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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
THE BEE : OMAHA. FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY EDWARD RQ8SWATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE'BEB PUBLISHING COMPANY, PBOPRIETOK MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS " Tin AMMtaUd Fiw, of whlek Tbt Bm U ft number. ! oeliulralf entitle! lo Ui um for publication of ill newi dlipatabaa oredittd to 11 W ant oUiarwtM cndiwd In toll rI. end alto, the nm rubllihtd tairtm. All rlftau ol publiouloa of cur tpeclU . tUtpateiie are alto Narrl. "" " ' OFFICES i ; . Chlof o 1710-J1 Bttctr Bid, dsiae-The Bm Bide. New Tore !M Fifth At. Soyta Oroba J3U N tt St. Loele Kr B'nk of Comnurce. CouaeU Bluff 14 N. litis BL .Wublnttoa 1311 0 Bt. Llnooln UttU Building. '- ' ' MARCH CIRCULATION Daily 65,293 Sunday 63,450 ArftTtf circulation for tin month mbjaribtd nd iworn to by - B. Imm. ClrcJhtion Manaser. Subscriberf leaving the city should hovo The Bm mailed lo thorn. Address chanfod aa often a requested. Looki like a stand-off over in Iowa. Tha war will not tie over until it ii paid for; buy Victory notes. "Tranquilized" Mexico still shows signs of breaking out inkpots. New bourgeoisie in Russia? Thought there only was on kind, the fat ' Those Fort Omaha balloon experts certainly know how to pick the weather for a flight. 'Gen Debs says his spirit will go marching on; tnebbe so, but a lot of things can happen in ten years. Mayor Smith's success as a matrimonial broker may get him a lot of customers he is not looking for. ' Mr. Wilson is now a citizen of th smallest republic in the world as well as president of the greatest. A new blue sky law, in which strong teeth have been carefully arid purposely inserted, will soon govern in Nebraska. ; Albania now asks for complete political . in dependence. Something ought to be done to keep the, mpret in circulation. : , Peace terms must be looking better in Gerr many, for the Spartacans and bolshevists are losing hold on the government. Allied occupation of the Rhine region is to - be continued fifteen, years. That much of the . world will be safe for democracy. ' i "Brother Charlie" Bryan is ag'in the state government, but you must remember that he has several times failed of election. Calling Admiral Mayo, "commander-in-chief of the fleet" will not in any way affect the con stitutional duty laid on the president. Hunger, not the Hun, is the peril today, ac cording to Lloyd George, but it was the Hun that introduced famine to a happy world. Germany's peace delegates are reported to have a date in vParis for Easter. Lndendorff - mad one for last Easter, and did sot keep it. Private Citizen William G. MoAdoo left a bright streak of patriotic talk clear across Ne braska. Too bad ha could not come up town. Governor Harding came through the fire of inquiry over at Des Moines with the smell of scorched wool on his garments, but otherwise unscathed. Commissioner Roper thinks the next con gress will take steps to make July 1 the terror it was supposed to be. But Mr, Wilson will have to hurry if anything is done in time. Folk need not worry about Lloyd George's . break with Northcliffe, for the little Welshman ( knows how to look after himself. He also knows on which side his bread is buttered. TJie number of "triangles" developing in Omaha divorce courts might give an outsider the impression that that is one of our leading " industries. A little examination will show that most of them are imported. Now it appears that the recently demoted crown prince of Germany was a wife-beater " among his other accomplishments. , Most people will believe anything about that guy, except . that he took a chance in battle. ' Germany may go over to bolshevism anytime It suits the pleasure of the peoplethere to do so, but sooner or later they will have to come up. for" air, and there will be the claims of the . .Allies, the war debt and all that load of respon sibility waiting. -,; American missionaries charged with con niving tolielp Germany in the near east should be brought home and made to feel 1he dis pleasure of an outraged public. And yet, what will be done with them, when we recall how certain slackers, convicted in military courts, were treated? Cornering Mr. Burleson Postmaster General Burleson is not helping his grand public-ownership enterprise by mak ing statements as to his operation of telegraphs and .telephones which are instantly challenged by men familiar with the facts. . For example, he says that the recent increase in rates was made necessary by higher wages and that the added revenue will hardly cover the extra expense; but officials of the em ployesl organization deny that there has been any actual increase in wages, holding that the extraordinary outlays now cited are mostly due to costly and wasteful methods introduced since the line passed under the control of govern ment ' .