J THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1913. Lincoln Bureau of The Omaha Bee QUIGLEY SAYS POLITICS PLAYS PART IN NEW LAW Former Weil-Known Organ izer of Nonpartisan League Charges That Members of ' League After Gustafson. Lincoln, May 4. The question of whether the Nonpartisan league and the Farmers' uniort are really friend ly has been partially settled, at least, it being understood that C. H. Gustafson, president of the Farmers' union, has withdrawn from, the ac tion of the recent meeting held in Lincoln which voted to invoke the referendum on the new primary law in full, and has changed in order to help the. Nonpartisan league put across its referendum to recall only a part of the law, that relating' to convention nomination for state of ficers below governor. It is understood that the Nonpar tisan league favors the referendum only on the convention part, leaving in that part relating to party or ganization in the law. Mr. Gustaf son gives as his reasons for with drawing from the committee which would invoke the referendum on the entire law, that it seems to be sim mering down to a matter of politics, and being a republican, he does not propose to fall into any trap. Quigley Makes Change. . .. In articles published in a Lincoln newspaper, W. E. Quigley, former well known organizer for the Non partisan league, makes -the charge that members of the league who also members of the Farmers Uni are out after the scalp ot Mr. uus tafson. and it is possible may Mr, Gustafson is looking toward jAit fu ture and in going over the Non partisan league plan,, hopes .to save his scalp. C. A. Sorenson of Lincoln. Non partisan league attorney, has an nounced that L. SHerroh, editor of the Farmers Unjon official paper, is on the state committee for a refer endum of thefirst section of the law, relating Jfo the convention, i Mr. Gustafson is on the commit tee also which is working to control theconsTtutional convention, an or ganization which is said to be tnend- ly tothe Nonpartisan league, al- he denies that the league is real power behind the move it. Be that as it may. the com- nnittee havinar the work in charge, is composed of W. J. Taylor, Non partisan league representative in the state senate; C. A. Soreflson and C. C. FJansburg, who have been legal advisers and attorneys of the league jnd Addison Shelton, director of Ihe state legislative reference bureau, who is said to be friendly to the ele ment which has con-ol!ed the 'teague movement. The rst run of 101000 petitions were mailed out Sat urday, i . . . , New Automobile Law Brings $9,943.42 Into Treasury for April Lincoln, May 4. Nine thousand nine hundred and forty-three dollars and forty-two cents has been col lected by the automobile department of the state since the new law went Into effect. Twenty-five pet cent of this has been returned to the several counties to be placed to the road dragging fund. The report 3 for the month ending April 30. - Douglas county of course has paid In the most, amounting to $2,031.74, rvhile Lancaster county comes next with $779.98. Gosper county comes In with the lowest amount, $7.50, kvhile Wheeler is the second lowest with $15. The collection by counties follows: State FeesKlmbal! ...... 4 t 178Lancutr ..... 771 "P. A. Barrows, Correspondent.' Enemies of Primary Law Admit It Has Good Points Sentiment Seems to be Changing on Many Points; Pro vision for Women is Main Bone of Contention With Those in Favor of Revoking Recall. Counties Adam .... Antelope) .. Banner ... jRoono . . . . Bos Butt. Boyd 80 Lincoln 44 84 Loup 71 YUMCfDirmn .... J7 Madison f 3 Merries: Brown ....... 168 Morrill Buffalo Butler Cut ......... Cheae Cherry Ch.yenne ..... Clay Colfax Cumins Custer Dakota, Dawea ........ Dawson ....... l")nual -. - - Xodge ....... Douglaa ..... Dundy . v.... Ftllmor ..... Franklin Furnaa ...... Gage Garden Garfield ..... Gosper ...... Grant Greeley ...... Hall ......... Hamilton .... Hitchcock .... Holt Hooker ...... Howard ..... Jefferson , . . , Johnaon . . . . . Kearney Keith .,....,.. 37Manoe SI Nemaha lOBNuekolli E2ntna 68 pawnee tOSperktna 1 Phalpa J.Pleroe 68 Polk 461 Red -Willow ... 46 Richardson .... 34 Rock ... SS SO IS T2 SO 85 91 111 2 72 22 214 102 102 6 - 37 Saline IS 44 Sarpy 2iSaundra I.OSlScottabiuff .... 18 Seward 4 Sheridan .v.... OSIoux 64 Stanton tiSThurston SSValley lSWashlngton ... I Wayne ' 41 Webster' Si Wheeler ...... 22JYork ......... 105 20 Total ... 19.943 . 172 Lost p'.atea from 67 various counties. 2 Received State 6 4 Fee. 220.26 ' 47 Motorcycles from 2 3 various countlea. 257 Received ...