Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1919, Image 1

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Fair in east, unsettled
with probably showers in
west portion Monday: Tues
day showers: continued cool.
R I G H ,T
he Omaha Daily Bee
Hourly temirtnr!
a a. m..,
a, m .,..
7 a. m.. ?l
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9 a. m M
10 a. m M
It a. m 6
1 p. m. ...... ..5
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S p. in ...40
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. New York, May 4. The three y
seaplanes in which the United States
navy aviators will attempt a
across the Atlantic will "hop off for
Newfoundland on the first leg of
their journey at 7 o'clock Tuesday
morning, if weather permits, it was
officially announced at the Rocka
way Beach naval training station to
night. -
Trepassey, N F., May . 4. The
first seven links in the chain of naval
destroyers to be stretched across
the Atlantic by the United States
navy for its trans-oceanic flight
reached -this New Foundland base
today and, after replenishing their
fuel and supplies, will proceed to
the Azores. Their orders requije
them to reach their stations by
May 10.
St. Johns, N. F., May 4. Harry
G. Hawker and Captain Frederick
P, Raynham were compelled to
postpone the start of their trans
Atlantic flight again today because
of adverse weather conditions.
Washington, May 4. The memo-
. rial , to Bishop Francis Asbury,
founder of American Methodism, to
be erected here from funds collected
in the Methodist churches of the
United States and Canada wi?l be an
. equestrian statue, it was said today.
'This will be the first equestrian
statue of a preacher in the United
"States. It was decided on 1 .cause
.Bishop , Asbury spent much of his
time in the saddle and even prepared
n any of his sermons on horsebacl:.
New York, May 4. The United
States has furnished 2,000 army cots
. for the relief of poor persons ren
dered homeless as the result of the
wholesale rental evictions now tak
ing place in New York.
This announcement was made to
day by Capt. C. A. Goldsmith, U.
S. N., retired, who is working in
conjunction with Mayor Hylan's
committee in an endeavor to relieve
the situation.
Vienna, May 4. The Budapest
soviet government has appealed to
t President Wilson to prevent the
anward march of the troops encir
cling Hungary. The appeal says it
is time that warV bloody crime was
stopped; that the soviet is making
an honest effort for good govern
ment, and that it has kept order,
despite the slanderous reports to
the contrary circulated by enemies
who fled the country.
Atlantic City, N. " J., . May 4.
Augustus Post of -New York, pre
sided today at a memorial service
held in the Steet pier in honor of
the aerial heroes who paid the
supreme sacrifice in the world war.
The ceremony was held in conjunc
tion with the second pan-American
aeronautic exposition now in ses
sion. .
Coblenr, May 4. (By-the Asso
ciated Press.) Lieut Gen. Hunter
L. Liggett, formerly commander of
the First American army corps, ar
rived here today from Trayon and
assumed command of the United
States Third army in the occupied
General Liggett relieves Maj. Gen.
Edward F. McGlachlin, commander
of the First division, who has been
acting commander of the army of
occupation since Maj. Gen. Joseph
T.; Dickman left Germany for
, "Washington, May 4. A nation
wide campaign in favor of govern
ment ownership .of the telegraph
lines soon will be launched by the
Commercial Telegrapher's Union of
America and, if necessary, made an
issue in the 1920 presidential com
paign, E. J. Small, former interna
tional president of the organization,
declared in an address here today
before the Washington local of the
telegraphers' union.
Mr. Small said criticism by the
. union of Postmaster General Burle-
son's administration of the, wire sys
tems had been misinterpreted as an
indication that the. union Mas unfa
vorable to government ownership.
Paris,Ma4. President Pcincare
speaking today to the cadets of the
Paris Polytechriici school, who
' have just returned to Paris from the
front, said '
"The enemv laid down his arms
only to escape danger. If he at
tempts to forget what the gtnerosity
. of the allies spared him, we have the
right and the means to recall that
tact to him."
