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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1919)
THE OMAHA BEE. Wash., who delivered a patriotic ad dress at the auditorium. Mayor Hanson's address was de voted largely to his experiences in dealing with the strike in Seattle, but he took occasion to make a few remarks concerning press dispatches about a bomb being received in his office at the city hall in Seattle. Mr. Hanson declared that this was an other example of the cowardice of the agitators, for they know that he does not personally open his mail and some innocent person would have been killed. "They know also," he declared, "that I never go about the streets armed. But if one of them was to attack me I would choke him to death with these naked hands." British Army Leaves Fiume In Hands of Italian Troops Geneva, April 29. -(By the Asso ciated Press). The battalion of British troops which occupied Fiume with the Italians after armistice, left Fiume when the Italian dele gates to the peace conference left Paris, according to advices from Agram, capital of Croatia and Slav onia. National League of Women's Service Is Incorporated New York, April 29. The Na tional League for Women' Service, originally formed for war work, was incorporated here yesterday with the object of -perpetuating its organiza tion and carrying its endeavors for ward to meet social and economic needs -in peace times. Three More Omahans Arrive. In New York From franco The following three Omahans Seattle Mayor Is Not Afraid of Agitators Pueblo, April 29. Pueblo county's campaign for the (ale of Victory Liberty bonds was opened last night by Mayor Ole Hanson of Seattle, have arrived in New York from France: First Class Private Fran cis S. Lacy, 1002 South Twentieth street; Private Martin Criegler. son of Mrs. Mary Criegler, 1023 Atlas street, and Mechanic Emit F, Men sliik, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Menshik, 2205 South Fourteenth street. . Annual Meeting of Omaha Rotary Club Wednesday The annual meeting of the Rotary club of Omaha will be held Wed nesday evening at 6:15 in the ball room of the Hotel Fontenelle. Re ports of officers will be made and the annual election will be held. Plan to attend this Omaha's greatest selling event A selling event that will bring savings that every man and woman in Omaha and vicinity will appreciate. j Prices quoted in force for four days only This is Page Two Be sure and read Pages land 2. Page Page 2 5 Benson & Thome's Two-Page Bulletin, Cataloging the Seasonable Merchandise Offered in Our $100,000 Jubilee Sale Wednesday, April 30; Thursday, May 1; Friday, May 2; Saturday, May 3 This second page has its full quota of attractive features for this Four-Day Selling Event. An Unprecedented Sale of Women's Silk Dresses Previously Priced Up to $25.00 Choice $12.95 Rsnalng the gamut from a simple plainly tailored street dress to the latest develop ment In newest modes. No matter what, we might say about these dresses bo matter how great values you have obtained heretofore, you cannot fully appreciate these dress values until yon see them. Fashioned of taffeta, crepe de chine and combinations of georgette " crepe and taffeta. Straight-Use, panel, and tonic models. Braid, embroidery and button trimmed. Colon of brown, blue, grey, tan, taupe and black. Another Group of Silk Dresses Previously Priced Up to $35.00 At $19.95 Certainly there Is not an undesirable dress in the group. Sales like this do not occur every day and early attendance is advisable. ' -Georgette crepes, taffetas, crepe de chines, and' serge. -Models for dress, semi-dress, street and afternoon wear. Tub Dresses $5.95 Attractive porch and afternoon dresses oiles, organdies and ginghams. Quality that withstands repeated tubbings. Dress Shaft- Tub Dresses $8.95 Just In time to catch the enthusiastic May-time lovers of outdoor activities. Carefully made of voiles, organdies and ginghams. Second Floor HOSIERY In This Sale Read every item for each one has individual merit Lisle Hose 29c Women '8 seamless lisle hose in white and colors. 75c and 85c Lisle Hose 59c v Fine quality hose. Exceptional values at the sale price. $1.35 Boot Silk Hose 89c Fashioned and seamless boot silk hose in black, white, and colors. $2.00 Silk Hose $1.19 Fashioned, garter tops, black, brown and Russian calf, tan and grey. $2.25 Silk Hose I $1.65 Pure thread silk hose, full fashioned" black and the new-shoe shades. Extra good weight , Hosiery Shop Main Floor . . Heatherbloom Petticoats Choice 98c CUT roomy and well made of a splendid quality heatherbloom. Variety of patterns to select from. Heatherbloom Petticoats TSr $1.15 Heatherbloom Petticoats Flounces $1.65 Bungalow Aprons 75c and 85c TRTJLT remarkable values for this season. Cut ample, nicely finished and neatly trimmed. Light, medium and dark colors. Some have elastic belts, others laced down front. Apron Dresses Regularly $1.75 and $2.00, $1.35 NOT an apron, but an apron-drees. Has every ap pearance of a neat, attractive house dress with all the freedom of an apron. Every stitch taken with care, correctly proportioned according to sizes and made of an exceptionally fine quality of percale and gingham. Apron Dresses. Regurarly $200 and $2.95, $1.50 MADE of splendid wearing quality of gingham and percale in light, medium and dark colorings. Variety of attractive house dress styles. Pretty plaid and stripe effects. Second Floor Muslin Petticoats Soiled Quite Badly Regularly up to $2.50 Choice 95c ONE good tubbing and they are well worth the original price. Good Quality muslin. Lace and embroidery flounces also some pique petticoats with' scalloped hems. Muslin Teddy Bears 95c and $1.65 Regularly up to $3.95 Remarkable Jubilee Sale values. Lace, embroidery and insertion trimmed. Underwear Shop -Second Floor' For The Annual Jubilee Sale an Assemblage of Women's and Misses' Capes Previously Priced up to $25.00 Choice $12 . Briefly the story of the facts are these : The first of April we arranged with a very representative manufac turer to take his floor stock of sample capes garments used for display purposes. These we received at a price and we are passing the "good-bargain-plum" along. Graceful ripply garments developed of serges, poplin and gabardine. Buttons, vestees and unique arm holes are attractive trimming features. f , ' CAPES-Regularly up to $30.00 Annual Jubilee Sale Price $16.00 ; Springtime cape time Jubilee Sale your cape-buying oppor tunity. " Every detail of these capes stamp them as unusually attractive models at the price quoted. Serge, poplin and gabardine. Capes, Dolmans and Coats Previously Priced up to $45.00 $28.00 Youthfully becoming capes, dolmans and coats, developed of serge, tricotine, poplin, velour and gaberdine. Stitching, soft crushable collars, higt collars, roll collars, unique fastenings, sleeves, buttons and sashes are all important style details of these garments. . Coat Shop- -Second Floor "We especially invite those who have never attended sales here. We want you to share in these remarkable saving opportunities. Benson & Thome Sixteenth and Farnam Streets ELDREDGE-REYNOLDS COMPANY Company Omaha, Nebraska Read every word of this big exclusive &!T-page Benson & Thome bulletin. Then plan to attend this selling event and share in the wonderful saving opportu nities on seasonable merchandise of the same superior quality that has characterized this store throughout its merchandising career. 5 5 5 J