South Side SO, OMAHA MEM COMPLETE LONG BOOSTER TRIP -Delegation Which Represents Packers and Stock Exchange Find Conditions Good in Ne braska, Idaho and Utah. Women to Have No Part In Serving Annual May Dinner of M. E. Church Women had. better look to their laurels. It is asserted by both F. A. Cressy, proprietor of the Cressy snoe store on the outh Side, and A. F. Stryker, secretary-traffic man ager of the Omaha Live Stock ex change that women will be relegated to a place of secondary importance when the male members of the urace M. E; church invade the cul inary field. A dinner is to be given by the men 'of the Grace M. E. church Thursday afternoon from 5:30 to 7:30. Women will have no part in either preparing or serving the din ner. Though none of the' men who 'will assist in preparing and serving the Men's annual May day dinner are devotees of the domestic art. they are confident that the feast, the in all its details. 'AVives who complain of the diffi culty ' of '' satisfying 4he palates of "their lords and masters" . will for once find themselves s occupying the enviable positions of their husbands at the board." But the men antici pate little difficulty in pleasing their spouses so .confident are they in their ability to put forth an . "in comparable meal." Male .members of the Grace church say that the experience de rived in preparing and serving the dinner will put them in good trim for the coming days of woman's suf frage when the position of the male and female' will be reversed. , The women on the other hand take this infringement of their na tural domain in good-natured sym pathy. t Let the poor things suffer, they say, "and go blithely on in their own sweet way. Feeling that they had fully ac complished what they set out to do, 30 Omaha live stock commission men. representatives of the packing ' interests, bank and stock yards, re- ' Unio P-rifirXr.- y m preparation of.' which they are at Farmers and live stock producers are enjoying a period of unprece , dented prosperity and seem to be completely satisfied with- existing , cuiiuiuons, according to the reports of the returned group of boosters. Optimism prevails in all sections of the west and a feeling of co-opera- : tion seems to have resulted from the common sacrifice and sharing of the burdens imposed by the war. Plenty 6t Cattle. s' There are "more and better condi tioned cattle in the western states at the present time than at any pre vious time in the history of this country, according to. C. A. Smith, traffic manager of the Union Stock yards. A mild winter and a suffi cient amount of feed has brought about this condition, he stated. The, delegation was lieartilv wel- t coined at every point in its itinerary, Various commercial organizations and business men arranged special programs for the delegates. At Og den, Utah, a special athletic carnival was held for the Omaha boosters, The method by which Ogden ob . tains -its water supply was shown to the travelers. Forty-Seven artesian wells supply Ogden with her water. I From Davton. Ida., tr Oo-rln Utah, the trip was made by automo- ; tkst-i wie. i itie beauty of the country in that section- was in itself worth the trip, said many of the men. Utah's Cache valley was also vis ited., - . - - -r-' Attend Conventions. More than 16 towns were visited ly the. members of the delegation. The itinerary had been so arranged that the delegation was euabled to attend many of -the live stock pro ducers' conventions in progress at the various points. Mr. Smith, who headed the delegation; Bruce Mc Culloch, editor of the Stockman's Journal, and R. D. McManus, adver tising manager of the Armour Pack nig company, addressed many of these gatherings. A snow storm stalled the delega tion for 36 hours at Hay Springs, Neb., before the trip was well un der way, but this only served to stimulate the spirits of the men. Be fore the tru; - had been completed live stock producers, farmers and others had been convinced that in svn.M.B vuKcmcr anu co-operatins m. b. i-hnrrw .r ...... ' nJ "v nuiit ui an tomiegieua "mn oy me Kev. c. C. Wilson. BAPTISTS HOLD CONVENTION AT GRANDJSLAND Wore Than 1,500 Delegates Expected to Enroll Before ' Monday Evening; First1 Sessions Held Saturday. South Side Brevities FOR SALE 8-room house, 18th. Tel. So. 2639. 1817 Bo. Di Cox. Dentist New location, 922 Se curils Bldg., Sixteenth and Farnam Sis Get your urn from Square Deal Dairy 3. O. Orabowsky. .Proo. Phone South FOR. house. ' street. with thp-mpar inrinttrv1 T- , - - uu.. j . t. ir uuni . not be profitable for either the com- .-- mission man, packer or business . man to cheat the farmer, it was pointed out by the delegates, since ;he whole future of the industry is ultimately dependent upon the pro ducer. Neither is it to the farmer's t nterest to demand cut-throat prices or his products because of the pos sible reaction of the consumer. South Side Man Meets Soldiers From Home Town With Belgians One of Omaha's prominent Russian-American business men. E. Vaks, a clothier and furnisher on the South Side, witnessed the pa rade of the Belgian soldiers yes- ! terday and after! the march h in quired among them for any' that could speak Russian language and found two, Edward Bodewiez and Michel Dees, both of whom had been in Vak's home town of Odessa,- Russia, and in the home :own of Vak's wife, Moscow. ,. (Mr. Vak was a candidate for rep resentative in 1918 and is president of the Junk Dealers' Protective asso ciation. - Live Stock Exchange Goes Over the Top by $70,000 In a. final effort to keep its war record unsullied the Omaha Live stock exchange in the Victory Loan Irive- cleared the top by over $70, XX). The quota of the exchange and ts allied interests was $250,000. :i iiucii auustriyuons were totaled hey showed 913 bonds sold. Fifty iive firms were privileged to display ' I. . 