Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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13, WW."
dill compels;
use of english
Measure Provides One Lan
guage Shall Be Used at All 1
Gatherings Held for Po- ;
litical Purposes.
... , -By a Staff-Correspondent
, Lincoln, " April 12, One more
s of "the so-called Americanization
measares pending in the legislature
was rescued at the last minute by
the house sifting committee just-be-fore
noon today from the death
sentence pronounced yesterday by
the house killing alt senate bills not
reported out from the Committee by
that time. .. j .
-This was S. 237, by Senators
Perry Reed and Fred Johnson. . tt
had passed the senate without op
position and went to the house edu
cation committee, where it was
- amended and then , reported . out
Since then it has been awaiting ae
. tion by4he sifting committee. V
j-ir The house committee yesterday
afternoon considered the bill but a
motion to reportlt out failed by one
vote. Friends of the measure - re
fused to accept the action as iinaJ
and renewed their fight this morn
ing. ' . . h ":
How They Stood.
, Representatives Mears, Foster and
""Hodman , were opposed to the
measure, ' while iDalbey, Miller,
iXfurdy, Windham, NBirdsall, Byrum,
Anderson, Jenison, Good and Jacobs
', were in favor of placing the measure
on the general file, .
. J Opponents of the bill claimed that
t was introduced for , political ef-
Jsct and was being urged by the
emocratic papers of the state to put
he republican- party in, bad. ' The
bill place an absolute ban on the
, use of foreign tongue at political
, meetings or public gatherings of a
, general nature. It does not attempt
to deal with religious.meings
, ' 1 1 ' .Ttst f Measure.
f. In its amended form.whkh is satis-
' . factory to the introducers of the bill,
it reads as follows:
' "Hsrsaflsr, all public -meetlns held
I tola th state of Nebraska; meeting!
K4M Ms compliance with provlaiona of the
tatuteei political meetings or conven-
, tlons, whether delegate or otherwlae, and
,' all meetings, or eonrentlena the purpose
. and object of which are the cemldera
tlon and discussion of political or non
political subject or questions ot a-eaeral
s. lifterest, or relating, to the well-being of
any class or organization In the etate of
Nebraska, tor the endorsement or re
Jetlei of any candidate, law or m eag
er W voted upon at any election with
la aatd etate, shall be conducted In the
. Hngllah language xdualvely, i
V ' rruviflfll. low prHTijuvu 01 nw vi
HoweD Water Power
Bill Postponed by
Action of the House
By a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, April 12S. F- 240, the
water power district bill sponsored
by R B. Howell of Omaha, which
passed the senate by a substantial
majority, was thrown over the tran
som in the house today. ' '
The sifting- committee of which
Speaker Dalbey is chairman, had
failed to -report the bill out and
Representative Porter of Douglas
county made an attempt to lift it
over the heads of the committee.
He spoke in support of the measure
and was answered by Mr. Fults,
whofaid that it was a Case where
great - minds differed and he was
willing to take the judgment of the
committee. The motion toplace the
pill on the general file lost by a vote
Of 22 to 38.
The bill provided for the develop
ment: of Nebraska's water power
resources on the Loup and Platte
by districts, presumably Omaha and
Lincoln; . -
Representative Vic Reynolds like,
wise tried in vain to lift another
Howel bill, S. F. 165, amending the
Omaha" charter to give the city plan
ning commission wide powers and
enable the council upon its . recom
mendation; to vote - bonds without
limit and without submitting them
to the people for approval.
Officials in Court Houses Will
Benefit in All Divisions N
Except Douglas and
I Lancaster.
kali not apply to meetlnge or conventloni
held lor tin purpose of rollgtoua teaealnga,
laatracttoerer worship, or lodge organ isa
! tlons. - - i - - '
"Aay pereon violating the provlaiona of
' this act ahall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor and UDon conviction thereof
L ; ahall bo fined Iff any ran 'not, less than
I"- ' el ma.. V, o n linn "
iThe penalty Js the same for viola
tion of the Siman bill forbidding
foreign language teaching in public,
private, parochial- and denomina
tional schools.
Under the Reed-Johnson bill all
fcusiness corporations and associa
tions must conduct their proceedings
in the language of thI5"fcountry.
Woman's Club From, Fifth
District Holds Convention
; Superior, Neb., April 12. (Spe
cial TelegjamT-The, Fifth District
Woman's club, 'which held.its 13th
' convention here the past two days,
elected th following officers: Mrs.
