THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. THE :0 m AH A BEE DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY OUNDKD BY EDWARD ROSKWATER VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR THI BEE PUBUSH1NU COMPANY, PROPRIETOR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tin associated Prw. of which The Em la i memher. It excluilwlj entitled to the um for publlcaUou of til newt Aliiwtcne credited t n cr not ntherwlee credited In this ttgn, and slao the local otw puDU.BM jiereiu. All rlihu of publloatioa of our special OFFICESi CfctaMO 17J0-IS Slater Bit Omaha The Bee Bids. New .York m Una An. Mouth Omaha WIS S . Be Louie New B'nk of Commerce Council Blufft-M N. Mala ft. Wutoimi-llll U St. , Lincoln-little BulldlngT APRIL CIRCULATION Daily 65,830 Sunday 63,444 ma -wlrtta; for jke Mt subaaibrf and. twsm to by SubscriWs leavlngth. elty should have Thai Bm SMiled to taem. Address . chuf4 u often requested. 1 Set this Victory loan over; other jobs are waiting. r . ' - Belgium asks to be treated as not as a stepchild.' a partner, New York has just viewed another "panor. ama of victory," but the V-loan still lags in Gotham. Thirty thousand convention visitors are ex pected in Omaha this month. They all find a warm welcome waiting. . - Kansas has adopted a minimum wage of SO cents an hour for men in the wheat harvest. And they will earn it all. Trying to make a horse drink after leading , him to the trough is now going on at Paris, and seemingly with the usual success. , One-third of the overseas forces havt been returned and released from the service, but the big job still is ahead. Get them all bade ' It is now suggested that Premier Orlando may save his face by resigning. He might, with-propriety, suggest the plan to others. Volunteer enlistments for the army are go ing ahead at a rate which convices us that all the boys did not get weary of the service. Chicago women took to local politics quite aptly, three of them having been indicted for fraud in connection with the recent primary. - It will be evident to the most casual that the lawa regulating the sale of poisonous and narcotie drugs are not rigidly enforced in Omaha. ' Congress is sadly needed in session if for no 1 other reason than to bring the War depart- ment to realize that the war is over and, help to stop expense. ' CONFUSION OF TONGUES AT PARIS. The task of remaking the world is not going ahead as rapidly or as smoothly as some might wish. Even with the affairs of man in a fluid state, political boundaries thrown down, eco nomic and social relations removed from their foundations, and the minds of people plastic and in a receptive mood, the job of molding human destiny to the new forms lias presented obstacles not easily overcome, and which may in some degree defeat the effort of the work men who are. trying to fashion mundane things after a more desirable model. Some of this is due to the unwillingness of avfew to abandon those ways which appear to have served their purpose. f These hesitate when asked to take a step along a way they can not plainly discover. Most of it comes from an ineradicable element of human nature, selfishness. Small and weak nations have at tended the peace conference with a maximum program, and decline to be content with less than their full demands. To reconcile these is not easy, for they overlap too greatly. Ob viously, it is the part of the strong nations to Mimit concessions to the clamorous claimants, and set marks between the contending groups. What has been done so far has not produced the concord looked for. Italy sees with aston ishment its . claim) on Fiume set aside, while Japan is granted Kiao Chau and the Shantung peninsula; China must feel that its rights have been discriminated against, while those of Jugoslavia have been accorded undue atten tion. Belgium resents determination to curtail its demand for indemnity, feeling that Germany is being too tenderly dealt with and that others of the Allies are being favored. Revived Po land and Bohemia have separate grievances, and generally dissatisfaction is exhibited by the smaller nations. Though the world be exhausted to a point where war on the stupendous scale of the last four years must be discontinued, combat in a smaller way may be carried on. Central Europe affords ample proof of. this. The League of Nations will start, if at all, with ample work ahead, for the Peace conference is leaving too many international disputes unquieted. , Bavarian bolsheviki are reported to have ex ecuted hostages before fleeing from Munich. The delicate sense of honor maintained by the unwashed in Europe is touching. A Belgian commercial counsellor