-- - As a further illustration, in defending the 20 per cent increase of rates on these grounds, Mr. Burleson says that it would have been unavoid able and probably greater if private manage ment of the lines had. been continued. In re ply to this we have the statement 4of President Mackay Of the Postal- company in which he guarantees restoration and maintenance of the aid rates when public control of his lines shall -',ave been relinquished. v r , ,t ' Departmental "views on' these subjects are twisted by the preconceived notions of govern ment ownershippers. These, gentlemen, with Mr. Burleson at their head,' started out .with promises of efficiency and economy and the be lief that their system could be made permanent They have failed, as everybody knows, and, in stead of admitting the truth, they are offering yxplanations that do. not explain. New York World- ............ v HOME RULE FOR OMAHA. . Omaha's responsibility for its local affairs is recognized, with the inconvenient requirement that it now must go to the legislature to secure permission to look after its own business.' That is not the fault of the legislature. Lang ago the city was granted the privilege of adopting a home rule charter, and each two years since then the legislature has broadly hinted that it would be pleased if the city would take advan tage of the permission. To scold now, as the mayor does, and blame the legislature for not taking especial interest in our private matters does not help. Any blame in the matter rests on Omaha. The cause of home rule will not be set for ward any by reviewing the failures or their causes, nor by recrimination between factions. If the city is to be relieved from the present necessity of taking its plans for meeting grow ing needs to the legislature every two years, it must act in its own behalf. The way to home rule is open, save for obstacles set up by ob structionists, who prefer to continue the exist ing straightjacket control. These obstacles can be removed, or overcome, by the voters of the city, the property-owners who are more deeply concerned in the future of the community than outsiders possibly can be. To have the privilege of deciding on matters of public improvement, expenditures, extensions of service and all the many things that are now determined for us by the legislature, is the right of the people of Omaha, and may be enjoyed only when a home rule charter has been adopted. If the present city commission wants, to erect for itself an enduring monument, let it be tha under its administration the citizens were emancipated from legislative control in purely local matters. Set about untangling the snarl into which' the charter affairs have drifted, start the work right, and put it through to an elec tion at least. Then we will know what the peo ple want. Parliament Support the Leaders. Critical discussion of proceedings at Paris is not confined to the United States at all; in deed, it is neither so bitter nor so completely tinctured with partisan bias here as in England or France. British conservatives and radicals alike look to the overthrow of the coalition on which the Lloyd George government rests, and very recently in two by-elections coalition can didate have been defeated by conservatives aided by the implacable socialists. In France a somewhat similar situation confronts Clemen ceau, but in neither country has the opposition been able so far to make much headway. The French Chamber of Deputies voted its con fidence in Clemenceau at a time when Lloyd George was addressing the House of Commons in reply to his critics in and out of the body. The effect in each instance is plain. Sentiment as represented by the members of these bodies is plainly in, support of the leaders in their ef forts to bring about a just and durable peace. This includes agreement with the United States, and Lloyd George says he and Mr. Wilson are at one on 411 important questions. No doubt exists in this country as to the action the senate will take on a treaty to which the great nations of the world are agreed. The parliaments of the great democracies are in accord whh the