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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1919)
H wa have sot ufat a ur m rnlna. autward comfort Ut as aaora lor u than fold altppar a a gouty foot. - -Jofca Biwjraa. Friaaaahla, lava, tha pkilaaaaWa stoma, I hara kri tawa aralaaJ, all thraa l ava. I haaa pralata , tea, mU far aVaat have aaufat, But alaal alait 1 hava Nil ttm a. -H.iaa. v I ' ' lf "1 'II ' " " i - ' I "i "My Heart and My Husband" i ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of "REVELATIONS OF A WIFE" What Lillian Did to Prepare for Rita Brown't Party. "Dp you want to coma along with me while I lay some traps and put out aome night .linej?" , Lillian spoke gayly at we rose from the table at Broquin's after our "shopping lunch.", "Anywhere," I returned, not quite t1 Bawan'a Valua-GWinf Stors1 Tha buying- of Bow.n't Guaranteed Furnlturo by thou.anda , baa mada this atora tha talk of Omaha, haa forced us to axpand, to acquire more apace. W are enlarging-. The carpenter and maaona are busy aoon ' they'll be through: then you'll lee Greater Bowen Store that will avar eon. tinue to fell only Guaranteed Fur niture of a Value you'll appreciate. It's beetl our motto in the put, it will be our motto in the future. ; NEXT WEEK Baby Week I But for baby's health, E let every week be, a t week where baby has an airing m one of our Bdby Carriages We are showing them' in the most admirable designs, finished in all the most stylish and dainty colors and shades of the season ; priced at $26.50, $32.50, $35, t it. v $39.50, $45. s.-;. : E J Ga-CartSt : SuUnes and j V , tallmans $2:50, $3.50, $4.75, - $6.50, $8.00, $10.50, : , :: $12.50 and $15. 'iavwiai Co: Howard Street. "Between 15th and I6th aaaasaaVataaai H M H I I H in M y BUY 4- BOWENS C j3 GUARANTEED RrtlTURE :.'--r ;''',";.lv. ' : ' MaaMBBSBamBWSaHBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBW pii Different" i r 1417 DOUGLAS STREET j We Have Just Unpacked 260 Beautiful New EASTER HATS A very wonderful col lection of stunning new Easter hats, offering an unlimited selection of dressy hats and tai lored models. Charm ingly . adorned with flower wreaths, ribbor. trimming, lacquerec" wings and quills, Os trich novelties,; Effec tive coloring combina tions. ; - ' ' . , -'''. i u Featuring Most Exceptional Values for Friday and Saturday at 7, $92, 42 up to $i8? , , Coms early tomorrow and choose while the selec tions are at their best MTT.ATW, HEMPS, ' USH5RE, BRAID STRAWS, .HAIR STRAWS, PINEAPPLE AND i s i ROUGH BRAIDS A " ?". - . in -. NEW BLUES, BLACKS, - GRAYS, , TANS, MTTZI SAILORS, ;WATTEAUS, . . . ajvi u iiiiii understanding the word symbols she was using, but contentedly sure that she would explain them in her own good time. I "Good girll" she said smiling, and chatted of other things until we had walked perhaps a half-mile along a cross street, y "We turn here," she said, and in another moment we were entering "a venerable second-hand book shop. "Have you found anybody yet who will fall for that book of old prints?" she demanded insouciantly of the middle-aged man who came forward to meet us, and who greet ed Lillian with the respect due a valued customer, for such I felt sure she was. "Many who wish it, none who will pay its price," Jhe man rejoined. "Nor would you have roped me in," she retorted, "only I have a special use for it. .So, I fall. Let me have another look at it, then pack it up and send it over, will you please?" "With pleasure," the- man replied bowing. "If you will please be seated." . He drew chairs for us, and soon laid before us a large, heavy, old volume of marvelous costume prints, which Lillian looked at with critical eyes, while I openly and wonder ingly admired, for I had never seen anything quite like it before. "Very well," Lillian gave her final decision. "Send it up right away. You know the address." She laid a. bill of large denomina tion in the man's hand, and turning, made her way out of the shop, I following close behind her. "The old robber 1" she said. "He probably picked up that thing for 50 cents. I've wanted it for a long time, but I couldn't square it with my conscience to pay his price. But there are things in it I've never seen anywhere else, and I don't want to overlook any bets when it comes to planning for Rita's racket." . "You're going to far too much trouble for me, Lillian," I began, but she, turned on me impatiently. Into Many Shops. "I'm' having the time of my life," she said. "Besides, I'm mighty glad to have something like this to take my mind off things." Her insouciant mask lifted for an instant, and I had a glimpse of hag gard lines, of tortured eyes. Then 7 LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for. a few cents Try it I , . 'Squeeze the juice jf two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces q orchard white; shake ' well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan' lotion, and com plexion beautifier. at very, " very small cost. -. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant,., lotion into the face, neck, armd and hands , each day and see how freckles and blem ishes disappear and how clear, soft and rosy-white the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless and never irri tates. Adv. i urn vfl ffftd Famous ( British Beauty Who Recently Became Bride of U. S. Navy Officer , Mrs. Benjamin Harrison Hyatt, English bride of Lieutenant Hyatt, U. S. N. Mrs. Hyatt is the former Miss Camille Sutton Palmer, daugh ter of the famous English landscape painter and granddaughter of Judge H. Moore of California. The couple were married recently in Ire land while Lieutenant Hyatt was on duty there. eyes and features again became ani mated.- "Come on." she said. "You'll think you've been in Bagdad by the time the afternoon's over." Long before she reached the end of-Jier quest I agreed with her boast. For I trailed wondenngly after her as she threaded her way through picturesque old shops dis playing barbaric necklaces and orna ments carved from the stones and materials not counted good enough to be called "gems," yet near in re lationship to their more favored sis ters. Lillian looked at the best ot them with an appraising eye, and I couldn't help but hear an arrange ment she made with one shopkeeper that he should, lend her for a con sideration, anytfiing in the shop that she wished fori the night of the party. Betty Has News. She made similar arrangements in other shops where lengths of beau tiful oriental brocades and laces and veilings weredisplayed, and in still others museum-like structures hold ing treasures of old silver and cop per while I bewilderedly gave up trying to follow the kaleidoscopic evolutions of her fancy. "There 1" she stopped abruptly outside the door of a particularly dusty . antique shop. "Talk about preparedness! I've got enough ideas in my grab bag of a brain so I can match that woman at any point. Now for home! I'm tired to death, and I know you must be. I feei musty and dusty. We'll go to the nearest taxi stand, be whisked home in a jiffy; get this dust off and have a good cup of tea before you have to take your train." We were both more tired than we knew, and we uttered nothing but the most necessary words until we were cosily settled -in the library with Lillian's beautiful tea service before us. Betty, who had brought up the tray hovered near us, with a manner that seemed to me to be token uneasiness. Lillian must have noticed it also, for she spoke to the woman brusquely but kindly. "Well, Betty, what's on your mind?" "Drink yoh tea fust," the old servant replied autocratically, "an' den I'll tell yoh. Yoh ain't fit to heah nuffin," youh's dat tired. Get yoh tea down fust." (Continued Tomorrow. . A Hen and Brood of Little Chicks Will Scratch for Funds In Bank Window A hen with her brood of , little chicks will cluck and scratch in a window of the First National bank building, Sixteenth street side, Sat urday, April 19, for the purpose of helping the American committee for devastated France to rechickenize France. Eggs are now selling at 40 cents each in France, provided, of course, that one may first find the egg. The people are poverty-stricken and there is an effort being made in America td restock the country with rabbits, chickens and other products which bring quick returns. In the window on Sixteenth street there will be- a red, white and blue barrel on which a sign will be placed reading, "Give what you can to re chickenize France." Inside there are egg-shaped cartons containing little chicks large enough to hold a half dollar. On one side of the red egg is printed, "Almost every chick en was destroyed in the French re gions held by Germans. Eggs and chickens are needed to enable re turning refugeesto resume raising poultry, on which they have always depended for a large part of their food t- supply. Help'' rtchickenize France." On the reverse side there is a rhyme, which reads: France needs fond; so please take pity!' Hatch this tst ipr the American commit tee! 1 - Chip the shell by pulllnr the strlm! Tuck 50 cents under -chlcky's wlnal Mail It to us, and enjoy the chance To help rechlckentxe devastated France 1 Miss Anne Morgan, who' Heads the American committee for devas tated France, inc., 16 East Thirty ninth street. New York City, reports a great work in progress. Capt. and Mrs. Morton Engelman, 2815 Jackson street, and Mrs. H. A. Schittle of Dundee, jave taken j apartments in the El Beudor apart- menu n . I I f 1 ' II L i l I I Guess In the' big Victory parade, Monday, April 21, there will be five characters represented, Uncle Sam, Victory,, Red .Cross,,; Army and Navy. Who can guess who they are? s ' "Uncle Sam" is an Omaha man, tall' and wears a "Wilson smile." ' "Victory is an Omaha girl who belongs to the House of Ak-Sar-'" Ben. . ""V'. . ' .: . v ' v "Red Cross"- well, we all know her. She has just -returned from overseas work. - : ' W. - ; I , "Army" is a, man, who has been at the front and has just re turned. . " -' ' ; - v4' r'.-:-.' ,y' ' "Navy" is "Army's" friend, If you cannot guess with these give you more tomorrow. 