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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
f HE BEE; - OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1919. STENOGRAPHERS AT STATE HOUSE GET S960 A YEAR Conferees on General Salary Appropriation Bill Agree Standardized-Wage; Is Compromise of $60. t Prom a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, April 17. Conferees on the general salary appropriation bill, carrying srfp aggregate of close to a million dollars, agreed upon a standardized wage of $960 for state house stenographers, this beim? a compromise between the $900 fixed by the house and the $1,000 pre ferred1 by the senate. As a result of senate amendments to the bill, to which the honse nereed, $66,000 was added for sal aries of I constitutional convention members and the constitutional survey committee. An item of $1,000 for a deficiency in the house employes' fundv. and another of $3 500, in the senate, were approved. i ut1 uuujc Luucurrca in me Een ' ate amendment giving the national , guard v a $0,000 appropriation for ea1aric vint' ik amount, $80. due to the standardi zation, of the salaries of stenog rapher!. , A second provision allowing the executive board of historical society to rearrange salaries, within the to il appropriation, was killed in con ference; '" ; ' Salaries of Secretaries. The house agreed to a second amendment appropriating $30,000 annually for the salaries of the six secretaries whose jobs were created by .the code bill. " Following are the other items greed upon: Governor's oterk, J. 7ti Presson, 11.400. Auditor office, four county examiners allowed Instead of two, at 11,800 each, 14,100..' Auditor, warrant clerk, $1,440. Land commissioner, recorder, $1,440. , Land commissioner, stenographer. $1,440. State superintendent, atenographer, $1,080. - State superintendent, clerk, $1,000. Supreme court bailiff, $1,600. Supreme court commission, stenograph er, $1.W0, V Hallway commission; filing clerk, $1,140. Hallway commission, recording clerk, 1M40. Railway commission, assistant engineer, 11.140. Railway , Commissioner, ' bookkeeper, $1,140. ' jjoara or control, secretary, ii.suir. Hoard or control. bookkeeper, $1,200. State Insurance board, chief clerk, $1,500. State prison board, secretary, $2,000. State prison board, clerk, $1,00 ' Board of health, laboratory attendant, $960. Live stock sanitary board, $2,000. Game and fish commission, chief deputy, $1,600; warden hatchery, $1,800; secre tary. $0. Wbrklngmen'a compensation commis slonar. $1.300. Found at Last! Real (lair Saver and Deautif ier ' .jlckly Makes Dull, Harsh, Unattractive ! Hair Doubly Beautiful, Abundant, r Soft and Fluffy Nothing to Pay. i Beautiful HsJr and Lets of It If Yon Use raneian ' r Hero's good newt for men and women whose hair iar falling out, whose scalps are sore red with dandruff and itch like ad. ' '-.A ' Shermaa 4 McConnelf' or any good druggist ran now supply you with theV; genuine Parisian sage (liquid form). Which) Is guaranteed to quickly, luralr and" safely abolish every sign of dandruff, " stop ,. Itching; icalp and falling hair and promote a new growth, or money re "Thousands can testify to the excellent revuiui Jiw" v -- baldness now glory in their abundant hair, while others who suffered for years with dandruff and itching .head got a clean, ' cool scalp .after juat a few days' nse of this simple home treatment.. No matter whether bothered with fall ing hair, gray hair, matted, stringy hair, dandruff or itching .scalp try Parisian sage you will ot be disappointed. It's a scientific preparation that supplies all hair needs. , , ... , The first application win make your hair and scalp look and feel 100 per cent better. If yoa. want thick, lustrous hair and lots of it, by all means use Parisian aage. Don't delay begin tonight. A lit tle ' attention now insures aboundant hair for yeare to come. Adv. I TRY THIS FOR v 1 I . "ECONOMY I ' "Conserving,?. "Economy" 'and "Thrift" are the present I day watc Words and well they I' lnaybe! Are you conserving a your health? Are you ' eco- nomical in buying treatment for disease?" You should be! I If your stomach, liver, kidneys, b