Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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    ' I cannot ballav that tha laflnita Marcy Mi than
aecounUbla , lor lifht that nevar Illuminated thair
darkaaaa) undaratanding, and for opportunltiM thay
' A man may hulld him a hauaa far hla muI to dwaJI
in what the aona of mud aaa aatbmf bfttar tkaa thair
owa nutauaa and rilanaaa. v
navar anjoyad.
Ladiaal Try thia! Darkana baauUfully
and nobody can tall Bring back
' ;! f loaa and youth fulnaaa. .
. Common garden sage brewed into
a heavy tea, with sulphur and alco
hol added, will' turn gray, streaked
and faded hair beautifully dark and
luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and
Sulphur recipe at home, though, is
troublesome. An easier way is to get
the ready-to-use preparation, im
proved by the addition of other in
gredients, a large bottle, at little
cost, at drug stores, known as
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," thus avoiding a lot of muss,
While gray, faded hair is not sin
ful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness.
By darkening- your hair . with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound, no one can tell because it
does it so naturally, so evenly. You
just dampen a sponge or soft brush
with it and draw this through your
hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning all gray hairs have
disappeared. After another applica
tion or two your hair becomes feau
tifully dark, glossy, soft and luxu
riant and you appear years younger.
Adv. , Vv.' '.. : ' ix
ILeg Sore
Abac aore -ary daap tall of foal
dhctuura. Agony all day, no tart at
-.' nlgtt Than Jut few drew of the faa
tU, oaoling liquid, D. D. D. Irritation
and pain gona. Sweet refreahlng ileca)
at night la doa tima, completa beat,
hag. We gaamntea tba Snt bottla. tic.
Mc and gl.OO. Aak fnr D. p. D. today. v
Sherman McConnall Drug Co.
Your Questions Answered
' By
"Our Reliable Druggist"
Patient asks : "What meaning has
V. S. O. in a physician's prescrip
tion?" Dissolved in the yolk of an egg.
M. R. C. asks: "How many years
has Casca Royal Pills been on the
market, and is it a good constipa
tion remedy in your opinion?" ....
About 15 years. Yes, one of the
' v
Harry asks: "Is sodium chloride
a drug?"
' -It is common salt a mineral.
. ' B. T. F. asks: "Can I purchase
Balmwort Tablets in New York
city?" " ..
Yes; wherever people are afflict-
ed with kidney and bladder trou
bles you can buy them.
V. G. asks: "Have you custom
ers who have successfully reduced
weight by taking Arbolone Tablets?"
, Yes; it is a meritorious treatment.
K. R. asks: "Are Sulpherb Tab
lets suitable for children, as well as
Yes, for children over two years
of age, needing a laxative blood
medicine, there is nothing better.
: J, ;
Mrs. L. B. asks: "Is Cadomene
Tablets a reaj effective tonic in
nervous debility, weakness, etc?"
. (A splendid tonic invigorating
Alice Kl asks: "Is the Minyol
dandruff remedy harmless?"
- Absolutely harmless and very ef
fective treatment.
There is real common sense in just
, noticing whether the hair is well
. kept to judge of a woman s neatness,
or good taste. If you are one of the
few who try to make the most of
your hair, remember that it id not
advisable to wash the hair with any
cleanser made for all purposes, but
always use some ... good shampoo.
You can enjoy the very best by get
ting some canthrox from your drug
gist, dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup
of hot water. This makes a full cup
of shampoo liquid, enough so it is
easy to apply it to all the hair in
stead of just the top of the head.
Dandruff, excess oil, and dirt are
dissolved and entirely disappear.
Your hair will be so. fluffy that it
will look much heavier than it is. Its
, luster and softness will also delight
you, while the stimulated scalp gains
the health which insures hair
"growth. Adv. ,
Nurses Recommend
Cuticura Soap
It appeals to them because it Ts so
pure and cleansing. It does much to
keep the skin clear and healthy es
pecially if assisted by touches of Cu
tirnn Ointment to first si ens of Dim'
pies, redness, roughness or chafing.
Ideal tor toilet uses.
