What b excellent. - Aa Cad 11 tm, U permanent. Hearts ara dual, haarta lavaa ramain, Haart'a leva will mart thaa afamEmarsoa. Frisnda I have Bade wham envy sauat command. But set one fee wbea I wauIeV wtok a Mead. - -CaurchUl. 11 onie E commic s fTOlSZJfOLP ARTS VBP7T A New Idea in Menu Making A recent article that I came across gives a good idea for making at ' tractive menus. The trouble with most women is not that they do rot know enough different dishes to make; but that they think of the same ones over and over. It is such a nuisance to thumb through a cookbook, especially as many of the things in the average cookbook are not specially familiar. If you thumb through your own cookbook or tecipe card file, you get along better, but even that is more or less of a nuisance. A Quick Reference. The idea is to have a small book, or a few recipe cards, and to re cord simply the names of the dif ferent recipes you are familiar with. Thus you would have a page or card STOP DANDRUFF! HAIR CETS THICK WAVY, BEAUTIFUL Girls! Draw a cloth through your hair and double its beauty Spend a few cents I Dandruff vanishes and hair stops , coming out. To be possessed of a head of .heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluf fy, wavy and free from dandruff, is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now all drug stores rec ommend it apply a little as direct ed, and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, fluffiness and an incom parable gloss and lustre, and try as you .will, you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprout ing out all over your scalp Dander ine is,-we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp, and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth" with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Your. hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Adv.' Little hard to say what f any particular piece of Office Furniture will f EARN fn the course of a ', year, but we. do know I that old type equipment I 1 will cost many dollars in f I time wasted, and if it is I shabby, prestige lost. : . -.--,.,, a : . . i You, should see our dis- 1 I play of Office Furniture i I and discover how easy it is to equip your office r with just the things that 1 suit STEEL or WOOD f I from so complete a stock. I 9 . . i I Linoleums, Carpets and . Rugs for Offices a Spe- 1 I cialty. 1 f .::'.-- - I Orchard & ! I Wilhelm Co. ! 5 - i I Phone Tyler 3000. I "''".- v . irilllMllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt N!liill:l.'l'i;Mlinnnlii:jii;i!:imilinilllllllll appeals to the best dressers, but that hold that shape and prove that making to be of superior quality. That's the kind of shoes we have to show you, in style, in sizes and leathers to suit every purpose. t 13 LH 1H CJCTfTFAL tfGX SCHOOL for soups, another for meats, an other for fish, and so forth. If you are familiar enough with the dish to make it without a recipe, merely record the name, if you need a recipe, write after the name, the book and page where that recipe may be found. Thus you will have in very compact space, a complete list of all the recipes you have ever tried and found successful. If you run across a recipe you want to re member to try, that recipe name should be written in pencil, or with a question mark after it, until you have tested it out. Variations of Recipes. Any cook who has been at the job a long while realires that there are really just a few fundamental recipes in the world. Thus dozens of pudding recipes simmer down to the cornstarch pudding foundation. If you write cornstarch pudding on your list, it would be well to place under it all the possible variations. Thus chocolate corn starch, coffee cornstarch, cornstarch sponge (cornstarch pudding with egg white folded in after the pudding is removed from the stove), maple cornstarch, etc. Question Box. A Nebraska City reader wants suggestion for serving strawberry shortcake without, whipped cream. The new marshmallow topping is quite satisfactory, and can be whip ped. The claim is made that evap orated milk can be whipped if it is chilled thoroughly. Beaten white of egg, and sugar, that is meringue, may be put on the cake and browned slightly in the oven. Two egg whites plus two tablespoonfuls of sugar are sufficient for an ordinary sized cake. The least expensive topping from the standpoint of money, though the most from the standpoint of labor, is strawberry whip. STRAWBERRY WHIP. 8 T. euirar. , 1-S c. crushed 1 kt whit. strawberries. Mix all ingredients, (without beat ing the egg white), then beat stead ily 20 minutes with a flat egg beater. This amount swells till it is enough for 'an ordinary sized cake, and makes a delicious topping of a deli cate pink color. CUSTARDS. 