1 An . i , jw jjcr cent oanner Dy . noon Saturday. . It had been expected to raise the -ntire amount apportioned the ex change by Thursday, but subscrip tions lagged. Heads of the commit tees conducting the drive redoubled 'heir efforts and succeeded in put- .-..ft Awuaiic in uic iuu per .ent .class. , .South Side Bazaar to Be Continued Over Sunday Because of the great success of jhe bazaar being given by the Holy SALE -rnom. well furnished Cheap If taken at ' once. 2407 N Phone So. 1884. Buy your Victory note on the tl-per-week plan through the Live Stock Nation al bank. Twenty-fourth and N streets. - FOR SALE 7 rooms, all modern, cor ner lot; shade trees. Owner leaving city. A bargain if taken at once. Joseph F. Murphy. So, 71. v. FOR SALE (-room house: full base ment; good .location, i blocks from the packing houae, 1 block from West Q ear line. 6025 South 42d street. Buy Victory Notes. Payments may be made now through the Live Stock Nation al Bank, 24th and N Btreets. 10 per cent with subscription and II per week. FOR SALE New 7-roora house nearly completed; modern; finish Is oak, ma hogany and white enamel. Located at 4519 So. 22d. For price phone) -Harney 027.. The ladies of St. Arnn ranrl TT- esters. No. 66 will elect officers Sunday . j Ti.". ,;J"' ' ne election win be held at St. Agnes hall. Twenty-third and i streets. .. For sale by owlner. 2 6 -room cottages. une is vacant Newly papered. Can have Ctwsrmign al once. LiC-catAri 31a Bireeis. raving all paid for. A. Strand, oouin zjsi. rnone South 2560. a inert u. Dawson and M1 H...U) Bratt, both prominent young people of Ueneva. Neb., were married at the Qraca HARD COAL We now have a fresh suttnlv of &r.n ton hard coal. Our advice la: Order your . muwiy now, ana be safe. Kratky Bros., 4805 South 24th street uuu. bu. iu ana oo. 4U0. A children's program will be given at S.V.I- . n my fternoon at the Social Tt.. '. ail. . V, "lf ,,nln ,na tets. KSt0r Jel'?ra . 'easue of the South Omnha High school will give a Japanese ""cam cuneiacinv nr miu n mi -..- stories. -w-. " winh De"re of Honor Lodge No. IIS nesday evening at Eagle's hall. Twentv. imra and N streets. Raggy Rubin and m,1 ia"0U f muslclan will furnish the if. . frlz win De awarded, i Tne X. L. club will give a dance Tues- '7!," nan, Twenty third and N streets. , An InterearlnBr nrnram j m . . . tns worK 01 Americaniza tion of forelanera at tha .T,.nv,a.. .t.w. school Friday evening. Judge Troup and Prof. A. W. Tongul, principal of the night school, delivered Interesting discourses on the value, opportunities and duties of the foreigners In America. Violin and vocal solos were also rendered by the students Of the school. A llnrhnnn ln. .1 HOME FOR SAT.S! ct . k , . ..WbVW UUHIBIUff live rooms ana sunrnnm nn if with three small rooms finished upstairs uM.-u.ior scoraire or spare bed rooms. Finished In nob anrt kli. i ard In very good condition. Cement drive way and Karaite: shed tu -. .'u''9 !outn Twenty-second street, in one of e.I "'"uence sections the South Side Price 13,250; terms desired. W. ; & Sons, Keellne Bldg. Douglas f ... SPECIAL. SALE ON YOIB SPRING NEEDS, v. Complete lines at low prices: Baby carriages; Boll bugsles; Kitchen cabinets; " Free sewing machines; , , Carpets; Orafanolas; ' Klectrlo vacuum sweepers; Oil stoves; Ice boxes. KOXjTSKY-PAVLIK CO. Crete Welcomes Returned " 4 Soldiers With Banquet DeWitt, Neb., April 26. (Spe. cial.) Crete gave a rousing receD Ition to its returned sailors, and sol uicrs mis weeK. ine nroirram in. eluded a banquet, addresses, music, singing and dancing. Includine the guests,- there were plates set for 200 persons, the Kev. Mr. Lressman pronounced the invocation and Charles E. Marion delivered an ad dress ot welcome to the boys who nad returned tp their homes. Dance and Style Show. Invitations are out for a dance and summer fashion show to be hf Id in the. Auditorium Saturday evening, May 10, given by the Union Outfitting company. A band of 25 pieces has been engaged. ........ The latest summer fashion will be shown on livinar models. Some of the prettiest girls in Omaha have Ghost parish it will be continued un it . midnight Sunday. The bazar whiich was begun Wednesday, is being held at the IndeDendent Tele- .hone company Duilding. TntylLV"?J?tF titth and M streets. "e-ew oiuu. iiauy 9uiiiac9 arc in diurc tor the guests at this fashion show, It was intended to close the ha Friday evening, but because of the ireat interest manifested in it by South Siders, it was decided to con tinue it for a short time. The funds raised at the bazaar will be used in the erection of a new parish at Fifty-second and Q streets.'-- - - Blow by Propeller Blade Kills Man in Flying Circus Indianapolis, April '26. Mechani cian Frank Pride of Uniontown, Abu, enlisted man attached to the Victory v loan flying circus, was fatally injured here today when his aead was crushed by a propeller blade on a machine which he was at 'motfev to Start The management says it will be the last word in latest Fifth avenue styles. ' . This show has been purposely de layed so as to find out in advance and display only style creations that have taken well in Paris and New York. s The dance will,begin at 8:30 and will last till midnight and possibly longer. Ohio Fruit Crop Damage Estimated At $2,000,000 Columbus, O., April 26. Vernon H. Davis of (the state department of agriculture estimated the fruit dam age by cold weather in Ohio at $1, 500.000 to $2,000,000. Grand Island, Neb., April 26. ine delegates to the Nebraska State Baptist convention have begun to arrive by train and auto. The crest of the registration will come Mon day evening, by which time prob ably 1,500 will have enrolled. Preliminary business meetinffs of ine various committees and board of the convention were held at the Y. M. C. A., and the First Presby- xerian cnurcn Saturday atternoon and evening. There was also held an important meetinsr of -the hoarrl of trustees of Grand. Island college