Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 15

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    Whea angry thoughte and Impatient word bejin
eolr yor argument, remember that no two thine
ere "re widely jundtred than tcareh (or truth and
etrHe (or victory. '
Tha Sacred Writing a dticribt Cod aa Marcher al
hoarta. but nowhere do they repreaeat Him' M ft I
aaarchar of church racorda. -
Washington Folks Are Looking
Forward To ttie Return of
The "Wilsons
Many Other Prominent Families Will Open
Homes Soon and Enter Into The Spirit
of 1919 Spring.
(Washington Bureau of the Bee.)
WASHINGTON'S spring, season
is looking up quite a bit, with
the prospect of a return of our presi
dent and his wife, and the opening
of a new congress shortly. Con
gresa is the real spice to the Wash
ington season. The Secretary of the
Navy and Mrs. Daniels will return
here about the middle of Mayand
Secretary Baker is already en route
home. Secretary and Mrs. Daniels
after having been almost all over
the war zone in Europe, ae in Lon
don this week where they are being
entertained by royalty and the royal
navy, in glorious fashion.
... The spring here sees many
changes in the diplomatic circle, the
principal one being the return this
week to England of the eminent
Ambassador and British High Com
missioner the Earl of Reading, and
his countess, who have-endeared
themselves to all with whom they
hare come in contact. The earl is
returning to his distinguished duties
of lord chief justice of England.
They spent a few days in New York
where they were guests at the horse
show of Mrs. Burke Roche, in her
box, and at dinner preceding,
y Washington is filled with soldiers,
the khaki of the army and the blue
Snd the-forest green, of the navy
and the (marine , corps, being con
, stantly jyithin sight, on the streets.
The men are all dance-mad. Those
who come from over-seas especially,
and everywhere, when there is a
strajn of . music and two or three
people, they are taking advantage of
the rhythms and tripping about,
sometimes on the sidewalks and in
the parks, within sound of the hurdy-gurdy.
At all cafes or restaurants
where, there is any kind of music,
the dance is in evidence between
Potomac Park To Open.
The plan to open the Potomac
park to easy access for those who
have no moters or horses, is re
ceived with enthusiasm and people
of all ages, can hardly wajt until the
needed improvements are made, for
the landings of the government ferry
which is to ply between the lower
wharves of the river, and the land
ings on the south end of the beauti
ful park, which runs far out into
the river. A beautiful view far
down the river and far up, and
across to the barracks, and up the
eastern branch where the navy yard
afrid the government hangars and
Boiling Field are located. The plan
is to open up the park for picnic
parties, and for tired and hot hu
manity to get a whiff of fresh air,
with a chance for an al fresco sup
per or lunch. The -day trips to
Norfolk and" Old Point, by the river
boats, is another step in the direc
tion of making more comforts and
even luxuries for city ridden, sum
mer residents of Washington. For
all these years, one could only make
the trip to Norfolk at night, and
the same for the return trip. From
early in this month, through the
summer, there will , be a regular
daily schedule" both ways, which
will make a lovely summer outing.
The Norris' Return.
Senator and Mrs. Norris of Ne
braska returned to their Washington
home on Sunday from their month's
visit at Panama and Haiti. They
had an ideal trip, for although it
was scheduled as the early part of
tlie rainy season, the rain was held
pff until after their return. They
found on the day of their arrival in
Panama that Governor and Mrs.
Harding had mapped out almost
every hour of their time on the
isthmus, 1n entertainment of one
kind or another. They were enter
tained at a dinner party that night,
"by the Governor and Mrs. Hard
ing who had a large company to
meet the visitors from , the states.
Another night the American min
ister, Mr. Prince, had a dinner in
their honor, and then the president
of Patjama and Mme. Porras enter
tained them, and some other dis
tinguished residents of the isthmus,
including Senor Arrias, the wealthi
est citizen of Panama, had a beau
tiful fuction in their honor. The
party included Senator arid Mrs.
Norris, Miss Hazel Norris, Senator
and Mrs. Wesley Jones of Wash
ington state. Representative and
Mrs. Lehlbach of New Jersey, and
son and daughter, and Representa
tive and Mrs. Fisher of Tennessee,
and their tVo sons. They had an
equally interesting and brilliant
threef days in Haiti , J '
Mrs. Burk, widow of Genera!
