the finish while the other seven were of the one-sided affairs. Two of the three battles that were postponed were bocked at Thirty-second and Dewey avenue and were scheduledas the feature contests in their respective leagues. The initial game was to have been between the Trimble Brothers and World-Herald teams, of the Booster league, while the main event was to have been put on by the Bowen Fur nitures and the McCafferv Motor crew. The latter contest would have decided first place in the City legue between these two teams. The third postponed battle was scheduled at Elmwood park, east diamond, between the American Railway Express and the J. B. Roots M the American league. Diamonds in Good Shape. At Thirtysecond and Dewey ave nue a large crowd had assembled to witness the double program and were much disappointed when neither of the teams appeared. The diamonds were in good condition and . both , contests no doubt could have been played according to the f,pectators. According to Manager Art Moran of the Bowen Furniture company team, the game between his team ar.d the McCaffery's was tailed off at 12:15 o'clock. The Furniture lads were ready to play, but according to Moran, had received word from Sec retary Isaacson of the association, that the diamonds would not be in condition to play on. The Mickle Victrolas sprung a big surprise in the City leaeue wren they came back strong and defeated the Willard Storage Battery compa ry company by a 8 to S scoie, there by making the race a tie tor fifth place. The Union Outfitting com pany won their second game of the season by taking the Omaha Print ing company to a 9 to 6 trimming. E. Nufer's pitching for the Outfit ters was a feature of the came, ug well as the heavyvhitting of hi3 team mates. Sample-Harts Win. The Sample-Harts sprung the big surprise of the day when they won from the Universal Motor company team by a 13 to 3 score, thereby pulling the Universale down from their 1,000 per cent to 500 and are now tied for third place with the motor crew. The Lniversals were the favorites in this game, by Man ager Shields announced last night that over-confidence was the cause of their defeat. The game was fast and exciting for the . first seven rounds and was a 3 to 3 tie, but in the eighth Pitcher Sohm's weaken ed and Sample-Harts drove his de livery to all corners of the ' lot. Belford, who relieved Sohm was also hit hard, the winners securing a total of 13 hits. Louis Scheef, on the mound for the winners, al lowed but seven hits and struck out nine mon. Fans See Fast Game. ; The best played game of the day was staged at Thirty-first and Ames avenue by the Riggs Ontical com pany and the Paxton-Vierlings of the American league, in which the Riggs won by a close score of 2 to 0. The hitting of Tom Baum gardner was responsible for the Op tical's victory as he drove in both of the runs. Tom player his fare well game with the Riggs, as he leaves for Wyoming tonight. Jim Baumgardner's pitching also fea tured. The Ramblers, by taking the Daily News team to a It to 5 trim ming, won their second consecutive victory of the season and are in first place in the Booster league with 1.000 per cent. The Benson Mer chants, who were picked by many of the followers of the Booster league to be the "goat," came back strong and won from the Maney Milling company by a 7 to 6 score, in a fast and exciting gme. The Merchants have strengthened their line-up and should they play during the balance