Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    Though tay many laulta' defaced ma,
Could aa athar arm ba found,
Than tha aaa which anca embraced ma,
Ta Inflict a curalaaa wound T Byron.
Another daughter arise a father's tears.
Another sister claim a brethera lava,
Aa Injured husband hath aa athar wife,
Sava har wha vraofht hiss shense. Materia.
Easter Sunday Dinner at Ft. Omaha
Will Be Formal Opening of
New Officers' Club
Easter Sunday at Fort Omaha will
mean the first formal opening of the
new Officers' club which has been the
.dream of all Fort Omahans for many
This is in the old Crook House,
'' which has for so many years been
the "traditionary" home of the com-
manding officer of the Fort, but
which in truth has not been used
r: for that purpose for the last few
years, has been redecorated, rejuven
ated, and all "springed up" until now
on Sunday it will present an entirely
..."new appearance when the officeVs,
their wives and families come for
Easter Sunday dinner.
On Monday night the club will
again be in use when the Fort Oma
ha officers are hosts at an informal
dance given for the Fort Omaha
men, the officers of the recruiting
and quartermaster's departments
down town.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Helen, to Louis Kuta
kosoky. of Omaha. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Memorial Day ' Committee
Elects Officers and Plans
Reception for Judge
The meeting of the Memorial day
committee for the election of of
ficers was held Monday night. H.
S. Askwith was elected chairman of
the committee, Jennie and F. W.
Simpson leaders in the arrange
ments of program, W. H. Green on
the committee for the speaker.
Arrangements were made for a re
ception for the departmental man
ager. Judge Hoagland of North
Platte, who will be in Omaha April
24. Another meeting will be held on
next Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Campbell, who
recently sold their home in Dundee.
have taken an apartment at the
Hlackstone for the summer until
their new home is finished.
University Dramatic Club Plays "The
Amazon's" at Jacobs Hall
, (iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiilliiiMlllialliiaillll,llj.llllll 1812 Farnam S treat laiZ,!,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,!,!,,,,,,!,!,,,,,,!,,,,,,,!,,!!,,,,!,,,,,!!,,!,,,,,,,,,,,!!,,!,
The Shop
. of
Between Eighteenth and Nineteenth'
The Shop
awwwwwwwxowM w-wmw Announca That
. i
. a
i s
Mrs. Murl Clark
together with a corps of efficient associate!, will be mora than pleased to tender that
peri, nal service to desired in making your selection of Outer Wearing Apparel. Mra.
Clark has just returned from the Eastern markets and has procurred some of tha
most exclusive models of the newest fashions in Suits, Capes and Dolmana, and cor
dially invites your inspection.
Prices Pleasingly Moderate.
to if-
Navy Serge
Vestas Suit.
$59.00 ,
And in Addition a Notable
Pre-Easter Sale of
Distinctive Suits
are here in numerous style diversions of Blouse. Box and Tailleurod
'Models with Featured Offerings at
2975 397f 497S 6975 and up
Individualized Cape Wraps
Offering mdst inviting selections to seekers of tha smart, be it
Dolman or Capo desired. With Very Special Values at
2S00 3S00 4750 5975 and up
Charming Frocks for Eastertide
Irresistibly appealing in treatment and in a variety permitting
election to p'ease your every wish and whim,
With l.egular Values to $65, at
197S 297S 35 4950
Newest Spring Skirts
A wonderful collection of Ultra Smart Wool Plaids and Silk Stripe
Poplins, With Extraordinary Values at
2Q75 J475 1Q7S 2475
' I
t f -' ; " " c
ffa -pep
Mrs. Frank Haller left on Satur
day for a trip to California.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vaughn and
children of Chicago are the guests
ofaAlrs. Vaughns parents, Dr. ana
Mrs. J. P. Lord.
Mrs. W. E. Smith of the National
League for Woman's Service will
be in Omaha the last of the week to
take charge pf the, Victory Loan
bank, with Mrs. Milton Barlow.
Buzza, Mable Rasmussen,
Dorothy Gray, Dorothy Edwards,
First row, left to right: Mildred
Lillian Anderson.
'Back row, left to right: Eugene Grau, Chester Jonson, Frank Broadwell, Henry Edstrom, Otto
Kostal, Julius Brown.
The University of Nebraska Dra
matic club will present its annual
play this evening at Jacobs hall,
Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets.
