III X-L J. Body.of Howard Hall, Vice : Consul, Buried in Sidney Sidney, Neb., April 22. (Special) The funeral of Howard H. Hall, deceased American vice consul to Genoa, Italy, was held in the Christ Episcopal church here yes - terday, Rev.' Henry Ives officiating. All business in the city was sus pended during the runeral. GIRLS! ACT NOW! HAIR COMING OUT MEANS DANDRUFF "Danderine" will save your hair "fend double its beauty at once. Try this! You hair gets soft, wavy, abundant and glossy at once Save your hair I Beautify it! It is only a matter of using a little Dan derine occasionally to have a head of heavy i beautiful hair; soft, lus trous, wavy and free from dandruff. It is easy and inexpensive to have pretty, charming hair and lots of it. Just spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now -all drug stores Tecommend it ap ply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appear ance of abundance; freshness, flrff finess and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try aa you will, you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will see new hair fine and downy at first yes but real ly new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine is, we be lieve, the only sure hair grower, de stroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp, and it never fails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries it. Adv. . Wear tkis Button Show tjou have helped finish the Job WOMEN! DRY CLEAN- THINGS AT HOME Try itl For a few cents you can dry clean everything. Save five to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home with gasoline that would be ruined by soap and water suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugs every thing. Place a gallon or more of gasoline In a dishpan or washboiler, then put in the things to be dry cleaned, then wash them with Solvite soap. Short ly everything comes out looking like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvite soap. This gasoline soap is the secret of all dry cleaning. A package of Solvite soap con taining directions for home dry cleaning, costs little at any drug store. Dry clean out of doors or away from flame. Adv. CHANGES MADE IN FOOD LAWS OF NEBRASKA Amendments -to Statutes That Have to Do With Oils and Weights and Measures Departments. By a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, Neb., April 22. Half a dozen laws passed by the legislature to amend the laws of the food, oil and weights department, as follows: House Roll No. 473 regulates the sale of and branding of commercial fertilizers. An annual fee of $20 to be paid before May 1 of each year is charged on each kind of fertilizer on which the selling price is over $3 a ton. Each package must be labeled with the name of the brand, net pounds in package and a chemical analysis on the label showing available nitrogen and phosphoric acid and soluble potash, with a list of the ingredients and the name of the manufacturer and his address. Penalty is pro vided for failure to comply with the law. Senate File 134 is now a law. as it carried the emergency clause. One amendment to the old law fixes certain minimum standards for motor gasoline. A second amend ment provides for the examination by the food commission from time to time ot lubricating oils and pro vides that they shall conform to any standards which may be adopted by the national committee. A third amendment reduces the minimum gravity requirement on kerosene from 42 degrees to 40 degrees Beaume. Color in Imitation Butter. House Roll 481 covers the regula- Small PU1 Small Dose Small Price ILAUIrHSJ T7ITTLE J IVER FOR CONSTIPATION have stood the teat of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish blliousneM, headache, indigestion and to ciear up a Dad complexion, Genuine bears , j Igoatare To arouse a sluggish liver, to relieve a distressed stomach, to fortify your self against disease, use FOES SeldmrywlMN. la Bom. 10c, 25a. After each meal YOU eat one ATONIC (FOB YOUR STOMACH'S SAKp and get full food value and real stom ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart barn, bleated, faaay feelinf. STOPS acidity, food repeating and stomach misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the stomach sweet and pure. EATONIC ia tha bait remedy tod only eoati a cent or two a day to uae it Yoawill bad lighted with reaulta. Satisfaction ruaiaotaw) t moow back. Pleaao call and try it "Follow tha Beaton Path." 15th and Farnam Sta Omaha Fashionable Footwear New Pump Featured BLACK Kid, Patent Colt and Bronze j hand turned full Louis covered heel; made over