of the season as they did yesterday, they no doubt will be among the top-notchers when the season winds up. The Trimble Bhothers. for the second time this season, were ready to inaugurate their 1919 season but the weather conditions preventetd them from do ing so. ' ' HardingsWin, In the Inter-City league, the Hard ing Ice Cream company, formerly the Willow Springfs Beverage, won easily from the Beddeos by an 18 to 5 score, while the Harley-Davidsons defeated the John Day Rubber com pany, formerly the Walnut Hill Mer chants, by an 11 to 5 score. Bill Ort's pitching for the Town send Gun company, and the hitting of Seborn, Ort and Russo proved too much for the Omaha Printing com pany juniors,' and the Gunners won their third consecutive game of the season by the score of 9 to 2, and are leading the Gate City league. Up to the sixth inning the game was a 2 to 2 tie, but in the fatal seventh the Gunners drove seven runs across the plate., Seborn, Ort and Russo each made a triple and two two-baggers. The Beselins defeated -the McKen ney Dental company, formerly the Flitton Optical company, b m 11 to 3 score, while the Vinton Street Mer chants went down in defeat at the hands of the Originals by 16 to 8. Although the weather was some what chilly, large crowds were in at tendance at all of the games, and im mensely enjoyed the national pas time as was handed out by the "big leaguers of tomorrow." . Murphy s Beat Longeway ' Squad at Athletic Park Hays' excellent pitching combined with some fast fielding, enabled the Murphys to defeat the Longeway team by a score of 3 to 0 in the Ath letic park yesterday afternoon before 500 people. The Murphys won the game in the first inning when they made a run. Synek walked, stole second and came home on Williams' bingle to center. The Longeways came back strong in the half of the first and put two men on bases, but the pitching of Hays, who struck out the next three batters, was too much for the lads over the river. The; Murphys i scored two more runs in the sixth, when the Longe ways made three errors and Super nois issued a base on balls. Harry Williams played a good game for the Murphys, making two hits and not allowing a man to steal base. Clair also made a few" spec tacular stops. Supernoios, who was on the firing line lor the Bluffs team, issued six passes. He allowed four hits and struck out 10 men. Score R, H. B. Murphy 1 fl 0 9 i 9 0 9 S 4 t I.ongway 99099990 00 S S Summary: Two baa hit, Haya; left on baaea, Murphys 7. Iyonway 4; stolen bases, Payne, Synek, Haller; aacrtfice hits. Lock wood; wild pitches, Supernlos; base on balls, off Supernols t; atruck out. by Supernloa (10), by Hayne (11); rune, Clair, Synek (1). Tim of aame 1 hour and 40 minute. Umpire OB. Evan. Scorer Seglin. American Association. At Indianapolis Minneapolis ....... R. H. E. R, H. E. 9 4 S 1 Williams and Owens; Cram Indianapolis Batteries; and Learv. At Columbus R. H. E. R. H. E. Milwaukee ..' t 11 1 Columbus 4 S 1 Batteries: Howard, William and Huhn; Sherman, Park and Wagner. At Louisville R. H. E. R. H. E. I.oulavlll If. It 1 Kansas City f T t Batteries: Long and Kocher; Hall, Johnson. Hoffman and J. Brock. At Toledo R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Ix)ula S 8 2 Toledo J 6 2 Batteries: Nlehaui and Hargrav; Fer guson ana Kelly. Today's Calendar of Sports. Raring t SDrlna- meetlnc of Kentucky association, at Lexington. Spring meeting of Maryland Jockey club, at PimUeo. Baehallt Openinc of the season of the Three-Eye league. Shooting: Oregon State Traoshootlng tournament opens at Pendleton. tiolf: District of Colombia women's championship tournament, at Washington, Boxing: Benny Leonard ve. Jack Perry, 19 rounds, at Pittsburgh. Venn; Loulsl ana t. PhU Logan, IS round, at PHU fleld, Mass. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Drawn for Amateur Standings City League. P. W. L. 0 0 0 1 1 a Pet. 1.001 1.000 1.000 .(00 ,500 .000 Pet. 1.000 .677 .600 .SOU .000 .000 Union. Outfitting Co., 2 Bowen Furniture Co.. 1 McCaftrty Motor Co. 1 Mickle Victrolas ....2 Willard Storage Bat.. 2 Omaha Printing Co.. 2 American League. P. W. Riggs Optical Co 2 2 Paxton Viewing Co.. 3 2 Universal Motor Co., 2 1 Sample-Harts 2 1 American Ry. Exp... 1 9 J, B. Roots 2 9 Booster League. P. W. Ramblers 2 2 World-Herald 1 1 Maney Milling Co..., 3 2 Benson Merchants ..2 1 Dally News 2 0 Leavenworth Mer. ..1 0 h. 0 1 1 1 1 2 r o o i l 2 1 0 I 0 1 1 2 2 2 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .67 .600 .000 .000 .000 Trimble Brother.... 0 0 Onto City League, p. w. Pet. 1.000 .667 .600 .333 .000 .000 Townsenda 2 Original 2 Beaellns , 2 Om. Printing Co., Jr, I Vinton! Street March., 2 McKenney Dent. Co.. 2 Inter-City League. P. W. Pot. 1.000 J.000 .600 .333 .000 .000 Harding Cream. Co.. 2 Harley-Davidson' ...2 Parsley Com, Co,... 2 Beddeos 2 J. D. Rubber Co.... S Highland Park Phar. 0 Yesterday Amateur League Results City League. Bowen Furniture company-McCaffery Motor company, postponed, wet (rounds. Willard Storage Battery company, i; Mickle Victrolas, I. Union Outfitting company, f; Omaha Printing company, 6. American League. Sample-Harts, 13; Unlversay M)tor com pany, 2. Riggs Optical company, 2; Paxon-Vler-llngi. 0. American Railway Expresa-J. B. Root, postponed, wet grounds. Booster League. Trimble Brothers-World-Herald, post poned, wet grounds. Ramblers, 11; Dally News, S. Maney Milling company, 6; Benson Mer chants, 7. Inter-Cits' League. Beddeos, C; Hvdlng Ice Cream compa ny, 18. Harley-Davidson, 11; John Day Rubber company, S. Gate City League. Towniends, t; Omaha Printing company, Jr.', 3. Beselins, 11; McKenney Dentists, t. Original, 16; Vinton Streot Merchants, S. Philadelphia Girl Wins National 100-Yard Dash Oakland, Cal., May 4. Elizabeth Ryan, of the Meadowbrook rlub of Philadelphia, won the 100-yard dash national swimming event here to day Her time was 1:11 2-5. Betty Grimes of the Minneapolis Athletic club was second. D, uluth talks trade and trades talk with Rochester Ho, Rochester ! Welcome to our city. Always did want to meet you face to face. Wanted to thank you for those .wonderful cameras you send us. And thermometers! B-r-r-r, it gets cold here in winter. Your thermometers make us remember our ear muffs and fur coats." - And Rochester made reply, "Have an Owl Cigar and we'll make this a mutual admiration society. Now tell me how could my factories get along without the iron and steel made from ' your ore. And wheat from your great ( elevators feeds my people." Wherever business goes on those two de pendable cigars, Owl and Whitb Owl go also. The East trades with the West over Owl Cigars. Northern farmers talk crops over Owl Cigars. Cotton-raisers sell their output over Owl Cigars. You'll understand why when you try them and learn of -their new delight of fragrance the unchanging dependability of that fragrance. OWL I LONDRES SHAPE 7 3 FOR 20c TWO v DEPENDABLE CIGARS The Bee by Tad