Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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" .
Spy Fails to Win Reprieve
From Officer' Commanding
Soldiers Ready to
Shoot Her.
London, April 26. A graphic
itory is related respecting the in
spiration for Sir William Oppen's
now famous painting, "The Refu
gee." The picture is said to be a portrait
of Frieda Nieter, a young Hungarian
woman who made her way into the
region occupied by the allies on the
western front, captivated .nany
French and Belgian officers with her
beauty and liveliness and was tried
and executed for being a German
The story is ascribed to Robert
Nichols, the young British poet, who
gave the following account cf Frieda
Nieter's death scene:
"Under the mask of a refugee
from the despotism of Hungarian
rule, Frieda Nieter came to Beleium,
where for more' than two years, al
though constantly under suspicion as
a spy, she managed to evade arrest.
The secret of her success was the
charm she exercised over the French
and Belgian officers. She was a rav
ishing beauty, with masses of go'Men
hair and innocent blue eyes. There
was not an officer with whom she
came in contact who did not fall vic
tim to her bewitching face and for i.
"But, as is true of all spies, she
finally overreached herself and drew
to the notice of the intelligence de-
partment evidence of her operations
too clear to be misunderstood.
"She was trierf by a military court
and ordered to be shot at the dawn
of thjf following day. She accepted
the- findings without emotion and
without protest, but she said she had
one request to make of the court
This was that she be permitted to
face her executioners in a costume
of her own choosing. The request
was granted.
"The following morning Frieda
Nieter was led into the courtyard of
an ancient chateau and was confront
ed by a firing squad commanded by
an officer who, before her exposure,
had long been an ardent admirer.
She wore a magnificent cloak of
dark blue velvet trimmed with fur,
which completely covered her. She
did not flutter an eyelid, but was as
cool and self-possessed as though
she had not a care in the world. She
had nothing to say. The firing squad
formed itself about 20 paces from
her. She was not even blindfolded.
a " 'Get ready!' rang out the officer's
"The soldiers raised their rifles.
"'Twol' the officer continued
lharply. '
"With the word 'two' the beautiful
woman threw off her cloak, letting
It fall slowly to the ground, and re
vealed herself nude to the astonished
officer and men.
"I was clear in an instant to the
officer that the spy had sought by
this display of her compelling beauty
to win from him a reprieve. There
was a pause for a moment, when the
officers resolute voice again was
heard, this time uttering the fateful
Three 1"
"There whs a crash of rifles, and
Frieda Nieter fell in a heap to the
ground, her career ended."
Students will
find the best of sheet
and portfolio studies
in our music department.
Mosart Sonatas
Sonatinas Album (Hohle'r)
Bison's Pocket Dictionary
RaoraaUon .albums, 10 Vols, ea.
Prasar'a Bag-lnners" Method
Piano Fleets, Whola World
Uttle Homo Player
Bsllak's Piano Matbod (Board
Lamione, Op. 37
Carnations (Albert)
One Fleeting Honr (I keys)
At Dawning (J keys) Cadman
I Gathered a' Rose (5 keys)
Rippling Waters (Plertnn)
Band in Hand (I keys)
The Silent Voice (Roma)
Dance, June Bugs (Hoist)
By the Sea (Llacher)
Wedding of the Wlnda (Hall)
Shadows on Water (Loumey)
Meditation (Morrison)
Kisses (Zamecnlk)
Sparklets (Miles)
Rlgoletta Fantana (Lint)
Serenata. Op. IS, No. 1,
( Moszkowskl)
Sprang Song (Mendelssohn)
Whispering Wind
(Wollenhaupt) '
Andante Finale (Latchetlzky)
Araeonaln (Massenet)
Berceuse, from Jocelya,
Bohemian Girl Fant (Dora)
Convent Bells (Bollman)
Dainty Daffodils (Miles)
Dance of the Honrs
Dane of the Winds (Treloar)
Daughter of the Regiment
Fantasia (Dorn)
Grand- March De Concert
Hungarian Dance No. T
Hungarian Rhapsody No. I
la Twilight (Oanschals)
Legend of a Rose (Reynard)
Beethoyen Sonatas, S Vols, ea
Berold W Prtmer for the
Piano 4 Vols., each
Chopin Waltzes
Cserny, Op. 191. complete
Cserny. Soleeted Studies,
Llebllng. 3 Vols, each
Hanon Virtuose, Pianist,
Hers Scales
Kohler. Op. 141. VoL 1
Eohler, Op. 149, Vols. 1
and X. each
sc a
sac a
30 !S
ssc M
io m
loo 2
io m
37 a
Hall Orders Tilled.
