Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Become Slender
k Simple, Guaranteed Method
If you would 1iV to lot. wekly.vrora
on to Ave poundi of burdensome fat while
. satinf and drinking; mil you need, alio en
joyin lifa far better than at present, Just
follow this advice: -
Take aeven deep breaths of fresh air
lach morning and evening ; after ach meal
take little oil of korein; eat all you need,
but chew thoroughly, and follow other
simple directions of the guaranteed Korein
Men and women who were waddling
around with heavy, sluggish bodies have,
in many cases, reported a gradual, agree
ihle reduction of thirty to eighty pounds,
with wonderful benefit to health and figure.
This very season is the time to become
'' (lender, attractive, vivacious and healthier,
very easily. Get oil of korein at the drug
fist's; it come in capsules, convenient to
uso and is now sold at before-war low
price. Weigh and measure yourself week
to week. You can scarcely realise the joy
that awaits you in normal symmetrical
r if a re, wttn good, health and loneer life.
hV other this advertisement. Adv.
Get Dr.Edwards' Olive Tablets
' That ia the joyful cry of thousands
dnce Dr. Edwards produced Oliva
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 years and calomel c old-time
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
-Tablets while treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
'contain calomel, but s healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you have s "dark brown mouth" a
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
' headache torpid liver and are consti
pated) youH find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands "take one or two every
, night just to keep right Try them.
10c and 25c per box. All druggists.
Remarkable Homo. Cure Given by On
,, Who Had It He Wants Every
Sufferer to Benefit. -
Sead No Money Just Your Address.
Years of awful suffering and misery
hnve taught this man, Mark H. Jackson,
of Syracuse, New York, how terrible an
enemy to human happiness rheumatism
Is. and have given him sympathy with all
unfortunates who are a within its grasp.
He wants every rheumatic victim to
inow how he was cured. Read what he
lays: ,
'I Had Sharp Pain Like Lightning Flashes
Shooting'Through My Joint."
In the spring of 1893 I was attacked
by Mrfsculsr and Inflammatory Rheuma
tism. I suffered as only those who have
It know, for over three years. I tried
remedy after remedy, and doctor after doc
tor, but such relief as I received was
only temporary. Finally. I found a remedy
that cured ma completely, and it has
never returned. I have given it to a
number who were terribly afflicted and
even bedridden with Rheumatism, and it
effected a cure in every case. .
I want every sufferer from any form
9f rheumatic troubfe to try this marvelous
healing power. Don't send a cent; simply
fill out the coupon below and I will send
it free to try. After you have used it
and it has proven itself to be that long-looked-for
means of curing your Rheum
atism, you may send me the price of it,
one dollar, but, understand. I do not want
jpwir money unless you are perfectly satis
fied to send it. Isn't that fair? Why
suffer any longer when positive relief is
thus offered you free? Don't delay. Write
today. Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above
statement is true.
Mark H. Jackson. 569E Gurney Bldg.,
Syracuse, N. Y.:
I accept your offer. Send to:
Head or chest
' are best treated
s externally" with
YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f.60'7T20
Use Cuticura Soap
All dnagtsts; Soap S, Ointment Va 90.T)ea9k
tup Men rre of ' OiUrarv Beat SWW"
iiH. MI'I
. Vi
3 a III
Ort-TAPULTs-i ry
Alleged Pro-German Activities
of Church Workers Brought
to Notice of Board
by the Government.
Washington, April 16. Formal
charges of pro-German activity by
certain American -missionaries in
Bulgaria and northern Persia have
been forwarded to the American
Board of Foreign Missions by the
State department, it was learned to
day from official sources.
These charges also involve the
missionaries in political activities in
Persia. The charges, together with
the results of investigations conduct
ed by the State department, were
sent to the American board by As
sistant Secretary of State Phillips.
Await Board's Action.
Secretary Phillips said there had
not been time to receive a reply
from the board's headquarters in
Boston, where the matter is under
investigation. He expressed the be
lief that proper action would be
taken sjiy the hoard.
The detailed charges, it was said,
would not be made public by the
State department, officiate holding
that the proper course would be to
allow the mission board first to
complete its investig-tions and riake
public its findings.
The State department, it was
learned, has been greatly disturbed
by the proBulgarian activities of
certain American missionaries in
Bulgaria. The conduct of these mis
sionaries, officials have explained,
was difficult to restrain owing to the
fact that the United States and Bul
garia were not at war. ,
Charity Funds Misused.