the new slender last perfect fitting; sizes to 8j widths AAA to a '" 0?, of th footwear fashions adjudge'd by vogue experts as the most correct for immediate wear. MAIN JT.OOR axsrMMMca lAugyffi wacaowwc cut The Victory Loan The Price of Peace tion of the sale of imitation butter and cheese, the principal change governing the coloring of the same which, under the new law, is now permitted. The retail license fee for selling imitation butter is re duced from $5 to $1, but is not transferable and cannot be reduced for the fractional part of a year. The new law requires that where imitation butter is served in a res taurant, the customer shall be notified, either by a printed sign, or on the bill of fare, or verbally at the time of serving. The law as to branding and labeling packages is not changed. House Roll 482 requires that all dry commodities, except berries, shall be sold only by weight or numerical count, linear or surface measure. This means that the use of the peck, quart and other dry measures are to be discontinued -in the selling of vegetables, except that the farmer or producer of such vege tables may still dispose of his products by measure provided he make an agreement to that effect with the purchaser. All sales of berries, currants, cherries and such small fruits may be made by drjr measure in standard boxes of quart, pint or half pint size only. Any berry boxes not conforming to these capacities may be confiscated by the inspectors. All coal and coke shall hereafter be sold by weight only. Each de livery of coal or coke in basket or by wagon load shall be accompanied by delivery ticket showing the net weight of the load delivered. Slot weighing machines are re quired to be licensed by the Weight and Measure department, fee for which license is $3 annually. Any machine not so licensed is prima facie evidence of violation of the act. There are also certain, changes in the fees for inspection of scales, all such fees now being Proportioned to the capacity of the scales in spected. 1 In the licensing of testers of milk and cream for commercial purposes standard test bottles, pipettes and weights are defined. All such stand ard glassware shall be purchased from the food commission. The provisions requiring the purchase of all glassware from the food com mission does not go into effect until January 1, 1920. The standard for the test scales are as ' in the former law. The temperature at which the butter fat is to be read in the test has been placed at 135 to 140 degrees Faren heit, instead of 120 to 140. Prohibits Sale of Water. Standard butter fat content of milk and cream are the same as heretofore, 3 and 18 per cent, re spectively. ' This law prohibits the sale of milk to which water or any foreign substance has been added, or the sale of milk which has been exposed to unsanitary conditions or to con tamination by disease. It also pro vides that "Homogenized" cream shall bear a label with the word, "Homogenized" or "Emulsified" as the case may be. It also provides that milk sold from any animal which has not been examined within a year by a veterinarian and pro nounced free from disease shall be pasteurized. Under this act all milk dealers or places where milk or cream is handled for sale to consumers must obtain an annual license from the food commissioner, fee for which is $1. This license is not required from those who sell only to manu facturing establishments or from dairymen who sell the product of five cows or less. Another provision- of the1 act re quires all persons handling milk, cream or ice cream, to immediately clean the receptacles upon emptying and provides a penalty for the hav ing in possession dirty contain ers of dairy products, or for their use for anything other than dairy products. It provides fees for man ufacturers of dairy products which are the same as before except a fee of $10 per year from each milk condensing plant. Worldwide Prohibition to Be Next Move Made Fremont, Neb., April 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Frances Beau champ, state president of the Ken tucky W. C. T- was honor guest at a luncheon given by the Fremont society "today. Mrs. Beauchamp is making a tour of the state in the interest of the national program of readjustment. She says that now that the fight for national prohibition has been won, the YV. C. T. U. is going after worldwide prohibition. Fifty Fre mont white ribboners attended the luncheon. y? ci lite? i MM Oar offer is to give you enough varnish to do over a table, a chair or the border of a email room. E VERYTHING ii tmingal Sm- ply cut