Sport Shorts By KID GRAVES. Lest local boxing followers be come confused, it is not Harry Wil liams, our local ball player-boxer that meets Harry Greb at Lancas ter, Pa., tonight. That fellow's name is Larry Williams, and he hails from Pittsburgh, Greb's home town. . It is reported that they used to be sparring partners and had a falling out and Williams challenged Greb for a battle. They will go six rounds tonight. Welterweight Champion Jack Britton takes on Johnny Griffiths, the Akron, O., flash, in a 10-round bout at Buffalo tonight, and on May 20 he will go eight rounds with him at Memphis, Tenn. Britton and Griffiths may stage another one of those brother acts for a time, like Jack did with Lewis and the writer, fight about every month for a while. ,The acting chief of police of San Francisco declares Fred Fulton is a "bad egg" and that he will not be allowed to participate in any box ing shows of any kind in that city any more. He is even barred from a proposed exhibition bout with Harry Wills. The Buffalo, N. Y., cue veteran, Eyron Gillette, has challenged Al fred De Oro, the three-cushton bil liard champion for a title match. Gillette is 65 years old, but he re cently showed his mettle by play ing a wonderful game xgainst Charlie McCourt. He needed 87 to run out in the final block against McCourt and he just made that many. The Gordon, Nebraska, farmers are all "het up" over the announce ment that they are going to ;-tt an opportunity to see two of the world's greatest wrestlers in action there on June 14. It is freely predicted in that section that the canvas cover will have to be rolled back to ac commodate the crowd that will want to see the match. Fans will travel to Gordon from all over the state of Nebraska to see the bout and a num ber of Chicago fans will undoubt edly be on hand to see how Zbyszko fares against the wonderful Shelton farmer boy, John Pesek. Mart Slat tery has already received a flock of orders from the farmers around his home town. Southern Association. At Memphis, 4: Nashville, . At Mobile, 1; Atlanta, 3. At New Orleans-Birmingham, postponed, rain. At Little Rock, 4; Chattanooga, 2. Gemaral Cigar Co., Inc. Be ft Ruttall Branch, Omaha, Neb., Distributor. GIANTS LOSE FIRST SUNDAY GAMEAT HOME Williams' Home Run in Ninth Gives Phillies Victory; Dodgers Beat Braves , In Brooklyn. New York, May 4. In the first Sunday major league base ball game played here since the Sunday amuse ment law was passed, the New York Nationals lost to Philadelphia, 4 to 3, Williams' home run in the ninth off Causey decided the game. Jacobs, though hit hard, was effective with men on bases. - Shortstop Bancroft of Philadelphia had to be carried off the field in the third inning, when he sprained his right ankle over a base. Score: PHILADELPHIA. WOW TU. AB. H. E. AB. H. O. E Wlted., lb 4 1 0!Burn, OIToung, 0 Che, 01 Doyle, 0!Kauff. l!Zmrm. If 4 rf S lb S Sb S ef 4 1 2 S t I 13 1 Wilms., cf Bncft., 1 Wlee, e t Ldru... lb 4 Crvth, rt I Musi..' If S 3b S 0 Fltchr.,, 1 D.Brd., 8b S OlA.Brd.. lb 4 0 McCarty, e 4 OlBnton., p S Adam, e I Jacobs, p i 'E.SmUh, 0 ICausey, p 0 xBarnea, 1 Total IS 7 27 II Total 3 II 37 0 Batted for Benton In eighth. xBattod for Camey In ninth. Philadelphia 0 0S000 14 New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 Two base hit: Meusel. Home run: Wil liam. Stolen base: William, Bancroft, Chase, Doyle. Double plays: A. Baird. Doyle and Craie; Adams and D. Baird; Zimmerman, Doyle and Chase; Tming and Chase. Left on bases: New York, ; Philadelphia, 1. Bases on balls: Off Ben ton, 3; off Jacobs, 8. Hits: Oft Benton, 6 In 8 Innings; oft Causey, 1 In 1 Inning. Btruck out; By Jacobs, 3. 