at me it. m. k,. a. Saturday evening. The first public service was the World Wide Guild rally at the First Christja church which closed with a banquet. The World Wide Guild is the national missionary organiza tion of Baptist young women. There will probably be 200 of them at the rally. The first public service at the Liederkranz auditorium began Satur- aay mgnr. and was the opening bcssioii oi ine state young Peoples Sunday School convention. Mr. D. t. Magnuson, banker, of Chapman, Neb.,' is president and Rev. J. D. Collins of Lincoln, N.eb., is state director. A banner is awarded each year to the Sunday school which brings the most people and travels the most miles to the rnnvntinn Another banner is awarded, in like manner, to the best represented Young Peoples' society. . Musical Talent Prof. E. O. Excell. world famniia composer of Sunday school songs and editor of Sunday school song books, with his eauallvi famous pianist, Mr, Roper, had charge of the convention for the first 45 minutes Saturday evening. There will be a similar musical program at the be ginning of each session. ' Following the musical nroo-ram State Director .Collins brought be fore the committee some reports of uic worK in me state, ine wvening's session closed with an address by Rev. James Asa White, Ph. D. of v.i:icago, wno is general secretary of the International Baptist Young Peoples Union of America. -One of the" most unique features oi tne convention is to be the con vention Sunday school beginning ounaay morning. All delegates and visitors will assemble just as they would at their own churches for the Sunday school hour Sta n, j. u. Lollins will act as superintend ent. Arrangements have been made to bring in all the Baptist Sunday sluuois or r ne nearby towns in auios ana Dy . train to hold theii session in connection with the' con vention Sunday school. Convention Sermon. . Rey. Gilbert M. Brink, D. D. of rrnianeipnia will be . the preacher " convention sermon at 11 o clock. Dr. Brink wan fnr vr, ;n charge of the educatidnal work of the American Baptist Home Mission society, in this capacity he super vised more than 30 schools and col leges, within th,e past year he has been elected as the general secretary and the chief executive officer of the American ' Baptist Publication society. . : The Sunday afternoon uuinn will be devoted largely to the dis cussion Of methods in Sundav srhnl and in young people's work. .The closing address of the eve ning will be given ' by Pres. E. Y Mullins, D. D.. LL. D.. of the South ern Baptist Theological seminary, Louisville, Ky. Mr. Mullins will be the guest of honor of the conven tion and will sneak each mornino- and each afternoon. ' College a Feature. The chief features of the con vention Monday will be the con sideration of, the interests of Grand island college. A college banquet will be heJd at 5 o'clock i n hnnnr of the new president, Arthur T. Belknap, and the evening session will be given over to the inaugura tion ceremonies. Chancellor Avery, of the state university, will be pres ent and officiate. The entire new faculty of the college will be pres ent ' on the platfrom and will be presented to the convention at this time. There are about 200 Bantist churches in Nebraska, with a mem bership of about 21.000 There are about 125 ministers. The member ship is increasing at the rate of about 10 per cent every year. The religious activities of the conven tion cover the expenditure of about $100,000 a year. Rev. Ray E. York of . Lincoln, Neb., is the executive secretary. Rev. O. H. Bancroft of Omaha is financial secretary. Market and Industrial News of. the Day LIVESTOCK Receipts werei Official Monday- ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday . Official Friday ... Entlmate Saturday ( days It-la week.. Same last week. ...19.T6I Same t weeks ajo..i7.!l Same weeks aso..J5,81 Same year ago 40.20 Ml . .7I 4,m J, 061 300 J0.H0 tS.727 S0,5J 18.74s 27.676 RecelDtS and HlannaltlAn nf llva atnrk at the Union Stock yards, Omaha Neb., for .1 li0Jn ending at S o'clock p. m., April to, ifll, receipts Cars. Cattle Bon Cheep 4.V0I 11,117 I. let 1. 131 11,030 11.018 16,617 6,000 6,1 S2.62S sa.sot 7S.S20 S2.8TS 4.127 1,111 . 1,170 1,040 100 17.071 Union Pac. , C. & N. W east ... a N. W., west . . . C., St P., M. A O. . C B. A Q.. east... C. B. A Q., west... C. R. I. A P. .. ill. Cen Total Receipts . . . Cattle. Hog-s. Sheep. 10 4 IS 6 2 17 4 4 84 DISPOSITION HEAD. '? Pfttvaa TTna- fllia.n Morris A Co .. 1 a Swift A Co i 22a Cudahy Pack. Co. , .. 2,163 Armour A Co. j .. 1.161 SchwarU A Co. 1,283 Cutlahy for St. Paul 17 wuaany from Kan. City . . : .... J07 Total ; ..n 7,067 307 Cattle There wens onlv three lnnrtu n cattle on sale, supplies for the week mourning- to 1T.75 head. Trading- cles ed steady on the big bulk of the medium io gooa steers and a quarter his her on the ROOd handV Wetft-ht hfmvM anH hanHw yearlings, beat kinds of steers sold up to n.ou mis weea, prime Kinds were quot able UD to 118.00. Butcher atnrlr la nrait. tlcally steady with last week and. feeders uiunea sceaay to strong;. VUOtatlOns on rnttln? 9rim ataApa tl7.0018.00; good to choloe beevea, 16.00 iair o gooa peeves, f!4.76v 16.76; common to fair beeves, 81J.60 14.60; godd to choice yearlings, $16.25 "'; iair vo gooa yearlings, 013.Z6W16.00 oommon to fair yearlings. I10.0013.00 aood to i-IiaIi,1 us vcaii c prime cows, $1!.0013.76;' good' to choice uuwa, tlv.ZDW12.Q0; talr to good cows. S.0010.26; common to fair cows,, 11.260 cuuica prime reeaers, sif.toiD.60 good to choice feeders. 113.00611 a- m. dlum to good feeders, 111.00013.00; good to choice stockers, I12.0013.60; fair to gooa stockers, ilo.OOtf 11.00; common to Jl' stockers. $8.009.60; stock heifers, o.nviv.gv, miocK cows, is.ovv.60; stock calves, I8.00ll.25; veal calves. 