Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    iifi BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, APRIL' 19, 1919.
S10.000 DAMAGE
Soldier Starts Action Against
Detective Following Shoot
ing on March 19; Com
plaint Filed by Uncle,
Guy B. Knudtson, detective ser
geant on tn , Omaha police force,
now under suspension, was sued in
district court yesterday for $10,000
damages by Pri. Charles Coleman,
a soldier stationed at Camp Dodge.
Knudtson shot Coleman twice the
night of March 19. while trying to
place him under arrest.' Coleman
was at first believed to be fatally
injured but is now recovered and
has .been taken to Camp Dodge un
der guard on the charge of being
absent without- leave. He 'was in
the hospital for four weeks .follow
ing the shooting.
Knudtson was arrested following
his suspension from the detective
department. The complainant was
F. R. Fhnn of Council' Bluffs, an
uncle of Coleman. Knudtson had
i preliminary hearing before Muni
cipal Judge Holmes Thursday on
the charge of shooting with intent
to kill and shooting with intent to
wound. He was held for trial in
the district court.
The National Surety company
was also named as a defendant in
the damage suit filed yesterday.
Object to Cotton Move
Washington, April ' 18. Attorney
General Palmer has been asked by
Secretary Houston of the Depart
ment of Agriculture for an opinion
Father's Long. Search For
Children Ends in Omaha
Son and Daughter Are Found In Creche After J. F.
Mohlman Visits Institutions. In Four States Says
Wife Obtained Divorce and Left Kiddies.
After visiting many homes and in
stitutions for children in Nebraska,
Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wy
oming, J. F. Mohlman came to his
journey's end in Omaha Thursday
afternoon when he found his child
ren in the Creche on Park Wilde
Reinhold, 6 years old, and Wilma,
3, recognized their father, whom
they had not seen for nearly a year.
Mr. Mohlman's story was that his
wife obtained a divorce in Sun
dance, Wyo., a year ago, and was
married again to a man with whom
she is living in South Dakota.
After the divorce, Mohlman
claims, the children were left in
Sundance and he sent a friend for
them from Laramie, Wyo., but
when the friend arrived the children
could not be located. He then
started his town-to-town search un
til he visited the Creche on Thurs
day. He said he went from institu
tion to institution and looked at
the children.
The superintendent of the Creche
reports that the former Airs. Alolu
man placed the children in the
home last summer and has been
paying for their k"eep regularly.
Mohlman appears to be satisfied with
the arrangement, his chief interest
being to know where the children
are and to see them again.
Mohlman was married in Sutton,
Neb., September 26, 1911. He says
that he intends to make his home
in Omaha, that he may be near his
as to the legality of the movement
among southern cotton planters to
reduce acreage with the purpose of
holding up cotton prices.
Old Man, Believed a
-Victim of Foul Play,
Is Found by Police
George Wasson, 84 -years old,
who disappeared from the home of
his daughter, Mrs. A. P. Widman,
427 Lincoln boulevard, Thursday,
and who was believed to have met
with foul play, was found yesterday
at Unien station by the police.
The old man wandered away from
his daughter's home and could not
find his way back. He stayed at a
hotel Thursday night and was recog
nized by a policeman when he walk
ed into the station about 10 o'clock.
Wasson, who has been making his
home in the city for only a short
while, is unfamiliar with the city,
andas he carried with him a large
amount of money, apprehension
was felt for his safety.
Camp Merritt, N. J., April 18.
Six officers and 247 men of the 363d
rfffini.nt of infantrv. nart of the
91st national army division' organ
ized from selective service men oi
the far western states, entrained to
day for Camp Dodge, la.
Om After
t Mwmm
Off Every Spring Garment
The time has come to clear the way
for summer wear, and the House of
Menagh say, "Why not make it one day early,
so that many of our friend who are lovers of
quality clothes may have an Easter suit, cape,
coat, or dress just before Easter, instead of wait
ing till just after.