leaders at Paris. Germany, Unrepentant and Unredeemed. Herr Lichnowsky defiantly tells the world that Germany will not accede to peace terms outlined at Paris. He threatens bolshevism as the alternative to granting a peace satisfactory to the defeated Huns. From every influential newspaper in Germany comes a similar cry. These advocates of a lost cause forget that a Germany in arms, towering over the world with its threat of destruction, failed to frighten free people into submission. Similarly, the present threat to destroy society through the spread of bolshevism carries no terror. Bolshevism , in time must give way to order, and if ever the German nation is to emerge from its present status and become again a recognized member of the society of nations, it will be when it has fulfilled every obligation now laid 1 upon it This holds nothing of revenge; it is the righteous judgment of an outraged world, the just verdict of nations rendered against offenders. Lich nowsky now represents the unrepentant ' Ger many, unready to admit its course was wrong. He may live to see a redeemed and regenerated German people, trying by patient industry and intelligent effort to show the world its sincere penitence and desire for a place once . more among enlightened nations. But the bill must be paid". Government and the Shipowners. Sale of fifteen, of the wooden ships built during the war for the federal government in dicates the end of the enterprise. Chairman Hurley several weeks ago suggested the prob ability of Uncle Sam retiring from the shipping business, while a questionnaire sent out by the Navy League developed that sentiment is quite strongly against the government continuing as a shipowner in the ocean carrying trade. A great emergency was met in a great way, when during the war this country undertook to pro vide ships so badly needed. The program was not completed up to expectations, which were unduly inflated by a publicity campaign the wisdom of which may be doubted. The main thing was that the federal government was brought into ownership of a considerable' num ber of freight carriers, of a type the serviceabif ity of hich is yet to be determined. C6n struction of these was paid for at an ex traordinary rate, and their-disposal now means that a large sum must be written J off and charged to war cost. In the case of the wooden ships this is shown by the sale to be $20 per deadweight ton, or nearly $100,000 per vessel for the ones involved. Use of these carriers in the ocean trade under the American flag will perhaps aid in solving the question of the fu ture of our merchant marine. It is not en couraging for the champions of public owner ship, however. . . The Omaha Hyphenated holds up jts hands in simulated horror because the attorney gen eral decides that a woman may hold an office in ' Nebraska to which the constitution says an "elector" may be appointed. Its sudden adher ence to the sanctity of the state's fundamental law is refreshing, especially when it is remem bered that not such a great while ago it war commending the democratic attorney general for having violated the same constitution in order to allow one of Governor Morehead's ap pointees to use the fees collected by his office. It does make difference, What de Gotha' Does to 'Bill' From th London Times; The French edition of the Almanach de Gotha for 1919 has been brought to Paris fresh from the Justus Perthes printing press at Gotha. The preface contains a confession of the in numerable difficulties which have beset the editors at the dawn of the new era. "The dismemberament of Austria," they observe, "and, the transformation of 22 German states into as many republics interrupted our labors as we were going to press." One's first impulse is to learn the future status, according to the Almanach de Gotha, of the ex-kaiser and the ex-crown prince. For the ci-devant the French revolutionary terms term abounds in this register of fallen royalties German emperor, king of Prussia, margrave of Brandenburg, burgrave of Nuremberg, Count Hohenzollern, sovereign of Silesia and Glatz, etc., we find the following: , "Succeeded his father, and renounced the .throne November , 1918, doctor in law of the University of Berlin; doctor in medicine of the University of Prague; doctor in science of the University of Klausenburg; engineering di rector, of the Politechnic Schools of Germany, formerly grand admiral and field marshal, etc." The kaiser appears, therefore, with his many accomplishments, chiefly in the character of doctor. As for his eldest son, he appears before the world as a veterinary surgeon. The Almanach says: . 