Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1919, Image 8
f THE OMAHA BEE Work of Musicians Call , Forth Loan Subscriptions New York, April 29. Violin lolos by Jischa Hcifetz and piano solos by S. Rachmaninoff coaxed $6,816, 000 in Victory liberty Joan subscrip tions from an audience which at tended a loan rally at the "Metro politan opera house last night. After Heifet had played . three selections, a man in box shouted that he would buy $500,000 worth of bonds if the violinist would play Gounod's Ave Maria. Heifetr com plied and Rachmaninoff then played the Star Spangled Banner with such effect that a man in another box said he and his guests would sub scribe $1,200,000 for another selec tion. Rachmaninoff played two and subscriptions poured in from all parts of the house. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Want Peddlers Barred From Wearing Service Uniforms Washington," April 29. Police chiefs of all cities of the country were appealed to yesterday by Col. Arthur Woods, special assistant to the secretary of war, in charge of the employment of discharged soldiers. to aid the government in preventing peddlers and street fakirs from wearing the uniform of the army or navy. ; . - v Postal Affairs. Wuhlngton, April !. Bpcl! Tel gram.) -Th poitorftc at BaJfct Lk, Charry county. Neb., Ii discontinued and mall aoea to On Lake. Passenger Drowned When Plane Falls Into River Cambridge, , Mass., April 29. An airplane used by the New England Airplane company to carry passen gers at a stipulated sum for every minute of flight, fell ISO feet into the Charles river basin yesterday and the passenger, J. Lester Allen of the Dorchester district of Bos ton, was drowned.' Ensign W. El liott Nightingale, the pilot, was severely bruised. Limelight on Crown Prince. Paris. The coming trial of the divorce suit instituted by Ce cilie, former Crown Princess of Ger many, against the ex-kaiser's heir, is expected to reveal many of th firmer Crown Prince's escapade daring his passage through captured French and Belgian cities. Even his owa soldiers were frequently re ported as disgusted with the amours of the th$n heir to Germany's throne. ' A Jot of Misrepresentation May Cause a Lot of Dissatisfaction Our Advertising Portrays Never Betrays We Command the Confidence, otthe Community, on a Solid Basis of Truth-Telling, Read Every Word of This Two-Page Bulletin Then Come and Test Our Claim. Page 1 Benson & Thome's Two-Page Cataloging the Merchandise Offered in Our Bulletin ANNUAL 100,000 JUBILEE SALE Wednesday, April 30; Thursday, May 1 ; Friday, May 2; Saturday,' May 3 A Four-Day Opportunity Four days rich in-savings apd a suitable successor to last year's Four-Day Jubilee Selling Event. It would be difficult to imagine a more opportune time for Men and Women to advan tageously purchase seasonable Ready-to-Wear Garments for themselves and family than during this sale . - Misses' and Women's Tailored Suits That Were Previously Up to $39.50 Choice $19.50 Smartly tailored suits of serge, poplin and gabardine. Newest box, Russian blouse, tailored, semi-tailored and belted models. Trimmings of silk braid and buttons- Colorings of tan, brown, Copenhagen, navy and grey. And Another Big Group That Were Previously Up to $55.00 Sixteenth and Farnam Streets Sixteenth and ' Farnam Streets Omaha's Most Centrally Located Specialty ' Shop Store ON direet Omaha street ear lines and on direct street ear line from both the Union Pacific and Burlington depots. Automobile roads into Omaha from all direc tions. Splendid parking facilities. Our Annual Jubilee Sale will be a time of wonderful selling in our store. Barely in the history of retailing has there been such an exceptional array of desirable wanted merchandise offered at such positive economies. Daring our Jubilee Sale we make decisive reductions that bring prices down to the lowest point of the year. When we announce special values you may be assured they are real saving oppor tunities, for