8 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 13, 1919. A. , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR LAND One of the most up-to-date business structures on the principal business thoroughfare! of a well-populated, choice residence section of Omaha. ., , . ' LAND Lot is 158x80 feet, fronting east, 158 ,i on Sherman Avenue car line, 80 feet m Corby Street, 80 !feet on Maple Street, private alley across entire rear of building. rru: .,n1...k1A IrtMtirm im n.t.fl V,r fihurman Avnnna fat within Ann fthnrr. rtlnMr rtf liinct.inn ftf the. 4 Ilia vaiuaiiv iiwauuu 10 jsaoou uj uuvifuuii --w..v- ...v....' w - 4 -- East Omaha, Carter Lake Club and Lake View Park car lines. , Property xp. this vicinity is steadily and rapidly increasing in value. - ' , IMPROVEMENTS . .' Well built, first-class 2-story and basement pressed brick containing 6 stores with extended glass fronts, full cemented basements: second floor has six 7-room apartments, steam heated. INCOME Pays 6 per cent net on $60,000. Owner will consider exchange for farm or ranch 1 ind. I j O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Realtors, 1016 Omaha National Bank Building. . , DouU 2715. i The State Savings Bank of Council Bluffs Established 1888 121 Our Thirty-First Anniversary X 1 Comparative Statement of Deposits ' March 18, 1898 $ 248,782.64 March 18, 1908 , G48,179.72 March 18, 1913. 949,890,93 'March 18, 1918 1,950,667.05 March 18, 1919 2,282,636.93 Constant Growth Best Proof of v . Satisfactory Service. v This Bank1 Open Saturday Evenings E. A. WICKHAM, Pres. W. S. BAIRD, Vice Pres. I H. L. TINLEY, Cashier. liiHt COTTAG E - A C1RES - are within 12 minutes' ride of central part of Omaha. City water and electric lights.." $5.00 per" month will ijbuy one. Wallace Benjamin (El Co. 19 North Main St., Eagle Bldg. , Council Bluffs, la. Phone 295. SUNKIS1 ACRES Will all be sold this year. Will make you money. $5.00 to $10.00 per month will buy one. Wallace Benjamin & Go. 19 North Main St., Eagle Bldg. Council Bluffs, la. Phone 295. ' v": -J I Shows Growth of City for Last 25 Years ) ITH j K sj , - nrnnnnnnaULuutiljuuiij u ' JpgESfc DQ "I 1 gggpffipcg7r 7" am"H r ' ifTTTinri i 11 II I J " 4 . II II II li A X II 2 uuuudaaaaaH BHyuuMggRHRrn;r--X--" 1 -1kr mNNEX:Dl9l7 JJJpJl JtaODDDC J S,JL' i i sMSBs N nnnnnmnninHrMnn I SFiBBUfflW nm J JDDDDDDQDBDODL&gggF ' I 3oHb innn rC a PARKi I D-1294 i -n Hdl IMiiB 7 ' A toK-r -- 11 iinRsmnni 11 11 11 n i 1 i T 5: v- vnioh VoaWlDDaDanQXEXZI 1 IlixrfiSh ryto. 1 ' fARDS lODDDDOptp V a5f i' T- WWUHW dyyyLH llSaBaBBfflBrVr ! f ' fO ( QnnamfnRHrm RRRnHiRHRRR pnnnnnnnnn !) 'Mj- 'nrrm III 1 1 1 rrrs pppm' i . bOU COUNTESS 3gg f" fXl IMPROVED Yi ACRl. 337 Spaulding Street. This '.i acre is well improved with bearing fruit trees, ap ples, cherries, plums, pears and crabapples. Also lots of small fruit. Is fenced and 6 good 5-room modern except heat house on the place; 3 blocks from car line. Owner on premises who will show you the place. This is a real bargain. 3410 BURT STREET $300.00 Cash. ' This is n good 6-room modern except heat 2story house, with fireplace. Only a block fr6m new site of High School of Com- merce; $300.00 cash and $20.00 per month. This is worth buying. , COLORED FOLKS. $150.00 Cash. At 3230 Emmet street is a 5-room partially modern house on a good corner lot that you can buy for $150.00 cash or Liberty Bonds. The balance like rent. This is a bargain. 2404 SOUTH 12TH STREET. $300.00 Cash. Buy ths good 4-room partially modern house in a good neigh borhood. Close to car line. Pay $300.00 down and the balance monthly. ; ' 237 FRANCIS STREET. ' $75.00 Cash. ' v Buys for you 237 Francis, a good 4-room partially modern cottage on a corner lot. Balance paid like rent. This is a bargain for someone. . ' x ) , Creigh, Sons & Company Douglas 200. - REALTORS. 508 Bee Bldg. Some Good Bargains $1,500 Five-room cottage with bath and gas, close in at 26th and Pierce; large lot, 60x194. The growth of Omaha from a little village in 1854 to the present, is illustrated thoroughly and accu rately by the accompanying city growth map prepared by the city planning commission in the city hall. The map shows the tenlargemerit of the citv in various years from 1854 to 1917, the last year in which the limits of the city were extended. In 1917 four different localities were taken in, all by annexation. They were Benson, Florence, a tract in the Elmwood park vicinity, and Clontarf, a small district which includes the old German1 home. There is a vast difference between the last annexations and the first map of the city of Omaha. On the old territorial plats of the, city published in 1854 on maps lots were being given away "to per sons who will improve 'them." The men who plotted the original city of Omaha were dreamers, in that they