Moreover, it is said the mission
aries exerted every effort to prevent
abrupture between the two coun
tries. It is known that one of the
specific charges is that the mission
aries used funds designed to aid
war sufferers to further the cause
of Bulgaria and indirectly the cause
of her allies, Germany and Austria-
Political activities on the part of
missionaries in morthern Persia, as
well as Bulgaria, are said to have
compromised them with the two
governments and have put the Unit
ed States to unusual embarrassment
in correcting the evils they have
Unofficial reports from the board's
headquarters were said today to in
timate that severe disciplinary meas
ures would be taken by the organi
zation if investigation confirms the
charges filed, 1 has been hinted
that several missionaries would be
dismissed from the service. .
Iowa House Votes to .
Censure Gov. Harding
(Continued from Pago One.) -
before the governor, would, he able
to leave his bed.
"The nervous tension under which
the governor has been laboring has
aggravated his condition," the phy
sician said. "He has lost 39 pounds
in three weeks. Defeat of the im
peachment resolution would relieve
his nervousness considerably and
hasten his recovery materially."
From his-,sick bed, Governor
Harding gave a statement to the
Associated Press, a few ' minutes
after he heard of the house's action,
declaring no man in Iowa "has had
to submit to more severe political
prosecution" than he-had.
"I am grateful to my thousands
and thousands of friends all over
the state," he said, "and especially
am I grateful to the loyal men of
the house who fought so nobly."
Capital and
mg ttNEJ jtr
'8 3
Their policies, which have
, helped make us what we are
. today, ara still followed; their
ideal of straightforward . dealing
and business courtesy ara our
"j," .JT" richest heritage.
"My Heart and My Husband"
, ADELE GARRISON'S ew Phase of
How Lillian Planned to Ou
Lillian's unexpected question
startled me. It was the first intima
tion J had that she knew anything
of Dicky's use of Rita Brown s stu;
dio until he could get hold of his
own again.
'Why I have no choice in the
matter," I stammered. "What could
I have done?" k
"You could have tipped me off,"
she retorted. "I courahave flagged
that stunt in a minute."
"How?" I asked, frankly puzzled
at her assurance.
"By placing rhy own studio at his
service, goose 1" she answered.
"But Lillian' I stammered. "I
thought I have always heard that
you kept that studio like a sanctu
ary and that you can't bear to have
anybody near ycu when you are
down there working."
"All bunk, my dear," she returned,
smiling at my amazed face. "But
don't vou ever dare to tell that to
the Dicky-bird. If I had to, I could
work with a sawmill going one side
of me and a Belgian relief sewing
bee on the other and that's just
what I would be up against if I
didn't put up that temperamental
bluff," she added whimsically. "My
studio would be full all the time, and
nobody would be more of a nuisance
than Dicky, bless his heart, he's
such a gregarious soul.
"But all that's for ordinary times."
She squared her shoulders, as if con
fronting a difficult situation. "This
is something unusual. When you go
home tor.ight tell Dicky I want him
to run up and see me tomorrow. I'd
call him myself, only I don't want
him to get all inkling of my real
purpose before he reaches my li
brary. So remember, if he asks you
what I want with him, you don't
know and you don't. I haven't told
She flashed a mocking smile at
me, devoted herself to her ice for
two long minutes, then she looked
up again.
"I suppose you're invited to that
fool costume party Rita Brown is
Lillian Analyzes Rita.
"Yes. Are you?" I spoke hopefully.
If Lillian were to be present I would
not so dread the bizarre affair.
"For my sins, yes," she answered
wearily. "If it weren't for you I'd
pass the whole thing up. Those
nrancings around are all right for
flappers, but they're ridiculous for
grown-ups. But the Dicky-bird'll be
there With bells on, and I've got a
sort or half-baked notion that it
might not be a bad idea for you and
me to show Brown, Fairfax & Co.,
a stunt or two in the costume
I looked at her in mystified in
quiry. Her eyes were sparkling with mis
chief, her cheeks glowing with en
thusiasm. As she looked at me the
sparkle died, and a look of tender
ness replaced it.
"If it were simply Edith Fairfax
in the offing, I shouldn't lift my fin
ger, for you wouldn't need me," she
said, "Faith is a harmless, gently
thing, dead in love with Dicky, but
not agitssive and distinctly not his
type. But Rita Brown isa cold, cal
culating little wretch, without a sin
gle redeeming quality. In one way
she's not dangerous, like Grace
Draper, for Grac was insanely in-f-
tuated with Dicky, and reckless
to the of murder irr both her
attempts to win him and in her re
venge for her failure. But while Rita
Brown can never rise to the hejghts
of reckless tragedy which Grace
Draper reached, yet she can be
infinitely annoying in a smaller,
meaner, more calculating way.