there ean be no two sides to what we print , Performance must follow promise. We promise the public wonderful Barings on seasonable merchandise, and , here they are. We hare prepared for a mighty outlet of merchandise, and ECONOMY will be the WATCHWORD the Keynote of this sale. BENSON & THORNE CO. Eldredge-Reynolds Co. At $ 28.00 Jubilee Sale of Jap Crepe Kimonos Regularly $2.00 At $1.35 Underwear Shop- FRESH, newly received merchandise, priced for a quick four-day clearance. Eightly proportioned and nicely finished Made of good quality Jap crepe in pretty figured and Persian patterns. Jap Crepe Kimonos Eegularly $3.95 At $2.95 - THERE'S beauty, novelty of style and economy in this assortment Splendid service-rendering Jap crepe in attractive designs. Variety of pretty light and medium colors. . ' Jap Crepe Kimonos Eegularly $4.50 At $3.95 : JAPANESE-Y, comfortable, graceful, flowing and neat. Pretty printed Jap crepe, high-waisted and waist line styles. Exceptional values. -" " : Second Floor A "ROUND-UP" of a variety of suits from our own regular stock, a selection repre senting the season's most approved models, including. ' Boxi Blouse Tailleur Semi-Tailleur The materials are serge, poiret twill, poplin and gabardine. All popular colors. Suit Shop ' Second Floor 1,500 Pairs of Pumps and Oxfords Go in the Jubilee Sale at Very Substantially Reduced Prices Sueh smart styles at such remarkably low priees coming at this time of the year no wonder we expect enthusiastic response to this announcement WW One T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D Pairs PUMPS AND OXFORDS Previously Priced Up to $9.00 At $6.85 CONSIDERING style, Quality, newness and Benson & Thome's shoe value-giving reputation, we unhesitatingly say without fear of contradiction that these shoes cannot be duplicated in the city at the price quoted. Included are dress and street oxfords in soft patent and bright kid. Black and brown Russia calf and brown kid, 1-lnch military heels, and fall leather Louis heels. Welt sewed soles also white nfle cloth oxfords, welt and turn soles, medium and Louis heels. Dress and street pomps in tan calf, black calf, patent and bright kid, brown kid and white nile cloth. Plain opera style. Hand-turned soles and full Louis wood, covered heels. LENGTHS, 2 TO 8 WIDTHS AAA TO D. Shoe Shop- -Mam Floor Three Hundred and Fifty Pairs PUMPS AND OXFORDS Previously Priced Up to $8.00 At $4.85 IN THIS DAT of high-priced merchandise and unsettled market con ditions, the well-seasoned leather employed in the making of the shoes would cost as much as the price quoted, to say nothing of the making and finishing cost In this group you will find broken style and size lines of popular this-season selling numbers. Not erery size in erery style, but your size is here in some styles. Included are patent, dull and bright kid pomps with fall Louis, medium or low heels, also white canvas, white satin, black satin, white kid and sflvercloth dress pumps. The oxfords come in patent kid with welt and turn soles. Exceptional values. Centrally Located at Sixteenth and Farnam Sts., Omaha Benson Thorne Hundreds of Georgette Crepe Blouses Previously Priced Up to $6.95 , Choice $3.95 Carefully made of good quality georgette" crepe. Heavily embroidered with cut steel beads and silk floss embroidery, ventional designs. Collarless neckline square collars and round collars. Tub Blouses at $1.65 ( Previously Up to $2.50 Exceptional values. Rubable, tubable and wearable styles of voiles and other lingerie fabrics. Trimmed with dainty laces and tricks. Blouse Shop ; Smart floral and. cori- Tub Blouses at $2.65 Previously Up to $3.50 Styles and values that are inspirations for quick buying. Correctly proportioned according to sue, carefully made and nicely finished. Made of voiles and lingerie fabrics. ' Second Floor Comp any ELDREDGE-REYNOLDS COMPANY D. C. Eldredge,. President E. M. Reynolds, Vice-President Centrally Located at Sixteenth and Farnam Sts., Omaha i