Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
MOVIE CAMERA MAN OCCUPIES PERILOUS SEAT Clings to Small Space In Air plane While Taking Pic tures of Troops Arriving On Leviathan. The daring of cinematographers a ho seek to obtain unusual motion pictures for various news reels has never been so clearly demonstrated as during the great war and post war activities. The daring of the motion picture news photographer was never more clearly demonstrated than in a re cent issue of the Universal Current Events, issued by the International Film Service through Universal ex changes, which showed the arrival of New York's famous 27th division aboard the giant "Leviathan." To obtain views of the incoming ship from an unusual angle, J. A. Brookhorst, International staff cam eraman, obtained a permit to use a government seaplane. Taking the machine gun off its standard, Brook horst bolted his camera to this base. The camera, mounted, rested, abefut 18 inches from the forward tip of the plane. Between camera and fuselage of the machine about three feet of the machine's hood afforded Brook horst his only possible seat. The hood gradually grew wider as it sloped away from the nose of the plane. , Straddles Plane. In order to operate his camera ,it Was necessary for the photographer to straddle the plane directly behind the camera and rely about the ma chine gun standard for his "hold." ... During all of the maneuvers of the boat, Brookhorst kept grinding the crank of his camera, heedless of danger. A sharp turn of the plane would have ihrown him off and hun dreds of feet below into either a mass of buildings or the sea. As the seaplane glided down toward the ship the several thousands of soldiers aboard cheered the plucky camera man, who sat erect and kicked his feet against the hood of the plane. As a result of his daring Mr. Brook horst was able to show the Levia ihan" and her precious cargo, from above, both sides, fore and aft, and was able to get such clear pictures of the boys on deck, as the seaplane flew above them, that many faces have been recognized on the screen. Comrades of the War' to Revive Traditions of the Old Germany London. General von Freytag Loringhoven, author of "Deductions from the World War," describes in tl : Preussische Zeitung a scheme for forming aU discharged soldiers into unions of "comrades . of the with oflkerj .jp charge.- who could thn "at once rnd in the im mediU - iuture restore to the men tie noble pride they had acquired during the . war, and so tear away the scales from the eyes of the na tion and give them .a proper out look on the world." ' He quotes the following saying of the historian Treitschke: "A nation consists only of those who are alive at any time but also tlu dead members of the same tribe. This is one of the verities that ma terialist ' would call mysticism, and yet it is one of the most practical of truths." The unions are to be in remem brance of the great past of. Ger many, and the memory o the past is to. rekindle the national, spirit ano prepare it for the future. .What that spirit is may be inferred from General von Freytag-Loringhoven's cl;aracteristically German saying: "War has its basis in human na i. 're; and' as long as human nature remains unaltered wa. will coritinue tc exist, as it has existed already for , thousands of years." His including words are: "It is now time for such a league of remembrance to forge a spiritual bond uniting all those who remem ber the former glory of Germany in the midst of a sick people and a sorrowful present. The memory vst b preserved, and it will be t i surest guarantee of the German . .iro." i Beards In Ukraine 0. K., But Mot In Chicago Electric Plant Chicago. Years ago, when Joe Bochna came out of the Ukiaine, his .hin was festooned with the first .-urling tendrils of maturity. In that landwhere a man's spir tual progress "is registered by i the length of his beard Joe was looked ipon as a promising youngster. The villagers allowed he would be a ' saint, that is, if the barbers did not get him. And in the Ukraine the barber is not. Joe came to this country, where he groomed his beard until it grew and grew and grew, finally reaching a length where it made a practical napkin or bib. Then he. went to work in the plant of the Westing house Electric company. He soon found the, beard, so much admired in the Ukraine, did not make such a hit in this country. Two fellow employes caught him-clip, clipToe was as beardless as a school boy. Joseph Miller was ac cused, arrested and is now at liberty under $5,000 bond. Two Boys Confess to V the Theft of Automobile Vern LBryant, 4424 North Twen-tv-first street, and Harland ZJarks, .M)24 South Fourteenth street, were charged with grand larceny yester day in the recovery of a stolen au tomobile belonging to Frank Janda, 235 South Thirteenth street Beth boys confessed to the theft tf the oas, according to Chief of Detectives Dunn. Bryant was : released on '.,000 bond. Janda's car was stolen