John Slaker, Haftings, president;'
Mn, E . Burr, Guide Rock, vice
president, aid Mrs, ' Dell Gibson,
Hdldregfvecrttary and treasurer.
Aboat 100 delegates attended the
convention. The next meeting will
Vbe held Hastings.
TakvtJp Bonds.
DeWitL tieb.. April 12.t-iSpecial)
-At a meeting of the city' cotlncil
6f Friend, $5,000 worth of -bonds
were taken up. These. were bonds
on the light plant and leaves but
, $3,000 remaining. The bonds have
been Taken trp t the rate of $1,000
per year and the wjter bonds now
Metal $6,000.': . , ;
fjag, Oiveii to Dalbey.
Lincoln, ' ApriL 12. (Special)
Upon motion of Windham, the
house voted togive Speaker Dalbey
the large flag which has draped the
wall back of the speaker's desk dur
ing thia session. He. will turn it
over to, Rawlings Post, No. 35, of
, Beatrice, when the session adjourns.
; Upon motioiv of Sandquist the
speaker appointed ' Representatives
Stout," Davis and, Byrum as a com
mittee to formulate resolutions urg-
iag employers to give positions to
tg em
Bills Passed
House. '" K.-'.
1 Lincoln, April 12. (Special)
Six bills, including one that raises
maximum- benefits under the com
gensation law from $12 1o $15 per
week, were i passed by the house
Saturday morning. They .were:
.if, iOS--Talldates deeds or dther writ
ten Instruments acknowledged on foreign
M1 beforo any advocate generals. - Smart-
Toy,-w e. - - .
B. , iss -Proeedar for taklac torn
' tary out of etty when owners so wish,
aroerreacr. to 1. "
T. Its Provides for cdllectlon ot
Owtaha ajehool tax In territory in school
oVatrtet, bat ouUlde of city. Emergency.
: It ta 6.
. B. F. T1 Repeals jaw as to eppropriT
' -Ubn of aeepagaywate tor imgauoa, e
' "a T.' 48 Provides that's, child la Mgh
Khooi may finish school year without tul-
: iHm whta parants. mars -oaUlde district V
daring school year. to u
v a r. lie Amendments to workingmen's
Vamnoaaatlom law. SS to t. ..
ftxReports Relatives - ;
v ; ! Abducted by Roumanians
-Copenhagen Aprii 12. A ; tele
gram teeeived here from Budapest
tr totes Bela' Kun, the communist
(llder, as expressing indignation at
- (Levalleged abduction of his father,
72 years old; his mother, 68; his
lister aad his brother, bjr. Rouman-
ia troVps.' The message, declares
v liat - Kun'a relatives were Uken
K'om fagyar-Newegye to an tin
JdOwn destination. ' . y
Bee Want-ads pay big profits" tc
(1: PPlS )1S l&A them,
FOR Of,l A! I A PL111
Poultry Organization Plans
Dfrect, Sliipment of Eggs ,
to Consumers, in Ne--
ward" Baulus, x near
braska Cities.
i ' By a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln Arjri! . 12 I SnerialY
Conferees of the house and senate
today, on H. R. 227fbrought in a
report recommending . a general
salary boost for countv clerks, treas
urers and judges, and their deputies.
ina principal exceptions arc mai
in Louglas and Lancaster counties
the salaries of treasurers are left
unchanged while the, Douglas coun
ty judge also goes without a boost
v County Clerk Dewey of Douglas
cqunty is raided from $2,500 to
$3,00 a yeafy, The' trearsurer and
county judge1 in th(U county are left'
at the same salary of $3,000 and
$4,000 respectively. The deputy
county clerk is raised from $1,800
to $2,250 and the deputy treasurer
from $1,800 to $2,800 and the clerk
of the county court from $2,500 to
750. -
Following " is the, schedule foH
other counties:
County, Clerks Counties of less than
6,600 population, fl,S0 to tl.800; 6,tv
to 2CC00 pcpuiation, 1,650 to $2,000;
Custerand Oare, $2,t0 to $2,800.
