THE OMArfA SUNDAY BEE : APRIL 20, 1919. O ChrUt! that It war possible For en short hour to sa The souls wo lave, that they mlfht tell Uj what and where thy ha. Anon. Na man lor any considerable period caa wear one face to Mmself and another to the multitude without finally fatting bewildered aa to which may ba true. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 2 B ' Weddings , Van-Pusen Smith Wedding. Cards hire been received here for the marriao-e nf " Mice T71TsKh smith, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs, Oeorge Herbert Smith of Wilming. ton, N. C, to Cajit. Dana B.J Van Dusen, son of Mrs. J; H. Van Duien. The marriage will take place Tues day .aiternoon, April 12, at St. James Episcopal church at Wilming ton. Miss Smitbj will be remember ed here, having bisited her sister, Mrs. Walter Griffith, several years ago. After a short wedding trip captain ana Mrs. van Uuaen will be at home in Washington for the jpresejit. while Captain Van Dusen a me aavocaie general s omce , . Williams-Carney Wedding. I A quiet wedding took place Wed nesday eveninjr at the home of Mr. jand Mrs. W. A. Carney when their aaugnter, Mae, was married to Guy Williams, Rev. Titus Lowe of ficiating. Falms and rpink .. roses formed the decorations. The bride SNva. gowned in white charmejse nd georgette and carried a shower bouquet of orchids and sweet i.eas. jMrs. Williams is a graduate of CenJ Arm nign acnooi ana nas Deen a 'student at Omaha University. Mr. JWilliams ii a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska, college of law, 'class of 1914, where he was a mem iber of the Acacia and Phi Delta JPhi fraternities. Mr. and Mrs. Will- uams win oe at jiome at Wayne apartments upon their return from three weeks' trip to .California ;and Oregon. ' f . f Wedding Anniversary. I On Tuesday evening, April IS, Mr. ;and Mrs. D wight Taylor, of 2719 Crown P.oint avenue, celebrated hbfirjyooden wedding anniversary. "DANDERINE" FOR ' FALLING HAIR Stop dandruff and double beauty of your hair for few cents. - The house was decorated in pink ana wnue ana the table was set with smilax and tulips. They re- ceivea many beautitul presents and atter luncheon was served the guests were entertained with dancing, mu ic and. playing cards. Those present were: limn, and Ueadamee Chaa. Shaekley, Koy Warren, . Floyd Sbelton, Ed. -Oarr, .Vesdamea . Doraon Miaaet Neliion Waunatta Bruner. Messrs. , -.. Bud Whlta. Roy Rldgeway, Doo Kostwood, J. Qoodf allow. Harry Brunar, -Qao. Crow, Jack Merrlara, Smart. Mesdamea Frank Wagoar, Nallla Baraatt Messrs. Oao. Bernett,, Marbart Bhlckley, Kenneth Brunar. Y.W.C.A.Notes t Dandruff causes a feverish irrita tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small hottle of "Danderine" at any drug store lor a tew cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the Scalp. After several applications the hair stops coming out and you can't find any" dandruff. Your hair ap pears sort, glossy and twice as thick and abundant Try it I Adv. A FEELING OF SECURITY i' You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit pro ducing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and bladder, remedy.. ; The same standard of purity, strpjigth and excellence in mam "taine(T m"tsv6ryt bottle of Swamp- Root. .., - - It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. If It is not a stimulant and is taken jm teaspoonful doses. - " It is not recommended for ev- strvrhlno. - ' T It is nature's great helper in re lieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with 'every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. If you need a medicine von should have thebest. On sale at all . drug stores m bottles of two sizes, medium and large. - However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to-Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton. N. Y.. for a amnl hntth When writing be sure and mention 'I he Omaha "Sunday Eee Adv. The vesper services Sunday after noon at 5 o'clock will be of unusual interest. The choir of the First Christian church will gender their Easter cantata. A social hour will follow the services. " Monday night at 7:30 the Victory club meets. Part of the club is tak ing a course en "How to Become a Charming. Hostess." Miss Irma Gross, domestic science teacher in the Central High school, is the in structor. The W. D. T. and the Victory clubs are combining on a short term of dramatics, dealing only in put ting on