Weimar. May 4. Leaders of the
v German national assembly have deJ
cided not to convene the legislature
at Berlin, as has been suggested.
Washington, May 4. Finanical
legislation which President Carranza
has asked the Mexican congress to
consider at the extra session now
being held is being watched closely
by officials here, it was leaned to
day.' ihis is understood to be due
to the American interests involved
and to the recent statement by Luis
Cabrera, Mexican secretary of
finance, that Mexico would not pay
its aeots at present, even it it had the
money, preferring to await thi re.
suits of the Paris Peace conference
to see "what the world in general
will do with its obligations, how
many nations will repudiate their
debts, and how many will trim their
obligations to figures to compatible
wuu weir income.
VOL. 48 NO. 275.
Model Hospital Train With
134 Wounded Soldiers Go
ing to Camp Lewis Here
for Two Hours.
A model hospital train, carrying
134 wounded soldiers to Camp
Lewis, Wash., stopped for over two
hours in Omaha yesterday morning.
During the stopover the men were
showered with flower's and cigarets
by local canteen workers, and tak
en for a short toour of the city in
private cars. . .
With a few exceptions every man
on the train fought in at least one of
the great battles of the world war.
A maioritv of the heroes were
wounded in the Argonne forest
fight, although men wounded at
Cantigney, Chatteau Thierry and St.
Mihiel were among the group. .
With the exception of Sergt. John
Cook and. Private John Sande, both
wounded at Argonne forest all of
the men were in convalescent
stages, and able to care for them
selves. Shrapnel and 1 gunshot
wounds, with an occasional gas
case predominated.
Happy Crowd.
They were a happy bunch of men
these herpes of the great war, in
spite of hardships and wounds suf
fered during the struggle. No har
rowing tales of death and blood
shed were told, and no complaints
were voiced.
"We're on our way home," smiled
one round faced youth, "so what
more could we ask?" ,
The men are all from the north
west section of the Vnite.d State.s.
aridrthe fact that they were headed
northwest seemed to be all thai
was - necessary to their happiness.
They began their journey across
the continent from the Debarkation
hospital at- New. York, where they
were -assembled together with re
spect to the locality of their homes.
A coincidence occured during the
stopover when Friv. Charles
Spangle of the 326 field signal ba
tallion mentioned the name of Lt.
Col. Lawrence Simpson, an Omaha
man now in Audenach, Germany,
under whom hewserved. Harold
Simpson, brother of. Colonel Simpr
son, who served in the same ba
tallion in France and only recently
returned, was called by telephone
and came to the station, where the
two engaged , in an animated con
versation. .
Open for Inspection.
The hospital train consisted' of
four bed cars, an operating car and
a kitchen car. It is the first train
passing through Omaha that - has
been open for public inspection, and
scores of people viewed the many
comforts and conveniences furnished
the men.
The bed cars are specially recon
structed Pullmans. They are braced
by steel girders to prevent tele-
scoping in case of collision, and
have been changed in many other
respects. The operatin. car is a
(Continued on Page Three, Column Six.)
New York Audience
Subscribes $11,256,000
To the Victory Loan
i - .
New York, May 4. Breaking all
records for subscriptions received
at Liberty loan rallies, an audience
at the Hippodrome tonight sub
scribed for $11,250,000 worth of Vic
tory notes.
- The nearest approach to this mark
was made in the fourth ioan cam
paign, when $7,500,000 was. sub
scribed at : a , Metropolitan opera
house rally.
An autographed picture of Cardi
nal Mercier of Belgium was auction
ed off and went to William H. Eng
lish, who bid $1,600,000.
Rear Admiral William S. Sims,
commander of the United States
navy overseas during the var, was
the principal speaker. General Per
shing's Headquarters band made its
final appearance before sailing back
to American headquarters in France
G. 0. P. Leaders to Confer
at Washington May 22
Washington, May 4. Organiza
tion plans for the 1920 republican
presidential "campaign w'll be con
sidered at a conference here May
22 and 23. The meeting- Will be
attended by state chairmen of the
men's and women's republican state
central committees and members of
the national republican committee.