1 "Frederick William Victor August Ernest of Prussia, ci-devant imperial prince of the Ger man empire, prince royal of Prussia, imperial royal highness, born at the Marble palac, near Potsdam, on May 6, 1882. ' Renounced his right and succession to the throne November 8 (De cember J), .1918, doctor in law, University of Berlin; doctor', in engineering, Politechnic schools, Berlin and Charlottenburg; doctor in veterinary medicine, Higher Veterinary school, Berlin; formerly general of infantry, etc." Turning to the Hapsburgs we find: "Charles (Karl) I, Francis Joseph Louis Herbert George Marie, ci-devant emperor of Austria) apostolic king of Hungary (the fourth oi that name), king of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Crntia, Slavonia, Galicia, etc." The Almanach sums up the tremendous events which caused the "brilliant second" to crumble to the dust thus: "The former Austro-Hungarian monarchy . . . split up as a result of revolutionary events in th months' of October and November, 1918, into several independent national states. . In this way were formed the republic of German Austria, the Czecho-Slovak republic, the South Slav state, and. the republic at Hungary. The kingdom of Servia claims Bosnia and Herze govina; Roumania claims the Bukovina and Po land claims Galicia." The lesser constellations have all similarly paled. Frederick II (William Louis Leopold Augustus), is merely described as ci-devant grand duke of Baden; Louis III (Leopold Jo seph Marie Aloysius Alfred), as ci-devant king of Bavaria, and so on. The Almanach is .care ful to note the "provisional" state of affairs In Germany. It declares that all the German gov ernments are temporary. But Hindenburg vide army, page 473 still figures as directing the general staff of the armies in the field, and Groner is still first quartermaster general. All the high imperial functionaries figure at their posts. They Founded No Dynasties The volume of appreciation of what Mr. Woolworth meant to his country is rising steadily. There is no dissenting note in the discussion of his contributions to commerce and business and his special demonstration of what American initiative still means in a coun try where opportunity is free to all. But it has not yet been pointed out that one of the most significant things about Mr. Woolworth is that with all his millions he has founded no dynasty nor set up a castle that gains privilege in proportion to the money possessed. Foreign critics before the war were very apt, in order to excuse their adoration of kings and the king business, to point out that we were more decidedly ruled by our captains of industry, leaders of finance and our merchant princes 'than they were by those who claimed the divine right to rule and to pass on the suc cession even to an imbecific line of descend ants. But this was largely unintelligently said as a mere repetition of things they wanted to believe about America, and was due to their unfamiliarity with the actual facts. For the Woolworth case is typical. No community was ruled by Mr. Woolworth, save insofar as he gave service and proved to be a kind of benefactor as a universal distributor of things needful. ' 1 As Walton Clark said in Williamsport this week, American character is what it is because of its individualism, which is given its freest opportunity under our form of government. And the career of Mr. Woolworth gives point to Mr. Clark's remarks that it is "our duty to conserve the human agencies that have made our country what it is but not to let them be our masters. This is the confession of faith of the anti-municipalizer the anti-socialist." We need not fear the growth of great trade geniuses if we but allow them their out let, but within the law and within proper' trade procedures. But even as it is, how little men ace lies in their superbounding individuality! is shown in the story of Mr. Woolworth and his rise to fortune and the control of a business that reached from coast to coast. Philadelphia Ledger. Oil on Milk in Gotham. During the row among the milk distributors in Gotham milkmen refusing to abide by the schedule encountered flying squads of oil squirt ers. When the offending price cutter declined to sign for the holdup the squad turned the hose on the milk cans and put the peddler out of business for the day. Testimony, of the victims leaves no doubt of New York's efficiency in squirts. ' ITOIJAV LThe Day We