Deputy Comity Clerks Counties of from
?5,000 to t,W)9 population, 11.200 to
11,600. - '
Comity Trtniiirere Counties of less than
(,500 population, 11.460 to $1.80 ; ,k0
to 1S.004 ropulallon, ll,60 to (2,000;
larger lountle unchansed. v
Deputy Co-inty Treasurefs Counties' of
front- f.SSO to ?S.0 population, $1,00
to S1,S6. Custer and Oage, (1.(50 to
SJ.BOOi LancasUr. 1.60 to (1,800. 1 1
County Judees Counties of lees than
IS. 009 population, (1,H to (1,80(U 16,000
to 2I,W population, $1,660 to $100;
2B.00O to (0,000 populaUon, (2,(00; Lan
raster. I2,50 Ho (2,(00. Douglas un
chensrd. Clerk ot County Court Custer and Gage
(1.000 to (l,t00..
In the matter of extra help Doug
las, and Lancaster county officials
were also given a small appropria
tion, v ' -
Clay Center, Neb.; April 12.H
plans of the Clay County Poultry
association materialize, consumers
of Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and
other Nebraska cities , will be (up
plied with eggs this summer direct
from the country.
The association is now selling
more than 7,000 eggs 'weekly to a
large hatching concern in Omaha.
As soon as the hatching season ia
over the association will produce in
fertile eggs, and it plans to sell
them to individual consumers in,'
the cities. The city consumer will
simply mail his order to the secre
tary of the association at Clay Cen-
i, wuw kiu see uii me atiipiitcue
is filled immediately. The associa
tion will cater in particular to" city
people "wno wish to store eggs dur
ing the summer for winter use. High
Quality infertile tens from standard-
bred hens only will be furnished?
with the full guarantee of the, as
sociation behind them, members of
the association say,s
- " Standard Bred Chickens;,
The Clay County Poultry associa
tions consists of more than ' 100
breeders of standard-bred chickens.
None but standard-bred men are ad
mitted. The county farm bureau,
the .county agricultural gent, and
the state university have united
with the association in making. Clay
county poultry a big paying busi
ness. -
Through the assistance i H. M,
Wells, university extension poultry
man, five demonstration farms have
been established " in Clay county.
The names of the farm owners, the
Urpmtftons: . Henry iioge.
Harvard, White Wyandotte.
Extension poultrymen hold dem
onstrations at these farms, and the
farms are sources of production of
the best breeding stock. It it plan
ned to put on a culling demonstra
tion in evtry school district in the
countjrfiext fall, in -order that only
the worth-while chickens maybe
kept A. record will be' made of
Ltre layers in culled flocks, ana a
financial report made about-the first
of the year. y
Painful Pilos
A Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat
-nent Ia One of the Grandest
Kyenta Yms Ever
it Experienced. - N
' You are Buttering dreadfully
with Itching, bleeding, protruding
piles or hemorrhoids. Now, go over
Table Sock Boy Returns.
Table Rock, Neb., April 12. (Spe-JJ
cian amney craig, a iaoie kock
lad, who had been in the naval air
service, at PensacoJa, Fla., arrived
home Wednesday, having been dis
charged from the service.
T'ou Positively Cannot Afford to -Ignore
These ReniarfcaMo :
to any drug; store knfl ret a Aeent
box of Pyramid PileTreatment Re
lief should come so 'quickly yon will
jump for joy. If you are in doubt,
end for a free trial nackasre by
malL v.You Will then be envlnced.
Don't delay. Taks no substitute.
pyramid rmrjo compant.
Bn Pyramid Building, ,
:- Marshall, Mich. '
Kindly send mo a Free sample
of Pyramid Pile Treatment, in
plain wrapper. y
Name . ..
Cltr. . ,
IHIttlflttii ,i.t
Saa HsUt CURES fen
aarmleu remedy. Ooanateed.
lent on trial. If tt curat, costs
rnu (1. tfn mil. eosta nothint. SUPERBA COM
PANY, D717, Baltimore. Md.
location of the farms and the kind
of ' chickens bred follows: Fred
Glass, near Fairfield, Rhode Island
Reds; Parker Akec near Harvard,
3arred Rocks: Arthur Kemps, near
Clay Center. Brown Leghorns; Ed-
Bee Want Ads Produce Results
Former Beatrice Woman .
Dies at Home of Daughter
. Beatrice, Neb., April .(Spe
cial) Uts, A. J.lSheldon, fopnerly
a resident of Beatrice,' died at the
home of her daughter at Lincoln
yesterday, aged 77 years.1 Her sis
ter, Mrs.. I. Nj Hickman, passed
away last month at her home here.