It will be the first joint conference
since women were admitted to the
party's councils.
Once More the American Flag is on Every Sea. The
- The Victory Loan Will Keep It
Eaton M mtml-ttut Bitter Ma It, ItW. t
Oaalia P. 0. witor eat 4 Mire 8. 179.
Belgians Dissatisfied
With Reparation Offered
for Sacrifices in War
Delegates Recalled From Paris to Attend Important
Council Which Will Decide Whether Terms Ar
ranged at Conference Shall Be Accepted; Allies
To Relinquish Money Advanced. -
Brussels, May 4. Paul liymans, Belgian foreign min
ister, has returned here and will attend an important cabinet
council. .
A great patriotic demonstration was held at Antwerp
At a cabinet council Saturday it
was decided to recall to this city the
three Belgian delegates, whose
presenci is needed at a further coun
cil to be held in the royal palace at
Laeken, which will be attended by
all members of the government and
state ministers. At this conference
it will be decided whether or not
the conditions offered Belgium by
the peace conference are acceptible.
To Receive 2,500,000,000 Francs.
The Catholic newspaper Nation
Beige says it has been informed that
Premier Delacroix told his collea
gues at, the cabinet session that
Belgium is to receive immediately
2,500,000,000 francs in gold and that
the allies are to relinquish the ad
vances made to Belgium thus far of
about 6,000,000,000 francs.
-The newspaper also states that
all materials requisitioned or de
stroyed by the Germans are to be
returned immediately and that Ger
many is to give Belgium annually
for a certain number of years 8,000,
000 tons of coal, representing 400,
000,000 francs. It adds that pay
ment by Germany of 7,000,000,000
marks ii circulation in Belgium
when the armistice was signed is to
take place without the intervention
of the allies and thus is dependent
uppn the economic .recoistruction of
Germany. '
Petition Presented To King. ,
, The petition presented to King
Albert by the national political
committee urging him to refuse to
dgn the peace treaty declares the
ration would gain prestige in the
Shoots Step-Son "Who Asks-
for Money from His Mother
John O'Donnell, Carpenter,
Son of His Wife, When He Hears Him Abusing
Mrs. O'Donnell for Refusing to Hand Over Money.
In a fit of passion over the way
ward actions of his stepson, Frank
O'Grady, 29 years old, 1115 South
Twenty-eighth street, John O'Don
nell. carpenter, shot and slightly
wounded him at 10 o'clock Sunday
morning. When police arrived at
the home O'Donnell was unconcern
edly shaving. "Well, I've shot him
at last. I'll have nd more trou
ble with him," O'Donnell said.
Though O'Grady had had an alter
cation with his mother, Mrs. Anna
O'Donnell, and had heaped ' abuse
upon her because "she wouldn't give
him spending money," police had
difficulty consoling her and taking
her arms from around her son's
O'Donnell was booked at the cen
tral station for shooting with in
tent to wound. He had been doing
carpentry work at Havelock, Neb.,
and came home the night before.
While upstairs yesterday morning,
Daniels Commends
v Crew of Destroyer
Shaw for Courage
Washington, May 4. Secretary
Daniels has commended 17 members
of the crew of the destroyer Shaw
for their courage and devotion to
duty at the time of the collision be
tween their vessel and the Cunrad
liner Aquitania last October 9, near
the English coast. I Two officers and
10 men lost their lives in the acci
dent. The Shaw 'was convoying the
Aquitania, and was zig-zagging, as
usual, when its steering gear be
came disabled. Had it followed its
course it probably would have ram
med and sunk the Aquitania. It6
commanding officer ordered full
speed astern and thus so changed
the Shaw's course as to bring it
under the bow of the huge troop
Ninety feet of the Shaw's bow
was carried away in the collision,
but in spite of this, picked men of
the crew got the vessel to port with
out assistance, but , not until the
men repeatedly faced death in
fighting the ship's magazine."