Celebrate. Samuel Burns, jr., bond broker, born 1876. Louis Grabe, resident of Omaha for 22 years, and bailiff in the district court for 28 years, born at Blue Grass, la., 63 years ago. Charles M. Schwab, '.the only man in the world who ever tore up a million dollar a year salary contract, born at Williamsburg, Pa.. 57 years ago. i , . Mrs. Sidney Drew, widow of the noted actor, and herself a popular player in motion pictures, born at Sedalia, Mo., 29 years ago. Clarence S. Darrow, Chicago attorney, born at Kinsman, O., 62 years ago today. " Bishop James Atkins of the Methodist Epis copal church. South, born art Knoxville. Tenn., 69 rears ago. Edward-B. Almon, representative in congress of the Eighth Alabama district, born at Moul ton, Ala., 59 years ago. Thirty Years Ago. Due to a broken main, a deluge of water poured down Farnam streef"from Twenty fourth, flooding the street from curb to curb. A branch of the flood broke through the curb ing and flooded the basement of Dr. Hart's building, in the process of construction on the south side of Farnam near Twenty-second. Rev. J- M. French, the new pastor at the First United Presbyterian church, was tendered reception by the members of his congrega tion. M Judge Dundy returned from a hunting trip in Wyoming. The Omaha Stenographers' association met at Valentine's hall, with about 25 stenographers in attendance. . Paur Vandervoort has been appointed su perintendent of mails in the Omaha postoffice at a salary of $1600. x People You Ask About Information About Folks in. the Public Ey Will Be Given in This Column in Answer to Readers' Questions. Your Nam Will Not Be Printed. Let The Bee Tell You. i Ranking Generals. Will you please give the names of United States generals and tell Just how General Wood ranks. E. R. H. Answer. Peyton C. March, chief of staff, and John J. Pershing, are generals- In the United States army. Hunter Liggett and Robert L. Bui lard are lieutenant general. These rankings are for the war only. Among the 1 major generals, Leon ard Wood ranks flrit in point of service, naving seen commissioned in August 1903. Except for two other cases, all our malor generals have been commissioned since May ii7. 'mere are 263 brigadier gen erals, and also staff officers, including li major and two brigadier generals. (Names of any or all these groups will be sent you upon receipt of stampea envelope.) Nebraska Congressmen. , Which of our present Nebraska congressmen ' are serving for the first time? -A READER. Answer. Congressmen A. W. Jefferls, Robert E. Evans and M. O. McLaughlin of Second, Third and Fourth districts respectively, are serving their first terms In congress. C. F. Reavis of the First district was a membebof the sixty-fifth congress, which ended March 4, last; M. Pf Klnkald of Sixth district has served continuously since 1903. William E. Andrews, Fifth district, served from 1895-to 1897. - Cottin Assailant of Clemenceau. Here is a description of Cottin", ih connection with his trial and con viction for the murderous assault he made on Premier Clemenceau. The prisoner, fair, thin and very pale, had a piping voice, but ap peared full of self-sufficiency. He showed himself extremely proud of his library, on the shelves of which figured side by side Homer with Marcus Aurellus, Augusts Comte with "Comrade" Lorulot, Jean Grave witU Zola. He had spent 600 francs on it "I have been called a poisonous flower," he said. - "This is the first time I have been treated thus. Those who insult me in this manner are poisonous themselves. This is a per sonal insult, an insult to the whole party." "It is said I have received only a primary education," he continued. "I was brought up a bourgeois. My parents were not anarchists. . . . I possessed the positive philosophy of Augusts Comte and Flammarlon's astronomy. These are not anarchist works. It has been said I had a destructive system. That is not true; I only wanted to destroy, society." Captain Mornet (to the accused). What's your grievance against M. Clemenceau? He stopped our meet ings. What meetings? Our meetings in the fields, at the cinema, in the workshops. But what was going on at that moment? We were discontented. "What was going on," retorted Captain Mornet, scathingly. "Was it that the Prussians were B0 miles from Paris, and that you chose that moment for a strike?" Evidence was given that Cottin had been dismissed from his work shop for anarchist talk. This Cottin denied. The same witness the chief of the information service of the Prefecture of Police stated