For that reason,
we have made our
decisive cut in the regu
lar season's prices, and
applied it to every gar
ment in the house, save
only the advance sum
mer frocks just arriving.1
Tricotine, serge,
velour, silk, satin, baro
net satin, every one with
the stamp of style that
always goes out of The
House of Menagh.
ery one of the well
known brand of Cleve
land tailors that has be
come famous the coun
try over for quality and
them left, of a stock about which many
a fair purchaser has said, "You have the best stock
of these garments in Omaha." Every interesting
material is here, and every lovely color; in full,
three-quarter, and hip lengths.
THE DRESSES, Business Frocks of
serge, Afternoon Frocks of taffeta, satin,
georgette, tricolette, patriette, and crepes. Evening
gowns of satin, chiffon and taffeta. Every shade,
all quality grade.
$25.00 Garments $16.67
$30.00 Garment $20.00
$45.00 Garments $30.00
$50.00 Garments $33.33
$60.00 Garments $40.00
$75.00 Garments $50.00
$89.50 Garments $59.75
$98.00 Garments $65.25
$125 Garments $83.34
$150 Garments $100.00
All $200 Garments $133.33
I' " ) .1
Hand Bags
Handsome new
styles to go with
Easter costumes
shown in thd
, Notion Section.
ThompsoiirBeld.eix &Co.
. J Established 18 8 6
The lhsliioii Gender jorjHmen
The Silk Shop j
For Exclusiveness
Every Fashionable
Weave Is Here in
Our Display.
GLOVES. The finest of all
hand wear for milady who dis
criminates. From the home of
fine kid gloves France none
come to us that surpass Tre
fousse in quality, style and fit..
One an two-clasp styles, in the
most desirable colors; beauti
fully embroidered. $3, $3.25
and $4 a pair.
Those who give silk gloves the
preference, will find in Kay
ser's the best of all. Washable ,
silks in mastic, gray, white and
black. $1 to $2.25 a pair.
NECKWEAR. No tailleur or
frock is quite at its best with
out becoming neck fixings,
which, if properly selected, add
to the appearance of every cos
tume. Saturday shoppers will find ut
ready w,ith particularly well
selected stocks of fresh, dainty
neckwear attractively priced.
Linen vests and vestees of net,
satin, organdie and Georgette,
will find favor with many. For
jacket suits, nothing is more
appropriate and becoming than
lace collars. Collar and cuff
sets in colors are very interest
ing, while new rufflings and
pleatings are certain to meet
with your approval.
Novelties v
For the adornment of
Easter costumes, one dis
covers here the most lik
able corsage bouquets,
smart vests, bows, cami
soles, delightful bags, and
so on through a - great
number of really exclusive
and distinctive articles.'
From Japan
New Printed Cloths
Luncheon and table cloths
with napkins to match, in
the ever-popular and serv
iceable blue printed Jap
anese cottons.
The forty-five-inch lunch
eon cloths are $1.75 and
the sixty-inch, $2.75.
Seventy-two-inch table
cloths are $3.75.
Twelve-inch .napkins to
match, are $1 a dozen.
Id th Lin an Section
Boys' Wash Suits
for Playtime
Colored one and two
piece wash suits, in two
to six-year sizes.
Boys' middy suits of
white jean with collar,
cuffs and tie of navy
blue. Middy trousers,
knee or full length.
Boys' gingham suits,
one and two-piece styles
in brown, blue, white,
stripes and checks with
plain collars, cuffs and
belts, $1.75, $2.25 to
Children's colored gingham
dresses, short sleeve middies
and children's rompers, two
to six year sizes, but not a
great many of any one size.
Regularly 75c, 85c, $1, $1.25
Saturday only
Children' Wear, Third Floor
A Complete Display
of Neckwear from
Timothy F. Crowley.
The only kind worth consider
ing. We have specialized to a
degree not often equaled,
which is distinctly to your ad
vantage when selecting silk
hosiery. For Easter we sug
gest a few of the many good
numbers now ready. Heavy '
pure thread silk hose with lisle
tops and soles, in white, black
and all fashionable shades,
$2.25. Pure thread silk-to-the-top
hose, in black, $2.50.