$150.75 7 6 267 25 60 15 72 45 120 15 163 22 15 10S Former State Engineer Dies at Home in Lincoln Lincoln, May 4. Adna Dodson. well known civil engineer, for sev eral years state engineer and in the last dozen years city engineer of Lincoln, died Sunday morning at his home in this city after a long illness. He was 61 years of age. Boy Scouts Start Drive in Lincoln Victory Loan Lincoln. May 4. Lincoln has but $55,625 yet to raise for the Victory lean of the $1,500,000 quota as signed to the city. The boy scouts will take hold Of the matter of rais ing the balance and will begin a systematic drive tomorrow. , Wage Raise Demanded By Canadian Shopmen - Montreal, May 4. Demands for a 44-hour week and a 20 per cent in crease in wages have been made to the Canadian railway , war board from 35,000 railroad shop men in Canada. Delegates from the shop men will meet a subcommittee of the board May 12. By P. A.' BARROWS. Lincoln, May '4. (Special.) The proposition which faces some of the new laws enacted by the last legit lature appears to be a serious one, especially, upon the administrative code law and the new primary law, the latter appearing to be the main bone of contention, even the ene mies of the law not appearing to be able to agree on just what action to take. When the move first started, for invoking the referendum on the new primary Jaw, there appeared to be a general "agreement on the part of its enemies that the whole bill should be recalled, but as its ene mies began to cool off and read the law they discovered that "after all there were some pretty good things about it and even now some of them appear to favor what thy first de clared was an "onslaught on the rights of the people Nature c-FLaw. Perhaps it migjlt be well to tell just what the new primary law does and perhaps then it may not appear to be such aferrible thing after all. First it provides that all State of ficers ; bejow governor, not now coming yonder- the non-partisan law shall be nominated at a state con ventual. .The delegates to such state contention shall be elected by dele gates from the several precincts of ach county to a county conven- tion. such delegates being elected di rectly by the voters at the primary which nominates county officers. Second, the new law provides that the county committee of each coun ty shall be equally represented by nenand women, each precinct hav ing one man and one. woman as members of the county committee. These are the only material changes in the old law and the ones which are causing the enemies of the law so much contention. Tak ing a chance that I may be classed as a reactionary, I will simply dis cuss the changes as regards their ef fect upon the people.! Objection of Old System. The foundation of our voting sys tem is builded upon the great fun-J aanientai principle oi ine casting of an intelligent ballot. It is a well-known fact that a large part of the voters of the state who enter the primary booth to mark their bal lot do not cast an intelligent ballot so far as selecting the best candi date for the different offices below governor. The voter may be able to do so on one or two offices, but in the majority of cases he is called upon to put his cross opposite the name of from two to four men for many of the Offices and he abso lutely has no personal knowledge which one of themis best qualified for the office. He is expected to cast an intelligent ballot and yet he knows nothing about any of the can didates for most of the offices. Is he casting an intelligent ballot, the intelligent ballot that it is expected a man should cast when he selects the man of his choice? Under the new law the, people of each voting precinct will elect a representative to the county con vention and those representatives will select the county quota of delegates to the state convention who -wilUnominate the candidates for lieutenant governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor,, land com missioner, attorney eneral and rail way commissioner. These delegates will have the opportunity to come in personal contact with all the candidates for. these off ices. , They will have , a chance to see them and learn of them and their qualifica tions. They can carry back to their counties and the voters who have sent them to the convention, first hand knowledge of the candidates and their qualifications. " ; Therefore the percentage of chance that the best men will' be nominated is greater than where fully 80 per cent of the voters of the state go into a secret booth and are compelled to place their mark opposite the name of some candidate in . a group of three or four and they know absolutely noothing of any of them.