has been fined 100 francs for sending a birthday greet ing to Herr Hohenzollern, an indication of where the late head of the military trust stands n Belgium. A Nebraska professor has located the cackle of the hen in the egg..' Now, if he will demon' strate what the cackle has to do with the egg, " he wH have made hU cycle of research com' plete 'in this regard. The Treasury expects to issue other bonds, we are told, but only to take care of the "fag ends" of war expenditures, and to an amount of , not over $5,000,000,000. If that is why bother as by mentioning it? Criticism heaped on the Americans at the Peace conference is only what might have been looked for. Efforts to establish substantial jus tice between parties trying to overreach one mother seldom bring high praise for the arbi Josephus Daniels is reporting to be. shying at the Order of the Bath, his modesty and dis cretion as well deferring to his, democracy. But someone ought to hang a medal on him for his forebearance in allowing the officers of the navy to run its part of the war. , ... . If we were inclined to bet on a certainty, we would, wager that Italy signs tie peace pact, and that Belgium, China and the other objec tors all get into the League of Nations, trust ing to the future, as did the Poles, the Bohe mians and the Alsations in their darkest days. I Need of An Investment Trust Ever since America became a creditor nation, holding the obligations of foreign governments alone that call for annual interest payments of $500,000,000, or about the total annual produc tion of gold outside the United States, students have sought some way to relieve us of the em barrassment of our riches. Nobody suggests that we sit down and live on our income from Europe. We desire to continue our production on the expanded scale brought by the war. We shall probably buy more than ever before. Our imports now exceed anything in pre-war his tory,; But we must continue to sell and many , of our best potential customers are not in a position to pay now, with money or products. , Phis situation has caused many financial stu dents to recommend our buying long-term for eign securities. But there is more or less un certainty as to securities that would be offered. The small investor has too many tin boxes full of beautifully lithographed but financially worthless domestic securities, bought on his own judgment from glib promoters, to be very, keen about buying foreign securities. Paul Warburg, former vice chairman of the governors of the federal reserve system, re cently urged before a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations that a powerful investment trust be organized to examine and buy foreign securities. . It is not a novel proposition, for the English formed such an organization nearly 50 years ago and there are many more that have been in successful cperation in England, Scot land, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. One English company holds 315 kinds of invest ments scattered in various countries and includ ing "foreign government issues, municipal loans, mortgage bonds, preferred and common shares in railroads, public utilities, banking, commercial and industrial corporations." It is really a holding company and the public does not buy the securities themselves,, but stock in the com pany or its obligations.' The risk is conse quently "so greatly spread as to make dividends regular and, certain. Such an investment com pany would require expenditures for investi gation no small concern could afford. We shall doubtless hear-much more of Mr. Warburg's proposal. St. Louis Globe-Democrat Sound Rule on Murder ' A man convicted' of murder because he par ticipated in a battle between desperate thieves and policemen, in which an officer was killed, appealed on the ground that it was not proved that he had fired a shot during the melee. The supreme courts holds that: "When several persons are jointly engag ed in resisting police officers who attempt to put them under arrest and in making such resistance use deadly weapons, each individual who assists in their employment is held to have intended the natural and probable con sequence of their use." This is sound law. It ought to be connected very closely with the statutory definition of murder in the first degree, which includes mur der done In pursuit of another crime. Omaha practice has been very weak on this point, for in the past many culprits have escaped with light sentences, and some without any, who en gaged in highway robbery, burglary or other crime of violence or theft, and killed someone. It is high time the majesty of the law were re stored in all its strength and severity as