Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Wilson's Terms of Armistice
Looked Upon by Huns as
Sacred International
J ' x Peace Pact. :
' ... ' ' .' i
(Co.hial from Fate Ob.)
btfrfc.. larmier member of the Ameri
can federal reserve board.'and Herr
Heincken, head ot the JNortn uer
mtt( Lloyd, are als- inchided in this
' i- Brains Behind Sctnt.
. VVhif these two first groups
make up the actual peace delegation
the third constitutes the ''brains
behind the scene" working J fever
ishly Ift the" Wilhetmstrasse- office
mapping oat strokes and counter
strokes and giving instructions to
the delegates. This group is to all
intents and purposes a. "parliament"
H Sbout lOO members. Its 'main
work deals with economic questions.
The head of Ihis group is none
ether than Count Johann Heinrich
von Bernstorff. who needs no intro
ductfon to Americans. Ht was
dfiflntlly Slated to head the actual
peace delegation r at least be a
member of it, but at the first sug
gestion word came promptly from
Paris directed by the , American
delegates there, It. Is understood
that the count would not be re
ceived. The nearest he got to per
sonal influence in the delegation
wai In the person Of Baron Haniel
von Hainshausen, t his friend and
amanuensis while in Washington.
The latest word as to the in
structions to the peace delegates is
contained in a semi-official state
ment that they are empowered to
"conclude a peace which in its es
sentials tallies with the international
preliminary pact concluded between
Germany and the allied and asso
ciated power on the basis of the
Witsenian principles prior to the
armistice agreement."
American newspaper correspond
ents in Paris, at a meeting today to
consider the plan prepared by the
peace conference for the meeting of
the allied and German delegates at
Versailles as regards the press, ap
pointed committee with instruc
tions td endeavor to obtain permis
sion for newspaper men to be pres
ent at the negotiations. The com
mitted was also told to demand the
right to talk with the spokesman
for the German delegation.
Therefore Insist Upon Gen
uine "Bayer Tablets .
; of Aspirin"
Millions of fraudulent Aspirin
Tablets were sold by a Brooklyn
manufacturer which later proved to
be composed mainly of Talcum
Powder. "Bayer Tablets of Aspi
rin" the true, genuine, , American
made and American owned Tablets
art marked with the safety "Bayer
Ask for and then insist upon
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin'! and al
ways buy them in the original Bayer
package which contains proper di
rections and dosage.
. Aspirin is the trade mark of
Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic
acidester of Salicylicacid Adv.
i Cocoanut Oil Makes
I A Splendid Shampoo
If yOU want to keep your hair in
food condition, be careful what you
ash it with. . '
Most soaps and prepared sham
Xjos contain too much alkali. This
Iries the scalp, Makes the hair brit
:Ie, and is very harmful. Just plain
aiulsified cocoanut oil (which is
pore and entirely greaseless), is
much better than the most ex
pensive soap or anything else you
can use for shampooing, as this
can't possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten ydur hair with
water and rub it in. One or two
;eftSpoonfuls will make an abund
ince of rich, creamy lather, and
cleanses the hair and scalp thor
oughly. The lather rinses out eas
ily and removes every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
oil. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and it leaves it fine and
ilky, bright, fluffy and easy to
You can get mullsfled cocoanut
)il at most any drug store. It is
very cheap, and a few ounces .is
enough to last everyone in the
family for months, Adv. , -,
Sloan's Liniment gives sooth
inf, comforting relief.
Get a bottle today
It goes right after that fever, that
jot. pain-throbbing joint, that un
comfortable swelling. Relief comes
qttlckly for Sloan's Liniment pene
trates without rubbing when ap
plied. . Congestion and inflammation, re
sulting in aches, pains, stiffness,
riva way before its soothing, warmth-
promotion. Economical, certain,
joflvenient, clean. You won't find
a druggist who hasn't Sloan's Lini
ment. Prices: 30c, 60c, f 1.20.