1 . - By A. K. My' home is a beautiful palace Down by .the water dge " Where great white swan J And the goldfish j swini j . And the willows '.,': Sway and sing. , 's ' There are ereat eold hams' 'J In the. spacious halls, 1 v V Canary birds yellow, V And a 'Persian cat'.,.' , - That purs and - purs , ; And sleeps on the mat. t" A shaggy dog watches the house And a fleet gazelle Scales the rocky cliffs t ,:r Over-, my head the night birds. Sing duets with , the soft j Summer zephyrs. , v '' - My choice band plans The aria.frc-m Lucia 'V , ' ; ; i Or rag time or Sousa's marth; Or the Chinese "sing" On the long east wing .; ' V Of my beautiful palace Of Love. .V . ' There is nevef a care ; " v To mar the tranquility : . Of the place of wonderful Hopeful dreams. ' ' There are babies, too, In my castle grand With big eyes and curls And laughing lips Handed through the s Heavens blue By the angels. My friends- are there . They are everywhere, And, we feast and dance . And we sing and love The Life we live '-. On the lawn of Time Where nothing but happiness And beauty dwell. i , ' ' The ugly streets And the bolsheviks And the muddy minds in mire Through which I travel In the great wide world . Matter little to me i , For they never come Near to my soul, I have no dollars " Or worldly goods And the h&use you see Is a mere little shack, ' But I am seldom there For I love to live In my beautiful Castle of dreams. x SELAH 1 . Dance Postponed. The ' Winter Dancing , club has postponed the dance arranged for Friday evening at Harte's Hall in Dundee. In place of this a formal masquerade dance will be given Friday, May 2. After the informal dance on May 16, there will be no more activities until the picnic in June. ! IN THE SPRING-TIME NY one kno Vs enough to carry an umbrella when it rains, but the wise one is he who carries one when it is only cloudy. Any one will send for a doctor when he gets bedfast, but the wiser one is he who adopts proper measures be- Omaha using vapor mitt for the painless extraction of teeth and other painful operations. ' ' Pyorrhea, that dreaded disease, successfully treated by a spe cialist in that branch. ' , , . , DR. J. C. CLARK, Painless Dentist ! 510 Paxton Block. Wed. evening to 8. Hour, 8:30 to 6. Who! : V 4 - ? nieager descriptive details ke will i . , . - . Kf' ,--. t . ." :' J'. nvp nrn s. . ,; V';; Watch Hlmv..; 1 '"bear Mies Fairfax, Omaha BeSf Have read 'your "Advice to Lov lorn"'4or, some time, ,&nd,. as I me the letters are not all striotly heart, affairs: am writing you' for "advice. (jAm a oountry school teacher and have three darling- scholars, all be ginners, but the neighborhood is so quarrelsome. I. teach from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m as the parents thought the. regular time . too long, so, am able-to take a piano and guitar les eon each week. ; Now, laat winter1 a man in the district sent hi 14 Veawold 'hired - hand to school, a sixth grade pupij,' an of Insisted on my; teaching him - full time, which would break up my deal little kin dergarten and- take music away from me, and Iv- simply love it.' i- I said I'd resign, and then; the board said from 10 to J Was long enough, as he could study at home, but the man was tmid and! seht him .to ' a bigger school and tried to ruin my reputation by telling people about It He said seme very unkind things about me,- but wasn'f I right to stand by my, principle aa 1 did? Now, this man's brothel- Is home from the army, ,d. as they live near,-1 meet him daily at the school house and have learned to love him dearly. He says he, loves "me arffl is very tender and, sweet to me, but never takes me out, and people tell me he is making a fool of me. Do you think he is? . (Ve are engaged, but he never talks pf beine married and I hate to mention it first. Do you think I should? He used to be en gages to another girl., but swears he doesn't lo)ce her and says he oult her long ago. Do you think he did? I am told he took her to the show last week. I hope you will print my letter soon, as I am puw.led. - A TEACHER. Tou did exactly right. Be very careful of any man who tells you that he' loves you and who is willing to become engaged, but who avoids the subject of marriage. Too, . the man who loves you will be proud to entertain you at different places. I fear that you are wasting your time' with this man and I advise you to try for a school in different quar ters. A Young Wife. Dear Miss Fairfax, . Omaha Bee: My father died years ago, and when I was 14 and only half through high school mamma coaxed me to marry a. man f 37 so she would not have to pay a debt she owed him. but our marriage has been wonderfully hap py and words cannot tell how much I love him now. J ! Dances, and silly society life never did have an attraction for me and I am just a quiet, home loving little girl. v My Jiusband treats me simply grand and takes me every' place worth while, but mamma is mad at him now, because I have such a -nice home and everything, I guess, and she has been trying . her very best for three months to make me fore his ills become serious. During a hard winter or the following spring one feels rundown, tired out, wealc and nervous. Probably you have suffered from cold or influ enza which has left you thin, weak and pale. This is the time to put your system in order. It is the time for house-cleaning. A good, old-fashioned, al terative and temperance tonic is one made of wild roots and barks without the use of alcohol, and called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, in tablet or liquid form. This is nature's tonic which restores the tone of the stomach, activity of the liver and steadiness to the nerves, strengthening the whole system. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo,, N. Y., 10c for trial package Tablets. Kama Ciiy, Kant. -"About the only medicine I hare ever given my little bojr is 'Golden Medical Discovery.' He never was ery, strong ,and would be eome run-down very quickly, would suffer loss of appetite. I would give him the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and it al ways built him up in good health.' I have also given this medicine as a spring tonic; for such "Golden Medical Dis covery1 has no-qual." Mri. Geo. Maul, 1942 N.13ASt. i Service and Satisfaction Is the Keynote of Our Success Satisfaction is what a patient wants and i what they get when they are paying for ' dental work at this office. Service means ' , to get it done in the least possible time and yet have it done right. With our efficient - m . ..1 l. j.:n.j, ,H..i ' corps oi aenusis, esca. buucui wuriuuw, with long years of experience means that you get both service and satisfaction when having work done here. It costs you nothing to drop in and talk dentistry with us, and may bethe means . of a great savings to you.-' ;- ... .. - -. D.mamka. flit 4a tllA Atltv nffl(A . Sunday," 10 to 12. leave . my husband, 'and I am far happier now than I was at -home with her. : Another thing. my Oldest Bister, who is 17,' would like to have my husband 'for herself, and when ever . she -' comes to see me she la always trying to flirt with him. .. It makes me so - mad I could scratch her eyes out Shall I tell my mother and sister to stay away from my (home, br what ought I to db?."-..v- ' . , I, am vey pretty, but it has not Aurned my head, and I am 15 now and soon to be a mother. "Most sin cerely '"icours, ' ' EUNICE. . V ityowr huiband'.'to a good, true man, he 'will pay ho attention to your sister, but,' on the other hand, if she annoys you. ' I should, by all means, request, both mother and sis- ter to stay away. Tour husband is mbre to you right now than anyone else on earth -and he probably real izes this. 1 Haven't much to say for a mother who would sell , her 14-year-old - chlia into ,t matrimony. Therefore I cannotf advise any con sideration1 for her. Keep your home as sweet and free from quarrels as possible.' ' :;.V ' ; ' .Actors Addressee. " Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: ,Wear tfcis Button Show uou have Helped finish the Job FIFTY PRIZES FOR THE BEST 150 WORD LETTERS ON "What Every Woman Wants' $5.00 First Prize. $3.00 Second Prize. $1.0d Next Two Prizes. send Your letters to the contest editor, ' omaha bee Answers to be in this office by Thursday noon, April 24th. A committee "will judge all answers and winner! will be announced in The Bee, Sunday, April 27th. .am - . a l .Hoover J. As you have helped so many others I thought you could help me. , How In the world do you answer these silly-questions that some Of them 13 and 18-year-old girls ask? . It all would-follow it I am-eure the world would 1 quite different. . Now, what I would like to ask you is to give nt Jtfce address or my fa vorite actors, SessqiiiHayakawa and George Walsh'.; I am waiting anx iously, '4 , BOWN .EYES. ( Sseru Uayakawa's .. address Is Hollywood, Calif. George Walsh's address 1S,"Foi,' ISO West Forty sixth street ' . -2 Mrs. GrahmV .HairjCoIor Restores Gray Hair ToluNabikl Color v ' Perfectly hannleei -eaifly s ' pliad-will aof stela the akia w acalp. Poaldrely aure la Ha re sults. Makes kair rick al flossy.' ; Sold at all toilet eanatere ar mailed postpaid, la pWia eaaM wrapper, upoa raeelpt of price, Sli0. AocAlal tttm, ' ' ' MRS. GERVAISE GRAHAM ' , 21 W.UBaoiaSt 1 CUaae.UBab For aala by Sharmaa MeConnall Drug C. - FOUR And Fifty other valu able prizes for the fif ty next best letters. EVERY WOMAN WANTS XM Spring Time , The Hoover Suction Sweeper should be your first aid in Spring House Cleaning. get away from the dust-scattering method and use a Hoover. Pre-wartime prices for the balance of the month, and we'll gladly give you a dem onstration proving its efficiency. YOUR ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY hones: Tyler Three On Hundred So. Three O Buy your Hoover Cleaner from E. B. Williams, 312 ; So. 18th St. The same old price You can pay me a little each month. fOL D S Head or cheat are beet treated, "externally" with YicirsVl Y0UR BOOYCUARt BO0Y6UARD -ZOt. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. aaaaBM EWRY 9 i