Ask fos Catalog.
XT'" f
Tlit Dawn
of Jt
Greater duyfatffrfc F
dies a
i I - 1
ii -' m
5. 4-v. jr
Begin Monday Morning
EVERY person who know about these May Sales of White looks forward to
them in anticipation of lowered prices. Exertion of our resources to their
fullest capacity make it possible to rank this year's event with tire best opportuni
ties of the past. The special prices quoted during this sale make it necessary that
we reserve the right to limit the quantity of any item sold to any customer.
In the May Sale
Specially Priced.
Of pleasing qualities that
tub beautifully; lustrous and
fine; "affording noteworthy
36-inch Crepe de Chine'
Good weight, very firmly wo
ven, suitable for underwear,
blouses and dresses, 1.50 value;
per yard, 1.00
40-inch Crepe Radium
A beautiful, soft, heavy, shim
mery silk, juitable for men's
shirts and many other purposes,
where laundering, is essential;
worth 3.50, per yard, 1.95
40-inch Georgette Crepe
Splendid weight, pure dye,
very strong and durable ; regular
2.25 kind ; per yard, - 1.49
27-inch Habutai
Extra good weight,will tub and
wear perfectly; very special, per
yard, 69c
The May Sale of White Goods BringThese Offerings
Thousands of Bolts of New.Fresh, Desirable Fabrics for Every Purpose Greatly Underpriced
The May Sale of
Bed Spreads
Decided Economies That Should Be
, Taken Advantage of By All Thrifty
Housewives, Rooming Housekeep
ers and Hotels.
3.00 Spreads, 2.49
Crochet kind, heavy quality, hemmed
ends, large size, expressly for summer
2.28 Spreads, 1.98
Extra quality
crochet spreads,
hemmed ends,
large size, in a
range of patterns.
7.50 Satin Spreads, 5.98
A special offering of very high-class
Satin Finished Spreads. Extra size, scal
loped and cut corners, in a range of
pretty patterns, in our May Sale, each,
at 5.98
Extra Bed Sets, 7.98
A very fine quality and finish, Satin
Marseilles Bed Sets, consisting of one
Spread and Bolster to match, scalloped
and cut corners, put up in a box; a big
value in this May Sale; set, 7.98
1.75 Spreads, 1.69
These are the
crochet kind, hem
med ends, in the
summer weight ;
specially priced for
the May Sale.
Imperial English
Nainsook, 40 inches
wide, pure white;
standard quality; No.
40, 12-yard bolt, 5.00;
per yard, 45c
' White India Linon,
in assorted widths and
qualities; while 10,
000 yards last; spe
cial, yard, 12 He
36 Inch Nainsook,
our celebrated Queen
Anne quality; posi
tively worth 40c; spe
cial, yard, at 25c
Imported and Domestic Novelty
White Voile, 38 and 40-inch width,
woven and embroidered styles; some
striped effects; values, 1.25 to 2. 00;
priced for the May sale; yard, at
1.19, 98c, 85c
Imperial Nainsook
Made of finest Sea Island combed
yarn. Specially adapted for dainty
undermuslins, etc.