- t Conditions Changed. One of the. charges made against the convention system is that in the days of the old convention the rail roads and the corporations ran things and nominated whom they pleased. They forgot to take into consideration that conditions now are not by a long way what they were in the days of the old conven tion system. At that time the rail roads furnished passes to a majority of the delegates and were able to pack the conventions. The 1907 legislature passed an anti-pass law and the railroads were put out of business as far as furnishing passes was concerned. Conditions are dif ferent now. The railroads do not dominate politics nor is the liquor interests playing a part in conven tions. These have been obliterated and therefore conditions are not as they were in the old days. Btlt were it a fact that corpora tions did desire to control elections it could be done under the primary way of nominating officers much easier than by trying to control conventions. Suppose, for instance, that Mr. Jones was a candidate for state treasurer and suppose that the banking interests of the state de sired to put him across as the nomi nee of either party. A judicious advertising campaign in the five big daily papers oi the state would nominate him every time and this is not a case of finding fault with the papers. Under the law they are compelled to take advertising as long as it is legitimate and when a candidate offers his advertising they have to take it. This would take less money and be a much easier proposition than trying to control a convention. Specific Instance. Just to show that this has been done in the past since we have been working under the primary system, a few years ago a gentleman was a candidate for a state office. Two of the big papers of the state and some of the smaller ones, made an attack upon his candidacy on the grounds that he was friendly to the corporations and that the corpora tions were probably putting up the money for his campaign. Yet be fore the primary campaign was over, every big daily paper in the state was carrying a full page or half page advertisement of this candi, date 'and the smaller papers were carrying smaller ones. Was he nominated? Of course he was. Whff- the voter went to his voting booth and came to th,e office for which this man was running, that name was more familiar than the others ;.nd he simply voted for him, knowing nothing of his qualifica tions perhaps as compared with the other candidates. The contention is made that the new law takes away from the peo ple their rights to say what they want, and yet the very men who are using this argument are depriv ing, by the contemplated uss of the referendum, the people from having a chance to try the new law out, and see whether it is a good law or not. Since the primary law was enacted in 1907 it has been amended by several legislatures and each time the change appeared to be ben eficial. That the law was far from p -feet has been time and again shown. Should Have Trial. The legislature has made another change in hopes to make it better. Why should any bunch of men take such action as' will deprive the peo ple of the chance to try the law and see if it will be satisfactory. Surely, in all fairness, the people should not be deprived of a chance to see whether they like the new law, and then if it is not workable, the next legislature can make the needed changes or go back to the old law if it thinks best. The state will never get anywhere on any law if the people are not given a chance to place their approval or disappro val upon it and they can not do that intelligently until they have seen the new law work. A business man wants a manager for his store. He is never sure he has t' j right man until he has tried him out. If he turned every man away" who applied for the job he would never get a manager. He simply gives an applicant a trial. and then he knows for sure whether he is the one he wants. The peo ple of Nebraska should be given a chance to try the new primary law just as the merchant tries out his new manager. Jack Owens Reported Out of Danger by Physicians Fremont, Neb., May 4. (Special.) Jack Owens, federal prisoner who attempted suicide a week ago by shooting himself in the chest, is rest ing easy at a local hospital. Physi cians say he will recover. The bullet which barely missed the heart is lodged under the shoulder blade. No effort to remove it has been made. Miss Mae Pilkens, former wife of Owens, who came to Fremont the day following the