tJiWfVr 1 Keduilt icnpps-Booth 1 w kW&l llfil ' ' USEDCARS PSpl P $ 3 Passenger4-Cylinder ' - pLlll P p Ak , BUY THAT USED CAR inlaWT'01 "T ""d l( f lLS3 - )lS2 . 'jl . W, have on ham Ju.t a few a.a ll Uktrty tourln bartata. VwSA ,f' SSrL vsih xw..wtr,:: t.rtn. , V .w -r. v iih m ma tb a. hi culm mnninnn 1 1 111 1 ' I ANNOUNCEMENT TO DEALERS AND REPAIRMEN The new Omaha radiator is now on the market It it the mult of years of study and experimentatione andiwe believe it far ex cels all competitors. It contains the four long needed features: 1 Conca. ends, I making it non-coIUpiibUi 2 Overlapped construction, making .v.n, smooth edges 3 Vertical cere, making j radiations- 4 Setion.l cere, making it easy to repair. It has the straight up and down passage which is the only sure preventive of clogging, is made of the best quality radiator brass and selected fittings and is so designed as to please the eye. OMAHA RADIATORS are money makers for dealers and repairmen. If you are a deal er, just display one and see how fast they're ordered. If you are a repairman, install one and then note the jobs that follow suit. Automobile, truck and tractor manufacturers, send us your blue prints for estimates. WRITE TODAY. OMAHA RADIATOR MANUFACTURING COMPANY 1819-21 Cuming Street, Omaha, Neb. FACTORY SERVICE ia our plant ta at your Wa make fcnoW tc, and repair ar kind af radiators. Our Ur facMtlaa iniuro highest ?. TU.W. ,7....Z!L ' prompt aervico. try ua on mat next Job. 9T1- u jC Rill f where did you 'get that new car? &Jf .PUIe, It isn't new. How much did you pay for it? sp-sp-ep-sp. No surely not for that car. Is that so. And on easy terms, tooyes, sir. .Well, tell mefwhere did you get it? SURE AT Van Brunt Automobile Co. 2562-64 Farnam Street I send all my friends there fpr used cars. Thanks, old man. 111 call them up. Wait a minute what's the number? Harney 353. Thanks. 6 -Cylinder Roadster-Wire Wheels-Extra Wheel and Casing $92 ' 1 MODEL J, HUDSON t Run Less Than 3,000 Miles $1,475 Hanson & Tyler Auto Co. 2512-14 Farnam St. Tel. Tyler 1368 if it f -winder Btudebakar .....I70 ilil Zr'i - r .owoeoaaer 00 11T Ford Touring- 87t 1IT Ford Touring- g4o IMS Ford Sedan .' (5a uiaai-srunaer Binmi-KniDt Koad- t THE BONNEY-YAGER AUTO CO., STUDEBAKER DEALERS Hamay 171. tilt Farnam St Omaha. Whan buying a USED CAR Why not buy tha boat HUDSON SUPER SIX Koadatar. Itaflnlahad and overhauled with wire wheel FAIGS Tonrinv Car Sped! flnleh; wire whaala CROW ELKHART Sedan Completely overhauled FORD SEDAN fpaoial Built Body, took at theae eara before (olnr ele. Trhara and be aaaured that you ar. et. tint mora than your money worth. GUY L. SMITH "Service First" IM1 Farnam St. Douflaa 1ST0. If II Chevrolet touring. Ilka aew. ' If It Ford touring. 1111 Liberty touring, bargain. 1111 Dodga touring. IMS Maiwell touring. - 1111 Overland modal li. 1111 Four touring. lilt Studebaker touring. Itll Chevrolet touring. . 1111 Hudson, 7-paaaenger, 1111 Chalmere, S-paeaenter. 1111 Butok (our touring. , . lilt Saxon, t-paaangar, lilt Haynea, 7-pneenger. HIT Raynea, t.paaaeager. HIT Maxwell touring and roadeter. 1117 Hupmobtle touring. HIT Oakland Stz tawtng. HIT Saxon ate touring. 1$1T Ford touring. 1111 Overland modal It. - 111! Ford roadatar. winter toy tad tartar. llll Horgen four touring. THESE CARS ARE ALL IN A-l CONDITION. PRICE From $175 up to reason able PARTIES. OPEN SUN DAYS AND EVENINGS. MEEKS AUTO CO., MIDDLE STATE GARAGE 1421 Farnam St. Deuglaa 4101. Announcement,, iiiiWMiwiiiiiiwiiMmiitingMwiiiitiiininMiuiin Farnam Tire & Rubber Co. 2914 FARNAM ST. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NEW AND USED TIRE BARGAINS Bait Equipped Repair Shop In City Ia Chart of An Expert Tir and Tub Rapairiag at Right Pric RetrMding, Rim Cuts, bJ Blow Out Our Specialty. WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED CALL HARNEY 675S I FRANK MORRIS J. W. DILLRANCE, Mgr. 1 HmnavmHaMniMaw Biggest Bargains in Omaha Hudson 6-54 .$700.00 Overland 79,.'. 225.00 Mts ............... 175.00 Empire (Chummy), Brown Leather. Chalmers-Six, fine condition 550.0r Oakland-Six. will make a very good truck . V .... 