18.000 ouub, iLags, etc., i.uu(pii.7B. Bogs Eighty-four carloads of hogs were received at this market Saturday M.uiiuuK eaiiuiaiea ai o,uuv oeaa Re ceipts for the week were some 17,000 less than either a week or -a year ago. Every day but one has recordede advances thia ween wun tne Heaviest advance on Tues day. there belnst further aalne Wednna, day and. Thursday with Thursday's-prices int, iiigneBi in ine nistory ot the yards. Bulk of hogs mold that day from 120.36 20.66 with' a- ton ' of 220.8S' and cost of 120.49 K. There was a weaken ing of values on Friday with tfca general umrnei lutpiDc lower man tne nigh time, pari oi mis ions was regained again gat urdayi- Saturday's bulk being 820.26O 20.60 with a top at 820.86, Saturday's trade being fully steadyto Co higher than r riuiiy. Advancesvfor the week Is H5rSHB 8heep and Larata There were only two loaas or sneep nere Saturday, receipts for the week total 30,360 head. The fat iami marKet tne past week has been very erratic affair, quotations having changed from day to day, the tendency oeing lower wun tne exception of the opening day of the week. The under tone has been very weak, Influenced large ly a auu eastern dressed lamb market, decline for week being 81.00, handy weight lambs now being quotable from 818.760 19.00, heavier lnbetween grades ranging down to 818.00. There has been a scarcity of aged stuff nere ana not mucn cnange in prices, pos sibly 60c lower. Fat ewes are quot able from 113.76 16.00. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Iamhs. good to choice, $15.75019.00; lambs, fair in gooa, is.uuq19.yo;. snearing lambs, 817.O017.6O: yearllna-8. rood to choice. J16.0017.00; wethers, fat, 316.00016.00; ewes, gooa to cnoice, l4.uolb.uo; ewes, fair to good, f 12.00014.00. , FINANCIAL Chicago Live Stock. . ' Chtcaao. Anrll 26. r?ttlA ftAcatnta. 1,000; compared with a week ago. choice steers, steady others unevenly 26c to 6oo lower. Ughtweicrht suffering moat: best she stock, 60c to 76e lower; canners and tow graaes. zea to 60c lower: feeders mostly 25c lower; fleshy kind off more; veal calves, $1.5001.76 lower. Hogs Receipts. 7.000: market stroasr iu oc uigner man yesteraav'a averae-a: bulk of sales, $20.80021.10; heavyweight. 320.95021.10: medium weight. t20.70ffi) 21.05: lightweleht. 220.25021.00 Azht light, $18.75020.70; sows, $18.7 6 0 20.50, pigs, $17.26018.00. BheeD and Lambs Hecelnta. S OOA- mar. ket steady today; compared with a week ago, wooiea lambs and light yearlings mostly 40o to 60o lower; shorn lambs, 76o to $1 lower: best matured sheen. steady; In-between grades, weak to lower. Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City,' Mo.. April 26. TJ. S. Bu reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 360 head; steady; steers, $10.60019.26; cows and heifers. $6.65015.60; calves. $9,250 13.60; stockers, $8.60016.25. Hogs Receipts, 900 .;. head; steady: heavies, $20.70020.80: lights. 819.000 20.60; sows, $19.60020.60; pigs, $16,000 19.60. x Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1.E00 head: weak; lambs, $16.00018.25;. ewes, $9,500 17.00. f Sioux City Lire Stock. Sioux " City. lav. AdtII 26. Hon Rel ceipte, 0,000; market steady; light $20.26 20.60; mixed, $20.36020.60: heavy $20.40 20.65; bulk of sales, $20.35020.56. Cattle ReceiDts. 700: market atenrfv beef steers. $11.60015.60: fat cows and neiiers, 88.Uttijjii3.oo; canners, $5.0007.00; siuuiters ana reeaers, ss.buajjiz.bu; feed ing cows and heifers, $7.00010.00. . Sheep Receipts, 600; market steady, , St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, , Mo.. April 26, Cattle Re ceipts, 200 head nominal; steers, $13.00 18.26; cows and heifers, $5.60015.66; calves, $6.00018.50. Hogs Receipts, 2,600 Jiead; top, $20.80; bulk, $20.16020.80. ; ' - , Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 660 head; nominal; tamos, tis.uvgil'.OO; ewes, 314. 015.00. New Tork. April lu tls and ells divided honors In today's extremely active stock market, the turnover for the two hours being on the bants ot $,000,000 sharea for a full session. The demand for rails differed from re cent movements In that it centered very largely in high grade or dividend paying snares, although . minor or reorganised Issues were well to the fore. Gross advances in Canadian Pacific Southern Pacific, Atchison, and other trans-continentals and grangers extended from 1 to almost 3 points, Reading and other coalers sharing moderately. Royal Dutch Issues featured the oils, shares of the , original company gaining 7tt points and the local Issue virtually 6 points -to the accompaniment of .various bull rumors. The strength of Royal Dutch was - the more striking because of Incessant pressure against Mexican Petroleum, which mads but little recovery from Its t point re action. . American Locomotive waa strongest of the equipments and United States Steel, which made way In point of activity to several other Issues of less prominence, held all but a smalt fraction of Its ltt point advance. Shippings, motors and metals were Ir regular, also sugars and tobaccos, but Ohio Cities Oas responded to a cut In the quarterly dividend with a net gain of 2 points. , Bonds, especlall9Wrallway Issues were firm. Total sales, Rir value, aggregated $6,660,000. Old United States bonds were unaltered on call during the week. New Tork Stock List. Number of shares and the range of prices of the leading stocks were as follows: Open. High Low. Close. Am. Bt. Sug. ..... 400 754. 76 75 Am. can .40O 621 it 2 Am. Car A Fdry... 1,600 95tt 95tt 95 Am. H. A L. pfd... 3.100 111 110 111 Am. Loco.... 80,000 76 tt 73 76 tt Am. amen, at net., i.uuu 72 VI "4 72 Am. Sug. Ref. .... 300 129 128 128 am. sum. 10 o. ... sou 1U5 I06tt 1064 Am. Tel. A Tel. .. 1,200 102 101 102 Am. Z, L. A 8. . ,, 200 14 . 14 14 Anaconda Copper.. 1,300 61 61 tt 61 tt Atcnison .11, auu 9Vi 4 96 A., O. A W, I. S. 8. 1,300 136 134 135 uaia. uoro s.siiu z4 90tt91 Bait. A Ohio 3.600 IM 48 ... 48 Beth. Steel, "B" .. 