out tbiad udta&ak to any Dealer menbooid'bdow. Pro tent it with 15c -which payfrlhe Inuh yoa will need to apply tbs tub am) tha Dealer wfl grw yoa a regulat 20c can of Kyaniza (root choice of 8 populu eoton-fREEf. TKaetrepdoaal c&t laa tx ooe & Urt cl it To hmilmiia yoo with Kmaze tho loathe, moat dumbUFloag . fbahnmda. f Suitable jol all Main imodwo.) When yon am tried I yoa Jo Dot tana b tin tatai Boot imh ran era mei wa wad yoa to actum tin anpty caa to you tteloi who aril fnafif fefuad tha I Qa jeofail lacfaobnan. Floor Finish b wait uptdA tot torn mi tfaaeam where l'. floor tool) aaja! ataad rjic hade kind of wear. And beutua it alandi iha aba amra teat benai than any other finish, Kyinize a alio beat let al other atteoai woodwork Deluding himiriae. 1U berrwt bed tua yet la tare k tade-eatrt fa KrasW Sairanf chain and taUc )e . povrcrk to mar fc. SrL1'?'..1 P.eo.pod. tancJcaot" yaaa yea (at year bat can of Kjeuha, taio the dmxfcat old eea yen caa tad tad ae bow Kyaaue trarWonna A ttfStT "j1 ""i t r? rf &- toy M of hornf wd woodwork a the boat. iKraraj,ilu4iqf(ul( k'i a, hard end o4tbt.ootodaaiakeepcle. .00w, 10 J a generoo, fc a lZt'S1" Dealer. wbo mtzt White Enamel kmmlomt v cfMj Waa-aaaa.W rTCWdrudbelaw. ' M Boston Varnish Comnanv I H. A. Beitelman, 1805 North Twenty-fourth Street. W. W. Cramer, 2519 North Twenty-fourth Street. Dundee Pharmacy, 4923 Underwood Avenue. A. Feldhusen, 3923 Farnam Street Meyer Hardware Company, 2915 Leavenworth. Post Pharmacy, 2920 Fort Street. Saratoga Drug Company, Twenty-fourth Street and Ames Avenue. Vandas Pharmacy, 2701 South Tenth Street. O. L. Wiemer, 2302 Cuming Street P. Wllg & Son, 1810 Vinton Street C. C. Johnson, Benson. O. K. Hardware Company, 4831 South Twenty-fourth Street, South - Side. Joseph Plpal, 5218 South Twenty-first Street, South Side. Q Street Pharmacy, 2725 QStreet, South Side. Wholesale Distributors Pioneer Glass and Paint Co. - 14th and Harney Famous In A Day For Her Beautiful Complexion Oatmeal Combination Does It A Fraa Preacription Does Ita Work Overnight. You Can Prepare It At Your Home. New York: It ia my own discovery and it takaa Just on night to tret aueh mar veloua results, aaya Mri. Edna Wilder, when her frienda ask her about her won derful complexion and the improved ap pearance of her hands and arms. Yoa can do the tame thing if yon follow my advice, she says: I feel it my duty to tell very girl and woman what this wonderful prescription did for me. Just think of it. I never tire of telling others just what brought about such remarkable results. Hers ia the identical prescription that re moved every defect from my face, neck, hands and arms. Until you try it you can form no idea of the marvelous change it will maks in just one application. The prescription which you can prepare at your own home is as follows: Go to ,any grocery and get ten cents worth of ordin ary oatmeal, and from any drug store a bottle of derwillo. Prepare the oatmeal as directed in every package of derwillo and apply night and morning. The firat ap plication will astonish you. It make tht skin appear transparent, smooth and vel vety. I especially recommend it for irecKies, ian, sun spots, coarse pores, rougn skin, ruddiness, wrinkles, and, in fact, every blemish the face, hands and arms are heirs to. If your neck or chest is discolored from exposure, apply this combination there and the objectionable defect will disappear. It it absolutely harmless and will not produce or stimulate a growin or nair. No matter how rough uu ungainiy me nanas and arms, or what abuses they have had through hard wora ana exposure to sun and wind, this oaimeai-aerwuio combination will work wonderful transformation in 12 hours at the most. Thousands who have used it have had the same results I have had. Note: To set the bast effect be aura to follow the complete directions contained in erery package of derwillo. Tou ban on! to ant danrlllo and oatmeal. Tou need nothing elie and It is so simple anjone can use it; ana Is so Inexpensive that anj girl or woman can afford It. The manufactur ers and drunlsta guarantee that there will be a noticeable tranmvement after the first application or they will refund the moner. It la sold In this city under a money refund guarantee by depart ment itwi and all no to date dnunrista including the Sherman 4 llcCouneU, tbs Beaton and tbs sienUt'storeeV Beatrice Boy, Wounded in-f ranee, Returns Home Beatrice, Neb., April 22. (Spe cial.) Howard Conover. a member of oK Company C, wounded in ac tion in France in one of the big drives, returned home yesterday. The funeral of the