Be am ta teat tfca IMaatbg fragrance of Ca
eora Tatema rear alrin. Soaa. Ontaaaat aad
TmJraro 2c each evarrwoeto.
Y.WC. A. Notes'
Vesper services will be held Sun
day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Miss
Elizabeth ". Howard will be the
speaker. The Royal Daughters
Sunday School class from the First
Christian church will act as hos
tesses. A special social hour has
been planned from 6 to 7.
Business Woman's club will meet
Tuesday evening at 6:15 for supper.
On account of the physical educa
tion demonstration at the city Au
ditorium their program will be post
poned until a later date.
South High girls will enjoy a hare
and hound chase in place of the
regular meeting Friday. " '
There will be a special meeting
of the Student club Thursday after
noon, May 8, at the Y. W. C. A.
in charge of the Student club bible
class. A special pageant, under the
direction of Mrs. Charles Mussel
man, will be the feature of the
The annual May breakfast of the
Business Woman's club will be held
at the Y. W. C. A. May 14, from
f-to 9 a. m. Make reservations
early for parties.
'" Fellowship , club gave a May
luncheon party at the Y. W; C. A.
Thursday. May 1. The Y. M. C. A.
boys were invited and there were
other iyoung men from churches
where the members of the, club at
tend. Each girl brought a beau
tifully decorated and appctizingly
filled basket or box, putting inside
her card. And the boxes were auc
tioned off by Mr. Campbell of the
Y. M. C. A., who was a very lively,
successful and" entertaining auc
tioneer. From this auctioning there
was realized $55.70, which will be
used as' funds to send delegates to
the conference which will be held at
Lake Citv. Minn., on Lape Pepin,
July 12 to 20, instead of Cedar Falls,
la., as previously advertised.
, The Victory club meets Monday
for general business at 8 p. m. Some
of them go' into a !cjass on "Table
tiquette , or. r How to Become a
harniinar Hostss." conducted by
Miss Irma oross,! domestic science
teacher of the Central High school.
The W. 1 D. T. club meets for
business and at 8 p. "in. go for di
rection in the short one-act sketches
theyare putting on with the Victory
club, under the management of Mrs.
Effie Steen ,Kittelson. They are
being coached for "The Playgoers"
and "Pierrot Home From the War"
by Thomas Wood Stevens. In ad
dition there are some very lovely
little curtain raisers to be included
in the program. The date of the
performance will ' be 'announced
The Fellowship club will meet at
2219 Dodge, street, the home of the,
club's advisor," Miss Howard. They
will then go to the Y. W. C. A.
Boarding Home, where ..they will
have a short club meeting and then
have . an evening's entertainment
with the girls of the boarding home.
Many, centers meet for supper and
tiavi a rptnilarmeetine afterwards.
Lafayettes meet for 'chorus work'
Tuesday evening under. Mr. and
Mrs. MurrisonTIf is -hoped ' that
Glee clubs might be. formed from
each club which will combine on big
chorus work for big affairs.
Patriots are still sewing for the
Salvation Rescue, home.
Foch club will entertain General
Pershing club for supper Wednes
day. Both clubs will meet after
wards for a short business meeting,
followed by., a social time.. Plans
will also be taken up for a pro
gram for the remainder of the sea
son .by" the two clubs, which will
have in mind a combined plan. ,
. Wedding Plans.
One of the loveliest, spring wed
dings will take place Wednesday
evening. May 14. at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClanahan,
when their niece, Miss Margaret
Gamble, will become the bride of
Wayne Selby. Miss Mildred Rhodes
will attend Miss Gamble as maid of
honor and Frank Selby will serve
as best man.
Many bridal parties are being
planned in honor of Miss Gamble.
Friday Miss Hazel Petersen will be
hostess at luncheon at the Athletic
club in her honor and next Satur
day Mrs. E. H. Howland will enter
tain at a theater and tea party in
honor of Miss Gamble. ,
Mr. arid Mrs. W. C. McKnight
and Miss Irene McKnight have
taken an apartment at the Black
stone and Mrs. McKnight and Miss
Irene plan to leave soon for Ex
celsior Springs. i . .