ap plied to the crime of murder done in connection, with another felony. . z Enforce the Laws We Have. Frank Mondell promises new laws, if need ed, to deal with anarchy. It would be more to the point if some of the existing laws were strictly enforced and not interferred with in their operation by the interposition of mawkish sentimentality. When the gates of the prison at Leavenworth were opened and slackers marched out with honorable discharges from the military service of the United States, great er harm was done the fabric of the law than has come from, any bomb-setting. In serving notice to the world that one set of law-defying agitators "can get away with it," our secretary of war encouraged the rest. If one law is to be ignored at the pleasure of any man or group of men, why not all? And if the law is to be enforced, why should it not apply with exact ness to all? We have enough statutes; what is most required is a firmer quality of moral fiber, a little stiffer backbone, and the just handling ot ottenders against public peace and welfare. The sturdy qualities that made America will preserve it, but to do so must be asserted with more vigor and determination than has been shown in the last wo or three years. Passing of the Grand Army. One item of local news carries with it a tinge of sadness. It recounts the fact that the three Omaha posts of the Grand Army of the Republic are to be consolidated, because they no longer have numerical strength for more than one. This is simple notice that the great organization of men who wore the blue, and marched with Grant and Sherman, is passing on more rapidly than we realize. They were boys in '61, and yet in '65, when the conflict closed, but that was more than a half century ago, and the youngest head that sheltered un der a soldier's cap then is now snow-white from age. It was inevitable that this association of men who shared together the hardships and pri vations, the dangers and the triumphs of war, should pass in its time, for its members are im mortal only in the deeds they wrought and the glory they brought to America. 'Soon "the muffled drum's sad roll" will have beaten the last tattoo for .he Grand Army; the last old veteran will have been laid away to await the bugle sounding reveille in eternity, the last bronze button will be placed alongside the old battle flag and the stained uniform, and the Grand Army of the Republic will live only in the memory of a people who will more and more enjoy the fruitage of its victory. For On Fame's eternal camping grounds Their silent tents are spread, While Glory guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead. Men discharged from the army far away from their home3 may pay their way home and then put in claim for V2 cents a mile, which is just one-half of the actual fare. This is the ruling of the high and mighty comptroller of the Treasury, who holds that ,Uncle Sam is through with the soldier as soon as he gets his discharge paper. Something ought to' be done to break tjirough the barrier of red tape raised in Washington and convince its defend ers that simple justice demands that the sol dier be returned to the home from which the draft took him, and that all his expenses be paid. Mr: Burleson's Adventure From the New York Time. - Inherent probability supports the belief that the president, not Postmaster General Burlesou, was the first to direct the return of the cables and the telegraph and telephone lines to their owners. If upon some watchtower in the land the president has a trusted political adviser, that sentinel, if faithful, could not have failed to advise Mr. Wilson that Mr. Burleson's per formances with the wires were much disliked bv the neoDle. were turninsr them against the democratic party, and were playing the mischief with the party s chances ot success in trie great struggle of next year. But the question who gave the formal order or first made the recom mendation that the- government relinquish its grasp upon the wires is of minor consequence. The people ot the United Mates made tnat ae cision. they cave the order, it has been obeyed No administration in its senses would have stood out against the nomilar behest Thus ends in abject and exemplary failure the postmaster general's adventure in govern ment ownership. It is a remarkable example and lesson in the prompt forming and expres sion of public opinion, in the rapidity with which the people Of this country make up their minds upon any matter of general concern when they understand it. In the matter of government operation of the railroads, the wire systems and the cables, the opportunity for full understand ing was put before the people