that Cottin had said "Clemenceau is a brigand" when talking of the visits of M. Clemenceau to the front when the war was still on. Dr. Roubinovitch next gave evi dence as to Cottin's mental state. He declared that there was excitement of the nervous system, but no psychical trouble. "He has an ex cellent memory and sometimes judges sensibly. . . Cottin is not suf fering from persecution mania. He is of average intelligence, but he has been ill-guided and ill-directed. He is self-willed, and has no aptitude for speaking. He recognized this, and to satisfy his pride resolved to act." . STATE PRESS SNAPS. DREAMLAND ADVENTURE By DADDY fOueen Flora la held cantlvs In m foun Uln, the ouroe of which li guarded by av serpent.; CHAPTER V. The Dragon Flvs. rHIR-R-R-R!" buzzed the .air VV nake threateningly. "Eat 'om up, my raging dragon!" shouted Count Weedy from the bluff. "It Isn't a dragon; it hasn't wings," retorted Peggy, indignant at the efforts of the rascally elf to scare them by pretending that the rattler was a flying serpent. "You get near him and you'll see him fly at you," answered Count Weedy. "A rattlesnake is bad enough in itself without having wings," mut tered Billy Belgium. "Its poison Is worse- than the fiery breath of a dragon. You'd better keep away from him, Prince Bonnie Blue Bell." "My queen is in danger; I shall fight for her until my last breath," declared Prinoe Bonnie Blue Bell. He picked up a stick for a weapon and took the tin lid of a park refuse can to use as a shield. Thus armed, he saluted Queen Flora and turned bravely to face the rattler. "No, sir! It will noon be over with me; save yourself," cried the ex hausted Queen of the Wild Flowers as the fountain streams unceasingly tossed her back and forth. "Long live Queen Flora!" shouted Prince Bonnie Blue Bell, and he made straight for the rattler. "Whir-r-r-r-r-r!" was the angry reply of the snake to his challenge. The reptile's ugly head drew, back km Bang! It crashed Into the shield. menacingly, its eves glittered, its forked tongue aulvered. But Prince Bonnie Blue Bell never faltered. With shield held in front of him, he strode on until he was within striking distance of the ser pent "At him, dragon!" shrieked Count Weedy. The rattler flattened down for an instant and then its spring-like coils shot its body forward in a lightning like attack. Prince Bonnie Blue Bell was ready for it. He thrust forward his shield and bang went the snake's head and body against the hard tin. But the brow was heavier than Prince Bonnie Blue Bell expected. The shield itself was not light, and the moving weight of the striking snake upon it sent the Prince stag gering back. ' He tripped and almost fell. The rattler colled to strike again. Bang! it crashed into the shield. This time, however. Prince Bonnie Blue Hell met it with a forward thrust of the shield that sent the snake tumbling backward. Quick as a flash Prince Bonnie Blue Bell gave it a quick clip with his stick. The blow hurt the snake and mad it angry, but the stick was not large enough to do serious damage. Again and again the snake crashed Into the shield .and again and again Prince Bonnii Blue Bell warded off the attack with his shield, following with a sham cut from his stick, iry as it would, th rattler could not reach the Prince with its poisonous fangs. On the other hand, the Prince could not deal a finishing blow with his light stick. Count Weedy, not content to see a fair fight between the Prince and the dragon, began to hurl balls of burrs into the Prince's face. One of these balls stuck in the Prince's hair and blinded him. The snake, seeing this, colled for another attack. "Back, back, brave Prince!" cried Oueen Flora. But the blinded Prince dared not move. At that Instant what looked like a long, thin snake shot out from Billy's hand and set tied over Prince Bonnie Blue Bell's shoulders. It was the clothesline lasso aeain. With a jerk Billy pulled the Prince back to safety Just as the snake struck. But the Prince' was not through flghtinir. He tore the burrs, from his hair, seized a larger club and, not waiting to pick up his snieia, aartea forward to meet the snaKe again. And the rattler, coiling quickly, was readv for the attack. "He will be killed!" screamed Again Eilly'8 clothesline flew out ox York News-Times: The Omaha motorists are running over traffic po licemen. The cops should step live ly and keep out of the way. York News-Times: The twisters are making a path through Omaha. Nebraska City Press: Tornado in surance agents will