some short one-act sketches, lltlHor tUm .1 C XX t?CC Steen Kittelson. They are planning to put on f Play-goers," by Arthur Pinero, and "Perret Home from the War,", by Thomas Wood Stevens. The proceeds from these will be used to send delegates to the sum mer conference. The S. O. S. club meets at 8 o'clock Monday evening- and will discuss current events. Monday evenine the Manv Cen ters club 'will entertain the Many Center club of. Council fluffs at a banquet. Entertainment will be fur nished by club talent. .. iuesdav eveniner at 6:15 the Rn. iness Woman's club will meet for supper. Miss Lutie Stearns of Mil waukee, Wis., will be the speaker for the eveniner. Miss Bll R1i will have charge of the program and Miss Gladys Curry will conduct the devotionals. The Lafayettes will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 and have community singing under the" direction nf Mr jind Mrs; Harry Murrison. - i ne, rrcshman club of Central mgn. senooi will hold a cenera nieeting.Wednesday,, April 23, in the i. vv. c. A club room, at which time they will have a try-out for a play, which will be given in order iu sena memDers ot the club tol summer conference. The Foch club meets for supper Wednesday evening at 6:15. They has an interesting program, which includes demonstrations of the right and wrong, way to apply for posi tions. Club members interpret -the demonstration and have very . full discussion, i ; Thursday "evening at 6:15 the W. D. T., Lohache, " Victory and Fel lowship clubs will banquet together. Miss Lutie Stearns of Mi 1 wan Waft win oe the speaker for the evening. She will have for her subject, "A Spinster's Soliloquy." Community Ctni-.H ..."11 I I e . J s.uK1ils win aiso pe a teature of the Danquet. ine girls department will hold uieir annual vocational guidance day Saturday, April 26. at the Y. W. C A. building. Watch the papers for me program. The Girl Reserves of Cass school nave maae taster haclrt ,.,u;i. they will take to the children at the ot. James orphanage. The Lohache club had an Easter canay saie at the Y. W. C. A. Sat urday April 19. The proceeds are to go for conference fnnrl t delegates to the Cedar Fall. conference. Gymnasium itnnnncintin. k.. v . A. classes will hm hM at,.. o, at the city auditorium. Engaged 1 Personals Judge and Mrs. J. W. Wood rough announce the engagement of their daughter Margery Beckett to William T. Burns of New York. The wedding will take place in June. Miss Beckett and Mr. Burns be came acquainted during college days. . Miss Beckett attended Smith college while Mr. Burns was a stud ent at the University of Pennsyl vania. Mr. Burns visited in Omaha -four years ago. He is now with the Rob- bins Dry Dock company, Brooklyn New York.' iii!ii;ii.Mi!liii:iiiiii:iiiiiiiii!liiliiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii I Great Medicine Made From Corn Silk Ex- cites Favorable Comment. Kidney and Bladder Ailments Banished By Few Doses. Corn Silk! The same "silk" you see protruding from the husk of corn, produces a fi&e medicine for kidney and bladder irregularities, when compounded with other simple drugs as in Balmwort Tablets. 1 Balmwort Tablets contain a pow erful extract of corn silk, which quickly relieves tha inflammation and congestion that causes such dis tress as pains in back and hips, rheumatic twinges, nervousness, severe headaches, accompanied by frequent desire to eliminate, fol lowed by scalding, burning sensa tion. The patient is compelled to arise frequently to relieve painful pressure, even though a scanty flow follows. The eyes appear "blood shot," the sleep is restless, and sometimes fever, followed by chills, causa great unrest - It is unwise to neglect such symptoms, Vhen a few doses of Balmwort Tablets ean be taken for relief. Alice Trobough, 5627 South Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, Neb., writes: 4'I have used one tube of your Balmwort Tablets nd find that they are, the best I have ever used for kidney and bladder trouble." - Ask any leading druggist for a tube of Balmwort Tablets. Price, $1.00 Adv , And Still Gabby Gabs (Continued from Para One wildered when her idolized .son, in his happiest mood jocosely an nounces himself pn..i:.. neither is it to be surprised at when f'.ds and "the girls they left behind either despair, admire with awe-inspired amazement or smile at the off-hand talk of smok ing his 'Josephine" plain English of before the war is merely "pipe"-, yi wiich