?n55 Tffi
Instant Relief for Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; for
Swollen, Calloused Feet and Corns
yyC. "PuI1, PuD! ' '
Your footsick! Your feet feel
tired, puffed up, chafed, aching,
sweaty, and they need "Tir."
"Tiz" makes feet remarkablv
fresh and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes the
pain and burn right out of corns,
callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is the
J grandest foot-gladdener the world
Youngest Member Physical
Culture Class at -Y. W.
'7' - M '
7 4i Wr&'t
I - ' - ?ifr I:
Health, that priceless treasure
which cannot be purchased with sil
ver or gold, is being sought by old
and young. . Little Ida Saltzgiver is
only four years old but she is a
member of the physical' culture
classes which are condntted at the
Y. W. C. A. This little maid, will be
one of the chief attractions' of the
demonstrations of the physical edu
cation department which will take
place Tuesday evening at the Audi
torium. She is practicing diligently
and will give several solo dances. '
May Festival
A May festival will be given by
S(f. Berchman's Academy, special
-features being given for four nights
beginning ' May 13. The 'first af
fair will be a dance at the Kel-Pine
academy, May 13 under the aus
pices of the senior class of St.
Berchmans. The patrons and pa
tronesses will include:
Mcsars. and Mesdames
Fred Hamilton,.
C. Finlayson,
W. Keenan,
J. A. Gentleman,
Fred Bonnesa,
J. M. McCarthy,
J. F. Coad,
Arthur Mullen,
H. C. Langon,
-'harle3 Govey, ,
lliva Porter,
T. J Donahue.
rc. ueveriage,
Ptter Kane,
K. Kamorskl,
Penn Fodrea.
. McMahon.
T. Malloy. .
B. M. Riley.
J. R. Dwyer.
C. W. Hamilton,
I'. Martin,
O. Vorlti,
J. Keed,
Miss Agnes Bushman
Card Party.
A card party will be given on
Friuay evening, May 9, by Garfield
circle No. 11, Ladies of the G. A.
R., at the home of Mrs. C. Gordon,
920 South Twenty-fifth street. The
public is cordially invited.
Old People's Home.
The Rev. R. 1 H.. : Chenoweth.
pastor of the Jennings Memorial
church, will conduct services at the
Old People's Home, Fontenelle
boulevard, Sunday afternoon at
MVs. Edwin R. Perfect returned
Friday evening . from
where she
spent the
past three
has ever known.
Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any
drug store and end foot torture for
a whole year. Never have tired,
aching, sweaty, smelly feet; your
hoea will fit fine and you'll only
wish you had tried "Tiz" sooner.
Accept no substitute. Adv.
This performance will give Oma
hans an opportunity of seeing how
several hundred girls and women
ranging in age from 4 to 63, keep
themselves physically and mentally
fit and efficient. Miss Galena W.
Stowell, director and Miss Clara M.
Brewster, assistant, have planned a
unique program of the msny phases
of the physical activities for the ad
vancement, of womanhood. The.
program will consist' of building,,
drills with light apparatus, games,
relay races, folk and aesthetic
Marriage Announcement
Mrs. : HeIen ' C61T 'announces .'fne
marriage of her sister, Miss Julia A.
Driscoll to Peter A." Lynch, which
took place Wednesday at St. Mary
Magdalene's church. Mr. and Mrs.
Lynch will be at home to their
friends at 911 South Twentieth
street, after May 15, having gone
to Excelsior Springs for a two
weeks' stay.
Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf club
will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank
Russell, 2412 Crown Point avenue,
Tuesday evening. .
308 Lyric Bldf.
Phone Douf. 8704
taut Sht to KeaRny
Catarrh la the mat
deatroTer of health and
sood .Jooka. It la re
aponsible for moat hu
man ills. Catarrh of
thenoae and throat is a
dirty, filthy, dangerous
disease. A catarrhal in
flammation of tha
stomach, bowels or other
organs is not a condi
tion ,to neglect. Most
people so afflicted de
Bend upon
For Catarrh and
Catarrhal Condition
Xt affords Prompt relief
r eouflrna anl mM. ..j
other disorders due to a
thickening and congestion
of tha mucous iinli
wlU ward off the Grip or
aaen in time PE-
Spanfsh Flu and assists
Kreatly In completa return
to health after an attack.
