ICOOKt Iok ijsjgy cooy cook cSj .jj yji y feoJ fe?7 feSi teSj' hoS0? Here Is the ' ITJ . ' ' ' ' IcoOKfcBj OppoirtiiJiiniiter of a Lifetime gf ' coos IcoOKtJ jpsKFEcno" eoofc& COOK6 J WfectiW cooKtRJ lCOOK6j IptRFEcno" UOOKE" JttRFXCTltf'l pSFECTIff coOKEJ ItRnvrfAW cooker WfeciW cookem WfectW KOOKE8 KookeR DOUBTLESS you hve heard , about the Perfection Cooker. May be there is one in use in your own home, anyhow you have seen it advertised in Omaha's leading dailies and know it is a household article of real merit; an article of household use wanted, yes, absolutely needed, in every kitchen in the country, in every home where true economy is practiced, and the best tasting, most easily digested food is desired. ' The recent advertising campaign conducted to sell Perfection Cookers has been an overwhelming suc cess, forcing the present factory facilities to the limit to even meet the demand. Now it becomes absolutely necessary to increase production and install more machinery and equipment in order not only to meet the present demand but to reach out for larger markets waiting markets. Advertising has proven that thrifty housewives want Perfection Cookers in their kitchens, it has also proven that there is a big latent demand for Perfection Cookers of a size larger than the present size. A size for hotel, restaurant and camp use. To take .advantage of this demand more machinery and equipment is absolutely needed. There are actual buyers waiting for the new-sized Perfection Cooker as vyell as thousands of homes wait ing for the family size Perfection Cooker. Will you be one of those far seeing enough to appreciate what this means to the man or woman looking for a safe investment, yet one that has more opportunities for real profit than almost any known form of security? Since time immorial the old style wasteful boiling kettle has been in use. No improvement was ever made on it until the birth of the Perfection Cooker. Fortunes have been made manufacturing old style kettles, pots and pans, and housewives have always been looking for a kettle that would not boil over, boil dry or waste fuel, food or flavor. All welcome the Perfection Cooker whenever they hear about it. To be able to share in the earnings of a company manufacturing a household utility of such proven worth and for wln?h there is such a ready demand, is indeed the opportunity of a life time. Are You Going to Take Advantage of It? Are" you going. to be part owner in an industry that will be to Omaha and the middle wrest what the Ford Auto Co. is to Detroit and the east. The Perfection Cooker Corporation is indorsed by business men and bankers. Investigate thoroughly, carefully, unbiasedly, impartially, THEN ACT QUICKLY. AN IDEAL TIME FOR INVESTMENT There comes a time in the development of every enterprise that is an ideal period for, Investment. This is when the pioneering work is done, the Company's product has been proven beyond a peradventure of a doubt, the Company is established and on the eve of beginning large quantity production. PERFECTION COOKER CORPORATION is firmly established on the road to big success as one of the greatest industries ever founded on a universal need of human nature. Saving, not wasting, the staple of staples, Food. This ideal time has arrived for investment with the PERFECTION COOKER CORPORATION. The Perfection Cooker Corporation is already an established, growing concern with every dollar invested in it working to the liinit. No salaried officers and no PREFERRED STOCK. There will be no salaries paid until the next January meeting when divi dends will be divided. The present officers of the Company are men of sound business judgment and broad business experience. OFFICERS Jess. D. Whitmore, President; Dr. George E. Condra, Vice-President; Ed. Kinzel, 2d Vice-President; C. K. Hesse, Treasurer; W. M. Ladd, Secretary; William Kinzel, Manager. , DIRECTORS Walter A. George, William Gray, Dr. George E. Condra, Jess. D. Whitmore, William Kinzel, W. M. Ladd, C. K. Hesse, M. S. C. Follmer, E. D. Currier. In order to expand, to reach out for broader markets, as well as to meet actual present demand for the family size cooker, it is necessary to buy more materials and equipment. In order to raise the necessary funds the corporation has decided to place on the market a block of 1 $50,000.00 Common Stock at $100 Per Share This is indeed the opportunity of a life-time. How many of these shares shall we reserve for you? Simply sign and mail the coupon attached and reserve for yourself a part ownership in the fastest growing business in Omaha. DO IT NOW. A million people will see this advertisement when it runs Easter Sunday in all of Omaha's leading papers, but there are only 500 shares available. How many shares will prove the seed of your fortune. NOW. IS -THE TIME TO ACT. Clip, sign and mail the coupon now. Sin and Mail This Coupon NOW! Kindly reserve for me shares of stock in the Perfection Cooker Corporation, for which I agree to subscribe, provided you prove to my entire satisfaction that every statement made in this advertise ment is true and reliable. NAME STREET OR R. F. D. TOWN STATE Per f ectiom Cooker Corporation Phones: Tyler 2862-TyIer 3227 1420-1422-1424 Capitol Avenue Omaha, Nebraska IftRFECT0'' UoOKE cooke-m IpERFECtlON UoOKS8J Cooke" J IPERFECTIONT CooK&R iPtRFECTWl KooKE J PERFECnW Cooke lFECTlOf ICOOKE WfectW WfECW COOK&TJ PERFECTW COOK& ru -3 i cookJ IperfectuW VcookbsJ