PICTURE PRESS ORAVURB SECTION r -; - - . I jl j " . . ' " ii mm i mill , , i itw rURES OF OLD TIME OMAHA. III Real thing Sprint fraahel which look Iht Miaaouri out of it bank. Smelting work entirely mrroundad by waters Photo made about Juno. Uol is Here'i Free Proof That You Can Hour! Tht wonderful Improvad Aeout tlcon haa now anablrd mora than 25.00 deaf paopla to hnr. Wa art turv It will do the (an for yout ar o abaolutaly tartaln of It that w ar ear to tand you tht 1919 Acousticon For tO Day' FREE TRIAL No DopoaltNo Eapanae Ttir ! noNilni rou will ban ta du tut a (of joui Ipm trial. No moay lo par. Nil M Ui. no ruMrtaUon lo thli offn. Our eunflitaicf In lit fment AeotuUmn In m onuiiiltu tUt w will flidli til all 'In rlii In ivuvlni Iwrond tat doulH Uuu THE JOY OF HEARING CAN BE YOURS AGAIN . The 101 Acousticon has Im provement! and patented fea ture! which cannot be dupli cated, io no matter what you have ever tried, jutt aik for a free trial uf the New Acoua (icon. You'll get it promptly, affd If ,it doean't make you hear, return It and you will owe ui nothing not one cent DICTOGRAPH PHODUCT CORPORATION iMMmn It Tht Ctatral AtMittlt 0. fHUA laarw Block, Kaaaaa City, Ma. ,- . ' 1!rg--' ' t . i' L ' Y- J s i 4 f- 1 ' o W- - 1 . -rf V 4 r :i r t.. CHIROPRACTOR Ethel Thrall Maltby, D. C (PALMER GJIAOUATI) Adjuilmaat 11.00 li far B0 Sit Baa B!t. Pcuf. son F?,nMi IT Mlipl. COFFEE aLJIlAriuhtTalHfc rtlifal (!. laMilih 'll''YJ'""- iiaW3 -- w iay. Il.illill IKrrJHh IS fl' . .HhST) AVi5si.i.lcr Lfr-JU Uwl1 asufj fhxSpSUtf AVUIiSihie tyfiH'Uxtfflf' MORR Supreme a HERE'S A PRETTY LITTLE DANCER W Virginia, daughter of Mr. and Mr. R. E Photo by Sltoglund. It ia littl Wilcoa. P v - v r .1 1. ' t. ' W I . . fli 2 xnsM&ms?. Hiakecl ham that makes you wonder why you never had such ham before! Bake one of these hams! You'll quickly discover what we mean by our Supreme flavor. There's only . one cure that gives it. There are many Morris Supreme foods that you'll like. Ask for them. MORRIS & COMPANY U. S. A. I rinteil l Tin- Fii'ture PifM, Ino., N Trnda Mark R.tril