7,900 76 74 tt 76 suite at oup. wop.. 400 zz 21 23 400 28 27tt 27 900 162tt 161 163 1,900 80 80 80tt el 61 1,700 38 37 38 700 96 95 95 t.SUO zg Z6 26 100 35 26 35 uoio. r uet- a iron. 400 43 Corn Products ... . 7,500 62 urucime steel .... 1,800 68 uuoa cane sugar.. 1,000 Dlst. See. Corp. .. 2,200 Erie 3.700 uen. Elec Oen. Mot Ot. Nor; pfd. ... Gt. Nor. Ore ctfs. GRAIN MARKET Omaha, April J, i$. buuTof hc.ll?K.o, " "-p th. wire V ,"h.t '.rJ'v,,- weat receipts bitar 1 VS. " rye 4 can and wUh a la." -CVn .ola "P to 3 oenu, Ina at th ortng. brlng .Hv.Vc.S i J c,nt" over yttday. Oats higher and barley 3 to 3 cents up. Wheat ha"d rn' w,,n.'' or two on OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. ' Receipts. ioaay. Wk ago. Yr. ago Wheat . . . , Corn Oata Rye Barley .... Shipment! Wheat Corn Oats , Rye Barley 4 ...65 ...24 ... 4 ... 1 ...79 ...32 ...28 13 39 44 10 . 4 . 146 106 63 10 14 90 28 1 , 1 150 32 1 7 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. ., Wheat. Corn. Oats. on.vnu -..... 1Z Kansas City ...... 23 St. Loos 43 Minneapolis 111 Winnipeg 194 Carroll Bank Gosed by State Officials to Pay 75 Cents on $ I Real Estate Transfers 1. H. Louge and wife to O. B. Dske. Titus Ave. 42 ft of 28 Ave n. s. 44x120 ....,....$ 4,100 ?aai, noaaer ana nusband to ueo. J. Relnhardt, 19 st. 100 ft. a of Sahler st. e. a. 40x130 Llssle Wehde to Katie Petersen, 20 at. 130 ft n. of M at., w. 9. 25x130 fc ... 1 LeRoy Cockerlll and wife to Edward F. Williams, Howard St. 86.33 ft. w. of 27th st. s. a. 3.3Sx61.7 Ralph J. Pugsley and wife to Elisa beth K. Tlghe, Brown St. 106 ft of 4!d st. n. s. 63x124 John F. Murphtf and wife to Annla Clark, 20 st. 160 ft. a. of Leaven worth st., 60x162 William J. Petersen and wlfa to Patrick N. Burns. Catelar at., 150 ft. e. of 38 st a. s. 60x121 W. It. Ralnbolt and wife to James A. Waller, n. e. cor. 19 and Evans st. 41x1041 ft George T. Morton and wife to Jen nie Kobb et al 66 st. 417 ft. n. 246 81 74 118 69 Vhlte. 8 n 1171. 1 ... No. $ white, 1 car, $1.69 (old); 1 l.'i; iv,car' No- white 2 !; No. 6 white. 1 car. $1.68; 1 mj. 1 yvuow, 1 car 81,71. w, 8 cars. $1.70: 1 car 11 cs yellow, 1 car $1.69; 1 car $1.6tt: 11 j; 8: 2 ears. $1.67. No. 4 yellow, 1 $1.66. No. 6 yellow, 1 car, $1.66 S Cal. Pet Can. Pacific Cen. Leather. . . . . Ches. A.Ohio C, M. A St Paul.. CAN C. R. I. A Pao... Chlno Copper. 1 i 111. Cen. Insplr. Copper. Int. M. M. ofd. Int Nickel ... Int. Paper . . . . Kan. City So. . Ken., Copper... Mex. ret. Mldvale Steel . is. Pac. Mont. Power .. Nev. Copper . . . N. T. Central. N. T.. N. H. AH... 19,600 31 Nor. A Wes. .... 1,600 105 Nor. Pac. ........ 6,000 93 tt racmc dtiau zuu Pirn-Am, Pet 14.900 Penn 4,100 Pitts, ft W. Va. .. 2.100 Pitts. Coal 900 Ray Con. Con 800 Heading Kep. I. A 8. . Sin. Oil A Ref. So. Pac. So. Railway... Stude. Car. .. Texas o. 42' 43 61 62 67 68 28' 28tt 28tt 76 74 76 17 17 17 ZUV 1SZ 162 "4 IBZ'4 6.100 181 180 18H.J4 7,400 92 91 92 2,900 44 43 43 600 101 100 101 700 49 49 49 6,900 117 116, 117 7,700- .26 26, 26 . 4,000 63 . 3,000 23 . 1,200 32 .42,500 182 , . 1,700 46 .35,900 28 . 100 70 . 600 16 4.4UU 78 34 83 44 37 61 20 62 63 23 23 32 324 176 177 45 45 Z6 28 .23,200 . 700 7,100 70 16 74 30 104 91 34 80 44 36 60 20 84 82 55 70 16 76 30 106 93 34 83 44 37 60 20 85 82 55 82 55 63.300 109 107 108 8,900 29 28 29 6,200 77 75 76 j. auu zm zi7 Z1S Real Estate Market in Councif Bluffs Active Wallace Beniamin & Comoanv of Council Bluffs reoort the followinsr sales for the past two weeks: flnr. xr T- . . . e.i. . iiumvi, iwu tuts mtk wni aveuuv and 27th Street. D. w. Stevens, Lot 21, Cottage Acres. Wm. Guilfovle. house at 1522 Scnnd Avenue. Emma Marrln, Lot 63, Lakoma. Anna Sataxapa of Omaha. Lot on 4th Avenue and 36th Street Lawrence Hansen, Lot 39, Lakoma. W, H. McMurray, Lot 62, Lakoma.. Elmer Long. Lot 88, Lakoma. R. B. Beasley, Lot 14, Lakoma. E. F. McClure. house, at 2013 Avenue C. H. P. Mathlason, Lot 33, Cottage Acres. C. W. Flower, Lot 60. Lakoma. Will Haney, house at 2649 2d Avenue. James DeWitt, house at 3629 2d Ave nue, a Elmer A. Robertson, Lot 43, Lakoma. raver Bros. Report Sales pf Many Vacant Lots Traver Bros, report sales on va cant lots active" n,T he following lots were sold recently, most of the sales being made during the week: Lot 3, block 3. Reddlck extension, at 26th Ave. and Pinkney St., to Barry Chris topherson, at 2520 Lake St Lot 2. block 3. Reddlck extension, to Charles H. Ranke, at 1709 Dodge St. Lot 4. block 3, Reddlck extension, sold on contract Lot 6, block 3, Reddlck extension, to Everett Lynne Kilgore, 2311 Sherman Ave. Lot 8. block 3, Reddlck extension, to Loui Grunborg, 3016 Pinkney St Lot 19, block 2, Moe s sub., to Charles Mair. 4729 No. 38th St Lot 7, block 8. A. S. Patrick's add., to Annie .Andreaon. .. . New Tork Coffee. New Tork, April 26. The market for coffee future showed continued or Increas tng strength during today's earlier trad ine, with all deliveries making new high ground for the movement There was covering and a broadening demand from commission nouses and trade sources which seemed to be based upon the reiteration on the small crop estimates, firmness In Brazil and reports of further advances in tha local spot markets. - July contracts sold at 17.63c and March at 16.25c. or 80 to 64 points net higher on the active months. The close was a few points off from the best under real izing, out snowed a net gain of 26 to 34 points. Closing bids: May. 17.66c: Julv. 17.46c; September, 16.89c; October, 16.72c; December, 16.35c; January, 16 25c, March, 16.22c. Spot Coffee Firm; Rio 7a, 1818ttc; oaniun as, A6 n (tpzifittc. f ; Now York Money. New Tork, April 26. Mercantile paper -uficnaiiKea- Sterling Sixty day bills, $4.63; com mercial sixty-day bills on banks, $4.62c; commercial sixty-day bills, $4.62: de mand. $4.66; cables, $4.67. Francs Demand, $6.09; -cables $6.07. Guilders Unchanged. Lire Demand, $7.66; cables, $7.60. Mexican dollars Unchanged. . - ' Bank Conditions. New Tork, April 26. The actual con dition of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $45,487,000 reserve in excess of legal requirements. This Is a decrease of $10, 608,400 from last week. Dry Godds. New Tork.' April 26. Sheetings market today grew stronger and more active. Tarns were more active and higher. Wool goods were In Bteady demand. Silks were bought more liberally. Kansas City lToduce. ". Kansaa City, Mo., April r Lrini. Butter Weak. '- Poultry Hena. Initio- higher; 29 c. Egga- 290 Turpentine and Rosin. Savanah, Oa., April 26. Holiday In naval stores. New Tork Coffee. New Tork, April 26. Coffee, No. 7 Rio, 1818c. Futures, steady; May, 17.66o; July. 17.46c New Tork Cotton. , New , Tork. . April . 