from the very beginning and they profited by it. The rail roads, telegraphs, telephones and cables are in struments familiar and necessary to practically the whole population. From the farmers of the west, from the shippers of both coasts and the whole interior, from all classes who use the railroads either for business or for pleasure has come a general complaint of much greater cost and inferior service under federal control. Moreover, the appalling financial results of that control have given cause for serious anxiety to business men and lawmakers alike, as well as to taxpayers, for it very early became evi dent that sharp advances in rates would never meet the increase in operating costs due to re peated and large additions to wages. The monthly railway reports have long made it evi dent that, if widespread disaster was to be avoid ;d, remedial legislation would be imperatively necessary before the railway systems can be re turned to private ownership. That is one of the great problems that will confrontj the next congress. It must be solved, for the railroads must be given up by the government the pea pie are resolved as to that. Mr. Burleson's escapade has brought down upon the administration criticism severer even than that occasioned by the taking over of the railroads. He has not avoided trouble, he has seemed actually to 6eek it, to try to make it by his arbitrary and rough methods. He has been involved in continual quarrels. As in the case of the railways, complaints of bad service and in efficiency have multiplied and he has stirred up a deal of litigation. The power of the courts has been invoked to resist his decrees for the raising of rates; he has brought the wire sys tems of the country into a state of confusion of which the effects will long be evident. The need of this assumption of power was never made clear,' it has certainly not been jus- tifed by its results. As to the cables, Mr. eurlc san has been on the defensive from the begin ning. There was no war need involved, for they were not taken over until the war was ended; there has, never been any. satisfactory explana tion of why the order, somewhat furtively pro mulgated on November 16, was dated November 2 before the armistice. The public has had its suspicions which have not been dispelled. It may be said without any fear of contradiction that nothing which has beeh done during the period of government control of the wires has given such a general and profound satisfaction as the announcement that as soon as possible they are to be returned to their owners. This is a personal defeat for Mr. Burleson, who has publicly and repeatedly declared him self to be an advocate of government owner ship of the telegraphs and telephones. Evi dence of his belief that his seizure of the lines would result in permanent control is afforded by his recent formulation of a grotesque financial plan to reimburse the owners of the telegraphs and telephones without cost to the government. The experiment comes to an end in failure and under public condemnation of it in theory, prac tice and result. We cannot expect that the postmaster general will be cheerful under this public rebuff, but it is a lesson by which he and all concerned may well proht. But, after all, we find some reason for being grateful to Post master General Burleson. He has offered him self up as a sacrifice upon the altar of govern ment ownership, as it happened, at a fortunate moment. The minds, of men have been much upset by the disturbances of war, and many of them have dreamed dreams and seen visions of a new order in the social, business and political relations of men. But for this venture in gov ernment control and operation of railroads and wire communications there would have been a flood of talk about the blessings of state so cialism. We have had our experience, it was short and sharp, our demonstration, which is all-sufficient. The people have rendered their verdict of .practically unanimous condemnation. Pay of die British Speaker. The nominal salary of the speaker of the British House of Commons is one of $25,000 a year, together with the uses of a magnificent residence in the Palace of Westminster. But, as a matter of fact, everything needed for the maintaining of his household is provided free by the government. Light, heat, furniture, car riages, horses and motor cars, all these are his perquisites, while game is -sent to him from Sandringham and Windsor, wine from the royal cellars, and yearly gifts from the ancient guilds of the City of London. When he retires it is the established custom to give him a peerage and a life pension of $20,000 a year. People You Ask About Information About Folks in the Public Eye Will Be Given In This Column in Answer to Readers' Questions. Your Name Will Not Be Printed. Ut The Bee Tell You. Tart and the Rod Cross. jsioomnwd, Neb. -What Is Mr, ias connection with the Red .roosr J. 8. William Howard Taft formerly was head of the central committee which controls the Red Cross. His piaoe now la ailed by Dr. Llvlngsto Farrand of Colorado. During the war the Red Cross was In charge of a special war council appointed uy me president. Henry P. Davison, chairman; but that council retired March 1. Tnu mnv tiA 1nfat . know that Dr. Livingston announces ' ... 