bowels and blood are not i right in ever . sense, you i should at once oegin a treat 1 ment to restore good, healthy I conditions. Sulphur, cream of 3 ; tartar and herb extracts in a I 'sugar-coated form, called Sul-S 1 ' pherb Tablets is the surest re- s i lipf that in economical. Get i b ' them in . sealed , tubes from 1 i'sdrufodats. Sulpherb is the I I r name-not "sulphur. Mrs. J. iiJ. Devlin, 518 W. 152nd St., g I 'New York City, writes t "1 ? I would also like to say I find f 'your, Sulpherb Tablets O. K. I and am very much pleased to recommend to all my friends, etc." - . HSinniitiiti!Siisiiliiiiiniiisniiiiiitimiitiiliilnsiiliiltisiiii Bee Want-ads pay bir profits to the people who read them, BRAVE AMERICANS Portraits of Medal Winners, Made in France and Germany, by JOSEPH CUMMINGS CHASE, Of ficial . Portrait . Painter of the A. E. F. -. j - - I yry , ' Jr s, Wa$ SERGT. GRADY PARRISH OF ALABAMA, COMPANY 167TH IN FANTRY, 42D DIVISION He has lucky, so he says. He went through and won the coveted blue ribbon, with its beautiful cross of gold, was badly wounded, and lived to keep on smiling. After his platoon commander had been severely wounded and his unit had suffered heavy casualties in action on Coie-de-Chatillon, Oc tober 16, 1918, Sergeant Parrish quickly reorganized the remainder of the platoon, and instead of retiring for reinforcements, led the remnant of his platoon in the attack on Cote-de-Chatillon. The enemy was mak ing a counter-attack on his front and the moment was a crucial one. That's why the boy kept on going ahead. By his daring, coolness and good judgment he broke up the heavy enemy counter-attack, proving his ability as a leader and setting an example of exceptional heroism and de- Copyright, 1919, Many Omahans Among Soldiers Just Back "Over 'rom ere New York, April 16. (Special.) The following Nebraskans and Iowans, many of them from Oma ha and the Omaha district, and all members of the 361st and 362d in fantry, arrived here and left imme diately for a concentration camp pending discharges: Sergt. Thomas M. Nestor, mother, Mary Nestor, 4327 South Twentieth street, Omaha. , . I iCook Mark C. McCoyt wife, 361 Q street. South Omaha. i Pvt. Durward A. Bodenhamer, mother, Ella Bodenhamer, Utica. Pvt. Paul V. Hersh, mother, Crpy Hersh, Newport. Corp.1 Frank A. Scheuneman, mother, Freda Scheuneman, Frank- Llin.Neb. rvt. uren hidds, motner n.meime Hibbs. Lynch, Neb. Pvt. George A. Lorengen, mother Grace Lorengen, 331 Perrin place, Council Bluffs, la. Pvt. Frank T. Manderville, moth-! er, Stella Manderville, 2708 Q street, Omaha. Pvt. Walter Nelson, father, George Nelson, 2502 Sprague street, Omaha. Pvt. Walter F. Pratt, mother .Emma Pratt, 239 South Eleventh street, Lincoln, Neb. Pvt. Melvin A. Warner, father, B. L. Warner, Kimball, Neb. Pvt. Joseph Thorp, brother, Allie Thorp, Homer, Neb. Pvt. Floyd Pfeifer, mother, Ina Pfcfeir, Harrisburg, Neb. , Corp. Severus R. Welch, fother, Frank J. Welch, Brunswick, Neb. Pvt. Alfred E. Elam, father, Man ford R. Elam, Falls City, Neb. Pvt. Fred Crook, father, Fred Crook. Pa'xton, Neb. Pvt. John Dailey, mother, Daisy Dailey, 1734 North Tenth streek Lincoln, Neb. Corp. Glenn Osborn, j father, George A. Osborn, Hemingford, Neb. Pvt. Tomez Patrzykont, friend, John Phillips, 4424 Thirty-second street, Omaha. Pvt. Walter Ericson, rather, John Ericson, Oakland, Neb. Pvt. Ernest M. Crosby, mother, Belle Crosby. 623 North Twenty fifth street, Kearney, Neb. Pvt. Cecil G. Kirkwood, father, George Kirkwood, Curtis, Neb. Pvt. Rudolph O. Roasch, father, Jacob Roasch, Hadar, Neb. Pvt. Edward M. Synak, wife, box 334 Loup City, Neb. Pvt Walter W. Embrey, mother, Jennie Favingor, Wallace, Neb. Pvt. 1st CI. Earl A. Wilson, wife Sadie Wilson, 1448 P street. Lin coln, Neb. Pvt. Joe Rae plicka. uncle, William Mucil, R F D 3, Wilbef, Neb. Pvt. Stanley J. Nispel, father, Peter 'Nispel, Chapelle, Neb. Pvt. John J. Lynch, mother, Mary Lynch, 856 North Twelfth street, Lincoln, Neb. Pvt Robert Rose, father, William T. Rose, 4212 Lafayette street, Oma ha. Pvt. 1st CI. Conrad Walker, father, Conrad Walker,. 