Led by the destroyer Kimberly,
the Shaw made Portland, England,
under its own steam, although the
floor of the engine room was flooded
and there was a huge hole in the fire
.. . r . r , . i . j v
muni jusi an oi wnere me uc
stroyer had been cut in two.
eyes of the world if her sovereign
declined to attach his signature to
a document which did not guaran
tee her rights.
In the last few days," says the pe
tition, "vast bodies have joined us.
We echo public opinion, which is
constantly growing and which is in
dignant at the tittle, which is of
fered us for the safety of Belgium
and the dynasty. We beg your
majesty to refuse to sign the treaty
rather than accept alms given us.
By leaving the conference Belgium
would show the immorality of a
peace without her.
"By sacrificing herself she would
gain, prestige in the eyes of the
world and the nations would demand
that justice should be done her. We
believe it would be better tj risk
having nothing rather than abdi
cate our rights to the reparation
and guarantees promised by most
solemn assurances. In the midst of
the nation's distress we commit to
Lyour hands our desire and our con
Hymans Bears Two Proposals.
Paris, May 4. The. Temps says
the .entire French cabinet is fav
orably impressed by the report on
the peace treaty, and adds that
Paul Hymans, Belgian foreign min
ister and peace delegate, left yester
day for Brussels with two propo
sitions to be considered by the
Belgian government. These concern
the priority of Belgium's claim t(T
the amount of 2,500,000,000 francs
against Germany's first reparation
payment and the clearing up of Bel
gium's war debt without reserve
ana with the elimination of the con
ditions which previously attached to
Wounds Frank O'iGrady,
he said he heard the stepson enter
the house and demand from his
mother $20 that he had given her
several months ago. O'Donnell
said: "I had been having too much
trouble with that boy, and when I
heard him quarreling with my wife,
I used the gun. I didn't intend to
kill him, even though he was good
for nothing." Mrs. Anna O'Don
nell was formerly Mrs. O'Grady
and was married to Mr. O'Donnell
20 years ago. There has been con
stant feeling between O'Donnell and
the stepson ever since, it was learn
ed. The mother of O'Grady refuses
to make a statement about yester
day's shooting.
O'Grady was discharged from mil
itary service four months ago at'
Camp Devins where he had been
stationed since being called on the
last draft. The stepfather declared
that O'Grady had. not had steady
work and was "always asking his
mother for spending money."
Senator Moses Urges
Nomination of Wood
for U. S. Presidency
Washington, May 4. Senator
Moses of New Hampshire, republi
can,: issued a statement tonight urg
ing the nomination of Major Gen
eral Leonard Wood as the republi
can candidate for president in 1920.
He said . republicans of his state
were preparing to present General
Wood's name at the party's national
German Troops Available
for Service, Number 225,000
Coblenz, May ' 4. On May 1,
which officially marked the end of
the demobilization of the old Ger
man army and the functioning of
the new army, or reichswehr, Ger
many had 325,000 men of various
classes under arms, according to
estimates by American intelligence
officers. i
The present strength of troops
available for service is approxi
mately 225,000.
Bank Strike Threatened.
-Paris, May 4. The bank and
bourse employes' union . et today
and voted to strike Monday. The
bank employes demand a minimum
salary of 200 francs monthly with a
remilfr increase tip to 500 francs.
Communication From Council
of Three Believed to Pave
Way for Territorial
Paris, May 4. (By Associated
Press.) President Wilson, Premier
Clemenceau and . Premier Lloyd
George, composing the council L of
three, today sent a communication
to the Italian government inviting
it to resume its place at the peace
It is believed Italy will accept.