from in front of the Minne Lusa par age, Thirtieth and Baughman avenue the, night before. Bryant and Parks were arrested at Thirteenth street pfter a chase by detectives. They were seen to jump out of the car and run, detectives say. Nebraska Farm Products ' Worth Nearly $800,000,005 Corn Leads for Last Year, Crop Being Worth $160,288, 243 Hogs Rank Second as Wealth Producers for Farmers of the State. ; 4 Last year Hie gross income from Nebraska farms aggregated $444, 887,493, notincluding the live stock, poultry, eggs, butter and cheese, which were sold and brought $320,1 800,000 more, making a total . of $765,689,493. This is the approx imate annual income from Nebraska farms, which are becoming more valuable each year. Corn is king in Nebraska. This is apparent when it is taken into consideration that last year, while the yield was only an average, it aggregated 123,298,649 bushels. It sold at an average of $1.30 a bushel, which is shockingly low. The crop was worth $160,288,243. Figures relative to Nebraska, compiled by Manager Thomas of the bureau of publicity of the Oma ha Chamber of Commerce, shows that hogs followed corn in the mat ter of producing revenue, Careful estimates made by county, agents and by county assessors indicate that last .year within the state there were 4,000.000 of these animals. Es timating that they were worth an average of $30 each to the farmers, they represented a total valuation of $120,000,000. Wonderful Revenue Producer. The winter wheat grown in Ne braska last year was another won derful revenue producer. The yield aggregated 33,520,047 bushels, and, figuring this at the low price of $2 a bushel, it was worth $67,040,094. Then there was the spring wheat, 9,721,793 bushels, worth $19,443,586, making a total of $86,483,680 for wheat alone. The oat crop of the state was an important item' the yield having been 56,215,487 bushels. It sold at 60 cents a bushel, and thus meant a matter of $33,729,292 to be added to the bank accounts of the Nebraska farmers. Riding through the state by train or automobile, the casual observer would never belitve that the hay adds any material sum to the wealth of Nebraska. It does, however, and its value is right up close to that of the corn and the hogs. It' is diffi cult to get an accurate estimate of the hay production, but it is esti mated at 5,332,077 tons. While a considerable quantity of this has been fed on the farms and ranches, still an immense tonnage has been sold and shipped in all directions. Hay at High Level. Hay- has been high the country over and prices have soared to un expected high levels, choice alfalfa and upland being worth around $40 a ton. .However, figuring it at an average of $22 a ton, which was a pretty fair price early in the season, "War Necessity" Shown ' in Memorandum Prepared for Emperor in June, 1914 . London, May 4.-rLittle atten tion seems to have been attracted to a statement made in a speech in Vienna by the German-Austrian Foreign Secretary Dr. Otto Bauer. According to the Neue Freie Presse, Herr Bauer said: "Three counts Berchtold, Stur gkh and Tisza, and a general, Con ratLvon Hotzendorff, in June, 1914, when all was- peace, worked at a memorandum which was to repre sent to the Emperor Francis Joseph and the Emperor William the neces sity, in view of the efforts of the Southern Slavs for separation, of war with Serbia. This memorandum was not delivered "to the two em perors because 4he Serajevo murder happened soon 'afterward, and this made it superfluous to provide any excuse for war. The ultimatum to Serbia followed. This ultimatum was drafted six times, and the sev enth draft was at last the text which it was assumed that the Serbians could not accept." Dr.. Bauer's statement about the seven drafts of the Austrian ulti matum is new, and it does not seem that anybody has been found to de ny its truth. Nor is there any de nial of the statements that Berch told, Sturgkh and Tisza prepared a memorandum for the two emperors. The Neue Freie Presse of January 17 printed the text of two doouments, comparison of which isdamning evi dence.. The first is a copy, sent to the journal by Marshal Conrad, of a letter which he addressed to Herr Bauer on January 15, as follows: "With' reference to your published speech, I beg to be allowed to as sure you that all the functionaries whom you mention would have been only too happy ' if an appropriate constitution had relieved them of the responsibility for the conduct of pol icy, especially when questions of special gravity were concerned. But the provisions then existing made it their duty to bear the heavy burden and to act to the best of their knowledge and conscience. "For the rest, after the now clear ly exposed aim of the entente and its satellites, there can scarcely be any further doubt about the ques tion who deliberately worked for war- and ultimately brought it about." It ; will be observed that Marshal Conrad tacitly accepts Herr Bauer's assertions, and only makes the