THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. APRIL 17, -'1919. 9 PHOTOPLAYS P24th and TOM MOORE AND MADGE KENNEDY fl MTUP VIIUniNM AP ua. aw.... . Parson Comedy. BOULEVARD 33rd and LuTtnwarlh EMMY WHELEN In "SYLVIA ON A SPREE" vV TODVY to XVN J i I irt I v a - i "i i IddysDrochwcll P,'iftllS.ofa ajuui MuftJSrJtfTiiu 'You'll Chuckle for a Week after You see DOROTHY Peppy Polly It's a pippin of a peppy play and one you'll enjoy every minute of. u When we saw the way she cleaned up the Girls' Reform School we couldn't fhelp but think what she would have done to our own little reform school at Geneva. LLOYD COMEDY PATHE NEWS Today, Friday and Saturday CITY PLANNING BOARD MUST GET DOWN JO EARTH Mayor Criticises Plan for Em ploying St. Louis Man in Advisory Capacity at 33,000 Year' "Unless thi city planning de partment conies down to earth, they won't get a 'cent for next year," said Mayor Smith in city council committee of the whole yesterday afternoon. The mayor referred particularly to the recent employment of Har land Bartholomew, of the St. Louis AMUSEMENTS. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dily Mate, 1S-2S-50C Evngi 2S-50-75C SI Gm. F. Balfrage OMara a R.gular 8how "Hip, Hip, Hooray! Girls" JSSL M."5.H?tt 6-DivIng Be1!e$-6 VaudmllU'i Holt Beautiful Aquntlo Aot. AMATEUR 0IVINQ CONTEST. Friday Nlta or Ladlaa. Troehy Cum to Winner,. Bio Beauty Chsrua. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS. Bat. Mat. & Wk.: Frank (Funny) Finn;. Every Night, 8:15 THE HEART OF ANNIE WOOD"! BERT BAKER 4 CO.t BAILEY & COWAN: THE SHRAPNEL DODGERS; Burnt A Fmblto; William Smyth: Johanna Joufiaon'a Icelandic "Gllma" Co.: Klnoorami: Travel Wtefcly. L. In II M Jt k WH 1 1 r II tr'i tn m NEW SHOW TODAY PAUL LEVAN DO BBS RAWLS A VON KAUFFMAN; BOB MILLS' TOJETTI A BENNETT. Photoplay Attraction BESSIE LOVE In "THE YANKEE PRIN CESS. Kayiton Comedy. Patha Wly. AUDITORIUM Tuesday Eve., April 22 LAZZARI-GANZ Joint Recital SEATS NOW AT BEATON'S OR AUDITORIUM Price 75c to $2.00, Plus War Tax. Tonight 8.20 P. M. ONLY TIME MischaElman i Ce ebrated Violinist Mr'. Joaof Bonime, Accompanists Tickets 50c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. PHOTOPLAYS j 111 THEDA BARA in "THE SHE DEVIL" to? in 1321 BILLIE BURKE in "GOOD GRACIOUS ' and Omaha Tornado Picture. CHEER UP! 4-i W1I 1 ADOIVF TnMnDDnU CDIHAV CDCKin 'A ING HER EASTER SUNDAY HERE IN GLAD M TOGS AND HER ENGAGE- U MENT ENDS NEXT WEDNES DAY. wu D.'K1Y" (4 "Mickey" Is Mabel Ilormand In Mack Sennett's $300,000 Masterpiece. Direct From Record 4-Week Run in Kansas City. Pricoe Matinee Daily, 25c. Evoninf , 25c-35c. oozes, sue .oniinuona, "r.1 II A. m. iui ii r. m. a5s AT THE Brandeis city planning commission, to serve in an advisory capacity for the Omaha city planning commission at an agreed compensation of $3,000. Mr. Bartholemew was paid $300 for January2S0 for February and $250 for March. "The engagement of Mr. Bar tholomew was approved by the city planning commission, explained City Commissioner Towl. "This St. Louis expert is here twice a month for two or three days at a time and he is giving expert services in' ion ing work and other phases of city planning. Members of the city plan ning board are giving their services without pay and I take it that they knew what they were doing when they engaged Mr. Bartholomew. Personally I am satisfied that the city is receiving value for money paid in this instance. Plenty Loan Buttons Here. Fred A. Cuscaden has 75,000 but tons to be used as honor emblems for those who buy Victory Liberty loan notes. These buttons, blue ground with white "V" and the words "Victory" and "Loan" in white, are here. Thirty thousand wind shield stickers, which may also be used as window emblems, are here, and 300 industrial honor flags are ordered for Omaha. Miscellan eous posters, emblems, flags to the number of 40,000 are on hand, and thousands of pamphlets. .Among them are 1,000 "The Watch on The Rhine." one of the best of the leaf lets. This