The terms of the communication
to the Italian government have not
been disclosed, but it is believed
they . seek to remove the personal
element of the controversy and to
pave the way for a territorial ad
justment when relations are re
sumed. Maj. Fiorello H. La GuarJia, a
member of the United States house
of representatives from New York,
who is an Italian by birth, today
said he believed the entire Italian
question could be settled within 48
Confer With Orlando. '
Rome, May 4. Premier Orlando
conferred Saturday with Ellis Jones
Griffith, former parliamentary un-der-secretary
to .the British home
office. The interview is considered
to have been connected with the de
parture of the Italian delegates from
the peace conference.
Camille Barrere, French. ambas
sador, also conferred with Premier
Orlando yesterday.
Austrians Summoned.
Paris, Mayf 4. The jqoujricil of
three "has 'invifecTlTie "Jusfriaii T'and
Hungarian peace delegates to come
to Versailles the week after next to
receive the peace terms relating to'
their respective countries, Reuter's
correspondent is informed. ,
President Poincare today presided
at a meeting of the French cabinet.
The ministers reviewed the prelim
inary peace terms and the various
other subjects considered by the
peace conference.
Further Delay Predicted.
London, May 4. It is not improb
able that the peace treaty will notfte
ready for presentation to the Ger
mans before the end of next week,
says Reuter's Paris correspondent,
owing to the fact that several ques
tions remain unsettled and also be
cause the actual working document
is taking more time than had been
Question of Italy Not Raised.
Versailles, May 4. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The question of
Italian representation at the peace
negotiations, so far as can be ascer
tained, has not been raised by the
German delegates. Certainly it was
not touched upon at the meeting of
the inter-allied and German cre
dentials commissions here Thursday.
There has been no meeting of the
German and inter-allied commis
sions since then, but the inter-allied
commission met today at the Quai
BfOrsay in Paris to prepare a re
port which will be submitted to the
Germans in writing. It is under
stood the inter-allied representa
tives found nothing to question in
the German documents.
Villa's Business Agent
Given Prison, Sentence
El Paso, May 4. George Holmes,
Francisco Villa's business agent on
the border, was sentenced to five
years' imprisonment in Ltavenwo-th
prison and ordered to pay a fine of
$500 after having been convicted of
stealing a machine gun, several rifles
and 500 rounds of ammunition from
the United States army bordef pa
trol.. - '
Frank Miller was given a similar
sentence and Privates Minnehan and
Syalderimplicated in the theft, were
each given two years in prison
Government attorneys alleged the
rifles, ammunition and machine gun
were to have been smuggled to Mex
ico for. Villa.
King Albert Decorates '
Two U. S. Army Officers
Brussels, May 4. King Albert to
day decorated Maj. Gen. Edward
M. Lewis of the American army
with the insignia of commander of
the Order of Leopold and the Cross
of War. Major Hoffmann, military
attache of the American legation,
was created a chevalier of the Order
of Leopold with the cross -of war.
General Lewis presented several
Belgian officers with this distin
guished service cross and after
wards the party lunched with the
O.lljr .d 8m.. MM: tattlfe Ntb.
By Mail (I yaar). Dally. 14.50;
Expert Refuses to Open
Bomb Sent
f fjon-vb discovered Ipr
Pofftl ClerW 1-Capla.ri.
in K-V- Tost office.
Authorities Still Searching
Mail Matter for More
of the Infernal
- Machines.
With 36 deadly bombs
through the mails, seized by
authorities or received byv persons
fcerwhom they. were, addressed, post
office officials ' -" are ; '" Searching all
postal matter in an effort toMrous
trate what appears to be a country
wide plot to assassinate prominent
public men.
The accompanying cut shows a
x i .i -
Must Raise Over Four Hun
dred Million Daily to Carry
Victory Loan "Over the
Top" This Week.
Washington, May 4. With sub
scriptions to the Victory Liberty
loan lagging to a greater extent than
in any of the four previous loan
campaigns, Secretary of the -Treasury
Glass tonight, at the beginning
of the closing week of the drive,
sent to all campaign committees a
strong appeal for a final effort that
would exceed the minimum quota of
, Official figures for the various
stages of the First and Second Lib
erty loans are lacking, but the best
available information was said to
indicate that on the eve of the final
week more than four-ninths of the
loan had been taken in each drive.