423 North avenue, Hastings. .Neb. Pvt. Frank 5'apnicka, father, Ben Slapnicka, 1316 Drexel street, South Side, Omaha. Pvt 1st CI. Mark E. McCarty, mother, Catherine Hewitt, Key stone, Neb., Company M., 362d in fantry. First Lt Ambrose C .McCarty, fatner, Patrick McCarty, , Greeley, Neb. Pvt John T. Pechacek. mother, Josie Pechacek, 5814 South Seven teenth street, Omaha. Pvt Arthur J. Mehl, mother, Elizabeth Mehl, 4222 South Twenty-sixth street, Omaha. , Pvt Bert B. Brooks, father, Gil bert Brooks, Havelock, Neb. v Pvt. 1st CI. Ralph L. Johnson, father, M. B. Johnson, Table Rock, Neb.- J no complaints, Sergeant Parrish was by The Evening Mall Syndicate. Former Beatrice Woman Dies at Home in Colorado Beatrice, Neb., April 17. (Spe cial) Mrs. Z. C. Bricker, formerly a resident of this city and Cortland, died Tuesday at her home at Hax tum, Colo., after a brief illness. She -is survived by her husband and one daughter. The body will be brought to Beatrice for burial. - Start Membership Drive. Norfolk, Neb., April 17. (Special) The Young Woman's Christian as sociation, here has leased new quar ters and has started a membership drive. The association has 500 mem bers and is out for 200 more. DmiiiimiiniimiiMiiiitiiiiiiiiinmmiiimiiiinHiiiiiniiiHu 3 a I lb carry you ! i through the day I and build you I for bigger serv- f I ice to-morrow I Grape-Nuts I s i is a wonderful j helper. iiwiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuniiimiiMiiiiiHiiiiiDUimiiiniiimiimi Hi II What! 1 A Cold? No one need EE a suffer with a -aSS! cold nowadays s VKf with M U S- ITyi TARD C E- s Vi r.J RATE so easy to get. Rub it E on well and colds, aches and all pains E vanish in short order. No E chance for congestion or E pneumonia either for "The Little Doctor" will not let it s get that far neat opal jars E 25 and 50c4 Sizes MAC LAREMS I WIU.N0T BUSTER At Your Druggist' Or Sent Postpaid by THE MacLAREN DRUG CO. TRINIDAD, COLO. imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllHIIIIIIIl iheaLTH ' Nuxsted Iron increases strength and endurance of delicate, nervous, run down people in two wwkl time in many instances. It has been nsed and en dorsed by such men as former United States Senator and Vice-Presidential Nominee, Charles A. Towne; U. S. Com missioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Caminetti; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washinfton, and others. Ask your doe tur or drnggint alwut it. Adv. V4 if CONTROL BOARD FREES IIENSLEY OF MILFORD Dismisses Complaint Filed Against Commander of Sol 'diers' Home by' Senate " ' Committee. V From a Staff CorrespondenC v Lincoln! April 17. 1he State Board of Control in findings given out Thursday morning 'dismissed the complaint filed against Com mandant W. N. Hensley of the Mil for Soldiers' home by the senate committee on state institutions, of which Senator T. E. Brandstreet of Grand Island is v chairman. The committee ' had recommended the dismissal of Hensley after its in spection tour of the state institu tions on the ground that he was too old. In its findings, the board declares that the charges against Hensley are totally unfounded. . . , With respect to the claim that he was physically ,incapitated to look after the affairs of the institutions by reason of age, the board finds that Hensley is unusually welt pre setved for a man of his age, strong and vigorous, and it would be diffi cult to find a man as welj fitted to fill his place if the legislative re striction of making a choice - from Civil war veterans is observed. -The board's findings state that t'..e complaint relative, to sleeping quarters at thfr home has already been remedied, that the commandant was in no way to blame for the only instance of immorality arising at the home and that' Commandant Hensley has exercised . rare, judg ment in the handling of the affairs of the institution. ; Taft Says Covenant Will Be Ratified by U. S. Senate Fremont. Neb., April 17-(Spe-cial Telegram.) Former President William H. Taft-while in Fremont Thursday said that the league of nations covenant will come back to the United States 4n the. peace treaty and be ratified by the senate. Taft said that seven amendments he had sent over have been embodied in the covenant in some form. Mr. Taft expressed the opinion that the league will finally resolve itself into a nonpartisan affair. Mr. Taft spent an hour in Fre mont. ' ' . 