The body will "probably be taken
to Fairbury forinterment. , She is
survived by six children. ,
Daily, Peddler Cars
: Allowed on Branch Lines
Lincoln, April 12. (Specials
Daily peddler cars will replace the
"selling day shipping plan for local
shipments from Nebraska jobbing
cities, according to a telegram re
ceived by the Nebraska State Rail
way Commission from Max Thelan,
assistant director of the railroad ad
ministration at Washington, The
new ruling applies to all cities where
way-freight was handled daily before
thewar. . . . . I,.
" -
Farmers to Build Concrete -N
Elevator at West Point
West Point, Neb., April 12.(Spe
cialj the stockholders of the
Farmers Co-Operative cotnpany met
this week ftud decided to build a
new elevator. The structure will be
of concrete, modern throughout and
of -45,000 bushel capacity. Erection
of the building will be commenced
at once. '
Special Reduced Rates '
Allowed Old Soldiers
Lincoln, April 12.(Special.)
Old soldiers who attend the state
encampment at York, May 19 to 21,
wfli be given a reduced rate of 2
cents a mile, the headquarters of the
Nebraska department, G. A. R an
nounces. - . 4 f , ,
' All members of tfie G. A.'R. and
affiliated organizations are entitled
to the reduced rate whether dele
gates or not. 1
Certificates for W. R. C Ladies
of the G. A. R., Daughters Vet
erans and Sons of Veterans will be
furnished in sufficient quantities to
their state officers, whp-will dis
inuuie inriw.
Funeral of Accident Victim
Will Be Held on Monday
Funeral services for Edward Cal
loway, 2717 Poppleton -avenue, will
be held Monday afternoon at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Calloway, Papillioiv-
Calloway was killea naay morn
ing when an auto truck overturned
at Tenth and Douglas streets, pin
ning him underneath, ,
McKelvie Designates
Week to "Clean Up State
Lincoln, April . 12. (Special)--Governor
McKelvie Saturday issued
S -proclamation, setting aside the""
eek beginning April 21, as "Clean
up and Paint-up Week" in Ne
4MasatAAAtflsfiTt Ilr-Sft tfjsaaafTTf isaaaf'fl f'rf i ITdl t'ttti lfsf-s iWW - Ja.-. m. aui.J.s.AsDaMjssuam sns.smas -sa. Ajaa. sssfcjm,
HVBPPBksBPV r' V-wjTIVoIP s.1 V V WA1 C CX-"wH CJCf 09fS lili"'wVrW "sR WW WIW
I ' I 1
2 1 " " aBjsnais 1 I if - fa. irrt ii tm V tf s . a, j BtiRf Jintion
-the home of good furniture'
i at sane, reasonable prices.
NISHINGS THIS SPRING Hart man's offer?
70a your choice of the world's largest most
complete stock of furniture and home furnish-'
togs at prices that will instantly' appeal to you.
All we ask is intelligent investigation and com-,
parison Hartman's today, is the world's, great
est home furnishing organization, and our mer
chandise reflects rthat rf act convincingly. No
where else in America can you buy genuine
quality, at such low prices, and we are here to
prove it to you I It costs yon nothing to in
vestigate, and obligates you in no way whatso
ever so why not find oul for yourself why
Hartman's is Omaha's favorite homefurnishing
eentert We are-ready .and able to serve you
economically and to your complete and .last
Ornization father Your Nest'
Special Easy Monthly Payments Gladly
Arranged on Any Purchase If Desired.
Copper Trimmed Cedar Chests
Ykvill soon be storing your winter
clothes, and will need one -of these
useful Cedar 'Chests. They are mod
erate size, nlade of Tennessee Cedar,
full copper- trimmed. Priced spe
, cially for this week, . & K
at only f.. 4 O
Handsomely Designed Jacobean Dining
Room Suite, in William and Mary Period
BUFFET, with
mirror back,
has larpe linen
drawer, silvan
ware drawer
and two china
Top measures
54 inches long.
TABLE. 48-irj.
top extending
to 6 ft. Artis
tically turned
legs & stretch
ers i tt. Only
3, r e m o V a bis
and adjustable
shelves, splon
didly designed.
p a n o 1 bad
atronsrly con
structed and
braced with
genuine Span
ish leather seat.