little pamphlet is by Brig. Sergt. Maj. Allen C. Rankin, field artillery, Second division, army of occupation. Five thousand copies of the pamphlet "The Victory Liberty Loan," a compact brochure with information, were issued locally. .Five thousand lithographs have been put in windows, and 500 ban ners will be used on the trolley wires, beginning Monday. Brief City News Have Root Print It Beacon Press. Lighting FUturea Burgesa-Gran-dea Co. TREES, SHRUBS, SEEDS Men eray'a, J 4th & B'wy., Council Bluffs. Phone 1(98. Start Liberty Bank Carpenters started work yesterday In the ro tunda of tha court house building the structure of the "Liberty bank," which will be used during the Vic tory Liberty loan drive. Address School Children Mayor Smith and Garden Supervisor Joe Ihm spoke to pupils of Howard Ken nedy school Wednesday morning on the subject of gardening. This school has obtained the use of a tract of land adjoining the school site. . Easter Cantata Easter Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock the choir of AU Saints church will present the cantata "Christ, the Victor," by Dudley Buck, under the direction of J. H. Simms. This .service will be entirely musical and the public is in vited. , Speakers at Theaters Chairman Raymond Q. Young of the speakers' committee, Victory Liberty loan, is arranging to have speakers in the down-town theaters Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, April 21, 22 and 23. Several of the theaters are planning elaborate settings, har monizing with the work of the Vic tory Liberty loan drive. Carlton Hotel Sold The Carlton hotel, Fifteenth and Howard streets, was sold Tuesday by Charles Vail and Mrs. A. Rouse to Louis Rent frow for $21,000. Mr. Rentfrow is an old-time Omaha hotel man and former owner of the Millard and Neville hotels. He took possession of the hotel yesterday and declares his intention to make a number of im provements. J. C. Lewis made the sale. Bee Want Ads pay big profits to the people who read them. rtH f 1 VaLr-L i J. w r Your Collar will Fel Comfortable Get a Beau Brummel Shirt on your back. It will feel right easy and com fortable in every part if.' v Then when you have adjusted your tie you'll find your collar feels right, and looks right It will not poke you under the chin all the time. That's because Beau Brummel Shirts have a collar band cut at just the proper angle so, that the collar fits as it should. There are six other special features built into every Beau Brummel that make these fine shirts the acme of comfort and style. Come in and let us show them to you. There are high colors in splendid silks, and "quiet" patterns in fine shirtings of less extreme styles each perfection in its smartness and high quality. Burgess-Wash Company everybody; store J PHOTOPLAYS Owing to the Great Demand Not a War Picture. The First Motion Picture to Speak Frankly on the Causes and Effects of Venereal Diseases Will Be Shown LAST THREE DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MATINEES "tp.M. FOR LADIES ONLY EVENINGS s p.m. ton p.m. FOR MEN ONLY Persons Under 16 Not Admitted. BOYD Admission, 35c and War Tax. 10 ' EVERYBODY STDRHT Wednesday, April 16, 1919- -STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY- -Phone Douglas 2100 In Plenty of Time for Easter Comes This Sale of Smart New Trimmed Millinery At $5.00 and $7.50 Prices That Represent Extreme Reductions TO effect a quick and decisive clearaway before Easter, we have radically re duced a number of cleverly trimmed hats to $5.00 and $7.50. Large Transparent Hats, Hair Hats Arpd M aline Hats In a wide selection of the favored new colors and black, including Gage Hats Fisk Hats Rawak Hats We consider this offering most opportune, coming as it does but a day or two before Easter a time when every woman wants to come forth with a new bonnet. And the values are extreme for Thursday. Burgasa-Naah Co. Second Floor You'd Better Pick Out the One You Want ... Here Thursday From This Group of Tailored Suits At $25.00 If You Wish to Wear It Easter Sunday YOU'LL find an assortment of clever individual styles, representing values that stand out head and shoulders above all others at the same price. We're specializing on $25.00 suits this sea son, and in doing so, we determined to give the most in style and value large production could make possible. For Thursday, there's a wide range of clever styles, colors and materials from which to make your selec tion. Suits for which you would expect to pay a much higher price. Several new styles will receive their first showing Thursday. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Second Floor SOLDIERS, Sailors and Marines You men returning from the service will want to step out in new civilian clothes this Easter. We're ready for you with the new styles. Men's Suits and Over coats from several of the foremost makers in the country. Beau Brummel and Star brand shirts, Banister shoes. Fine quality hats. A great variety to choose from all splendid values. Burfeae-Naah Co. Main and Fourth' Floor , D RUGS and Toilet Goods Specials Wanous shampoo bags, 6c. Rit Dye soap, all shades, the cake,7c. Sloan's liniment, 19c. Dr. Grave's tooth powder, 16c Babcock's corylopsis talcum, 19c. Ingram's milk weed cream, small size, 44c. BurfMa-Naah Co. Main Floor New French Kid Gloves For the New Easter Outfit A LL the newest colorings are here for selection, in J eluding beige, taupe, gray, pearl, beaver, navy, brown,, and amber. Some have heavy crochet backs, others are plain, $3.00 to $4.00 pair. New Silk Gloves, $U5 to $225 All the pretty Spring colors, all have guaranteed finger tips. Priced from $1.25 to $2.25 pair. Silk Glove Specials, 95c Kayser's double tip silk gloves in white, black, tan, beaver and gray, black embroid ered backs, 95c pair. Gloves properly fitted will wear much longer; our fit ters are at your service. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor Fresh As Easter Lilies Are The April Hy-Art Petticoats $3.85 BOTH of the above beautiful styles are made of splendid soft quality taffeta silk in latest Easter colorings. Modeled to meet the latest style tendencies of outer garments. Both have perfect fitting "Justo Top," assuring perfect fit and hang. Have you taken advantage of these unusul values, only possible because we, in co-operation with other stores throughout the country, take our portion of the $3.85 HY-ART factories' output, consisting of only two styles each month. As a result, these factories run a large production with no dull seasons the; year 'round which savings, in addition to the selling expenses, give you values that would be impossible in the regular way of manufac ture. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Downstair! Store Here's an Extraordinary Offering Men's Neckwear At 65c That Overshadows in Point Any Previous Like Sale r" A FORTUNATE trade deal brought this big group of four-in-hands to us at a big price reduction. , They're all cut full flowing ends, from a superior quality of all-silk neckweaf fabrics. The designs and colorings are exceptionally pretty and in great variety fine allover, floral and figured effects. i There s no doubt but there Is a coloring and pattern to suit you, and at a price way below what they were in tended to sell. You'll want a half dozen or more when you see them. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor of Value I W4 s A Sale of Silk Fibre Shirts At $3.29 That should interest 1 every man Thursday, because the values are way out of the or dinary. Like the neckwear described above, they were bought under price and that's the way we offer them to you. Made of splendid quality of silk fiber and silk-striped shirt ing material in a wide variety of colors and strikingly, smart patterns. There are all sizes and dif ferent length sleeves. Really you can't afford to miss this opportunity to buy your season's supply of shirts. Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor 1 ANiitalS