In the third loan campaign at the
start of the final week two-thirds of
the total had been subscribed, and
at the beginning of the third week
of the last loan campaign about one
half the total had been raised.
Subscriptions officially reported in
the Victory campaign total $1,657,
979,350. To reach the minimum
quota slightly -more than $400,000,
000 must be raised daily, beginning
tomorrow and ending Saturday
night. -
Treasury officials,-however,- were
not pessimistic tonight. The work
of the final week, because of the
relatively poor -showing thus fat,
will be centered on, what cne cam
paign director termed "big money."
The final week of the campaign
is expected to see an interesting
race between districts for the honor
of being the first "over the top." St.
Louis, which won this honor in the
Fourth Liberty loan campaign, is
leading at present.
Mrs. Stella Swartzlander
Dies at Excelsior Springs
Mrs. Stella M. Swartziander, wid
ow of the late Albert Swartzlander
and aunt of O. C. Redick, George
M. Redick and Elmer S. Redick,
died at Excelsior Springs. The body
will be brought to Omaha today and
funeral arrangements will be an
nounced lifter.
Liberty Loan
kl'l V "J fli WHEHTOPOF JrZ J
1I " lil f 'M box isuMscmwol '11 1
f-1 ' 7 HtCK Of BOTTLE f
I , A ',3 Ii B iBOTTU I
1 'ri.WimlVj ll THEfcClDANO FILLED I
, VI I, Hi WITH I Krrru
AXfcll".! t THE. PERCUS8JOB H 1 ' .
IF ARE SET Oft Hil i P-
Wf 14. I M Bt contact Btj
Wi Jssk 11 WITH THE fa 1
V? IT I VIETAL BUWtt. la in iH
taaday. I2.M; X V jmv XBt
Through Mail
pile of infernal machines . which
were discovered in the New York.
postoffice, and Postal Clerk Charles
Kaplan, who discovered them. The
explanatory diagram presents an
idea of the ingenious construction
of the infernal machines, r- Each
package was about nine inches long
and about four inches in diameter,
Refusal of an explosive expert and
a detective on the San .Francisco
' bomb detail to open a bomb re
cently ,; received, in-. lhe . mail by
District Attorney Charles M. Fickert
will result in the package buried
tomorrow in scheduled spot oil the
outskirts of the city. The Fickert
bomb was one of a score mailed
last week from New York to public
officials throughout the country.
Will Undertake New Drive
Soon With River Volga as
Object; Bolsheviki
Falling Back.
Beilebei, Province of Orenburg,
Southeast Russia, May 4. (By the
Associated Press.) Siberian troops
are pushing close to Sumara and
Orenburg. The latter town is being
evacuated by the bolsheviki and, it
is expected, a fortnight will see the
capture of Samara by the Siberians.
To the northward the Siberians have
occupied Bugulma, Manselinsk and
The retirement of the Czechs from
the northeastern Russian front, at
first regarded as a calamity, has
been greatly offset by the spirit,
self-reliance and patriotism shqwn
by the Siberians. The advance of
the Siberians has been carried prac
tically to the pre-determined Jimit
of possibility before the spring thaw.
It is expected that the . Siberians
will undertake a new .drive soon with
the River. Volga as their object.
This front is. held by an army of
2000,000-officers and men organized
since Admiral Kolchak to-k control
five months ago. A second army of
300,000 men is being formed in the
As a result of the efforts of Great
Britain and France quantities of
much needed equipment are arriv
ing. Youth With Stiletto
Found Loitering Near
Home of Clemenceau
Paris, May 4. Another attempt
against Premier Clemenceau ap
parently has been frustrated by the
arrest of, a 19-year-old youth, who
was seized near the entrance of M.
Clemenceau's home.