No. 1904 12-yard bolt,
1907 12-yard TSolt,
1910 12-yard bolt,
40-Inch White Voile
A dainty, sheer, clingy fabric, for
pretty dresses and waists; special,
at, yard, " 22 c
36 and 32-Inch White Madras
In a variety pretty Jacquard and
striped effects for men's and boys'
shirts, ladies' waists, etc. Special,
yard, 25c
Mill Remnants of Voile '
40-inch White Voile, extra soft
and clingy for making dainty waists
and dresses in long serviceable
lengths; at, per yard, 19c
Whit Curtain Scrims
Neat striped effects for sash cur
tains, summer cottages, etc.; 36-in.
width; very special, at, yard, 7c
Cheese Cloth
36-inch Bleached Cheese Cloth,
good absorbent quality, limit 25
yards to each customer, yard, 4&c
Genuine Wamsutta White Gabardine
Fine 'twill, beautiful soft wool
finish, this seasoa's mogt desirable
white fabric; 36 inches wide; 1.25
value; at, yard, 98c
Genuine Flaxon Voile
Neat checks, single line and clus
ter stripes, embroidered and over
shot effects; very special, yard, 29c
White Shadow Voile
Sheer, dainty fabric, exceptional
ly pretty for waists, etc.: 38-inch;
worth 75c yard; May white sale, at,
yard, , 55c
50 Pieces 36-Inch
Novelty White
Goods, including
shadow voile, lace
and cluster stripe
voile, overshot and
satin stripe voiles, in
one lot; special,
- -
"HT" It 11 '
11-1 I yard, v35c
English Longcloth,
42 inches wide, pure
white; made specially
for the Brxndeis
Stores; 12-yard bolt,
5.00; per. yard, 45c
40 inch White
French Batiste; A
beautiful soft silky
fabric; unusually
sheer, for pretty
waists, etc.; special,
yard, 59c
36. Inch Whit
Pique, snow white,
soft finish, assorted,
medium and wide
wale for wash kirts,
etc.; regular 65c val
ue, at, yard, 48c
1,000 Bolts Imperial Longcloth
Soft chamois finish, pure White,
free from filling, correct weight, in
two qualities, both 36 inches wide.
No. 150 12-yard bolt,
' at 2.25
No. 200 12-yard bolt,
at 2.95
White Middy Cloth
86-inch White Chinese Middy
Cloth, genuine British manufacture,
a beautiful suiting with a perma
nent linen finish; extra value; yard,
at, 49c
27-Inch White Waisting
In a variety neat checks and. as
sorted broken styles; 10 to 20-yard
lengths; extra value, at, yard, 12c
White Dress Poplin
Highly yarn mercerized, perma
nent Silk, lustrous finish; very spe
cial, yard, 35c
i White Dress Voile
Exceptionally soft and rliifgy,
with tape edge, desirable for con
firmation and graduation dresses;
40-ineh, usually 50c; special, yard,
at x 35c
White Pajama Checks
Assorted, small, medium and large
checks; very much in demand for
underwear, pajamas, etc.; regular
35c quality; yard, at 25c
The Celebrated Bridal
Nainsook Tissues and
These' fabrics being made from
finest long staple Sea Island Cotton,
have a beautiful lingerie finish and
are therefore specially adapted for
fine underwear and other uses.
Bridal Cambric
250 36 inches wide,
yard, .
350 36 v inches wide,
450 36 inches wide,
Bridal Nainsook ,'
25036 inches wide.