'i i Ms? TTTtuti I
(Continue From Par OW.)
fy assigned to the- Croatian?.
of London, but there was definite-
Guarantees Given.
"And the reason why the line
of the pact" of London t Swept
about many of the islands of the
eastern coast of the Adriatic and
around the portion of the Dalma
tian coast which fie most Open
to that sea was t.W only that here
and there on those islands, and
here and there Oft that coast, there
are bodies of people of' Italian
blood and connection, but also,
and no doubt chiefly, because it
was felt that it Was necessary for
Italy to have a foothold amidst
the channels of the eastern Adri
atic in order that she might make
her own coasts safe against the
naval aggression of Austria-Hun-.
gary. ,
"But Austria-Hungary no long
er exists. It is proposed that
the .fortifications which the Aus
trian government constructed
there shall be razed and perma
nently destroyed.
"It is part also of the new plan
of European order which centers'
in the league of nations that the
new states erected there shall ac
cept a limitation of armaments,
which puts aggression out of the
question. There can be no fear
of the unfair treatment of groups
of Italian people- there, because
adequate. guarantees will be giv
en, tinder international sanction,
of the equal and equitable treat
ment of all racial or national mi
norities. "In brief, every question asso
ciated with this settlement wears
a new aspect a new aspect given -it
by the very victory for right
for which Italy has made the su
preme sacrifice of blood and
treasure. Italy slang with the
four 6ther great powers has be
come one of the chief trustees of
the new order which she hat
played so honorable a part in es
tablishing. ' (
Natural Frontiers Restored.
"And on the north and north
east her natural frontiers are com
pletely restored, along with the
whole sweep of the Alps from
northwest to southeast to the
very end of the Istrian peninsula,
including all the great water-shed
v&thin which Triest and Pola li
and all the fafr regiens whose
face nature has 'turned towards
the great peninsula upon which
the historic life of the Latin peo
ple has been worked out through
centuries of famous story ever
.since Rome was first set upon her
iseven hills.
j "Her ancient unity is restored.
Her lines are extended to the great
walls which are her natural de
fense. It is within her choice to
be surrounded by friends; to ex
hibit to the newly liberated peo
ples across the Adriatic that no
blest quality of greatness, magna
nimity, friendly generosity, the
preference of justice over interest
"The uations associated with;
her, the nations that know nothing
of the" pact of London or of any
other special understanding tha
lies at the beginning of this great
struggle, and who have made
their supreme sacrifice also in the
Interest, not of national advantage
or defense, but of the settled peace
of the world, are now united with
her older associates in urging her
to assume a leadership which can
not be mistaken in the new Order
of Europe.
America Italy's Friend.
"America is Italy's friend. Her
people are drawn, millions strong,
from Italy's own fair countrysides.
She is linked in blood, as welt as
in affection, with the Italian peo
ple. Such ties can never be bro
ken. And America was privileged,
by the generous commission of
her associates in the war, to ini
tiate the peace we are about to
consummate to initiate it upon
terms whicji she had herself for
mulated and In which I was her
spokesman. s . j
"The compulsion is upon her to
square every decision she takes a
part in with those principles. She
can do nothing else. She trusts
Italy and in her trust believes
Italy will ask nothing of her that
Cannot be made unmistakably con
sisjent with those sacred obliga
tions. '
"The interests are not now in
question, but the rights of peoples,
of states new and old, of liberated
peoples and peoples whose rulers
have never accounted them wor
thy of a right; above all, the right
of the world to peace and to such
settlements of interest as shall
make peace secure.
"These, and these only, are the
principles for which America has
fought. These, and these only, are
the principles upon wntcn she can
consent to make peace. Qjily upon
these principles she hopes and be
lieves will the people of Italy ask
her to'malce peace."
Mrs. Edith Buck, Formerly
Edith Yetter, Dies In West
Mrs. Edith Buck died this week
in Burns, Ore., according to infor
mation received by Frank VV. Jud-
rjn. Mrs. Buck was known here as
liss Edith Yetter, sister of W. L.