'Losing pitcher: Benton. Brooklyn Bunches Hits. . Brooklyn, May 4. Brooklyn de feated Boston, 6 to 2, today in the first Sunday major league game played under New York state's new "local option law" in regard to Sun day amusements. Brooklyn won by bunching eights in the fourth and fifth innings. Score: BOSTON. AB. H. BROOKLYN. AB. H. O. Tj. M'nv'e, ss S Hers'g, 3b 4 Powell, rf 4 Olson, sa 4 Magee, 3b 4 QrTth. rf S Wheat, If t Myers, rt 4 Smith, lb s Klg'rt. cf Holke, lb OlK'n'hy, lb 4 Wilson, o Kelly. It Ragan, p Scott, p Miller xB'kb'n Malone, 3b 4 Kr'ger, o 4 M'qu'd, p Total S3 1 34 II Totals 84 11 37 1 Ran for Wilson In ninth. xBatted for Scott In ninth. Boston " 0 " ' 0 0 0 Brooklyn , 0 0 0 Two base hit: Malone. Stolan bae: Olson. Sacrifice hit: Hoik. Left on bases: Boston, 8; BrooKiyn, s. nrst oase on errors: Boston, i; tiroomyn, l. ase on balls: Off Ragan, 8; off Scott, 1: off Marauard. 8. Hits: Off Began, 0 in 4 i-s Innings; off Scott, S in 8 3-3 innings. StruoK out: By Scott, 2; by Marquard, 2. wild pitch: Scott. Winning pitcher, Mar quard. Losing pitcher, Ragan. Sallee Wins in First Start. rinrinnati. Mav 4. Sallee. former ly of New York, making his first start of the season tor Cincinnati to rlav hclH the Chicaeo chamoions to three singles, while Weaver ind Mar tin were hit hard, the Reds winning easily, 8 to 1. tscore: CHICAGO. CINCINNATI. AB. H. O. E AB. H. O Flack, rf 4 Hlchr., ss 4 OlNeale, rf 4 OIGroh. 3b 3 Mann, If 4 Paskrt. cf 4 Roush, cf 4 Magee, If 2 Dubrt., lb 4 Konf. is 4 Mrkle, lb 4 0 11 Pick, 2b 3 Deal. 8b 3 2 13 0 1 Kilfsr, e 1 Rjtrien.. e 8 0! Sallee, p 3 o; 0 .1 Weaver, p 0 Mrtn., p S xO'Fatel, 1 Carter, p 0 Total 81 S 34 3 Total 30 I 27 I Batted for Martin In eighth. I Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Cincinnati 6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 x 8 Two baae hit: Groh,- Rarlden. Three base hit: Daubert. Homo run: Roush:. Stolen base: Neale. Sacrifice fly: Oroh. Double play: Carter to' Hollacter to Mer kle. Lett on base: Chicago, 4; Cincin nati, 2. First ba on error: Chicago, 1. Base on ball: Off Bailee, 1; oft Weaver, The car starts instantlyruns with steady, sustained poweranimated with Red Crown Gasoline. Every drop of Red Crown is converted into gas does its bit in propelling the car. You feel a force behind the throttle that springs to life the instant you give it rein. You cover ground you get there miles don't count A filling of Red Crown is packed with them. Fill the tank at home or a hundred miles distant Red Crown never varies in quality or performance. The Red Crown Sign marks the place to buy it Polarine is a perfect year-round lubricant that saves power. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) 0maha I I 3 i 1 3 3 3 3 3 DEr.IET.IBEH h Base Ball Standings, WESTERN LEAGUE. Standing of tb Teom. Won. Let Pet. Joplin I 0 1.000 Tulsa 4 1 .80S Des Moines ....3 S .eoo Oklahoma City 8 S .800 St Joseph ....8 8 .400 Sioux City I S .400 Omaha ..1 4 .300 Wichita 0 S .000 Yesterday's Result. Omaha, 3; Oklahoma City, 8. Dea Molne, 2;, Joplin, 4. Sioux City, t; Wichita. 1. St. Joseph, 3; Tulsa. 