EU-NA has been the re
liable, emenreney. raadr-to-taka
medicine for . tha
whole family.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets .
If your skin is vellow comDlexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a bad taste in your mouth-
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a sub
stitute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study
with his patients.
Dr.Edwards'OliveTabtetsare a purely
You will know them by their olive color.'
To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes,
so pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like
childhood daysyoumustget at the cause.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on tha
liver and bowels like calomel yet bavr
no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome con
stipation. That's why millions of boxes
are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box.
All druggists. Take one or two nightly
and note the pleasing results.
RA h L
' L3J e
I M I fa
Mri. J. ,Y. Hooper represents the
Woman s club on the investigating
committee of the newly organized
Woman s Council of Umaha.
Mrs. Thomas Anderson was host
ess for the-Baptist misisonary circle
last ihursday atternoon.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Wirth and a daughter to
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swoper, dur
ing the oast week. '
The Evangelical Lutheran Wal
ther league met last Friday at the
church in a business and social
Alex Robinson of Central City,
Neb., has been visiting at the home
ofhi8 parents during the past week.
The. Woman's club will meet at
the city hall next Thursday after
noon at 2:30 for the annual election
of officers.
' A social dance was given on Sat
urday evening by the Belle Re
bekah lodge. ,
' Thi wedding of. Miss Helen Mor
ton and Mr. Albert Knudsen will
take place next Wednesday even
ing at the Presbyterian church with
t home reception following-.
Mr. and : Mrs. E. N. Bowerman
have moved into the former G. L.
Waterbury home. H. W. Colson has
taken possession of the Blomberg
home, '
The last social dance for the sea
son of the community center was
given friday evening, and the last
"gym" class was held Tuesday even
ing. Misses Merle Hughes and
Mary Grove arave a Miv Dav sh
Wednesday evening in honor of
miss Helen Morton, at the home of
Miss Grove. Mav baskets were the
guests' favors and the guest of hon- j
or received a larire haslrer ,u
sweet peas and cut glass as her fa-'
a-maa a a-aa
Brassiere Problems
Are Solved With a
Ask the corsetiere to
show you one. You will
make a discovery for real
Nemo Justpul Bras
sieres are $1 to 3.50.
vor. Refreshments were served, to
the guests who were Misses Flor
ence Knudsen, Lucille Beatty, Kate
ana Mauae van Horn, Irene Fence.
Mary and Helen Morton, Jennie and
Merie nugrres. wilda Suter, Mary
Grove, Irene Rose, Grace and Maud
Forney, , Carrie Crossett, Goldie
Williams, Bernice Wheelerj Mes
dames B. Hiles, J. R. Hughes, F.
Pence, L. Winters. E. Dean. C
Jones, W. Snell, A. Crothers, W. D.
Pence and M. Morton.
Mrs. A Hood was aDDointed one
of the committee of grand managers
at the biennial convention of Wood
man Circle in Fremont last week.
Mrs. H. N. Kelland, formerly of
this place, now of Sioux City, la.,
was a visitor here among old friends
last week.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid so
ciety will meet at the church next
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wil
liam Mcllvain and Mrs. B. Stock
will act as hostesses.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid so
ciety will meet at the church next
Wednesday afternoon, when the
bazar work will be taken up.
Meeting Postponed.
The meeting scheduled for the
members of the committee who will
formulate plans for a civic council
has been postponed. HThe date was
set for Monday, but the meeting
will take place later in the week.
Holy Name Card Party.
The ladies of Holy Name parish
will give a card party at their hall.
45th and Maple, Thursday evening,
May 8, at 8:15. Thirteen prizes will
be given. ,
Snuff Habit CURED k
narmleM remedy. Guaranteed.
sent on trial. If It euro, costs
rnu tl. If It falls, coats nothlni. SUPERB. COM.
PANY, D-717. Baltimore, Md.
ana - nana a. aaan
aaaaaa Jamaaa , "aai
our Corset Dep
No Woman Can Afford to
Miss This Annual Event
All the latest Nemo improvements will be
i . shown during this week.