ridiculous claim duly exposed by the Socialist Arbeiter Zeitung in an iB&ncled. CIGAR Jw Better than most ten cent cigars of today ' All Iiv New PAXTON & GALLAGHER CO., the state's hay crop for last year was worth $118,033,379.' This, esti mate does not take into considera tion the millet and . Hungarian grasses, 144,777 tons, worth $1,737, 324. Nebraska potatoes last year yield ed an enormous crop, and data shows that of the spuds grown for commercial purposes 10,497,998 bushels were sold at an average of 80 cents a bushel on the farms, bringing $8,398,398. Poultry is found on every farm within the borders of the state, and this poultry, with the eggs, has been a money-maker for the farmer, it being estimated that the sales ast year aggregated $50,000,000. v Butter, milk and cheese, accord ing to the available figures, brought $60,000,000 in returns to the farmers of the state. Dealing with live stock, within the state there are in round numbers, 100,000 horses, worth $9,000,000; 15, 000 mules of the value of $1,500,000; 1,100,000 head of cattle, worth $77. 000,000; 10,000 milch cows, $900,000; 4,000,000 hogs, $120,000,000 and 200, 000 sheep, easily worth $2,400,000. : Sugar Beets Bring $4,000,000. As a sugar beet growing state, Ne braska is stepping into the front ranks. Last year it produced a ton nage Of 463,524 and at $10 a ton, this meant a revenue of $4,635,240 to the growers. Though not classed as one of the leading fruit growing states. Ne braska produced 459,000 bushels of apples last year. Sold at $2 a bushel, they were worth altogether $918,000. The seed growing' industry was worth talking about for it yielded returns aggregating $2,000,000 and the commercial canning plants turn ed out goods to the value of $2,500,000. ' People in the city do not realize that out in the state there is any production of the old time sorgum syrup. However, this is really a considerable industry, for last year the output was 210,000 gallons and this sold at $1.20 a gallon. It was worth $120,000. A Grow Popcorn In State. Growing popcorn may seem liketa waste of time, but last year the farmers found it a profitable crop. Of it, it is estimated that they grew 9,000,000 pounds and selling it at 4 cents a, pound, it meant a revenue of $360,000. Onions amounted to something of a crop. Their yield aggregated 165, 155 bushels and sold at $1.50 a bushel. They brought to the pockets of the farmers the snug sum of $247,732. article called "They Wanted War" that he, the chief of the Austrian general slaft. was responsible for "the conduct of policy." The second document is a letter to the Neue Freie Presse from "a personage, who, in view of his then official po sition, was most precisely informed about the policy of the Vienna For eign Office in the period before the outbreak of war." This anonymous personage writes "in the interests of historic truth": "It is true that a memorandum was prepared in the Vienna Foreign Office about the middle of June, 1914, and it is also true that it was not dispatched in its original form: it was dispatched after it had been modified in consideration of the as sassination on June 28, 1914. But this memorandum was by no means intended to show the necessity of a war with Serbia; on the contrary, it dealt with the question how the peace of Europe could be secured, and for this purpose it was intended between Austro-Hungarian and Ger man policy in the east, which had not existed in full measure since 1912. ' "After the results of the Balkan war, and in consequence of the al tered altitude of Roumania, the of fensive group of powers", the en tente, had acquired a military super iority. Thereby the peace J was threatened.. There were two ways to avert this peril and -4o restore equilibrium either to win back Roumania for the central powers and to aim, via Bucharest, at an agreement with Serbia, with whom Bucharest was in close relations, or to seek in Bulgaria a counterpoise to the ententophil group in the Bal kans. "How far removed the Vienna Foreign Office was in June, 1914. from the warlike intentions imputed to it is clear from the fact that in the original draft of the memoran dum the first-mentioned plan was contemplated. Only after the Ser ajevo murder had given fresh evi dence of the aggressive Serbian ten dencies was this idea dropped, ,and in the memorandum dispatched to Berlin it was chiefly the second idea that was discussed an'd supported." It will be seen that the Foreign Office personage's . story is absurd on the face of it, and that, is so far as the memorandum dealth with re lations with Roumania and Bulgaria respectively, that can only have been a question subordinate to the plot for making war against Serbia. -for TOHtf Eftffeetibn England dealers aell them 1 " Distributors, Omaha. Nebraska THE BEE: OMAHA, BRAVE AMERICANS Portraits of Medal Winners, Mad at the Front by f IOSEPH CUMMINGS CHASE, Official Portrait Painter of the A. E. F. Sgt. William A. Hartman, Company F, 107th Engineers, 