do a big business in Omaha for a few days, and then their pleas will be forgotten. Tor nado insurance is Just as necessary as fire insurance, but people do not remember it until after the roof has been removed by a playful wind. Locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen is one of America's favorite sports. Columbus News: , Omaha must be either wicked or living nearby those who flee when there no occasion for it. Columbus News: Omaha real es tate dealers hasten forward with the claim that this figuring from the law of chances is probably the last time a tornado will ever hit the city. FROM HERE AND THERE. The world uses nearly 2,000,000, 000 of lead pencils a year. Punch and Judy shows originated in Italy during the seventeenth cen tury. Driving belts of woven paper are being introduced in German machine shops. It is a curious fact that notwith standing -its thickness the elephant's skin is very sensitive. More than two-thirds of the gold now in use in the world was dis covered during the last 50 years. Some of the monks of Tibet are still printing books in the manner followed several hundred years ago. Stirrups were unknown to the ancients, who had posts erected on their roads to enable horsemen to mount. The only wound Napoleon Bona parte ever received was in the bat tle at Ratisbon, April 23, 1809, when he was etruck by a fragrant of shell. .i The vogue 'of amethysts as mourn ing stones was fixed after the Franco-Prussian war, when the stones became popular in France and Germany. i A flowering plant, according to the scientists, abstracts from the soil 200 times its own weight in water during its life. Following the temperance excite ment of 1862 every one of the New England states enacted statewide prohibition laws. One hundred and ninety-two per sons were killed by automobiles in New York state during the first three months of this year. The smallest known race Is that of the bushman of southern Africa, the mean height being . tour feet three and a half inches. Belting used on machinery in the Russian petroleum fields is made of camel's hair, which is said to resist greases better than rubber, cotton or leather. The term John Bull is believed to have been first applied as a nick name for the English people by Dr. Arbuthnot in "The History of John Bull," a satire on the Duke of Marl borough published in 1712. Another Case Against the Dog. Council Bluffs, April 8. To the Editor of The Bee:' I write to com mend you for publication of the articles in "The Bee's Letter Box" of yesterday's issue, and with your per mission I want to add a few facts to "Case Against the Dog." The need of concenation along this line is imperative. The world Is full of these worthless brutes. By censur reports Ijondon has 5,000,000 dogs, one to every five of its population. The United States alone contains over 10,ri00,000 dog3. One county in Kansas reports "6,000 dogs and 2,000 sheep." Chicago licensed over 60, 000 dogs last year. Poor people everywhere are made poorer because of their support of dogs. Upon the death of a woman in Illinois her estate was reported as consisting of "eight dogs and two cats." Experts figured that the annual expenso o'f keeping dogs in the United States. is $36, and therefore that the annual cost of keeping its 10,000,000 dogs is $360,000,000. In telligent conservation along this line alone would soon pay the entire world war debt. There is no ground upon which to justify this enormous waste. Added to this Is the great loss caused by the sheep-killing dogs. There is not only the actual loss of the sheep killed, but the loss oc casioned because of Intimidation in regard to raising sheep. People everywhere dare not embark in the sheep raising business because of their fear of loss from sheep-killing dogs. And not to be overlooked is the dread and incurable disease of hydrophobia. Dogs are a nuisance everywhere, day and night. There is not a town in all the land where good people are not disturbed by the snapping, barking and howling of worthless mongrel curs. To illustrate the un pardonable folly of dog keeping. I will tell of a single case where a family came into possession of a large dog 10 years ago. There was the annual dog tax for 10 years. There was the constant cost of dog meat at the market, and home pro visions to make three feeds a day for 3,650 days. The yearly cost of food for this dog that weighed 100 pounds was not. less than $50, or for the 10 years, $500. Then there was the constant care of going to MERRY MOMENTS. "SBy," asked