'Men, SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY. Co-Operative Credit Association Bill Passes State Senate By a Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, April 17. The co-operative credit association bill, H. R. 424, one of the governor's platform pledges, was passed by the state senate Thursday morning on third reading after it had' once been con signed to the graveyard. .- The measure was indefinitely post poned three days- ago and late Wednesday the senate voted to re consider it. " ' ' . The senate also adopted the con ference committee report on H. R. 407, a bill providing for a custodial farm for women. .The original house bill provided for an appropria tion of $100,000 for this farm, ljut the senate cut the item down to $50,000. The house refused to con cur in this amendment and the .bill then went, to the conference com mittee, : , The senate spent most of the morning grinding away n confer ence reports with both branches sandwiching , in some hprseplay while waiting on the enrolling of the cbde bill belore final adjournment.' ... Beatrice Youths Bound to Grand Jury for Robbery Beatrice, Neb.f April 17. (Spe cial) Martin Ford and "Rube" Ah!, two of 'the four alleged youthful robbers who . were arrested here Tuesday night, were arraigned at Wilber Wednesday afternoon on the charge of burglarizing a jewelry store and lumber office at that place. They waived preliminary hearing and were bound over, to the district court on bonds of $1,000 each. Taft at Norfolk Refuses to Discuss Political Issues Norfolk, Neb., April 17 (Special Telegram) Ex-President VVilliam Howard Taft, who was- here this morning en route to Kearney to speak on the subject of league of nations, refused to , talk' politics when interviewed at an early hour, declaring he is speaking on the league question for a lyceum bureau and does not care to comment on the presidential campaign of 1920. Omaha Man Makes Victory Loan Speech at Fairbury Fairbury, Neb., April 17. (Special Telegram.) Merton L. Corey, aU torney for the Government Farm Loan bank at Omaha, addressed about 15,000 Jefferson county people Thursday morning on the Victory loan. He spoke on the street for half an hour; Mr. Corey will ac company the big tank on its Ne braska tour. One Minute Store Talk The "Dress-Up Day" of Days is coming on apace. From every standpoint this Greater Store is EASTER CLOTHES HEADQUARTERS Not only the largest clothing stock in the west, but the most complete selection of Hats, Haberdashery and Shoes. TAILORED AT SHE PPARD L A PELS THE HIGH BRITISH SHOULDERS WHICH MARK THE NATTI REQUIRE A LAPEL WHICH HARMONIZES WITH TRIM l!lNESt AND A STRAIGHT-UP POSTURE. THE SHEPPARD LAPELS HAVE BEEN WISELY GAUGED AND ASSUME A GRACEFUL EFFECT WITHOUT BEING' NOTICEABLY NARROW. THE MODEL HAS AN INCURVED WAIST AND HIGH SET POCKETS. IT IS A FASHION PARK STYLE OF CHARACTER.ANDJS THOROUGHLY. PRACTICAL. 1 READ Y- TO CUSTOM SERVICE WITHOUT THE ANOYANCE OF A TRY' ON Young Men's, Younger Young SPRING SUITS and TOP COATS $20 The Price Range by Easy Steps frorri SWANSON.I WH L HOUriAN CORRECT APPAREL . ' .... . - w fr. rf r rr, Tyvo Houses of State Assembly Compromise on General Claims ' By a Staff Correspondent Lincoln, April 17. Most of the items in the general claims bill, H. R. 579, which were in contro versy between the two brauches of the legislature, were compromised by the conference committee by al lowing a part of each one. In the ase. of Dr. E. Arthur Carr, his $420 claim was rejected altogether but a clause was ipserted giving him the light to sue the stale for that sum. The $1,000 refund to cover the tonus paid by former Fire Commis sioner W. S. Ridgcll on a, potash lease which was afterward knocked out by the supreme court goes back inta the bill. Arthur Mullen is allowed $225 for his services as attorney n the test suit on the old soldier .oting statute. 