32d Division. We have the very best brand TNT. Sergeant Hartman is showing you in his left hand two blocks of TNT and the wire with which he knows how to fasten the explosive to any little thing that would be better some where else than here. In his right hand, behold the fuse for setting off the TNT! At midnight, August 4, 1918, he was sent out to examine the Vesle river front near Fisms for a location for pontoon bridges and for material for making these structures. The patrol accompanying Sergeant Hartman, under heavy artillery and machine gun fire, wa$ scattered. Hartman continued on his own initiative and entirely without orders, started the actual construction of rafts for pontoon bridges. His inflexi ble determination made the reconnaissance a complete success.- He's just as. happy as he looks and his Distinguished Service Cross helps that smile (Copyright, 1919.) ' Wins French Bride, But Causes Aching Heart of Girl at Home Clinton, 111. When Private Hugh O'Neill returns home from France he will bring with him a French bride. And, incidentally, it causes an aching heart here. Informing relatives of his matri monial enterprise in a letter, O'Neill wrote: "Please do not be angry with me when I tell you I am going to bring home a French bride. You couldn't expect me to be abroad so. long without getting married. "Please tell my girl at home that 1 fell in love too quick and that I didn't stop to think of her until it was all over. Then it was too late. Please tell her not to worry. She'll get another fellow." O'Neill has had a sensational rec ord as a soldier. Captured by the Germans eight months before the armistice was signed, he suffered the many hardships of the German prison camps. He escaped, how ever, just before the armistice was signed and made his way back to France. No word had been received from him during his imprisonment. Every war agency had been request ed to institute a search for him, but without success. His letter telling mm t MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. of the marriage was the first rela tives had received since his capture State Normal Notes. Kearney, Neb., May 4. MIhs t'atherlne Hicks, a former teacher In the K. S. N. S. training school, is now engaged in re construction work at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N Y., teaching the wounded soldiers bas ketry. The first meeting of the Ontario chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Grace Stead man, was held in the big music room Monday evening. A large attendance gave promise of excellent commencement music. The members of thn Rural club were guests at the Glen wood Community house Friday evening. The members of the club, assisted by representatives of thu Grange, furnished a program. Alec. Rhone, a former K. S. N. S. stu dent, has returned from Camp Humphreys, Washington, P. C, where he has been stationed for the past seven moi'ths. The Kearney State Normal school or chestra, composed of Prof. B. H. Patter son, director; Prof. L. E. Burton, cornet; Miss Grace Johnston, piano, and James Cleary, flute, played during the banquet given by the Rotarians at the Commercial Club rooms In honor of former Prenickrn Tafl. Mrs. N. J. Cook of this city has taken over the supervision and care of the gym nasium since the departure of Mrs. Marga ret Steadman, who was teaching gymna sium work in K. 8. N. S. Thursday afternoon the Catholic club of K. S. N. S. entertained the ladles of the local parish Altar society at an infor mal party and entertainment at tteir club rooms. Prof. Id. B. Sipple of the Kearney State Normal school gave an illustrated lecture on "Increasing the Efficiency cf Rural Schools" at the eighth annual session of the Nebraska State Orange held al Lex ington, Neb. The most Impressive service of the Kear ney State Normal school year was held Thursday morning, April 23, in the audi torium. At this time tlve annual was ded icated "The the boys of K. S. K. S. who have served our country In the army and r.avy, both home and abroad,' by te class of 1919. ?i it 111 Mi ii ii mi i ii i ii in mm mm i mi iiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiira If 9Hq alf- tfoat-tound soft dtink The first mam drink was water and grain. Bevo isihe highest refinement of the natural drink of primitive man the accepted drink of modern America- a beverage with real food value. A healthy and substantial drink at the soda fountain, or with lunch at the restaurant , a comfort waiting for you in the ice-box at home. Sold ovoryufiofo-Families suppliod by grocer. dru$$i$t and dualtt. Visitors are invitod to impact out plant? ANHEUSER-BUSCH Paxton h Gallagher Co., Vholesale Distributor! . OMAHA, NEBR. . eimtiHiiiiiiuiiHiii.uuiiihtihiiiiiiiiiiii.iii hi irnnm n ;i nn;n;i i;n imam "My Heart and My Husband" ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of v "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" As the violins of the school or chestra showed unmistakable signs of approaching