Don't Say a Word.
"Rita has just one thought, one
mission, the aggrandizement of Rita
Brown. She wants to be the 'bride
at the wedding, the corpse at the
funeral,' wherever she is, and if she
The soundness and stabil
ity of this institution has
come to bo almost a matter of tra-.
with the pooplo of the west
Through five decades,
through the stress of wars
and tha (tress of panic it bat
shown a solidity which its patrons
have com to recognise as un
shakable. A pioneer institution
founded by far-ieeingT" pro
gressiva maiv whoa first thought
was for tha safety of its deposit
or's dollar.
Farnam at 17th Street
Omaha, Neb.
t-Manoeuver Rita Brown.
hasn't all the personable -men gath
ered around her while the other wo
men, overshadowed . and outma
neuvered, sit around disconsolately,
life has lost its zest for her."
I 1 had a sudden premonitory vi
sion of this costume party to which
Miss Brown had bidden us. I seemed
to see myself sitting neglected in a
corner while Dicky Tornied one of
a fascinated group "about dashing
Rita Brown, and I couldn't repress
a little shiver.
"Nothing of the sort," Lillian said,
reading myy face and the shiver as
easily as she could have interpreted
my spoken words. "You just leave
things to me. I have an idea that
Miss Brown will meditate a bit when
I get through with her. I'm going to
think up some stunt for you and me
that will-make them all sit up. Just
yo leave your costume to me, and
don't bother your head any more
about the affair."
"But Dicky proposed designing
my costume himself," I protested.
Lillian pondered . a moment,
frowning in a way she had when
"The blessed anointed idiot," she
said at last. "I'll bet a cookie Rita
has managed to put some suggestion
into his head about your costume
without his knowing it ' was her
idea. She'll try to make sure that
she dwarfs every other woman.
But never you mind. Don't say a
wdrd to Dicky about the costume
until after I've seen him.
"I'll fix that little game so neatly
Rita Brown won't even guess until
afterwards that I've had a look in at
the cards."
(Continued Tomorrow.)
RIAM, 66 years old, died at her
home, 2874 Binney street, Tuesday
night, after a lingering -illness. She
had One son In France. Two other
sons, two daughters and her hus
band survive. Funeral services will
be held at 10 o'clock Friday morn
ing. Burial will be in Forest Lawn
North Tweqty-nifth street, died
Tuesday night following an attack
of uremic poisoning. Her illness
lasted but one day. Her husband,
Fred, and a son, Fred, jr., survive.
Funeral services- will be held at
f Crosby's chapel at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. interment will ne in
Fbrest Lawn cemetery.
The beauty of The Grant
Six Sedan Will Surprise You
There is an ever-increasing demand for this type of car but
heretofore we have been able to supply this model only in limited
By fortunate circumstances we are now able to promise im
mediate deliveries.
We are quite certain that the
practical advantages of the Grant
Six sedan will appeal to you as
strongly as its beauty and its
This five passenger Grant Six
sedan is notable for its beauty
and completeness.
The upholstery done in grey
whipcord is deep and luxurious.
' '
Grant Six Sedan $1645 f. o. b. Cleveland
- 2060-62 Farnam St. . OMAHA, NEB
Alter each meal YOU eat on
and oret full food value and real stnm
ach comfort Iaatantty relieves heart
bare, bloated, iasay feeling. STOPS
acidity, food repeating and stomach
misery. AIDS digestion: keeps the
stomach sweet and pure
EATON1C ia tha bast remedy and only costt
cent or two a day to use it You will bade
cbtad with results. Satisfaction Kuaraataar
cmoocy back. Please call and try it.
Saermaa A McConnell Drug Co 6 Busy
Staraa. (Wk.
Strike Vote Being Taten
Everywhere as Burleson
.Urges New England
Strikers to Return.
Louisville, Ky. April 16. Harry
Henderson, business agent of the
Telephone Operators' union of
Louisville, today announced that a
vote is being taken throughout the
country by telephone employes to
force government recognition of
telephone ' employes unions with a
nationwide strike as" the alternative.
Coast Workers Join.
Sacramento, Cal., April 16. Mem
bers of the Brotherhood of Elec
trical Workers in California, Wash
ington Oregon and Nevada, have
voted in favor, of joining a national
strike to force government recogni
tion of telephone employes'' unions,
Thomas C. Robbi'ns, western repre
sentative of the international organ
ization, said today.