A very special
value, at
Columbia Sewinn Machines
Sprinj time is ureas making time and you surely
will want one of these splendid sewing machines,
made with every known kind of improvement,
equipped with all attachments
and guaranteed for ten years.
Priced.tip from....,
LS .
"Tb Soft Drink
of the Age"
I omaha -N- ' wee. Ja
Katskee Mercantile
, Company ,
Omaha Dutributors
Douglas 4625
.- -.- ' ;
The Miller
Grocery Company
Dies Moraes Distributon j
lUde in Omaha hj
, ' z ' v.
; willovr Springs
Beverage Co.
SpleLi.u ifestgn jjwrary,
Table Jn, Solid Oak
This splendidly designed and well-built '
Library Table ia made of selected oak.
Your choice of golden or fumed finish,
built with roomy drawer, magazine. shelf
at either end. Has 42x26 inch top. TO
appreciate this value f, -t r mr
you must aee it , Our ?h I t in
V"-""M v
sale price only.
A Wonderful Value in a Bedroom Suite
A charming Queen Anne Bedroom Suite in -American
Valnut, quality, woYkm Unship and finish are th fea
tures that recommend these pieces....
....... 1 1
Or Priced Separately, as Listed Below:
CHIFFORETTE, e n -veniently
drawers, upper com
partment conceals three
sliding drawers, metal
drawer pulls. Special
DRESSER. 30x2 In.
top, large size mir
ror, beaded edges
around drawer base.
Priced - -s
full alss. artistic pan
els, head carvel deco
rations on hfc&d board.
Splendid tlues at
$39.50 .
Triplicate mirror,
aressmc table, beauti
ful dealrn. two large
drawers, beaded adits.
Fitted with period
metal pant. Tt
We Now Have All Models
of the Columbia Grafonola
WE CARRY a large and varied stock of
the world famous Columbia Grafonolas;
also an extensive stock of records. With
the Spring season almost here, Colum
bia is a timely purchase. We know of no
one other thing which will give so much
pleasure to so many people, for so long
a time, at so little cost, as a Grafonola.
It helps wonderfully to complete the at
tractions of any home.
'Terms to Suit Your Convenience.
-Stands 36 inches
igh, 12 inch square
top. Strongly built
and finely finished.
Priced specify for
! rlsL-l. weSk's selling
' $2.98
fitted with"tour
roomy drawers con
structed of hardwood
and finished in inii
tatidn quarter, sawe.
oak; has French bev
el plate mirror, ee;
In neat frame. Thtr
Value cannot be dur
Micated in Omaha
ltation Circassian!
walnut finish, larr
room drawers, has ;
wardrobe section if
the side. Priced
very spgclal for thi;
week at
Good Rugs
Good rugs for the home,.
, Sxl2 wool fiber rugs, in
neat patterns. Special
at 816.75
"Royal Velvet rugs, tlx
64 inches,, in assorted
or plain colors. .Re
markable value at this
low price $6.75
EeVutiful 9x12 ' pain
less velvet rugs witl
small neat ' pattern? ,
.Priced at . .341
P: a refrigerator made, from a single
50 pound chest to the finest porce
lain refrigerator 4hat this store can
not supply. We carry no refrigera
tors that we cannot aafely back
with a guarantee that they will
give satisfactory
service. Side icing;
box as illustrated.
.' ; -
it wmw u
have for yom
selection many
(styles, every one a
big value. All fitted
"with new design
Shades. .Reductions
- from, 15 per cent to
25 fer cent and
priced complete with
shade, as low as
For the Home ;
A choice assortment of beautiful Biglow-Hartford-Bagdad
.Wilton rugs, in sizearof
xll. Regular price on these rugs is $98.
e offer them tor this week, at. . .$69.85
9x12 Royal Biglow rugs, ori
ental patterns S137.50 values.
This week only. . . - 887.50
tO-focli French Wilton rugs,
i rich, harmonious patterns. -2gular
$165 value. Special,
; only ........
- Ki v " .v
' World's LargesFHomefurnishers
413-15-17 South 16th Street.
CABINET8-No kitchen completa
; without one of these labor Saving
cabinets. Made with, every known
convenience. 15 long wanUd fea
tures found in no other cabinet has
metal top. The besttVfc m
servant la Tburjkyf 75
housa. pric.,p4UV I O
, -i
. -
v ' - 4
"V 1
i r