Yetter. She lived in Omaha nearly
10 years, up to the time of her de
parture, five years ago, to be mar
ried in Burns, Ore., where she since
made her home.
While in Omaha,' she was identi
fied with Christian Science affairs.
Mrs. Buck died suddenly, but de
tails of her death have not been re
ceived. Man Wearing Prison Garb
Held; Says He's Discharged
A man wearing prison garb and
giving his name as Ortia Colling,
Portland, Ore., was arrested early
yesterday morning giving his name
as Oma Colling, Portland, Ore.
He was booked for investiga
tion. At the police station, he
said he had been discharged
from the Oregon state penitentiary
and was permitted to wear the
prison sarb. He is held eendin
word from authorities at the peni
tentiary ,
-(f mttawe mm Fata Ow.r '
whether secret documents, of which
many nations participating in the
war were ignorant, are td figure in
the peace following an armistice in
which all the allies pledged them
selves te pay no regard to secret
Orlando Absent from Council
The Italian situation overshad
owed all other questions through
out the day in Paris and was the
sole. subject of conversation in of
ficial circles, .
When it became known this
morning that the Italian premier
Vittorio Orlando, was again absent
from the session of the council of
four, various rumors became cur
rent. Proposals and counter proposals
were made among the members of
the British, French and Italian del
egations, and numerous stories of
compromises were circulated. These
were suddenly discredited by the
issuance of President Wilson's
statement, showing that the presi
dent was not a party to the pro
posed concessions, which were
chiefly based on the supposition
that Fiume could be. given to Italy.
.The idea which had been preL
valent in Paris that the Adriatic
situation was a game of chess, in
which the most skillful diplomats
would win regardless of the armis
tice conditions, was suddenly ban
ished by President Wilson's actio.
Diplomatists Startled.
Since Monday it had been gen
erally known that he had prepared
a statement which was presented
oa that day to the entire American
delegation and that the delegation
had approved it. But there was no
suspicion 'that his position was so
unalterably against secret -diplomacy.
Declarations by the members of
the American delegation that the
president would not yield on the
matter of Fiume were regarded by
most European diplomatists, es
pecially by the Italians, as part of
a political game, until today, and
even now many old-school diplo
matists seem unable tO"tomprehend
what has happened.
A member of the Italian delega
tion said that the delegates would
not leave Paris tonight. He did not
know what action might be taken
Premier Orlando, Foreign Minis
ter Sonnino and Salvatore Barzilai,
Antonio Salandra and Marquis
Salvago Raggi, the other Italian
delegates, have been in conference
ut their headquarters examining the
situation created by the president's
The facts of the deadlock over the
Italian claims in the Adriatic, ac
cording to Petit Parisien, are as fol
lows: President Wilson proposed that
Fiume, which is not mentioned in
the treaty of London, should be a
free city, but attached to the Jugo
slav customs system, and further,
that the London treaty should be
subjected to a total revision.
Italy refused: to accept this pro
posal, whereupon President Wilson
withdrew, leaving Italy alone with
the representatives of the other
signatories of the treaty. During the
meetings of the representatives of
the signatories both Premier Or
lando and Foreign Minister Sonnino
were most conciliatory, Orlando es
pecially having asked repeatedly on
what condition France and Great
Britain would consent to give Fiume
to Italy. Baron Sonnino said. he
was ready, to discuss a revision of
the London treaty.
However, President Wilson, who,
while he was not present at the
meetings, kept in touch with them,
then wanted to reopen the question
of the treaty of London, but with
out joining the revision to the fate
of Fiume. The president has re
ceded from his first proposal to
make Fiume a free city and is in
clined to give it absolutely to the
As to Premiers Clemenceau and
Lloyd George, they are understood
to be ready to adhere purely and
simply to the treaty of London, at
the .same time seeking means of
Discharged Soldier Kills
Self in Des Moines Hotel
Des Moines, Ia.( April 23. ((Spe
cial Telegram.)-Corp. Fred C.