thought a town of consid erable size might rise here on the Missouri, but in their wildest dreams JOIN THE J "BACK TO THE LAND" MOVEMENT The food for this nation as well as the European countries must come from the farms of the Middle West. ' We have for sale the land that makes the good farms on which to produce the necessities of life and you, should own a farm and .help provide this need. ' . ' 4 - The following descriptions give you an idea of the quality of land we are selling: : v 320 acres, level, 10 miles north of Pine Bluffs, Wyo., close to school, improvements practically new, good well and windmill, all fenced and cross-fenced, 220 acres broke, 110 acres in winter wheat. This place is rented to good farmer and purchaser to get of crop delivered to market. Price, $57.50 par acre, small cash payment -with final settlement March 1, 1920. This farm is located on what is known as the north table and should be seen to be appreciated. An ideal farm. 160 acres, all level, good fence, close to school and town, all in cultivation, purchaser gets H of crop, -in well settled farming country. Price, $48 per acre; very reasonable terms. A specula tion. ; ' 'N 640 acres 9 miles from Kimball, Neb., close to school; except 10 acres all is in winter wheat and looks fine, of crop goes to purchaser. Price, $80 per acre; $10,000 cash, $15,000 Sept. 1, bal ance 4 years; an ideal section, a good buy. . We will be glad to show you other good farms, both improved and unimproved; priced right. , We guarantee everything as represented. These lands must be seen to be appreciated. For further particulars see . Olson -Nelson Realty Co., 516 Om,.Nt. Bank Bldg. OMAHA, NEB. C. V. NELSON, Manager. PINE BLUFFS, WYO. C. OSCAR OjLSON, ManaBei DUMONT&CO. Possession May 1st 6- room modern house on Harney car line, overlooking Bemis Park. Price $3,750. ' 5-room modern cottage and two lots with bearing fruit, shade trees and chicken houses. Price $3,750; $500 cash. Immediate possession., , 5-room modern house and garage on North 40th St., car line. Price $3,250; $500 cash. , 8-room modern house, corner lot 84x80 ft. and garage. Price $6,500; terms to suit. ' . " '' 7- room modern house, lot 50x180 ft., with shade treesflow ering shrubs, and vines, bearing fruit and garden, garage and every modern convenience. Immediate possession. This is a very at tractive home on a popular residence street. Price $6,800. ' A Country Home One-half acre with three-room house, chicken house, ' fruit trees and small fruit. Price $1,400; $200 cash; balance monthly. Immediate possession. ; V Investments '$35,500142x132 ft. Farnam St. vacant corner; price $250 per foot. Have a tenant who will lease part of this. Investments in Omaha real estate are sure to be profitable. Farnam Street is the best and safest. Ask us fof full information. ' Warehouse Property 5-story and basement brick warehouse in the heart of the wholesale district. Electric elevator and sprinkler system, 34,000 feet floor space. -Price $60,000 or will lease for term of years at $6,000 per year. V ' ' DUMONT & CO.. Realtors they did not predict that in 65 years their plan would develop into a city of 200,000 persons, where business property sells from $1,000 to $8,000 a front foot, and where citizens are clamoring for a place to live. The original maps, on which were the names of "Enos Lowe, James A. Jackson, and Samuel Bayliss & Co., proprietors," carried this inscrip tion: "Lots will be given away to persons who will improve them private sales will be made on the premises. A newspaper, the Omaha Arrow, is published weekly at this place. A brick building suitable for the territorial legislature is in pro cess of construction, and a steam mill and brick hotel will be complet ed in a few weeks." "September 1, 1854." The original townsite extended west to Twenty-third street, accord ing to the map. What is now Daven port street was then called "Emi grant road." The' 1915 annexations to the elty of Omaha included South Omaha and Dundee. These municipalities were taken in under provision of a legislative enactment of that year. With the big annexations of 1915 and 1917, the city in some sections is already beginning to outgrow its limits. Realtors and other city devefopers predict that the time is not far dis tant when further annexations will be made. Minneapolis councilmen threaten to abolish the pay-as-you-enter street car apparatus as well as skip stops. Since Boss Lowry passed off the traction scenery up there much fraction and flat wheels have developed: Bargains in Nebraska Lands 160 Acres, N. W4, Sec. 20, Twp. 27, Range 12 $2,670 ,160 Acres, N. W1, Sec. 21, Twp. 27, Range 12 $2,170 160 Acres, N. W, Sec. 19, Twp. 32, Range 14 $3,620 160 Acres, N. E'i, Sec. 22, Twp. 32, Range 14 $2,060 160 Acres, S. W1, Sec. 4, Twp. 