3. Game Tod ay J Omaha at Oklahoma City. Sioux City at Wichita. St. Joseph at Tulsa. De Molne at Joplin. -NATIONAL LEAGUE, i Standing at the Teams. . Won. Lot. Pet. Cincinnati , .....f 1 .800 Brooklyn ...S 1 .833 New York ,,,.8 8 .828 Chicago 8 4 .858 Philadelphia ., 4 4 .600 Pittsburgh 9 8 .872 St. Loul 2 3 .183 Bolton t 3 .000 Yesterday's Results. Philadelphia. 4; New York, I. Boston. 3; Brooklyn, 6. Chicago, 1; Cincinnati, 8. I Pittsburgh, 3; St. Louis, 1. (lame Today. Boiton at Brooklyn. Chicago at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at New York. Pittsburgh at St. Loul. AMERICAN LEAGrE. Standing ot the Team. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago ....7 1 .778 Boston S S .628 Cleveland t S 8 .825 New York 4 . 3 .871 Washington i .888 Detroit 3 8 .333 St. Loul 3 6 .350 Philadelphia 3 .260 Yesterday' Reunite. St. Loul. t; Chicago, 4. Detroit, 4; Cleveland, 6. Philadelphia, 6; Washington. It. Game Today, Detroit at Chicago. Washington at Philadelphia, St. Loul at Cleveland, New York at Boston. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Standing of the Team. Won. Lot. Pet. St. Paul .-. 7 . 1 .875 Louisville .7 S .778 Columbu 4 8 .671 Minneapolis 8 3 .600 Indianapoll ......6 6 .800 Milwaukee 3 7 .300 Kansas City 3 S . .286 Toledo 0 6 .000 Yesterday' Results. . . Minneapolis, 3; Indianapolis, 4. Milwaukee, 6; Columbus. 4. Louisville, 16; Kansas City, S. St. Paul, S; Toledo, 3. 1; off Carter, 1. Hits; Off Weaver, S In 1-3 Inning; oft Martin, 8 In 8 2-3 Inning: off Carter, none In 1 inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Weaver, 1. Struck out: By Sal lee, 1; by Martin, 2; by Carter, 1. Losing pitcher: Weaver Pirates Victorious. St. Louis, May 4. Cooper held St. Louis to five hits while Pittsburgh combined four hits with an error by Cruise in the fourth and won the opening game of the series here to day, 3 to 1. Score: PITTSBURGH. ST. LOUIS. . AB. H. O. E. AB. H. O. E. Terry, ss 6 Carey, cf 6 Stngl., rf 5 Ctahw., 2b 4 Sal ex, lb 2 Bokel., 8b 3 Bgbee., If 3 Shmdt.. e 4 Cooper, p 3 OlShotn., If 4 1 3 0 OjSmlth., rf 4 1 1 0 0 Stock, 3b 8 0 4 1 OiHrnby., 3 1 0 0 OjCrutee. cf 2 0 0 1 OlSchultz, If S 1 0 fl OlPulete., lb 4 1 17 0 1'Mlller, 3b 2 0 1 0 01 Snyder, c 3 0 2 0 iMdows., pi 0 0 0 I'Clemn., 10 0 0 IShsrdel, p 0 0 0 0 Total 84 8 27 lTotal 30 6 27 2 Batted for Meadow in seventh. Pittsburgh .....i.... 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 03 St Loul 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Two base hlta: Carey, Paulotte. Stolen bases: Smith, Terry. Sacrifice hits: Boeckel, Cutshaw. Sacrifice fly: Miller. Left on bases: Pittsburgh, 10; 8t, Louis, 6. First base on error: Pittsburgh, 1. Bases oh balls: Off Cooper, 1; off Mead ows, 3. off Sherdel, 1. Hit: Off Mead ows, In 7 Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Cooper (Hornsby, Miller). Struck out: By Cooper, 6. Losing pitcher: Meadow. Rickard to Announce Where Heavyweights Will Fight for Title New York, May 4. "Tex" Rick ard said today that he would an nounce tomorrow where the Will-ard-Dempsey bout will take place. It will not be Toledo, he sa'd. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Off tie Goes! LTU'U U U U U (UXBABD OH COCTAHY n n n n n n WHITE SOX TRIM BROWNS 111 GAME BLOCKEDBY RAIN Chicago Bunches Hits With St. Louis Errors and ; i Drive Sothoron, From Slab. Chicago, May 4. .Chicago won from St. Louis, 4 to 2, today, play be ing stopped by rain in the last half of the fifth Inning, Chicago bunched four hits with three errors for. four runs, driving Sothoron from the slab in the third inning. Cicotte held St. Louis hitless four innings, but in the fifth the Browns turned three hits into two runs. Score: IT, LOUIS. AB. H. O. E CHICAGO. AB. H. a. E Tobln. If 8 0 1 S Lelbold, rf S 0 1 6 Oed'n, tb S 0 0 0 Slsler, lb 3 0 3 0 WeaVr. 