Smith, discharged overseas scldier,
committed suicide by asphyxiation at
the Three Star hotel here Tuesday
night. Smith left a note addressed
to his mother, who lives in Chicago,
Snd also one asking that his per
sonal effects be sent to his mother.
One Negro Woman Wounds
Another Seriously in Brawl
Mrs. Emma Simons, 1832 North
Twenty-second street, shot and seri
Ously wounded Miss Mary Smith, 18
years old, a neighbor, in a brawl last
night over George Richardson. All
are neg"oe
Circulate Petitions.
Sart Francisco, .prll 23. Circula
tion throughout the State of the
referendum petitions against the
national prohibition amendment and
the Harris act to enforce the amend
ment, was begun today, it was an
nounced by the California Grape
Protective association here.
Add Variety
to the meal by
serving ,.
No flavor like it
and no cereal
flavor quite as
Children love it
Burglars Get $800
in Cash and Bonds;
$2,500 Jewel Saved
The office of Charles W. Martin
and company, Omaha National
building, was robbed Tuesday
night, the safe opened and $800 in
Liberty bonds, Thrift stamps and
cash taken. That the burglars were
professionals is Borne out by the
fact that the combination of the
safe was worked and then . the
strong box was locked after being
Mr. Martin is congratulating him
self on the fact that the robbery
did not occur 24 hours sooner.
For more than a year the safe in
the office had been the ' resting
place of a diamond set pendant, be
longing to Mrs. Martin, and valued
at $2,600.
The piece of jewelry was an heir
loom and had been in the family
for more than 100 years.
Tuesday Mrs. Martin came down
town, removed the pendant from
the safe and took it to a jeweler's
to have the stones reset.
In the morning when Mr. Martin
reached his office there was noth
ing to indicate that robbers had been
there during the previous niht.
During the forenoon he had oc
casion to go to the safe to get some
money and then discovered that
the lock to the strong box con
taining the valuables had been
tampered with.
The Liberty loan bonds were of
small denominations and unregistered.
tmut. . w n ... a u r r i vmk i a u
All Power amidl Pep
Red Crown Gasoline endows your car with
new life It puts power and pep in the get
awaymakes the car eat up the road on up
grade or level shoves her through sand, and
mud fetches hei back with carburetor cleaa
Red Crown is all gas every drop and uni
form everywhere. It gives most mileage be
cause it is pure power fiee from sediment
and non-burning matter.
Look for the sign it pays.
Polarine the universal lubricant, keeps cyl
inders clean compression tight
Victory loan Bee
VOL. 5
Wake up! Employes!
There's only today to get
into the 100 parade, which
will march Friday at noon be
fore the secretary of the treas
See to it that every one in
your department takes a Vic
tory Liberty Note, so that
your firm will have one of
the Chamber of Commerce
honor banners to fly at the
head of your division in the
parade, and hang afterwards
in the office or store or shop.
Saturday the big stunt will
be the appearance here of 105
Belgian soldiers with war
dogs to draw their cannon
dogs that did this work under
fire on the battlefields of Bel
gium; it might be "On Flan
ders field where poppies
The Belgians will arrive in
Omaha at 7:15. over the
Missouri Pacific and will leave
at 6:30 Sunday morning for
Des Moines. There are seven
officers and ninety-eight men
in the little band. They will
appear at the noonday meet
ing on the court house lawn.
The Rev. T. J. Mackay will
Offer the invocation and Wil
liam M. Burton will make the
address at the meeting on
court house square today,
W.W.Koller Gets Four
Figure Check for Loan
From Tram Passenger
W. W. Roller, major of district
Noi 1, division 1, Victory Liberty
loan, went down to Union Station
yesterday morning and "strong
armed" one of the through-passengers
on a Union Pacific train.