Burk, of Omaha, has returned to her
i apartment at the Dresden, from At
lantic City, not very muchmproved
in health, to she is not doing much
in the way of social festivities. Her
j daughter, Miss Anna Burk, who has
been in France doing Red Cross
work for more than a year, is now
. going into Czecko-Slovia to con
tinue that work, of which there is
plentyo be done. It is something
of a disappointment that Miss Burk
is not returning to the United States
this summer, but she writes she is
much too interested in the humane
work she is doing over there to re
turn to idleness. Colonel Maish,
son-in-law of Mrs. Mafsh, is also on
the other side, with no prospect of
immediate return.
Mrs. Stewart Wildman.
Mrs. Stewart Wildman of Omaha,
spent a busy week here as the guest
of Maj. and Mrs. Thomas Bell
Sweeney.7 They had a round of en
tertainments for her, including a
Crepe Sports
II ''II' !
D RANGE is an exceedingly pop
ular sports color. The vibrate
in the heavy silk crepes which are
made up in peplum blouses to be
worn with white skirts. A pictur
esque model of crinkly orange crepe
is embroidered with a 1order of
flowers in shades of white, black and
Chinese blue. The sleeves and round
neck are also treated with this em
broidery, which is done in heavy
mercerized tloss. black jet buttons
fasten the neck and appear on the
slashed sleeves. The fullness of the
heltline is held by a narow sash of
black velvet ribbon. The sports hat
worn with this;' effective blouse is
vivid oranee trimmed with field
flowers, which repeat the coloring of
the embroidery. Black and white
daisies, cornflowers and nasturtiums
Stop dandruff, and double
beauty of your hair
for few cents.
Dandruff causes a feverish irrita
tion of the scalp, the hair roots
shrink, loosen and then the hair
comes out fast To stop falling hair
at once and rid the scalp of every
particle of dandruff, get a small bot
tle of "Danderine" at any drug
store for a few cents, pour a little
in your hand and rub it into the
scalp. After several aplications the
hair stops coming out and you can't
find any dandruff. Your hair ap
pears soft, glossy and twice as thick
and abundant. Try it! Adv.
Free Proof To You
All I wast h your nuns and addraai as I can tend yon a free trial
treatment I want you jut to try thie treatment that'i ail aat
ary ft. .That i my only ai rumen t.
rtfWi la the Retail Drug ButineM for to yean. I am a member of tha Indiana State
Board of Pharmacy and President of the Retail Druggists' Association. Nearly eTeryona in Fart
Wayne anew ma ana anowe aoout my lucceasrai treatment, uver aisrnt CTouene imi
Man Man, women ana cnnaren oaaiae 01 rorc wayne nave, accoraiag to weir own rar
Ita, been eared by thii treatment lince I tint made thia offer public
If yea have Kcaeaia, Itea, SaNt Rheuaa, Tetter nerer mind how bad my treatment has
ill tha went naata I aver 111- Mho mm a aluaia to mrwm aty aJataa.
- Send me your nam and address on the coupon below and ret the trial treatment I weal as
aaad 700. r&KB. The wooden accomplished in your own case will be proef.
aiiiiiiaaianiiiiiiiaaai CUT AMD MAN. TOMT i i iniiaaiiaa aiaaaaaananaa
I. C. NUTZI1X, Druggist, 307 Wnt Main ft.. Fort Way ha.
i atnd without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment,
dinner party the day after she came
Jast week, a luncheon at the Mont
gomery Country club on -Sunday,
and dinner parties both Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings. Major and
Mrs. Sweeney entertained at dinner
on Friday night of last week in
honor of Senator and Mrs. Charles
B. Henderson of .Nevada. Mrs. Wild
man left on Thursday for Buffalo,
to make a visit there before return
ing to her home in Omaha.
The girls of Akjar-Ben club had
their monthly dance tonight at the
Wilson normal school, with a com
pany numbering 100, all young peo
ple from Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Penfield nee
Bacon of. Omaha, returned on Mon
day from a six weeks stay in Paris
where Mr. Penfield had some duties
connected with the peace confer
ence. The IUincuV Federation of Wo
man's Clubs, which- celebrates its
silver "jubilee this year, comprises
some 660 clubs, with an aggregate
membership of nearly 70,000.