3b 1 1 E. C. 3b S S wi ms, cf 3 1 3 0 Dera'l, rf 8 1 1 0 Br'kle, 3b S I S A Gerber, sa 0 3 0 Sev'r'd, o 8 0 3 0 J'ki'n. If a Feien. t-r 2 o Gandll, lb S 1 Klsb'g, a 8 0 Schalk, S 0 Cicotte, pit Mot'r'n. p 1 0 0 1 9 3 Lid m k, p 0 0 0 Total 17 314 8 Total IS S II 8 Gam called with two out St. Loula 0 0 0 0 33 , Chicago 4 0 X 4 Two baae hit: Oandll, Demmltt. Stolen ba: Collin (3), Weaver (it). Oandll. Double plays' Rlnberg to Collin to Oandll. Left on baee: Chicago, 4; first ha1 on errors: Chicago, 1, Ba on balls: Off Sothoron, 3. Hits: Oft Sothoron, 4 In 1 Innings; off Lowdrmllk, none In 1 2-3 Inning. Hit by pitched ball: By Lewder milk, 1. Balk: Sothoron. Struck out: By Clootte, 1; by Lowderrallk, 2. Losing pitcher; Sothoron. Detroit Loses. Cleveland, May 4. Cleveland evened up the series today by beat ing Detroit 5 to 4. Detroit tied ur the score with two out in the ninth on Flagstead's double and Ellison's single. In Cleveland's half, with two out, Chapman doubled. Speaker was passed purposely and Smith doubled, scoring Chapman. Score: DETROIT. CLEVELAND. AB. H. O. E. AB. H. E o a Bush, ss 4 Graney, If 4 1 Jons, 8b 4 Cobb, cf 4 Veach, It S Hell'n. lb Fl'gs'o, rt 4 Toung, 3b S Ellls'n, 2b 1 Sta'ge, o S Ehmke, p 4 Shorten 1 Spkef, ef S smith, rf 4 Oard'r, Sb 4 wn-s. 3b 4 John'n, lb S O'Neill, e S Cov'kie, p 4 Total 34 7x26 2 Total! 32 10 37 1 Batted for Toung In aeventh. xTwo out when winning run wa icored. Detroit 0 0 0 t 0 0 1 0 14 Cleveland 10100300 16 Two-bae hit: Cobb, Shorten, Flag stead, Oraney, Smith (2), Chapman. Sac crlflce hit: Chapman. Double play: Ehmke, Bush and Heilman. Left on bases: Detroit, 6: Cleveland, 8. First base on errors: Cleveland, , Base on balls: Off Ehmke, 6; off Coveleskle, 2. Struck out: By Ehmke, 8; by Coveleskle, 6. Wild pitche ; Coveleskle. 3. Senators Win Three. Washington, May 4. Washington made it three straight from Philadel phia by winning today, 12 to 6. Thirty-four hits were made by the two teams and the visitors had 17 men left on the bases. Score: PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON AB. H. O. AB. H. O. Kopp. If 4 0 0 1 Shnk. s 4 2 Grov., 3b Roth, rf 8 Burn, lb Pitt, cf Shan., 2b 4 Dugan, ss 6 McAvy., o S Kinney, p 2 Naylor, p 2 Perkins, 1 : Foster, 3b 4 2 0 Milan, ct t 1 0 Rice, rf 4 8 O Ohrty,, lb 8 2 0 Vnsky., If 8 i OUnvrn.. 2b 3 o OlAgnew, c 3 1 OlJohan., p 4 2 0 Hovllk, p OjCraft, p Total 4f 18 24 Ij Total 26 16 27 3 xBatted for Naylor In ninth. Philadelphia 0 00103080 Wasklngton .0061411 x lav Two base hits: Orover, Obarrlty. Three base hit: Shanks. Stolen bases: Rice. Johnson. Sacrifice hit: Shank. Ghar rlty (2)." Sacrifice fly: Janvrln. Left on bases; Philadelphia, 17; Washington, 7. First bsse on error: Philadelphia, 2, Base on ball: Off Johnon, 2; off Hov llk, 1; tft Kinney, 3; off Naylor, 3. Hits: Off Johnson, 10 in seven Innings; off Hov llk, 4 In two-thirds inning; off Craft, 4 in one and one-third inning; off Kinney. 8 in four innings; oft Naylor, 8 in four Innings. Struck out: By Johnson, 4; bv Craft, 1; by Kinney, 1; by Naylor, 1. Wild pitch: Naylor. Passed ball: Agnew. Winning pitcher: Johnson. Losing pitch er: Kinney. 1 the Siorj li "I -'-"i.'ej".'., I I 1 1 c V c c c c c V c r L 0 0 o 0 0 o B. 1 n j l o . 0 ' 0 8 f