He got a check for four figures
from Howard Latimer, of Los Ange
les, brother-in-law of Robert Cow
ell of Kilpatrick St Co.
Mr. Latimer was on his way home,
and was passing through Omaha.
Koller received word of his coming,
was at the train to meet him ind be
fore Latimer had time to know what
he was doing he had written a check
and bought a note. He is making a
large subscription to the Victory
Liberty loan through his own town
of Los Angeles, but Mr. Roller's
persuasive power got a check for
Mr. Latimer was a Cleveland busi
ness man, but is now retired and liv-
'ng Caorn'a'
Ex-Soldier Sues. Wife of
One Month for Divorce
Albert Claggett and Margie Clag
gett were married March 22. 19J9,
and yesterday, just a month later,
Albert filed suit in district court for
divorce. v
Albert enlisted in the army, April
!), 1917, and was with the American
expeditionary forces. He was dis
charged January 4, 1919.
eHT w tafka ww.
Reconstruction Hospital in ro
tunda of court house open every
day during the following hours:
From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., 2 p. nt.
to 5:30 p. m.
Friday night the hospital will be
open from 7 to 9.
Tank No. 1, Corporal L. W. Green
and Private C. H. Blase in charge,
on exhibition at court house square
from 2 to 4 p. nt. today and Friday.
Great 100 parade Friday
Parade a will form at Tenth and
Jackson streets and start at Hi4S
a. m. The line of march will be
north on Tenth to Farnamt west on
Farnam to Fifteenth; south on Fif
teenth to Howard; west on Howard
to Sixteenth; north on Sixteenth to
Farnam; west on Farnam to court
house, marching through court
house lawn and returning on Far
nam to center walk; through center
walk to speakers stand. Parade
will be reviewed by the Hon. Carter
Glass, secretary of the treasury of
the United States.
Secretary Glass will speak at the
Chamber of Commerce at 1:15.
Luncheon will be at 12:45 p. m.
Saturday 105 Belgian soldiers and
officers will be guest of the city,
appearing at the court house with
their war dogs and guns.
Speakers and entertainers at
court house at noon every day.
Today at noons
Invocation by t-he Rev. T. J.
Address by William M. Burton.
Claudius and Scarlet from the'
Orpheum theater will do their act.
Friday The Hon. Carter Glass
will review the 100 parade.
Invocation by the Rev. Frank G.
Address by Hon. A. W. Jefferis.
Singing by Association quartet
(formerly "The Bull Frogs.")
Saturday Invocation by the
Re4 Father P. C. Gannon.
Address by Judge Lee S. Es telle.
Big Temperature Drop,
But No Frost, Prediction
Des Moines, April 23. (Special
Telegram) A fall in the tempera
ture of 22 degree is predicted by
morning according to the warnings
sent out by the local weather bureau
forecaster. A high wind will pre
vent freezing, the forecaster lays.
Credits Increased.
Washington, April 23. Credits
ofthe allies were announced by the
treasury as follows: France, $50,
000,000; Roumania, $5,000,000. mak
ing a total for France to date of
$2752,477.000, and for Roumania,
$25,000,000, and a total for all allies
of $9,188,829,000.
Cluttt, Ptabody f Co., Inc., Troy, 2V. Y.
iniiim hi
NO. 5
Here are the names of the first
thirty-six business houses to get into
the 100 class for the great Friday
Is the name of your firm on the
Hood-Oswald Co. .
Hayden Brothers Co.
Omaha National Bank.
Commonwealth Insurance Co.
A. Hospe Co.
Corn Exchange National Bank.
Nebraska Clothing Co.
Peters Trust Co.
U. S. Trust Co.
Western Bridge & Construction
Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co.
Farrell & Co.
. Brunswick-Balke-Collander Co.
Burns-Brinker Co.
Walter O. Clarke Co.
Columbia Fire Insurance Co.
Conservative Savings & Loan Co.