shooting and then returned to Omaha when she was refused to Owens' room, has made no inquiries about his condi tion since leaving Fremont, accord ing to Sheriff Condit. Owens will have completed his five-months term next Wednesday. Fremont jCanteen Workers Served 71, 000 Men in Year Fremont, Neb., May 4. (Special.) Fremont canteen workers served 71,000 soldiers and sailors who pass ed through Fremont during the last year, according to the report of Miss Maud May. commandant. The canteen gave out 200,000 cigarets, 12,000 magazines, 39,500 pads of patches, 1,250 boxes of chewing gum and other nicknacks. A total of $2,456 was sent for sipplieS. Seine Lake Kearney. Kearney, Neb., May 4. -(Special.) Lake Kearney is -being seined by the state fish commission for the purpose of removing" objectionable fish.. The project is a gigantic One and will require several weeks for its completion. J. D. Bell, Pioneer Fremont Resident, Dies in Hospital Fremont, Neb., May 4. (Special.) J." D. Bell, for 40 years a resident of Fremont, was found dead in his bed at a local hospital Saturday morning. Judge Bell, as he was known, had been in ill 'calth for several months. He was 42 years of age and is survived ly a daugh ter, Marie, teacher in the Denver schools, and son, Jay, clerk of the federal court in Juenau, Alaska. Judge Bell had been admitted to the bar in the states of Ohio, In diana and Nebraska. Minden Boy Loses Foot When Train Strikes Auto Minden, Neb., May 4. (Special Telegram.) Lawrence Jennings, a 13-year-old boy, had his right foot severed at the ankle when a car in which he and his older brother, Harold, were returning home from school was struck by a train Friday evening. The boy attempted to jump from the car and fell directly in front of the train. His brother, who was driving the car, escaped injury. Seek for Service Men Needing Medical Care Washington: Mav 3:-M pan-s fnr finding discharged soldiers and sail ors needing medical attention or sanitarium treatment through a pub licity Campaign were annnnnrert tn. day by the public health service. ihis work is done in co-operation with the wark risk insurance bu reau. DESTITUTION IN EASTERN EUROPE STILUNTENSE People in Poland Kept Alive Only "Through Fatalistic Faith in Future," Eye : Witness Reports. New York, May 4. Destitution, hunger and disease are wrecking havoc among the great Jewish pop ulations in Poland and southeastern Europe, according to reports made by American. eyewitnesses to the joint distribution committee of the American funds for Jewish war suf ferers, made public here today. The committee, which, uptodate, has dis bursed more than $25,000,000 con tributed by American Jews, is headed by Felix Warburg of the banking house of Kuhn. Loeb & Co. The situation in Poland, is so ter rible, according to Dr. Borris D. Bo gen, that the people are kept alive only through "fatalistic faith in some miracle in the future." Dr. Bogen says: "The population has seen and felt so much of suffering that it has be come calloused to hardship and to want, but the spectacle of hundreds of starving children, of women, in the biting cold, clad only in the scantiest of filthy rags, and of men listlessly and aimlessly walking the streets asking for bread, has deeply affected the committee's represent tatives." Conditions in Czecho-Slovakia are Second Flag Demobilization to Be Held Decoration :Day War 'Camp Community Service ' Explains 'How Silver Bars Should Replace Stars In Service Flags Spe cial Services for Fallen Heroes Suggest Program. '. The second ceremony for the de mobilization of the service stars has been set, generally, over the country, to take place during. the period of May 30 (Decoration Day) May 31, and June 1. The service flag has been the one central emblem that has represented the sons, the brothers, the fathers and the sweethearts of those who have remained behind. In many ways it is a flag fury as symbolical as the flag that has been fought for and now rests in the museums. It can be made a sacred flag, to be preserved and cherished. Eyes with out number have looked upon the service flag and have seen in the stars those who have gone to battle. The gold stars stand out as the em blem of the supreme sacrifice. Sponsored by Community Service. The war camp community cervice is sponsor for the idea of making intensified, according to Henry G. Alsberg, by a widespread anti-Semitic feeling. The reports in respect to Jugo slavia are contributed by Miss Het ty Goldman, who deals more par ticularly '. ith Monastir. Miss Gold man says that the city has been al most destroyed by shell fire