35036 inches
450 36 inches
3000 36 inches
21 He
wide, at,
wide, at,
wide,' at,
wide, at,
The May Sale Offering of
Sheets, Cases and Sheeting
Worthy of especial mention and particular note by
thrifty housewives, rooming house keepers and
hotels, are the assortments and unusual values in this
sale, typical of which are the following:
Pillow Tubing The
celebrated Cohasset
Bleached, none better
made; in three desirable
widths, at greatly reduced
40 inches wide, yard, 40c
42 inches wide, yard, 45c
46 inches wide, yard, 50c
36-inch Bleached Muslin,
our popular Champion or
Plantation brands,' full
bleach cambric finish; your
choice, at, yard, 18c
Hemstitched Initialed
Pillow Cases; size 45x36,
made of Fruit-of-the-Loom
muslin, beautifully initialed
in Old English, neatly
boxed, per pair, at 1.98
Androscoggin Bleached
Pillow - Tubing; splendid
quality for making plain or
embroidered pillow cases,
in two widths, 45 or 42
inch size, choice, yard, 39c
36-inch Bleached Muslin,
our well known popular
Maple Leaf brand, full
spring water bleach; posi
tively worth 20c, special,
per yard, at 12 He
Seamless Sheets; 81x90
inch scalloped, bleached,
extra deep hand-cut scal
lop, made from heavy
quality round thread sheet
ing very special, each,
at 1.59
The Celebrated Pequot and Utica
Bleached Seamless Sheets, those two
most serviceable brands, at .less than
present wholesale costj size 72x99;
regular price, 2.35; choice, each 1.75
The Genuine Lonsdale or Hope
Bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide, every
piece bears original mill ticket; at less
than present cost to produce; choice,
at, yard, 18c
(No mail or phone orders taken.)
Bleached Sheets; 50 dozen-
54x90, seamless, made
of extra heavy Eastern
sheeting; exceptional value
while they last, at, each, 98c
72 x 99- inch Sheets;
100 dozen bleached seam
less sheets, heavy linen fin
ish, suitable for hotels and
rooming houses, our popu
lar well known Champion
brand; positively worth
l.f 5 ; special Monday,
each, v 1.39
Franklin Sheeting; 9-4 or
81-inch Bleached, extra
heavy linen finish, for mak
ing full size sheets; special,
per yard, 39c
Utica Bleached Sheets,
size v 81x108 inches, con
sidered by thrifty house
wives America's premier
sheets; this extra large
size for Monday only, while
a limited quantity lasts, at,
each, 2.00
Bleached Pillow Cases;
made of remnants of sheet
ing, size 40x36 inches;
while the lot lasts, each,
at 12Hc
Aurora Bleached Sheet
ing; this popular well
known brand in two desir
able widths, at less 'than
today's mill prices
10-4 or 90 inches wide,
at, yard, 55c
8-4 or 72 inches wide, at,
yard, ' 49c
Exceptional Values
15c Towels, 10c
Full Bleached Huck
Towels; hemmed ends,
red borders, soft and ab
sorbent kind; each, 10c
20c Towels, 15c
Full Bleached Huck
Towels; hemmed . ends,
fancy borders, 16x32-
inch size; special, each.
35c Towels, 23c
Full Bleached Turkish
Towels; hemmed ends,
soft and absorbent kind;
also Chief Value linen
huck, hemstitched or
plain ends; each, 23c
50c Towels, 39c
Full Bleached Turkish
Towels; hemmed ends, ex
tra quality, weight and
size; special, each, 39c
The May Sale Offerings of
Hand Embroideried
Madeira Linen and
Cluny Lace, Pieces
Considerably Underpriced
Brides-to-be and every woman who adores beau
tiful Madeira Linen will be immensely interested m
the offerings and economies of this sale.
50c Doilies, 29c.
B e a u t i f ul Filet Lace
Doilies in the 10-inch and
8x12 sizes. '
Hand-Embroidered Madeira
Bread-Tray Doilies.
5xl2-inch size, each, 39c
Hand-Embroidered Madeira
Scarfs in 4 Sizes.
18x36-inch, each, 2.98
18x45-inch, each, 4.98
18x54-inch, each, . 5.98
Buffet siie, each, ' 6.98
2 Extra Specials in Toweling
20c Red Stripe Glass Toweling, per
yard, 15c
40c Bleached, All-Linen, Heavy Twist
ed Toweling, yard, at , " 29c
80c Towels, 69c
Fancy colored borders, Turkish; also
hemstitched ends Huck JTowels, heavy
quality and size; choice, each, 69c.