1 .., . ... w.., w entire, pudiic neaun ana me runaameutai problems of living' " " mam features or his pro eiiaiu. Empress Eugenic la 83. A special courier will Journey to arnDorougn hill today bearing f"s irym George ajid Queen Mary to the former mm Eugenie, on the occasion of the U - .uuvij-uum un iimay, ma IOr- mer empress, who has been spoken of by, recent writers as. "the moat wonderful woman of her age," as wen aa - ine most tragic figure In modern history," is reported to be in good health for one of her years. Those who have been privileged to meet Eugenie during the past year declare that while physically aha Is suffering from the .infirmities of her great age, mentally she appear to be as keen aa in the days of long f wnen ene piayea a stellar role in the affairs of France and of Eu rope. wnenever the weather permits Eugenie takes a dally walk in the woods and park surrounding hr home. Farnborough. hill, although situated within sight of tha great military camp at Aidershot. la one of the Quietest olaces in Enarland and the little community of exiles wnicn surrounds the former empress uvea in quiet seclusion among a for est of pines. Visitors to the Dlace are few in number, for of lata years the life of Eugenie has becoma one of almost absolute seclusion. In the grounds at Farnborough are the tombs of Eugenie's husband. Na poleon III., and her aon, the Prince imperial, who met death while fight ing with the British troope In the Zulu war, the bodies havine heen transferred from Chislehurst. whre ivapoieon ana Eugenie first took up their residence when forced to fl from France to England. The Benedictines, who look after we spiritual need of the household and guard the tombs, have a church and priory at Farnborough, built by Eugenia at a total cost of mnm than half a million dollars. On either side of the high altar of the church are gruiuie sarcopnagi containing the re mains oi jsapoieon ill, and the Prince Imperial. When In the course of time the former empress comes to die she will be interred in an arcosolium which has already been built into the wall of the church, behind the altar and over the great stone door leading into the monas tery. Cargo Finally Reaches Port. A cargo of 2,500 tons of emery stone and other merchandise for Boston merchants, which was loaded at Smyrna in 1914, only recently reached port. When the war broke out the ves sel was detained by the Turkish authorities un tl a few weeks ago. TODAY The Day We Celebrate. Charles W. Sears, lawyer and lawmaker, born 1872. ' , Ex-Empress Eugenie, widow of Napoleon III., born in Granada, Spain,' 93 years ago. General Sir Henry Wilson, chief of the im perial general staff of the British army, born 55 years ago. Cardinal Gasparri," the Papal secretary of state, born in central Italy 67 years ago. William P. G. Harding, governor of the Fed eral Reserve board, born in Greene county, Alabama, 55 years ago. ' Darwin P. Kingsley, philanthropist, president of the world's largest life insurance company, born at Alburg, Vt., 62 years ago. Joseph P. Tumulty, private secretary to President Wilson, born at Jersey City, N. J., 40 years ago. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. About a dozen Christian scientists met in Unity church for the purpose of Organizinz a local religious society. Mrs. E. B. Fenn, pas tor, presided. Officers elected were: Jesse B. Broodbend, assistant pastor; Mrs. Ella Cherry, treasurer; A. P. French, secretary and clerk. The Irish-American Republican club met at its headquarters in1 the Withnell block. Sixty friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Creighton last evening to help celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. At the Newman Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Sydenham Smith, a missionary who has spent the greater part of his life in India, preached an interesting discourse on the Hindoos. Grover Cleveland's Son. Richard Folsom Clavalanrl. uiTin by vote of the student body at Princeton, is the one who has done most to uphold the name and fame of the