29, Range 16 $6,000 Each of these quarters are worth from two to five dollars per acre more than above prices. A. A. PATZMAN, 301 Karbach Block. $1,500 Six-room house at 4528 Burdette, lot 44x128, easy terms. $2,000 Five-room cottage, modern except heat; large lot, 88x132; at 27th and Wirt. $2,500 Nice five-room modern cottage, at 2217 Ohio Street; lot 40x119, with paving paid for; good neighborhood, near two car lines; small payments. $2,800 Six-room modern house, at 2876 BinneyJ oak floors, south S front lot 44x134. $3,000 Six-room modern house on 21st Street, close to Kountze Park, east front lot 50x124; nice location. $3,750 Eight-room modern house, Kountze Place; lot 50x24, house not new, but in good order; sleeping porch; a good buy for the money. $3,500 Seven-room modern house, at 1840 No. 19th Street, east front lot 30x140; can be bought on small payments. $4,500 Six-room modern house, having reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor; south front lot 50x124 at 1458 Emmet street. t . - If you want a very nice home, look at 1613 Lothrop street. This house is vacant, key first door west. , , W.H. GATES 647 Omaha National Bank Building REALTOR Web. 268S LETUSHELPYOU FIND A HOME Following is a list of houses on easy pay ments - f 2024 Ave. "D," 5 rooms $1,200.00 1528 Ave. "D," 6 rooms, 2 lots $2,250.00 405 No. 16th St., 4 rooms $850.00 1313 Ave. "D," 5 rooms .$1,600.00 353 Frank St., 6 rooms, modern except heat, - at $1,650.00 3412 Ave. "C," 6 rooms, 3 lots . . . . . .$3,000.00 1609 Fourth Ave., 4 rooms .$1,200,00 3010 Ave. "B," 5 rooms, modern except heat, at $2,400.00 1296 Canning St., 5 rooms, lot 60x400, $2,750.00 329 Seventeenth Ave., 5 rooms ..... .$800.00 3127 Ave. "H," 5 rooms, 6 lots $2,500.00 1512 Tenth Ave., 5 rooms' ...$850.00 2715 West Broadway, 5 rooms, modern except heat $2,000.00 1917 Seventh Ave., 5 rooms, modern . $2,500.00 1822 Ave. "A," 4 rooms, part modern, $1,850.00 J. P. HESS COMPANY Phone 3344. 123 Pearl Street. 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 690 Beautiful Karges Acres Karges Acres in the Fairmont Park Section of Council Bluffs, are by far the bargain of the year for the prudent home buyer. Forty minutes' ride by street car from Omaha business cen ter. Far from the. smoke, dirt and noise of the city, in a sight ly and healthful location. Two blocks from paved street, 6 blocks from 2 car lines; city water and electric lights now on the grounds; sewer and walks will be put in. Raise chickens and garden here. ACRE TRACTS $800 to $1,300 ACRE TRACTS with new Bungalows about com pleted . . .$3,000, to $5,000 J Pick out your acre today. Easy terms, 10 cash and monthly payments. Take Manawa or Fairmont Park cars. Salesman on the grounds Monday. G. T. kARGES, Owner 600 Roosevelt Ave. Phone 3966. MODERATE PRICED HOMES $2,000. 3521 Maple Street, 4-room cottage nearly new, good well, electric lighta , four full lots, chicken house and chicken yard. Terms 1200 cash bal ance $18.00 a month. $3,600. 4585 Franklin St., 6-roorh modern, nearly new, lot 50x160, near car and school; terms, $500 cash, balance. $30.00 a month. $3,250. 4004 Charles St., 6-room, modern, two-story house in eood order. Terms $500 cash, balance $30.00 a month. ' $4,000. 4002 Charles St., 7-room, modern, two-story house, very attractive, good sized rooms. Terms $500 cash, balance $35.00 per month. $4,000. T512 North 40th St., 7 -room, modern home, hot water heat, everything in good condition. Terms, $500, cash, balance $36.00 a month. $4,150. 1608 Willis Ave., 6-room, modern, well-built and in good condition. Possession soon. Terms. $3,850. 4129 North 18th St., 5-room, modern bungalow. Terms $500 cash, bal ance, $36.00 a month. $5,000. 822 North 60th Ave., 7-room. modern, fine lot running from 60th Ave. to 60th St.: double garage, sightly location. Terras $1,000 cash, balance S50.00 a month. $8,000. 807 North 35th St., 8 rooms, completely modrni and furnished. Has two bathrooms, two sleeping rooms on firat floor, three bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. Decorations first floor in oil over can vas walls. This house has every modern convenience, Rudd heater, water power vacuum cleaner, water filter, oil burner for furnace, and toilet in basement Garage and cement drive. This property is in the Cathedral district, and close to ear lines. Terms. $5,000 cash, balance on or before 5 years, 6 per cent. Immediate possession. Key at our office. All of the above properties are offered at attractive prices and not In. flated on account of the present high prices of building materials and scarcity of homes. For further information, call Mr. Shotwell, Douglas 5013, 202 South 17th street. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY v Bee Want Ads Produce Results Bee Want Ads Produce Results t- -