late Clarence Brown, the returned soldier who' Sunday committed suicide at his home near Virginia, will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock from Centerview church, west of Virginia. The committee of the demobilized Women's Defense council of Gage county, appointed to invest $263 left in the treasury held a meeting and voted to buy $200 in Victory loan bonds and to spend the balance in advertising the drive in Gage county. Three Citizens of Syracuse and Vicinity Are Dead Syracuse, Neb.. April 22. (Spe cial.) Herman W. Bartling. senior a a. I a- member ot tne Syracuse mercantile Co., died at his home here this morning. He was the son of C. F. A. Bartling, Beatrce. . He is sur yived by his father, his wife, one son and one daughter. Fred Segelke. t farmer of North Bran:h, who recently came to Syra cuse to reside, d'ed at his home early thu morning. He had been ill for many weeks and is survived by his wife and several children. Elmer, the fourth son of Mr. and Mr Will Riege of North Branch, died yesterday after an illness of two days duration, from appendi citis. He was 16 years old. Sister of Gen. Pershing v , to Be Sponsor for Vessel .Lincoln, April 22. Miss May Pershing, sister of General John J. Pershing, will leave her home here within a short time for Mobile, Ala., to act as sponsor in christening a vessel of the merchant marine which will be named after the city of Lin coln as a reward for the city's active response to the government's ap peal for support of the fourth Lib erty loan. The exact date of the vessel's launching has not yet been determined. "Natural Elimination" That' the Secret of Our Success ia Treating All Ailments. Consult the Drugleas Physician DR. BENJ. ISRAEL Chiropractor. Bushman BIk., 16th and Douglas Stt. Office, Doug. 7S39. ear his Button buy 4- BOWEN'S C J GUARANTEED The Furniture you select is selected for three reasons: Its usefulness Its quality Its wearableness All three are to' be had jn Bowen's guaranteed, value giving Furniture, and today this store is better prepared than ever to please you. Our stock is larger, more diversi fied and a selection here will be found easy. Pay this store a visit on your first downtown shopping trip. Don't Be Caught without a Refrigerator when the hot days arrive. Get one now and know your milk and cream, as well as the food, will be kept sweet and whole some and ready to serve at any time. Thermo-Cell Blizzard Guernsey Refrigerators All three are carried at the Bowen store and in sizes that will fit the place where you want one placed. Each is an Ice Saver carrying our value-giving guarantee, and will be found a necessity in the well-kept, well regulated home. Thermo-Cell Refrigerators like illustration, are substan tially constructed, mineral wool lined with white enamel interior, making them sanitary and easily cleaned. Bowen's after-Easter price, only $29.50 Others at $90, $12.50. $15, $17.75 and up. Ice Chests, $4.50, $5.75 and $8 00. fhtiiriimS - fiy J. vr rurmiair Orpds Dnprr Howard, Between ISth and 16th' Streets. "5 ceaaantis raiuimaB v. Miss Cook, En Route Home from West, Dies on Train Fremont, Neb., April 22. (Spe cial Telegram.) Miss Ada Cook, daughter of County Attorney and Mrs. J. C. Cook, died on a Union Pacific train last night 30 minutes before her arrival in Fremont from California, where she had been for several months. Miss Cook was being accompanied to Fremont by her sister when she suffered an attack of heart failure. Her parents, .a sister and brother are the close surviving relatives. She was born in Arlington and was 24 years old. Kearney Postmaster Resigns' Kearney, Neb., April 22. (Spw cfal) C C Carrig, postmaster in, Kearney for almost eight years, has tendered his resignation to take ef fect at the end of this quarter, July 1. He gives failing health at the cause of hit resignation. GlxctA 2tot(k ' irfk' CIGAR Vft.$t) Made Right Taste Right Better than most ten cent cigars of today aaiiwa vr wa. , All live dealers everywhere sell them You Are Lending, Not Giving The Victory Liberty Loan' THE PACE POft CROWING OHkMh X Gingham Week Presents These Unusual Economies Every Offering Underpnced. Genuine Lorraine Tissue Glng ham, in a splendid assortment of new plaids; exceptionally sheer and dainty; for pretty dresses and waists; yard, 55 32-inch Zephyr Dress Gingham) our own importation, direct from Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee & Co., Manchester, England; special at, yard, 1.19 Red SenL Toile-du-Xord and Amoskeag A. F. C. Zephyr Gingham; in one huge lotper yard, at 29 32-inch Ivanhoe Zephyr