and "the population reduced from about 80, 000 to between 15,000 and 30,000 in cluding troops. the "demobilization of . the service stars" a national affair. The plan is that the silver service bars be placed across the stars when the men come home. ... All schools, churches, factories, department stores, office buildings, industrial institutions and fraternal orders, from which young men have responded to the call of the colors, are asked to participate in. the "De mobilization of the Service Stars." It is also suggested that . the rural schools combine this ceremony with Jheir closing day exercises. - , .Community singing should be given an important place on these programs. The children should sing the songs the boys have been sing ing in the service here and over there. Home songs should be sung. So far as posssible returned soldiers should speak upon this occasion. The names of the men who have graduated from various schools dur ing recent years and who have en tered the service should be read. Arrange Program. The following program, which caji be modified to meet, various situations, js in order: 1. America. .2. Five minutes of community singing; including war songs, home songs and some new welcome home songs. , 3. Address by civilian, not more than ten minutes in duration. 4. Ten minutes response by re turned soldier. ' 5. Solo. 6. Five minutes of community singing. 7. Fifteen seconds of silent trib ute to the men who have fallen. 8 Demobilization of the service flag stars for those men who. have returned home or who have died. 9. Frayer. 10. Community singing: "Home, Sweet Home," and "Star Spangled Banner." Only those stars should be de mobilized which represent men dis charged from the service. 1 Be sure to have uniformed men present. ' The stars should" be demobilized by pinning a silver bar over the stars of those discharged from the service. Later these bars should be sewed upon the stars. ;If there are gold stars upon the service flag, second of reverent silence should prevail, before which the service star should be pointed to. Prior to the period of silence, names represented by the gold stars should be read. As each star is crossed by a bar- the name of the person represented by that star should be read. If there are not any gold stars on the service flag, they should be placed upon the serv ice flag for this occasion, if any of those who have been represented on the service flag have died. Until the army is demobilized there should be at times service flag demobilization at churches, office buildings, department stores, frater nal orders, high schools, .public schools and rural schools. These ceremonies should be held at inter vals of from two to four months and preferably on holidays or me morial days. At these ceremonies should be some recognition ot wounded men. The silver bars should be as long as tie andb ..... . . . i e extreme -width ot tne star hnnt nnr-nnartrr as wide as it js nrng. i , . i All states are . demobilizing .their service flags. Nebraska will extend this honor to her soldiers. 1 - Dhe-.commtinity singing depart ment of the War Camp Community sem'ice in Omaha is prepared to furnish gratis, any number of song shfets you may require and to .as sist in every way possible to make nomination services as-impres- as possible. Nfcw York Call Demands f Punishment of Raiders New York, May 4. Asserting that oise woman had been blinded, possi bly permanently, anoother crippled, aifd several men severely injured a th(: result of a raid on its offices oit'May 1 by soldiers and sailors, th New York CalWn a letter to Miyor Hylan, demanded, punish ment of the raiders and police 'ot- ficals'who tailed to prevent the raid. Soldiert' Hom6 Notes.'; bla. formerly a raaklnnt of Oranrt ;ll; ami, uui .... v"z z noma, uiu reoeniiy in wi" nospnai - ,' ulac. It la reported that hla niothur vii at hla bedside at the time of hla demlae. , lira. Thomaa Uaylord. in. cottas S, .la convalescing from her recent tllnt-as, bvinK able to lt up for her meals, -rhe will hve to endure a reit in bed owing to her weakened Condition. ' Hiss Seta Goodwin has taken a.ienve of absence for an Indefinite tim, and to gether with her mother, will visit in the mountains iuiu,nu. w. " been employed aa night nuraa In tha.wcvt hospital for many months. - . The members of Burkett are In hopen that when the weatter has become more Bettled the public) will take more of an Interest in vlsltlng'the hospltala, for vis itors are at all tlmea welcome and by to doing they will have a chanoe . to prove what has been said In regarda to tne con dttlona aa to the cleanllnesa and perfect order than they have been In 'he past eight years. Mr. Dr. Dever ! 