The play to be given is "The Ama
zons." a three-act comedy with an
English setting. Joe Goldstone.
manager of the play, reports a large
advance sale of tickets. Under the
direction of Albert Edwards the
finishing touches to the stage were
completed in preparation for the
Miss Julia Newcomb, coach of the
play, was well pleased with the
work of the cast at rehearsals.
Dorothy Gray as Lady Noeline,
Mabel Rasmussen as Lady Thom
asin and Dorothy Edwards as Lady
Wilhelma, are three sisters who are
reared as sons by their mother,
Lady Castlejordan, in the person of
Mildred Buzza. Henry Edstrom, in
the role of Lord Litterly, Chester
Johnson as Lord Queenways, and
Eugene Graw as Count de Guval, are
the suitors of the daughters of Lady
Castlejordan, and spoil the attempts
of the latter to raise her girls as
boys. Frank Broadwell plays the
part of the Rev. Mr. Minchen who
gives advice to the mother, of the
girls. Julius Brown plays a double
role as Orts, the poacher, and as
Youatt, the servant, while Otto
Kostal takes the part of Fitton, the
gamekeeper. Lillian Anderson in the
role of "Sergeant" Shuter, physical
trainer of the girls, becomes dis
gusted with the love affairs of her
pupils . at first, but finally consents
to entertain the male intruders.
The proceeds of the play will go
to help finance the publishing of the
university annual, The Gateway.
Adele Garrison's New Phase of
Revelations of a Wife
Club Meetings.
The home economics department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
meet Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Y.
W. C. A. Election of officers will
be held. Miss Lutie Stearns will
speak on "What is Happening to the
American Family?" A social hour
will follow.
" Music department of the Omaha
Woman's club, will meet on Wed
nesday at the Blackstone. Chorus
rehearsal will commence at 1:30.
The program, arranged by Mrs. J.
R. Trevis, will follow at 2:30.
The last number of the concert
series, sponsored by the music de
partment, will be given Monday,
April 21, with Henry Cox, violinist,
assisted by the Woman's club cho
rus. Th,e Student club of Central High
school will hold its second recog
nition service Thursday afternoon,
April 17, at 3 o'clock. The regular
club candle ceremony will be used,
followed by a talk on "Club Ideals,"
by Rev. Paul Calhoun.
"The Maker of Dreams," will be
presented by three of the club girls.
Thursday night at 6:15, the Foch
club meets for supper. They are re
vising their constitution and by
laws and are busy on raising funds
for conference, which will be held
from July 19 to 28, at Cedar Falls,
Red Cross.
Magazines, books something that
has a story for a soldier to read, it
what Mrs. Luther Kountze is asking;
Omahans to contribute for the can
teen at the Union station. Hundreds
of them are needed at the station,
where soldiers come between trains
to read many an hour away.
Simple Way To
End Dandruff
Advance Fall
Jfki!a)tiaiiiaiiaiai'aa4iaiiiaiiajiaiiaiieiia!;ai.a!.ai!BiiaMeieiia' aiiBi:aiaiaHa:aoiia)ilaiia.iajBue!eiiBi'ei!et.a'iat;a;eMatieiiBiiaiie!is)i.eifeitBiieteiiairaitaiatiBiaiiauaiiaiiaieiia)!ieiiaiM
Victory Libert; Loan Advertisement Au. 16,
The Victory Liberty Loan
We Started a Job in April 1917.
Now We Must Finish It.
A man said to us:
"The government has loaned too
much money to other nations.','
Wear This Button
how You aave Helped
Finish the Job '
"It may seem to you too much.
"But remember the Allies fought
our battles for three years before
we got into the fight.
"We had to lend the money or
lose the war. Nobody else had
"None of the money loaned our
Allies has gone out of this
"The loans have been in the form
of credits which remained right
here to pay for goods purchased
in the United States. ,
"The goods purchased here meant
prosperity and high wages in this
The Victory Liberty Loan will be
the last Liberty Loan. '
. Short Term Notes will be issued for
this Loan instead of longer term Bonds.
Victory Liberty Loan Week April 21-26
Show the World We'll See It Through.
W. O. W. Building, Ground Floor.
Telephone Tyler 3456.
What Lillian Said to Madge When
They Talked After Their Shop
ping Tour.
I was ungrateful enough to be
glad when, upon asking Mrs. Dur
kee to accompany me to the city
upon a shopping expedition, she re
gretfully told me that a previous
engagement would prevent her from
accepting my invitation.