the end of the selec tion with which they were favoring us, Dicky lifted his head from my unfortunate pasted manuscript and let his eyes rove over the faces be fore him until he found mine. I have never seen him look hand somer. He was, indeed, a brilliant, imposing figure in his aviator's uni form, which he had protestingly put on for the occasion. But though my heart leaped in voluntarily with pride at his ap pearance, yet I could not down the fear I felt of what I might hear from his lips in the next few mo ments. For his eyes, as they met mine, -were full of the dancing lit tle devils, which in Dicky always mean his most reckless, irresponsi ble mood. That ne saw my trepida tion at the sudden appearance of my once rejected manuscript, un derstood the dismayed compre hension of its feminine phrase ology which had come to me and was mischievously revelling in my consternation, ,was only too ap parent to me. But I saw a turning of heads, knew that pupils and teachers were watching Dicky's every glance- and gesture, and I forced my lips to a gay little answering smile at him. , The next moment the orchestral music had ceased and MrJ Stock bridge, with an earnestness which I knew was born of his anguished envy of the soldier's chances denied his maimed body, was introducing Dicky to the pupils crowded before him. With a little sick feeling at my heart I saw that my husband held loosely in his hands the manu script which had become anathema to me. A Brilliant Success. But with his first words I gave a heartfelt sigh of relief and as he warmed to his subject I had hard work to keep back happy, grateful tears. For every word, from his first sentence to his last, was couched in snappy, crisp, masculine English with no pretense about it, but of such virility and such ab sorbing interest that his youthful auditors appeared literally to be ac complishing the hackneyed phrase, "hanging upon his words." And yet, while no word of his whole talk was mine, he frequently referred in a swift, fleeting manner to my manuscript and I soon dis covered that had it not been for that much abused paper, his speech would not have been the brilliant success that it was. For it was my marshalling of facts, my sequence of arrangement, my accurate memory of dates and places that he was using through out, only clothing them with his own vivid phraseology. The thought sent a wave of healing comfort over my soul. I had been of use to him after all and I knew enough of my husband's moods to realize that he would make royal atonement for the deliberate teasing of which he had been guilty. An Embarrassing Instant. As he sat down after an almost If you would be cheerful and happy keep your bowels regular. Proper diet and exercise is usually all that is required. When a medicine is needed you will find that Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. They are easy to take and most agree able in effect. ST.LOUIS iiiiiiiiiinr boyish yet inspiring appeal to the pupils to keep their standard , of American freedom high and unsul lied, the walls echoed and re-echoed with youthful cheers which Mr. Stockbridge encouraged by his own voice and hands. Then, led by the school orchestra, we all sang the national anthems, the pupils were given the dismissal signal and marshalled by their teachers were soon going down the stairs in or derly fashion. When Miss Holcombe and I re turned to the assembly room, Dicky was in animated conversation with the principal. Mr. Stockbridge in troduced Miss Holcombe, and after a breezy and congratulatory greet ing my friend said brightly: "Will you pardon me for just a moment? There is an affair of state which must be laid Lefore Mr. Stockbridge without delay." , Both men bowed and the princi pal's halting step moved beside hers to another part of the room. I blessed Alice Holcombe's kindly thought as I seized the golden mo ment of comparative isolation with my husband. ' "May I also add my congratula tions, Dicky?" I murmured shyly, holding out my hand. . Dicky always does the unexpected thing. He gazed down into my eyes, his own dancing still with teasing mischief. What he read in mine, I do not know, but all at once his face changed, and gathering both my hands in his he bent and kissed me, regardless of the fact that Bess Dean, who, I knew, must hi-ve unconsciously hustled her lines of pupils forth, had just enter ed the room. Her mocking voice sounded behind me as. startled and flushed, I withdrew my hands from Dicky's. "You shouldn't be embarrassed Mrs. Graham," she gibed laughingly and smiling audaciously into Dicky's eyes. Just think of all us other for lorn damsels who would give their eye teeth for a salute like that even if it was administered on the steps of the public library." , . (Continued Tomorrow.) Karl Lee Returns After Year With the Marines -Karl Lee, who served in Company 75, Sixth marines, in the Argonne drive and was wounded at St.' Georges, has returned to his home in Omaha. Lee. after a siege in a