White pure thread silk-to-they-top
hose, very fine and sheer,
Cordovan pure thread silk-to-the-top
hose, $3.
Other qualities to suit every
y4sr" - ' l
Before Easter Sale
Spring Millinery
At After Easter Prices
To choose hats from this house, at the
reductions noted below, is an opportu
nity the majority of women appreciate.
Particularly as the sale is the day be
fore Easter.
Hats sold to $37.50h-$20.
Hats sold to $25.00 $15.
Hats sold to $18.50 $10.
Hats sold to $15.00 $8.50.
Hats sold to $10 $b.
Saturday Second Floor
Footwear of Distinction
Correctly designed pumps
and oxfords, beautifully
fashioned in the popular
leathers of dull kid, brown
calfskin, brown kid, black '
satin, gray kid and patent.
$8 to $12-a Pair.,
Corset Special
Timely for Easter
One of our very best Red
fern Corsets will be offer
ed at a decided saving:
Saturday. We have se
lected this particular piod
el because it will properly
fit the average figure.
Regularly, $10.
Saturday only, $6
Fitted, of course.
The Store for Blouses
, Saturday there will be a very
interesting sale of Georgette
and Crepe de Chine Blouses
for only $3.95
Here in this delightful blouse shop
one discovers every fashion of dis
tinction with an entire absence of
the ordinary. It's impossible to
even attempt a description, but we
can suggest nothing more pleasant
than a personal visit the day before
Easter. Lovely new display awaits
your coming.
The blouse store is now
recognized by well
dressed women as the
place for fine petticoats.
Plan to Visit It Saturday.
Spring Coats and Capes
For Misses and Women
SATURDAY, $14.65
In the Basement Salesroom
New Values Brought Forward Saturday.
This is a remarkably fine sale, giving thrifty
women an opportunity to purchase a Spring
Coat or Cape at a price ordinarily in force only
at the end of the season.
A prominent manufacturer's samples and sur
plus stock in sizes 16 to 44.
$165 in the Basement Saturday
$19.50 to $35 Values
Woolen and Silk. Garments in Pekin,
Navy, Reindeer and other popular colors.
Twenty-five Different Style
No Alterations All Sales Final.
In fclhs? Menu's Shp
Springtime haberdashery in
splendid variety, awaits your
OF SHIRT. Madras, fibre, silk
and madras, cheviot and fine silks,
collar attached, collar to match and
plain neckband styles. Manhattan,
Eagle, Arrow, Earl & Wilson
$1.50 to $12.
NECKWEAR we have ever shown.
The sort well-dressed men will appreciate.
SOFT COLLARS. New styles,
in a large variety of mate
rials. , Earl & Wilson, Del
park and Arrow. -
are quite necessary for Easter.
Correct styles in suede, light
weight kid and silk. Various
shades of tan and gray.
SHIRTS. The new Spring and
Summer fabrics are here.
Middy styles and single but
ton effects.
Plain hemstitched or initialed,
white and colored borders.
White and fancy silk handker
chiefs are preferred by many.
JEWELRY. Enameled links
for soft cuffs. Pins for soft
collars. Hickok initialed belt
UNDERWEAR. Knit and ath
letic styles, in two-piece and
union suits. Mansco, B. V.
D., Good Knit, Winsted, Su
p e r i o r , Stuttgarter. All
weights, sizes and sleeve
The Men's Shop To the Left A You Enter
For Spring Footwear
Charming spring styles in
men's and women's new. Ox
fords, Pumps and high shoes.
Beautiful browns, tans
and dull calf skins.
As usual, regular Fry
quality which, by the way, is
. .1 !A it
superior to tne quaury otner
otnro ETin-ar lit tvines 255f-
higher. j
Tour new footwear
is here, and at prices '
that are very moderate.
Mil fa r
Every Sunday
The Bee's Rotogravure
Picture Section
will contain photos
of people and events
familiar to you.
Also Best Comic Section
The Best Always in The Bee
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