i.c jaunmy searches, tor his lost ''pot-de-fleurs," meaning in French flower-pot, but in his sense, lap. No. no One neeif rnvrf1u k.... learn French in a week,'-' thinking ? Jln m the conversation, for they II not be thera any more than jith-dandy," "high-stepper," "boot- 1Cgging, , joy riding," and all the other sirmlar Yankee expressions ....II V - J vvr . . louno in weostera un abridged. For they are but on nr tvn ampies of what has made the French soldier earn his reputation of in stinctively finding the right slang wuru ana picturesque phrase. Two of the best known French slang words are not, strictly speaking, soldier slang, "poilu" (hairy) being me aueciionate name bestowed by the French people upon the soldier mmseir, ana boche " being the any thing but affectionafe term for the Germans. i "Embusque" (the ambushed one) is the term contemptuously applied to one who seeks a safe position far from the front or at the regimental depot: the squat little trench mortar is "crapouillot" (a little toad); the machinegun is "moulin a cafe" (coffee grmder); a heavy shell is "marmite" (a sauce pan); bullets are "marrons' (chestnuts) or "oru- neauz" (prunes): his bavonet is "aiguille a tricoter" (knitting needle) o tourne-Droche (roasting spit), or if he is in a joval mood "Rosa lie"; his cap, "pot-de-fleurs" (flower pot). ""Canned beef is "singe" (monkey); coffee "jus," short for "jus de para pluie" (umbrella driDDines'a had soup "lavasse" (dishwater); his pipe josepnine ; nea or louse toto. Regimental tailors are "niaue non ces" (prick thumbs). A picturesque phrase for running is "tricoter les gambettes (to knit one s legs). Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieh Storz with Miss Elsie Storz and Miss Dnrotliv Higgins, have returned from Excel sior apnngs. . . . . . , . Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Taylor announce the, engagement of their son, Edmund, to Miss Lillian Pope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope of Charleston. S. C. The marriage will take place April 26 at noon at the home of the bride. Mr. ana Mrs. layior will live m Washington, D. C. Mrs. Morris Cliggett of Kansas City, Mo., today announces the en gagement of her niece, Mis4 Nell Marie Grier, to Dr. . J. Frederick Langdon of this city. The wedding will take place Wednesday, April ii, at at. Vincent s church, Kansas City. Miss Grier will be attended by her sister, Miss Celia Grier, and Mr. W, J. McCoffrey of this city will be best man. ,The wedding will be quiet, only relatives and a few close friends being present. -. A Great Soul Has Passed on to Land of Eternal Lilies (Continued from Page One.) school teacher's going-away gown and she would hunt just as inde fatigably for a splendid jewel of ex actly the right .color to gladden the light heart of a rich man's bride. Youth was hers eternally in her heart and all about her. She kept her house full crowd ed to the very door with young people and no one so quick as she to see a little cloud on the youth ful face or Xo notice a note of trouble in a young voice, too un sophisticated to keep its owner's secret. Money and time and counsel and love with what a generous hand she gave them to all the world. - But in her heart of hearts she kept a sanctuary for her own the bone of her bone and the flesh of her flesh, the pride and the joy of her life. What will they do without her in the great house over there in Pleas anton now that she has gone. Green is the grass upon the hills she loved, bright bloom the flowers in the garden that was her delight but she who loved every inch of California almost as she loved her Mrs. W. A. Apperson of Lincoln who has returned from a winter in California, has been elected chair man of the scholarship trustees Nebraska Federation of Women' Clubs. Mrs. James Metcalf has left Cor pus Christi and is now at Los An geles Calif., where she is visiting ner sister, Mrs. nertscne, ana niece. Mrs. Keid. at 1506 South Westmore land avenue. She expects to return home the last May. Miss Irene McKnight, Vho has ucch scriousiy in wnn pneumonia, is mucn improved1 and out of danger. Mrs. Etta Schneider Turner of iremont is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard. Senator J. F. Millard and Miss Jessie Millard, who have been al Excelsior Springs for several weeks, nave returned. Mrs. Wilson Low is spending sev eral weeks in Chicago with her cousin. Miss Wilson,' before return ing trom Little