Glng. ham, In a wonderful variety, all exclusive designs; the sea son's most favored wash fab ric; special, yard at 59 Imported Andersen Scotch Gingham, the genuine, in every new design and color combina tion; yard, 854 32-Inch Fine Zephyr Dress Gingham, made in America of finest combed yarn of Sea Island cotton ; exceptionally soft and clingy; special at, per yard, - 69) 82-lnch Braeloch Zephyr Dresi -Gingham, a genuine Farkhlll fabric; considered one of . America's leading Dress Ging hams; exceptional value; per yard, 484 32-Inch Glen Boy Gingham, plaids, checks . stripes and plain shades; new Spring styles; special, yard, at 694 BASEMENT 1 2 c Imported Japanese Silk Crepe Handkerchiefs For Women WITH rolled hem and hemstitched edges. Over 100 beautiful styles to select from fancy floral borders with white centers; others with flowered centers; regular 25c values; each 12Vt MAIN FLOOR Quaker Craft Sectional Curtains TACH Quaker Craft Section is woven to fit your windows. They come in sections 6 inches to 9 inches wide. You buy as many sections as the width ot your windows require and we cut it In one. Hangs straight from the top of the window, with a handsome border of flowers, birds, figures or vines spread ing on up through the center. Priced per section 754. l.OO. 1.25 to 1.75 Cretonnes, all new vpatterns and color ings, worth from 60c to 75e per yard, at, per yard, 504 Quaker Lace Curtain Nets; excellent quality; all new patterns; in white, ivory and ecru; per yard 594 Curtain Materials for Shades and Panels; very special patterns; per yard 1.50 to 3.00 THIRD FLOOR It Pays to Bay a Good Refrigerator Bohn Syphon Refrigerators ABE FOOD AND ICE SAVERS AND there are many other rea sons why a Bohn is the logical Refrigerator for any home. , The initial cost of the Bohn probably is a trifle more than ordinary refrigerators, but its de-' eided quality as a saver of food will more than pay the difference in a couple of seasons. This is the Omaha Bohn Syphon Refrigerator store. BASEMENT i 1 lit! Mi3asslsssB I aStyl Notes As Compiled By Our Store Shopptr a Infants Such darling clothes fee the wee little folks hare jnst been received la the Infants' Department. The loveliest little coats la the palest of bine, white and pink in the new La Jenr material, with a smocked yoke and little square shaped pearl buttons. The little collar and cuffs are finished frith a row of French knots and the hem is finished with a corded tuck, while the coat Is lined with soft white wash silk, making a charming, and also a very serviceable garment. Another attractive little coat In this same soft ma terial, but having a more tailored effect, has a trim mlng of bias folds and is also lined with the white wash silk. Then there are some new models In French pique, in little double-breasted styles, having hand embroidered cuffs and sailor collar with revere effect In front. This little coat has a belt, and is fastened with very beautiful pearl but tons. THIRD FLOqR Veils There is an Irregular mesh having a diamond-shaped pattern worked in heavy chenille dots In colors, very smart and very new. While the trench veiling Is not exactly new, Its pop. ularlty has never de creased, and a new touch has been added in the use of colored French chenille dots. A particularly attractive reil Is of brown hexagon mesh, with henna Chenille dots. Still another good looking veil is of a hetavy square mesh, having a bor der of large, bright red Chenille dots. In the yard Tellings there are many more attractive patterns, which really have to be seen to be appreciated. MAIN FLOOR Three Important Sales To Be Announced in Wednesday's Paper The First $9,500 worth of the famous "Continental" pattern, "1847 Rogers Bros." silverware, at exactly one-half regular prices. The Second Two lots of Women's Gloves, samples and odd assortments, all sizes in the lots all 'at half and less than half regular prices. The Third On Display in Our Windows Now The Genuine Imperial ChaB bray, 30 inches wide, in a splendid range of plain shades: special, yard, 394 32-inch Ginghamette, in a big assortment of plain shades, extra fine soft finish; war ranted fast colors; special, yard, 594 silk Mixed Gingham In a pretty assortment of beautiful plaids m and color combinations with Wj4 overshot effects; all 32 inches rMj wide; very special, yard, 494 CftM Genuine Benfrew Dress Ging ham, in a big assortment of plaids and checks; all 8i Inches wide; special at 394 0 to m ft A special sale of first quality "Onyx" Brown and White Mottled Enamelware in two lots, fWi and special offerings of House Furnishings, etc.