A new law in Utah establishes the
eight-hour work day for women and
further provides that it must be
continuous labor wi,th the exception
of one hour for lunch.
Thousands of woman's clubs
throughout the United States are
preparing programs for an appro
priate observance at the end of May
of the centennial anniversary of the
birth of Julia Ward Howe.
The South Carolina Equal Suf
frage league has established perma
nent headquarters in Columbia.
Mother of Seventeen, Made 111 By
: Absence of Runaway Son ?
Mtt ana Mri Charles B. Ccale. and euntlv
Mrs. Marie Casale, of Newark,
N. J., the mother of 17 children,
is ill at rter home from worry be
cause of the absence of her 14-year-old-son,
Frank, who "ran away"
from home several weeks ago. Mrs.
Casale declares that the cares of
raising her large family never caused
one-half as much anxiety as the ab
sence of Frank. Charles H. Casale,
father of the children, is a member
of the New Jersey assembly. There
are 17 children, eight boys and nine
girls, and all except two daughters,
who are married, are living at Jie
Casale home in Newark. Mr. and
Mrs. Casale I are shown standing in
the back ( row; next row, left to
right: Rose, Elizabeth, Jennie, Mar
garet, Helen and -Michael. Front
row, left to right:, Frank, Joseph,
William, John, Evelyn, Charles,
Josephine with Ryta the baby.
Dominick, Eugene and Catherine, f
Balkans Kno w
Value of The
Red Cross
Balkans Know Value of Red Cross.
In the Balkins, fcs may be readily
surmised, Red Cross work in the
various states has been brought to
the highest development, this effi
ciency1 being due to experience as
a result of the almost continuous
wars in that part of Europe. Greece,
Kfotenegro, Serbia and Roumania,
all support capable Red Cross so
cieties. Of the latter group, the or
ganization in Roumania, because of
the labors of the beautiful Queen
Marie, director of all activities, is
fbest known to the outside world.
x Red Cross work in China began
in 1904 during the Russo-Japanese
war, being inspired by a desire on
the part of the Chinese to alleviate
the suffering of those who were
not being provided for by the Red
Cross organizations of the combat
ant countries. The" Chinese Red
Cross is planning a "reorganization
this year on a scale that will carry
the message of mercy tp every part
of the vast empire.
South America, Central America
and Mexico have many efficient Red
Cross societies. In some of the smal
er countries, the Red Cross organiz
ations have had a struggle to keep
going, and these are to receive spe
cial attention from the' congress at
Geneva -
Will limit practice to beat methods
of Extraction, and Plate, Crown and
Bridge Work. ,
N ni.. TmA-Paav Health.
4U Securltiee Bldf. Phone Don. MM.
Face Powder
Adheres well Is delicate
ly perfumed and is not
affected by perspiration.
, Insures a fresh, dear, velvety
complexion and perfect protec-
ion from tan, freckles and ton
rarn. It cannot clog the pores or
injure theskjn. Three shades,
White, Flesh or Brunette.
At All Toilet Count en-
M W. miaaia St. CUaas
For eale by Sharmaa A McConnell
Drug Cj
iWe Qrote No Former
or Comparative Prices
in Our Advertising, he
Best Judges of Out Values
Are Orkin Bros.' Patrons,
Omaha's Big Exclusive Women's Store Announces
A Most Unusual Clearance Sale
1 1 LmioJ
At Radical Reductions
Suits of Individuality and cKarm brillicmt
examples of the Tailleur's art. Suits of Per
sonality in design distinctive models, fea-,
tured by the ultra-fashionable exclusive
women's shops ofihe East.'
To effect a complete clearance we
.have divided this collection into two
groups and offer them Monday at the
following mid-summer prices
I. v
" tricotim, poiret twill,
gab rdine, U. S. serge,
vehur checks,
. severely tailored, '
semi-tailored, ,
bltfuse back, box coat,
vestee effects,
new long roll collars, blu;,
black and tans. . '.
Jricotine, U. S. serge, ,
poiret twill, gabardine,
. severely tailored,
semi tailored 'i ;
vestee and blouse effects,
Jrimmirigs of (iratf, pjn tucks
jibroidery, buttons and cable
stitching, blue, black
and tans.
fcl -