15c Crochet Wash Cloths, each, 10c
7c Plain White Turkish Cloths,
each, at 4c
Extra Madeira Lingerie
or Boudoir Pillows.
In 12xl6-inch size, each,
at 1.75
' Beautiful Lunch Cloths.
All-linen, in pretty- hand
embroidered Madeira Cloths,
an exceptional offering of
very high-class cloths,
54-inch size, each,
45-inch size, each,
72-inch size, each,
Hand-Embroidered All
Linen Madeira Doilies
6-inch size, each, 25c
10-inch size, each, 39c
24-inch size, each, 1.50
All-Linen Hand-Embroidered
Madeira Napkins.
Beautiful patterns, 6 for 4.98
Embroidered Tea Nap
kins, 6 for 3.49
Specials in Cluny Lace Cloths
and Scarfs. '
72-inch Cluny Lace Cloths,
worth 27.50, at 17.50
72-inch or dinner size,
trimmed with deep Cluny
lace all around, importer's
sample line, while they last,
each, 17.50
18x54-inch Scarfs, each,
at i 9.98
18x54-inch Scarfs, each,
at 8.50
The May Sale Offerings of
Table Linens and Damask
This May sale is one of the times when exceptional
prices prevail on linens of every sort. Here are examples
of the favorable pricings in effect during this event.
$1 Tea Cloths, 75c
These are in the 36
and 45-inch ' sizes,
made of a fine quality
mercerized Damask,
hemmed ends, ready
to use.
1.75 Cloths, 1.39
Mercerized Dam
ask Table Cloths, in
an assortment of
floral and stripe pat
terns, breakfast size.
2.25 Cloths, 1.93
A very fine quality
of English Damask,
hemmed ends, all
very pretty patterns,
in the 64-inch size.
3.00 Hemstitched Cloths, 2.50
These are 2 yards long, hem
stitched all around, in a fine
quality ' of mercerized Damask,
wears and launders like linen, all
very attractive patterns. -
5.98 Cloths, 4.98
Made of an Irish Damask,
patterns copied from very
high-class satin finish cloths,
extra heavy quality, wearing
qualities like the best grade of
linens in the 2-yard size.
All-Linen Napkins
All-linen, in the plain weave,
hemmed ends, 18-inch size, for
breakfast or luncheon use; spe
cial, each, 19c
Full B I e a c h ed Mercerized
Damask, 18-inch size, hemmed,
ready to use; special, each, 12V&c
v All-linen Napkins, regulation
size, while a limited quantity
lasts ; special, per dozen, - 3.75
One lot of heavy Irish Dam
ask. Napkins, in the dinner size,
in a range of pretty patterns to
select from, special in this sale;
dozen, 4.98
Extra Special
One lot of very high-class,
all-linen Damask Cloths, in
large sizes, no napkins, to
match ; a special offering in our
May sale. ,
at a saving of about 33 f-3 off
regular price.
65c Padding, 39c
This is the fleeced quality to
protect your table, 54. inches
wide, yard, N 39c
The May Sale Offering of Damask
90c Damask, Yard, 75c
A fine quality of mercerized
Damask, extra width and finish ;
all very attractive patterns to se
lect from.
1 .50 Damask, Yard, 1 .35
An extra quality of superior
Satin finish Damask, 2 yards"
wide, and in large assortment of
2.50 Damask, Yard, 1.S5 ,
Made in Belfast, chief value
linen, 2 yards wide, patterns
copied from very high-class Dam
ask. i
60c Damask, Yard, 42c
This is the mercerized kind, 64
Jnches wide, in a range of pretty
patterns. .
1.25 Damask, Yard, 95c
This is a superior quality of
mercerized Damask, wears and
launders like linen; 2 yards wide.
$3 All-linen DamaskYd., 2.25
All pure linen, in the Irish
make, very fine quality, Satin
finish Damask, a limited quantity
for our May sale; a range of
pretty patterns to select from, 2
yards wide.
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