It will be the best time to learn how to
improve your health and figure
Two essential factors for increasing gen
eral efficiency.
A Graduate Corsetiere From the
Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute
1 i
will be here. , She will explain to you the
health aid feature of the various, models of
Nemo Corsets
and fit you to the correct model for your
type of figure.
The Nemo Wonderlift with its inner bandlet that is
adjustable to the individual lines of the wearer and gives the ab
dominal support which so many women require.
The Nemo Self-Reducing offers a variety of models for
every type of stout figure j for all figures, giving the appearance
of immediate reduction while actually effecting reduction grad
ually. . V . .
The Nemo Kop Service is made with bands of semi-elasti
webbing at the thighs and back for slenderizing the figure there.
The Nemo Marvelace offers the same bandlet feature as
the Nemo Wonderlift, but laces at the side-front with the center
steels retaining the needed poise.,
Ju3t among these four styles are. fifteen distinct models covering
A Price Range of 3.50 to $ 12
The Nemo Corset is the Corset of Economy For it holds
its shape twice as long as other corsets, while at the same time
being supple to the movements of the figure.
, For better health greater economy and "' a' fashionable
silhouette mav e prove to joti what a Nemo Corset can do?
n . THIRD FLOOR ... , ;
t',ti'i;iai-a ain;i a.'inuanaxa (Maiiai.a''ai:a ti.ti::a"i ii!a'iara'it(i.ic.t'i'it''iiii'i''ttri"i!i"tniiiriiiinMiiiii-,1tninur J
War Camp Community
Program for the Week.
D. T. A; Glee club, under Mrs.
Murnson's direction, Monday, May
Cluga and Wamm clubs, supper
and meeting, Tuesday, May 6.
Called meeting of the presidents
of the clubs, Wednesday, May 7.
Dramatic club, under A. H. Tohn-
ston's direction, Thursday, May 8.
Dance for men in uniform, Nauti
lus club, hostesses, Saturday, May
Dance, Thursday, May 8.
Future Events. '
A bazar and card pVty will be
given by the Phvllis club. Friday
evening at Druid hall, and Saturday
evening there will be a card party
and auction sale at the hall.
Mr. and Mrs.' Louis Nash are in
New York City for several weeks.
When yaw only hair
from the) anrfaca of the akin the
reanlt la the aame as ahnTtna;. The
only eommon-awnae way to remove
hair la to attack It under the akin.
DeMlraele. the orlarlnal aanitary
llqaM, doea this by absorption.
Only arenalne DeMlraele has a
money-hack caamntee In each
package. At toilet counter la e,
ft and $2 ataea, or y mall from
no la plain wrapper oa receipt of
FREE book' mailed ta plain
sealed eayelope oa reqaeat. De
Mlraele, lWtk St. aad Park Ave,
New York.
ISO La Valliaraa, $3.00 to $100.00.
100 Cameo Brooches, $2.78 to $35.00.
Scarf Pins, Watch Chains, Pearl. -
Williams' Resort .
' Hayward, Wison$in f ' '
Express records show we ship
ped more fish last year than any
other resort in Wisconsin. '
Reference: Yost, Belt, Edholm,
Love. ' . "" . v
aaar aasr iay m .-Bsam--
Btti32ea4 . J
This institution ! the only onk
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own am
ple grounds, yet entirely distinct,
and rendering it possible to classify
cases. The one building being fitted ,
(or and devoted to the treatment of
non-contagious anil non-mental dis-
eases, no others being admitted; the
jther Rest Cottage being designed
for and devoted to the exclusive
treatment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful car
and special nursing. Adv. -
The Boning is
Half the Life of
Every Corset
In all Nemo Corsets
double-strip steels are used
of the finest rust-proof steel
that is made.
This prevents the "diggfng-in"
at the waistline and causes the
corset to retain its original shape
when removed. .
4 Nemo corset steels are metal-1
tipped and celluloid-finished.
Nemo corset steels do not twist-around.
a VLa. . I . all S'
aaa- - iw 'aaa am
r. i