Take Vote in Denver.
DenTer, April 18. Five hundred
fifty-five members of the Brother
hood of Electrical Workers in Den
ver have voted for a strike to en
force the demands for government
recognition of the union, it was
announced today by Chris Doss,
secretary of the local organization.
Appeal Made by Burleson.
Washington, April16. Steps to
ward settlement of the strike of
New England telephone operators
were taken Joday by Postmaster
General Burleson and Secretary
Tumulty. Each official urged the
strikers to return to work im
mediately and submit their de
mands to the general manager of
the New England Telephone and
Telegraph company.
Satisfied in Omaha.
'. Omaha telephone employes are
not organized, and there is no agi-'
tation here to - join the movement
now sweeping the east.
Extend Closing Hour.
Paris, April 16. A decree issued
by the prefect of police today per
mits restaurants cafes, saloons,
theaters, concert and motion pic
ture halls and other places of en
tertainment to remain open until
11:30 o'clock each night.
1 a
The individual front seats are
exceptionally comfortable.
The plate glass windows may be
lowered in warm weather.
In every detail it compares
favorably with models listing for
several hundred dollars more. ,
Come and see.
Science aars that old age begins with
weakened kidneys and digestive organs.
This being true, it is easy to believe
that by keeping the kidneys and diges
tive organs cleansed and in proper work
ing order old age can be deferred and
life prolonged far beyond that enjoyed
by the average person.
For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL
Baarlem Oil has been relieving the
weaknesses and disability due to advanc
ing years. It is a standard old-tiuie
home remedy and needs no introduction.
GOLD MEDAL Baarlem Oil is inclosed
in odorless, tasteless capsules contain
ing about S drops each. Take them as
you wmld a pill, with a swallow of
Witet h 4 attauliteB the kidney
Woman Who Is Sued
for Divorce Takes Poison;
Husband Shuts Her Out
(Continued from Fa-a On.)
py and when she told me,shevhad
married Orville Mayfield (he's just a
dandy boy) I was satisfied that my
mission in lifeyvas accomplished.
' Driven From Her Home.
"A week ago Monday Carl gave
me just one week to find another
place to live. Last Monday he
drove me out. " I rented a room at
111 North Twentieth Street, but 1
couldn't live there without him. I'd
lay down my life for him.
"A woman who lives here in this
flat told him a lie about me. I tried
to explain tonight when I lay on the
doorstep, but he wouldn't listen and
slammed the door.
"I bought the poison and filled
the capsules myself. Then I went
to the Apollo theater so the poison
wotild have time to work into my
system before I went back to Carl."
Olson filed suit for divorce last
Friday, alleging adultery and cruel
ty. Mrs. Olson denies the charges
and brands them as lies,
Olson is employed at the Fair
mont creamery as a packer. May
field is employed in a potash fac-
Bitro-Phosphate should give you a
small, steady increase of firm, healthy
flesh each day. It supplies an essen
tial -substance to the brain and nerves
in the active form in which it normally
occurs in the living cells of the body.
Bitro-Phosphate replaces nerve wast and
creates new strength and energy. Sold
by Sherman & McConnell in Omaha and nil
good druggists under tha definite guarantee
of results or money back. Adv.
Wear Htis Button
Show tjou have helped
finish the Job
action and enables the organs to throw
off the poisons which cause premature
old age. New life and strength increase
as you continue the treatment When
completely restored continue taking a
capsule or two each day. GOLD MED
AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will keep you
in health and vigor and prevent a return
of the disease.
Do not wait until old age or disease
have settled dwn for good. At the first
sign thst your kidneys are not working
properly, go to your druggist and get a
box of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. Money refunded if they do
not help you. Three sizes. But re
member to ask for the original imported
gold MEDAj. brifli Ja sealed pack-we
June 28. 1904
Aug. 31, 1915
Mar. 14, 19-6
Feb 19, 1918
WHY "Caterpillar"? Becauselike the
caterpillar, it reaches out and grips the
road, lets go without friction, and on release
puts behind the point of road contact the
full resilient force of its massive rubber
segments, which thus actually help to propel
the wheel forward. On hundreds of heavy
duty trucks, operating under all sorts of con
ditions, it has proven itself easier on engine
and chassis, and more economical from
every operating standpoint than any tire
vtt before offered to the truck owner
2578 Harney Street, Omaha
"Keep $'
Smiling l.'OM
' Kellys" ' , I
I -11 v . - ir-
1 -ZZ3'