university during the oast year, is a son or urover Cleveland, twice pl-esident of the United States. When the United States entered the war young Cleveland enlisted as a private m the marine corps. He did not seeic, Dy use or any "pull" or by trading on his father's fame, tn become an officer or to" put himself in line for an officer's position. He is a robust specimen of the Ameri can school boy and college athlete, In addition to his fine record In In tercollegiate athletics he has shown ability as a speaker and writer In Prnceton academic competitions, and ne nas auied nimseir in a promt nent waywlth the forces in the unl verslty that are working against snoDDisnness and group exclusive ness. Thomas Nelson Page. Thomas Nelson Page, whose posi tion as United States ambassador to Italy has been rendered a rather delicate one by the inclination of tne Italian people to blame Presi dent Wilson for Italy's failure to realize her territorial aspirations In the peace conference, has been the American diplomatic representative in Rome since 1913. It was as a scholar and writer that Mr. Page was widely known when he laid aside his pen and entered the dip lomatic service at the invitation of President Wilson. He conies of an old Virginia family and received his education at Washington and Lee university. He published his first novel in 1887 and since that time many other novels, a book or two of poems and several historical works have come from his pen. For nearly 20 years, while pursuing his literary career Mr. Page also en gaged in the practice of law In Richmond. VERY PECULIAR PEOPLE. The Mennonites, whose Influx has aroused serious objection among the people in certain sections of Can ada, have appeared but little In the public print in the past, although they have been a unique, distinct force in the world's spiritual life since the days of Luther. Their first appearance in America was in 1683, frhen a colony came from Holland at the invitation of William Penn and settled at Germantown, Pa. The col ony Increased rapidly through sub sequent immigration and In the course of time other colonies spread through the country. DAILY CARTOONETTE I'rn COINq TO TAKE TMI5 S'-' IT Akk FOR WHEDID;ft DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY. S CHAPTER II. Getting Down to Facta. The First Test, j TARTLED by Mrs. Blua Bird's shrieks of alarm, the birds quickly took to their wings. They ieu sater in ins air. wot one or them, not even King Bind, thought of going to tho rescue of the Blue Bird ba bies, who wera threatened by the Blacksnnke. . "Ho, King Bird, a ruler must pro tect his subjects," shouted the knight to King Bird. "But not against a Blacksnake," replied King Bird, alighting on tha tip ot a tall bush. He shuddered at tha very thought of encountering the serpent "Quick. Let's see what oanNbe dona," urged Peggy, seising a. stick from tha ground and preparing to run to the rescue of the' Blue Bird lets. . 'Til go ahead!" .shouted ithe Knight, sending his steed galloping toward the tree where tne Blue "The First Teat' .King Bird," Said the Knight Birds had their nests. Peggy had to run fast to keep in sight of htm. True enough, there was a. Black. snake up the tree. He had colled himself around a limb Just balow the hole in which tha Blue Birds had their nest, and as they cama In sight of him he was gloating to him self over the delicious supper ha waa going to havii. His mouth waa open wide, hi j forkad tongua was darting in and out, and his eyes were glisten ing with eager joy. Aa for the Blue Bird babls. they were shrieking in fright. Thair die traded riiother circled aroofltj In a frenzy ot anxiety. She waa so des perate that she swoonad toward the snaka as if about to attack It. but eacn unie she was frightened away oy mo menace of its poisoned head "At it! Kill it, King Bird," shouted the Knight. But King Bird, after muklng one bluffing dash to ward tha snake, veered off quickly ana percnea safely out or reach. "If I go near, the snaka will-grab me," ho screamed. The P.lacksnaka seemed to laugh at the birds. It hissed and darted Its head toward them, and then pre parea to Beize the little Blue Birds, Peggy, forgetting all her fear in her desire to save tha baby birds, ran forward to attack tha snake with her stick, but the Mysterious Knight. jumping from his steed, pushed her oacx anq leaped himself toward the tree. Stretching upward he grasped tha snake by the tall and gavt a mignty jerk. Tha serpent not ex pecting that kind of an attack, was taken by surprise. But It quickly tightened its coils and clung desper ately to the branch. Tha Knight pulled still more strongly at the tail. crack! Snap! The dead