I am genuinely fond of my little
neighbor and I yield to no one in
admiration of her undeniable taste
in modish gowning. But she is the
fussy shopper type, and a shopping
day with her, especially when I have
anything of my own to select, gen
erally leaves me fatigued, nervous
and with an active dislike for the
things I have purchased at her in
stance. Lillian, on the contrary, is always
a delight. She cares for shopping
no more than I do, and she has re
duced it to a most efficient min
imum. She has reduced her possi
ble hat shops to two, her places to
buy suits and gowns to the same
number, while her shoes always
come from the same establishment.
"If the buyers of those places
haven't been able to find the best
things it's no use for us to hen
around the"whole city after them,"
o won-
singers enthuse
over the superlatively
beautiful tone of the
piano. 5ays Fran
cesco Federici, bari
tone: "One has but
to touch a single key
to recognize its indiv
idual.distinchve crmrnt
J ne reason is
simple: Jhe Tension
lesoriafor makes Ae
Mason &tfaznlm one
fines in tie xxrorlJ
har none J4s us
fasAoa? you wfty
1513 Douglas St.
The Art, Music and Victor
she says, and I've adopted her
slogan as mine.
I was especially glad of this con
dition of affairs upon the day when
she and I kept our telephone ap
pointment to go shopping, for I
knew that because of it we would
have ample time for the many things
we had to say to each other. Be
cause of my teaching, my inter
views with this friend so dear to me
are rare.
"Well, what's the program?" she
asked when we met in Hambel's
waiting room, as we had agreed
over the telephone.
"Unlimited 1" I declared, gayly.
"I'm a regular Croesus. Dicky de
clared he wouldn't stir a step with
me again in my old suit and hat
'lid' he irreverently called it and he
put enough money into my hand to
buy not only those, but a whole
summer's wardrobe. Just think
what a rich lady I am!"
I mentioned the sum Dicky had
given me, and Lillian's lips twisted
into a grim smile.
"It's easy to see you haven't been
shopping lately," she said. "You'll
have to spend all, or almost all, of it
for a modish hat and suit."
"Oh!" I protested rebelliously.
"Why, that's a ridiculous price.
Surely, there must be cheaper
"I Will Obey"
"There are," Lillian replied lacon
ically. "But you aren't going to buy
them. Dicky gave you that money
for this specific purpose, and I'm
going to be at your elbow like grim
death until you buy yourself the
smartest little suit and hat con
sistent with conservative taste that
the shop shows. It's only justice to
him and to yourself. Just let me
give you a tip, my girl. Don't let
down in your personal appearance '
just now. Keep Dicky so proud of
you that he can't see whether any
other woman has red hair or yellow, J
or wheTher her eyes are green or
The same warning Mrs. Durkee
had given me! I glanced at Lillian
quickly to see what meaning lay be
hind her words, but her face was in
scrutable. I knew, her too well to
heed her, however, and my response
was prompt.
"I will obey you implicity, lady,"
I said with ostentatious meekness,
and she laughed amusedly as she
gave my arm an affectionate
"You'd better!" she retorted, and
we started on our quest for the
"smartest things."
Lillian's Question.
We devoted a whole morning to
the search, for I found Lillian far
more captious than I had ever seen
her in selecting things for herself.
Finally she professed herself satis
fied, and indeed I hardly knew my
self in the modish visions the mir
rors of suit and hat shops gave back
to me of my newly acquired habili
ments. '
'There that's settled!" Lillian
declared with a long-drawn sich of
relief. "And now for some real food.
I'm starved."
"Where would you like to ko?" I
borne place where theres no
music and we can talk," she re
turned. "I've loads of things to ask
"Why not Broauin's?" I asked.
"There's no music there until after--
noon, and they have such good
things to eat. I don't feel like tea
room food today. Do you?"
Indeed, no. You re a genius. Bro
quin's it is. - And let's walk over.
I need the fresh air after this."
"So do I," I acquiesced, and after
repairing the ravages of our shop
ping tour we strolled leisurely, en
joyable, to the old restaurant of
which I had so many romantic and
dramatic memories. (
Not until we had reached the
sweets and coffee stage of a most
satisfying luncheon did Lillian begin
the questions I knew were on her
heart. But the first one surprised
"What do you mean by letting
Dicky use Rita Brown's studio for
his work?" sha asked with a note of
(Continued Tomorrow.)
There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace of
it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
--You will find all itching and dig
ging of the scalp will stop instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lus
trous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times bet
ter. Adv.
Union Outfitting Company
Makes Fortunate Pur
chase of the Latest
Styles in Kimonas.
Sale Takes Place Next Sat
urday in the Enlarged
Cloak and Suit Dept.