1 pint milk. Few strains ealt. 2 egg. Few drops vanilla. i q. Btigiir. Baked Custard Mix all ingred ients, strain into cups or a baking dish; set dishes into a pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven till custard is set and a knife blade will come out clean. Time, about 45 minutes. Avoid baking the custard too long, as it separates. Soft Custard. Scald the milk in a double boiler, pour it over other ingredients well mixed, except vanil la, strain back into the double boiler and cook with constant stir ring till mixture will coat a spoon. Add vanilla. . If custard is cooked too long the mix ture curdles. It may be made smooth again usually by removing from stove and beating vigorously with a Dover beater. : According to figures presented by Pauline Goldmark. manager wom en's service section United States railroad administration, the number of women employed by steam rail roads has increased 40,000 in 10 months. Lady Constance Stewart-Richardson, a noted English dancer and sportswoman, has arrived in this country on her way to Vladiyostok, where she will take charge of the work of the Russian war orphans relief fund. Cuticura Clears Dandruff In One Treatment On retiring, comb the hair out straight, then make a parting, gently rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with the end of the finger. Anoint additional partings until the whole scalp has been treated. Place a light covering over the hair to protect the pillow from possible stain. The next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using plenty of soap, best applied with the hands. Rinse in tepid water. Repeat in two weeks if needed. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum everywhere 25c each. Individuality in Footwear Shoes, that not only have that distinctiveness of shape and SHO&CQ Former Newspaper Woman Being Deported From Egland, Is Report Kuw WUevn S Troy Miss Lillian Scott Troy, an Amer ican writer and former correspon dent of a number of American rews papers, is being deported from Eng land, according to an announcement made by the British government. She is an acknowledged friend of Baron von Horst, formerly of Cal ifornia, who recently was repatria ted from internment. Miss Troy has been in England for several years, and (Juring her residence in that country has been active as a suf fragist. The manner in which she espoused the cause of militant suf fragists brought her into disfavor with the British government. Dur ing the great strike of dockworkers in 1913 sne supplied 96,000 meals to starving children of the s'rikert; Girls From Munitions Factories Slow to Return to Domestic Service. England is facing an after-the-war servant problem that is much more exacting than any that disturbs the United States, where conditions have been gradually reaching a point at which the cook and housemaid, who perform indefinite tasks during unlimited hours, fortunately are be coming extinct types of workers. In London domestic service is now organized and the eight-hour-day has been decreed, much to the discomfort of householders. Girls who have three or four years' ex perience as employes in munition plants are, slow to return to their old labors, for they have learned the meaning of specialized tasks and exact hours. According to reports received by the United States De partment of Labor, the owners of fine residences, many of which have been occupied for war needs, find it more difficult to procure women than to obtain men for domestic service. It is demonstrated that butlers and footmen who have been through the war are glad to re turn to the old routine, while the maids who have known the delights if independence resist the "living in" system which limits their free dom. Considerable controversy has been caused in England by the ac tion of the Women's International league in sending a half million rub ber nipples to Germany for German babies. , Theatrical organizations have pledged themselves to fill all vacan cies whenever possible by men and women who have served their coun try in army, navy, marine corps or Red Cross work. f ! " W I Jv' ( 5i I V i t '( j w I ' , l I Vfs I v,i I 1 s 't ?; i 1 - , yf-f jN t ."" O GLACIER E 1 i mm a cum I I mirrm e - YELLOWSTONE CATE LAKS v NX v ,J f wcATL. paw "" Oxx Wss -sr I LA.SSEM VOLCAMIC''Nw VV V J II "SaST" RoH3MOUNTA!f1 I aw5 -iTX NAT-i.PRX I 8 i (aM ' lirX-Z mesrmsmm Jk V2H55J ?cmmcncrrt k&tm dbkvw jjj ln mm. man. m'SttT.FSS I tszxrzi.. z- MpiFfitim own j ' 2JL Lwmn 'mcZsA HANDS SK'KE ri3 18 rasa-. Visit ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK (Estes), the nearest and most beautiful of all the National Parks and DENVER'S BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAIN PARKS, the most delightful mountain scenic trips in the world, through pine-clad canons and over mountain tops on an auto road equal to most boulevards. Enjoy outdoor sports, camping, mountain motoring, hiking, fishing, bathing, horseback riding, golf and tennis in Colorado scenery land. Free motor camps with wood and water. Let us help you plan your trip now. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLETS that tell where to go, what to see and what it costs to vacation in the Colorado Rockies. OueaHona l Cheerfully Answered Man Quotes Bible To Prove God Hates Women Suffragists Say That Opposition Consists of Crooks, Gamblers and Every Vicious Gang In Hawaii. .Washington, April 29. The Bible was used to defeat the) bill in the Hawaiian legislature which sought to confer suffrage upon the women of the islands, the National Ameri can Woman Suffrage association an nounced last night The bill failed to pass by the nar rowest margins. Charles Lake, leader of the opposition, quoted the Bible as offering ample proof that God despised woman and sought to put her down as a servant and in ferior to her lord and master. Summing up in his address before the Hawaiian legislature in opposing the suffrage bill, he said: "Was Moses, the first leader of the Israelites in their prime in Egypt a woman? No, he was a man. Was Joshua, the successor of Moses a woman? No, he was a man. Christ talked to fishermen and made them his followers. Were the fishermen women? No, they were men." The women in their statement say: "Had this bill carried another ter ritory would have been added to the twenty foreign governments and one United States territory which have beaten the United States senate in giving suffrage to women. "The Hawaiian woman suffrage bill was killed at the behest of the political gangsters who manipulated the government of the city and coun ty of Honolulu for their own profit and who have the support of every crook, every professional gambler and every . vicious element in the city." The women have already begun plans for another campaign. Mrs. McCormick Held Captive for Four Months by the German Army. Mr Fraoik. G MCormccIc. Mrs. Frank G. McCormick, bride of Sergeant-Major Frank G. McCor mick, of Mahaffy, Pa., was formerly Miss Eleena V. Marsden, of Saska toon, Canada. She enlisted in the stenographic corps of the Canadian army in 1914 and soon went to France. During the great German drive she was wounded and captured and held prisoner four months. Dur ing this time, she declares, the Ger mans deliberately disfigured her. Af ter her release she -went to London and soon returned to service in France. In April of last year she was again wounded, and while being taken to a hospital met her future husband. The photograph was made upon her arrival in New York. My Heart and Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations oj a Wife Why Madge Crept Downstairs to See What Dicky Was Doing. As I walked swiftly down"the hall to the staircase I heard Dicky's voice from the door, of the library. "Madge, oh, Madge 1" he called soft ly. I knew he was afraid of awaken ing the other members of the house hold, by this time asleep. I ignored the call absolutely, hur rying up the steps as fast as I could. My husband's voice sounded again, this time with a peremptory note through its softness. "Come here, you little idiot." Through all my cold anger a note of that voice tugged at my heart, pleaded with me to turn. But the affront he had given me was too fresh. I steeled my heart and went steadily onward. "Then go to the " The closing of the library door cut off the con clusion of the sentence, uttered with angry intonation. And I was actual ly glad of the gruff tone. I was so angry that I wished no quick re pentance of Dicky's to be able to mitigate my wrath. It isn't very often that I allow myself to be swept by such a white hot flame of anger as consumed me when I finally reached my room and locked the door behind me. Usually 'I can control myself, and before I, have reached the unreason ing stage my common sense comes to the rescue. But in the half-hour following my tempestuous exit from the library I gave no heed to the warning little voice that told me I was jeopardir ing the success of Mr. Stockbridge's carefully laid plans by thus anger ing Dicky. I knew that he was per fectly capable of throwing up the whole engagement if he let his tem per get sufficiently the better of him, but I didn't care. So intense was my anger and pride, that I be lieve I could have stood aside and seen him destroy everything I cher ished, save only my baby, without deigning to utter a word of protest. Papers Being Tossed Around. I heard him come upstairs and go to his room, then the familiar sounds of papers being tossed around, sure sign that Dicky was hunting some thing he had mislaid. Then he came out of his room, closing the door behind him, and went downstairs. My curiosity began to get the bet ter of my wrath. Was he so angry that he meant to take the last train into the city and stay there during the whole of the next day's planned festivities? I listened intently for the sound of the closing' outer door, but it didn't come, and after-a long interval I opened my door and soft ly crept downstairs and ' into a corner of the hall from which I could see the library door. It was almost closed, so that I could not see into the room, but I could hear a constant, rustling of 'paper, which was distinctly neither the turning pages of book, magazine or news paper, and it was punctuated by a queer, soft, swishing sound, the meaning of which I could not guess. Madge Investigates. Thoroughly mystified, I crept back upstairs, thankful at least that he had no thought of leaving the house. But what in the world was the meaning of his queer perform ance in the library? There was no use in speculating, however, so I turned my attention to getting ready for the work and fes tivities of the next day and evening. I much feared that I would not need any preparation for the latter, but I doggedly went forward upon the assumption that somehow things would turn out all right I put all the accessories of my evening toilet into a dress case, leaving it open, that the last thing before leaving the house in the morning I