Paris hospital, was engaged in spe cial Red Crosj service and visited many of the important war centers of France. He has ctirely recov ered from the effects of his wound, a machine gun bullet penetrating his thigh. Delegates Visit Dublin. Dublin, May 4. Frank P. Walsh and the other delegates sent by the Irish societies in the United States to present the case of Ireland to the peace conference arrived today from Paris. They were met by sev eral Irish leaders. At the Mansion house the lord mayor received them. I'nim t'imi't I'd Mr, B 9 3-B TRIES SUICIDE AFTER QUARREL WITH MOTHER Irma Johnsen Swallows Poi son Tablets Crying "I Want to Die, I Want to Die." In a verbal altercation with her mother late yesterday afternoon, 16-year-old Irma Johnsen, 1423 North Nineteenth street, swallowed ' one poison tablet, then lay prone on her back, crying: "I want to die; I want to die. Every one' is mean to me." She will recover. Flora Larson, younger stepsister of the girl, founnd her in tears on the bed and called the mother from, the kitchen. Mrs. Johnsen told po lice her daughter was subject to im petuous spells over trifling affairs. "I don't know what caused her tc do this. We were just having a little spat over nothing. She had no love affairs that I know of." Mrs. Johnsen refused to tell police over what the girl was quarreling. Dr. Follman refused to tell police girl. Coughs and colds, sneezes and sniffles quickly yield to BAUME ANALGSIQUE BENGUE The relief is most gratifying and so re freshing. Get a tube Tboa. Utmiol ft Co., N. Y.. Gains Continue to Be Reported In Minnesota St. Paul Woman Adds Ten Pounds In a Few Weeks By Taking Tanlac. The one feature that stands out more prominently 1 than any other, perhaps, in connection with the in troduction of Tanlac in this section. is the very large number of men and women who have reportec astonishingly rapid increase in weight as a result of its use. Only' a short time ago Mrs. C. K. Tindall, residing at 503 Seventh street, south, Minneapolis, reported that she had gained 13 poundB on three bottles. A few days later R. G. Aronson, a well known railroad man, living at 1039 East Fifth street, St. Paul, reported a gain of 15 pounds in less than 30 days time. : On& of the latest to testify : Mrs. H. A. Lessard, residing at 118 West Central Avenue, St. Paul who states that she has' gained 1 'J pounds in just a few weeks. In discussing Tanlac, which has been so beneficial to her, Mrs. Lessaro said: "I never thought I would let m name be used in connection with a medicine, but Tanlac has done mt so much good that I feel I ouht to make a public statement for bpnefit of others. I had been in ei badly run-down condition for about rour years ana a gooa pan oi ine time felt so weak and miserable that I could scarcely do any of my ; housework. Then about two year; ' ago I was taken down with pneu- monia and was so ill that I wis given up to die, and my folks were all sent for. It took weeks of hard work to pull me through,1 but when . I did get up I was in an awful con-, dition and never did get to feeling ' like myself until here lately, since I began taking Tanlac. "My stomach was in such a bad shape that I had to live on the very lightest of foods and I would je-; come so nauseated at times that I could hardly retain these. If I' ventured to eat anything the least bit heavy I would have such an" awful pain in the pit of my stomach , that I could hardly stand it. I was almost wild with headaches at ; times, also suffered from dizziness : and could hardly rest at night. My , liver was always out of order, my . tongue thickly coated and my com plexion very yellow. I would roll and toss at night for hours, getting ' very little sleep, and get up in the -mornings feeling all tired out "I have never believed much in; advertised medicines, but, when I , read so many testimonials for Tan lac describing cases like mine, J ing weight all the time, but now I'm Before I began taking it I was los-' ing weight all the time, but now I'm gaining and have already picked up 10 pounds in about month. I can eat just anything, and such; things as onions, cabbage and tur nips, which I couldn't eat before without suffering agony, never hurt me now at all. . I sleep soundly all night long and get up in the morn ings feeling- as well , as I ever did. In fact, I am feeling fine all the time and have no more trouble do ing all my housework, including thi cooking and washing. I have no more liver trouble and my com plexion is as clear and healthy looking as it ever was. I have told lots of people about Tanlac and 1 honestly believe it is the best all around medicine there is." , Teniae is sold in Omaha by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meaney Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city and town through out the state of Nebraska. Adv.. The Advertiser who uses The Bee Want Ad Column increases his. business thereby and the persosa who read them profit by the op? tuuities offered. . '