Extra SaJesoeople
Employed, Assur
ing Prompt
Full Particulars of Sale
Announced in Friday
Evening's Paper.
This will be an unusual un
derprice offering of dainty ki
monas light, sheer and grace
ful garments that every woman
appreciates. Hundreds of the
newest styles are represented
in this bis? sale, the latest in
Japanese figured Crepe, dotted
Swiss models, beautiful Serpen
tine Crepe, Poneree, Cotton and
Barsani Crepe. There are stun
ning Japanese models with large
wintred sleeves, high waist line
models and the fascinating Pull
man Robe effects. There are
patterns in figures and stripes
of the hierb.est shades, some are
hand-embroidered ' and others
are plainly modeled. Every gar
ment was secured in a phenem
enal purchase from a well
known designer of kimonas.
and is another evidence of the
big buying power of the Union
Outfitting Company, located
outside the high rent district,
enabling them to make the low
er prices. This sale next Satur
day offers women practically
two kimonas for what you
would ordinarily pay for one.
It is a wonderful assortment to
select from, for every garment
is perfect and cut full. The en
tire lot is good, clean merchan
dise and contains no seconds.
Remember the Union Out
fitting Company sells only de
pendable merchandise and con
siders no transaction complete
until the customer is thorough
ly satisfied. "
' The Ideal Family Loaf
Patronize Your
Neighborhood Grocer
Bowtn' VaIu-GhrlBf Stow.?
Do yon know lt' far btt
ter to ' buy Furaitur that
it guaranteed Furniture
in U construction and fin
ish having a value of
which you will always feel
proud Furniture that ae
oon aa it placed in your
home bring! out its true
worth and adde a touch of
comfort and refinement to
the room. Bowen Fnrni- '
ture ii sold with a value-giving
Guarantee you'll appreciate.
Values at Bowens
You can pay yourself
handsomely for every
minute spent in the Bow
en store. "'The gas stove
season is with us, and
why not have that Gas
stove connected up be
fore the very hot days are
with us, especially at
Bowen Value Prices. This
store is showing a vari
ety of Gas stoves in 'many
different sizes, ranging
from the two, three and
four-hole gas plates to
the large double oven up
right size gas ranges.
Quick, Harmless Way
to Temove Wrinkles
TVll'a loniva PnVinnf a
I Range has 4 burners and 1
simmerer, large oven and
broiler, enamel finish,
white enamel drip and
oven pan. a line stove as
well as a value,
Springtime brings wrinkles to many
sensitive skins that are much exposed to
winds and changing temperatures. To
make an effective wrinkle remover, mix
an ounce of powdered saxolitcr and a half
pint witch hazel. Bathe the face in the
solution immediately every wrinkle is
affected. It acts wonderfully on sagging
facial muscles, also, the lotion possessing
remarkable astringent and tonic properties.
Use it once a day for a while and see
how it will improve your facial contour.
This simple lotion cannot harm the most
delicate skin. The treatment itself leaves
no trace no one gueses the secret of your
increasing youthful appearance. But be
sure to ask the druggist for the pow-.
dered saxolite. Adv.
It's a Matter of Both
Pride and Principle
with us, to see your moving is
done in a highly efficient man
ner Experienced Men
only are employed and they
know how to do the job right.
When next you move, phone us.
Phono Douglas 4163.
806 South 16th Street.
Four-Hole Gas 'Range,
porcelain front, large
oven; ideal cooker and
gas saver $29.50
Four-hole Gas Range,
with good sized oven,
at $16.50
Other Gas Ranges, at
$26.50, $34.50, $60.00
and $75.00
You can make no mis
take in selecting that
needed gas range at the J
Bowen Guaranteed' Value-Giving
Gas Plates for the
small kitchenettes priced
at $2.25, $3.75, $4.50
and $8.00
I- ffl I V--3
Lii.iiiil.i,,,,,), .
"5 emuinws ? j
The Advertiser who uses The Bee
Want Ad Column increases his
business thereby and the persons
who read them profit by the oppor
tunities offered..
for the acid-distressed
stomach try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue keep
your stomach sweet
try Kl-moids the new
aid to digestion.
Cuticura Cares For
Both Their Skins
The purity of Cuticura Soap recom
mends it for both mother and babe.
It keeps the Skin soft, c ear anri
healthy if used for every-day toilet
purposes. For little skin troubles
that distress and disfionre. hath n'th
the Soap, dry and apply touches of
Cuticura Ointment as needed.
-M'i micam ea uia efcia.
Wear this