Rock, Ark. Mr. H. P. Whitemore returned Wednesday from Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson has" re turned from New York Citv and is now assisting Mrs. Frank Tudson at r. a a a " victory loan neaaquarters. Miss Marian Weller left Fridav tor st. Louis, where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Murphy ana ner nance, Mr. t. fi. Murphy, Before returning home she will spend several weeks in Chicago as the guest ot Miss Pauline Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clarke ex pect. Miss Marian Kuhn of Los An geles, Calif., to be their guest some time in May., Mrs. Clarke has just returned from a delightful western trip, when she spent some time with Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhn and Miss ivuhn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crane are spending a month at Hot Springs Mrs. Harold S.; Feil of Cleveland, Uhio, is visiting her -aunt, Mrs. N, P. Feil. Sergt. Arthur T. Shrum, who landed in New York April 2, and was subsequently discharged from the army, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Shrum, 5319 North Twenty-fifth avenue, before resuming his position in cnicago. Miss Laura Scott, who has been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, is now at the Fontenelle. Lt. Sanford Gifford, who has been stationed at a base hospital at Trier, uermany, ana his sister, Miss Anne Gifford. who is awaiting orderes to proceed to Serbia, are enjoying a trip ,up the Rhine to Cologne and cobienz. Mrs. -Harry Burkeley and sons, Harry, Robert and Francis, have re turned from Excelsior Springs. Mr. Burkeley and Miss Eleanor spent a few days at the, springs and ac companied them home. Mrs. Frank Haller has left for Los Angeles, Calif. ; Mrs. Charles J. Greene is at the Hotel Clyde, .Atlantic. City. Mrs. Charles Brown and sons will leave about May 15 to spend the summer at Great Barnngton, Mas. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dunn, who have been spending the winter in California and the Haiwiiaan Is lands, are expected next week to be with Mrs. Dunn's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Milroy, before returning to their home in Des Moines, la. James Love is now in Des Moines, la., in the insurance business. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith and Miss Harriet Smith have returned from New York and Boston. Miss Jane Boyce of Chicago is spending a tew days with her grand father. Mr. D. C. Patterson. Mr. Tom J. McShane is at Excel sior Springs. Mrs. John Ringwalt left Thurs day for the east, where she will be with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Gar neau. of Kingston, N. J., and will spend Easter with her son. Carr Ringwalt, who is attending Prince ton university. Mrs. Mel Uhl left Wednesday for the east, where she will join Lieu tenant Uhl, who recently landed in New York from overseas service. Lovely Elsie Ferguson Is Analysed by One .Who Knows Her V I V5ertfr I . SSE By GABBY DETAYLS. We met one who knows Elsie Ferguson. He presented this pic ture and exclaimed "Look at that facel It isn't Ameri can at all. Not to an eye who has seen the world. Ihe tumult and noise of New York was merely the earthquake that brought Elsie, the tee, to the surface in a vision burst ing radiantly through the roaring vapors. Miss Ferguson hails from somewhere in the Romance Ages when Monks wrote Latin with goose-quills and men wore scale armour and women were graciously homely and noble and gentle. In er mellow, rapt voice nestles an echo of the tr-otibadour trumpet, and certainly not 'the screech of our so ciety woman. The gentle poetry of only child is not there to mark again the splendor f the sunset or the silver glory of the Argent moon. White violets and blue, red roses and fair lilies, let's lay them all at those little tireless feet that were never weary. Poppies and lupin, too, the simple wild ilowers of the fields and of the woods, gather a wreath of them to lay above her quiet heart how still they are, the little hands, that gave so generously. . How quiet it is, the ' generous heart that beat with love and tender kindness for all the world. Farewell, great heart, goodby hrave soul, wise counsellor, true friend. All California stands un covered in the presence of your passing. j H Mrs.Uhl has been with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Milroy, during Lieu tenant Uhl's absence. Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Master Fred, jr., have returned from Cali fornia, where they have spent the winter, at the Maryland hotel, Pasa dena. , Charles Patterson, son of. Mr. and Mrs, John Patterson, has 'returned from overseas service. Mr. Paul Skinner is ill at his home. Only way to break even in stud is to play with stage money. her face, now calm, now arduous, is the kind that turned the cavaliers of yore into crusaders and handed real manhood down to us. The aspect of her figure, even the strangely swaying walk and listless gestures, belong in a royal forest when ladies rode on palfrej. "The complexities of her nature are legion. She has in her the ten der, lyric vein of a de Musset,and the graceful distinction of an Alma Tadema, but she has also the prac tical grasp and plenty of 'pep' and 'punch' when her pulse is more than normally active. She has in her the sweet melancholy of a great com poser and the human appeal of no ble effort, and she is mystically re lated to the powers that rule in Ul tima Thule. All these contradictory elements, and many more, are kept in bounds and ruled over the scepter of a personality that looks before it steps, but never looks behind, that peers pensively into the future over the shattered temples of the past. She seldom mislays her scepter. That is why all who know her love her, and all who see her in motion pictures . admire while they rever ence her art." Not for one single little minute do we doubt his word but we are won dering if he has omitted anything in his psychological analysis of beauti ful Elsie. We suppose not, however. 1621 FARNAM STREET Extraordinary Bargains Monday a n 13 3 3r Fifty-Four Prizes FOR THE BEST 150 WORD LETTERS ON "What Every WomanWants" $5.00 First Prize. $3.00 Second Prize. v $1.00 Next Two Prizes. And Fifty other valuable prize for tho fifty next beat Utters. Send Your Letters to tho Conteat I s Editor.. Omaha Bee. Answers to be in this office by Thursday noon, April 24th. A committee will judge all answers and winners will be an nounced in . The Bee, Sunday, April 27th. . 1 Wrap WMrs Only 10 Days Left, to Win a Prize Start Now and Get .Your Share of the Money. $70 IN GOLD FOR ALL BOYS AND GIRLS We will give prizes amounting to $70 in actual cash to boys and girls turn ing in the most Federal Bread coupons during April. We give you the1 coupons you fill in your name and address and give them to friends, who turn them in for you when purchasing Federal Baked goods. Here's your chance to win a splendid prize. WE HAVE INCREASED THE PRINCIPAL PRIZES! In order jto give the winning boys and girls even better prizes, we have chang ed the first four prizes to three larger ones. Come in Monday and get a supply or coupons. 31 Prizes There are two sets of prizes exact ly like that printed below; one for boys and one for girls: 1st Prize. . .820 2d Prize SIO 3d Prize.... S 5 Next, 25 loaves of RAISIN BREAD. Now get in and win 1 Hi Women's Suits, Coats, Dress'es, at Greatly Reduced Prices. After-Easter values as sayings you can't afford to miss. New Spring Suits and Models That Sold to $50.00 AT FOUR SPECIAL PRICES S25,$29I2" $34i,-$39i All the new, fashionable materials, fads and fancies represented in this wonder ful collection. Blouse and Boy Jackets, Tailored and Semi-tailored models. j 8 Capes, Coats and Dolmans. Exclusive styles in a variety of colorings and weaves so charming that to see them is to desire thern. Thesp garments are modestly priced from $19.75 to $69.50 Dresses Beautiful Dresses for afternoon and street V wear, dainty models of Taffeta, Combination Georgette and Taffeta, Satins and Fancy Plaids. Specially priced, at - .00 b OS- New Lines of Blouses Many New Colorings Victory Red, League Blue, Maise, Flesh amt White, $5.7S to $15.00. , Any One of the 3 Stores: No. 1113 So. 16th St. No. 2 1510 Harney St. Pastry Shop 207 S. 16th 1 DF BAKERIES ' Glass -of 'Salts -Cleans Kidneys' If ycur Back hurts or Bladder bothers you, drinh lota 6f water When your kidneys hurt and your back fecjs sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that ex cite the kidneys and irritate the en tiro urinary tract. Keep vour kid neys clean like you Tceep your bow els clearr, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimu lates thehi to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 500 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vnal importance of keeping the kidneysactive. Drink lots of water vou can't