'eeP1"1" ble for such conditions and if tnene- are any compliments to be given, ahe au-rely la the deserving one. ' n annum Every Little Ji am 1 TT" P P p inr Oft THIS time of the year there are many odd jobs about ttie home that every well man likes to do. But no man or woman with a : "bad back" enjoys, doing any-, thing. There's surely something .wrong when every day brings morning lameness, sharp pains : when lifting, and a dull, tired state. Likely it's kidney weakness. Don't neglect it.! It's easily corrected at. first, but delay may encourage gravel, dropsy or dangerous Bright's disease. If your back aches and kidneys are disordered, get Doan's Kidney Pills. This successful remedy is recommended so strongly" by people you know, you can use it with real confidence. - Read These Omaha Cases: 'EvervKci ma Story' Charles Street ' Mrs. Z. M.-Young, 2711 Charles St., says: "I suffered a great deal from kidney trouble. I think nursing and lifting the sick is what baused my trouble. I had terrible pains through my back and kidneys and was perfectly helpless for three months. I had pains in the back of tny head and was isp nervous I couldn't sleep. My kidneys were in bad shape, being irregular in action. I used different remedies for more than three years, but could get no help, until I used Doan's Kidhey Pills'. In a few weeks I felt like a different person. My kidneys acted regularly and the aches and pains left my back. I used several boxes of Doan's and was as well as ever." South Seventeenth Street J. Roland, 2219 S. Seventeenth St., says: "My kidneys were in, bad shape about three months ago. The most troublesome symptom was the' tod frequent- action of my kidneys. The secretions were highly colored and con tained .sediment I always did hard work and blame being in the heat and drafts for my trou ble. My back sometimes pained so I would al most have to give up work; Finally I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and soon was re lieved. I have picked up wonderfully since using Doan's and gladly indorse them for the benefit of others.' North Twenty-fourth Street P. K. Young, Prop. Tire Repair ( Shop, 5216 N. Twenty-fourth St., says: "I think there is no remedy on the market equal to Doan's Kidney Pills. I used to suffer with my back and my system was filled with uric acid poison. ., I was handicapped on this account on going about my work and some days I couldn't do a bit of work. My kidneys were terribly disor dered, too. I tried everything I heard bf but , didn't get relief until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. This medicine reached my case and in a short time I was as well as ever." North Twenty-sixth Avenue Mrs. L.' H. Kinkernon, 4002 Nr 26th Ave, , says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills when; suffering from kidney disorder arid they have never failed to bring the best' of results. When. I first used Doan's my back was aching terribly and on getting up in the morning I could hardly stoop over to lace my shoes. Every move I made sent painful twinges through my loins and the pains would extend into my shoulders.. I had,, weak spells and would be dizzy. After taking . Doan's Kidney Pills relief followed and soon I was in fine health and have been ever since." North Twenty-seventh Street Mrs. L. M. Palmer, 4105 N. Twenty-seventh St., says. "I suffered from kidney comolaint. I felt weak and miserable and my back "ache'il' every time I went to stoop oyer. I often Jiajlfto j lie down to get ease-from the pain" and -even-then I would be restless. My kidneys didn't act right, either. Three 'boxes of Doan'a r Kidney Pills cured me entirely," !t , t Sherwood Avenue . , ,, " Edwin Meredith, Supt. Standard. Cbemicl v Co., 1423 Sherwood Ave., says:' 'IArnVnever . without Doan's Kidney Pills in the house." ! pad. 1 a severe attack of kidney complaint a few gears' 'J ago. I suffejed everything from this trouble, which was broucrht on bv a severe illness. I tnnlr Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me -wtfnder fully. ' Doan's-strengthened my kidneys so I seldom have any annoyance now," (Statement "given November 18, 1914) On November 26, 1918, ,Mr. Meredith said: "My health has been good and my kidneys'.have given me no trouble since using Doan's Kidney Pills several years ago. 1 1 gladly renew-my pre vious statement." i . v ; D 9 JCicIney Tnv Every Druggist las Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Mil burn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y.