might lay in my gown and cloak. Mrs. Stock bridge, who seemed bent upon show ing me how sweet and considerate she could be when she tried, had written me a dear little note offer- if y VbU5 These scenic beauty spots are maintained by the United States as free recreation centers. Vacation ,in your own National Parks this summer. M558 17th IT Jenver, Colo. My Husband ing to hang up my things for me to avoid their rumpling if I would send my dress case to her home as soon as I arrived at school. i - Then as is always my custom, made ready as far as possible for my departure the next morning. Every article of the clothing I was to wear was in readiness, laid out where I could reach it with the least trouble. As I brushed and braided my hair I thought ironically of the pleasure with which I had anticipated wear ing the modish suit and hat which Dicky had insisted upon my select ing. I had not yet shown them to him; indeed, the suit had just come home after minor alternations, and I had quite counted upon the pleased surprise which I was sure would be his when he first saw them. As I turned out my light and crept .into bed I heard Dicky's foot steps upon the stairs again. He halt ed for a second or two outside my door, then went on to his own, clos ing it. I waited Until I heard his shoes drop on the floor, sure sign that he was really going to bed at last, and then sprang out of bed, put on a bathrobe and slippers, and crept noiselessly downstairs to the library. 1 The torn manuscript had disap peared, and the things upon the big work desk were arranged differently than they had been earlier in the evening. J With a sudden thought I opened the compartment where we keep the;, mucilage, library paste, scissors and other; accessories. ' : The bottle of library paste had just been used, I could plainly see that, and the scissors were still sticky. Dicky must have been pasting to gether the manuscript I had torn in anger. .- - (Continued Tomorrow.) Austrian women who received the right of suffrage, following the dis solution of the empire, participated in their first election recently, when they voted for delegates to the Con stituent assembly. Topeka clubwomen have started a movement to have householders in th same locality cut the grass on thf same day, so as to keep the lawns uniform. Nadine Face Powder (In Crttn Box Only) Keeps The Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Money back if not an tlrely pleased. Nadine la pure and harm less. Adheres until washed oft Prevents sunburn and return of dlseoloratlona. A million delighted users prove its value. Tints: Flesh. Pink, Brunette, White. Sale Vr Lasalaa TeOel Ceaattrs sr Nul National Toilet Company, Paris, Tans. Salesroom: Athletic Club Bldg., 1710 Douglas St. Tyler 1793 Belated Debut NX. 8 Zyovcby Ivy pltipfff Lady Ivy Spencer, eldest daughter of Viscount and Viscountess Church ill, recently made her debut, which was delayed by the great war, in London, according to a report re ceived here. Lady Ivy has been ac tive as a canteen worker since the outbreak of the war. . " i By presenting each one a nice, new doll, Mrs. J. B. A. Robertson, wife of Oklahoma's governor, made happy 60 little girl Inmates of the state Industrial school. mm ' y & ' jnj - v i H i - ift ft k AA jb ffiffs, Y- x I V.jja I .. '' jtir Eard Is the purest and most nurl tious bread in the world. Baked fresh each day in our new snow-white bakery, un der the most sanitary condi tions and by the most modern and scientific bakery methods. Look for the little Red, White and Blue label none genuine without it. Order Youn. Loaf Today Of Courte It't New Fashions in FURS for Spring and Summer They are all the rage. Fashion has decreed it. So The National Fur & Tanning Co. has designed new smart 'originations, with soft, clinging lines, which are positively irresistible to the wonjan who follows Fashion's dictates. ' The lighter furs -summer Ermines, Jlole, Hudson Seal,' Russian Squirrel, Kolinsky, etc., are well rep resented and are charmingly adapted to this new vogue. Have Your Spring Furs Designed by The National Fur and Tanning Co. And you can be confident in the knowledge that your garment is faultless in mode and supreme in fur quality and tailoring. . , ..- Fur Storage The safe and scientific .storage of your furs the : careful preservation of all their original luster and loveliness is ap important phase of our business, ! Your furs are safe with THE NATIONAL FUR AND TANNING COMPANY la Winnipeg the minimum wa for women employed In restaurant! has been fixed at fll.sO psr week and the number of working hours) has been limited to 10 per day and 48 per' week, one whole day eaoh week to be free. . . -.1. Following years of agitation the British Parliament has finally pass ed a bill providing for the admission of women to the practice of law net merely ae solicitors, but as barristers as well. KOSMEO CREAM BeoaHRetheS!dn This dainty toilet cerate cltaoMt the pores removes blackheads, tan, freckles, pimples, redness, roughness and skin blemiibea, At Att Toiht Comttn . Ganraie Graham MW.DBaeisaM. ., . CMuji For sale by Sherman' 4 rVfeeenital! Drot'Ca Roll Ua, t n ) ; PETERSEN jf PEGAtf, Baking Co. Jr General Office and Factory: 1921-29 So., 13th. Tyler 120,