475.0C Maxwell, 1918, like new. IE&nudsen Autd Co. 2107 Farnam Street Douglas 6531. A NUMBER OF OTHER CARS PRICED RIGHT. r. U . . Be3 Want Ads Produce Results V.F.KUNGL HEADS BUTCHERS FOR THE 14TH TERM All Officers of Retail Butchers Re-Elected; Organization . to Build Co-Operative $25.000 Icehouse. The Omaha Retail Butchers' asso ciation held its annual election of officers last Wednesday evening. President, V. F. Kancl; vice pres ident, uiaries Blind; secretary, J. J. Cameron, and treasurer, Frank Bon gardt, were all re-elected for anoth er year. . Carl Marquardt was re-elected trustee for s term of three vears. and Jacob Schmidt-, doorkeeper, for one year; John Rernecheck was elected, master of arms. In electing V. F. Kuncl, it puts him in the president's chair for the 14th consecutive term. He has also been a member of the Omaha Retail Butchers Protective association for 30 years. A movement was started at this meeting for the building of 'an ice plant for the use of all members. This plant would cost in the neigh borhood of $25,000. Several loca tions were investigated . and the committee reported that a selections. would be designated at the next meeting. The annual picnic question was also discussed and a committee ap pointed to meet with the Retail grocers committee and make the necessary arrangements for the an nual event, which will probably be held during July. Chicago Turns Out to Welcome Rickenbacher, Soon to Be in Omaha EdfieT pctenbacker who iz coming ffetr To ectvre 9 M At4sM George & Co. Sell Three Valuable Sites Recently George & Co. report the follow ing recent sales: Two-etory 8t Louie brick and cettase In rear at 111. I1IH and SS Bouth toth St., from John Murphy to Anna Clark, (or I8.S00. Thli property wal boufht tor an tnveelraent. A aeven-room brick and "tncco houte with farage ,t ltl Harney St., from U U Turley to Henrietta M. Warren, for oonelderatlon ef H.ltO. Thla property la now occupied by the War rem for their nome. A modern hrtalr hAiiae with double garage at 116 South I let Ave., from Oolda Murphy to Ad Wright, for ie,uvv. STRIKE CALLED OFF. Jackson. Mich., April 26. Mich igan railwav trainmen have called off the strike tonight which was or dered tor aunnay, following a con- .erence with Governor tsloeotfr and company officials at Lansing, where compromise agreement was reached. Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, Amer ican "Ace of Aces" and commander of the 94th Aero pursuit (Hat-in King) squadron, was -tendered a most enthusiastic ovation upon his arrival in Chicago yesterday. Riding at the head of an automo bile parade several miles long and ..wv me uspii.ce oi tne uni cago Automobile, club, the daring aviator was cneered by thousands, while over his head a flvfnw annarf. ron of his aviation friends acted as an aenai escort. Later in the day a banquet, which several hundred attended, was given in me American ace s honor. Captain "Eddie." as he is affer. tionatelv known to Omahans, will appear here at the Auditorium Mon- 22? ev.eninS. ay 19, to lecture on The Arena of the Skies." He vfill narrate manv thrilling artvntiir with enemy air men and reveal to nis audience by wora picture and by moving pictures his experiences as he went out day after day to attack the hitherto invincible cham pions ot the Uerman air service. Formerly the idol of the automo bile racing world, he now wears the Croix de Guerre, an American ni. tinguished Service Cross with palms, is a member of the Legion of Honor and has 26 Hun planes as his of- Want An Automobile Here are a number of Bargains in used cars at your own price. Advertisers on this page haye an as sortment you can not afford to over look. READ THE BEE'S Automobile Offerings EVERY DAY rora Rebuilt Tire or a Good Used Tire and Tube, See National Tire Shop Largest stock of VroA TiVpa always on hand. v We guarantee anything we sell you. Goodyear Service Station. First-class repair and retread worl done only. ' i ''- National Tire Shop 17th and Capitol Avenue Be Your Own Agent and Save Money - 1 Ford Sedan, in excellent shape. Priced right. Some bargains in used Ford Touring Cars. McCaffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station 15th and Jackson. Doug. 3500. .WANTED AT ONCE 50 Good Used Cars 50 HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR GOOD USED OR RENEWED CARS. . . See Gilinsky Motor and Tire Co. 604 Wet Broadway, Council Bluff. Phone 970. Bargains in 5,000-mile Guaranteed Tires and Accessories. Glean Up Sale of our used Maxwell cars. Every one of these cars have been completely overhauled in our shop and sold with our guarantee. i 2 1916 Maxwell roadsters. . 3 1916 Maxwell touring cars 11917 Maxwell touring car. 11916 Maxwell touring car, all weather too. 1 Studebaker delivery wagon. Mid City Motor and Supply Co. 2216-18 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 2462. ficial record, while 69 are credited to the air equadron of which he was chief. Biff plans are under wav to arive him a reception that will do him the honor. The plans are in the hands of a committee appointed from the Oma ha Automobile Club and Automo bile Trade association. W. B. Chei k is chairman of the committee on arrangements. Lord Reading To Return To England Next Month Washington, April 26. Formal announcement was made by the British embassy today of plans of Lord Reading, British ambassador, to return to England, accompanied by the Countess of Reading. He win leave here May 1 and sail from New York City Mav 3 on the Aquitania. (