1 Dexter T. Barrett's two individual claims for $900 for legal services to former Land Commissioner hum way were allowed by the conferees at the reduced amount of $200. J. J. Halligan of North Platte and C. P. Craft of Aurora are allowed $1,000 each for services as counsel in irrigation suits, the same as other attorneys received. Alfred C. Munger, who assisted as special prosecutor for the state in Omaha liquor cases before he went to war, is- allowed $250 for his services. Wallace R. Lane of Chicago gets $3,200, in addition to about $4,000 previously paid him. for acting as an expert employed by former At torney General Reed. Maynetta Marks of the state treasurer's office will receive $29 extra payr which the house allowed, but the senate had cut out. Jt N. Dillon is to get $1,603 for personal injuries sustained in an accident at the Peru state normal school. Knox county is granted a refund of $1,600 for overpayment of taxes to the state. A. E. Sheldon is allowed $759 to cover the expense of stenographer's services in drafting the. governors code bill and amendment thereto. Iowa Boy Held at Fremont for Taking Father's Car Fremont, Neb., April 17. (Spe cial Telegram.) Donald Bort, 17-year-old son of H. S. Bort of Cedar Rapids, la., is in the county jail here awaiting the arrival of officers from the Iowa town. Bort was ar rested on a charge of stealing his father's automobile. The car was located in a local garage. Bort's chum, who came to Fremont with him two weeks ago, has not been found FASHION PARK PUT- ON Men's FOR MEN AND WOMEN George Made Head of New Pershing Historical Highway From Staff Correspondent. Lincoln, April 17. B. A. George of Lincoln was elected president and Walter S. Whitten, also of Lincoln, was elected secretary and treasurer of the Pershing Historical Highway at a convention of dele gates from the states through which the highway will pass from New York to San Francisco, held here Wednesday afternoon. Other permanent officers chosen are: First vice president, Clinton Cowan, state highway commissioner of Ohio. Second vice president, h. A. Naraa of San Franelsoo. The third vice president has not yet been named. These officers will constitute the board of directors of the highway. The route which the highway will take from coast to coast was de cided upon by the convention. Start ing at New York city the route will go through the following cities: Paltimore, Washington, D. C, thrbugh Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio (route to be decided la ter), Indianapolis, Springfield, 111., Hannibal, Mo., Laclede, Chillicothe, St. Joseph, Mo., Hiawatha, Kan., Falls City, Auburn, Nebraska City, Lincoln, Seward, York, Aurora, Grand Island, North Platte, Kim ball, Neb., Cheyenne, Wyo., Rock Springs, Echo, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Wendover, Wells, Winnemac ca, Wadsworth, Reno and San Fran cisco. , Aviation Instructor and Two Cadets Killed Venice, Cal., April 17. Andrew Curry, an aviation instructor, and Frank Zebolla of Venice, a cadet, were killed today when their plane went into a tail spin and fell in a residence section of the city, The aviator, who lived a few minutes, told the police he was un--able to get control of the dual con trol plane because his pupil became excited and clung to his controls. San Antonio, Tex., April 17. R. S. Jones of Brooklyn, N. Y., a fly ing cadet at Kelly field, died today of injuries when the airplane in which he was flying with Lieut. C. B. Sherry fell at Stinson field. Sherrv was slightly injured. An in voluntary tail spin was the cause of the accident. . Crane First Minister. Washington, April 17. Richard Crane, private secretary, to Secre tary Lansing and son of Charles R. Crane of Chicago, is understood to have been selected to become the first American minister to the new republic of Czecho-Slovakia Announcement of "his appointment is expected from Paris shortly. tM COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. ffS"i Final-Adjournment of Legislature Expected Today Lincoln, April 17. (Special.) In the house of representatives Thurs day, Speaker Dalbey was presented with a Nebraska diamond by Mr Christy, who found it on hi Ne maha county farm and had it cut The jewel will be used as an or nament for the handle of the gavel used by Mr, Dalbey during the ses sion. 1 . ' No more roll calls will be taken in the house, and there will be no adjournments or final recesses. Ad journment, sine die, may not coma until Friday. 