26. Cotton, annt. steady; middling. 29.50a inn, .rw. -...... i,6JV 21V Tob. Products 1,800 89 88 89 Union Pac. ...... 3.900 132 130 132 United Clg. Stores. 2,800 134 133 133 u. a. jnu. Al, .... d.iuu 101 149H 15U U. S. Steel 60,600 101 99 101 Wes. Union 500 86 86 86 West. Elec 8.300 60 49 v. En Willys-Overland .. 6,700 22 32 32 tt iw o.icb iwr in aay. ouu.uvv snares. 0,"' Local Stock and Bonds. Quotations furnished bv Burns Ttrln ker & Co., 449-452 Omaha National Bank ouiiaing. Stocks . Bid. Asked Deere A Co., pfd 9$ 97 Beatrice cream, com Beatrice Cream, pfd.. ...... .100 Burgess-Nash 7s, pfd ..100 Cudahy Packing, com 111 Dempster Mill Mfg. Co., com. 99 Deere A Co.. Dfd 9a Ford Motors, Canada 296 . Gooch Mill A Elev. 7s, pfd. "B" 100 Gooch Food Prod., pfd. bonus 99 Harding Cream 7a ofd 99 Journal Stockman, So. Omahal06 Loose-Wiles Btsc, 1st pfd. 7s. 100 Om. A C. B. Ry. A Bg., pfd.. 49 Om. A C. B. St Ry pfd Orch. A W1I. 7s, pfd. ex-dlv. ...... , M. E. Smith 7s. pfd Swift A Co 144 Un. Stock Tarda, Oma. 98 Un. Po. A Lt 7s, pfd 99 juonas . Anac. Cop. Co. 6s, 1929 98 Booth-St. Louis 6s. 1931 Brunswlck-Balke 6s, 1927 .. 96 Col. Lt, Ht. A Po. 6s, 1926.. 98 Clt. Gas A Elec. 1st 5s. 1926 a. B Cudahy Packing 6s, 1946.., Des Moines Elec. 6s, 1938. Dom. of Can. 5s. 1937 Iowa port Cement 6s Grand Island 4s Lincoln Jt Stock Land Bk. 6s. 1938 Morris A Co. 4s, 1938 84 Om. Ath. Club 6s, 1921-32 98 Om. A C. B. 8t Ry. 6s, 1928 78 So. California 7s 100 Swltf A Co. 6s, 1944 96 Wilson 6s. 1928.... 97 Wilson 1st 6s, 1941 99 Corn No. 91.70. car, $ cars. car, II. Bl. IMO. 1 VS low. 1 rar 1 71 7 2 yellow, 8 cars. $1.70; 1 car, $'l.69. No. 3 cars, cars, B. mnl. '"" et.oi; i car, si. 46 (heating) No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, $1.69; 2 cars. $l.g; No. 8 mixed. 1 car, $1.66. No. 4 mixed 1 car, $1.66; 1 car, $1.65. No. 6 mixed ,' ca-r, i.o (musty). Oats No. 8 white; 15 cars. 71c. No. wMte, I oars, 70 o. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, Rye No. $, 1-1 car, $1.70.. Barley No. s4. 2 er. it n W.heair N?' . no.rthern eprlng. t-S cars, a uiicu, i-Q cars, 9Z.9Z (lur um). ., Chicago Grain and Previsions. . ' Chicago. Anrll 28. Corn 1 jr In price today, Influenced chiefly by the statement of the food administration that a return to war bread would not be necessary In the United States. The mar ket closed unsettled, and 1 cent decline iu mo advance, wun July $1.68 to $1.69 ana sepiemDer 91.64 to $1.64. OaU in:iaiiru uncnangea to e up and provls- ,,, i iram ioo on to a rise or 67c Prices broke aharnlv at tha ,.. t the corn market, owing to attention hav- n- men locusea on oinclal announcement that, tha war-bread nnllcv nf tha food council at Paris referred only to fuiuua ana not 10 mis country. Nnhui. Mueuuy, nowever, relative firmness pre vailed as a result of notice that the food administration would blend flour which might contain as high as 25 per cent of iiour. nuns were -made cautious. though, by Increasing consignments and by reports that a more nlentlful annniv ui cam wouia enlarge receipts next week. Besides, commission -house hnlna showed great shrinkage compared with yesterday's rush. 7 Oats were comparatively firm an an. coum or scant orrerings. on the other hand, eastern demand was slow. Provisions continued stronc. esoeelallv lard, which attained a new high price level. Foreign demand waa the chief bullish factor. Cash Quotations. Corn No. 3 vellow. 81.8ffll 7ft Nn A yellow, $1.6701.68; No. 6 yellow, nominal. uais o. s -wnue, itntiic; standard, 7373c. ye no. z, i. 81 1.81. Barley $1.17 1.27. Timothy $8. 0010.76. Clover Nominal. Poi-k Nominal. Lard 332.77. Ribs $28.0028.75. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brok ers, 815 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: I Open. 87 92tt 87 97 98 100 :. 98 186 103 101 113 101 97 310 101 100 100 126 105 61 . 61 .100, .105 145tt 99tt 100 99 . 95 97 tt 96 88 94 98 .... 101 86 100 80 96 . 97 - 89 . - New Tork Bond Wat. TJ. S. 2s, reg., 98Gen. Elec. 6s.. 99 U. S. 2s, cou.. 98Gr. No. 1st 4s 86 U. 8. 8s, reg.. 89 'III. Cen. rf.' 4s 79 U. S. 8s, cou.. 89 Int Mr. Ma. 6s 98 U. S. Lib. 2s..98.84K. C. So. ref. 6s 86 U. 8. 4s, reg. .105 L. A N. un. 4S 86 U. 8. 4s. cou.. 106 M.. K. A T. A. Fo. Se. 5s 99 11-16 1st 4s ...64 Am. T. A T. Mo. Pac. gen, 4s 419 clt. 5s 90Mon. fo. us.... m Ana-lo-Fr. 6s .. 96 VN. T. Cen. deb. Arm. A Co. 4s 87 6s 97 Atch. gen. 4s.. 82 No. Pac. 4s.... 82 B. A O. cv. 4s76aNo. Pac. 3s.. 68 Beth. St. ref. 6s 87 Or. Bu rt. Line Cen. Leath. 6s.. 85 ref. 4s 86 Cen. Pao. 1st... 79Pac. T. A T. 6s 90 C. A O. cv. 6s.. 88 Penn. con. 4s 93 C. B. & Q. it. 4s 95 tt Penn. Ken. 4 Vis 86 C. M. A St. P. 'Read. gen. 4s.. 83 cv. 4s .... 76 St. L. A San C. R. I. A P. Fr. adl. 6s.. Ry. ref. 4a.... 73 So. Pac. cv. 5s. .108 a A S. rf. 4s 78 So. Ry. ts 97 D. A R. G. rf. 5s 46 Tex. A Pac. 1st 88 Dom. of Can.. - Un. Pao. 4s.... 86 6s (1931) .... 94 U. 8. Rub. 6s.. 97 Erie gen. 4s.... 54 U. 8. St .5s.... 100 Bid. Wabash 1st ..94 New Tork General." New Tork, April 26. Flour Strong; spring patents, $12.6013.00; spring clears, $10.2510.60; Kansas strlghts, $12.60 13.00. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 red. $2.36tt. elevator export. Corn Spot, firm; No. I yeljow, $1.89. and No. 2 white, $1.91, cost and freight New Tork. Oats Spot firm; standard. 8181tte. Lard Strong; middle west, $33.40 33.50. Other articles unchanged. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits, New Tork, ApriK 48. Evaporated Ap ples Dull. . Prunee Irregular; California, 11 tt 24c; Oregons, ll12c. , Apricots Strong and hla-her: choice. 28c; extra choice, 80c; fancy. 3234c. Peaches Firmer: standard. 19tt20c: choice, 2021c; fancy, 2222c. Raisins Firm: choice to fancv seeded. 10 012c; seedless, 1318c New Tork Copper. New Tork. Anrll 26. The cnnn.r mar. ket has been quiet during tha week with quotations for electrolytic copper ranging from about 16o to 15o delivered. Iron was unchanged. '.v Liberty Bond Prices. - New Tork. Anrll is irinai n-t . Liberty bonds todav wr- 1U. tas :n. VLft !S6-8,: ""ond 4s, 393.34; first IS' .V,"-..' ""cona s, 3.60; third 4s, $96.10; fourth 4 s. $93.32. New Tork Cotton. New Tork. Anrll 96 rminn i.. steady with last prices showing net gains of 20 to 32 points on the new and of 15 to 70 points on old style contracta. Unseed. , Dulutb, April 26. Linseed $4.0604.06. Corn May July Sept. oats Af ay July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July t7 1.66 l-62ttl High. I Low. Close, f Tes y. I 1.71'l 1.67'l 1. 1.69 1 1-661 1- 1! TO 69 1-64 100 .71 I .72l .71 .7214 .70 .70 .70 .70 .68 .69 .68 .69 53.40 53.50 53.36 63.86 51.70 61.80 51.60 51.75 33.00 31.S0 32.75 32.87 31.76 32.20 31.60 31.92 28.90 28.90 28.87 28.87 28.20 29.65 (28.20 28.36 Minneapolis Grain, ' Minneapolis, April 26. Flour Un changed. Barley $1.071. 17. Rye No. 2. $1.7901.8O. Bran $38.00. . V Corn $1.71 1.72. Oats 7071o. Flax $4 54.07. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., April 26. Corn May, $1.73; July, $1.70; September, $1.63. St. Louis Grain. 1 - St. Louis, April 26. Corn May, $1.70; July, $1.70. Oats May, 72e: July, 71o Omaha Bay Market. Receipts of prairie hav and - alfalfa. light, and with the demand being good It nas causea tne market to be firm and higher on all grades. Oat and wheat straw continue steady. Hay Choice upland -prairie, $40.00; choice upland prairie No. 1. $34.00036.00: choice: upland prairie No. 2, $31.0032.00; choice upland prairie No. 3. $24.0026.00 Midland prairie No. 1, $34.0036.00; midland-prairie No. 2, $31.00032.00. Low land prairie No. 1, $30.0031.00; lowland prairie No. 2. J24.00O2S.00: lowland prairie No. 3, $20.0021.00. Airalfa Choice, $40.00; No. 1, $36,000 38.00. Standard. 834.00038.00: No. t standard, $30.00032.00; No. 3 standard, $26.00028.00. Oat Straw $15.00016.00; wheat, $13.00 14.00. Chicago Produce. Chicago, April 26. Butter Higher creamery, 6361c. Ekrs Higher: ' receiDts. 40.042 cases firsts, 4042c; ordinary firsts. 390 40c; at mark cases Included. 41041ttc storage pacKea xirsis, 4SV7c; extras, 4344C . . Poultry Alive, unchanged. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, April 26. Potatoes, steady: receipts. 66 care; Northern whites sacked and bulk carlots, $2.1002.25; western russets carlots, $2.4002.50 cwt; new stock Spauldlng Rose Jobbing, $9.50 10.00 barrel; Bliss Triumph, Jobbing, $3.76 ousnei. juapie SC. O. B. 11IUX1ZS.D John T. Murphy to Fred Christen- V sen, Lake st 76 ft w. of 29 it. s. s. 25x100 John M. Kelly and wife to Henry L. Lehmer. Poppleton ave. 42.83 ft. e. of 27 St. s. s. 42.33x100.. 1,000 F. -C. Havner tr. to Henrietta M. Warren. Harney st. 110 ft e. of (4 st. n. f.. 60x156 ft $.850 weaiey p. Adklns and wife to Delia P. Hlnchey. 23 st. 116 ft s. of n. sf. 94x160 ft 4,100 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Edith Blomberg. Titus ave. 253.6 ft. w. of 28th ave. n. a. 42x120 ft 2,600 Wattland Co. to Brower E, Mc- Cague. Farnam st 191 ft. e. of 48th st. a. s. ' 48x128.$ ft 400 Edward J. MoArdle and wife to Donald A. Tracy, n. a. cor. Wash, lngton ave. and Military ave. 110x171.6 ft .' 4,600 Edward 8. Traver to Charles H. Rankc 25 ave. 167.9 ft. a. of Evans St. w. a. 47x140.16 ft ....622.50 William A. Canfey and wife to Kate Hanson, a. e. cor. 21st and Chloago st. 80x66 ft , 4.000 Rose O Connor and husband to Amanda C. Nelson. Blondo at. 80 ft e. of 34th st a. s. 40x127.1 1.760 Charles w. Martin and - wife to Henry W. Schlffbauer. Pratt St., 63 ft. w; of 25 tve. n. a. 49x128 (.000 John Harvey, Jr., and wife to Chaa. D. Blrkett. 45 at. 160 ft a. of Ma ple at. w. a. $0x142 1.000 inger Smith et al to Ella Brock et al 48 at 200 ft. n. of Pacific st w. a. $0x182 ft 8,000 Charles H. Fleming and wife to Henry M. Balrd et al Seward at 160 ft e. of 45 n. a. 60x160 .... 2,050 Margaret Kauth to Charlee Horejs and wife, alley between Bancroft and Elm st. 172.72 ft e. of 21 at. n. a. 43.43x80 $00 Sadie M. Davis to Wilbur F .Pulton et al Evans st. 92.46 ft e. of 27 st. a. s. 46.23x120 4,300 Charlie Cunningham to Frank Moravee. a. w. cor 61st and Mapls st, 298x298.26 ft 2,750 C. L. Gould and wife to Adelaide A. Huff. a. w. cor. 64th and Far nam st. Triangular piece .... 1,692 William Klnsella and wife to Mich ael Jenkevlcz and wife. a. e. cor. 33d ave. and 8. at, 44x105 ft. .. 1,760 James H. Davis to R. G. Ford, s. e. cor. 49th and Seward at.. 100x160 ft. 460 S. H. Somsen to Gordon McDowell Co., Capitol ave. 66 ft a. of 11 st. n. s. 66x120 ft 10,600 Ray H. Emley to -Minnie Davla Pearce. 24th at.. 108.39 ft. n. of D st. e. s. 13x150 ft 2,900 Henry 1. Vandercreek to Bertha V Curr Z4th st. 60 ft. n. of Mere dith at. e. a. 43x128 ft 6.000 Hastings and Heyden , to Oscar Knutaon. Binney st 90 ft. s. of 42 St. s. a. 60x120 ft 126 B. Russell and wife to Nathan Somberg. 41 ave 150 ft n. of Burt st. w. s. 60x128. 