little Tommy, "are you en quired to my Bleter or are you not?" "I am am not," answered Algernon. Mushing furiously, "but I would like to ro be." . "Come out from behind that door, 1." Hid Tommy. "I knew I'd earn that quar er." Rthobeth Sunday Herald. "Would you tax generation! yet un born?" "I think I would." aald Senator Spug. "They certainly can't, do any kicking dur 'ng my tenura of office "Louisville '.'ourter Journal. "Remember, son, Garfield drove mules on a towpath and Lincoln split rails.", "I know, dad, but say, did any of these presidents ever crank a cold motor In a blizzard for half an hour before he dis covered that he didn't have any gasoline?" Richmond Times. DAILY CARTOONETTE nr. . .. . n i M NOT CjOlNq- TO PAY ANVONEjL JfP TO CARRY THIS MIRROR -T Tljl JIOUJN TO BE FIXED TUJJ eii9 no it mtu-Tj ' - u 1 " ' 1 Lj the basement in cold weather and down -rear steps. in warm weather, to feed this dog, always at a dis tance both ways of not less than 60 feet, or 150 feet a day for 10 years, and all for what? He was never known to do a useful thing. He would wallow in the dirt and mud dy up the floors of both front and rear porch, necessitating the work of after cleaning. In summer time he would wallow in the, mellow ground of the garden a dozen times a year, destroying fruits and vege tables occasioning, great loss. Thus it would seem that the great expense of keepiftg dogs eught to be conserved and the intolerable nuis ance ought to be abated. To this end the press ought to manufac ture a correct public sentiment and bring about such legislation as shall put an end to keeping so many worthless mongrel curs. The world has on!y the need of three kinds of dogs the little rat terrier every where; the Collie or Shepherd dog on the farmj, where they raise cat tle and sheep, and the kind suited to the Arctic and Antarctic regions Yours for the extermination of the worthless dogs, L. P. REYNOLDS. A MB T3 soundina-koarcL that will never flatterv is the only device that will make the tone of a piano -proor against deterioration. Cnly in, tliey ill-etm-lOiiiiilni is suck a sounding board to be found. Ask tlae maker or the seller of any other piano for a guar antee equal to the AVason &Hamlirv guarantee. Itarillnot 7e gixen because it cannot be given. , us to snour you tuny 1513 Douglas Street The Art, Music' and Victor Store. This time ths noose sped past Princt .Bonnie Blue Bell and settled over the swaying hea. of th rattler. A jerk and It was tight, Another jerk and the rattler was out of Its coll The rattler in this new danger forgol Prince Bonnie Blue Bell. It turned on Billy and began to coma up the rope. Billy had no weapon to. meet it. On came the rattler, but It fltdn t come far. Led by General Swallow, the Birde suddenly swodped down and picked up the rope. Into the air they soared, carrying the rope with them and at the end of the rope dangled the astonished rattler. (Tomorrow will be told what becoiiics of the dragon and Count Weedy.) - . , Daily Dot Puzzle . 13 e ' .a . V . i 21 14 2D ' 2fc 27 2 7 14 31 ' , V 35 4- 45 4 44, 45 5 s 5Ar JO 5b 52 Can you find my father? Draw from one to two and ao on to the end. rll li Us lf The Unexpected Suppose you should be pected today sickness, mccW dent, lots of position, de struction of property would you be sblo to meet the situation without finan cial embarrassment? ; A Savings Account Is never as fully appreciated as at such times and these times coma sooner or later to all of us. A few dollars set aside each week soon grows into a tidy sum, works for you while it grows and comes to your relief in times of need.' Whatever amount you may be able to spar will open your account here; you will be surprised how easy H is to add to it once the account is started. We cordially invite you to open a Sayings Account in the Savings Department of the FIRST today. Every dollar earns interest and is ready to serve you when needed. The Savings De ' partment is on the ground floor, Sixteenth Street or Farnam Street entrance. Vbst National J lsankofumana When your nerves are all on edge and sleep seems out of the question take at bedtime one or two mum Larteat Sale of Any Medicin in tbe World. Sold everywhere. In boxee, 10c. 25c SEEING DOUBLE" May be the Result of two causes. The most common one is ocular muscular unbalance- motor muscles and can be corrected by pur method of muscle exercise. Let us ex"- - plain to you how we can increase the power . of your Eye Motor Muscles, thus relieving the strain on your eyes. FLIT TON OPTICAL CO.