The youth, whose name is Cor
nillon, was carrying a stiletto, and
had in his possession anarchistic
literature He admitted to the police
that he had intended to attack
Clemenceau. '
Cornillon was acquitted with
Emile Cottin, who recently shot M.
Clemenceau. '
Put It There.
oow'lll - ll
Sanguinary Fighting h Prog
ress; Revolutionists De
mand Soviet Govern- ,
ment? King in Exile. .
Berlin, May 4. (By Associated
Press.) A rebellion against the Co
burg dynasty at Sofia is reported.
Sanguinary fighting has been going
between government troops and
lutionists who demand a soviet
FerdNjand. the former king of Bul
garia, is member of the house of
Saxe-CobinV and Gotha. He was
the son of Pfince August of Saxe
Coburg and GcMa. . , !
Official notification of his abdica-
tion was published in November,
1918. Later he was imported to have
arrived at Coburg nd to have
asked nermission of tfT Swiss au
thorities to reside in Swiferland.
Bavarian Communist
Leaders Put to Dth
Berlin. May 4. (By the Assocn-"',-'"
ted Press.) Government troops
have captured the whole of Munich
with the exception of the Ganhen
quarter, where the communists have
made frequent attempts to negotiate.
Premier Hoffman has reiterated his
demand for their unconditional sur
render. The communists made a bitter de- .
fense, but it proved ineffective. Ba
varian Spartacan forces have blown
up a train crowded with republicaiT''.
troops- near Munich.
The commander of the red army,
Hcrr Eglhofer, was shot and killed
after being sentenced to death by
courtmartial, according to Bamberg
messages to the Tageblatt i
Gustav Landauer, minister of en
lightenment in the Bavarian soviet
governmentvho recently fled from
Munich, has been shot by govern
ment troops at Bamberg.
The Hoffmann government has
annoutfeed, the Tageblatt says, that
the communist leaders are being
treated as they treated the hostages
they took, 10 of them were shot in
the Luitpold gymnasium, in Munich.
Among the members of the gov
ernment forces killed during the re
cent fighting was General Nagele
jected. Last German Communist
Stronghold Collapses
Berlin, May 4. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The failure of the :
Munich insurrection marks the '
collapse of the last important com
munist stronghold in Germany, and
for the time being the Ebert and
Scheidemann government is having .:
a deepvsigh of relief, for which it
can thank Herr Noske, minister of
defense.. ....
The irony of fate decreed that at
the moment when Field Marshal
von Hindehburg announced his rev
tirement as chief of the army,
Noske, six months ago an unknown $
person of military caliber, with the
ragged., remnants of former bat- .
talions and nurriedly recruited vol- '
unteer regiments, should be winning
the nation's applause in the sordid
internecine guerrilla warfare that is
(Continued on race Three, Column Fonr.)
Will Collect Child
Labor Tax Pending
Final Court Ruling
jVashington. May 4. Intention of
thp internal revenue bureau to en
force the child labor tax provision
of-the revenue law, despite the ac
tii of the North Carolina federal
district court in declaring the meas- .
ure unconstitutional, was indicated
tqday by announcement that 20,
women agents have been employed"""
to' issue age certificates to children
in communities where local age rec '
ords are not adequate. The women
will continue at their work pending
a final decision by the supreme court,
to 'which the case probably will bi
Gov. Harding in' New York '
to Welcome Iowa Regiment
New York, May 4. Gov. W. L.
Harding of Iowa, accompanied by
Adjutant General Louis L. Lasher,
arrived here today to extend an of
ficial welcome to Iowa men of the
168th Infantry, attached to the 42d
(Rainbow) division 3,000 of whom
are quartered at Camp Upton, and
others at Camp Merritt.
'pe regiment lost 1,200 men at
Chateau Thierry and claims more .
actual fighting than any other
American unit.
The governor and adjutant gen- .
eral will visit hospitals here where
500 Iowa troops, a pat of the ref i
iment's 1,450 casualties, are C
tered, ,