branch around which the snake was wound broke off short and down cama the snake most unexpectedly. Tha Knight dodged out of the way. and the serpent fell at Peggy's feet. Wham! went Peggy's stick on tha snake's head. The sudden blow knocked the serpent to the ground, and before it could raise its head, the Knight's ready sword cut it In two. "Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah, for the Mysterious Knight and Princess Peggy," shrieked all the birds joyfully. "Tho first test, King Bird," said the Knight. "I hadn't figured on snakes," chirped King Bird much crestfallen; they are not in my line. What's the second test?" Daily Dot Puzzle a ' l '1 1 3o j 4 a35r - ' ? M , ' - 2b 37 ,11 . S f. ,6 8. 5. St 4i When you've traced to fifty ont. " Then the drawing will be done. Draw from on to two and so oa ta th end. . From a distant part ot tha fores! sounded calls of distress: . "Come to our aid," acreamed bird voices. "We are attackad by porcu pines." (In tho noxt enactor will bo toU how tha porouplnoa aro mot In battia.) OX Mr. Piskao Rises to Explain. Omaha, Neb., May 8. To the Editor of The Bee: Your nawa ar tlcle in the issue of May 2, relative to tha May day celebration held at the Bohemian Tel. Jed. Sokol hall, is nothing short of InjusUca to both the audience and tha speaker. Tour reporter either did not understand what the Chicago speaker toM him and told the audience, or wilfully garbled the truth. Tour nrst sen tence of the artlole, stating that No votny denounced any. movement to suppress bolshevlsm, la not true, and a lot of other statements are not true. Probably not 1 per cent of the audience knows of Kate Rich ards O'Hare and her mission or in- structiOns, of which you speak, be cause red carnations have been worn at the May day celebration (Bohe mian iaDor aay) eacn year, for a number of years. The writer hereof is not a mem ber of the socialist nartv at all. anil has no direct interest in this mat ter, except that your article insinu ates that the Bohemians or Slovaks, for whom the United States fought, and who fought on the bat tlefields in Russia. Siberia. France ana Italy, against Germany and against bolsheviks, have in Omaha turned traitors. In fact, your arti cle has already nromnted sn tnr Sorenson to directly charge the speaker to be a bolshevlkst and an imported traitor. Mr. Novotny is socialist. a member of a rnr. nlied political party. He has been an editor of a socialist paper in Chi cago, but recently resigned, because. as wa understood from him, he did not agree witn some bolshevik ideas of his colleagues. And he has now Deen selected as one of the repre sentatives of American Czecho-Slo-vaks to go to Cxecho-Slovakia on a mission, part of which Is to fight ooisnevism wnicn is oeing spread by Germans and Russians. Mr. No votny did not say that he "reviles the American peopla who have in stigated the move which is now on foot to suppress bolshevlsm." He never stated that he is against, any movement to suppress bolshevlsm, but he did say that he does not agree with the forcible suppression of all socialist meetings and other dras- tio steps taken in soma places to persecute the Industrial Workers of the World, American bolsheviks. etc. Mr. Notovny knows what bol shevlsm is and believes in other ways of fighting it, because perse cution sometimes leads to strength ening of an idea. Further, Mr. No votny did not say a word about the imprisonment of Debs et al., or about democratic United states, etc. Tour reporter quoted a printed res olution which some individual brought to the hall and left there, containing a protest against the im prisonment of Debs. These printed requests, intended to be sent to. con gressmen, etc., were not circulated during the meeting and very few were taken notice of after tha meet ing and during the dance. The Omaha Bohemian socialists certainly behaved well during the war, and better than some demo crats and republicans. They voted against the majority resolution of the American socialist party, and de clared themselves strongly for Amer ica and for- a strenuous prosecution of war. A number of their "local" were in the American army and still a larger number in the Czecho-Slo--vak army. Their celebration, which they have been holding at the Tel. Jed. Sokol hall, Is an annual affair of some 15 years or more duration, and there was not a single Indus trial Worker of the World man among them. The mere presence of women and children would give, evidence of their peaceful celebra tion. . I wish to emphasize. In the face of your untrue report, that the Czecho-Slovaks (Bohemians) of Omaha, including the socialists, are the same as they have alwaya been, peaceful, law