1 Peels Off Corns Between Toes The) Great Corn Loosener f the Age. Never Fails. Painless. A torn mashed, squeezed and trashed, all day Ions;, in between two toes I Yea can try the desperate, "treat 'era roach" way and try to dig it out and faQ. Or. Tin Dnt Of Gets-ItWL'kat'a AUI you can try the sensible, peaeefnl, pain, less, easy way and use "Gets-It." It's easy for "Gets-It" to remove corns in hard-to-g-et-at places. It's liquid wonderful painless formal it has never been successfully imitated. It settles en the corn, and dries immediately. Instead of digging out the corn, you peel it out painlessly. There's no sticky plaster that doesn't stay "put," no salve that irritates or rubs off. You reach tba corn easily with the little, glass rod in the cork of every "Gets-It' bottle. It does not hart . the true flesh. Try it, trot and smile! It's a blessing; never fails. "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money-be 1c corn-remover, the only sure way, costa but trifle at any drug store. M'fd by L. Lawrence ft Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Omaha and recommended aa the world's best corn remedy by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.'s Stores. Adv. Small Pill Small Dote Small Price CARTERS ITTLE IVCR PILLS FOR CONSTIPATION have stood th test of tlma. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to banish blliouanaaa, headache, indigestion and to clear up bad complex ion. SPENT ABOUT $1500 IN VAIN SEARCH, HE SAYS Tanlao Not Only Builds Him Up, But Also Relieved Him of Sever Years ; , " Rheumatism. JT "I have spent about fifteen hun dred dollars during the last seven or eight years trying to get some thing that would overcome my troubles, but all my efforts failed completely until I commenced tak ing Tanlac," said Righi Curzio, who lives At 2077 Fulton street, Peoria, while talking to a Tanlae repre sentative. "I don't think any man ever suf fered any more than I did," con tinued Mr. Curzio, "and I guess 1 would still be suffering the same way if I had not gotten hold of this Tanlac. I had rheumatism all eve my body, but it seemed to be won in my arms and legs than anywhere else. Sometimes my legs would get so drawn and swollen that I was hardly able to walk, and about half the time I Was not able to raise my hands high enough to feed myself. I just had a dull aching pain all the time, and wherit I went to bed at night I couldn't Bleep, for I just could not find any position to lie in that I could -be comfortable. Sometimes I would spend the whole night in misery and pain and not sleep a wink. In spite of all the treatments and medicine I was tak ing I just gradually grew worse all the time. "A friend of mine who had been suffering with rheumatism for a long time, told me that he had been taking Tanlac and that it had done ifim more good than all the rest of the medicine he had ever taken put together. Well, I thought that if it had done him so much good, it ought to help me too, so I com menced taking it right away. Sure enough Tanlac did the work for me, and I am feeling as well and stronpr now as I ever did in my life. The rheumatism has left me entirely and it is just fine to be able to stretch out in bed and sleep just like a boy all night and wake up and bounce out of bed in the morning just eager for a good hearty break fast To tell you the truth, 1 wouldn't take fifty thousand dol lars for the good Tanlae has done me, for it is worth that and more to to be rid of all that pain and suffer ing. I can use my arms and legs aa well now as I ever could and all my old time strength has come back to' me. I never lose' a minute from my work and just feel fine all the time. I am more than glad to pass the good word along to others and I hope many will be benefited by my experience." Tanlac is sold in Omaha by all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meaney Drug Company in aouin umana ana tne leading drug gisi in eacn city ana town tnrous gut the state of Nebraska,-