41 ave. 250 ft n. of Burt it w. s. 60x128 1.00 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Com mercial Savings A Loan Aisn. V st 120 ft e. of 24 at. n. a. 40x90 ft 460 Michael L. Clark, sheriff, to Com- merclal Savings A Loan Assn. 17 at. 200 ft a. of J at. e. a. 20x130 ft 420 Joseph A. Qulnlan and wife to Wil liam F. Klnsella, S at, 150 ft. Carrol, la, April 26. Following the action of the state bank ex aminers in closing the doors of the" Carroll Trnst and . Savings bank Friday, it was announced Saturday that the stockholders of the bank would be able to pay about 75 cents on the dollar to the depositors. "At the recommendation of tht presidents of the other three banki in Carroll, C A. Dougherty has been appointed receiver and will take charge about the middle of next week. President John Roelssema is practically under arrest, although not confined to jail, and the bank examiners are still working on tha 6.000 books. i The bank was capitalized for $50, 2.000 000, with a surplus of $20,000. Tha last statement, issued in March v showed deposits of nearly $500,000. This is the second bank failure in' Carroll in 11 years. 860 1.100 1.160 160 8,600 1.000 e. of 41 st. n. a. 60x129 ft .... 1.009 E. Porter Stewart and wife to Jen nie Tetiva, 17 st 147 ft a. of M at. e. a. 49x147 ft 1.690 Max Ringer and wife to Kdna Garellck, 26 at 100 ft n. ot S St. e. a. 25x150 ft 1.47S A. H. Murdock and wife to Nellie U. Crowe, B st 60 ft of 24 st a. a. 60x120 ft 4.300- Andrew John Aim and wife to Mary - v. Trout 18 St., 166 ft a. of O st. w. a. 60x180 ft ......... 1.409 Annie Cole to Charles L. Hall, 32 st, 170 ft a of B st, e. . 60x120 ft 1.00 Mary A. Carmlchael to Frank W.' Carmichael, Cass St.,- 200 ft w of 49 st. a. a. 100x135 ft. .... 7.600 Dundee Realty Co. to Henry, C. Moeller, Nicholas at 92 ft' a. of 62 at. n. a. 60x135 ft. 1.100 Austin Taylor and wife to David M. Wooley and wife, 58 st. 448 ft n. of Military ave. a. a. 60x227 ftv .00 UPDIKE We Specialise In the Careful Handling of Order ot , Grain and Provisions "' ' for r Future Delivery . . In- . All Important Markets ' W Are Member of Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce . Minneapolia Chamber of Commerce St Louis Merchants Exchange . Kansas City Board of Trade Sfoux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange , We Operate Offlcaa atl Omaha, Neb Lincoln, Neb. Hastings, Neb. Holdrege, Neb. Geneva, Neb. Sioux City, la. v Atlantic, la. ( . Hamburg, la, Des Moines, la. -Milwaukee, -Wis. Chicago, 111. and all of these offices are con nected with each other by private wires. We Solicit Your Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Gram Exchange Bonding, Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Conslgnmenta Solicited. See How MONEY GROWS Would you like to read an interesting: little book that will tell you how to plants money and make it grow? ' If so, write for a free copy of "PLAYING THE GAME" Fiscal Service Corporation 665 Fifth Ave. New York LIBERTY BONDS And Other Investmenta " "" BOUGHT tiND SOLD New York Market Pricee Paid on AB Issues. IVTACK'S JOND HOUSE 1421 First National Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. "New York Prodnce. New York, April 26. Butter Steady: uncnangea. Egga Steady; unchanged. Cheese Steady; unchanged. Poultry Steady ; unchanged. Issues Proclamation for Employment Sunday Lincoln, April 26. (Special.) Acting Governor P. A. Barrows has issued a proclamation setting; aside Sunday,' May 4th as Employment Sunday, in accordance -vith the movement recently started, by the United states - employment service to aid in finding work for returned soldiers. On this day it is the wish to have all ministers preach sermons along this line, bringing to the at tention of .their congregations the opportunities that are being offered to those who desire employment. German-Austria to Send Delegates to Weimar Meet Vienna (Via Copenhagen), April 26 The German-Austrian govern ment has accepted the German gov ernment's invitation to send five members of the national assembly to Weimar to join in the discussions of the German national assembly and have a voice in the transactions ot that body. ' i Two Steamers Go Down. Valparaiso, Chile, April 26. Heavy loss of life is reported in the sinking of the steamers Magdalena (Chilean) and Alfonso.. . The Magdalena went down in a storm five miles off Corral. The Alfonso was sunk in collision with the steamer Fortuna. i DIVIRE The New COMSTOCK of Nevada, Moat ; Sensational Mining Dis covery made in a generation. Map and history of Divide, also weekly Bulletin FREE on request. JANUARY JONES, Reno, Not. LOANS on RESIDENCES Low Semi-Aanual Interest HOME-OWNER. LOANS Up to 60 on real '. . dences less than five . years old. Monthly payments. ii 1 Ugg-gw8Ticr j QUICK PROFITS f $26 Invested in Crain, Stocks or Cotton, on our plan; no further risk; fives oppor tunity to make $2B0; $50 opportunity f of " $600. Must act quick. We handle Liberty Bonds at the best market prices, . and buy and eel! the active Oil Stocks. MERCHANTS BROKERAGE CO., t Z 802 Dwlght Bldg. Kansaa City, Mo. " The Latest ' Divide Map Free ." Send for a copy of this map outlining-all of the principal properties of the wonderful Divide Mining District. Also for Special Circular relative to this exceptional min. ing camp. Both absolutely free upon re quest. A. J. WRIGHT & CO., 320 Clay Peters Bids'. Reno, Nevada. Salt Creek Producers Western States Oil Midwest Refining This trio of exceptional producing and operating- companies in Wyoming is establishing oil history AS WELL AS STARTLING MARKET ADVANCES. CIRCULA7. ON REQUEST, . Salt Creek Producers Stock Bought and SoldT L. L. WINKELMAN & COMPANY STOCK BROKERS. 44 BROAD ST., NEW YORK. - Chicago Office, 305 LaSalle Street. It Is Ne Sacrifice to Buy Victory Bonds, It's a Duty. BORROWERS: Let us meet your requirements for loans on farm and city property. Prompt closing. INVESTORS. 'c Ask for our list of farm and city mortgages netting from 5 to 6. First Trust Company of Omaha First Nat'I Bank Bldg. , Trust Service. Farm and City Loan. Insurance Real Estate and Rentals Bond Department