John Deete Plow Co.
Farmers Union of Nebraska.
Henry R.'Gering Co.
Guarantee Fund Life Assn.
The House of Menasrh...
Merchants National Bank.
Pa,lace Clothing Co.
. H: Pelton.
Shultz Brothers.
Sunderland Brothers Co.
Woodmen Circle.
Fairmont Creamery Co.
McCord-Brady Co.
Industrial Chemical Co.
Bemis Omaha Pag Co.
Mercantile Storage & Warehouse
R. Bingham & Son.
Gilinsky Fruit Co.
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.
Omaha Wall Papei Co.
Simon Brothers Co.
Otis Elevator Cd.
Emerson-Bfantigham Implement
Peterson & Pegau Baking Co.
Parlin Orendorr Flow Co.
B. P. Avery A Sons Co.
H. J. Hughes & Co.
State Bank of Omaha.
Meicrath Brokerage Co.
Th e Fashion Qenter or Women
Vo The Fifth and La$t Loan-BUYl
Rosemary Hats
always $5.75
In a Section of Their Own
Although Rosemary Hats have al
ways been far superior to any others
at this price, in preparing for this
sale Thursday we were determined
that previous efforts should be sur
passed. This we believe has been ac
complished every hat in this dis
play setting a new standard of value.
for Exclusivexiess
Fabrics for Sport Clothes
Colorful silks which are
adapted both in weave and
pattern for sport apparel
for the summer season.
' Fan-ta-si, Satin Barre, Rega
lia, Fairway, Baronette Satin
and Mikado plaids are fash
ionable favorites.
The sport coat with sleeves
or sleeveless is attractive
when made of satin or velvet.
The coat of black worn with
a white skirt is a very pleas
ing combination,
Georgettes for blouses ; plain
shades, printed and wash
I able. The most exclusive
novelties. silks as in silks for
every other purpose the
Thompson-Belden showings
are far above the average.
Is a
I Vapor Mist is used for the painless extraction of teeth. kftay
used in all hidden tooth troubles.
-Pyorrhoea successfully treated.
When yon think of teeth, think of ;
i DR. J. C. CL ARK, Painless Dentist
Sew location, SI0 Paxton Block.
J Honrs i 6iS0 to . Wed. Evening, 8:00. Sunday, 10
V6 orfafii SF the fctttnIS hod are so
important to health and long life as the
kidneya. When they slow up and com
tneoce to lag in tbeir duties, look out!
Daiiget is a sight,
i Find out what the trouble Is rlth
out delay. Whenever you feel nervous,
weak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness,
or have pains in the back, wake up at
once. Tour kidneys need help. These are
signs to warn yon that your kidueys
are not performing tbeir functions
properly. They art only half doing
their work and are allowing impurities
to accumulate and be converted into
urie add and other poiaoos, which
are causing you di strew and will de
etroy you unless they ire drives ROB
wit systSt
Bee Want Ads
Millinery Second Floor
a Dentist
Matter of Very Great Importance. N
la Choosing a dentist one has the follow
ing things to consider: Reputation, skilled
workmen, sanitation, equipment, service,
location, latest methods, etc.
You will find all the abovs when you
select this office for your dental work. -
Our First Thought is tor the considera
tion of the patient in every way.
Drop In and let us talk dentistry to you
before going elsewhere.
All work done with the latest Improved
methods by skilled workmen with many
years' experience.
to IS. J
et some GOLD MEDAL Baartetd
OU Capsules st once. They are an okL
prepafatlon used all over tha
world for centuries. They contain onl
old-fashioned, soothing oils combined
with strength-giTing and system-dean
tog herbs, well known and used by phy-
5l?!rlath,,f daUy Parties. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are to.
ported direct from the laboratories id
Holland. They are convenient to take,
and will either give prompt teUet or
your money will be refunded. Ask foa
then at any drag Mora, but be sura
MEDAL brand. Accept ao substitute
Produce Results