abiding and law up holding citizens. It is this differ ence between socialism (or menshe vlsm) and bolshevlsm: While the first tries to obtain the equality of man, tha latter is not much less than anarchy, resorting to forceful means of attaining its. ends. And the Czecho-Slovaks to the last man will fight this bolshevlsm or an archism, however you call it. ANTON PISKAC. Others Besides Burleson. Oxford, Neb., April 80. To the Editor of The Bee: Burleson is be ing bombarded by the world with shot and shell that will either force him to abdicate or prove tha failure of the democrats' "Big Betsy." It will be impossible, however, to con vince the people that all the mis management of our democratic ad ministration is the fault of Burleson. The Crown Prince McAdoo and Baker have him skinned a mile and as to his stirring up ill feeling and making a muss of things, why the recent president of the United States outshines them all. A. C. RANKIN. Boston Garter Worn the World Over aconac raost co. MAKERS BOSTON Reasons for Referendum. Tork, Neb., April 30. to the Edi tor of The Bee: I suddos tho statn Is to be put to the cost of another election just for two reasons, one is to try and discredit those in office in order tJ make it easier for the outs to get in, and the other is just a uuie revenge. With both of them Doostea along by some mlstatements, and some uncalled-for fears mit for. ward one purpose, to help the thing along, oorae say it was conceived in me aaric ana Drought forth from se cret caucus. Well, he should know his party did not do it or it would have been done that way, for that Is their stock In trade in all such matters. But some one ought to tell them that that was the second bill given to the senate, also that it waa a plank in the platform and the legis lature was elected on that as well as other planks and that these same people, or soma at least, would cry traitor because they did not keep their pledge. Now, If the United States can be run by a cabinet of ten, why not Nebraska with six or a city with five or seven under the great commissioner system that was to euro all the city ills. And what oetter would it be to have the gov. ernor to appoint a score of commis sions or heads of such. But the joke Business Is Gooo.Thank YbiT .LV. Nicholas Oil Company 7J Skin Comforts ForOurBoys Found In Cuticura The Soap to Share. Bathe and Shampoo, the Ointment to heel These frasrant, super- creamy emollients soothe and heal eczemas and rashes, stop Itching, clear the skinnt pimples, the scaip ot aanarutt ana the hands ot chaps and sores. Also cuts, wounds, stings of insects, sunburn or windburn. Sam vita Catinra am n HuMi, Dp-to-Dttt OaUeva War. No mat .noilmty Map, BA III. HA MM 1- kili u wmmUL m irritation arm whan f haTaS twlea imilj. On aoap for all um - havinf , bathina. hampooing. Dooblea razor efficiency, not to t peak a Taloa in pramotini akin purity and health, due to delicate, fragrant uotleura medication. Soap, Ointment, Talcum 260. each. Sold everywhere. i v I lorJ is found In it, when you aea some In this flght that is long on proof on the commission for cities as it will locate responsibility, and also for the short ballot Then as to the great primary that was to cure all the corruption in politics, and yet that very reform haa given us tome of the most unoommonly common candidates that ever run at large. And tha primary is without a doubt the rich man's chance at office, and the editor's harvest may be the key to the cry for change of the new law, FRANKLIN POPE. v SMILINO LINES. "Beln a aodawater jerkar ain't no inn (or an ambitious young chap theia days," remarked Mr. Grubblni. "How's thatt" "Th' tlm has passed when a brisk young; feller in that line of business had a oh h nee to develop Into a regular bar tender." Birmingham Age-Herald. "John," announced Mrs. Sty I over, "I'm going to town tomorrow to aee the new hats." "You forget," her husband reminded her. "that tomorrow Is Sunday. The shops will be closed." "Who said anything about shops? I'm going to church-" Memphis Nows-Sciml-taf. "O'Brien, Ol hov wan for yet. If a man la born In Lapland, lives In Finland an' dies In Poland, phwat la he? "That's aisy. A car-r-rpe." Boston Transcript. j! Difficult a a was II America's transition from peace to war, the transition from war to peace holds even more Taxing problems. Generous over-subscription of the Victory Liberty Lean will ren der less trying the period of readjustment and reconstruction end the solution of its problems, which are YOUR problems. The United States National Bank wel comes the opportunity to assist Its patrons and friends in the discharge of this patriotic obligation. mmm