drink too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Til GiveTfctfS Minutes To Remove Blackheads t A Secret About Removing the Beau ty Destroyers Which Few People Know. Alao the Way to "Re move Superfluous Hairs by "Dissolving Them." By VALES KA SURATT. STEAMING the faca has navar yet ra suited In the removal of blackheads, t I . t ( . . ot the skin. By what argument could lt ba said that blackheads would disappear tor that reason T Does anyone expeot them to (all out became the pores are larger? Nelthar can blackheads be entirely re moved b7 pinching, because where there are large blackheads there are also small er ones, sometimes to the extent ot thou sands. Here la a local treatment by which blackheada can be made ta dfminnrtfi few momenta. A little neroxln sprinkled 'flndln 'e Powder that la entirely free uimw. just try ay owa faoe powder for a while and I know you will appreciate It. "Valeaka Suratt rM. MRS. T. T. I know the dlffloultlea ai fJadEalts; take a tablespaonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kidneys cleap and active. Try thte, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will wonder what became of-your kidney trouble and backache. Adv. an a wet cloth, and rubbed on the black heads, will make them vanish In er few minutes. Tou can easily convince your self of this fact by trial. The neroxln can be obtained at any drug atora for fifty cents. Besides, lt stimulates the skin and makea lt fresh. EVANGELINE Why not use hydrollzed talc on your armpits for that excessive perspiration? It far excels any liquid preparation and besldea keepa the arm pita normally fresh and doea not abso lutely drv them. Hvdrollzed tela Ain he supplied to you by any druggist for half ulB on dded vigor an, plumpneee a dollar, and It lasts a long while. Besides, " ' th "m Um mall and deep la destroys all perspiration and other body wr,nkI dlaappear promptly. It la sua-. odors. riemtf what a change lt makes Id ana' appearanoa. Get two ouncea of aptol from MRS. F. O. B If beauty la only akin ,our drn't tor about half a dollar, and deep, so much more Is the Importance of j"1 th,t w,th on Ubleapoonful of glycer. making lt aa beautiful aa possible. That ln ln h,f Pn of water; No othet muddlncsa may be very easily corrected, wrlnk, cream la necessary, and you will find your freckles promptly ....aruv-ipre is no question but der." sold at drug stores for half a dollar ln any tint. It Is exquisitely and unusual. ly fine. WORRIED The texture of your skla makes wrinkles very pronounced. Ton caa quickly get rid of tho wrlnklae fcv win the new method given bere. This has the effeat of greatly refining the akla texture and aa a result the pore of the akla are made amallar. When thla occur, th. llnapprartna, as well aa all other blem lKhrs by pursuing the following simple method. -I have never known lt to fail. Mix two tablrspoonfuls of glycerine and one ounoe of sintone In a pint of water. A very rich, aatlny cream will be the re mit. Thla should be used very freely tvirv Ahv Nnthlnar etM will he necesniLrv to give the akin a spotless and queenly don easily by dissolving teaspoonful of bau,y- eX "'t cup of water 1.4 J IN DOUBT There la no use - going " WV wore, and your hair will will be able "T ""T neon tnat la exquisite. There cent tnat soap, dry up. the .ecretlone of the acalp and hair, and they also fall to re move the acala which form Id mm Th way to do la to dissolve this scale and 1st your hair breathe, fhta can b. about with hairy arms. Tou to attend that danca without feeling em barrassed on that account, and you will have revealed to you a wonderful easy way to remove all superfluous hairs from sny part of the body. This never Irrl. tatea or reddena the skin. Moisten the hairs with a little sulfo solution and In a few moments all the halra will dissolve away almost msalcally. Wipe off the dead halra. and tha work la done. There is enouKQ eaaol In 4, packsge to laat for many waeke. . BALDT Tour hair will absolutely aton falling and begin to grow In .AV,.i fashion If you will makl yourVw f hJjr grower as follows: Add th eonteSts of a one-oum-e p.ckag. of b.ta-,ulol. eoat Itig BOcente at th drug .tori, to a he It Pint of water and a half pint of b. rnm In nothing tn got reedy or to mix. Tou can This costs less than t he hale tr..f get the ,ulfo eo utlon at th. drug .tore already prepared and dSe, , the oV? it for about a dollu will solve vour h.i- worK- 1 vuvv lev SBBS)